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Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 12:07 pm
by a fan
PizzaSnake wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 11:30 am Charming behavior. So glad we support this.

“Over the last year alone, 110,000 dunams, or 110 sq km (42 sq miles), was effectively annexed by settlers on herding outposts, he said. All the built-up settlement areas constructed since 1967 cover only 80 sq km.

It was also the biggest displacement of Palestinian Bedouins since 1972, when at least 5,000 – and perhaps as many as 20,000 – people were moved from the northern Sinai to make way for settlements, Shaul added.

Settlers and their political allies have celebrated this relatively new approach.

“One action that we’ve expanded over the years is the shepherding farms,” Ze’ev “Zambish” Hever, the secretary general of the settler organisation Amana, told a 2021 conference.

“Today they cover close to twice the land that the built-up communities cover … we understand the significance of the matter: see, it is a lot.”

Fcukers. ... -territory
This illustrates the underlying religious-driven hate from every side.

The BEST way to get peace would be for Israel to cease all annexations, and work with the US to build Gaza into a gleaming 1st world nation with the best working class jobs in the region. High tech, etc.

I don't know if that's possible without Hamas blowing stuff up.

Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 12:43 pm
by cradleandshoot
a fan wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 12:07 pm
PizzaSnake wrote: Sat Oct 21, 2023 11:30 am Charming behavior. So glad we support this.

“Over the last year alone, 110,000 dunams, or 110 sq km (42 sq miles), was effectively annexed by settlers on herding outposts, he said. All the built-up settlement areas constructed since 1967 cover only 80 sq km.

It was also the biggest displacement of Palestinian Bedouins since 1972, when at least 5,000 – and perhaps as many as 20,000 – people were moved from the northern Sinai to make way for settlements, Shaul added.

Settlers and their political allies have celebrated this relatively new approach.

“One action that we’ve expanded over the years is the shepherding farms,” Ze’ev “Zambish” Hever, the secretary general of the settler organisation Amana, told a 2021 conference.

“Today they cover close to twice the land that the built-up communities cover … we understand the significance of the matter: see, it is a lot.”

Fcukers. ... -territory
This illustrates the underlying religious-driven hate from every side.

The BEST way to get peace would be for Israel to cease all annexations, and work with the US to build Gaza into a gleaming 1st world nation with the best working class jobs in the region. High tech, etc.

I don't know if that's possible without Hamas blowing stuff up.
+1, Gaza would be a world class resort if developed properly. Think of the possibility for seaside resorts all along that strip of the Mediterranean. The Palestinians could make a small fortune. The sad reality is Hamas terrorists will never allow that to happen. Gaza is being reduced to rubble because the concept of living together in peace is unacceptable to some people.

Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 11:40 pm
by Brooklyn
White House Seeks $105 Billion To Arm Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan
The Biden administration released details about its massive proposal to provide arms to Israel and Ukraine, as well as funds to build up military assets in the region surrounding China. ... nd-taiwan/

On Friday, the White House rolled out its proposed $105 billion bill to arm Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. The legislation also includes funding for the border and humanitarian assistance. US officials say over $50 billion will go to American weapons manufacturers.

The Biden administration is proposing a massive aid package as it has struggled to get Congress to appropriate more funds for the proxy war in Ukraine. The largest portion of money is for Ukraine at $61.4 billion. The White House wants enough money for Ukraine to fund Kiev through the 2024 election.

National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan described the aid as critical to American national security and demanded Congress pass the bill. “This budget request is critical to advancing America’s national security and ensuring the safety of the American people,” Sullivan said. “The world is closely watching what Congress does next.”

Israel will receive $14.3 billion in assistance, with $10.6 billion for air and missile defense support.The aid would be in addition to the $3.8 billion Tel Aviv from Washington in security assistance annually.

Biden announced the legaltion in a speech on Thursday night, “American leadership is what holds the world together. American alliances are what keep us in America safe. American values are what make us a partner nation you want to work with.” He continued,”to put all that at risk – we walk away from Ukraine, we turn our backs on Israel – it’s just not worth it. That’s why tomorrow I’m going to send to Congress an urgent budget request to fund America’s national security needs – needs to support our critical partners, including Israel and Ukraine.”

