Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by ggait »

Is trump the worst of all?

Well he is the only incumbent president in USA history to try every and every means available (including outrageous lies and criminal acts) to overthrow a free and fair election.

Few things could be worse than that. Even if a riot didn’t break out on j6, trump has retired the title. He is the woat. The ne plus ultra of awfulness.

No one has any factual basis to disagree with that.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by youthathletics »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:58 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:52 pm MD - you are doing what dmac was talking about.
which part?...always willing to review myself and admit I've been wrong, got out over my skis too far, or whatever.
Just work on being a bit more insouciant....that is all. ;)
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 5:48 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:58 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:52 pm MD - you are doing what dmac was talking about.
which part?...always willing to review myself and admit I've been wrong, got out over my skis too far, or whatever.
Just work on being a bit more insouciant....that is all. ;)
....and YA wins the day with the word "insouciant".

Your prize? You may gloat and feel cool for five minutes. And not a minute more.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

The Demolition of the Dirty Delaware Deal.

This Plea "Deal" was like an omnibus PBJ for any & all Hunter Biden bad acts, known & unknown. ... -blows-up/

Hunter Biden’s Sweetheart Plea Deal Blows Up

by ANDREW C. MCCARTHY, July 27, 2023

A plea agreement between the president’s son and the president’s Justice Department was never going to serve the public interest.

‘Does this mean he goes to trial now?”

This was one of the questions I was naturally asked while doing some legal analysis of the Delaware Demolition in which Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal went up in smoke on Wednesday.

My reply: “Go to trial . . . on what?”

That should be a dumb question to which the usual answer is, “The indictment, of course.” But see, here’s the thing: President Biden’s Justice Department has never filed an indictment against President Biden’s son. Why? Well, for the same reason the sweetheart deal blew up. The fatal flaw of the agreement written by Biden prosecutors is that it failed to describe in detail the criminal charges for which Hunter Biden was receiving immunity.

The immunity term is always key. It is the reason defendants plead a case out rather than rolling the dice on a trial. It spells out what the government is still at liberty to investigate and prosecute.

...For now, suffice it to say that the Hunter Biden defense and the Biden Justice Department hid the sweeping immunity term, shielding Hunter from all future prosecution, in a “diversion agreement” related to the gun offense on which Hunter was not pleading guilty and is anticipated not to be prosecuted. The “diversion agreement” is separate from the plea agreement to the misdemeanor tax charges — i.e., the only charges to which Hunter actually planned to plead guilty. The plea agreement is where one would ordinarily find the all-important immunity term (since the immunity is given by the government in exchange for the guilty plea). Both the diversion agreement and the plea agreement incorporate an outrageous statement of facts (which is appended to the tax plea agreement). This fictitious presentation, which appears to have been drafted by Hunter’s lawyers, is nevertheless endorsed by the Biden Justice Department, even though it is utterly inconsistent with the prosecutors’ face-saving protestations, under pointed questioning Wednesday by Judge Noreika, that they are conducting a continuing investigation in which Hunter is a subject and could be charged.

It could not be more obvious that, if the government were truly conducting a continuing investigation, prosecutors would never in a million years give one of the main subjects of that investigation a plea to minor tax charges — with the promise of a recommendation of no imprisonment — in the middle of that investigation.

This corrupt episode happened because this case is not a legitimate case — it’s a sham. In legitimate prosecutions, the defendant and the Justice Department are adversaries, with defense lawyers looking out for the defendant’s interest and the prosecutors vindicating the public interest in seeing that lawbreakers are held to account. The Hunter Biden case, to the contrary, is a travesty, in which the defense and the prosecution are on the same side.

That is why the prosecutors have never filed an indictment that lays out the case against Hunter in exacting, painful detail — the way the Justice Department typically does. To do that would be politically devastating for the president, who is implicated in his son’s conduct. Plus, if prosecutors fully describe the serious charges that appear to be supported by evidence already known, it would become politically impossible to settle the case on two trivial tax misdemeanors with no jail time, in addition to disappearing a gun felony carrying a potential ten-year prison sentence.

That is why the plea agreement could not be a normal plea agreement. The point of an agreement is to outline in detail the full extent of the immunity the defendant is getting in exchange for his plea. Because the Hunter Biden defense and the Biden Justice Department are on the same side, the collective objective was to give Hunter as much immunity as possible, with as little said as possible about why he needs it. a matter of justice. A plea agreement between Hunter Biden and the Biden Justice Department was never going to serve the public interest. It was going to serve the interests of Hunter Biden and the Joe Biden administration.

