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Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 9:07 am
by Seacoaster(1)
Great story, but it still leaves the question of why folks have to put hate-filled obstacles in their path: ... q-indiana/

"Sydney Knipp, 16, tiptoed to stage’s edge and peered around the black curtain at the nearly 1,500 people waiting for the play to start. It was the largest audience she had ever seen.

In a few minutes, Sydney was supposed to stride before them, braids streaming, to deliver the opening monologue as Alanna Dale in “Marian, or The True Tale of Robin Hood,” a gender-bending take on Sherwood Forest’s beloved bandit.

Dotted among the crowd, Sydney saw, were security personnel in bulletproof vests. At the entrance, theatergoers were submitting to bag checks and a metal detector wand. Behind Sydney stood Fia, her 14-year-old sister, costumed as Much the Miller’s son.

Sydney and Fia, and their characters, were the reason for the security — the reason this play was happening not at school but at an outdoor theater in the girls’ hometown. Alanna confesses her love for a woman in the 16th scene. Much declares they are nonbinary two scenes later. The LGBTQ storylines drew complaints from parents, spurring Carroll High School to cancel “Marian” in February out of concern for students’ safety.

But the cast of two dozen teenagers decided to put the play on anyway. Now, on a chilly evening in late May — after raising almost $84,000, booking Foellinger Theatre and whirling through 2½ weeks of late-night rehearsals squeezed between Advanced Placement exams and finals — it was opening night for a show adults had warned them not to do.

Alex Galíndez-Quiñones, Meadowe Freeman, Trey McFarland and Josiah Montes go over lines before their performance of “Marian, or The True Tale of Robin Hood.” (Matt McClain/The Washington Post)
Sydney sidled to her little sister. “How are you feeling?”

The teens believed — knew — they were part of something bigger. They knew schools across the country are nixing plays and musicals that feature gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender roles, often due to parent objections. They were aware Republican politicians are passing a record-breaking wave of laws restricting the rights of LGBTQ children, and that Fort Wayne trends White and red.

The teens also knew they had fans: the thousands who bought $15.50 tickets or donated to their fundraiser; the local theater groups who lent decorations; even “Marian” playwright Adam Szymkowicz, whom they had met on a Zoom call.

But in these last moments with her sister, Fia had something to confide.

She was thinking about what producer Nathan Gotsch said a half-hour before showtime. Should any hecklers emerge, he told students, ushers would escort them out. One student, dressed as a king’s guard, had raised black armored gloves and promised to deter disrupters with his fists, earning laughs. But Fia wasn’t laughing now.

Student actors sign posters for "Marian," which they put on despite disapproval. (Matt McClain/The Washington Post)
“If someone yells something,” Fia whispered to Sydney, “I think I’m going to cry.”

Sydney pointed to the audience. “Dude, there are so many people with dyed hair out there,” she said. “We’re going to be okay.”

She laid her arm on Fia’s shoulder. Fia rested her forehead on Sydney’s hand. The sisters stood, curled in an embrace, as the crowd began to hush.

Three months earlier, Meadowe Freeman arrived early to school for a surprise meeting called by her principal and theater director.

Auditions had just wrapped for Carroll High’s production of “Marian.” The 18-year-old, who chose theater because “I’m not very sporty,” had anticipated teasing from students about the play’s LGBTQ characters. But she never expected what she heard that day: that some parents disliked the play so much it couldn’t continue.

“You read about it on the news,” Meadowe said, “but you never expect it to happen in your school.”

Sitting near the front of the room was Tristan Wasserman, 18. He watched his friends start to cry. Walking from the meeting, he decided: The show would go on.

That night, Tristan hunted up the email of “Marian” playwright Szymkowicz. He researched the name of a reporter with Fort Wayne’s 21 Alive News. He fired off versions of the same email.

“Hello,” he wrote, “my name is Tristan Wasserman … It was actually on my 18th birthday that we found out that we wouldn’t be doing Marian.”

