Orange Duce

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 11:14 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:42 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 8:01 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:56 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:34 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:21 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:40 pm No blinding insight MD. I just understand the psychotic nature of Putin. You think he invaded Ukraine with the expectation he would lose??? Even a FLP liberal RINO Republican such as yourself should be able to comprehend that Putin will never let that happen. You think that Putin won't do anything in his power to win???? Even a FLP liberal Rockefeller Republican such as yourself isn't that stupid. Then again.................. :D
Thinking he won't lose does not mean that the reality won't be that he'll lose.

Invaders rarely think they will lose, but it's darn hard to take and hold lands from people who don't wish to give them up...and all the more so when much stronger nations come to the defense of the invaded nation.

I think Putin expected a quick strike would remove the current government in a matter of days prior to the West being able to do much of anything about it. Fait accompli.

I don't think he expected a long struggle, much less that the US would lead the West to rally so strongly to Ukraine's behalf.

I suspect he continues to underestimate Western resolve...of course, he may yet be proven right and the West blinks and walks...but that won't be Biden, that'll be Germany and France or, if Trump takes over again, the US too.

Frankly, I think for numerous years I've been way, way more correct about the danger Putin represents than has Salty or anyone else who pooh poohed that threat. I think I was also more correct about the West's reaction to the Russian aggression than what Salty predicted.
I can't speak for OS. I'm sure he has his own opinion he will express in his own way. I'm happy to see you standing on your soap box having advised all of us how dangerous Putin is. Too bad SoS HRC was never enlightened as to your intuition how dangerous Putin and Russia are. I guess that HRC reset button was always a humorous joke to Putin. The minute Putin chose to invade Ukraine put him in the same category as Hitler. There is no backing down from your decision and there will be no compromise on Putins part. The only question is what will Putin do to save face and not be humiliated on the battlefield???
I agree with the bolded, though you certainly tried to speak for him, amidst all your personal insults at me.

Yup, W was wrong, HRC was wrong, Obama was wrong, lots of wishful thinking.

who was right? Romney.

Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014, which is when my own focus on that threat grew sharper...we had arguments back then about whether it was even the Russians in those "little green men" me, it was super obvious.

It then became very clear that Putin was ordering asymmetric warfare, cyber warfare, against all western democracies, but particularly the US as the leader of such. He was investing in support of right wing "white, Christian Nationalists" in various former Soviet holdings and throughout the West.

As Trump emerged, embracing these populist right-wing factions, both domestically and globally, the threat from Putin was eminently clear...the purpose was to undermine democracy, bolster authoritarianism, and to increase Putin's influence...asymmetric warfare.

The US did little at first to counter this threat...the Magnitsky Act...but basically very little...and then Trump got elected and the undermining of NATO began in earnest...

But Biden won, and Putin no longer had an ally in the White House...I do think he miscalculated about Biden after the withdrawal from Afghanistan, underestimating him, and I think he overestimated the fear of losing their energy source would play with other NATO countries...

Putin is indeed between a rock and a hard place...but then, so are we...we are in very real danger of an internal civil war, with those seeds of white christian nationalism and the cult of Trump, so we may become so distracted by that strife that we fail to keep NATO and the West together in support of the defense of Ukraine and international law.
Your probably correct about the "internal civil war" aspect of your argument . Maybe you should have paid closer attention when the ANTIFA scumbags carried the same argument for their rational for burning down a good portion of the northwest USA. :roll:
maybe you shouldn't get your news from right wing nut job media..."a good portion of the northwest USA"...what portion is "good"? How many blocks were "burning down"?

seriously, you didn't hear me applauding any of the anarchistic actions of any group, including the group in Portland.

But to be clear, I don't think generally of "Antifa" as "scumbags", though some few of them might well deserve some jail time. But generally, they're anti-fascists and willing to confront directly those who are fascist, "white christian nationalists". Some get too far out, though. That happened in Portland, though I'm not sure how much of that was actually ANTIFA...most of it, apparently, was anarchists...but some.
I don't get news from any right wing sources. I've only told you that a 1000 times. I read blurbs from Drudge and when I do watch national news I watch small clips of NBC nightly news. They are not exactly a bastion of right wingers reporting the news. I guess you are still under your delusional perception that anybody who doesn't think like you do is being brainwashed by right wing media. The more I read your posts the more I'm reassured in my own thinking and my own conclusions. If the time ever comes where I find myself agreeing with you.. then I will start to worry about myself. I tend to use your comments as a baseline for wrong thinking and then I go from there.
We’ve had this discussion before. Drudge is a conservative leaning aggregator, so what you are consuming is what they serve up to you based on your prior preferences…which are clearly right wing media content.

