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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 12:08 am
by a fan
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm I've exhausted my google skills trying to locate reporting on the Aug 2020 reports which you ref, but I don't get my news via social media.
It's from the transcripts of the House hearing, and in a link I cited.
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm I note that Aug 2020 is within 90 days of the election. The period in which Barr maintains the DoJ should not do anything to influence an election.
We've been over this. This buffalo bagel excuse of yours completely evaporates the week after the election. This is right up there with "we can't pick a SCOTUS this close to an election".

Indict in December. NO ONE would complain, OS. Dems and Independents don't wear TinFoil when it comes to prosecuting rich 1%ers, my man. They'd say "serves Hunter right", and move on with their lives. That's it. Boom, done. Over with.
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm It does not matter who appointed Wray or whether he was a (R) or (D), he acts soley to protect the FBI from scrutiny or criticism.
What you are saying here means you believe there is NO WAY that Wray would risk the reputation of the FBI to protect some kid from the Democratic party. Why the F would Wray do that?
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm If you are referring to Raskin's lie about the FBI FD-1023 form & Barr closing the investigation -- that was answered before.
Barr forwarded the FD-1023 to the DE US Atty to include in his ongoing investigation.
:lol: So now you're telling us that the head of the DoJ is going to read a file from the FBI that's filled with a massive cover up of the opposition party....and simply hand it off to a subordinate, with no comment whatsoever?

Just let it go? And now that it's all over in 2023, you think Barr is just going to sit there, and not mention this massive FBI cover up of Hunter at any point in time? And then tell the world "yeah, i saw the cover up, and decided to do nothing about it".

No amount of reason appeals to you, OS. I don't get it. Seacoaster is right----Hunter Biden is a pointless deck chair. Why are you expending so much energy trying to jam square pegs into round holes?

There is NO WAY both Bill Barr and Christopher Wray are going to spend even one iota of energy to protect Hunter Biden from his just deserts.

I think this conversation should end. We're at that place, again. And I don't want you taking stuff personally.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 2:56 am
by cradleandshoot
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 5:31 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 5:05 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 4:47 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 3:53 pm I'm sorry a fan. You have totally lost me in your analysis here. Much of Democrat thinking is represented on this forum and they are pretty solid in agreement that Hunter Biden is being persecuted by the deep state
I haven't seen a single post complaining once about Hunter being investigated by the FBI or IRS. Not one.

And certainly no mention of a Cabal in the FBI, IRS, or DoJ government going after him.

Where posters HAVE complained is about the stupid House investigation, where you're getting 1/10th of the story, and they "forgot" to do things like call Bill Barr to the floor to explain why he had an finished FBI investigation put on his desk in 2020....and CHOSE not to prosecute.

The ENTIRE point to the House committee is to further the Deep State Conspiracy, Cradle.
What is there to complain about?? Hunter tried to cheat the government out of what was rightfully theirs and his ass got caught. I guess having your old man as VP and then POTUS puts a much bigger target on your back. I disagree with you profoundly. The house committee run by Republicans my man is doing the exact same thing a Democrat committee would be doing if the rolls were reversed. Your right about one thing, it is more about political payback than it is about getting justice. Hunter put himself squarely in the crosshairs and your wondering why the Republicans pulled the trigger? Come on we both know the answer to that question.
The House, when Democrats were in the majority from 2020 to 2022, had the J-6 Commission. But I don’t remember both House Oversight and Judiciary hunting down Jared, Barbie, Eric and DonCokealot. And they governed a little too. Seems like the GOP House is different — Hunter overdrive to mask the complete absence of governing ideas. I’m sure I’m alone in thinking this.

Hunter Biden is a deck chair. If he committed crimes — and it appears he did — I’m all for him doing the time. But the point isn’t that he is being “persecuted;”. It is that nothing else is getting accomplished because the GOP has idea bankruptcy, and cannot even try to build consensus.
All Hunter had to do was admit his mistakes, plead guilty and accept whatever punishment came his way. That may have even included a brief stint in federal prison. I would still dislike him intensely but I would respect him owning up to his issues and taking responsibility for them. He chose a different path that involved trying to wiggle his way out of any responsibility for his own actions.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 4:51 am
by old salt
a fan wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 12:08 am
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm I've exhausted my google skills trying to locate reporting on the Aug 2020 reports which you ref, but I don't get my news via social media.
It's from the transcripts of the House hearing, and in a link I cited.
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm I note that Aug 2020 is within 90 days of the election. The period in which Barr maintains the DoJ should not do anything to influence an election.
We've been over this. This buffalo bagel excuse of yours completely evaporates the week after the election. This is right up there with "we can't pick a SCOTUS this close to an election".
That still does not answer my question. What report are you talking about ? Are you referring to the FD-1023 forms ?

