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Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:50 am
by runrussellrun
seacoaster wrote:OK, so, back to the Court:

Pretty interesting little history lesson: ... esson.html

"It’s obvious why the parallel between the battle over Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination and that of Clarence Thomas 27 years earlier grabbed the public’s attention. In both cases, late-breaking allegations threatened but failed to derail the confirmation process, and both nominees defended themselves with impassioned denials of wrongdoing.

But history offers another, older parallel that in its way is even more compelling. The issue was not sex but racism. The bombshell burst not just before a confirmation vote, but just afterward, forcing a newly confirmed Supreme Court justice to take to the airwaves to defend himself against mounting calls for his resignation. I’m referring to the experience of Hugo L. Black, the first Supreme Court nominee of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In the wake of the Kavanaugh confirmation, this nearly forgotten episode is worth resurrecting after 81 years.

Black was a Democratic senator from Alabama, a populist and ardent supporter of the New Deal who had backed the president’s failed plan to add additional justices to the Supreme Court who could outvote the conservatives who were invalidating major New Deal programs. The retirement of one of those conservatives, Willis Van Devanter, gave Roosevelt his first chance to make a dent in the Supreme Court.

Black’s nomination in the summer of 1937 was controversial, not only because it was a sharp stick in the eyes of the president’s many political enemies, but because of Black’s limited judicial experience — he was briefly a police court magistrate — and an education viewed as marginal for a Supreme Court justice. Although a graduate of the University of Alabama Law School, Black had never gone to college."

"Shortly after the president announced the nomination, rumors circulated that as a young lawyer in Alabama, Black had been a member of the Ku Klux Klan. The N.A.A.C.P. asked for an investigation, but a Senate Judiciary subcommittee rammed the nomination through to the full committee after two hours of consideration. One Democratic senator, William Dieterich of Illinois, accused other senators of trying to “besmirch” Black’s reputation. As the historian William E. Leuchtenberg described the scene in a fascinating 1973 article, “Dieterich’s tirade nearly resulted in a fist fight” as another Democratic senator charged at him.

Supreme Court nominees did not ordinarily appear at their confirmation hearings in those days, but Black’s supporters said he had assured them that he had never joined the Klan. The full committee moved the nomination to the Senate floor. Black was confirmed by a vote of 63 to 16, and the new justice and his wife set sail for a European vacation...."
Racism? Huh? That was what Kav was about? And what is the deal with 17 Senators not voting at all?


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:51 am
by Bandito
Anyone on here want to denounce Hillary and Eric Holder calling for violence against Trump supporters? ... kick-them/ ... gain-if-d/

The left is so tolerant. This is hatred to the core. Can't win elections, so they want to attack those who won.

How any of you moonbats can vote for a Democrat seriously shows your lack of morality and intelligence


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:52 am
by Bandito
seacoaster wrote:OK, so, back to the Court:

Pretty interesting little history lesson: ... esson.html

"It’s obvious why the parallel between the battle over Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination and that of Clarence Thomas 27 years earlier grabbed the public’s attention. In both cases, late-breaking allegations threatened but failed to derail the confirmation process, and both nominees defended themselves with impassioned denials of wrongdoing.

But history offers another, older parallel that in its way is even more compelling. The issue was not sex but racism. The bombshell burst not just before a confirmation vote, but just afterward, forcing a newly confirmed Supreme Court justice to take to the airwaves to defend himself against mounting calls for his resignation. I’m referring to the experience of Hugo L. Black, the first Supreme Court nominee of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In the wake of the Kavanaugh confirmation, this nearly forgotten episode is worth resurrecting after 81 years.

Black was a Democratic senator from Alabama, a populist and ardent supporter of the New Deal who had backed the president’s failed plan to add additional justices to the Supreme Court who could outvote the conservatives who were invalidating major New Deal programs. The retirement of one of those conservatives, Willis Van Devanter, gave Roosevelt his first chance to make a dent in the Supreme Court.

Black’s nomination in the summer of 1937 was controversial, not only because it was a sharp stick in the eyes of the president’s many political enemies, but because of Black’s limited judicial experience — he was briefly a police court magistrate — and an education viewed as marginal for a Supreme Court justice. Although a graduate of the University of Alabama Law School, Black had never gone to college."