The bill includes $7.4 billion for several initiatives to increase Washington’s military posture in the Indo-Pacific. That includes $2 billion in grants for foreign governments to buy American weapons. Taiwan will receive a portion of that money, although US officials did not provide a detailed breakdown.

Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Shalanda Young, explained that nearly half of the money will go to American arms makers. “This supplemental request invests over $50 billion in the American defense industrial base, ensuring our military continues to be the most ready, capable, and best-equipped fighting force the world has ever seen,” she said.

Young claimed that the spending would bolster the American economy and create jobs. However, a study indicated that military spending costs more jobs than it creates.

Additionally, $14 billion will go towards border security. The White House claimed it was needed to “keep the southwest border secure and stop the flow of fentanyl.” A portion of those funds will go towards hiring thousands of law enforcement officers.

A small number of Republican represenatives have hindered Congress from passing additional funds for Ukraine. The Biden administration hopes to push several GOP members of Congress to vote for the bill by combining funding for Taiwan, Israel, and the border with Ukraine.

Folks get ready to ante up for more wars ~ and kiss your children good bye cause they're gonna die in another series of foreign wars while rich capitalists spend their days counting money. One thing the article doesn't go into is anti_Iran pro war hysteria. But you can bet that soon enough the Dooms Day cultists will be clamoring for that and even more war.

Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:10 am
by Brooklyn
Israel-Palestine: Hundreds of thousands march for Gaza in London
Protesters in Britain decry government attempts to quell pro-Palestine speech, vow to march until Israel's bombardment of Gaza ends ... aza-london

Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London for a second consecutive week to protest Israel's continued bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip.

Marching in the rain and torrential wind, the demonstration began in Marble Arch, where protesters gathered before heading to Downing Street - the official residence of Britain's prime minister.

While hundreds amassed in the courtyard of Marble Arch in central London holding Palestine flags and placards that called for "Sanctions on Israel" and an end to the bombing of Gaza, Barnaby Raine began the march a little earlier.

"I couldn't get on the train from like three stops away because the platform was so packed. So we just started walking up the street for two miles, walking up to Marble Arch where it was packed with people chanting 'Free, Free Palestine'," said Raine, who lives in London.

For Raine, this march is personal. He is Jewish and an outspoken advocate for the Palestine cause. Having marched for Palestine from a young age, Raine believes it is his duty as a Jew to protest for Palestine.

"It's very much because I am Jewish that I am out here today. I'm here because when I see the language of 'human animals' and 'children of darkness' and 'the law of the jungle', I know that the Israeli state didn't invent racism. They're merely deploying the language of racism that was developed over two millennia in Europe to harass and persecute Jews," said Raine.

"So my people were excluded and marginalised and eventually annihilated, and the same logic that motivated tsarist hatred and then colonialism all over the world is the same logic used by the Israeli state to paint Palestinians as savages to justify bombing Gaza."

'A genocide is being carried out in my name... and I'm here to say absolutely not'

- Esther Jones, Jewish American in London

Organised by Friends of Al-Aqsa, the Muslim Association of Britain (MAB), the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and other groups, pro-Palestine marchers could be seen waving Palestine flags as they moved through Piccadilly Circus, one of London's main iconic sites.

Organisers said at least 300,000 people marched on Saturday, dubbing the march the biggest pro-Palestine march in Europe in 20 years.

While marchers headed down Park Lane, Aamira and her mum stood to the side, serving traditional Arab tea to protesters in little polystyrene cups as marchers bopped their heads to the song Dammi Falastini blasting from the balcony of a flat above them.

Follow Middle East Eye's live coverage for the latest on the Israel-Palestine war

Refusing donations from people taking the cups of tea, Aamira said the pictures coming out of Gaza made her come out to protest in London.

"It's my first protest. I keep seeing the videos on social media and I keep thinking, how can we continue with our daily lives?" Aamira told Middle East Eye.

Organisers said that people from across the UK, including Birmingham and Leeds, had come on buses for the protest.

More than 1,000 police were deployed ahead of the march, with the metropolitan police warning that anyone showing support for Hamas, a group proscribed as a terrorist organisation in the UK, or deviating from the protest route could face arrest.