Indict in December. NO ONE would complain, OS. Dems and Independents don't wear TinFoil when it comes to prosecuting rich 1%ers, my man. They'd say "serves Hunter right", and move on with their lives. That's it. Boom, done. Over with.
That's crazy. It would not be over with. It would just be starting. Barr's already gone, as soon will be the lame duck acting AG & serving US Attys. There was no assurance that Weiss would stay in office in DE. The CA & DC US Attys would soon be replaced.
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm It does not matter who appointed Wray or whether he was a (R) or (D), he acts solely to protect the FBI from scrutiny or criticism.
What you are saying here means you believe there is NO WAY that Wray would risk the reputation of the FBI to protect some kid from the Democratic party. Why the F would Wray do that?
It's not to protect Hunter, it's to protect the FBI from the incoming (R) led house investigating the FBI.
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm If you are referring to Raskin's lie about the FBI FD-1023 form & Barr closing the investigation -- that was answered before.
Barr forwarded the FD-1023 to the DE US Atty to include in his ongoing investigation.
:lol: So now you're telling us that the head of the DoJ is going to read a file from the FBI that's filled with a massive cover up of the opposition party....and simply hand it off to a subordinate, with no comment whatsoever?
It doesn't matter what Barr told Weiss, they were both lame ducks after the election & Barr was gone in Dec. They didn't have time to follow up eveything in the 1023's & build a case to take before a grand jury & secure an indictment which would stand up in court, with unknown successors arguing it.

Just let it go? And now that it's all over in 2023, you think Barr is just going to sit there, and not mention this massive FBI cover up of Hunter at any point in time? And then tell the world "yeah, i saw the cover up, and decided to do nothing about it".
I'm happy to. You keep bringing it up & telling me what I think.

No amount of reason appeals to you, OS. I don't get it. Seacoaster is right----Hunter Biden is a pointless deck chair. Why are you expending so much energy trying to jam square pegs into round holes?
Why are you insisting that an AG can indict the son of a Presidential candidate in the final months of a Presidential campaign ?

There is NO WAY both Bill Barr and Christopher Wray are going to spend even one iota of energy to protect Hunter Biden from his just deserts.
Barr ran out of time & had to spend his last days in office preventing Trump from creating a Constitutional crisis. He didn't have time remaining to bring an indictment against the son of an incoming President. Get real.

I think this conversation should end. We're at that place, again. And I don't want you taking stuff personally.
Fine. Stop posting what you think I think.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 5:33 am
by old salt
The National Review Editors give an understandable explanation of the failed plea deal & what remains to be done. ... term=first

Protecting the Bidens

by THE EDITORS, July 28, 2023

It’s hard to believe, but the Hunter Biden plea agreement turns out to be even worse than advertised.

It blew up in court on Wednesday under questioning by Judge Maryellen Noreika, who was understandably mystified by its bizarre structure and opaque provisions.

Ordinarily, the provisions of a plea agreement are in the four corners of the plea agreement. Ordinarily, they are quite standard. Ordinarily, they are set out in crystal-clear terms. Ordinarily, they don’t undercut what is supposed to be an investigation into more serious matters. But everything about this was different because, ordinarily, the Department of Justice isn’t acting to protect the president of the United States from a politically sensitive investigation into his son’s corrupt business dealings.

DOJ tucked provisions giving Hunter Biden sweeping immunity from future prosecution in a so-called diversion agreement related to his gun offense. To review, Biden is pleading guilty to two minor tax charges arising from the cascade of sleazy foreign money that poured into his accounts and was distributed to other family members. He isn’t pleading guilty to the gun charge, instead simply agreeing to a couple of years of probation to get off the hook. Any immunity term should have been in the plea deal but instead was in the diversion agreement, where it wouldn’t be expected.