His efforts yielded news coverage and, ultimately, 5,600 signatures on a petition to reinstate the play. One of Tristan’s friends, Stella Brewer-Vartanian, president of a left-leaning political club at Carroll High, launched Twitter and Instagram accounts devoted to reversing the cancellation. But the school stuck by its decision.

So Tristan began recruiting students to speak at the next school board meeting. If enough teens explained why it was wrong, he figured, the adults would have to listen.

On Feb. 27, Tristan, Stella — who wasn’t part of the theater program but felt outraged by what she called adult bullying — and roughly 20 high schoolers showed up, some with prepared speeches.

Before most could speak, a woman rose. Kaye Niman said she was a taxpayer, a mother and a pastor’s wife. “Marian” — with its “LGBT whatever, however many ABCs you want to put on it” — was immoral, Niman said.

“What we believe in is what the Bible says, and the Bible says that homosexuality is a sin,” said Niman, who did not respond to a request for comment. “It’s forgivable, don’t get me wrong, it’s forgivable and we love them, but nevertheless … I applaud whoever made the decision to not have this play go on.”

As Niman wrapped up, 16-year-old Peyton Stratton sat picturing the role she had hoped for: that of Marian/Robin, who leads the troupe of Merry Men. Peyton, who wants to attend law school, admired Marian for her ferocity, wit and determination to protect the people she loves.

Telling herself to summon those traits now, Peyton walked to the microphone. She reminded the board of school anti-bullying initiatives that teach children not to tolerate hate.

“By taking down this play, you’re following the opposite of that message,” she said. “You are teaching students to fold at the first sign of struggle.”

Stella told the adults they were writing themselves into history as “hateful.”

And Tristan gave a promise: “I have not rested,” he said, “nor will I rest until this decision is reversed.”

Students headed home with hope. Tristan was in his bedroom when he got a text alerting him that the superintendent, Wayne Barker, was speaking about the play.

“This came down to an issue where our principal felt that it was going to be an unsafe activity for our students to participate in because of how divisive it was becoming,” Barker said. “I support his decision … I’m comfortable with why he did what he did.”

In a statement to The Washington Post, district spokeswoman Lizette Downey said the decision to cancel “Marian” was due not only to parent complaints, but primarily to “disruptions already occurring between students directly involved within the theater department.” She did not specify what those “disruptions” were.

Superintendent Barker declined repeated interview requests.

For a while, the students were lost. Some pondered putting on the play outside school, Stella said, but no one knew how. Then Stella got a message saying a local man she’d never met wanted to talk to her.

A former teacher born and raised in Fort Wayne, Nathan Gotsch, 40, sympathized with administrators’ plight — but felt more for the students. And, he felt, he was perfectly positioned to help.

Gotsch, who attended film school at the University of Southern California, spent his 20s working in entertainment in Los Angeles. After stints in education and journalism, he had just run unsuccessfully for Congress. Taken together, it meant Gotsch had the know-how and the network of political, activist and theater contacts the students would need to stage “Marian” themselves.

Over a video call, the idea took shape. Gotsch agreed to serve as overall producer, and four teens — Tristan, Stella, Meadowe and Kaitlyn Gulley, head of Carroll’s Gay-Straight Alliance — would become student-producers.

Gotsch set up a GoFundMe to pay for the play; it pulled in $80,000 in under two weeks. Nonprofit Fort Wayne Pride, which advocates for LGBTQ rights, stepped in as fiscal agent, managing the money.

Nathan and others identified two dozen students willing to act in “Marian” and assigned them parts. He hired a professional director and crew to handle stage management, engineering, sets, sound, costumes and lighting. He secured Foellinger Theatre for May 20 and coordinated security with Indiana State Police and parks personnel.

