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Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 7:11 pm
by a fan
Thank you for the correction....

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:48 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 6:55 pm Texas Rangers, but same state anyways. And let’s not forget “CraterAir” (really CaterAir, an early Carlyle Investment fun by Bush that failed when they were homing into the Iron Triangle and being James Baker and Spooky Frank Carlucci to go get that dirty sovereign money).
Ahh Carlyle....where ex gov officials go to get rich....

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:53 pm
by LandM
You are really stretching - a peanut farm, some oil/gas wells and a bb team - come on - you need to throw a better ball then grandson has a better arm than that.

Bottom line is change the regulation if you you do not like it but that is the regulation so change it.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:12 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
LandM wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 8:53 pm afan,
You are really stretching - a peanut farm, some oil/gas wells and a bb team - come on - you need to throw a better ball then grandson has a better arm than that.

Bottom line is change the regulation if you you do not like it but that is the regulation so change it.
It’s a custom. This country has relied on customs for over 200 years. Oh well... we will see what the future brings.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:20 pm
by a fan
Sigh. Yep. You're right, L&M. "That's not illegal".

So your sales pitch here is that the only code you live by are State and Federal laws. Nothing else matters? It's ok for Trump to make money off of us taxpayers "because it's not in the rulebook that he can't"? I have that right? THAT is your position here?

I'm starting to wonder what it is they're teaching at our service academies.....

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:23 pm
by old salt
seacoaster wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 5:04 pm Jesus; I am still remembering when you folks on the right were raving about President Obama in the tan suit and using the binder clip, and throwing a football in the Oval.
I thought he looked sharp in that suit & I don't even remember the other stuff, but rave on if it makes you feel justified in this nit picking.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:28 pm
by DMac
This stuff is too funny. Of course you're right about the principle, a fan, the Prez should not be directing troops, and the like, to stay at his private enterprises. Period. There's not one person who didn't suspect that Trump would take advantage of his position in this respect, but they voted him in anyway. Fox guarding the chicken coop.
As for the boyz in blue and the ethics, could've, should've horseschidt, c'mon. A few twenty something year olds land in Glasgow, their Uncle Sam hands them enough money to take care of themselves for a couple/few days, and off they go. They find they can stay at the Commander In Chief's place, and maybe get in a round of golf in Scotland with the money they've got. If I'm with that crew, I'm sayin' I'm cool with that. There's no sign anywhere saying military prohibited, or anything in my orders/regulations that says I'm out of line/out of bounds with any of that. I'm in. Meet ya at the nineteenth hole with the Scottish lasses, hopefully I won't spend more than I was alloted, but that's not a given. Our boys in uniform did nothing wrong, who among us would look this gift horse in the mouth and say, no thanks? These guys aren't making any rules, if it was against any rules they, they should clearly have been made aware of that. Commander In Chief's Inn Vorboten. Simple.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:52 pm
by old salt
Saw Nasty Natasha on MSNBC this evening. She said the disgruntled airman complained that his per diem didn't cover the cost of his food AND drinks.
She didn't say if it covered the cost of food. If your bar tab exceeds your per diem, either drink less or pay it yourself. Sheesh. Gimme a break.
I'm sure the guys they transported downrange, now subsisting on MRE's, are outraged.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 10:24 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
old salt wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:52 pm Saw Nasty Natasha on MSNBC this evening. She said the disgruntled airman complained that his per diem didn't cover the cost of his food AND drinks.
She didn't say if it covered the cost of food. If your bar tab exceeds your per diem, either drink less or pay it yourself. Sheesh. Gimme a break.
I'm sure the guys they transported downrange, now subsisting on MRE's, are outraged.
You have a woman complex.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 11:12 pm
by Farfromgeneva
Just sad. Very sad. Older guy who is mysoginistically assaulting a 26yr old woman while claiming to be a patriot representative of America’s ideals. Sad. Way more pathetic than John McCain being a POW.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 1:38 am
by old salt
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 11:12 pm Just sad. Very sad. Older guy who is mysoginistically assaulting a 26yr old woman while claiming to be a patriot representative of America’s ideals. Sad. Way more pathetic than John McCain being a POW.
.:lol:. ...Nasty Natasha Bertrand, one of the MSNBC mean girls, is a political hack & a propagandist, masquerading as a journalist. What experience has she accumulated in her 26 years to be reporting on national security issues ? Her ignorance is obvious to anyone with a working knowledge of the subject of her "report". Her Betty Boop schtick gets her on your tv screen.

She hyped every Russiagate thread she could pull & now that they've all fizzled, she's reduced to internet rumormongering , hyping a text from an unnamed airman who was p.o.'d that his per diem check didn't cover his bar bill. ...& this is what passes for journalism today.