Since plea deals are usually above board, judges typically approve them without any fuss (the diversion agreement doesn’t need a judge’s approval). Clearly, DOJ was hoping that’d happen here and everyone could go home happy — Hunter would have gotten his immunity, and DOJ would have granted it without anyone noticing, all the while pretending to still be seriously investigating his influence-peddling.

The scheme fell apart when Judge Noreika began asking questions and DOJ couldn’t admit what it’d agreed to and Hunter Biden’s lawyers insisted on the original indefensible immunity term. After some complicated back-and-forth, the judge refused to approve the plea agreement.

In the normal course of things, there’d be an underlying indictment, but the DOJ never filed one. From its perspective, it is likely that there were two problems with an indictment. One, the indictment would involve setting out a damning set of facts embarrassing to the president. Two, it would freeze the clock on the statute of limitations for any other criminal offenses related to Hunter Biden’s foreign “work,” preventing DOJ from simply running out the clock.

If the IRS whistleblowers presented a shocking portrait of a DOJ doing everything possible to protect Hunter Biden and his father, the sham plea agreement suggests that they didn’t know the half of it.

Meanwhile, more evidence is emerging that Joe Biden was directly involved in Hunter’s business dealings, with a credible FBI source telling the agency that the head of Burisma characterized his lavish payments as bribes.

What should happen now? In a more normal world, a scrupulous prosecutor would be handling the case and have the time to conduct a thoroughgoing investigation. In the world we’re living in, the immediate problem is that the conflicted Biden DOJ has already lost potential criminal counts to the statute of limitations and stands to lose more the longer things drag out.

The best we can hope for, then, is that DOJ feels compelled to immediately file an indictment charging all provable tax and gun charges — meaning felonies, as well as any misdemeanors. This would end the statute-of-limitations problem (at least regarding those charges). It would not prevent DOJ from negotiating a new plea agreement with Hunter Biden, but it would be a valuable public marker for what an appropriate plea agreement should look like.

Meantime, the House must press ahead with its broader investigation of the Biden family influence-peddling business. That probe has the best chance of yielding valuable information and imposing some accountability. Congress should continue aggressively demanding answers and documents from DOJ, FBI, and IRS, and should be prepared to take action against recalcitrant officials.

The Washington cliché is that it’s the cover-up, not the crime. In this case, it might be both.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 6:40 am
by runrussellrun
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 5:55 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 5:35 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 5:05 pm What is there to complain about?? Hunter tried to cheat the government out of what was rightfully theirs and his ass got caught.
That explains the IRS investigation, YA.

That DOESN'T explain the FBI investigation into Hunter that was opened in one knows why that was opened, because the FBI never explained what triggered that investigation.
IRS referral to FBI. ... ation.html

The investigation, which began as a tax inquiry under the Obama administration, widened in 2018 to include possible criminal violations of tax laws, as well as foreign lobbying and money laundering rules, according to the people familiar with the inquiry.
Stuff........IS only valid if someone IS complaining about that stuff.

Yup........we all heard the IRS agent say "2014" "payments" and "Romania" during his testimony.


care to explain THAT..........

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 8:08 am
by youthathletics
old salt wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 5:33 am The National Review Editors give an understandable explanation of the failed plea deal & what remains to be done. ... term=first

Protecting the Bidens

by THE EDITORS, July 28, 2023

It’s hard to believe, but the Hunter Biden plea agreement turns out to be even worse than advertised.

It blew up in court on Wednesday under questioning by Judge Maryellen Noreika, who was understandably mystified by its bizarre structure and opaque provisions.

Ordinarily, the provisions of a plea agreement are in the four corners of the plea agreement. Ordinarily, they are quite standard. Ordinarily, they are set out in crystal-clear terms. Ordinarily, they don’t undercut what is supposed to be an investigation into more serious matters. But everything about this was different because, ordinarily, the Department of Justice isn’t acting to protect the president of the United States from a politically sensitive investigation into his son’s corrupt business dealings.

DOJ tucked provisions giving Hunter Biden sweeping immunity from future prosecution in a so-called diversion agreement related to his gun offense. To review, Biden is pleading guilty to two minor tax charges arising from the cascade of sleazy foreign money that poured into his accounts and was distributed to other family members. He isn’t pleading guilty to the gun charge, instead simply agreeing to a couple of years of probation to get off the hook. Any immunity term should have been in the plea deal but instead was in the diversion agreement, where it wouldn’t be expected.