Meanwhile, Stella and Kaitlyn promoted the play at a “No Hate Fort Wayne” rally and a Democratic Party gathering. Meadowe and Tristan liaised between adults and students in the production — while Meadowe learned a role as a guard and Tristan served as assistant stage manager and sound designer, at one point imitating pigeon calls for the play’s soundtrack.

Rehearsals — running after school and on weekends — started May 3. The student-actors had fewer than 40 hours, across less than three weeks, to learn their lines.

Teens were facing APs and fast-approaching finals. They were fielding phone calls from journalists and messages from actors who wanted to cheer them on — support they appreciated but which took time.

The Friday before opening night, Peyton arrived late after ferrying over three students who lacked cars. Her hair was already braided in the intricate coils required for the role she had coveted: Marian.

She fast-walked into a kitchen tucked below the theater to cries of “Peyton! They need you in makeup!” and “Peyton! Go straight to makeup!”

“I know,” Peyton said, crossing to a wall and scribbling her initials onto a sign-in sheet.

She eyed the steaming platters of Mexican food her cast mates were already gobbling. But there wasn’t time.

She ducked into the makeup room.

Close to 8:15 p.m. on opening night, the play more than halfway over, Fia Knipp’s fears were deflating.

The security officers had had nothing to do. The audience had laughed, sighed and clapped at all the right moments.

When Sydney-as-Alanna confessed her love for a woman, the audience hooted approval. When Fia-as-Much declared, “I think that I’m not a man or a woman,” no one hissed or booed.

Now came the lines Sydney liked most.

Will Scarlett, a member of Marian/Robin’s troupe of Merry Men, was questioning Much’s new gender identity. “Wait a minute, wait a minute, you can’t stop being one thing,” said Will, acted by sophomore Everly Salyers, “and start being another thing.”

Sydney took two steps toward the people who had come to watch her defy what she called censorship.

“Yes, you can,” she said. “You could wake up in love. You could wake up feeling a whole new way you never felt before.”

She raised both arms in the air, half-pleading, half-triumphant.

“Anything,” she shouted, “could happen!”

Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 10:23 pm
by old salt

Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:04 am
by jhu72

Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:54 am
by DMac
Well, I guess I'm out, don't fit in any of those categories.
If I could get in I'd suggest an Adam's Apple Ale and give
away free chokers with the Bud logo on it. Nice look and
added discretion to boot. Something along these lines.

Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:19 pm
by jhu72
Nutbag republiCONs are calling for a boycott of Chick-fil-a. I think this is a great idea and whole heartedly support them in this effort. :lol: :lol: :lol:

These same nutjobs are calling for a boycott of soon to be released film about the life of Jesus (The Chosen). Apparently in some shot taken of the set there appears a Gay Pride Flag. Not included in the film, just a flag in the background of a shot taken by someone visiting/working the set. I support this boycott too. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:43 pm
by MDlaxfan76
jhu72 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:04 am Budweiser does it again. :lol:
Sounds like they have realized that their waffling in the face of blowback was much worse than getting the made-up issue blowback in the first place. They stumbled out of the gate, but looks to me like they're trying to regain the initiative.

It really comes down to what do our employees want from our company? Can we attract and keep the very best creative people in our marketing departments, savvy in digital and the tastes and trends of the next generation of consumers? this case, beverage drinkers...

It'll be interesting as to whether they lean in more to "inclusivity" over the next couple of years. That's certainly what the younger generation expects/demands.

Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:46 pm
by a fan
jhu72 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:19 pm Nutbag republiCONs are calling for a boycott of Chick-fil-a. I think this is a great idea and whole heartedly support them in this effort. :lol: :lol: :lol:

These same nutjobs are calling for a boycott of soon to be released film about the life of Jesus (The Chosen). Apparently in some shot taken of the set there appears a Gay Pride Flag. Not included in the film, just a flag in the background of a shot taken by someone visiting/working the set. I support this boycott too. :lol: :lol: :lol:

We already played this stupid game in the Reagan era. Then? It was Rock and Roll and Dungeons and Dragons that were "coming after our kids".

