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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 6:34 pm
by MDlaxfan76
tech37 wrote: Thu Jan 14, 2021 5:04 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jan 13, 2021 9:09 am
tech37 wrote: Wed Jan 13, 2021 8:00 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:27 am
:lol: :roll:
Ok, the way I read your response, given that I lack humility apparently, is that you're afraid to answer straight that question, to admit that you were wrong in your attack.
Attack? Oh please...

I will say that rooting out any racists in law enforcement will need to be accomplished through reform with thorough personality assessment. Some will still slip through and others may develop racist tendencies through their experience on the job. Don't be crushed, it will never be perfect.

Just be careful in your pogrom to root out all racism that you don't take down a lot of innocent people in the process.

"pogrom" reveal yourself again. Glad we agree about racists having no business in policing. I'm fine with the personality assessment concept, especially in hiring, but I'm not looking for some sort of witchhunt purge. But when there are clear indications of racist views, whether complaints from the public or fellow officers, I want the officer out if there's confirming evidence of that racism such as social media posts, activities of association with racist chat groups (unless officially undercover of course), etc...out, no protection from union or bosses.

It doesn't reveal anything about me. On the contrary, it reveals and describes, what has been IMO, your zealous need to uncover racism anywhere and everywhere, whether justified or not. It's also descriptive of your past blind acceptance of, for example, absurd, truly racist, and IMO, regressive opinions/notions such as "white privilege". I see you understood my progrom reference perfectly well by your apt choice of words "witchhunt purge." Fine, so you claim that's not who you are but based on the content of your posts over the past four years, I have my doubts.

Well we disagree about what it reveals. As does your calling "white Privilege" a "truly racist" notion. Again, got it. You're consistent. And, BTW, so am I

What's the BS???? the Big Lie. That Trump won the election in a landslide, that the only reason why he didn't have larger vote counts than Biden was due to massive, multi-state fraud. That the Courts didn't do their jobs.

Ah, "The Big Lie." Well, I said I wouldn't be voting and didn't, so I'm not really in any position to complain now am I?

From an objective non-voter POV, the entire process did look FUBAR to me. I was happy not to have been a part of it. Hopefully FUBAR is not the case and the voting process can be much improved going forward. I hope to see the day when I have confidence in the voting process, if/when in my mind a viable candidate emerges. I won't hold my breath.

FUBAR?, so you've bought the Big Lie. You think because you didn't bother to vote against this guy, you are absolved of responsibility as a citizen?

Got it.

So that's what you came away with from what I wrote? More distorted interpretation from you.

I have bought nothing. I can't be certain what transpired throughout the voting process this past year, other than Covid had an effect just as it has had with everything else. Your certainty that the election was somehow flawless and shouldn't be questioned or assessed so that it might be improved for future POTUS elections, speaks volumes.

"Flawless"??? of course not. But no, after 60 court cases, many decided by Trump appointed judges, I consider it safe to say that any notion that there's been some serious level of issue in the Presidential election to be complete and total BS. The Big Lie. Yet, you repeat it yet again, albeit not as vehemently as Trump.

As far as my "responsibility," that's none of your business. As a citizen I have the right to sit out any election if I feel the two candidates produced by the omnipotent two-party system are unacceptable. IMO, that was absolutely the case with this election. Don't give me your bullsh!t stance that, if you didn't vote against him, you were for him.

Hey, you're the one who said you're not in a position to "complain" because you didn't bother to vote. But, yeah, I DO think it's every citizen's RESPONSIBILITY to educate themselves on the issues and to participate in our civil society by voting. Now, if you want to abdicate that responsibility, that's your business, but at least IMO, you also abdicate the "complain" part not just about who you did or did not vote for, but for anything else that government does. Or did you miss civics class?

These are paraphrased quotes directly from Trump, repeated on right wing media, repeated by my brother-in-law. That's why he was there.
Geez it must add to your insanity to have a MAGA person living under your roof. You're obviously doing a poor job coercing him to line up with the "woke" side. Remember, "think globally, act locally."

I don't expect to 'guide' or control or 'coerce' my brother-in-law or anyone else. I've had a direct window into the Trump cult effect, but he's not the only window. I quoted ignored those quotes.

How about the resistance cult effect? IMO, the frantic, delirious, and excessive response to Trump throughout his presidency was as damaging to the country as anything Trump did or said himself. You refuse to see and/or can't admit that the resistance rhetoric and actions targeting Trump and his supporters the past four years, bears substantial responsibility for the Jan 6 debacle and how seriously divided the country is.

