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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 7:55 am
old salt wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:14 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:05 am
old salt wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 1:38 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 11:12 pm Just sad. Very sad. Older guy who is mysoginistically assaulting a 26yr old woman while claiming to be a patriot representative of America’s ideals. Sad. Way more pathetic than John McCain being a POW.
.:lol:. ...Nasty Natasha Bertrand, one of the MSNBC mean girls, is a political hack & a propagandist, masquerading as a journalist. What experience has she accumulated in her 26 years to be reporting on national security issues ? Her ignorance is obvious to anyone with a working knowledge of the subject of her "report". Her Betty Boop schtick gets her on your tv screen.

She hyped every Russiagate thread she could pull & now that they've all fizzled, she's reduced to internet rumormongering , hyping a text from an unnamed airman who was p.o.'d that his per diem check didn't cover his bar bill. ...& this is what passes for journalism today.

When somebody waves the bs flag & calls her out for what she is, her PC apologist protectors play daddy & throw the gender card. What a bunch of suckers. Ty Cobb was right to call her out. Looks like he's getting the last laugh on that scoop of hers.
Your depiction and fixation with woman journalist is well documented. Not sure you have ever belittle a male journalist. Poked fun at Avenatti but a consistent theme when it comes to women. It's not PC.... it's true. Another blind spot.
You have a selective memory -- David Ignatius, Carl Bernstein, Max Boot, Chris Matthews, Lawrence O'Donnell, Brian Williams, Dan Rather (W's ANG hoax), the MSNBC pajama boy Jacob Somebody who reports from the border whose name escapes me, Glenn Thrush & his NYT editor + his smarmy Russiagate hit team (all guys) in their documentary, ...all of which I posted about.

Here's some of MSNBC's hardhitting reporting on this fast breaking block buster, featuring intrepid reporter Nasty Natasha, sleuthing the internet for her social media sources.
https://www.msnbc.com/am-joy/watch/trum ... 8433989879
...& still more of Nasty Natsha's breathless reporting. I hope this doesn't get the Secy of the AF fired.
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/video/fo ... vp-AAH00Cf
I smell both an Emmy & Pulitzer for Nasty Natasha in uncovering this burgeoning fraud, waste & abuse scandal.
https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/ ... be-1485447

The Air Force on Sunday insisted, however, that the use of the Prestwick airport — which it said dates back to 2015 — along with the Trump hotel appears to have adhered to proper procedures.

“The availability of civil airfields like Prestwick is essential to ensuring that USAF aircraft can sustain the necessary speed and throughput required to accomplish our mission,” the service said in a fact sheet. They added that Prestwick "has a large parking area, is open 24/7/365, and has been contracted by DOD for fuel at standardized prices."

The Air Force also said the the decision to stay at the Trump resort would have been the result of “a multitude of factors,” including the lack of suitable lodging closer to the civil airport or at a nearby military base. It did not provide evidence that nearby hotels were cheaper or unavailable at the time of the crews' stays, however.

The Air Force's use of the Prestwick airport has also steadily grown. Indeed, the use of the facility has nearly tripled — and overnights in the area increased more than five-fold, the Air Force acknowledged Sunday.

From 2015 to 2019, they said, Air Mobility Command aircraft stopped at the civil airport 936 times. Of those, crews stayed overnight in the area 659 times.

The frequency of the stops and overnight stays has increased steadily each year, from 95 stops and 40 overnights in 2015; 145 and 75 in 2016; 180 and 116 in 2017; 257 and 208 in 2018; and 259 stops and 220 overnights through August 2019.

Lt. Gen. Jon Thomas, the deputy head of Air Mobility Command, said he could not report how many of these overnights may have been at Trump Turnberry.

Officials insist there has been no evidence uncovered of wrongdoing. Nevertheless, the implication that the military is enriching the president is damaging and the service appears eager to quickly assess whether the practice should continue.
I didn’t say you only criticize women. It’s how they are characterized. I chalk it up to too much time on a sub as a young man.
"posted about"
Criticize or disagree with does not equal "belittle".