"Shortly after the president announced the nomination, rumors circulated that as a young lawyer in Alabama, Black had been a member of the Ku Klux Klan. The N.A.A.C.P. asked for an investigation, but a Senate Judiciary subcommittee rammed the nomination through to the full committee after two hours of consideration. One Democratic senator, William Dieterich of Illinois, accused other senators of trying to “besmirch” Black’s reputation. As the historian William E. Leuchtenberg described the scene in a fascinating 1973 article, “Dieterich’s tirade nearly resulted in a fist fight” as another Democratic senator charged at him.

Supreme Court nominees did not ordinarily appear at their confirmation hearings in those days, but Black’s supporters said he had assured them that he had never joined the Klan. The full committee moved the nomination to the Senate floor. Black was confirmed by a vote of 63 to 16, and the new justice and his wife set sail for a European vacation...."
Told you Democrats are the party of Racism. Thanks for proving that once again!


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:04 am
by runrussellrun
a fan wrote:
youthathletics wrote:ohh me-me -me. This is a lose=lose for whomever answers your question.
Of course it's a lose-lose question.

Dis is right. The definition of socialism---where the people own and manage the means of production or service provider----hasn't changed. Republicans just don't want to hear it.

So they make fun of Ocascio Cortez for being a socialist, right before they send in their taxes to pay for all those public schools and roads, and libraries, and parks, and on and on and on.

We can have 100% private roads. We chose not to. We chose socialism instead.

We can have 100% private schools. We chose not to. We chose socialism instead. Hello UVa!

We can have our farmers operate in the free market with zero assistance from the Federal government. Nope. We chose socialism. And the checks we send to them get bigger with each passing year.

Why do we have public parks if socialism is so bad?

Or why is everyone in my facebook feed that rails against socialism a freaking State University graduate? I desperately want to demand that they give me my tax dollars back if they think socialism is so bad. Go to a private school if you think socialism sucks. Or give me my tax money back. Pick one! I don't care which!
Or, why do PRIVATE schools have grant righting departments? H & H can survive without federal dollars you say? (harvard and hopkins) Then why do they so vigorously pursue it?

Would it all change if your pretend CONservative fecebook buddies just say, "yeah, we take Federal dollars. Our state school couldn't survive without it" or just admit they are "socialists" ? Or, are they just mad b/c the aforementioned H & H get way better funding ?

ANd, in what world do you live in where the pretend liberals and making similar declarations.

Don't see Obama's name endorsing Ocasio-Cortez. You think Gonzolez is going to win the Gubernitorial race in Mass? He wants to stick it to all the Universitys/Colleges that have endowments of over $1 billion. I listed them on another thread. How'd their endowments get so big? And the State Colleges in New ENgland barely have $100 million in endowments. Is it that NO ONE from zooMass, UVM, UNH, UConn, URI, etc have ever gotten super rich? Or , is it that they don't get the federal dollars? I'd put an engineer from U Lowell against a privately educated one anyday, all day.

Ask H & H leaders (or the ones hear on these threads ) if they would want to see all that Federal pork go away. Yup, NO ONE would have a problem finding another job. :roll: :roll:


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:11 am
by runrussellrun
Bandito wrote:Anyone on here want to denounce Hillary and Eric Holder calling for violence against Trump supporters? ... kick-them/ ... gain-if-d/

The left is so tolerant. This is hatred to the core. Can't win elections, so they want to attack those who won.

How any of you moonbats can vote for a Democrat seriously shows your lack of morality and intelligence

I'm just wondering what values Holder is referring too? Illegally wire tapping AP reporters type of values? Letting a diabetic die b/c they can't afford to spend 1/3 of their pretax income on health insurance type of values?

And bandito, a woman raising a kid, even homeschooling them, (adding value to society ) while on welfare is different from Lockead Martin getting $100 million per F-35, how again. What value does a F35 provide? Otis is STILL the closest fighter wing to NYC? Brillant, just friggin brillant the US duhfense is.


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:13 am
by foreverlax
Bandito wrote:
ggait wrote:
chris rock uses the N word, not racist, he's black.
This is literally the stupidest argument in the history of the world.