Nope, I don't for a moment blame the criticism of Trump as liar, a scoundrel, a scammer, a con man, a cheater, a breaker of every oath...for what happened Jan 6. Nope, not remotely. But hey, you're not a Trump apologist, right? Just an insurrectionist and seditionist apologist???

I don't get where you're saying I think the misguided etc need MY guidance. This is a discussion board, I'm simply expressing my views. If you want to ignore my views, go ahead.
Thanks for your permission.

And no, I certainly don't have anything against SU ! Glad you weren't there wearing an SU shirt, carrying a lax stick to beat on police with...I only asked because you seem so offended that anyone would think many of these people are whacked out, drunk on the Big Lie, misguided by a fascist sociopath in the White House, insurrectionists and seditionists...seemed like you had some stake in defending the violence, the calls to hang the Vice President, the hunt for the Speaker and other members of Congress, the beating of cops, the waving of Confederate flags, the Auschwitz and other anti-semitic symbols...all for Trump...

"many of these people"? How many were there in total? All of the images I've seen from the deceitful media, show only the goons rushing the Capitol. I suppose that conscious edit somehow helps support some narrative. Has anyone provided an accurate count? If there were perhaps thousands there, my assumption would be that the majority was not party to some designed insurrection.

I'm not sure exactly what you meant, but if you're insinuating that I have been "defending the violence." you're lying.

YIKES..."deceitful media"??? Maybe you haven't bothered to watch the many, many videos, the many wide pan as well as close ups of that crowd, the flags and banners waved, the interviews with dozens and dozens of otherwise normal looking MAGA folks's horrifying. 10's of thousands crowded in.

Or are you meaning "deceitful media" as to those in some media claiming this was Antifa? Totally denied by the FBI already. Is that the media you trust, been watching?

But sure, there were over 100 thousand people who went to the protest, not all participated in the mob action, not all chanted hang Mike Pence, not all beat on cops with pipes and flag poles, not all carried flags clearly identified with white supremacy groups, not all wore Q paraphernalia...but they ALL marched side by side with those who did. And sure, most of them were not there knowingly in a coordinated violent insurrection, though the idiots (my term of art) did think they were there to reverse the results of the election...some didn't expect to be successful, but that was indeed their hope. And they thought their cause was righteous because they'd been told the Big Lie by their cult leader and his minions.

"but they ALL marched side by side with those who did"... guilt by association in your mind, no surprise... but quite unconvincing considering a crowd that size.

Otherwise, good to see you've softened your rhetoric somewhat by taking a more honest and logical view of the Jan 6th crowd. Your last unfortunate sentence is just more hyperbolic nonsense.

Perhaps you've missed that my brother-in-law was there, on the steps? And yeah, the "idiots" did march side by side with the most radical and obvious of racists in our society. Pretty sure that wasn't my brother-in-law's intent, though he's pretty clueless, and pretty sure he didn't expect or directly contribute to the violence, though he didn't clear the area after 3 separate times of tear gas (according to him), but he, like everyone else who was there were hoping to change the outcome of the election, to keep Trump in power. He thought that was a righteous cause. But of course there's 'guilt by association' when you march next to nazi flags, confederate flags, etc and somehow think it's just cool that you're on the same team because you all support Trump...hey, it's a party, let's invite Boogaloo, Proud boys, and Q...

Or do you think people aren't responsible for their own choices as to who they associate with?

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 7:01 pm
by CU88
The terrorist who flew the confederate flag while rioting in the US Capitol has predictably surrendered.

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 7:27 pm
by runrussellrun
CU88 wrote: Thu Jan 14, 2021 7:01 pm The terrorist who flew the confederate flag while rioting in the US Capitol has predictably surrendered.
How any self respecting US citizen can stand next to the that hateful flag, call yourself a "patriot".......scum

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 7:28 pm
by runrussellrun
CU88 wrote: Thu Jan 14, 2021 9:26 am Almost exactly a year ago, on January 23, 2020, Adam Schiff urged Senate Republicans to convict Trump for abusing his power and obstructing Congress, and to remove him from office. “Now,” he said, “you may be asking how much damage can he really do in the next several months until the election?

“A lot,” Schiff said. “A lot of damage.”
very very true.

he increased the budget deficit exponetially..........what IS up John M.

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2021 9:17 pm
by old salt
CU88 wrote: Thu Jan 14, 2021 7:01 pm The terrorist who flew the confederate flag while rioting in the US Capitol has predictably surrendered.
Was he able to keep his horse & rifle ?