Perhaps Salty can share with us what his nicknames were for any of these other journalists and/or commentators and show us the language of his caustic dismissals of them.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by SCLaxAttack »

I have more questions than answers on the use of Trump’s properties for government activities. If the managers at a Trump property want to cut their prices so they fit within government spending guidelines why shouldn’t a twenty-something soldier be allowed to stay there?

Re: other presidents taking advantage of the system for financial benefit, we’re foolish to think Trump is the only one. Obama just bought a $15M Nantucket summer home. I don’t think he’d have qualified for the mortgage on his presidential pension alone.

I’m not dismissing the appearance of impropriety here, I just don’t know how it can be managed by a blind trust. They might work fine for passive equity management, but in Trump’s case we’re dealing with retail properties that have always been branded with his name. Blind trust or not, some people are going to want to work with his businesses because they see a value in it, while others will steer clear of them like the plague.

The drastic way to deal with this is to have each new president completely divest all investments and businesses as a requirement to run, and to place those assets in a vault as cash. Not bonds, equities, or any investment vehicle, because appreciation of any of those can be influenced by presidential decisions. With that sort of restriction I’m not sure any of us would be happy with any candidate.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by SCLaxAttack »

Let me add to that last post by taking it to the extreme. I don’t think a single one of us would question Carter’s integrity. (We can questions lots of other things, but not that.) But while Carter was president should we have 1. made him sell his peanut farm or 2. Required the government not buy any peanut based products during his presidency? After all, how do we know where Carter’s peanuts were going, thereby continuing to make him money.

If you want to force Trump out of his businesses, you’ll have to force every future president - who you might not have a problem with - out of their’s.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by seacoaster »

"Obama just bought a $15M Nantucket summer home. I don’t think he’d have qualified for the mortgage on his presidential pension alone."

True: https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexand ... c970955bf0

"The former president didn’t waste much time capitalizing on his story once he got to the nation’s capital. In January 2005, the same month he joined the Senate, he got approval from its ethics committee for a $1.9 million advance against royalties with Random House for two non-fiction books and one children’s book.

The Obamas, who had earned less than $300,000 every year from 2000 to 2004, made an average of $2.4 million annually over the next four years, even before Barack got elected president. In the early stage of his Senate career, Michelle continued to work as the vice president for community and external affairs at the University of Chicago Hospitals. She earned $317,000 in 2005 and $274,000 in 2006 before her earnings tapered off in 2007 and 2008 as her husband ran for president. In 2005 and 2006, she served on the board of publicly traded TreeHouse Foods, earning more than $80,000.

Then came the big money. In the two weeks before he was inaugurated as the 44th president, Obama reworked his book deals. He agreed not to publish another non-fiction book during his time in office, while signing a $500,000 advance for a young adult version of Dreams From My Father. He also finished the manuscript for Of Thee I Sing: A Letter To My Daughters, which was eventually published in November 2010. He donated all post-tax profits from the children’s book to provide scholarships for children of wounded and fallen soldiers.

The Obamas also turned into philanthropists. From 2000 to 2004, they disclosed charitable donations of just $10,770 on their tax returns, less than 1% of their total earnings. But from 2005 to 2015, they gave away $1.6 million, or 8% of their earnings.

Obama made less money every year he stayed in the Oval Office. His earnings started at $5.6 million in 2009 before dropping to $450,000 by 2015, as royalties from his books declined. He has not released his 2016 tax returns, but there is no indication that his earnings picked up during his final year in office."

Pretty clear; and pretty transparent while in office. And Il Duce?
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by foreverlax »

old salt wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2019 3:05 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2019 2:59 pm I don't have a problem with that, and you know it.

You KNOW what the problem is here. Stop calling other posters TDS'ers. It's not okay for them to stay or golf at Trump properties. Off limits.

