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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 5:54 pm
by jhu72
5:50 PM 10/28/18

Universally press reports indicate the caravan is taking the day off, resting in San Pedro Tapanatepec, after walking from Arriaga in 104 degree heat on Saturday.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 6:03 pm
by cradleandshoot
Hopefully the caravan finds its way to some ones front yard in Maryland we all know and love. Certainly they will be given a warm welcome and all the love they deserve... until someone takes a crap on the front lawn... angry9

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 6:13 pm
by jhu72
cradleandshoot wrote:Hopefully the caravan finds its way to some ones front yard in Maryland we all know and love. Certainly they will be given a warm welcome and all the love they deserve... until someone takes a turd on the front lawn... angry9
That's less likely from a statistical perspective than any of them finding their way to West Jellystone, MT. At the current attrition rate, no more than a few hundred will make it to the US border -- just like the last time they did this.

Paranoid, angry old white man is not a good look for you.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 6:32 pm
by tech37
jhu72 wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:Hopefully the caravan finds its way to some ones front yard in Maryland we all know and love. Certainly they will be given a warm welcome and all the love they deserve... until someone takes a turd on the front lawn... angry9
That's less likely from a statistical perspective than any of them finding their way to West Jellystone, MT. At the current attrition rate, no more than a few hundred will make it to the US border -- just like the last time they did this.

Paranoid, angry old white man is not a good look for you.
:lol: paranoid, angry old men come in the color "progressive" too...obviously

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 6:49 pm
by DMac
A few hundred will make it??
WTef, Bandito told us there were 7,000.
Guess that mountain becomes a mole hill, eh?
Unless, of course, it always was.

Probably be a book about it all soon,
By Bandelusion

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 7:05 pm
by jhu72
DMac wrote:A few hundred will make it??
WTef, Bandito told us there were 7,000.
Guess that mountain becomes a mole hill, eh?
Unless, of course, it always was.

Probably be a book about it all soon,
By Bandelusion

Co-authored by Sean Hannity and Lou Dobbs. :lol:

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:04 pm
by old salt
NPR report on what catalyzed this specific caravan : ... ence-pover

Many of the migrants now traveling north originated in Honduras, and journeys like that happen every year. But this group is far larger than most, and it's fueled competing narratives about how it was organized. NPR's Carrie Kahn reports many of the migrants say they heard about it on TV and social media and jumped at the chance to flee in the safety of numbers.

Thirty-four-year-old Gisele Vasquez and her sister, with seven kids between them, stopped to grab some free coffee and bread handed out by local residents in southern Mexico. They've been walking for days. They heard about the hundreds leaving Honduras via social media last week and grabbed a bus, catching up with the caravan right before it crossed into Guatemala.

"We'd been waiting months to join up with a caravan leaving," says Vasquez, who said she wanted to flee Honduras after her husband was extorted and killed by gang members. She says there was no way she could pay a smuggler thousands of dollars. And when she got a text on WhatsApp describing the size of this one, it seemed the safest way to go. Talking to migrants on the trek north, you hear similar stories. Early in October, flyers began circulating in the Honduran city of San Pedro Sula. The march north would leave from the city's central bus station.

The popular cable station HCH went live from the bus station, showing hundreds already lining up. Bartolo Fuentes, a former legislator and human rights activist who put the original posters up, says the TV shots were the best publicity.

"I never, never imagined so many people would join the caravan and that it would grow into the thousands," says Fuentes. The president of Honduras has accused Fuentes of receiving funds from Venezuela. Other officials have said Fuentes is using the migrants to score political points back home. He denies all those claims.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 6:21 am
by Trinity
So, not paid by Globalist Jews to invade America. Can’t believe Trump and his Fox team got that sooo wrong. They sure fooled the Pittsburgh shooter of old Jewish people. “Screw the optics. I’m going in.”

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 12:55 pm
by old salt
There are apparently NGO's facilitating the caravans that go beyond just humanitarian assistance helping those along the route, or providing shelters near the border, on both sides.

NGO's help inspire & organize the caravans, aid in transportation, & provide info & coaching on how to game the US & Mexican immigration systems & gain US entry via an assertion of credible fear, then escape into the undocumented underground inside the USA.

Somebody is funding these NGO's. It's a legit source of inquiry for the MSM -- who's funding these NGO's & what are their agendas?
Dismissing questions about these NGO's as anti-Semitic is a way to deter legit investigative reporting.