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 7:33 am
by tech37
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 14, 2021 6:34 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Jan 14, 2021 5:04 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jan 13, 2021 9:09 am
tech37 wrote: Wed Jan 13, 2021 8:00 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:27 am
:lol: :roll:
Ok, the way I read your response, given that I lack humility apparently, is that you're afraid to answer straight that question, to admit that you were wrong in your attack.
Attack? Oh please...

I will say that rooting out any racists in law enforcement will need to be accomplished through reform with thorough personality assessment. Some will still slip through and others may develop racist tendencies through their experience on the job. Don't be crushed, it will never be perfect.

Just be careful in your pogrom to root out all racism that you don't take down a lot of innocent people in the process.

"pogrom" reveal yourself again. Glad we agree about racists having no business in policing. I'm fine with the personality assessment concept, especially in hiring, but I'm not looking for some sort of witchhunt purge. But when there are clear indications of racist views, whether complaints from the public or fellow officers, I want the officer out if there's confirming evidence of that racism such as social media posts, activities of association with racist chat groups (unless officially undercover of course), etc...out, no protection from union or bosses.

It doesn't reveal anything about me. On the contrary, it reveals and describes, what has been IMO, your zealous need to uncover racism anywhere and everywhere, whether justified or not. It's also descriptive of your past blind acceptance of, for example, absurd, truly racist, and IMO, regressive opinions/notions such as "white privilege". I see you understood my progrom reference perfectly well by your apt choice of words "witchhunt purge." Fine, so you claim that's not who you are but based on the content of your posts over the past four years, I have my doubts.

Well we disagree about what it reveals. As does your calling "white Privilege" a "truly racist" notion. Again, got it. You're consistent. And, BTW, so am I

Yep you're consistent alright and I'm happy to disagree with you. We will continue to disagree until you realize the racial activist bandwagon you've jumped on has nothing to do with equality and everything to do with power. There's your "big lie."

What's the BS???? the Big Lie. That Trump won the election in a landslide, that the only reason why he didn't have larger vote counts than Biden was due to massive, multi-state fraud. That the Courts didn't do their jobs.

Ah, "The Big Lie." Well, I said I wouldn't be voting and didn't, so I'm not really in any position to complain now am I?

From an objective non-voter POV, the entire process did look FUBAR to me. I was happy not to have been a part of it. Hopefully FUBAR is not the case and the voting process can be much improved going forward. I hope to see the day when I have confidence in the voting process, if/when in my mind a viable candidate emerges. I won't hold my breath.

FUBAR?, so you've bought the Big Lie. You think because you didn't bother to vote against this guy, you are absolved of responsibility as a citizen?

Got it.

So that's what you came away with from what I wrote? More distorted interpretation from you.

I have bought nothing. I can't be certain what transpired throughout the voting process this past year, other than Covid had an effect just as it has had with everything else. Your certainty that the election was somehow flawless and shouldn't be questioned or assessed so that it might be improved for future POTUS elections, speaks volumes.

"Flawless"??? of course not. But no, after 60 court cases, many decided by Trump appointed judges, I consider it safe to say that any notion that there's been some serious level of issue in the Presidential election to be complete and total BS. The Big Lie. Yet, you repeat it yet again, albeit not as vehemently as Trump.

Focus...focus. I said I didn't know, "can't be certain." Only zealots with an agenda can be certain.

Your certainty re the election results reminds me of how vehemently you defended the Comey FBI, when early on it was quite obvious it was rotten at the top. How did your certainty work out for you in that case?

As far as my "responsibility," that's none of your business. As a citizen I have the right to sit out any election if I feel the two candidates produced by the omnipotent two-party system are unacceptable. IMO, that was absolutely the case with this election. Don't give me your bullsh!t stance that, if you didn't vote against him, you were for him.

Hey, you're the one who said you're not in a position to "complain" because you didn't bother to vote. But, yeah, I DO think it's every citizen's RESPONSIBILITY to educate themselves on the issues and to participate in our civil society by voting. Now, if you want to abdicate that responsibility, that's your business, but at least IMO, you also abdicate the "complain" part not just about who you did or did not vote for, but for anything else that government does. Or did you miss civics class?

Try to understand (warning, it may require nuance)... what I said was I can't complain about the election results. I absolutely can complain about the candidates that the system generates.

These are paraphrased quotes directly from Trump, repeated on right wing media, repeated by my brother-in-law. That's why he was there.
Geez it must add to your insanity to have a MAGA person living under your roof. You're obviously doing a poor job coercing him to line up with the "woke" side. Remember, "think globally, act locally."