That’s the actual source of your ‘blurbs’.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:42 pm
HooDat wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:01 pm Paul Ryan would have had to actually sought the nomination to be in his 2nd term by now. But a guy can dream....

The Eeyore in me says that if you eliminate Trump from the GOP primary process - the most likely outcome is Jeb running against HRC. Two "Family Dynasty" candidates facing off against each other :roll: . And frankly, I suspect we would be sitting in middle of a scandal plagued second term of Hillary Clinton and the vitriol would be exactly the same with the uniforms swapped out: claims of falling skies would be coming from Fox with their own version of Hillary Derangement Syndrome, while CNN would be defending the indefensible.

meet the new boss, same as the old boss.....
I think any of the more normal, generally likable, GOP candidates would have beaten Clinton by a solid margin, perhaps even a majority of all votes.

If not, this scenario would indeed have been likely.
Well here is hoping that Liz Cheney runs for POTUS. She checks all of MD laxes boxes. The real world tells me Liz will get trashed by her own party long before the pit vipers on this forum get their turn to sink their fangs into her. I only wonder how MD lax will respond when the people on this forum he sucks up to on a daily basis suddenly remember that Liz is Dick Cheneys daughter and throw her ass into the FLP meat grinder. That moment would be worth the price of admission. I'm betting our resident FLP liberal RINO Republican is already practicing his spin .. :D

LIZ CHENEY 2024... All the hate filled angry old white FLP boys on this forum have to do is forget who Liz's dad is..... That should be huge fun watching that chit show unfold. They all love Liz until they realize they have to hate her. The sudden stark cold reality that they are supporting Dick Cheneys daughter will look like the climax from Mars Attacks. Heads will explode.
I use to be a people person until people ruined that for me.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:50 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 11:14 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:42 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 8:01 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:56 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:34 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:21 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:40 pm No blinding insight MD. I just understand the psychotic nature of Putin. You think he invaded Ukraine with the expectation he would lose??? Even a FLP liberal RINO Republican such as yourself should be able to comprehend that Putin will never let that happen. You think that Putin won't do anything in his power to win???? Even a FLP liberal Rockefeller Republican such as yourself isn't that stupid. Then again.................. :D
Thinking he won't lose does not mean that the reality won't be that he'll lose.

Invaders rarely think they will lose, but it's darn hard to take and hold lands from people who don't wish to give them up...and all the more so when much stronger nations come to the defense of the invaded nation.

I think Putin expected a quick strike would remove the current government in a matter of days prior to the West being able to do much of anything about it. Fait accompli.

I don't think he expected a long struggle, much less that the US would lead the West to rally so strongly to Ukraine's behalf.

I suspect he continues to underestimate Western resolve...of course, he may yet be proven right and the West blinks and walks...but that won't be Biden, that'll be Germany and France or, if Trump takes over again, the US too.

Frankly, I think for numerous years I've been way, way more correct about the danger Putin represents than has Salty or anyone else who pooh poohed that threat. I think I was also more correct about the West's reaction to the Russian aggression than what Salty predicted.
I can't speak for OS. I'm sure he has his own opinion he will express in his own way. I'm happy to see you standing on your soap box having advised all of us how dangerous Putin is. Too bad SoS HRC was never enlightened as to your intuition how dangerous Putin and Russia are. I guess that HRC reset button was always a humorous joke to Putin. The minute Putin chose to invade Ukraine put him in the same category as Hitler. There is no backing down from your decision and there will be no compromise on Putins part. The only question is what will Putin do to save face and not be humiliated on the battlefield???
I agree with the bolded, though you certainly tried to speak for him, amidst all your personal insults at me.

Yup, W was wrong, HRC was wrong, Obama was wrong, lots of wishful thinking.

who was right? Romney.

Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014, which is when my own focus on that threat grew sharper...we had arguments back then about whether it was even the Russians in those "little green men" me, it was super obvious.