You have been ALL OVER US for rank and file Federal Employees following ethical rules when it comes to your Deep State. This is no different.

Be consistent, for heaven's sake.
That is absurd. This sort of thing happens in business, the govt & military ALL the time. Conflicts of interest is ILLEGAL in my industry, along with many others....including .gov.
It's a win - win. No harm - no foul. ...fostered by their UK hosts.No. A duck is a duck even if you say it's a chicken.
Does your conflict of interest concern extend beyond Trump's term in office.Conflicts of interest for any POTUS should never end.

This is silly nit picking & political hype.NO!! Self-enrichment is and should be illegal.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by LandM »

I take my ethics seriously - there is allot of folks I did business with who may not have liked me but knew I was ethical....at a service academy they teach us, Duty, Honor, Country - I only know a few that violated that code. You might want to stand down on that charge.

Let me try this again. Unless things have changed you get a daily per diem - there is NO expense reports like in business. If a service member wants to spend his daily per diem on a brothel that is what you can do. When you get back, there is no detailed expense report and no bean counter figuring out how you spent your money - you and others are trying to apply business expense reports and accounting where it does not exist. I am going to guess a few of the flight crew thought it would be cool to stay on property the President owned and I am guessing that a few of the crew had no idea the President owned it and I extremely 100% confident that the President did not direct or order them to stay there. There are allot of things to get your panties in a bunch, this is not one of them.

Every politician has taken advantage of the office - you watch AOC will go from dead broke to a millionaire after two more terms.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by foreverlax »

LandM wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 11:19 am afan,'
I take my ethics seriously - there is allot of folks I did business with who may not have liked me but knew I was ethical....at a service academy they teach us, Duty, Honor, Country - I only know a few that violated that code. You might want to stand down on that charge.

Let me try this again. Unless things have changed you get a daily per diem - there is NO expense reports like in business. If a service member wants to spend his daily per diem on a brothel that is what you can do. When you get back, there is no detailed expense report and no bean counter figuring out how you spent your money - you and others are trying to apply business expense reports and accounting where it does not exist. I am going to guess a few of the flight crew thought it would be cool to stay on property the President owned and I am guessing that a few of the crew had no idea the President owned it and I extremely 100% confident that the President did not direct or order them to stay there. There are allot of things to get your panties in a bunch, this is not one of them.

Every politician has taken advantage of the office - you watch AOC will go from dead broke to a millionaire after two more terms.
IF self-enrichment by our pols, while in office, isn't something to get bunched up over, then what is?

Monetizing their "influence" after they leave office....that is just a symptom of the disease.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

foreverlax wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 11:13 am
old salt wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2019 3:05 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2019 2:59 pm I don't have a problem with that, and you know it.

You KNOW what the problem is here. Stop calling other posters TDS'ers. It's not okay for them to stay or golf at Trump properties. Off limits.

You have been ALL OVER US for rank and file Federal Employees following ethical rules when it comes to your Deep State. This is no different.

Be consistent, for heaven's sake.
That is absurd. This sort of thing happens in business, the govt & military ALL the time. Conflicts of interest is ILLEGAL in my industry, along with many others....including .gov.
It's a win - win. No harm - no foul. ...fostered by their UK hosts.No. A duck is a duck even if you say it's a chicken.
Does your conflict of interest concern extend beyond Trump's term in office.Conflicts of interest for any POTUS should never end.

This is silly nit picking & political hype.NO!! Self-enrichment is and should be illegal.
At my company, we avoid a lot of things based simply on the appearance of impropriety. It is too much to ask the POTUS.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by old salt »