Same freaking people. Same nonsense "reasoning". Same exact language used. Different target. Fear sells in America. Always has, always will.

Meanwhile, Reagan's massive tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, and trickle down economics was the beginning of the gutting of working class America.

That's all this is....diversion used by the powerful. Why does everything think this is DeSantis main campaign plank?

But sure, "the gays are coming to get you and your family". More laws, more book banning, all to PRETEND that they can legislate culture. Quick quiz: how effective was the ol' government program designed to "regulate" song lyrics. :lol: :roll:

That wasn't the goal. The goal was: voter for us, and we'll pretend to do what the Evangelists want us to do....all while funneling more money to the 1%ers.

Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 7:53 am
by jhu72
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:43 pm
jhu72 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 9:04 am Budweiser does it again. :lol:
Sounds like they have realized that their waffling in the face of blowback was much worse than getting the made-up issue blowback in the first place. They stumbled out of the gate, but looks to me like they're trying to regain the initiative.

It really comes down to what do our employees want from our company? Can we attract and keep the very best creative people in our marketing departments, savvy in digital and the tastes and trends of the next generation of consumers? this case, beverage drinkers...

It'll be interesting as to whether they lean in more to "inclusivity" over the next couple of years. That's certainly what the younger generation expects/demands.
... agree, their waffling did far more damage than the initial boycott. Target made the same mistake.

Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:06 am
by jhu72
a fan wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:46 pm
jhu72 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:19 pm Nutbag republiCONs are calling for a boycott of Chick-fil-a. I think this is a great idea and whole heartedly support them in this effort. :lol: :lol: :lol:

These same nutjobs are calling for a boycott of soon to be released film about the life of Jesus (The Chosen). Apparently in some shot taken of the set there appears a Gay Pride Flag. Not included in the film, just a flag in the background of a shot taken by someone visiting/working the set. I support this boycott too. :lol: :lol: :lol:

We already played this stupid game in the Reagan era. Then? It was Rock and Roll and Dungeons and Dragons that were "coming after our kids".

Same freaking people. Same nonsense "reasoning". Same exact language used. Different target. Fear sells in America. Always has, always will.

Meanwhile, Reagan's massive tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, and trickle down economics was the beginning of the gutting of working class America.

That's all this is....diversion used by the powerful. Why does everything think this is DeSantis main campaign plank?

But sure, "the gays are coming to get you and your family". More laws, more book banning, all to PRETEND that they can legislate culture. Quick quiz: how effective was the ol' government program designed to "regulate" song lyrics. :lol: :roll:

That wasn't the goal. The goal was: voter for us, and we'll pretend to do what the Evangelists want us to do....all while funneling more money to the 1%ers.


Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:14 am
by runrussellrun
a fan wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:46 pm
jhu72 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:19 pm Nutbag republiCONs are calling for a boycott of Chick-fil-a. I think this is a great idea and whole heartedly support them in this effort. :lol: :lol: :lol:

These same nutjobs are calling for a boycott of soon to be released film about the life of Jesus (The Chosen). Apparently in some shot taken of the set there appears a Gay Pride Flag. Not included in the film, just a flag in the background of a shot taken by someone visiting/working the set. I support this boycott too. :lol: :lol: :lol:

We already played this stupid game in the Reagan era. Then? It was Rock and Roll and Dungeons and Dragons that were "coming after our kids". "Reagan era " :roll: Dude, there are pictures of former POTUSA, sipping blue moon with the Graham family, on their North Carolina "dude" ranch. Tipper Gore is TAATS ?????? :D

Same freaking people. Same nonsense "reasoning". Same exact language used. Different target. Fear sells in America. Always has, always will. "fear porn"

Meanwhile, Reagan's massive tax cuts for the rich, deregulation, and trickle down economics was the beginning of the gutting of working class America. Nixons pal Henry, apparently STILL running the show, made sure of it. The Chinese are NOT communists, nor was the "domino " theory......