It then became very clear that Putin was ordering asymmetric warfare, cyber warfare, against all western democracies, but particularly the US as the leader of such. He was investing in support of right wing "white, Christian Nationalists" in various former Soviet holdings and throughout the West.

As Trump emerged, embracing these populist right-wing factions, both domestically and globally, the threat from Putin was eminently clear...the purpose was to undermine democracy, bolster authoritarianism, and to increase Putin's influence...asymmetric warfare.

The US did little at first to counter this threat...the Magnitsky Act...but basically very little...and then Trump got elected and the undermining of NATO began in earnest...

But Biden won, and Putin no longer had an ally in the White House...I do think he miscalculated about Biden after the withdrawal from Afghanistan, underestimating him, and I think he overestimated the fear of losing their energy source would play with other NATO countries...

Putin is indeed between a rock and a hard place...but then, so are we...we are in very real danger of an internal civil war, with those seeds of white christian nationalism and the cult of Trump, so we may become so distracted by that strife that we fail to keep NATO and the West together in support of the defense of Ukraine and international law.
Your probably correct about the "internal civil war" aspect of your argument . Maybe you should have paid closer attention when the ANTIFA scumbags carried the same argument for their rational for burning down a good portion of the northwest USA. :roll:
maybe you shouldn't get your news from right wing nut job media..."a good portion of the northwest USA"...what portion is "good"? How many blocks were "burning down"?

seriously, you didn't hear me applauding any of the anarchistic actions of any group, including the group in Portland.

But to be clear, I don't think generally of "Antifa" as "scumbags", though some few of them might well deserve some jail time. But generally, they're anti-fascists and willing to confront directly those who are fascist, "white christian nationalists". Some get too far out, though. That happened in Portland, though I'm not sure how much of that was actually ANTIFA...most of it, apparently, was anarchists...but some.
I don't get news from any right wing sources. I've only told you that a 1000 times. I read blurbs from Drudge and when I do watch national news I watch small clips of NBC nightly news. They are not exactly a bastion of right wingers reporting the news. I guess you are still under your delusional perception that anybody who doesn't think like you do is being brainwashed by right wing media. The more I read your posts the more I'm reassured in my own thinking and my own conclusions. If the time ever comes where I find myself agreeing with you.. then I will start to worry about myself. I tend to use your comments as a baseline for wrong thinking and then I go from there.
We’ve had this discussion before. Drudge is a conservative leaning aggregator, so what you are consuming is what they serve up to you based on your prior preferences…which are clearly right wing media content.

That’s the actual source of your ‘blurbs’.
FYI, since you don't pay attention... Matt Drudge also hates trump.... Given your narrow minded perspective that should make Drudge a winner in your book... Just out of curiosity, and I don't know why I waste my time asking... Do you ever read the Drudge Report? Your ignorance as to what his site actually reports every day tells me your clueless. That fact doesn't surprise me in the least, by that I mean you being clueless. Did you look in your backyard to see if there were any right wing terrorists hiding behind your trees? :D
I use to be a people person until people ruined that for me.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 4:28 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:50 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 11:14 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:42 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 8:01 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:56 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:34 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:21 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:40 pm No blinding insight MD. I just understand the psychotic nature of Putin. You think he invaded Ukraine with the expectation he would lose??? Even a FLP liberal RINO Republican such as yourself should be able to comprehend that Putin will never let that happen. You think that Putin won't do anything in his power to win???? Even a FLP liberal Rockefeller Republican such as yourself isn't that stupid. Then again.................. :D
Thinking he won't lose does not mean that the reality won't be that he'll lose.

Invaders rarely think they will lose, but it's darn hard to take and hold lands from people who don't wish to give them up...and all the more so when much stronger nations come to the defense of the invaded nation.

I think Putin expected a quick strike would remove the current government in a matter of days prior to the West being able to do much of anything about it. Fait accompli.

I don't think he expected a long struggle, much less that the US would lead the West to rally so strongly to Ukraine's behalf.

I suspect he continues to underestimate Western resolve...of course, he may yet be proven right and the West blinks and walks...but that won't be Biden, that'll be Germany and France or, if Trump takes over again, the US too.