Here’s the problem: A plea agreement is a meeting of the minds, like any other contract. As a result, if the parties do not concur on the major terms, there is no agreement.

So here was the Biden Justice Department’s two-part plan (or, at least, two-part hope):

First, write a set of highly unusual, slippery agreements that would (a) allow Hunter to claim immunity not only for two tax misdemeanors but for any criminal charges arising out of the Biden family business, while (b) allowing the Justice Department to insist, if subsequently asked, that there was still an ongoing investigation — about which, of course, it could not comment, much less provide nosy congressional committees with information.

Second, get the judge to rubber-stamp the plea agreement without asking questions.

That second part is not as ambitious as it sounds. In most cases, plea agreements are very detailed and explain the parties’ understandings exquisitely. As a result, judges are habituated not to ask probing questions. Not because they’re lazy (they’re not), but because normal plea agreements are clear and on the up-and-up. If a court tries unnecessarily to clarify what is already clear, it can unintentionally create confusion, muddying what should be a straightforward written record of the proceedings.

But here, Judge Noreika could not in good conscience do that. The agreement was unusually elliptical, and contained at least one constitutionally objectionable term that required an advisory opinion from the court before the Justice Department could take future enforcement action against the president’s son.

That was a big tell. In all federal criminal prosecutions, the Justice Department is the party that writes plea agreements. To ensure that Americans receive equal justice under the law, the government makes the terms of these agreements standard. If a defendant asks for a tweak here or there, prosecutors decline. Obviously, if the government were to start making those kinds of accommodations, then connected people who could afford the best lawyers would get better deals than other defendants.

The agreement the Biden Justice Department gave Hunter Biden was a special agreement. It bears the stamp of Hunter’s lawyers. It didn’t look normal because there was nothing normal about it. It was cooked up by confederates, not hammered out by adversaries.

That was patently surprising to Judge Noreika. That’s why she asked what exactly was being agreed to — i.e., what immunity Hunter was getting for his plea to two minor tax charges. And at that point, the jig was up.

Pressed on the matter, Hunter’s lawyers had to say the immunity was sweeping. Politically, the Biden Justice Department could not agree with that, even though it’s exactly what they’d hoped to provide. After all, Garland, Weiss, and Co. have been telling Congress that they can’t answer any questions about, or provide documents related to, the Hunter case because there’s supposedly a continuing investigation.

Let’s put aside what I’ve noted above — namely, that it doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense for the Justice Department to give a suspect a plea deal to trivial charges when the investigation into his serious misconduct is still ongoing. It would make even less sense — it would be politically catastrophic — for the Biden Justice Department to say, “Well, yeah, there’s a continuing investigation into Hunter’s business dealings, but we’re nevertheless promising not to prosecute him at the end of it.”

To avoid political humiliation, the Biden Justice Department’s public position had to be that the immunity was narrow and that Hunter could still be prosecuted for other crimes. That was unacceptable to Hunter’s defense team, so the deal collapsed.

But collapsed into . . . what? Remember, there is no indictment.

Attorney General Garland declined to do his duty, which, in view of the insuperable conflict of interest, was to appoint a scrupulous special counsel who would investigate with independence and integrity. As a result, after years of a probe in which the statute of limitations has already expired on some of the most significant charges, there is no indictment.

An indictment stops the clock. If there were an indictment, the statute of limitations would not lapse. But there is no indictment because the Biden Justice Department is happy to see the statute of limitations on Hunter Biden’s offenses lapse.

So what’s the next step for the Biden Justice Department?

It’s to file an indictment . . . against Donald Trump!
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

old salt wrote:
But see, here’s the thing: President Biden’s Justice Department has never filed an indictment against President Biden’s son. Why? Well, for the same reason the sweetheart deal blew up. The fatal flaw of the agreement written by Biden prosecutors is that it failed to describe in detail the criminal charges for which Hunter Biden was receiving immunity.
This is one of the many insidious things the Trump presidency did.

Formerly independent offices (because of tradition and decorum) became wholly owned by Trump and beholden to Trump.

Now people believe that about Biden. Doesn't matter how many Republicans are running these various offices, the right is gonna believe it's "Biden's this" and "Biden's that" and that he's pulling the strings. Because it's what they would do.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by ggait »

But see, here’s the thing: President Biden’s Justice Department has never filed an indictment against President Biden’s son.
Um ...

US DOJ indicted Hunter Biden in Delaware on June 20, 2023. Hunter Biden plead not guilty to those charges yesterday. Hunter Biden is still under indcitment for those charges as of today.


