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Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:16 pm
by cradleandshoot
SCLaxAttack wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:00 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:33 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:36 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:14 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:03 pm
Catbird wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 6:11 am
old salt wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 5:19 am The NYPD cop charged with pushing/assaulting/injuring a woman protester was a Ward Mehville laxer who reportedly played at Kean College before serving in the USMC. A video showing her approaching the cop, before he shoved her away, was initially posted on social media. I saw it in the initial tv coverage. It has now magically been disapperared.

Common thread with the Buffalo push assault. In both cases the police were advancing as a unit, clearing the street or sidewalk, when a protester approached them, entered their personal safety space, blocking them, taking video of the police officer with their cell phones.

Police officers now need to be prepared for encounters with video warrior provocateur protesters who enter their personal safety space, trying to generate an incident captured on video. In both these cases, these 2 provocateurs got the confrontation they sought, but they were not prepared for the consequences of their actions when invading a police officer's personal safety space in a confrontational manner.
Are you ok?

You are now referring to a 75 year old man who regularly volunteers his time for catholic charities as a "provocateur". Sad.
Did he present his AARP card ? What difference does it make what he does with his spare time ? He confronted the cops, got in their face & was clearly confrontational. He wasn't asking for directions to the senior center.
+1 The police trying to clear the streets had no idea who he was or what his intentions were. If you don't want to be pushed on your ass... don't get into the cops grill and talk chit to him. Sorry there old timer, you learned a lesson the hard way. I hope he is okay but his own stupid actions were the cause if his injuries.

For the record, my wife and I argued about this for way to long last night. When I asked my wife if the old guy had pulled out a gun and shot the cop in the head would that have changed her opinion. She finally got the message.
hmmm, IF...
I'm thinking your wife 'got the message' that you are a lost cause

Pro tip, you know she's right. Best to admit that to her tonight... ;)

The guy was never remotely a threat, and the police action was not excusable.
Forgivable yes, excusable no.

At a minimum, big apology deserved.
Any policeman not thinking so needs to have their badge taken away.

Which isn't to say that this particular policeman necessarily had malice in his heart, that he intended for the guy to get hurt. I hope he didn't. But if he isn't quick to be sorry, not the right guy to have a badge and a gun.
You probably would have a very short life span MD had you chosen a career in law enforcement. The officers had no idea what the old guys intentions were. The answer is clear enough for most moderate Republicans to understand. You don't get into a police officers grill un the middle of a situation line this. It is just my opinion MD. When a FLP moderate Republican wants to disagree with me. My opinion is validated right then and there. :D

By the way, that guy officer Daryl Pierson was chasing that night was not much if a threat either. Up to the point he pulled that dog gone gun in his pocket he had some from his waist and shot him in the head and killed him. What the flying flip makes you an expert in how any cop determines a possible threat to his safety? This is your opinion against mine. My wife agrees with me so you lose skippy. Deal with it, I'm sure your wife agrees with you or else she will be locked in the basement with you brother in law. ;)
Sorry C&S, but I'm not buying it. It's just my opinion, but that guy casually walked up to those officers with both hands clearly visible. He was no threat. If you watch closely, it appears the two officers doing the pushing may have even left the guy alone had it not been for the third officer coming up who might have given the first two direction. One of the first two even appears to be going to help the fallen man but was pushed forward by the third. If they wanted to detain or arrest him all they needed to do was take his arms and put them behind his back.

Interesting how, seconds later police in the same line were approached by another protester, only one who seemed to be in better physical shape and approaching them much quicker, and they did just that. Here's a more complete video you may not have seen: ... tion=click

(Incidentally, it was my son, a Maricopa County Sheriff deputy, who sent me that link.)
The old guy screwed up in my opinion. You never head towards the cops when they are in riot control mode. You head away from the cops. Then there is never any ambiguity about what your intentions are. Had this old guy had a gun behind his back with bad intentions it may have taken him 2 seconds to reach behind his back and come out shooting. So the cops should have just assumed he was a harmless old codger. I would not bet life on that if I was a cop. That will never be the case when I dont know you and you are coming at me in a potential hostile environment.

Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:19 pm
by Peter Brown
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:02 pm
6ftstick wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:51 pm
Matnum PI wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:49 pm
6ftstick wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:42 pm Based on the postings here its hard to say why any founding father would be held in high regard.
Based on the postings here, I see very rational reasons why the founding fathers are held in high regard (while also recognizing their contextual flaws).
Your not reading the same forum I am
Apparently not.
Reading comprehension is required.

Seriously, you are way out to lunch on this...we have a couple of pretty far left posters on here, but even they aren't saying anything remotely akin to what you claim.

It is indeed important to distinguish between white supremacists erecting monuments in order to intimidate blacks and monuments to the founding fathers who made possible our having this discussion at all.

Actually worried about slippery slopes, as Chairman appears to be intellectually, make sure you take action on the obvious. Resist those and you will be swallowed by the deluge.

But distinguish where the line actually makes sense. Be clear.
But if you don't acknowledge a righteous cause, you lose all credibility as righteous.

Democrats to rename Austin Texas because Stephen Austin was, ummmm, 'not perfect'? Not a slave owner but rumored to be sympathetic to slave owners. Unacceptable! ... story.html

At least Democrats won't go bananas and insist on changing things called "Washington". Oh wait, maybe not: ... -of-oregon

Anyway, maybe we can just change Washington, D.C. to Columbia and call it a day. Oh wait, Columbia is named after Columbus whom we all know is no longer acceptable to the Left. ... oples.html

At least the left knows how to run cities!!!! (name the foreign country!) ... 48512?s=20

New Party motto:

War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength

Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:20 pm
by get it to x
How many times do I get to write "You can't make this stuff up"? Apparently the occupants in the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" are out of food because they invited the homeless in and the homeless took all of their food. Now they need oats and other vegan foods. Their leadership skills are shining through!


One of the Antifa organizers in Seattle, an 18-year-old lesbian anarchist who wants to “abolish whiteness, capitalism, and civilization,” begged for vegan meats and soy after the homeless people they invited in took all the food.

“The homeless people we invited took away all the food at the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.”

“We need more food to keep the area operational. Please if possible bring vegan meat substitutes, fruits, oats, soy products, etc. – anything to help us eat.”

LINK: ... take-food/

I'm inclined to send them one of those 10 lb packs of bacon from Sam's Club.

I'm sure this experiment will be over by the end of the month.

Do they now understand the consequences of wealth redistribution?

Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:22 pm
by Peter Brown
get it to x wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:20 pm How many times do I get to write "You can't make this stuff up"? Apparently the occupants in the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" are out of food because they invited the homeless in and the homeless took all of their food. Now they need oats and other vegan foods. Their leadership skills are shining through!


One of the Antifa organizers in Seattle, an 18-year-old lesbian anarchist who wants to “abolish whiteness, capitalism, and civilization,” begged for vegan meats and soy after the homeless people they invited in took all the food.

“The homeless people we invited took away all the food at the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.”

“We need more food to keep the area operational. Please if possible bring vegan meat substitutes, fruits, oats, soy products, etc. – anything to help us eat.”

LINK: ... take-food/

I'm inclined to send them one of those 10 lb packs of bacon from Sam's Club.

I'm sure this experiment will be over by the end of the month.

But Antifa doesn't exist!!!!! (howard dean scream please).

Oh wait, maybe I'm wrong: ... 52513?s=20

Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:22 pm
by 6ftstick
get it to x wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:20 pm How many times do I get to write "You can't make this stuff up"? Apparently the occupants in the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" are out of food because they invited the homeless in and the homeless took all of their food. Now they need oats and other vegan foods. Their leadership skills are shining through!


One of the Antifa organizers in Seattle, an 18-year-old lesbian anarchist who wants to “abolish whiteness, capitalism, and civilization,” begged for vegan meats and soy after the homeless people they invited in took all the food.