Everyone knows the rules. Which are quite simple. If you yourself belong to the denigrated group, then you can use derogatory terms about your own group. So...

Irish people can call each other Micks -- but other people cannot. And Irish people are not allowed to use slurs that apply to Italians, Jews, etc.

Your wife is allowed to use the B word -- but you are not.

Black folks can use the N word -- but white folks cannot.

If you (as a white male) get burned for using the N word or the B word and try to justify that using this argument, you are just an idiot. And you deserve the derisive scorn you get as a racist and/or misogynist.

So simple...
You are a racist plain and simple. Sad to see Democrats defend racism tension among Americans. Democrats again proving they are the racists plain and simple today and throughout our history.
You are just wrong....for some reason you can't understand normal thinking. bang1


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:23 am
by Bandito
foreverlax wrote:
Bandito wrote:
ggait wrote:
chris rock uses the N word, not racist, he's black.
This is literally the stupidest argument in the history of the world.

Everyone knows the rules. Which are quite simple. If you yourself belong to the denigrated group, then you can use derogatory terms about your own group. So...

Irish people can call each other Micks -- but other people cannot. And Irish people are not allowed to use slurs that apply to Italians, Jews, etc.

Your wife is allowed to use the B word -- but you are not.

Black folks can use the N word -- but white folks cannot.

If you (as a white male) get burned for using the N word or the B word and try to justify that using this argument, you are just an idiot. And you deserve the derisive scorn you get as a racist and/or misogynist.

So simple...
You are a racist plain and simple. Sad to see Democrats defend racism tension among Americans. Democrats again proving they are the racists plain and simple today and throughout our history.
You are just wrong....for some reason you can't understand normal thinking. bang1

You are a Democrat and condoning blacks calling each other "Negroes" and "Uncle Toms?" all because they are Republican and have escaped the plantation of the Democrat Party? That is the epitome of racism.

Thanks for proving my point. The Democrats are the party of racism and plantation politics. The Democrat Party only cares about black people if they are Democrats. If you are a free thinking conservative black person, you are vilified and called racist names.

From author Thomas Lifson:

Democrats need 90% black turnout and 90% black support in order to win elections on a national scale. Anything that erodes either number is a mortal threat. And they must be sensing softness, if not outright desertion in the face of three factors:

1. Blacks have done far better under Trump than Obama in terms of rising employment opportunities and rising wages. The growth in manufacturing employment in particular has pushed up wages in the segments of the labor market with heavy black participation. Very few people of any color prefer life on food stamps and unemployment insurance to gainful employment at rising wages.

2. The enthusiastic support of Kanye West, slated to visit the White House along with football icon ”Big Jim” Brown (as President Trump affectionately calls him), powerfully diminishes the ability of Democrats to call on ethnic solidarity to spike turnout and support.

3. The Democrats’ embrace of political correctness is very unattractive to black voters. Steven Hayward of Powerline cites a startling study revealing the depth of repugnance felt by blacks and Hispanics toward PC:

Asians (82 percent), Hispanics (87 percent), and American Indians (88 percent) who are most likely to oppose political correctness. . .

Three quarters of African Americans oppose political correctness.

So acute is this fear of desertion that members of a CNN panel resorted to the other N-Word (Negro) to insult Kanye West. Victor Morton reports in the Washington Times:

In the segment presided over by a chuckling Don Lemon, CNN commentators Bakari Sellers and Tara Setmayer repeatedly attacked Mr. West, who will meet President Trump at the White House on Thursday, in terms immediately called out as racist — albeit not on CNN.

“Kanye West is what happens when Negroes don’t read,” Mr. Sellers said.

Added Ms. Setmayer: “He’s all of a sudden now the model spokesperson. He’s the token Negro of the Trump administration?”

She also called Mr. West “an attention whore, like the president.”


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 10:39 am
by foreverlax
Bandito wrote:
foreverlax wrote:
Bandito wrote:
ggait wrote:
chris rock uses the N word, not racist, he's black.
This is literally the stupidest argument in the history of the world.

Everyone knows the rules. Which are quite simple. If you yourself belong to the denigrated group, then you can use derogatory terms about your own group. So...