That's all this is....diversion used by the powerful. Cute, WHAT are they doing that needs "diversion" ? Why does everything think this is DeSantis main campaign plank? Your fecesbook "feed" may be spreading this lie, but Ron D's main focus is finding out What the heck happened during covid lockdowns. DeSantis' main campaign plank. You and yours want to forget, all the insanity took place. Starting with tRumps legal immunity, cares act of 2020. Yup.....afan and friends have "moved on".

But sure, "the gays are coming to get you and your family". More laws, more book banning, all to PRETEND that they can legislate culture. Quick quiz: how effective was the ol' government program designed to "regulate" song lyrics. :lol: :roll:

That wasn't the goal. The goal was: voter for us, and we'll pretend to do what the Evangelists want us to do....all while funneling more money to the 1%ers. Umm...... Franklins Grahams father was laid to rest in our Nations Capitol. Wonder if they still own the plane. We saved Obama's glowing tweet.........

Diversion? How's Biden's PATRIOT act extension going ?

internet is dead. We use pigeons.....b/c birds aren't real. ....but covid shot efficacy (95%) isn't....nut job

Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:22 am
by runrussellrun
jhu72 wrote: Thu Jun 01, 2023 1:19 pm [url= :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll: /en-us/money/companies/conservatives-are-now-calling-for-a-boycott-of-chick-fil-a-for-going-woke/ar-AA1bTZ2c?ocid=entnewsntp&cvid=d079d06f7d6940be8ec0c896791530c2&ei=112] Nutbag republiCONs are calling for a boycott of Chick-fil-a. [/url] I think this is a great idea and whole heartedly support them in this effort. :lol: :lol: :lol:

These same nutjobs are calling for a boycott of soon to be released film about the life of Jesus (The Chosen). Apparently in some shot taken of the set there appears a Gay Pride Flag. Not included in the film, just a flag in the background of a shot taken by someone visiting/working the set. I support this boycott too. :lol: :lol: :lol:
literally ONE human being.............using an AOL "chat room".......

yeah.......shoving Leah Thomson and nominating "her" for NCAA woman of year, isn't shoving crazy down our throats. She couldn't just "win" and go away, to obscurity, like most n$aa swimming champions.

when IS pickle ball going n$aa :lol: :lol:

Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:30 am
by MDlaxfan76
RRR may be correct that DeSantis' appeal with covid conspiracy nuts, coupled with his bent for fascist demands that companies not protect their employees and customers in the name of "free-dumb"...was the beginning... and now with "woke"... are all of a piece.

I'm not sure that I entirely buy the 1% argument as I think most of this group isn't clued into the "diversion", but I DO think that true fascists like DeSantis understand that their objective is POWER...and money is part of achieving that objective and kleptocracy is part of its reward.

Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:44 am
by Farfromgeneva
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:30 am RRR may be correct that DeSantis' appeal with covid conspiracy nuts, coupled with his bent for fascist demands that companies not protect their employees and customers in the name of "free-dumb"...was the beginning... and now with "woke"... are all of a piece.

I'm not sure that I entirely buy the 1% argument as I think most of this group isn't clued into the "diversion", but I DO think that true fascists like DeSantis understand that their objective is POWER...and money is part of achieving that objective and kleptocracy is part of its reward.
As they say in the Capital markers side of finance, “flow begets flow”

Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:48 am
by runrussellrun
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:30 am RRR may be correct that DeSantis' appeal with covid conspiracy nuts, coupled with his bent for fascist demands that companies not protect their employees and customers in the name of "free-dumb"...was the beginning... and now with "woke"... are all of a piece.

I'm not sure that I entirely buy the 1% argument as I think most of this group isn't clued into the "diversion", but I DO think that true fascists like DeSantis understand that their objective is POWER...and money is part of achieving that objective and kleptocracy is part of its reward.
apparently, the 95% efficacy claim..........

but, back to Biden......and his history of hate towards "this" community.