“The homeless people we invited took away all the food at the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.”

“We need more food to keep the area operational. Please if possible bring vegan meat substitutes, fruits, oats, soy products, etc. – anything to help us eat.”

LINK: ... take-food/

I'm inclined to send them one of those 10 lb packs of bacon from Sam's Club.

I'm sure this experiment will be over by the end of the month.
:lol: :lol: :lol: Guess their safe space wasn't as safe as they'd of liked.

Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:36 pm
by ChairmanOfTheBoard
and there it is... having an open, academic discussion about history, race, activism and oppression, is stupid because someone else thinks so, and attempts to shut down all discussion, and then continues it anyway.

so to those who have been discussing, i say, ignore those that condescendingly* toss your original thoughts aside, and feel free to engage in discourse. i instead support being brave and not caving into the mob, or what others think, your thoughts are your own and besides, tolerance and empathy is so passe in 2020. if this forum isnt for discussion, then i query what is it for.

*especially those that say this is a waste, and then engage in the very discussion

Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:42 pm
by foreverlax
Matnum PI wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:49 pm
6ftstick wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:42 pm Based on the postings here its hard to say why any founding father would be held in high regard.
Based on the postings here, I see very rational reasons why the founding fathers are held in high regard (while also recognizing their contextual flaws).

Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:45 pm
by foreverlax
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:15 pm
ggait wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:13 pm This current conversation is my nominee for stupidest what-abouting waste of electrons ever.

We do not have to rename everything Washington. UVA does not have to white-out Thomas Jefferson. It is fine for their historical contributions, with faults duly noted, to be recognized. UVA and Monticello, for example, now do a great job on this (which didn't used to be the case).

Fine by me if W&L wants to keep its name -- Lee's next job after the Civil War, after all, was president of the college and it was renamed immediately after Lee's death.

Erecting a prominent monument, for example, at Lee Circle in New Orleans in 1890 is a totally different animal. Especially since Lee never even set foot in Louisiana, much less New Orleans.

By I'm sure this dumb and dumber conversation will keep going.

Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:46 pm
by cradleandshoot
get it to x wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:20 pm How many times do I get to write "You can't make this stuff up"? Apparently the occupants in the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" are out of food because they invited the homeless in and the homeless took all of their food. Now they need oats and other vegan foods. Their leadership skills are shining through!


One of the Antifa organizers in Seattle, an 18-year-old lesbian anarchist who wants to “abolish whiteness, capitalism, and civilization,” begged for vegan meats and soy after the homeless people they invited in took all the food.

“The homeless people we invited took away all the food at the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.”

“We need more food to keep the area operational. Please if possible bring vegan meat substitutes, fruits, oats, soy products, etc. – anything to help us eat.”

LINK: ... take-food/

I'm inclined to send them one of those 10 lb packs of bacon from Sam's Club.

I'm sure this experiment will be over by the end of the month.

Do they now understand the consequences of wealth redistribution?
I'm willing to chip in a 5 pound pack of 20/80 hamburger, anything to bust their buttons yes indeedy :D

Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:54 pm
by Peter Brown
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:46 pm
get it to x wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:20 pm How many times do I get to write "You can't make this stuff up"? Apparently the occupants in the "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" are out of food because they invited the homeless in and the homeless took all of their food. Now they need oats and other vegan foods. Their leadership skills are shining through!


One of the Antifa organizers in Seattle, an 18-year-old lesbian anarchist who wants to “abolish whiteness, capitalism, and civilization,” begged for vegan meats and soy after the homeless people they invited in took all the food.

“The homeless people we invited took away all the food at the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.”

“We need more food to keep the area operational. Please if possible bring vegan meat substitutes, fruits, oats, soy products, etc. – anything to help us eat.”

LINK: ... take-food/

I'm inclined to send them one of those 10 lb packs of bacon from Sam's Club.

I'm sure this experiment will be over by the end of the month.