Irish people can call each other Micks -- but other people cannot. And Irish people are not allowed to use slurs that apply to Italians, Jews, etc.

Your wife is allowed to use the B word -- but you are not.

Black folks can use the N word -- but white folks cannot.

If you (as a white male) get burned for using the N word or the B word and try to justify that using this argument, you are just an idiot. And you deserve the derisive scorn you get as a racist and/or misogynist.

So simple...
You are a racist plain and simple. Sad to see Democrats defend racism tension among Americans. Democrats again proving they are the racists plain and simple today and throughout our history.
You are just wrong....for some reason you can't understand normal thinking. bang1

You are a Democrat and condoning blacks calling each other "Negroes" and "Uncle Toms?" all because they are Republican and have escaped the plantation of the Democrat Party? That is the epitome of racism.
Two question marks, but no clue of the question.....I am neither a Dem nor do I care what other minority groups call each other. As a minority, I have never been a fan of using derogatory terms to describe any of my affinity groups.


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:04 pm
by DMac


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:24 pm
by Bandito
In the eyes of Democrats and leftists:
Taylor Swift
-"Showered with praise"
-"An example for all"
-"Role model to the youth"

Kanye West
-"Trump's token black"
-"Mentality ill"
-"Race traitor"
-"Needs an intervention"
-"Unintelligent and not well read"

Democrats are Racists period.


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:37 pm
by a fan
Bandito wrote:
Thanks for letting me know the kind of stupid I am dealing with on here. Market failures are not socialism. Nice try though. You really are an idiot. Capitalism, even in its purest of form has market failures.
Yeah. You're bragging about a soon to expire $2,400 tax break, and I'm the one who doesn't understand economics. Thanks for making my morning brighter.

Nope. No such thing as a market failure in pure capitalism. All it is is a bad day at work. When the market "fails", another one pops up in its place. Because humans need goods and services. The market hasn't failed: businesses and entire markets collapse all the time. It's part of the game.

An easier way for a guy like you to understand socialism is to ask yourself: "did I directly pay for this using money that I earned with no help from the government?" If the answer is "yes", then that's usually capitalism.

If the answer is: "the government paid for this", that's socialism. So next time you're sitting in the bleachers watching the University of Maryland play the University of North Carolina in lacrosse, understand that that is socialism. The government owns and/or manages everything you're seeing: the land, the bleachers, the players, the coaches, the trainers, the sticks, the goals. All of it.

If there's anything else I can do to help you understand socialism or economics, let me know.

Oh, and I forgot to ask: given your definition of socialism, I have to ask: what is it that Ocascio Cortez wants that is socialism, while the University of Maryland isn't? This should be great. I'm going to go make popcorn.


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:39 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
Bandito wrote:In the eyes of Democrats and leftists:
Taylor Swift
-"Showered with praise"
-"An example for all"
-"Role model to the youth"

Kanye West
-"Trump's token black"
-"Mentality ill"
-"Race traitor"
-"Needs an intervention"
-"Unintelligent and not well read"

Democrats are Racists period.
Buenos dias el bandito Manuel!


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 12:49 pm
by HooDat
a fan wrote:Nope. No such thing as a market failure in pure capitalism. All it is is a bad day at work. When the market "fails", another one pops up in its place. Because humans need goods and services. The market hasn't failed: businesses and entire markets collapse all the time. It's part of the game.

An easier way for a guy like you to understand socialism is to ask yourself: "did I directly pay for this using money that I earned with no help from the government?" If the answer is "yes", then that's usually capitalism.

If the answer is: "the government paid for this", that's socialism. So next time you're sitting in the bleachers watching the University of Maryland play the University of North Carolina in lacrosse, understand that that is socialism. The government owns and/or manages everything you're seeing: the land, the bleachers, the players, the coaches, the trainers, the sticks, the goals. All of it.

If there's anything else I can do to help you understand socialism or economics, let me know.
perhaps we need a "Did you Build That?" thread?

In fact - I am going to make one now. I will put it in the civil section, and see if we can behave enough there to allow Admin to let it stay put. I hope we can.....