I don't expect to 'guide' or control or 'coerce' my brother-in-law or anyone else. I've had a direct window into the Trump cult effect, but he's not the only window. I quoted ignored those quotes.

How about the resistance cult effect? IMO, the frantic, delirious, and excessive response to Trump throughout his presidency was as damaging to the country as anything Trump did or said himself. You refuse to see and/or can't admit that the resistance rhetoric and actions targeting Trump and his supporters the past four years, bears substantial responsibility for the Jan 6 debacle and how seriously divided the country is.

Nope, I don't for a moment blame the criticism of Trump as liar, a scoundrel, a scammer, a con man, a cheater, a breaker of every oath...for what happened Jan 6. Nope, not remotely. But hey, you're not a Trump apologist, right? Just an insurrectionist and seditionist apologist???

That's right, do what you do best... label, shame, cancel. You fit in beautifully with the woke mob, a true believer... be proud! And so progressive! :lol:

I don't get where you're saying I think the misguided etc need MY guidance. This is a discussion board, I'm simply expressing my views. If you want to ignore my views, go ahead.
Thanks for your permission.

And no, I certainly don't have anything against SU ! Glad you weren't there wearing an SU shirt, carrying a lax stick to beat on police with...I only asked because you seem so offended that anyone would think many of these people are whacked out, drunk on the Big Lie, misguided by a fascist sociopath in the White House, insurrectionists and seditionists...seemed like you had some stake in defending the violence, the calls to hang the Vice President, the hunt for the Speaker and other members of Congress, the beating of cops, the waving of Confederate flags, the Auschwitz and other anti-semitic symbols...all for Trump...

"many of these people"? How many were there in total? All of the images I've seen from the deceitful media, show only the goons rushing the Capitol. I suppose that conscious edit somehow helps support some narrative. Has anyone provided an accurate count? If there were perhaps thousands there, my assumption would be that the majority was not party to some designed insurrection.

I'm not sure exactly what you meant, but if you're insinuating that I have been "defending the violence." you're lying.

YIKES..."deceitful media"??? Maybe you haven't bothered to watch the many, many videos, the many wide pan as well as close ups of that crowd, the flags and banners waved, the interviews with dozens and dozens of otherwise normal looking MAGA folks's horrifying. 10's of thousands crowded in.

Or are you meaning "deceitful media" as to those in some media claiming this was Antifa? Totally denied by the FBI already. Is that the media you trust, been watching?

But sure, there were over 100 thousand people who went to the protest, not all participated in the mob action, not all chanted hang Mike Pence, not all beat on cops with pipes and flag poles, not all carried flags clearly identified with white supremacy groups, not all wore Q paraphernalia...but they ALL marched side by side with those who did. And sure, most of them were not there knowingly in a coordinated violent insurrection, though the idiots (my term of art) did think they were there to reverse the results of the election...some didn't expect to be successful, but that was indeed their hope. And they thought their cause was righteous because they'd been told the Big Lie by their cult leader and his minions.

"but they ALL marched side by side with those who did"... guilt by association in your mind, no surprise... but quite unconvincing considering a crowd that size.

Otherwise, good to see you've softened your rhetoric somewhat by taking a more honest and logical view of the Jan 6th crowd. Your last unfortunate sentence is just more hyperbolic nonsense.

Perhaps you've missed that my brother-in-law was there, on the steps? And yeah, the "idiots" did march side by side with the most radical and obvious of racists in our society. Pretty sure that wasn't my brother-in-law's intent, though he's pretty clueless, and pretty sure he didn't expect or directly contribute to the violence, though he didn't clear the area after 3 separate times of tear gas (according to him), but he, like everyone else who was there were hoping to change the outcome of the election, to keep Trump in power. He thought that was a righteous cause. But of course there's 'guilt by association' when you march next to nazi flags, confederate flags, etc and somehow think it's just cool that you're on the same team because you all support Trump...hey, it's a party, let's invite Boogaloo, Proud boys, and Q...

No I didn't miss that a MAGA person lives under your roof or that he was at the rally-turned insurrection... karma is a b!tch. It seems you've regressed from your prior post re the crowd where you seemed to tone down your rhetoric somewhat. What happened? Did you just come off your MSNBC fix or something?

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 8:53 am
by seacoaster
Yeah, kind of think "pogrom" is not the word for what you think is happening.

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 9:24 am
by MDlaxfan76
seacoaster wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 8:53 am Yeah, kind of think "pogrom" is not the word for what you think is happening.
ahh well, our friend tech is here to defend the mob.