Do they now understand the consequences of wealth redistribution?
I'm willing to chip in a 5 pound pack of 20/80 hamburger, anything to bust their buttons yes indeedy :D

I bought my local sheriff's office lunch the other day; does that count? :lol:

Also these Seattle antifa jackwagons chased out a female press member the other day, backing her into a fire department house. Bet the lefties here didn't hear about it! ... 99041?s=20

These lefty yokels aren't for free speech; the people who say "Free speech is an important principle, but..." should just say: "I don't believe in free speech because..." People have always debated free speech. There have always been & always will be people who want to limit it. Just say that.

Want to see a lefty antifa guy/dude/girl/whatever? ... 60768?s=20

Lara Logan is here to hack off the board lefties and I am here for it! ... 97730?s=20

Hard to grasp how anyone can vote for any Democrat these days...

Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:02 pm
by old salt
Matnum PI wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:00 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:57 am So some clarification... when does the Washington monument become part of the bullseye?
There are statues of Washington because he's the father of our nation, militarily and politically. If some amazing data fell from the sky to prove that Washington was actually an English spy who was trying to destroy our nation and didn't actually do all the positive things he's preported to have done, then he gets a bullseye. Otherwise, he's safely not a target.
Washington was a traitor to his King & country, he fought in defense of Virginia & the other rebel North American colonies.
We revere him because he was on our side... & he won.
The US Army officers who resigned their commissions to fight for the CSA in defense of their home states were no more traitors than Washington & fellow founding fathers. They just fought on the losing side.
Had the CSA gained independence, Davis, Lee, et al would be hailed as founding fathers,

Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:07 pm
by RedFromMI
old salt wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:02 pm
Matnum PI wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:00 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:57 am So some clarification... when does the Washington monument become part of the bullseye?
There are statues of Washington because he's the father of our nation, militarily and politically. If some amazing data fell from the sky to prove that Washington was actually an English spy who was trying to destroy our nation and didn't actually do all the positive things he's preported to have done, then he gets a bullseye. Otherwise, he's safely not a target.
Washington was a traitor to his King & country, he fought in defense of Virginia & the other rebel North American colonies.
We revere him because he was on our side... & he won.
The US Army officers who resigned their commissions to fight in defense of their home states were no more traitors than Washington & fellow founding fathers. They just fought on the losing side.
They were traitors. And because they lost they should by and large be consigned to that status.

But in needing to resurrect the notion of a glorious Confederacy with honorable intentions of states rights (instead of the stated cause to maintain slavery), and given that Lincoln could not be brought down and Jefferson Davis was a rather forgettable leader, RE Lee got the hero treatment and the attacks were on Grant (hated because his administrations were full in for Reconstruction). In reality Lee was competent, but unimaginative as a general, and Grant was brilliant in anticipating the mobile warfare to come in the next wars to be fought.

Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:12 pm
by runrussellrun
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:54 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:42 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:33 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:36 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:14 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:03 pm
Catbird wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 6:11 am
old salt wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 5:19 am The NYPD cop charged with pushing/assaulting/injuring a woman protester was a Ward Mehville laxer who reportedly played at Kean College before serving in the USMC. A video showing her approaching the cop, before he shoved her away, was initially posted on social media. I saw it in the initial tv coverage. It has now magically been disapperared.

Common thread with the Buffalo push assault. In both cases the police were advancing as a unit, clearing the street or sidewalk, when a protester approached them, entered their personal safety space, blocking them, taking video of the police officer with their cell phones.

Police officers now need to be prepared for encounters with video warrior provocateur protesters who enter their personal safety space, trying to generate an incident captured on video. In both these cases, these 2 provocateurs got the confrontation they sought, but they were not prepared for the consequences of their actions when invading a police officer's personal safety space in a confrontational manner.
Are you ok?