CU88 wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:07 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 10:24 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:52 pm Saw Nasty Natasha on MSNBC this evening. She said the disgruntled airman complained that his per diem didn't cover the cost of his food AND drinks.
She didn't say if it covered the cost of food. If your bar tab exceeds your per diem, either drink less or pay it yourself. Sheesh. Gimme a break.
I'm sure the guys they transported downrange, now subsisting on MRE's, are outraged.
You have a woman complex.
OS is a complex guy
.:mrgreen:. ...I pledge to be more strident, creative & sexist in my critique of male journalists.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 1:35 pm
CU88 wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:07 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 10:24 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:52 pm Saw Nasty Natasha on MSNBC this evening. She said the disgruntled airman complained that his per diem didn't cover the cost of his food AND drinks.
She didn't say if it covered the cost of food. If your bar tab exceeds your per diem, either drink less or pay it yourself. Sheesh. Gimme a break.
I'm sure the guys they transported downrange, now subsisting on MRE's, are outraged.
You have a woman complex.
OS is a complex guy
.:mrgreen:. ...I pledge to be more strident, creative & sexist in my critique of male journalists.
Go for it Salty. Gonna be entertaining.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by LandM »

Is the register at time of registration supposed to ask the guest 40 questions as to whether they are in the military; gov't employee; foreign government; ambassador; we could easily get to that 40 questions - that is just silly. The President did NOT tell the crew to stay at his hotel - that is usually a crew/commander of said crew decision. If the young airman was stupid enough to go drink at the bar - I never did that even though I owned the company - then blame on him. I swear it is almost at the point the guy could find Jesus and Elvis at the corner 7-11 and he would get roasted because it is the wrong Jesus and Elvis :D . Bottom line is the flight crew did nothing illegal - do not like the reg's - change them.

There were two types of people I stopped doing business with as i knew I was going to get screwed - people who spoke about religion and how God fearing they were and those who felt their ethics were on a higher plain. Those folks would screw their mother for $1.

Th guy owns or puts his name on properties across the world - this is such a silly argument.Chase him on his tax return - there is nothing in the Constitution that he needs to provide them; chase him on emolument - he is not running the properties; chase him on surrounding himself with his family - no idea that was illegal - you all are chasing a tail like a dog. Mueller came up empty handed and I just watched some of his testimony - talk about a weak old man - my 86 year old mom could have done better.

Election in 2020.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

LandM wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 11:19 am afan,'
I take my ethics seriously - there is allot of folks I did business with who may not have liked me but knew I was ethical....at a service academy they teach us, Duty, Honor, Country - I only know a few that violated that code. You might want to stand down on that charge.

Let me try this again. Unless things have changed you get a daily per diem - there is NO expense reports like in business. If a service member wants to spend his daily per diem on a brothel that is what you can do. When you get back, there is no detailed expense report and no bean counter figuring out how you spent your money - you and others are trying to apply business expense reports and accounting where it does not exist. I am going to guess a few of the flight crew thought it would be cool to stay on property the President owned and I am guessing that a few of the crew had no idea the President owned it and I extremely 100% confident that the President did not direct or order them to stay there. There are allot of things to get your panties in a bunch, this is not one of them.

Every politician has taken advantage of the office - you watch AOC will go from dead broke to a millionaire after two more terms.
I think you keep imagining that folks are criticizing the service folks. They're not.

The question at hand is what the financial relationships are between various parties that led to Trump's property being bolstered by US tax dollars.

Maybe there's going to be nothing much to this, but is there any funny business, kickbacks etc from Prestwick for whom this is a real boon to the Trump property? Were their inducements? Did folks in the line of command encourage this, both the stop and the choice to go to Trump's property?

Listen, we probably wouldn't have an issue with this stuff if we didn't know that Trump is corrupt, dishonest, and a cheat. But we do. So, the questions are legit.

Yes, anyone aspiring to be President should be EXPECTED to put all assets in a truly blind trust, meaning that any real estate of private companies prior owned are liquidated and the proceeds placed into vehicles that have no visibility to the President. They should be EXPECTED to produce at least a decade's worth of tax returns and to produce them annually when in office. There should NEVER be any question as to whether a President is seeking any sort of bribe or influence while in office.

That's really not a difficult ethical standard!

Yes, more challenging to unwind a real estate empire than a stock portfolio, but if you don't want that expectation don't ask for the job. Simple.