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 1:13 pm
by runrussellrun
a fan wrote:
Bandito wrote:
Thanks for letting me know the kind of stupid I am dealing with on here. Market failures are not socialism. Nice try though. You really are an idiot. Capitalism, even in its purest of form has market failures.
Yeah. You're bragging about a soon to expire $2,400 tax break, and I'm the one who doesn't understand economics. Thanks for making my morning brighter.

Nope. No such thing as a market failure in pure capitalism. All it is is a bad day at work. When the market "fails", another one pops up in its place. Because humans need goods and services. The market hasn't failed: businesses and entire markets collapse all the time. It's part of the game.

An easier way for a guy like you to understand socialism is to ask yourself: "did I directly pay for this using money that I earned with no help from the government?" If the answer is "yes", then that's usually capitalism.

If the answer is: "the government paid for this", that's socialism. So next time you're sitting in the bleachers watching the University of Maryland play the University of North Carolina in lacrosse, understand that that is socialism. The government owns and/or manages everything you're seeing: the land, the bleachers, the players, the coaches, the trainers, the sticks, the goals. All of it.

If there's anything else I can do to help you understand socialism or economics, let me know.

Oh, and I forgot to ask: given your definition of socialism, I have to ask: what is it that Ocascio Cortez wants that is socialism, while the University of Maryland isn't? This should be great. I'm going to go make popcorn.
how does the government own the players, especially the Fairfield county rich kids paying full boat, out of state tuition? Oh, right, the parents work as fund managers for our pubilically traded and publically funded corporations. B/c the "educated" people of the NE corridor can get work and makes LOTS of money without managing lockheed martin, GE, booze allen, halliburton, grummanof north, raytheon, boeing, L3, CACI international, General Dynamics, McKesson health and all the other 100's of wallstreet handled companies that are dependent on federal contracts.

Nope, you're just wrong. the takeoff and landing regions for flights would die like a weed during a drought if even 30% of the federal dollars went bye bye.


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 1:26 pm
by MDlaxfan76
HooDat wrote:
a fan wrote:Nope. No such thing as a market failure in pure capitalism. All it is is a bad day at work. When the market "fails", another one pops up in its place. Because humans need goods and services. The market hasn't failed: businesses and entire markets collapse all the time. It's part of the game.

An easier way for a guy like you to understand socialism is to ask yourself: "did I directly pay for this using money that I earned with no help from the government?" If the answer is "yes", then that's usually capitalism.

If the answer is: "the government paid for this", that's socialism. So next time you're sitting in the bleachers watching the University of Maryland play the University of North Carolina in lacrosse, understand that that is socialism. The government owns and/or manages everything you're seeing: the land, the bleachers, the players, the coaches, the trainers, the sticks, the goals. All of it.

If there's anything else I can do to help you understand socialism or economics, let me know.
perhaps we need a "Did you Build That?" thread?

In fact - I am going to make one now. I will put it in the civil section, and see if we can behave enough there to allow Admin to let it stay put. I hope we can.....
Good idea; this doesn't seem to have anything to do with SCOTUS per se.
If a case comes before the Court that touches on these issues, we can always address that overlap.

But good luck with the 'civil'; it appears that the most egregious troll is insisting on using profanity everywhere, as well as constantly throwing bricks at imagined targets. I thought that such behavior was being restricted to Hamsterdam but apparently this is proving to be a struggle. But it's early days for the forum so hopefully the admins will figure out how to eliminate chronic transgressors.


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:32 pm
by Bandito
a fan wrote:
Bandito wrote:
Thanks for letting me know the kind of stupid I am dealing with on here. Market failures are not socialism. Nice try though. You really are an idiot. Capitalism, even in its purest of form has market failures.
Yeah. You're bragging about a soon to expire $2,400 tax break, and I'm the one who doesn't understand economics. Thanks for making my morning brighter.

Nope. No such thing as a market failure in pure capitalism. All it is is a bad day at work. When the market "fails", another one pops up in its place. Because humans need goods and services. The market hasn't failed: businesses and entire markets collapse all the time. It's part of the game.

An easier way for a guy like you to understand socialism is to ask yourself: "did I directly pay for this using money that I earned with no help from the government?" If the answer is "yes", then that's usually capitalism.