You are now referring to a 75 year old man who regularly volunteers his time for catholic charities as a "provocateur". Sad.
Did he present his AARP card ? What difference does it make what he does with his spare time ? He confronted the cops, got in their face & was clearly confrontational. He wasn't asking for directions to the senior center.
+1 The police trying to clear the streets had no idea who he was or what his intentions were. If you don't want to be pushed on your ass... don't get into the cops grill and talk chit to him. Sorry there old timer, you learned a lesson the hard way. I hope he is okay but his own stupid actions were the cause if his injuries.

For the record, my wife and I argued about this for way to long last night. When I asked my wife if the old guy had pulled out a gun and shot the cop in the head would that have changed her opinion. She finally got the message.
hmmm, IF...
I'm thinking your wife 'got the message' that you are a lost cause

Pro tip, you know she's right. Best to admit that to her tonight... ;)

The guy was never remotely a threat, and the police action was not excusable.
Forgivable yes, excusable no.

At a minimum, big apology deserved.
Any policeman not thinking so needs to have their badge taken away.

Which isn't to say that this particular policeman necessarily had malice in his heart, that he intended for the guy to get hurt. I hope he didn't. But if he isn't quick to be sorry, not the right guy to have a badge and a gun.
You probably would have a very short life span MD had you chosen a career in law enforcement. The officers had no idea what the old guys intentions were. The answer is clear enough for most moderate Republicans to understand. You don't get into a police officers grill un the middle of a situation line this. It is just my opinion MD. When a FLP moderate Republican wants to disagree with me. My opinion is validated right then and there. :D
Ahh, but my life span as a husband is doing just fine. ;)

Seriously, he doesn't look up in anyone's grill to me, certainly not in any threatening way. There's literally dozens of others policemen, all together and an old guy, a protestor, confronts're at a protest of police violence, for goodness expect some verbal confrontation. But verbal is not a physical threat.

Again, I'd be willing to give the benefit of the doubt to the policeman that he didn't mean for his shove to have the impact it did, but he sure didn't look sorry in the he now?

If not, he should be done wearing a badge.
I have watched this shove about a hundred time now. No cop expects any protester to get in his grill. The shove was his response to get the guy out of his way. Dumb move on the old guys part. Rule of thumb... when the police line is moving towards you, head in the opposite direction. That is not the time or place to have a chit chat with the riot cops. That officer had no idea what the old booger was trying to prove. The old guy made a very poor decision.
What an incredible comment. Not sure if it's Stalineque, Hitlereque, or some other UN-American sentiment you are spewing out.

This 75 year old was on a public sidewalk. He had EVERY right to be where he was. What were the cops doing? Just being thugs.
What part of FREEDOM, or the lack there of that YOU are supporting, are you not getting?

I thought you swore an oath to defend the US COnstitution? Instead, you are defending the exact opposite type of behaviour.

Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:13 pm
by DocBarrister
old salt wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:02 pm
Matnum PI wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:00 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:57 am So some clarification... when does the Washington monument become part of the bullseye?
There are statues of Washington because he's the father of our nation, militarily and politically. If some amazing data fell from the sky to prove that Washington was actually an English spy who was trying to destroy our nation and didn't actually do all the positive things he's preported to have done, then he gets a bullseye. Otherwise, he's safely not a target.
Washington was a traitor to his King & country, he fought in defense of Virginia & the other rebel North American colonies.
We revere him because he was on our side... & he won.
The US Army officers who resigned their commissions to fight for the CSA in defense of their home states were no more traitors than Washington & fellow founding fathers. They just fought on the losing side.
Had the CSA gained independence, Davis, Lee, et al would be hailed as founding fathers,
Absolute nonsense.

Washington wasn’t just on the winning side, he was also on the right side of history ... towards more democracy and freedom. Doesn’t excuse his ownership of slaves, but Washington moved the needle further towards more freedom for more people (obviously, not for all people).

The Confederates and the Confederacy, on the other hand, were not just on the losing side, they were on the wrong side of history. They started a war that cost hundreds of thousands of American lives for the purpose of preserving one of the most evil institutions in all of human history ... slavery. They belong more with the Nazis and Stalinists than with Washington.


Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:14 pm
by ChairmanOfTheBoard
RedFromMI wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:07 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:02 pm
Matnum PI wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:00 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:57 am So some clarification... when does the Washington monument become part of the bullseye?
There are statues of Washington because he's the father of our nation, militarily and politically. If some amazing data fell from the sky to prove that Washington was actually an English spy who was trying to destroy our nation and didn't actually do all the positive things he's preported to have done, then he gets a bullseye. Otherwise, he's safely not a target.
Washington was a traitor to his King & country, he fought in defense of Virginia & the other rebel North American colonies.
We revere him because he was on our side... & he won.
The US Army officers who resigned their commissions to fight in defense of their home states were no more traitors than Washington & fellow founding fathers. They just fought on the losing side.
They were traitors. And because they lost they should by and large be consigned to that status.

But in needing to resurrect the notion of a glorious Confederacy with honorable intentions of states rights (instead of the stated cause to maintain slavery), and given that Lincoln could not be brought down and Jefferson Davis was a rather forgettable leader, RE Lee got the hero treatment and the attacks were on Grant (hated because his administrations were full in for Reconstruction). In reality Lee was competent, but unimaginative as a general, and Grant was brilliant in anticipating the mobile warfare to come in the next wars to be fought.
agreed with all of this, both Red and OS. well put.

Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:17 pm
by RedFromMI
ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:14 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:07 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:02 pm
Matnum PI wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:00 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:57 am So some clarification... when does the Washington monument become part of the bullseye?
There are statues of Washington because he's the father of our nation, militarily and politically. If some amazing data fell from the sky to prove that Washington was actually an English spy who was trying to destroy our nation and didn't actually do all the positive things he's preported to have done, then he gets a bullseye. Otherwise, he's safely not a target.
Washington was a traitor to his King & country, he fought in defense of Virginia & the other rebel North American colonies.
We revere him because he was on our side... & he won.
The US Army officers who resigned their commissions to fight in defense of their home states were no more traitors than Washington & fellow founding fathers. They just fought on the losing side.
They were traitors. And because they lost they should by and large be consigned to that status.

But in needing to resurrect the notion of a glorious Confederacy with honorable intentions of states rights (instead of the stated cause to maintain slavery), and given that Lincoln could not be brought down and Jefferson Davis was a rather forgettable leader, RE Lee got the hero treatment and the attacks were on Grant (hated because his administrations were full in for Reconstruction). In reality Lee was competent, but unimaginative as a general, and Grant was brilliant in anticipating the mobile warfare to come in the next wars to be fought.
agreed with all of this, both Red and OS. well put.
For a really good discussion on this see: ... es-s-grant

and ... g-the-past

Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:18 pm
by ChairmanOfTheBoard
DocBarrister wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:13 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:02 pm
Matnum PI wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:00 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:57 am So some clarification... when does the Washington monument become part of the bullseye?
There are statues of Washington because he's the father of our nation, militarily and politically. If some amazing data fell from the sky to prove that Washington was actually an English spy who was trying to destroy our nation and didn't actually do all the positive things he's preported to have done, then he gets a bullseye. Otherwise, he's safely not a target.
Washington was a traitor to his King & country, he fought in defense of Virginia & the other rebel North American colonies.
We revere him because he was on our side... & he won.
The US Army officers who resigned their commissions to fight for the CSA in defense of their home states were no more traitors than Washington & fellow founding fathers. They just fought on the losing side.
Had the CSA gained independence, Davis, Lee, et al would be hailed as founding fathers,
Absolute nonsense.

Washington wasn’t just on the winning side, he was also on the right side of history ... towards more democracy and freedom. Doesn’t excuse his ownership of slaves, but Washington moved the needle further towards more freedom for more people (obviously, not for all people).