I don't have an issue with a President getting paid on books or speeches post-office. What they have to say is of interest and the market will determine how much. I'm far more bothered by such payments in expectation of their power in office in the future ala what we saw with Bill Clinton's paycheck's getting jacked up as HRC prepared to run. IMO, the American voter rightfully saw this as unethical and such feelings were a real Achilles heel for Hillary versus Trump as it mooted folks' suspicion that Trump was/is immensely corrupt.

But no matter how someone in office or afterwards makes a buck, it should be entirely transparent and we, as voters, should expect them to avoid even the appearance of financial conflicts of interest.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by old salt »

...more nuggets on Prestwick-gate :
https://www.npr.org/2019/09/09/75902582 ... ump-resort

...Glasgow Prestwick Airport, a struggling commercial airport that is key to Turnberry's business model. The airport entered into an official partnership with the Trump Organization in 2014.
I know nothing about an Air Force plane landing at an airport (which I do not own and have nothing to do with) near Turnberry Resort (which I do own) in Scotland, and filling up with fuel, with the crew staying overnight at Turnberry (they have good taste!). NOTHING TO DO WITH ME
9:43 AM - Sep 9, 2019
Thomas explained that C-17 aircraft have increasingly used Prestwick as a stopover because it has 24-hour operations, making it a more viable option for aircraft headed to and from the Middle East and Afghanistan.

Many military stopover locations, he explained, have imposed increasingly restrictive operating hours. In 2017, he said, Air Mobility Command issued a directive to flight crews to increase efficiency. Prestwick was listed as a top-five stopover location due to favorable weather and less traffic from other aircraft.

"This airport has a large parking area, is open 24/7/365, and has been contracted by DoD for fuel at standardized prices," Thomas explained.
Still no mention of the RAF Mildenhall draw down & future closing.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

LandM wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:08 pm forever,
Is the register at time of registration supposed to ask the guest 40 questions as to whether they are in the military; gov't employee; foreign government; ambassador; we could easily get to that 40 questions - that is just silly. The President did NOT tell the crew to stay at his hotel - that is usually a crew/commander of said crew decision. If the young airman was stupid enough to go drink at the bar - I never did that even though I owned the company - then blame on him. I swear it is almost at the point the guy could find Jesus and Elvis at the corner 7-11 and he would get roasted because it is the wrong Jesus and Elvis :D . Bottom line is the flight crew did nothing illegal - do not like the reg's - change them.

There were two types of people I stopped doing business with as i knew I was going to get screwed - people who spoke about religion and how God fearing they were and those who felt their ethics were on a higher plain. Those folks would screw their mother for $1.

Th guy owns or puts his name on properties across the world - this is such a silly argument.Chase him on his tax return - there is nothing in the Constitution that he needs to provide them; chase him on emolument - he is not running the properties; chase him on surrounding himself with his family - no idea that was illegal - you all are chasing a tail like a dog. Mueller came up empty handed and I just watched some of his testimony - talk about a weak old man - my 86 year old mom could have done better.

Election in 2020.
Ahhh, back to that "it's not illegal" argument.

Highly unethical, outrageously so, but who cares about ethics?
After all, if you do care, you're the bad guy at the table???

come on, LandM, you and I are old guys who know better than this.
But yes, election is coming up. Vote him out of office.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

LandM wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:08 pm forever,
Is the register at time of registration supposed to ask the guest 40 questions as to whether they are in the military; gov't employee; foreign government; ambassador; we could easily get to that 40 questions - that is just silly. The President did NOT tell the crew to stay at his hotel - that is usually a crew/commander of said crew decision. If the young airman was stupid enough to go drink at the bar - I never did that even though I owned the company - then blame on him. I swear it is almost at the point the guy could find Jesus and Elvis at the corner 7-11 and he would get roasted because it is the wrong Jesus and Elvis :D . Bottom line is the flight crew did nothing illegal - do not like the reg's - change them.