Since plea deals are usually above board, judges typically approve them without any fuss (the diversion agreement doesn’t need a judge’s approval). Clearly, DOJ was hoping that’d happen here and everyone could go home happy — Hunter would have gotten his immunity, and DOJ would have granted it without anyone noticing, all the while pretending to still be seriously investigating his influence-peddling.

The scheme fell apart when Judge Noreika began asking questions and DOJ couldn’t admit what it’d agreed to and Hunter Biden’s lawyers insisted on the original indefensible immunity term. After some complicated back-and-forth, the judge refused to approve the plea agreement.

In the normal course of things, there’d be an underlying indictment, but the DOJ never filed one. From its perspective, it is likely that there were two problems with an indictment. One, the indictment would involve setting out a damning set of facts embarrassing to the president. Two, it would freeze the clock on the statute of limitations for any other criminal offenses related to Hunter Biden’s foreign “work,” preventing DOJ from simply running out the clock.

If the IRS whistleblowers presented a shocking portrait of a DOJ doing everything possible to protect Hunter Biden and his father, the sham plea agreement suggests that they didn’t know the half of it.

Meanwhile, more evidence is emerging that Joe Biden was directly involved in Hunter’s business dealings, with a credible FBI source telling the agency that the head of Burisma characterized his lavish payments as bribes.

What should happen now? In a more normal world, a scrupulous prosecutor would be handling the case and have the time to conduct a thoroughgoing investigation. In the world we’re living in, the immediate problem is that the conflicted Biden DOJ has already lost potential criminal counts to the statute of limitations and stands to lose more the longer things drag out.

The best we can hope for, then, is that DOJ feels compelled to immediately file an indictment charging all provable tax and gun charges — meaning felonies, as well as any misdemeanors. This would end the statute-of-limitations problem (at least regarding those charges). It would not prevent DOJ from negotiating a new plea agreement with Hunter Biden, but it would be a valuable public marker for what an appropriate plea agreement should look like.

Meantime, the House must press ahead with its broader investigation of the Biden family influence-peddling business. That probe has the best chance of yielding valuable information and imposing some accountability. Congress should continue aggressively demanding answers and documents from DOJ, FBI, and IRS, and should be prepared to take action against recalcitrant officials.

The Washington cliché is that it’s the cover-up, not the crime. In this case, it might be both.
Based on this article... it is not so ordinary, as others have suggested.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 8:18 am
by OCanada
runrussellrun wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 8:17 am
OCanada wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 7:53 am Yesterday…,,oops ... r-s-Laptop
you don't believe Hunter when he tells us......"yes......all that stuff on the laptop is mine"

every Sunday.....people would go worship and listen......every Sunday. Believing in a "god".

and ocanucks idea of religion and reality.....IS similar.

what WON"T you believe?

certainly NOT Hunters own words about the laptop.

oh go hit the "gun control" thread and get back to us. Illegal gun sales only apply to.............wait for it.

How IS the murder rate in Baltimore?
You never do quite comprehend what is being written. GED

The arrtie is strictly about the Ukraine issue the GOP is trying so desparately to create and failing to achieve.

You should also stop trying your BS attributions that misrepresent what i have said but then that is SOP for rught wing Dupes. I wrote long ago that is he committed crimes he should be tried and i have also never said he didn’t fo them. You however routinely push BS

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 8:22 am
by OCanada
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 6:44 pm
OCanada wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 7:53 am Yesterday…,,oops ... r-s-Laptop
...Devon Archer & Tony Bobulinski are Russian spies.

edit to add : ... nter-biden
Russian spies. Like Trump’s campaign dealt with routinely? Please. Still Zero eveidence for the Biden narrative Comer is trying to push. You did mamage to dodge the very significant items mentioned though. NPR was two plus months ago. A lot has changed since.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 9:36 am
by a fan
runrussellrun wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 6:40 am
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 5:55 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 5:35 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 5:05 pm What is there to complain about?? Hunter tried to cheat the government out of what was rightfully theirs and his ass got caught.
That explains the IRS investigation, YA.

That DOESN'T explain the FBI investigation into Hunter that was opened in one knows why that was opened, because the FBI never explained what triggered that investigation.
IRS referral to FBI. ... ation.html

The investigation, which began as a tax inquiry under the Obama administration, widened in 2018 to include possible criminal violations of tax laws, as well as foreign lobbying and money laundering rules, according to the people familiar with the inquiry.
Stuff........IS only valid if someone IS complaining about that stuff.