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 9:43 am
by MDlaxfan76
tech37 wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 7:33 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jan 14, 2021 6:34 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Jan 14, 2021 5:04 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jan 13, 2021 9:09 am
tech37 wrote: Wed Jan 13, 2021 8:00 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:27 am
:lol: :roll:
Ok, the way I read your response, given that I lack humility apparently, is that you're afraid to answer straight that question, to admit that you were wrong in your attack.
Attack? Oh please...

I will say that rooting out any racists in law enforcement will need to be accomplished through reform with thorough personality assessment. Some will still slip through and others may develop racist tendencies through their experience on the job. Don't be crushed, it will never be perfect.

Just be careful in your pogrom to root out all racism that you don't take down a lot of innocent people in the process.

"pogrom" reveal yourself again. Glad we agree about racists having no business in policing. I'm fine with the personality assessment concept, especially in hiring, but I'm not looking for some sort of witchhunt purge. But when there are clear indications of racist views, whether complaints from the public or fellow officers, I want the officer out if there's confirming evidence of that racism such as social media posts, activities of association with racist chat groups (unless officially undercover of course), etc...out, no protection from union or bosses.

It doesn't reveal anything about me. On the contrary, it reveals and describes, what has been IMO, your zealous need to uncover racism anywhere and everywhere, whether justified or not. It's also descriptive of your past blind acceptance of, for example, absurd, truly racist, and IMO, regressive opinions/notions such as "white privilege". I see you understood my progrom reference perfectly well by your apt choice of words "witchhunt purge." Fine, so you claim that's not who you are but based on the content of your posts over the past four years, I have my doubts.

Well we disagree about what it reveals. As does your calling "white Privilege" a "truly racist" notion. Again, got it. You're consistent. And, BTW, so am I

Yep you're consistent alright and I'm happy to disagree with you. We will continue to disagree until you realize the racial activist bandwagon you've jumped on has nothing to do with equality and everything to do with power. There's your "big lie."

What's the BS???? the Big Lie. That Trump won the election in a landslide, that the only reason why he didn't have larger vote counts than Biden was due to massive, multi-state fraud. That the Courts didn't do their jobs.

Ah, "The Big Lie." Well, I said I wouldn't be voting and didn't, so I'm not really in any position to complain now am I?

From an objective non-voter POV, the entire process did look FUBAR to me. I was happy not to have been a part of it. Hopefully FUBAR is not the case and the voting process can be much improved going forward. I hope to see the day when I have confidence in the voting process, if/when in my mind a viable candidate emerges. I won't hold my breath.

FUBAR?, so you've bought the Big Lie. You think because you didn't bother to vote against this guy, you are absolved of responsibility as a citizen?

Got it.

So that's what you came away with from what I wrote? More distorted interpretation from you.

I have bought nothing. I can't be certain what transpired throughout the voting process this past year, other than Covid had an effect just as it has had with everything else. Your certainty that the election was somehow flawless and shouldn't be questioned or assessed so that it might be improved for future POTUS elections, speaks volumes.

"Flawless"??? of course not. But no, after 60 court cases, many decided by Trump appointed judges, I consider it safe to say that any notion that there's been some serious level of issue in the Presidential election to be complete and total BS. The Big Lie. Yet, you repeat it yet again, albeit not as vehemently as Trump.

Focus...focus. I said I didn't know, "can't be certain." Only zealots with an agenda can be certain.

Your certainty re the election results reminds me of how vehemently you defended the Comey FBI, when early on it was quite obvious it was rotten at the top. How did your certainty work out for you in that case?

"Certainty"...yeah, I'll admit that I'm 100% certain that the Big Lie, that Trump won by a landslide and the election was stolen from him, is indeed 100% untrue. You want to tiptoe around that there's actually doubt...nope, no doubt is reasonable at this point, it was a and is a Lie.

You think the FBI was "rotten at the top"; another lie you've bought into. Really amazing how effective the right wing media has influenced you.

As far as my "responsibility," that's none of your business. As a citizen I have the right to sit out any election if I feel the two candidates produced by the omnipotent two-party system are unacceptable. IMO, that was absolutely the case with this election. Don't give me your bullsh!t stance that, if you didn't vote against him, you were for him.

Hey, you're the one who said you're not in a position to "complain" because you didn't bother to vote. But, yeah, I DO think it's every citizen's RESPONSIBILITY to educate themselves on the issues and to participate in our civil society by voting. Now, if you want to abdicate that responsibility, that's your business, but at least IMO, you also abdicate the "complain" part not just about who you did or did not vote for, but for anything else that government does. Or did you miss civics class?