There were two types of people I stopped doing business with as i knew I was going to get screwed - people who spoke about religion and how God fearing they were and those who felt their ethics were on a higher plain. Those folks would screw their mother for $1.

Th guy owns or puts his name on properties across the world - this is such a silly argument.Chase him on his tax return - there is nothing in the Constitution that he needs to provide them; chase him on emolument - he is not running the properties; chase him on surrounding himself with his family - no idea that was illegal - you all are chasing a tail like a dog. Mueller came up empty handed and I just watched some of his testimony - talk about a weak old man - my 86 year old mom could have done better.

Election in 2020.
This country has been run on norms and customs. Trump has exposed that. We will see if from here on out if the country is run on this: If It Ain’t Illegal It’s Good. Btw, a favor Ain’t Illegal either.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by foreverlax »

LandM wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:08 pm forever,
Is the register at time of registration supposed to ask the guest 40 questions as to whether they are in the military; gov't employee; foreign government; ambassador; we could easily get to that 40 questions - that is just silly. The onus isn't on the owner...it's on the employee to avoid conflicts of interest.

The President did NOT tell the crew to stay at his hotel We don't KNOW the facts...we do know that Trump is a liar- that is usually a crew/commander of said crew decision. If the young airman was stupid enough to go drink at the bar - I never did that even though I owned the company - then blame on him. I swear it is almost at the point the guy could find Jesus and Elvis at the corner 7-11 and he would get roasted because it is the wrong Jesus and Elvis :D . Bottom line is the flight crew did nothing illegal - do not like the reg's - change them. All I want is for the POTUS to act like the rules pertain to him. This has nothing to do with the crew, imo.

There were two types of people I stopped doing business with as i knew I was going to get screwed - people who spoke about religion and how God fearing they were and those who felt their ethics were on a higher plain. Those folks would screw their mother for $1.

Th guy owns or puts his name on properties across the world - this is such a silly argument.
It may be silly to you....

Chase him on his tax return - there is nothing in the Constitution that he needs to provide them; chase him on emolumentHe said he would release them, he didn't.... -

he is not running the properties; For sure, we have no idea who is doing what....assuming that Trump is/does/would doing the legal/moral/ethical thing...based on what? His words or his actions?

chase him on surrounding himself with his family It isn't illegal, but it is another promise broken....draining the swamp by using your family. Barf. -

no idea that was illegal - you all are chasing a tail like a dog. Mueller came up empty handed and I just watched some of his testimony - talk about a weak old man - my 86 year old mom could have done better.

Election in 2020.
a fan
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by a fan »

LandM wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 11:19 am afan,'
I take my ethics seriously - there is allot of folks I did business with who may not have liked me but knew I was ethical....at a service academy they teach us, Duty, Honor, Country - I only know a few that violated that code. You might want to stand down on that charge.
Happy to stand down when you tell me that you know doggone well that it's not ok for a sitting President to profit by having Federal Employees give him business.
LandM wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 11:19 am
Let me try this again. Unless things have changed you get a daily per diem - there is NO expense reports like in business. If a service member wants to spend his daily per diem on a brothel that is what you can do. When you get back, there is no detailed expense report and no bean counter figuring out how you spent your money - you and others are trying to apply business expense reports and accounting where it does not exist.
Yet another problem with the DoD. Bullsh*t, half-*ssed accounting methods that wouldn't pass muster in any 1st world office setting.

You think this is an "accident"? I don't. But that's beside the point here.

What you are telling me is that the people serving in our Armed Forces are so stupid that they can't possibly think for themselves, and realize that staying in a hotel owned by Trumpy is unethical, and a *iss poor use of our tax dollars. Stay somewhere else. It ain't that hard.

But even having said that, I'm not hanging this on our troops. Trump is supposed to lead, for F sake, isn't he? Memo should have been issued before he took office. EO, stating no one drawing a Federal paycheck, or anyone contracting with the Fed government, can stay at a Trump property. Period.