Yup........we all heard the IRS agent say "2014" "payments" and "Romania" during his testimony.


care to explain THAT..........
Oh, I'm DELIGHTED to: you, OS, YA, and others here are communicating to the Forum that Bill Barr and Christopher Wray----after 2 full years of investigating Hunter, are part of the conspiracy to protect Hunter Biden, and therefore declined to indict Hunter in November or December of 2020, AFTER the election was held.

Or, if you believe them that there's some magic law preventing them from indicting Barr from signing an indictment in Dec of 2020...they're not the LEAST bit curious to hear what Barr and Wray had found on Hunter by the time Trump left office.

Both Wray and Barr are sitting on alllllll of the evidence of Hunters guilt of, presumably, Shooting old people, kicking puppies, and drowning several infants. They are hiding it because Wray and Barr would rather go to jail, than see Hunter punished for all these nefarious crimes.

Best part? No one on TeamTinFoil wants to ask either Wray or Barr a single question. Naaaaaah. Why look into this, and ask them why they didn't act on allllllll the hardcore evidence or Hunter's guilt that they collected over two full years of investigation?

It's AWESOME watch full grown adults that are 100% convinced of this conspiracy, don't have enough imagination to want to ask the two people responsible for charging and investigating Hunter for two years even ONE question about what they found, and why they did what they did.

Or ask Rettig (who OS didn't even know, even though he follows this like his life depends on it), the head of the IRS for this entire saga one single question. :lol: Rettig isn't even MENTIONED anywhere in TeamTinFoil's discussions. As if he's gonna have NO IDEA what's going on in his own purview.

Naaaaah. Let's give them full passes, and instead, try and pin this whole thing on "the Dems".

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:57 am
by a fan
old salt wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 4:51 am That still does not answer my question. What report are you talking about ? Are you referring to the FD-1023 forms ?
The report where a US attorney chased down all the claims of shenanigans with Ukraine. The claims of the Ukrainian-Hunter-Joe corruption, payoffs, money laundering, etc. that you all think the .gov is hiding from the public. Payoffs from Ukraine to Joe, all those claims were chased down, and are sitting in that report. Finished in Aug of 2020.

Indict in December. NO ONE would complain, OS. Dems and Independents don't wear TinFoil when it comes to prosecuting rich 1%ers, my man. They'd say "serves Hunter right", and move on with their lives. That's it. Boom, done. Over with.

old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm It's not to protect Hunter, it's to protect the FBI from the incoming (R) led house investigating the FBI.
So Wray knows that the House has subpoena power, and can call him at any time----and yet you are still claiming he's going to INTENTIONALLY break laws and protocol to hide stuff from the American people with an eye toward protecting Hunter. How the heck does that protect the FBI?

The BEST thing Wray could for the FBI is hand them Hunter on a silver platter and say: here ya go, we went above and beyond to nail him.
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm Why are you insisting that an AG can indict the son of a Presidential candidate in the final months of a Presidential campaign ?

He can do whatever he likes. What law is stopping him? See: Comey and Hillary. But no, that's not what I'm saying I'm saying he got what YOU are claiming is the "Big Stuff" on Hunter-----the Ukraine report-----on his desk in August. If there's actually something real there? Barr would have PLENTY of time to draft up an indictment, and deliver it the day after the election. He didn't.

What's more? You and TeamTinFoil hat aren't even REMOTELY interested in putting Barr in front of the House, and to ask him questions. It's OBVIOUS that this is because the House doesn't want to hear what he says.

Because if Barr is sitting on the goods that you are all claiming? :lol: Wouldn't he be the first guy you'd want to question? And don't care.

It's obvious why: you don't want him or Wray, or Rettig to inform you that there's nothing other than what was sitting in the plea deal.

old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm Barr ran out of time & had to spend his last days in office preventing Trump from creating a Constitutional crisis. He didn't have time remaining to bring an indictment against the son of an incoming President. Get real.
:lol: Well, neither does the current's election season, and Joe is running, so......