When somebody waves the bs flag & calls her out for what she is, her PC apologist protectors play daddy & throw the gender card. What a bunch of suckers. Ty Cobb was right to call her out. Looks like he's getting the last laugh on that scoop of hers.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:05 am
by Typical Lax Dad
old salt wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 1:38 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 11:12 pm Just sad. Very sad. Older guy who is mysoginistically assaulting a 26yr old woman while claiming to be a patriot representative of America’s ideals. Sad. Way more pathetic than John McCain being a POW.
.:lol:. ...Nasty Natasha Bertrand, one of the MSNBC mean girls, is a political hack & a propagandist, masquerading as a journalist. What experience has she accumulated in her 26 years to be reporting on national security issues ? Her ignorance is obvious to anyone with a working knowledge of the subject of her "report". Her Betty Boop schtick gets her on your tv screen.

She hyped every Russiagate thread she could pull & now that they've all fizzled, she's reduced to internet rumormongering , hyping a text from an unnamed airman who was p.o.'d that his per diem check didn't cover his bar bill. ...& this is what passes for journalism today.

When somebody waves the bs flag & calls her out for what she is, her PC apologists protectors play daddy & play the gender card. What a bunch of suckers. Ty Cobb was right to call her out. Looks like he's getting the last laugh on that scoop of hers.
Your depiction and fixation with women journalist is well documented. Not sure you have ever belittled a male journalist. Poked fun at Avenatti is close but there is a consistent theme when it comes to women. It's not PC.... it's true. Another blind spot... Trump "lite" with nicknames for women also.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:14 am
by old salt
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:05 am
old salt wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 1:38 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 11:12 pm Just sad. Very sad. Older guy who is mysoginistically assaulting a 26yr old woman while claiming to be a patriot representative of America’s ideals. Sad. Way more pathetic than John McCain being a POW.
.:lol:. ...Nasty Natasha Bertrand, one of the MSNBC mean girls, is a political hack & a propagandist, masquerading as a journalist. What experience has she accumulated in her 26 years to be reporting on national security issues ? Her ignorance is obvious to anyone with a working knowledge of the subject of her "report". Her Betty Boop schtick gets her on your tv screen.

She hyped every Russiagate thread she could pull & now that they've all fizzled, she's reduced to internet rumormongering , hyping a text from an unnamed airman who was p.o.'d that his per diem check didn't cover his bar bill. ...& this is what passes for journalism today.

When somebody waves the bs flag & calls her out for what she is, her PC apologist protectors play daddy & throw the gender card. What a bunch of suckers. Ty Cobb was right to call her out. Looks like he's getting the last laugh on that scoop of hers.
Your depiction and fixation with woman journalist is well documented. Not sure you have ever belittle a male journalist. Poked fun at Avenatti but a consistent theme when it comes to women. It's not PC.... it's true. Another blind spot.
You have a selective memory -- David Ignatius, Carl Bernstein, Max Boot, Chris Matthews, Lawrence O'Donnell, Brian Williams, Dan Rather (W's ANG hoax), the MSNBC pajama boy Jacob Somebody who reports from the border whose name escapes me, Glenn Thrush & his NYT editor + his smarmy Russiagate hit team (all guys) in their documentary, ...all of which I posted about.

Here's some of MSNBC's hardhitting reporting on this fast breaking block buster, featuring intrepid reporter Nasty Natasha, sleuthing the internet for her social media sources. ... 8433989879
...& still more of Nasty Natsha's breathless reporting. I hope this doesn't get the Secy of the AF fired. ... vp-AAH00Cf
I smell both an Emmy & Pulitzer for Nasty Natasha in uncovering this burgeoning fraud, waste & abuse scandal. ... be-1485447

The Air Force on Sunday insisted, however, that the use of the Prestwick airport — which it said dates back to 2015 — along with the Trump hotel appears to have adhered to proper procedures.

“The availability of civil airfields like Prestwick is essential to ensuring that USAF aircraft can sustain the necessary speed and throughput required to accomplish our mission,” the service said in a fact sheet. They added that Prestwick "has a large parking area, is open 24/7/365, and has been contracted by DOD for fuel at standardized prices."

The Air Force also said the the decision to stay at the Trump resort would have been the result of “a multitude of factors,” including the lack of suitable lodging closer to the civil airport or at a nearby military base. It did not provide evidence that nearby hotels were cheaper or unavailable at the time of the crews' stays, however.

The Air Force's use of the Prestwick airport has also steadily grown. Indeed, the use of the facility has nearly tripled — and overnights in the area increased more than five-fold, the Air Force acknowledged Sunday.

From 2015 to 2019, they said, Air Mobility Command aircraft stopped at the civil airport 936 times. Of those, crews stayed overnight in the area 659 times.