The Confederates and the Confederacy, on the other hand, were not just on the losing side, they were on the wrong side of history. They started a war that cost hundreds of thousands of American lives for the purpose of preserving one of the most evil institutions in all of human history ... slavery. They belong more with the Nazis and Stalinists than with Washington.

thanks for your thoughts- respectfully disagree but appreciate your perspective. i personally think that humans in bondage is unforgivable. i think that's on the wrong side of history. to say otherwise i think is convenience; picking and choosing whose bad for some reason other than actual behavior.

Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:19 pm
by RedFromMI
Minneapolis Police Chief Withdraws Dept From Union Contract Negotiations ... gotiations

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo announced on Wednesday the immediate withdrawal of his force from contract negotiations with the police union.

The chief said at a press conference on Wednesday that his department’s contract with the Police Officers Federation demanded restructuring to provide the transparency and “flexibility needed for true reform.” A review of the contract would look at issues such as critical incident protocols, use of force and disciplinary protocols, including for grievances and arbitration, he said.

“This is not about officers’ wages, bonuses or salaries,” Arradondo said.

Arradondo’s decision follows the proposal of a package of police reforms put forth by congressional Democrats on Monday and the emotional testimony of George Floyd’s brother regarding the police killing of his brother by Minneapolis police to the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.

In his view, the ties to a union that allows an officer to be back on the force and patrolling the streets impeded the ability of police chiefs to terminate officers with a record of misconduct.

The police chief also proposed the use of real-time data that could alert supervisors to problematic behavior by officers so that supervisors could intervene more quickly.

The reforms Arradondo announced, symbolize a fresh wave of efforts from officers within his force to transform the relationship between people of color and the police amid global anti-racism and police brutality protests.

Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:20 pm
by RedFromMI
CBS: Floyd And Chauvin Argued While Working Together At Club, Says Ex-Coworker ... x-coworker
George Floyd and then-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin — who has been charged with second-degree murder in Floyd’s death for kneeling on his neck during an arrest — clashed with each other when they worked security together at a nightclub, according to their former coworker.

David Pinney, who worked at the El Nuevo Rodeo nightclub with Floyd and Chauvin, told CBS News reporter Jeff Pegues in a pre-taped interview on Wednesday that the two men had “bumped heads” at work before the incident.

“It has a lot to do with Derek being extremely aggressive within the club with some of the patrons, which was an issue,” Pinney said. CBS’ Pegues also reported that the coworker had described Chauvin as “aggressive toward minority customers.”

Chauvin would reportedly lash out at Floyd over payment too, according to Pinney.

The club employee stated that Floyd was the one who handed the paychecks to Chauvin, who blamed Floyd for supposedly being underpaid.

Pinney said he had “no doubt” Chauvin knew he was kneeling on the neck of one of his coworkers that day.

“He knew exactly who George was,” Pinney said.

Maya Santamaria, the owner of the club, also told CBS she believed Chauvin was “afraid and intimidated” by black people.

Re: Racism in America- Week 3 of Riots

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:22 pm
by runrussellrun
old salt wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:02 pm
Matnum PI wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:00 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Jun 10, 2020 11:57 am So some clarification... when does the Washington monument become part of the bullseye?
There are statues of Washington because he's the father of our nation, militarily and politically. If some amazing data fell from the sky to prove that Washington was actually an English spy who was trying to destroy our nation and didn't actually do all the positive things he's preported to have done, then he gets a bullseye. Otherwise, he's safely not a target.
Washington was a traitor to his King & country, he fought in defense of Virginia & the other rebel North American colonies.
We revere him because he was on our side... & he won.
The US Army officers who resigned their commissions to fight for the CSA in defense of their home states were no more traitors than Washington & fellow founding fathers. They just fought on the losing side.
Had the CSA gained independence, Davis, Lee, et al would be hailed as founding fathers,
NOPE. Washington never invaded the country it left. In other words, the premise that Lee was defending "for Virginia", has some merit. (Defending the owning of humans, btw ) However, that went out the window as soon as Lee crossed the Potomac river, and INVADED another country.

Tough to argue you are defending your home, when you are traipsing 100 of miles away from that "home". In another country.

Is Gettysburg open yet......