(see how silly that sounds?) (probably not)
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm Fine. Stop posting what you think I think.
I'll reword. I'll change it to: what Old Salt is communicating. No problem.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:07 pm
by old salt
a fan wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:57 am
old salt wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 4:51 am That still does not answer my question. What report are you talking about ? Are you referring to the FD-1023 forms ?
The report where a US attorney chased down all the claims of shenanigans with Ukraine. The claims of the Ukrainian-Hunter-Joe corruption, payoffs, money laundering, etc. that you all think the .gov is hiding from the public. Payoffs from Ukraine to Joe, all those claims were chased down, and are sitting in that report. Finished in Aug of 2020.
I ask again ? Who the F is Rettig ? Now 'bout a link ?

Indict in December. NO ONE would complain, OS. Dems and Independents don't wear TinFoil when it comes to prosecuting rich 1%ers, my man. They'd say "serves Hunter right", and move on with their lives. That's it. Boom, done. Over with.
As I've pointed out several times & Barr has told us -- he didn't have enough yet to indict. He sent it to Weiss to follow up on.
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm It's not to protect Hunter, it's to protect the FBI from the incoming (R) led house investigating the FBI.
So Wray knows that the House has subpoena power, and can call him at any time----and yet you are still claiming he's going to INTENTIONALLY break laws and protocol to hide stuff from the American people with an eye toward protecting Hunter. How the heck does that protect the FBI?
I did not say he's breaking the law, I said he's stonewalling.
The BEST thing Wray could for the FBI is hand them Hunter on a silver platter and say: here ya go, we went above and beyond to nail him.
Wray can't make that call. It has to be Weiss & Garland.
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm Why are you insisting that an AG can indict the son of a Presidential candidate in the final months of a Presidential campaign ?

He can do whatever he likes. What law is stopping him? See: Comey and Hillary. But no, that's not what I'm saying I'm saying he got what YOU are claiming is the "Big Stuff" on Hunter-----the Ukraine report-----on his desk in August. If there's actually something real there? Barr would have PLENTY of time to draft up an indictment, and deliver it the day after the election. He didn't.
...& the indictment could be dropped by the incoming Biden DoJ before the ink was dry.

What's more? You and TeamTinFoil hat aren't even REMOTELY interested in putting Barr in front of the House, and to ask him questions. It's OBVIOUS that this is because the House doesn't want to hear what he says.

Because if Barr is sitting on the goods that you are all claiming? :lol: Wouldn't he be the first guy you'd want to question? And don't care.

It's obvious why: you don't want him or Wray, or Rettig to inform you that there's nothing other than what was sitting in the plea deal.
I ask again --who the F is Rettig ?
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm Barr ran out of time & had to spend his last days in office preventing Trump from creating a Constitutional crisis. He didn't have time remaining to bring an indictment against the son of an incoming President. Get real.
:lol: Well, neither does the current's election season, and Joe is running, so......No it's not. The DoJ policy was within 90 days of the election. That's why Comey rushed to clear Hillary.
(see how silly that sounds?) (probably not)
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm Fine. Stop posting what you think I think.
I'll reword. I'll change it to: what Old Salt is communicating. No problem.
...& you will continue to distort, misinterpret & misstate....

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:32 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Charles Rettig was IRS Commissioner throughout the IRS' role in the investigation of Hunter, 2018 through November 2022.

Rettig was very much a Trump guy. Interesting read about him in wikipedia above.

Daniel Werfel was sworn in March 2023

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:46 pm
by old salt
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:32 pm Charles Rettig was IRS Commissioner throughout the IRS' role in the investigation of Hunter, 2018 through November 2022.

Rettig was very much a Trump guy. Interesting read about him in wikipedia above.

Daniel Werfel was sworn in March 2023
Thanks. What did he have to do with this. His IRS agents did their investigation & made their recommendations to the DoJ in accordance with DoJ guidelines. The DoJ makes the call on if & how to prosecute.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:54 pm
by a fan
old salt wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:07 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:57 am
old salt wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 4:51 am That still does not answer my question. What report are you talking about ? Are you referring to the FD-1023 forms ?
The report where a US attorney chased down all the claims of shenanigans with Ukraine. The claims of the Ukrainian-Hunter-Joe corruption, payoffs, money laundering, etc. that you all think the .gov is hiding from the public. Payoffs from Ukraine to Joe, all those claims were chased down, and are sitting in that report. Finished in Aug of 2020.
I ask again ? Who the F is Rettig ? Now 'bout a link ?Head of the IRS. Not only do you not know who he never occurred to you that no one in the House bothered to call him as a witness. Do you think he has info. you'd like to hear about?