The frequency of the stops and overnight stays has increased steadily each year, from 95 stops and 40 overnights in 2015; 145 and 75 in 2016; 180 and 116 in 2017; 257 and 208 in 2018; and 259 stops and 220 overnights through August 2019.

Lt. Gen. Jon Thomas, the deputy head of Air Mobility Command, said he could not report how many of these overnights may have been at Trump Turnberry.

Officials insist there has been no evidence uncovered of wrongdoing. Nevertheless, the implication that the military is enriching the president is damaging and the service appears eager to quickly assess whether the practice should continue.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 5:20 am
by Farfromgeneva
It’s still childish and dumb name calling. We could start calling you oblivious old salt. How would anyone expect to be treated with respect as a supposed adult who resorts to juvenile and not very witty name calling? Everything else you write just falls into the “this guy is a loser who can’t stand an adult conversation” bucket when one reduces others to idiotic alliteration. Makes you seem as intelligent as the president who, artificial Penn degree notwithstanding, is in fact a dunce.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 5:56 am
by DMac
Old Salt wrote
hyping a text from an unnamed airman who was p.o.'d that his per diem check didn't cover his bar bill. ...& this is what passes for journalism today.
Yes, and Nasty Natty describes the unnamed p.o.'d airman as the "whistleblower".
Nasty Natty's naughty distortion kicks the story up a notch, ya know.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 7:12 am
by old salt
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 5:20 am It’s still childish and dumb name calling. We could start calling you oblivious old salt. How would anyone expect to be treated with respect as a supposed adult who resorts to juvenile and not very witty name calling? Everything else you write just falls into the “this guy is a loser who can’t stand an adult conversation” bucket when one reduces others to idiotic alliteration. Makes you seem as intelligent as the president who, artificial Penn degree notwithstanding, is in fact a dunce.
I've been called worse. Childish & dumb name calling ? Have you read any of the other threads in this forum ?

There's now been more than one statement from the USAF explaining their shift of stopover operations to Prestwick since before Trump was even nominated & verifying that any aircrew lodging at Turnberry was within regulations. The lack of subject matter knowledge, research & adequate sourcing in Bertrand's initial POLITICO report is now obvious. As she sees her scoop unravelling, what is her response in her next POLITICO piece & subsequent MSNBC appearances ? To double down & increase the hype. It is comical watching her get wound up as she feverishly spins her conspiracy theory.

If subsequent solid reporting reveals an order from the President to route more traffic through Prestwick & orders to USAF aircrews to use Turnberry, I'll post a formal apology & never call her Nasty Natasha again.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 7:55 am
by Typical Lax Dad
old salt wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:14 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:05 am
old salt wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2019 1:38 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 11:12 pm Just sad. Very sad. Older guy who is mysoginistically assaulting a 26yr old woman while claiming to be a patriot representative of America’s ideals. Sad. Way more pathetic than John McCain being a POW.
.:lol:. ...Nasty Natasha Bertrand, one of the MSNBC mean girls, is a political hack & a propagandist, masquerading as a journalist. What experience has she accumulated in her 26 years to be reporting on national security issues ? Her ignorance is obvious to anyone with a working knowledge of the subject of her "report". Her Betty Boop schtick gets her on your tv screen.

She hyped every Russiagate thread she could pull & now that they've all fizzled, she's reduced to internet rumormongering , hyping a text from an unnamed airman who was p.o.'d that his per diem check didn't cover his bar bill. ...& this is what passes for journalism today.

When somebody waves the bs flag & calls her out for what she is, her PC apologist protectors play daddy & throw the gender card. What a bunch of suckers. Ty Cobb was right to call her out. Looks like he's getting the last laugh on that scoop of hers.
Your depiction and fixation with woman journalist is well documented. Not sure you have ever belittle a male journalist. Poked fun at Avenatti but a consistent theme when it comes to women. It's not PC.... it's true. Another blind spot.
You have a selective memory -- David Ignatius, Carl Bernstein, Max Boot, Chris Matthews, Lawrence O'Donnell, Brian Williams, Dan Rather (W's ANG hoax), the MSNBC pajama boy Jacob Somebody who reports from the border whose name escapes me, Glenn Thrush & his NYT editor + his smarmy Russiagate hit team (all guys) in their documentary, ...all of which I posted about.

Here's some of MSNBC's hardhitting reporting on this fast breaking block buster, featuring intrepid reporter Nasty Natasha, sleuthing the internet for her social media sources. ... 8433989879
...& still more of Nasty Natsha's breathless reporting. I hope this doesn't get the Secy of the AF fired. ... vp-AAH00Cf
I smell both an Emmy & Pulitzer for Nasty Natasha in uncovering this burgeoning fraud, waste & abuse scandal. ... be-1485447

The Air Force on Sunday insisted, however, that the use of the Prestwick airport — which it said dates back to 2015 — along with the Trump hotel appears to have adhered to proper procedures.