Try to understand (warning, it may require nuance)... what I said was I can't complain about the election results. I absolutely can complain about the candidates that the system generates.

Yeah, you'll abdicate your responsibility for's someone else's fault. You're just complaining...nuance :roll: You "sat out the election"...did you vote the rest of the ballot, or did you just sit out those too?

These are paraphrased quotes directly from Trump, repeated on right wing media, repeated by my brother-in-law. That's why he was there.
Geez it must add to your insanity to have a MAGA person living under your roof. You're obviously doing a poor job coercing him to line up with the "woke" side. Remember, "think globally, act locally."

I don't expect to 'guide' or control or 'coerce' my brother-in-law or anyone else. I've had a direct window into the Trump cult effect, but he's not the only window. I quoted ignored those quotes.

How about the resistance cult effect? IMO, the frantic, delirious, and excessive response to Trump throughout his presidency was as damaging to the country as anything Trump did or said himself. You refuse to see and/or can't admit that the resistance rhetoric and actions targeting Trump and his supporters the past four years, bears substantial responsibility for the Jan 6 debacle and how seriously divided the country is.

Nope, I don't for a moment blame the criticism of Trump as liar, a scoundrel, a scammer, a con man, a cheater, a breaker of every oath...for what happened Jan 6. Nope, not remotely. But hey, you're not a Trump apologist, right? Just an insurrectionist and seditionist apologist???

That's right, do what you do best... label, shame, cancel. You fit in beautifully with the woke mob, a true believer... be proud! And so progressive! :lol:

Do you feel cancelled, shamed now, tech...poor fellow, whine away. Note, I described Trump, not you....other than you're a 'Trump apologist'...but hey, you're consistent. Shoe fits.

I don't get where you're saying I think the misguided etc need MY guidance. This is a discussion board, I'm simply expressing my views. If you want to ignore my views, go ahead.
Thanks for your permission.

And no, I certainly don't have anything against SU ! Glad you weren't there wearing an SU shirt, carrying a lax stick to beat on police with...I only asked because you seem so offended that anyone would think many of these people are whacked out, drunk on the Big Lie, misguided by a fascist sociopath in the White House, insurrectionists and seditionists...seemed like you had some stake in defending the violence, the calls to hang the Vice President, the hunt for the Speaker and other members of Congress, the beating of cops, the waving of Confederate flags, the Auschwitz and other anti-semitic symbols...all for Trump...

"many of these people"? How many were there in total? All of the images I've seen from the deceitful media, show only the goons rushing the Capitol. I suppose that conscious edit somehow helps support some narrative. Has anyone provided an accurate count? If there were perhaps thousands there, my assumption would be that the majority was not party to some designed insurrection.

I'm not sure exactly what you meant, but if you're insinuating that I have been "defending the violence." you're lying.

YIKES..."deceitful media"??? Maybe you haven't bothered to watch the many, many videos, the many wide pan as well as close ups of that crowd, the flags and banners waved, the interviews with dozens and dozens of otherwise normal looking MAGA folks's horrifying. 10's of thousands crowded in.

Or are you meaning "deceitful media" as to those in some media claiming this was Antifa? Totally denied by the FBI already. Is that the media you trust, been watching?

But sure, there were over 100 thousand people who went to the protest, not all participated in the mob action, not all chanted hang Mike Pence, not all beat on cops with pipes and flag poles, not all carried flags clearly identified with white supremacy groups, not all wore Q paraphernalia...but they ALL marched side by side with those who did. And sure, most of them were not there knowingly in a coordinated violent insurrection, though the idiots (my term of art) did think they were there to reverse the results of the election...some didn't expect to be successful, but that was indeed their hope. And they thought their cause was righteous because they'd been told the Big Lie by their cult leader and his minions.

"but they ALL marched side by side with those who did"... guilt by association in your mind, no surprise... but quite unconvincing considering a crowd that size.

Otherwise, good to see you've softened your rhetoric somewhat by taking a more honest and logical view of the Jan 6th crowd. Your last unfortunate sentence is just more hyperbolic nonsense.

Perhaps you've missed that my brother-in-law was there, on the steps? And yeah, the "idiots" did march side by side with the most radical and obvious of racists in our society. Pretty sure that wasn't my brother-in-law's intent, though he's pretty clueless, and pretty sure he didn't expect or directly contribute to the violence, though he didn't clear the area after 3 separate times of tear gas (according to him), but he, like everyone else who was there were hoping to change the outcome of the election, to keep Trump in power. He thought that was a righteous cause. But of course there's 'guilt by association' when you march next to nazi flags, confederate flags, etc and somehow think it's just cool that you're on the same team because you all support Trump...hey, it's a party, let's invite Boogaloo, Proud boys, and Q...