Indict in December. NO ONE would complain, OS. Dems and Independents don't wear TinFoil when it comes to prosecuting rich 1%ers, my man. They'd say "serves Hunter right", and move on with their lives. That's it. Boom, done. Over with.
As I've pointed out several times & Barr has told us -- he didn't have enough yet to indict. He sent it to Weiss to follow up on.
Thats right. So after two full years, he has nothing. And this included the report of Aug of 2020 that chased down claims of payoffs and money laundering in Ukraine. That Aug 2020 report is what you keep claiming is the smoking gun-----payoffs and bribes and whatever else in Ukraine. Yet you don't want to hear about what's in it from Barr, or anyone else.
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm It's not to protect Hunter, it's to protect the FBI from the incoming (R) led house investigating the FBI.
So Wray knows that the House has subpoena power, and can call him at any time----and yet you are still claiming he's going to INTENTIONALLY break laws and protocol to hide stuff from the American people with an eye toward protecting Hunter. How the heck does that protect the FBI?
I did not say he's breaking the law, I said he's stonewalling.Why? Why would he do that? You can't come up with an non-ridiculous theory
The BEST thing Wray could for the FBI is hand them Hunter on a silver platter and say: here ya go, we went above and beyond to nail him.
Wray can't make that call. It has to be Weiss & Garland.Buffalo bagels. It's over now, and Wray can tell you if they're hiding stuff. Wray has to be "in on it" for your claims to be real. He has to know about more felonies that he found, yet is hiding. This makes ZERO sense.
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm Why are you insisting that an AG can indict the son of a Presidential candidate in the final months of a Presidential campaign ?

He can do whatever he likes. What law is stopping him? See: Comey and Hillary. But no, that's not what I'm saying I'm saying he got what YOU are claiming is the "Big Stuff" on Hunter-----the Ukraine report-----on his desk in August. If there's actually something real there? Barr would have PLENTY of time to draft up an indictment, and deliver it the day after the election. He didn't.
...& the indictment could be dropped by the incoming Biden DoJ before the ink was dry. More nonsense.
You're out of excuses. Barr had nothing. If he did? Don't you think he'd be flipping out right now? DEMANDING a hearing?

What's more? You and TeamTinFoil hat aren't even REMOTELY interested in putting Barr in front of the House, and to ask him questions. It's OBVIOUS that this is because the House doesn't want to hear what he says.

Because if Barr is sitting on the goods that you are all claiming? :lol: Wouldn't he be the first guy you'd want to question? And don't care.

It's obvious why: you don't want him or Wray, or Rettig to inform you that there's nothing other than what was sitting in the plea deal.
I ask again --who the F is Rettig ?Head of the IRS during the entire Hunter investigation, the center of this entire story
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm Barr ran out of time & had to spend his last days in office preventing Trump from creating a Constitutional crisis. He didn't have time remaining to bring an indictment against the son of an incoming President. Get real.
:lol: Well, neither does the current's election season, and Joe is running, so......No it's not. The DoJ policy was within 90 days of the election. That's why Comey rushed to clear Hillary.The policy is 90 days BEFORE the election. Who the F cares about after? Answer: no one. Why would anyone care?
old salt wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:52 pm Fine. Stop posting what you think I think.
I'll reword. I'll change it to: what Old Salt is communicating. No problem.
...& you will continue to distort, misinterpret & misstate....
No. You just don't like that the assertions you are making don't make any sense. You don't like that for your claims to be true, Barr and Wray need to be complicit, and need to be hiding some magic felony that you can't even name

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:56 pm
by MDlaxfan76
old salt wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:46 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:32 pm Charles Rettig was IRS Commissioner throughout the IRS' role in the investigation of Hunter, 2018 through November 2022.

Rettig was very much a Trump guy. Interesting read about him in wikipedia above.

Daniel Werfel was sworn in March 2023
Thanks. What did he have to do with this. His IRS agents did their investigation & made their recommendations to the DoJ in accordance with DoJ guidelines. The DoJ makes the call on if & how to prosecute.
Call him. Put him under oath.