The fact that the vast majority of the migrants pass up the generous offer of asylum in Mexico (closer & more accessible to their families) proves that they are gaming the system & exploiting the loopholes in US law, as interpreted by activist judges.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 2:59 pm
by a fan
old salt wrote: The fact that the vast majority of the migrants pass up the generous offer of asylum in Mexico (closer & more accessible to their families) proves that they are gaming the system & exploiting the loopholes in US law, as interpreted by activist judges.
Well, we could put a stop to the activist judges if the Republicans, who control all three branches of government, would actually do their jobs, and draft an immigration reform bill that closes all those..... oh, never mind.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:03 pm
by Bandito
Trump is sending 5,000 troops to the border to stop this invasion. Stupid Democrats thought these people were seeking asylum. Democrats only care about the caravan because they see thousands of Democrat votes. Blacks are leaving the party in droves. Rasmussen today reported Trump has the highest ever approval from blacks. Dems need to replace them with illegals. Democrats are the stupidest people on the planet.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:18 pm
by old salt
a fan wrote:
old salt wrote: The fact that the vast majority of the migrants pass up the generous offer of asylum in Mexico (closer & more accessible to their families) proves that they are gaming the system & exploiting the loopholes in US law, as interpreted by activist judges.
Well, we could put a stop to the activist judges if the Republicans, who control all three branches of government, would actually do their jobs, and draft an immigration reform bill that closes all those..... oh, never mind.
Without 60 votes in the Senate, it can't happen. Compromise on any issue has become nearly impossible. None more contentious than this issue.

I would not be surprised if Trump does not categorically deny processing asylum requests from Central Americans arriving at our southern border, on the grounds that they are not legit asylum seekers, having bypassed UNHCR refugee centers & offers of asylum from Mexico. Force the courts to rule & expedite it to the Supreme Court.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:42 pm
by DMac
Bandito wrote:Trump is sending 5,000 troops to the border to stop this invasion. Stupid Democrats thought these people were seeking asylum. Democrats only care about the caravan because they see thousands of Democrat votes. Blacks are leaving the party in droves. Rasmussen today reported Trump has the highest ever approval from blacks. Dems need to replace them with illegals. Democrats are the stupidest people on the planet.
Cool. Doubt it's too late for you to run down and sign up and get yourself one of those Lt. Calley rifles. Golden opportunity for you to serve your country and follow the Commander In Chief's orders. You don't have bone spurs, do you?

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:51 pm
by a fan
And I would applaud that move by Trump. The passing on Mexico job/aid offers is a giant red flag.

The reason that they "can't get anything done" is that their base lets them get away with it. Besides, we already had the Republicans controlling Congress and the White House post 9/11. They passed nothing. At some point you have to admit that they----and their supporters---just don't care about immigration reform, and it's all a show.

The House is free to pass any bill that they like, and force the Senate to act....force them to say what they like and don't like about the bill.

They have done precisely nothing. Why? Because their supporters have convinced themselves that "the other side" is to blame. So the Congressional Republicans get to laugh, cash their campaign checks, and maintain the status quo that lines their pockets.

Until the American calculus changes, and partisans hold their own camp accountable for legislation...our nation is stuck in the mud.

We're two years in. Trump has passed four bills. Three massive spending increase, one massive tax cut. Ah, so they CAN pass bills when they want to.

They don't want to fix this problem. It's as simple as that. And I have 50 years of evidence backing up my claim.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:53 pm
by jhu72
old salt wrote:
a fan wrote:
old salt wrote: The fact that the vast majority of the migrants pass up the generous offer of asylum in Mexico (closer & more accessible to their families) proves that they are gaming the system & exploiting the loopholes in US law, as interpreted by activist judges.
Well, we could put a stop to the activist judges if the Republicans, who control all three branches of government, would actually do their jobs, and draft an immigration reform bill that closes all those..... oh, never mind.
Without 60 votes in the Senate, it can't happen. Compromise on any issue has become nearly impossible. None more contentious than this issue.