I'm sick of everyone lowering the bar for this guy at every turn. It's just ridiculous that I have to explain this stuff.

If I or my business gave campaign money to my Governor, do you think I would EVER take money from the State of Colorado's employees for events at my place? Hell, we don't allow political events at our shop....and this kickback cr*p is one of the reasons we don't.

I like the way I sleep, thank you very much. And I respect my fellow taxpayers way too much for that kind of small-town, good ol' boy kickback.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by seacoaster »

+about 1,000,000. ^^^^
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by a fan »

SCLaxAttack wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:48 am I have more questions than answers on the use of Trump’s properties for government activities. If the managers at a Trump property want to cut their prices so they fit within government spending guidelines why shouldn’t a twenty-something soldier be allowed to stay there?
Because it's a conflict of interest. Simple. America's soldiers aren't a cash register for the Trump family. Period.

And if you'll recall, I was just as livid at Hillary auctioning off the office of Sec of State to the highest bidder. Corruption of the highest order. I could give a *hit about her emails by comparison to selling American foreign policy for cash to Hillary. You want to lock her up? Lock her up for that.
SCLaxAttack wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:48 am
Re: other presidents taking advantage of the system for financial benefit, we’re foolish to think Trump is the only one. Obama just bought a $15M Nantucket summer home. I don’t think he’d have qualified for the mortgage on his presidential pension alone.

I’m not dismissing the appearance of impropriety here, I just don’t know how it can be managed by a blind trust
Right. This isn't the head of the local Rotary Club. If you're asking me, it's simple: If business is your priority, great. Run your business. But if you want to be leader of the free world, liquidate all your assets, and all these problems go away. And frankly, this goes for Congress, too.

Is your priority the people, or not? I would have NO problem selling my business if I was elected Governor or higher----not that I'd ever run.

As for Carter, he put his peanut biz in a blind trust. But if you're asking me? He should have sold the thing for the very reason he mentioned.

President of the US demands some, in life's big picture, piddly sacrifices. Liquidate all assets.

Like that's some sort of a horrible imposition. "Oh no, I have millions in cash!" Don't like it? Don't run for President.

Someone else brought up Kennedy. How many conflicts do you suppose that family had? I'm sure it directed US policies. Disgusting.
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old salt
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by old salt »

MSNBC's latest desperate attempt to breath life into Prestwick-gate. Likely a preview of tonight's programming.
http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show ... tling-turn

The fact that the C-17 military transport plane was flying to and from Kuwait wasn’t new; it had made the same round trip dozens of times before. The fact that it made a stop in between also wasn’t notable, since that was a routine part of the itinerary.

But as the Politico report made clear, on previous trips, the C-17 had landed “at U.S. air bases such as Ramstein Air Base in Germany or Naval Station Rota in Spain to refuel.” It would also occasionally stop “in the Azores and once in Sigonella, Italy, both of which have U.S. military sites.”

If the transport plane really needed to stop in the U.K., there’s a U.S. air base in England.
When comparing stopover refueling costs, the MSNBC propagandist fails to factor in the costs of manning & maintaining those US air bases, or the wasted fuel & flt hr costs in routing via them, or factors like weather, available ramp space or cargo loads picked up/dropped off along the way at those or other bases. Any of those considerations could have factored into the decision to route that flight through Prestwick. It just so happens that that crew, & possibly that AK ANG unit, had not been routed through Prestwick before. That unit just acquired only 8 C-17's in 2017. They're a tiny bit player in the overall USAF global transport big picture. The AF has provided stats, which MSNBC ignores, documenting that Preswick stopovers have increased to the point of being routine, since RAF Mildenhall began drawing down. This is blatant yellow journalism.

MSNBC mean girl snark queens nasal Nicole Wallace & mush mouth Elise Jordan are now saying that this is Trump induced USAF corruption.
Wanker Johh Hollyman gleefully piling on.
Last edited by old salt on Mon Sep 09, 2019 5:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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