Did he recommend prosecution? On what evidence? What did he recommend as the exact crimes?
If so, who denied it pre-Biden Admin?
Who denied it post Biden Admin?

Or was he not doing his job and not actually managing these guys?

This is a Trump guy, all-in for Trump, defended his not making his tax returns public, owned property in Trump properties but didn't disclose that relationship; cut IRS auditing staffing...put him under oath.

Want to know why DOJ didn't prosecute?
Call Barr and put him under oath?

Ask Barr, did Rettig recommend prosecution or not?
Did he have the necessary evidence for an indictment?

Why not?

Apparently the House folks don't want to ask...

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 12:00 am
by old salt
The DoJ was still investigating when Witting left office. It was not his call.
If he raised it, it was "still under investigation". The same DoJ answer still being offered.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 12:04 am
by a fan
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:56 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:46 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:32 pm Charles Rettig was IRS Commissioner throughout the IRS' role in the investigation of Hunter, 2018 through November 2022.

Rettig was very much a Trump guy. Interesting read about him in wikipedia above.

Daniel Werfel was sworn in March 2023
Thanks. What did he have to do with this. His IRS agents did their investigation & made their recommendations to the DoJ in accordance with DoJ guidelines. The DoJ makes the call on if & how to prosecute.
Call him. Put him under oath.

Old you REALLY think the biggest case happening at the IRS isn't being watched and managed by head fred at the IRS?

He's not getting briefed? None of the agents have direct reports?

You're ignoring the layers of people that have to be "in on" this conspiracy of yours. And it's obvious you're doing it intentionally.

You refuse to consider anything that contradicts your ideas. That's why we argue.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 12:10 am
by old salt
a fan wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 12:04 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:56 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:46 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jul 29, 2023 11:32 pm Charles Rettig was IRS Commissioner throughout the IRS' role in the investigation of Hunter, 2018 through November 2022.

Rettig was very much a Trump guy. Interesting read about him in wikipedia above.

Daniel Werfel was sworn in March 2023
Thanks. What did he have to do with this. His IRS agents did their investigation & made their recommendations to the DoJ in accordance with DoJ guidelines. The DoJ makes the call on if & how to prosecute.
Call him. Put him under oath.

Old you REALLY think the biggest case happening at the IRS isn't being watched and managed by head fred at the IRS?

He's not getting briefed? None of the agents have direct reports?

You're ignoring the layers of people that have to be "in on" this conspiracy of yours. And it's obvious you're doing it intentionally.

You refuse to consider anything that contradicts your ideas. That's why we argue.
It was not yet a settled issue by the time Wettig left office. You're just speculating about what was being said behind the scenes.
Wettig was not a cabinet member, the AG is.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 12:11 am
by a fan
old salt wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 12:00 am The DoJ was still investigating when Witting left office. It was not his call.
If he raised it, it was "still under investigation". The same DoJ answer still being offered.
You're just not listening. Old Salt: Rettig can tell you what they had on Hunter. He was there from 2018 to late 2022.

Yet neither you nor the House Republicans want to ask him questions, and to ask what he had, and what his opinion was.

Either you guys aren't all that bright (I don't believe that for a second).....or you REALLY don't want to hear what the man has to say.

If there's REALLY a cover up? Ask Rettig about what he had. Ask Barr what was in that Aug 2022 report. And ask Wray what he had.

You're doing NONE of these things. Its insane. Its like having Lee Oswald alive, and just letting him go on vacation without asking him a question or two.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2023 12:13 am
by old salt
a fan wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 12:11 am
old salt wrote: Sun Jul 30, 2023 12:00 am The DoJ was still investigating when Witting left office. It was not his call.
If he raised it, it was "still under investigation". The same DoJ answer still being offered.
You're just not listening. Old Salt: Rettig can tell you what they had on Hunter. He was there from 2018 to late 2022.

Yet neither you nor the House Republicans want to ask him questions, and to ask what he had, and what his opinion was.

Either you guys aren't all that bright (I don't believe that for a second).....or you REALLY don't want to hear what the man has to say.

If there's REALLY a cover up? Ask Rettig about what he had. Ask Barr what was in that Aug 2022 report. And ask Wray what he had.

You're doing NONE of these things. Its insane. Its like having Lee Oswald alive, and just letting him go on vacation without asking him a question or two.
Was Rettig even in the loop ? He was run out of office over other issues.