“The availability of civil airfields like Prestwick is essential to ensuring that USAF aircraft can sustain the necessary speed and throughput required to accomplish our mission,” the service said in a fact sheet. They added that Prestwick "has a large parking area, is open 24/7/365, and has been contracted by DOD for fuel at standardized prices."

The Air Force also said the the decision to stay at the Trump resort would have been the result of “a multitude of factors,” including the lack of suitable lodging closer to the civil airport or at a nearby military base. It did not provide evidence that nearby hotels were cheaper or unavailable at the time of the crews' stays, however.

The Air Force's use of the Prestwick airport has also steadily grown. Indeed, the use of the facility has nearly tripled — and overnights in the area increased more than five-fold, the Air Force acknowledged Sunday.

From 2015 to 2019, they said, Air Mobility Command aircraft stopped at the civil airport 936 times. Of those, crews stayed overnight in the area 659 times.

The frequency of the stops and overnight stays has increased steadily each year, from 95 stops and 40 overnights in 2015; 145 and 75 in 2016; 180 and 116 in 2017; 257 and 208 in 2018; and 259 stops and 220 overnights through August 2019.

Lt. Gen. Jon Thomas, the deputy head of Air Mobility Command, said he could not report how many of these overnights may have been at Trump Turnberry.

Officials insist there has been no evidence uncovered of wrongdoing. Nevertheless, the implication that the military is enriching the president is damaging and the service appears eager to quickly assess whether the practice should continue.
I didn’t say you only criticize women. It’s how they are characterized. I chalk it up to too much time on a sub as a young man.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:07 am
by CU88
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 10:24 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 9:52 pm Saw Nasty Natasha on MSNBC this evening. She said the disgruntled airman complained that his per diem didn't cover the cost of his food AND drinks.
She didn't say if it covered the cost of food. If your bar tab exceeds your per diem, either drink less or pay it yourself. Sheesh. Gimme a break.
I'm sure the guys they transported downrange, now subsisting on MRE's, are outraged.
You have a woman complex.
OS is a complex guy

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:16 am
by CU88
"Mike Pompeo says American forces have "killed over 1,000 Taliban" in the last 10 days alone"

If we are killing a +/- 100 Taliban a day, obviously winning this great war; why are we inviting them to the Presidential Retreat for Peace talks?

And then why cancel same said meeting if they kill 1 of our guys??? Or was the weather forecast too good to cancel some golf opportunites at a o d resort?

I thoughts that the r's policy was to never allow the United States to even negotiate with terrorist????

Am i the only person old enough to remember the inflated Vietcong weekly casualty figures during the Vietnam War.

Re: The Politics of National Security

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 8:28 am
by MDlaxfan76
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 6:05 pm
LandM wrote: Sun Sep 08, 2019 5:47 pm afan,
No one you listed has owned a motel. No one you listed was a business owner, no one you listed owned a B&B - did you ever think a non-career politician would get elected to the big house - that big house must have been rocking with those Army boys :lol:

I appreciate many of the articles you post but no one violated a regulation - please give me the regulation that says military personnel cannot stay in a hotel owned by the President and the emoluments clause does not count as best I know that is for for foreign governments........

Help me out out here - you are paid a daily per diem based on where you are going. You look for the cheapest places, the cheapest food and drink and that is what you you do. There is NOTHING illegal about that - do not like it, change the rules. It is YOUR tax dollars.

I also want to clarify, when you go on camping trips the Master Sgt usually schedules your rides and drop off points - little more serious then a motel 8 :D
It’s not illegal.
Yup, that's the standard response of Trumpists to all unethical behavior. (Unless it's the DEEP STATE investigating unethical behavior of Der Leader and his cronies...then it's that the FBI is corrupt and politically partisan).

Salty and LandM,
Who knows whether the crew members or their bosses or others up the ladder were in anyway complicit with this, but certainly they're not who folks think are fundamentally 'corrupt'. Likewise, we don't know whether the folks at Prestwick are kicking back to the Trump properties. It's a question that is asked because of the unusual circumstance of this Presidency.

The problem we have is that we all know that Trump is dishonest and always self-serving, we know he lies constantly and demands others to lie for him, and expects others to commit corrupt acts for him.

So, even if this or any other particular event is merely an 'innocent coincidence,' this President will always be suspected of corruption and dishonesty.

You guys need to recognize that this issue is entirely of the President's making.
He alone owns his dishonesty.