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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

ggait wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 9:52 pm
But see, here’s the thing: President Biden’s Justice Department has never filed an indictment against President Biden’s son.
Um ...

US DOJ indicted Hunter Biden in Delaware on June 20, 2023. Hunter Biden plead not guilty to those charges yesterday. Hunter Biden is still under indcitment for those charges as of today.


Indictment ? ... de2c089fd1
Biden was charged under an information, a formal document that lays out the charges against him but doesn’t require a vote by a grand jury, which would be an indictment.

An information, not a "speaking" indictment, which is the point.
Thus, no specifics to fall back on when the plea deal falls apart & no public disclosure of the evidence.

President Biden’s Justice Department has never filed an indictment against President Biden’s son. Why? Well, for the same reason the sweetheart deal blew up. The fatal flaw of the agreement written by Biden prosecutors is that it failed to describe in detail the criminal charges for which Hunter Biden was receiving immunity. ... arges.html
Weiss has filed two charging documents, known as informations, against Hunter — one for both tax crimes, and one for the firearm charge.

Prosecutors routinely use an information to charge defendants who have agreed to plead guilty.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by OCanada »

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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by jhu72 »

Kismet wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 8:04 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 7:39 am
old salt wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 7:03 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 3:27 am
jhu72 wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 1:42 am
old salt wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 1:38 am
jhu72 wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 1:35 am
old salt wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 1:33 am :roll: BS from Weissmann. It's > 2 years before the next election. Plenty of time to resolve this.
Does Weissman expect the Judge to give Hunter blanket immunity for everything, regardless of SOL ?
Biden urgently wants to resolve this & get it out of the news before the campaign starts & his nomination is jeopardized.
Garland's DoJ looks like a thoroughly politicized clown show.
... as big of a clown show as National Review? The judge is on record understanding the Hunter Biden motivation.
:lol: ...she understands all right. That's why she blew up the sweetheart deal.
... we'll see :D
DoJ has to go back to square one. The prosecution thought they could pull a fast one on this judge but they got caught with their pants around their ankles. Simple solution would be for Hunter to man up and plead guilty and accept whatever punishment the court hands to him He would still be a degenerate scumbag but at least he would have done the right thing for maybe the first time in his life.
The Judge was brilliant. She didn't have to call BS on the Biden DoJ's sweetheart deal. She framed it as protecting Hunter's rights as a defendant & ensuring that all parties concurred on what they were agreeing to, ...& the deal fell apart. The wink & the nod was between the prosecution & the defense, agreed upon before the House turned up the heat with the IRS agents, Archer & Bobolinski, forcing Weiss to say the investigation was ongoing so he could continue to stonewall. The plan was for Hunter & the Biden admin to declare case closed, lets move on, while Weiss ran out the clock until after the election & the SOL's ran out.
Yeah, Weiss is another Deep Stater... :roll:
Deep staters too busy covering up alien bodies and re-engineering crashed UFO craft. :lol:

A pity Crumbled Old Saltine has to defend an administration full of crooks and liars he never supported or voted for all the time while never letting a good argument go to waste on anything the current administration does. :oops:

Re-postng copyrighted NR material is also very commendable. If anyone cared to read what's in the NR rag they'd subscribe. :lol:
... yup! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by jhu72 »

... it's great fun watching all the republiCONs trying to make more out of Hunter Biden plea deal temporary blow up than it obviously is. :D
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by runrussellrun »

OCanada wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 7:53 am Yesterday…,,oops ... r-s-Laptop
you don't believe Hunter when he tells us......"yes......all that stuff on the laptop is mine"

every Sunday.....people would go worship and listen......every Sunday. Believing in a "god".

and ocanucks idea of religion and reality.....IS similar.

what WON"T you believe?

certainly NOT Hunters own words about the laptop.

oh go hit the "gun control" thread and get back to us. Illegal gun sales only apply to.............wait for it.

How IS the murder rate in Baltimore?
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by runrussellrun »

jhu72 wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 8:05 am ... it's great fun watching all the republiCONs trying to make more out of Hunter Biden plea deal temporary blow up than it obviously is. :D
What, obviously, IS it ,than ?

illegal gun ownership IS nothing to sneeze at. You and yours have been telling us that for years......what changed?
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

jhu72 wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 8:05 am ... it's great fun watching all the republiCONs trying to make more out of Hunter Biden plea deal temporary blow up than it obviously is. :D
Part of their problem is that the two principal guys on charge of this initiative, Comer and Jordan, are painfully incompetent, even at stitching together the falsehoods on which the Hunter saga seems to depend.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by runrussellrun »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 8:20 am
jhu72 wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 8:05 am ... it's great fun watching all the republiCONs trying to make more out of Hunter Biden plea deal temporary blow up than it obviously is. :D
Part of their problem is that the two principal guys on charge of this initiative, Comer and Jordan, are painfully incompetent, even at stitching together the falsehoods on which the Hunter saga seems to depend.
You wanna call Hunter, yourself, and ask ?