He literally DID write the Defense of Marriage act.

yup....stay principled and keep on supporting this homophobe.

Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:55 am
by MDlaxfan76
runrussellrun wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:48 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:30 am RRR may be correct that DeSantis' appeal with covid conspiracy nuts, coupled with his bent for fascist demands that companies not protect their employees and customers in the name of "free-dumb"...was the beginning... and now with "woke"... are all of a piece.

I'm not sure that I entirely buy the 1% argument as I think most of this group isn't clued into the "diversion", but I DO think that true fascists like DeSantis understand that their objective is POWER...and money is part of achieving that objective and kleptocracy is part of its reward.
apparently, the 95% efficacy claim..........

but, back to Biden......and his history of hate towards "this" community.

He literally DID write the Defense of Marriage act.

yup....stay principled and keep on supporting this homophobe.
Yes, the country (meaning most of us) have evolved hugely.
Were we "homophobes" back then? Maybe. ... -evolution

Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:59 am
by runrussellrun
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Wed May 31, 2023 9:07 am When Sydney-as-Alanna confessed her love for a woman, the audience hooted approval. When Fia-as-Much declared, “I think that I’m not a man or a woman,” no one hissed or booed.

Now came the lines Sydney liked most.

Will Scarlett, a member of Marian/Robin’s troupe of Merry Men, was questioning Much’s new gender identity. “Wait a minute, wait a minute, you can’t stop being one thing,” said Will, acted by sophomore Everly Salyers, “and start being another thing.” Even asking this question, IS attempted murder. how DARE you question, the questioning.

Sydney took two steps toward the people who had come to watch her defy what she called censorship.

“Yes, you can,” she said. “You could wake up in love. You could wake up feeling a whole new way you never felt before.”

She raised both arms in the air, half-pleading, half-triumphant.

“Anything,” she shouted, “could happen!”
thought the underlying message of this story was "steal from the the poor "

and real cool that one of the "actors" wanting to commit violence towards anyone questioning the "crazy" narrative of this "play".

ha ha, so funny.

such problems, that these rich kids have.....between AP tests, music lessons and......

Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 9:10 am
by jhu72

Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 9:19 am
by runrussellrun
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:55 am
runrussellrun wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:48 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:30 am RRR may be correct that DeSantis' appeal with covid conspiracy nuts, coupled with his bent for fascist demands that companies not protect their employees and customers in the name of "free-dumb"...was the beginning... and now with "woke"... are all of a piece.

I'm not sure that I entirely buy the 1% argument as I think most of this group isn't clued into the "diversion", but I DO think that true fascists like DeSantis understand that their objective is POWER...and money is part of achieving that objective and kleptocracy is part of its reward.
apparently, the 95% efficacy claim..........

but, back to Biden......and his history of hate towards "this" community.

He literally DID write the Defense of Marriage act.

yup....stay principled and keep on supporting this homophobe.
Yes, the country (meaning most of us) have evolved hugely.
Were we "homophobes" back then? Maybe. ... -evolution
cute....the "evolution" claim. so predictable.

decades of hate........and Joe is suddenly a beacon for change?

Lest we not remember Hillaryous' Clintons "funny" bar keep skit on SNL......ha ha, yes, Hilary, you COULD have supported same sex marriage.

Last state in the USA to make same sex legal? Yup....Clintons own Arkansas.

I dislike tRump for many reasons.....but the "hate" towards this community, ain't coming from him. No evidence, beyond lies and more of them.......otherwise, we could point to things.

Good for Joe, for finally coming around to human decency. Only others have to answer for their past :lol: :lol:

bizarre, the lack of principles .....

Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 9:31 am
by MDlaxfan76
We know you hate everyone, but it's a deep black hole.
Not gonna go down it with you again.

Re: The Hate Directed at the LGBTQ+

Posted: Fri Jun 02, 2023 9:45 am
by Matnum PI
Looks interesting.