If the answer is: "the government paid for this", that's socialism. So next time you're sitting in the bleachers watching the University of Maryland play the University of North Carolina in lacrosse, understand that that is socialism. The government owns and/or manages everything you're seeing: the land, the bleachers, the players, the coaches, the trainers, the sticks, the goals. All of it.

If there's anything else I can do to help you understand socialism or economics, let me know.

Oh, and I forgot to ask: given your definition of socialism, I have to ask: what is it that Ocascio Cortez wants that is socialism, while the University of Maryland isn't? This should be great. I'm going to go make popcorn.
Government intervention isn't socialism. You have a very warped view of what socialism is. There is no pure market economy on earth. So you are saying that every country is socialist? Based on your examples and critique of my correct post, you are. You are an idiot.


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:53 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Edit below


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 2:55 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Manuel, you almost got through that post without being a troll.

I'm not sure what has you so twisted up in knots on so many subjects, but on this one, posters have been pretty clear as to how socialism is defined (you only need to put the google machine on it yourself if you're puzzled) yet you have never defined it yourself, cogently. Instead you resort to an insult as if only you could brilliantly know the true meaning of 'socialism' ...and it's not what is accepted as such by the majority. Huh?

Yes, there are no pure capitalist countries, though Hong Kong in its heyday probably approached it the most closely. Certainly the US has long not been a pure capitalist country, indeed we've long had a significant dose of government ownership or control of various parts of the economy...the definition of, wait for it...socialism.

Where there's reasonable debate to be had is how much is too much, whether capitalism or socialism. How best to handle the inevitable trade-offs.

Reasonable debate, no hate required.

But it doesn't seem to have anything to do with SCOTUS at present, unless you'd like to direct our attention to a case that is percolating up in which these issues would be pertinent?


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 3:20 pm
by Bandito
MDlaxfan76 wrote:Manuel, you almost got through that post without being a troll.

I'm not sure what has you so twisted up in knots on so many subjects, but on this one, posters have been pretty clear as to how socialism is defined (you only need to put the google machine on it yourself if you're puzzled) yet you have never defined it yourself, cogently. Instead you resort to an insult as if only you could brilliantly know the true meaning of 'socialism' ...and it's not what is accepted as such by the majority. Huh?

Yes, there are no pure capitalist countries, though Hong Kong in its heyday probably approached it the most closely. Certainly the US has long not been a pure capitalist country, indeed we've long had a significant dose of government ownership or control of various parts of the economy...the definition of, wait for it...socialism.

Where there's reasonable debate to be had is how much is too much, whether capitalism or socialism. How best to handle the inevitable trade-offs.

Reasonable debate, no hate required.

But it doesn't seem to have anything to do with SCOTUS at present, unless you'd like to direct our attention to a case that is percolating up in which these issues would be pertinent?
Some government involvement to fix market failures is not socialism. It is part of a mixed economy. Some countries have more government involvement than others. I have already provided a definition of socialism in an earlier post. Socialism has failed everywhere it has been attempted. Cuba, USSR, China, Venezuela etc. The USA is not a socialist country at all.

Check out this video. Does a great job explaining why socialism is an utter failure.


Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:00 pm
by frmanfan
I don't understand the anger emanating from both fringe right and fringe left. There was a study years ago about rats becoming very aggressive if you put too many in the box, maybe the fact that people are becoming more dense in the urban areas has something to do with it.

I find it amusing that Kavanaugh went from "sexual assaulter" to "sexual predator" to "rapist" in two short weeks.

What he was accused of in my book, and my wife's book since we discussed this, was good old fashioned groping. I asked my wife how many times she was groped in high school when she didn't want to be groped, and she couldn't remember, but quite a few times. (I then asked her how many times she was groped when she wanted to be groped, for some reason she wouldn't answer that one. ;)) Of course the terms "blue-balled" and "seductress" certainly aren't new terms, sure both are male-centric and I am sure they aren't politically correct today.

Unrelated and off-SCOTUS topic, but can anyone tell me why the world is such a dangerous place to be a female, according to Michelle? Do people really believe this? The statistics don't show it. To be a young black male maybe, I would go along with that. But at least in the USA there has probably been no better time than now to be a young female.