I would not be surprised if Trump does not categorically deny processing asylum requests from Central Americans arriving at our southern border, on the grounds that they are not legit asylum seekers, having bypassed UNHCR refugee centers & offers of asylum from Mexico. Force the courts to rule & expedite it to the Supreme Court.
It is easy and has been to get 60 votes in the Senate on this issue. Republican extremists (Trumpnista) simply need to stop poisoning the well.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 3:59 pm
by RedFromMI
jhu72 wrote:
old salt wrote:
a fan wrote:
old salt wrote: The fact that the vast majority of the migrants pass up the generous offer of asylum in Mexico (closer & more accessible to their families) proves that they are gaming the system & exploiting the loopholes in US law, as interpreted by activist judges.
Well, we could put a stop to the activist judges if the Republicans, who control all three branches of government, would actually do their jobs, and draft an immigration reform bill that closes all those..... oh, never mind.
Without 60 votes in the Senate, it can't happen. Compromise on any issue has become nearly impossible. None more contentious than this issue.

I would not be surprised if Trump does not categorically deny processing asylum requests from Central Americans arriving at our southern border, on the grounds that they are not legit asylum seekers, having bypassed UNHCR refugee centers & offers of asylum from Mexico. Force the courts to rule & expedite it to the Supreme Court.
It is easy and has been to get 60 votes in the Senate on this issue. Republican extremists (Trumpnista) simply need to stop poisoning the well.
It passed the Senate, and failed in the House the last time a big push was made to make some sort of immigration reform law. However, that bill would be deemed completely unacceptable by pretty much most of the Republicans these days...

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:04 pm
by jhu72
RedFromMI wrote:
jhu72 wrote:
old salt wrote:
a fan wrote:
old salt wrote: The fact that the vast majority of the migrants pass up the generous offer of asylum in Mexico (closer & more accessible to their families) proves that they are gaming the system & exploiting the loopholes in US law, as interpreted by activist judges.
Well, we could put a stop to the activist judges if the Republicans, who control all three branches of government, would actually do their jobs, and draft an immigration reform bill that closes all those..... oh, never mind.
Without 60 votes in the Senate, it can't happen. Compromise on any issue has become nearly impossible. None more contentious than this issue.

I would not be surprised if Trump does not categorically deny processing asylum requests from Central Americans arriving at our southern border, on the grounds that they are not legit asylum seekers, having bypassed UNHCR refugee centers & offers of asylum from Mexico. Force the courts to rule & expedite it to the Supreme Court.
It is easy and has been to get 60 votes in the Senate on this issue. Republican extremists (Trumpnista) simply need to stop poisoning the well.
It passed the Senate, and failed in the House the last time a big push was made to make some sort of immigration reform law. However, that bill would be deemed completely unacceptable by pretty much most of the Republicans these days...

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:08 pm
by youthathletics
a fan wrote:And I would applaud that move by Trump. The passing on Mexico job/aid offers is a giant red flag.

The reason that they "can't get anything done" is that their base lets them get away with it. Besides, we already had the Republicans controlling Congress and the White House post 9/11. They passed nothing. At some point you have to admit that they----and their supporters---just don't care about immigration reform, and it's all a show.

The House is free to pass any bill that they like, and force the Senate to act....force them to say what they like and don't like about the bill.

They have done precisely nothing. Why? Because their supporters have convinced themselves that "the other side" is to blame. So the Congressional Republicans get to laugh, cash their campaign checks, and maintain the status quo that lines their pockets.

Until the American calculus changes, and partisans hold their own camp accountable for legislation...our nation is stuck in the mud.

We're two years in. Trump has passed four bills. Three massive spending increase, one massive tax cut. Ah, so they CAN pass bills when they want to.

They don't want to fix this problem. It's as simple as that. And I have 50 years of evidence backing up my claim.
We all know full well that each side is afraid to pass any such would likely mean curtains for them, because there is no single way to do it without political repercussion. That is why the wall is SO APPEALING to many.....everyone knows that border security is a complete cluster-F with all the laws, Convention, and loopholes on the books.

Your argument is simply too ethereal.

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:14 pm
by Typical Lax Dad

Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:20 pm
by a fan
youthathletics wrote: We all know full well that each side is afraid to pass any such would likely mean curtains for them, because there is no single way to do it without political repercussion.
Disagree completely. Republican voters would throw a parade for Trump if he passed ANY Immigration Reform bill. And I do mean ANY bill.

This is the Trump era, YA. What have we learned? All that matters is: which party that puts the bill forth. The actual policy or idea is now wholly immaterial to a partisan's judgement.

They could pass any bill they like. Period. Trump would spin it, and voila, Republican voters would be overjoyed with the new Immigration Reform matter what is in it. They could "compromise" with the Dems until the cows come home, and it wouldn't cost them a single vote.

This is about maintaining status quo. Nothing else matters. That's why there is no bill.

That's why Obamacare is still law.