No I didn't miss that a MAGA person lives under your roof or that he was at the rally-turned insurrection... karma is a b!tch. It seems you've regressed from your prior post re the crowd where you seemed to tone down your rhetoric somewhat. What happened? Did you just come off your MSNBC fix or something?

tech, you really have trouble with this...I've consistently said that I think not all those who came to DC to protest thought they'd be involved in violence, I know at least one such, so I'm confident there were probably others...but even those with "peaceful intent" believe the Big Lie and thought they were on a righteous cause to overturn the election, to force the Congress and VP to change the results. The anger that's been ginned up in them is real. And, sorry, I don't excuse ANYONE who marches next to Nazi and Confederate flags and symbols and thinks they're on the side of 'righteousness'. Nope. But my biggest issue is with those who know better, who've influenced these 'idiots' to be angry about the Big Lie....and here you are saying you don't know that it's a Big Lie...well, you, too, are part of the problem...hey, feel free to come into the light and admit that Biden won fair and square...

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 11:39 am
by seacoaster
Pretty interesting reading, from the United States Attorney for the District of Arizona: ... 07.5.0.pdf

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:00 pm
by DMac
Nice. Will say again, I'm lovin' these people getting their aszez handed to them. If you're gonna storm the Capitol Bldg and take it over you better plan on taking it over forever. Otherwise, you think you're gonna walk out and face no consequences?
Oh, and make sure you get yourself some selfies/on camera so you can show your friends (and authorities) what a courageous patriot you are too. Phukin maroons.

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:09 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
DMac wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:00 pm Nice. Will say again, I'm lovin' these people getting their aszez handed to them. If you're gonna storm the Capitol Bldg and take it over you better plan on taking it over forever. Otherwise, you think you're gonna walk out and face no consequences?
Oh, and make sure you get yourself some selfies/on camera so you can show your friends (and authorities) what a courageous patriot you are too. Phukin maroons.
I like to see where these perpetrators work. Of those arrested or being investigated you have mostly law enforcement, first responders and tradesmen. I am waiting to see if many educators were involved. I am curious as to where they work in that I am curious as to how they may impact people in the communities they live (hiring, grading, arresting etc.). Pipe benders can stay in their mom’s basement and wonder why the world has passed them by with little harm to others. Police can do some damage as can people who are in a position to hire and fire. Root them out.

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 1:43 pm
by youthathletics
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:09 pm
DMac wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:00 pm Nice. Will say again, I'm lovin' these people getting their aszez handed to them. If you're gonna storm the Capitol Bldg and take it over you better plan on taking it over forever. Otherwise, you think you're gonna walk out and face no consequences?
Oh, and make sure you get yourself some selfies/on camera so you can show your friends (and authorities) what a courageous patriot you are too. Phukin maroons.
I like to see where these perpetrators work. Of those arrested or being investigated you have mostly law enforcement, first responders and tradesmen. I am waiting to see if many educators were involved. I am curious as to where they work in that I am curious as to how they may impact people in the communities they live (hiring, grading, arresting etc.). Pipe benders can stay in their mom’s basement and wonder why the world has passed them by with little harm to others. Police can do some damage as can people who are in a position to hire and fire. Root them out.
What does that even mean, what kind of damage? it seems you are assigning a deceitful motivation based on a profession, really?

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 1:57 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
youthathletics wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 1:43 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:09 pm
DMac wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:00 pm Nice. Will say again, I'm lovin' these people getting their aszez handed to them. If you're gonna storm the Capitol Bldg and take it over you better plan on taking it over forever. Otherwise, you think you're gonna walk out and face no consequences?
Oh, and make sure you get yourself some selfies/on camera so you can show your friends (and authorities) what a courageous patriot you are too. Phukin maroons.
I like to see where these perpetrators work. Of those arrested or being investigated you have mostly law enforcement, first responders and tradesmen. I am waiting to see if many educators were involved. I am curious as to where they work in that I am curious as to how they may impact people in the communities they live (hiring, grading, arresting etc.). Pipe benders can stay in their mom’s basement and wonder why the world has passed them by with little harm to others. Police can do some damage as can people who are in a position to hire and fire. Root them out.
What does that even mean, what kind of damage? it seems you are assigning a deceitful motivation based on a profession, really?
Not hiring, firing, bad grades, steering from a real estate agent. Things that can happen. I am not assigning any deceitful motivation. I am curious to know where these people work and how THEY MAY impact the lives of others. Find it hard to believe that people with this level of motivation will check it at the door when they go to work. A “lawmaker” was also arrested. We can agree to disagree as to whether it matters. Enjoy your weekend buddy.