The Met also added that the chant "Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea" would not be deemed illegal in a protest setting. But protesters who use this chant outside a synagogue or Jewish school or directly at a Jewish person or group intended to intimidate would be deemed unlawful.

Esther Jones is an American national who works as a consultant in London and has family in Israel.

Holding a sign that reads "Jews against Genocide", Jones said that from a young age, Jews are often asked, "What would you do if you were there during the Holocaust?"

"And to be honest this is why I am here. Me being here today is because a genocide is being carried out in my name, in the name of the Jewish people, and I'm here to say absolutely not," said Jones.

When asked how her family in the US and Israel reacted to her marching today in London, Jones said: "I'd rather my family members not talk to me and be here today than choose silence to maintain relationships with people who are okay with what's happening."

Walking down Green Park, the rain intensified, but marchers continued to head towards Downing Street. Parents who brought their children carried them on their shoulders and covered themselves with jackets against the rain.

Some Muslim men and women prayed their afternoon prayers on side streets as marchers guarded them against potential reprisals in light of reports of growing Islamophobia and antisemitism since Hamas launched its assault into southern Israel and Israel's began its intense bombardment of Gaza.

'A genocide is happening'

For the last two weeks, Israel has been bombing the densely populated Gaza Strip, when Palestinian fighters launched a surprise attack in which around 1,400 Israelis were killed and hundreds of others were taken captive.

In two weeks, the Israeli bombardment of Gaza has killed at least 4,385 Palestinians, including 1,756 children.

Amid the crowds, six men dressed in lycra from head to toe slowly pushed their bikes. Shams, who leads the HK Cycle Club, has fundraised thousands of pounds for Gaza.

"We've actually raised money for a school bus to a local school in Gaza and funds for hospitals in Gaza with solar panels," said Shams.

"But to see what has happened in the last few weeks has been devastating. A genocide is happening."

Earlier on Saturday, Egyptian authorities confirmed that a small supply of medical equipment and canned food items entered Gaza from Egypt.

But despite the growing humanitarian crisis, Daniel Hagari, the Israeli military spokesman, said that no fuel would enter Gaza, as hospitals run out of petrol and diesel to fuel their generators.

Ismail Patel, who heads the Friends of Al-Aqsa group and helped organise Saturday's march, said the "climate surrounding Palestine is shifting".

"Communities from across the UK have come together to send a clear message to the British government: the era of complicity in British war crimes must end," Patel said.

"As we stand united in our thousands on the streets of London, this marks a watershed moment, a turning point in the history of British solidarity with Palestine."



Hundreds of thousand protest ~ led by Jews against Genocide

Folks there are not "politically correct". They know the truth as to who has been committing genocide all along and are not afraid of condemning it in public.

Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 10:14 am
by Baducchi
Brooklyn wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:10 am ..Hundreds of thousand protest ~ led by Jews against Genocide...
brooklyn, you literally just make stuff up. 100s of thousands led by "Jews against Genocide". Try 10s of thousands and a woman named esther jones held a sign that said "Jews against Genocide". there are a lot of arabs in london. that's who led the march. so, one might ask, why do people feel a need to emphasize jews involvement in these protests? maybe because they know their repeated demonization of jews is blatantly anti-semitic (which is nothing new, there've always been and will always be anti-semites) and by saying "but jews are doing it, too!" it allows them to feel like theyre not antisemites. there have always been and will always be *jewish* antisemites to join the other antisemites.

the palestinians elected a known terrorist organization commtted to the destruction of israel as their governing body. the palestinians led by this governing body tore down the fence, the wall to protect the jews, murdered 1400 plus israeli civilians and kidnapped 200 civilians. elderly, babies, children, mostly young women (i wonder why), etc. palestine currently is holding these 200 hostages. palestine is firing missles throughout israel. there's a huge difference between a genocide and a war which palestine is losing and is going to lose. if you're weak, don't bomb the strong, don't take hostages from the strong. palestine fr 75 years has made it clear that they will not stop until Israel is gone. that's not going to happen. israel is going to do what they need to do to protect themselves today and into the future. spreading lies about jews, repeatedly demonizing jews isn't noble, it's just anti-semitism. and, so there's no confusion, it's beyond disgusting and i believe these people (this person) should be removed from the forum.

Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 10:18 am
by Gretchen
Baducchi wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 10:14 am spreading lies about jews, demonizing jews isn't noble, it's just anti-semitism. and, so there's no confusion, it's beyond disgusting and i believe these people (this person) should be removed from the forum.
Brooklyn reads like a troll to me.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct
SECTION 4. No post-er shall:

a. Enter into a maligning argument with an official, Admin, as to any decision that has been made.
b. Use threatening, profane or obscene language, or gestures.
c. Bait, taunt, call undue attention to oneself, or commit any other act considered unsportsmanlike by the officials. Baiting and taunting is a one-to-three-day non-releasable foul in all cases.
d. Troll and/or commit other Russian 'bot and/or other Putinesque behaviors. A troll is someone who uses over-the-top opinions or unverified claims to incite others, stir up controversy, and change a civilized discussion into a battleground.

Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:06 am
by Brooklyn
Baducchi wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 10:14 am
Brooklyn wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:10 am ..Hundreds of thousand protest ~ led by Jews against Genocide...
brooklyn, you literally just make stuff up. 100s of thousands led by "Jews against Genocide". Try 10s of thousands and a woman named esther jones held a sign that said "Jews against Genocide".

tell me that I made this up: ... aza-london

quote: Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London for a second consecutive week to protest Israel's continued bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip.

Even the British police said there were at least 100,000.

Yeah certain people should be banned - especially those who engage in emotionalism and personal attacks rather than in presenting facts and in posting links to back up their claims. You get facts and substantive links from me, not emotionalism and attacks like you get from Gretchen and her pal Baducchi.

Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:17 am
by Brooklyn
bots and trolls use "unverified claims"

Hmmm, here'a second source to prove there was at least 100,000 in the UK to protest for Palestinian rights: ... 023-10-21/

About 100,000 people joined a pro-Palestinian demonstration in central London on Saturday, marching through the British capital to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza following the Hamas attack on Israel two weeks ago.

Chanting "Free Palestine", holding banners and waving Palestinian flags, the protesters moved through London before massing at Downing Street, the official residence and office of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Police estimated 100,000 people had taken part in the "National March for Palestine" demonstration, organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

Not good enough? You want a third source? Well, ask and you shall receive:

The Met Police estimated up to 100,000 people had joined the march, which ended in a rally near Downing Street.

More than 1,000 officers were involved in policing the demonstration, and 10 people were arrested.

Smaller demonstrations also took place on Saturday in Birmingham, Belfast, Cardiff and Salford.

This fully answers the allegation that my post was unsourced and unverified. Therefore, not a bot nor a troll. On the contrary, those who makes personal attacks and fail to substantiate their claims are the ones who violate TOS.

Ask anyone on this forum who was on the old LP with me back in the day. While some disagreed with my posts (which is their right, of course) everyone agreed that I always, and I mean ALWAYS, back up what I say. Everything I post is well within TOS whether you like it or not.

Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:38 am
by Baducchi
there was 100,000 protestors. not 100s of thousands. big difference. but you put a link to middle east eye (a famously pro-hamas/palestine fake news website... that along with both fake news websites.) so you can pretend 100s of thousands it's real. your links to these websites is reason enough to remove you from this forum.

brooklyn, the palestinians elected a known terrorist organization committed to the destruction of israel as their governing body. the palestinians led by this governing body *just days ago* murdered 1400 plus israeli civilians and currently has 200 hostages. palestine is firing missles into israel. Why no protests against Hamas from certain people? Seems strange. it's almost like these people support hamas' commitment to destroying israel.

Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:41 am
by Baducchi
It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.
you're out of your mind if you believe your perspectives are just and fair. your supporting a freakin' terrorist organization committed to the destruction of an entire people...

Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:49 am
by Brooklyn
Baducchi wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 11:38 am there was 100,000 protestors. not 100s of thousands. big difference. but you put a link to middle east eye (a famously pro-hamas/palestine fake news website... that along with both fake news websites.) so you can pretend 100s of thousands it's real. your links to these websites is reason enough to remove you from this forum.

brooklyn, the palestinians elected a known terrorist organization committed to the destruction of israel as their governing body. the palestinians led by this governing body *just days ago* murdered 1400 plus israeli civilians and currently has 200 hostages. palestine is firing missles into israel. Why no protests against Hamas from certain people? Seems strange. it's almost like these people support hamas' commitment to destroying israel.

Wait a sec there, pal. At first you said I made things up. Then you attack my sources. Ok, so I take it that you agree that I did NOT make any of this up, right? This readily dispels Gretchen's notion that I was some "bot" or "troll".

Antiwar is a conservative website. This means that forum right wingers should readily agree with its reporting. It is not fake news at all.

Again, one is always free to disagree. But don't tell me that my posts were unsourced or unverified.

By the way, Israel is committed to destroying people:

Israeli Official Vows to Wipe Iran ‘Off the Face of the Earth’ If Hezbollah Enters War
Nir Barkat, Israel's minister of economy, says Iran and Lebanon will suffer the same fate as Gaza if Hezbollah intervenes ... nters-war/

An Israeli official has vowed that Iran would be “wiped off the face of the earth” if Hezbollah opens up a northern front for Israel. ... “Israel has a very clear message to our enemies. We are saying to them, look what’s happening in Gaza – you are going to get the same treatment if you attack us. We are going to wipe you off the face of the Earth,” he added.

Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:03 pm
by Matnum PI
One quote from an Israeli official vs. the entire governmental body with a constitution dedicated to destroying a nation. Brooklyn, this perspective, this stance you've taken is disgusting. It reeks of a hatred of Jews. Just disgusting.

Serious question. Brooklyn, when Al Qaeda destroyed the Twin Towers and the americans within it, did you react the same way that you're reacting now?

Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:24 pm
by Brooklyn
Matnum PI wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:03 pm One quote from an Israeli official vs. the entire governmental body with a constitution dedicated to destroying a nation. Brooklyn, this perspective, this stance you've taken is disgusting. It reeks of a hatred of Jews. Just disgusting.

Serious question. Brooklyn, when Al Qaeda destroyed the Twin Towers and the americans within it, did you react the same way that you're reacting now?

Ironically, I have a Menorah medallion over my table. Just like these folks:

‘Not in our name’: Jewish peace activists across the US call for immediate ceasefire and justice for Palestinians ... index.html

On Wednesday, thousands of Jews and allies marched on Capitol Hill, where they carried Palestinian flags and rallied in support of Palestinian rights, while Wise led a smaller sit-in with hundreds of activists inside one of the Capitol buildings. The action was organized by Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow, two of the largest US Jewish groups calling for a just and peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Care to retract your hostile statement, now?

Were you with us on LP? Then you would know how I reacted to 9/11.

So disappointing to see so much Islamophobia on this forum.

Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:36 pm
by Matnum PI
Brooklyn wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:24 pm Care to retract your hostile statement, now?
No, I don't. These people are having a peaceful protest in the name of peace. You just said "By the way, Israel is committed to destroying people... Israeli Official Vows to Wipe Iran ‘Off the Face of the Earth’ If...". Two very different things. Plus, there are anti-semitic Jews. Haven't we already covered this?...
Brooklyn wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:24 pm Were you with us on LP? Then you would know how I reacted to 9/11. So disappointing to see so much Islamophobia on this forum.
Still don't know how you reacted to 9/11 and, at this point, don't care. It's not a hatred of Islam. It's a hatred of anti-semitism. It's a hatred of your disgusting perspectives. I regret engaging with you... again.

Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:45 pm
by Gretchen
Brooklyn wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:24 pm Ironically, I have a Menorah medallion over my table. Just like these folks, ‘Not in our name’: Jewish peace activists across the US call for immediate ceasefire and justice for Palestinians...
It's cringe-worthy how tone deaf you are. Brooklyn, for real, stop. Or, even better, tell us more about how you had a lot of Jewish friends when you were younger. It's beyond words. Some of my best friends are Jewish! I have a menorah medallion! Just stop...


Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:49 pm
by Brooklyn
Matnum PI wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:36 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:24 pm Care to retract your hostile statement, now?
No, I don't. These people are having a peaceful protest in the name of peace. You just said "By the way, Israel is committed to destroying people... Israeli Official Vows to Wipe Iran ‘Off the Face of the Earth’ If...". Two very different things. Plus, there are anti-semitic Jews. Haven't we already covered this?...
Brooklyn wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:24 pm Were you with us on LP? Then you would know how I reacted to 9/11. So disappointing to see so much Islamophobia on this forum.
Still don't know how you reacted to 9/11 and, at this point, don't care. It's not a hatred of Islam. It's a hatred of anti-semitism. It's a hatred of your disgusting perspectives. I regret engaging with you... again.

We have indeed covered this. I have also provided previous sources to show that these Jews are pro Peace, not anti Jew. As a former member of Rabbi Lerner's Tikkun organization, I join with them in their quest for world Peace.

Islamophobia is antiSemitism. So sad that some of you here (admittedly, only a few) show no restraint in your open hostility.

This forum (and the whole world) would be better if you people would learn to overcome your hate.

Tikkun olam ...

Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:52 pm
by Brooklyn
Gretchen wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:45 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:24 pm Ironically, I have a Menorah medallion over my table. Just like these folks, ‘Not in our name’: Jewish peace activists across the US call for immediate ceasefire and justice for Palestinians...
It's cringe-worthy how tone deaf you are. Brooklyn, for real, stop. Or, even better, tell us more about how you had a lot of Jewish friends when you were younger. It's beyond words. Some of my best friends are Jewish! I have a menorah medallion! Just stop... ... /giphy.gif

Gretchen, please stop projecting your prejudices. You never once saw me say on this forum "Some of my best friends are Jewish! " On the contrary, I have mentioned enough times, I can trace my ancestry directly to the Bible's Old Testament.

Can you?

Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:55 pm
by a fan
Brooklyn wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:24 pm Were you with us on LP? Then you would know how I reacted to 9/11.

So disappointing to see so much Islamophobia on this forum.
It's not a "phobia" when they hit a few thousand Americans, Brooks. All your reaction told us is that you didn't lose any family to 9/11.

Look, this is the game you hardcore Pro-Palestinians play. You lecture the rest of us "who don't understand the conflict"....yet when we dig down into your real view, you want the Jewish people out of this region, and that's your idea of "peace".

I've heard it all before. You sound peaceful and reasonable....until you ask the right questions.

So for example, you have never condemned Hamas for attacking first, here in 2023. Or taking hostages, or for killing Jewish people.

Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 1:03 pm
by Brooklyn
a fan wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:55 pm
Brooklyn wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:24 pm Were you with us on LP? Then you would know how I reacted to 9/11.

So disappointing to see so much Islamophobia on this forum.
It's not a "phobia" when they hit a few thousand Americans, Brooks. All your reaction told us is that you didn't lose any family to 9/11.

Look, this is the game you hardcore Pro-Palestinians play. You lecture the rest of us "who don't understand the conflict"....yet when we dig down into your real view, you want the Jewish people out of this region, and that's your idea of "peace".

I've heard it all before. You sound peaceful and reasonable....until you ask the right questions.

That's all you remember from our prolonged discussions on LP?

OK, that was a long time ago. But you've forgotten that I worked in the WTC complex for 12 years and lost a number of former friends and coworkers. To this day, I have not been able to watch TV or youtube videos about 9/11 because I knew and cared very much for those lost folks. Good people one and all.

By the way, what role did Palestinians have in 9/11?

In case you didn't know it, the perpetrators were Saudis, not Palestinians. Saudis who were financed by a wealthy family with close ties to the Bush clan.

Shame on those who continue to harbor all that bigotry here on fanlax.

Re: Israel and Zionism

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 1:06 pm
by Gretchen
Brooklyn wrote: Mon Oct 23, 2023 12:52 pm...On the contrary, I have mentioned enough times, I can trace my ancestry directly to the Bible's Old Testament. Can you?
You went from making me cringe to making me genuinely feel sorry for you. Tikkun Olam?! You can trace your ancestry to the Bible's Old Testament?! Wow-wee. Brooklyn, your strange one-off statements don't build your credibility. It just makes you look superficial.