Name two falsehoods ?
Last edited by runrussellrun on Fri Jul 28, 2023 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 5:48 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:58 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:52 pm MD - you are doing what dmac was talking about.
which part?...always willing to review myself and admit I've been wrong, got out over my skis too far, or whatever.
Just work on being a bit more insouciant....that is all. ;)
indifferent to what?
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by ggait »

jhu72 wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 8:05 am ... it's great fun watching all the republiCONs trying to make more out of Hunter Biden plea deal temporary blow up than it obviously is. :D
The fly-speckering is turned up to 11.

Hunter Biden was never indicted by a grand jury!!! Outrage!!!

Of course he has been charged with crimes, he's pleaded guilty for the time being, and those charges are still pending. So no one cares.

There's only one solution to this. Saltine needs to take the LSAT, attend law school, and then become a US Atty. Then all this deep state BS will be over!!!!!

Since he's such an expert already on the finest points of criminal procedure, maybe he should go right to the bar exam. Unfortunately, the summer bar exam was just administered earlier this week. But I'm sure Jon Turley and Andrew McCarthy will sponsor the Salted Cracker for the February 2024 sitting.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by Kismet »

ggait wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 11:39 am
jhu72 wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 8:05 am ... it's great fun watching all the republiCONs trying to make more out of Hunter Biden plea deal temporary blow up than it obviously is. :D
The fly-speckering is turned up to 11.

Hunter Biden was never indicted by a grand jury!!! Outrage!!!

Of course he has been charged with crimes, he's pleaded guilty for the time being, and those charges are still pending. So no one cares.

There's only one solution to this. Saltine needs to take the LSAT, attend law school, and then become a US Atty. Then all this deep state BS will be over!!!!!

Since he's such an expert already on the finest points of criminal procedure, maybe he should go right to the bar exam. Unfortunately, the summer bar exam was just administered earlier this week. But I'm sure Jon Turley and Andrew McCarthy will sponsor the Salted Cracker for the February 2024 sitting.
He's not THAT interested really. Note how never never comments on the details of any alleged criminal activity of his hero - Orange Cheato
except for still ranting about an investigation that occurred almost five years ago. :oops:
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by ggait »

He's not THAT interested really. Note how never never comments on the details of any alleged criminal activity of his hero - Orange Cheato
except for still ranting about an investigation that occurred almost five years ago. :oops:
Yeah -- the greatest outrage and threat to the Republic was that DOJ/FBI opened a "full investigation" of Trump (which the non partisan DOJ IG's report said was perfectly fine) instead of just opening a "preliminary inquiry" of Trump (as Barr and Durham maintain).

We all should be marching in the streets over that one.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

ggait wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 12:10 pm
He's not THAT interested really. Note how never never comments on the details of any alleged criminal activity of his hero - Orange Cheato
except for still ranting about an investigation that occurred almost five years ago. :oops:
Yeah -- the greatest outrage and threat to the Republic was that DOJ/FBI opened a "full investigation" of Trump (which the non partisan DOJ IG's report said was perfectly fine) instead of just opening a "preliminary inquiry" of Trump (as Barr and Durham maintain).

We all should be marching in the streets over that one.
The part that doesn't square is: no one complaining about that has the slightest idea why the FBI opened a case on Hunter. They can't tell us, because NO ONE knows.

This is because, obviously, they don't care if the FBI did something imperfect when it comes to going after Democrats.

It's all so silly, and such an enormous waste of time. And worse, it's completely ruined and dismantled the once great Republican Party.

The only question now is: what's their new conspiracy going to be?
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by cradleandshoot »

jhu72 wrote: Fri Jul 28, 2023 8:05 am ... it's great fun watching all the republiCONs trying to make more out of Hunter Biden plea deal temporary blow up than it obviously is. :D
I bet Hunter ain't all that thrilled about the outcome either. He thought going in that the fix was in. This could be the first criminal prosecution in a long time where the defense and the prosecution are on the same team. :D
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