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:07 pm
by old salt
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:09 pm
DMac wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:00 pm Nice. Will say again, I'm lovin' these people getting their aszez handed to them. If you're gonna storm the Capitol Bldg and take it over you better plan on taking it over forever. Otherwise, you think you're gonna walk out and face no consequences?
Oh, and make sure you get yourself some selfies/on camera so you can show your friends (and authorities) what a courageous patriot you are too. Phukin maroons.
I like to see where these perpetrators work. Of those arrested or being investigated you have mostly law enforcement, first responders and tradesmen. I am waiting to see if many educators were involved. I am curious as to where they work in that I am curious as to how they may impact people in the communities they live (hiring, grading, arresting etc.). Pipe benders can stay in their mom’s basement and wonder why the world has passed them by with little harm to others. Police can do some damage as can people who are in a position to hire and fire. Root them out.
...bug their homes. Maybe you can convince their kids to turn them in.

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:21 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
old salt wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:07 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:09 pm
DMac wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:00 pm Nice. Will say again, I'm lovin' these people getting their aszez handed to them. If you're gonna storm the Capitol Bldg and take it over you better plan on taking it over forever. Otherwise, you think you're gonna walk out and face no consequences?
Oh, and make sure you get yourself some selfies/on camera so you can show your friends (and authorities) what a courageous patriot you are too. Phukin maroons.
I like to see where these perpetrators work. Of those arrested or being investigated you have mostly law enforcement, first responders and tradesmen. I am waiting to see if many educators were involved. I am curious as to where they work in that I am curious as to how they may impact people in the communities they live (hiring, grading, arresting etc.). Pipe benders can stay in their mom’s basement and wonder why the world has passed them by with little harm to others. Police can do some damage as can people who are in a position to hire and fire. Root them out.
...bug their homes. Maybe you can convince their kids to turn them in.
Thanks pal.

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:24 pm
by old salt
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:21 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:07 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:09 pm
DMac wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:00 pm Nice. Will say again, I'm lovin' these people getting their aszez handed to them. If you're gonna storm the Capitol Bldg and take it over you better plan on taking it over forever. Otherwise, you think you're gonna walk out and face no consequences?
Oh, and make sure you get yourself some selfies/on camera so you can show your friends (and authorities) what a courageous patriot you are too. Phukin maroons.
I like to see where these perpetrators work. Of those arrested or being investigated you have mostly law enforcement, first responders and tradesmen. I am waiting to see if many educators were involved. I am curious as to where they work in that I am curious as to how they may impact people in the communities they live (hiring, grading, arresting etc.). Pipe benders can stay in their mom’s basement and wonder why the world has passed them by with little harm to others. Police can do some damage as can people who are in a position to hire and fire. Root them out.
...bug their homes. Maybe you can convince their kids to turn them in.
Thanks pal.
...swimming pool cleaners.

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:33 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
old salt wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:24 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:21 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:07 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:09 pm
DMac wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:00 pm Nice. Will say again, I'm lovin' these people getting their aszez handed to them. If you're gonna storm the Capitol Bldg and take it over you better plan on taking it over forever. Otherwise, you think you're gonna walk out and face no consequences?
Oh, and make sure you get yourself some selfies/on camera so you can show your friends (and authorities) what a courageous patriot you are too. Phukin maroons.
I like to see where these perpetrators work. Of those arrested or being investigated you have mostly law enforcement, first responders and tradesmen. I am waiting to see if many educators were involved. I am curious as to where they work in that I am curious as to how they may impact people in the communities they live (hiring, grading, arresting etc.). Pipe benders can stay in their mom’s basement and wonder why the world has passed them by with little harm to others. Police can do some damage as can people who are in a position to hire and fire. Root them out.
...bug their homes. Maybe you can convince their kids to turn them in.
Thanks pal.
...swimming pool cleaners.
Thanks buddy.

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:35 pm
by DMac
old salt wrote
...bug their homes. Maybe you can convince their kids to turn them in.
Or you could just check with their exes.
You know she loved making this call. ... -calls-fbi

Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:40 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
DMac wrote: Fri Jan 15, 2021 2:35 pm
old salt wrote
...bug their homes. Maybe you can convince their kids to turn them in.
Or you could just check with their exes.
You know she loved making this call. ... -calls-fbi
Ex-military also a demographic arrested (more than 1) ... 00538.html