Frankly, I think for numerous years I've been way, way more correct about the danger Putin represents than has Salty or anyone else who pooh poohed that threat. I think I was also more correct about the West's reaction to the Russian aggression than what Salty predicted.
I can't speak for OS. I'm sure he has his own opinion he will express in his own way. I'm happy to see you standing on your soap box having advised all of us how dangerous Putin is. Too bad SoS HRC was never enlightened as to your intuition how dangerous Putin and Russia are. I guess that HRC reset button was always a humorous joke to Putin. The minute Putin chose to invade Ukraine put him in the same category as Hitler. There is no backing down from your decision and there will be no compromise on Putins part. The only question is what will Putin do to save face and not be humiliated on the battlefield???
I agree with the bolded, though you certainly tried to speak for him, amidst all your personal insults at me.

Yup, W was wrong, HRC was wrong, Obama was wrong, lots of wishful thinking.

who was right? Romney.

Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014, which is when my own focus on that threat grew sharper...we had arguments back then about whether it was even the Russians in those "little green men" me, it was super obvious.

It then became very clear that Putin was ordering asymmetric warfare, cyber warfare, against all western democracies, but particularly the US as the leader of such. He was investing in support of right wing "white, Christian Nationalists" in various former Soviet holdings and throughout the West.

As Trump emerged, embracing these populist right-wing factions, both domestically and globally, the threat from Putin was eminently clear...the purpose was to undermine democracy, bolster authoritarianism, and to increase Putin's influence...asymmetric warfare.

The US did little at first to counter this threat...the Magnitsky Act...but basically very little...and then Trump got elected and the undermining of NATO began in earnest...

But Biden won, and Putin no longer had an ally in the White House...I do think he miscalculated about Biden after the withdrawal from Afghanistan, underestimating him, and I think he overestimated the fear of losing their energy source would play with other NATO countries...

Putin is indeed between a rock and a hard place...but then, so are we...we are in very real danger of an internal civil war, with those seeds of white christian nationalism and the cult of Trump, so we may become so distracted by that strife that we fail to keep NATO and the West together in support of the defense of Ukraine and international law.
Your probably correct about the "internal civil war" aspect of your argument . Maybe you should have paid closer attention when the ANTIFA scumbags carried the same argument for their rational for burning down a good portion of the northwest USA. :roll:
maybe you shouldn't get your news from right wing nut job media..."a good portion of the northwest USA"...what portion is "good"? How many blocks were "burning down"?

seriously, you didn't hear me applauding any of the anarchistic actions of any group, including the group in Portland.

But to be clear, I don't think generally of "Antifa" as "scumbags", though some few of them might well deserve some jail time. But generally, they're anti-fascists and willing to confront directly those who are fascist, "white christian nationalists". Some get too far out, though. That happened in Portland, though I'm not sure how much of that was actually ANTIFA...most of it, apparently, was anarchists...but some.
I don't get news from any right wing sources. I've only told you that a 1000 times. I read blurbs from Drudge and when I do watch national news I watch small clips of NBC nightly news. They are not exactly a bastion of right wingers reporting the news. I guess you are still under your delusional perception that anybody who doesn't think like you do is being brainwashed by right wing media. The more I read your posts the more I'm reassured in my own thinking and my own conclusions. If the time ever comes where I find myself agreeing with you.. then I will start to worry about myself. I tend to use your comments as a baseline for wrong thinking and then I go from there.
We’ve had this discussion before. Drudge is a conservative leaning aggregator, so what you are consuming is what they serve up to you based on your prior preferences…which are clearly right wing media content.

That’s the actual source of your ‘blurbs’.
FYI, since you don't pay attention... Matt Drudge also hates trump.... Given your narrow minded perspective that should make Drudge a winner in your book... Just out of curiosity, and I don't know why I waste my time asking... Do you ever read the Drudge Report? Your ignorance as to what his site actually reports every day tells me your clueless. That fact doesn't surprise me in the least, by that I mean you being clueless. Did you look in your backyard to see if there were any right wing terrorists hiding behind your trees? :D
Just visited again.


Takes you to CBS News story.

It's an aggregator, not original content. They don't "report" anything, they sift from actual news sites and link to their page...
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 4:16 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:42 pm
HooDat wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:01 pm Paul Ryan would have had to actually sought the nomination to be in his 2nd term by now. But a guy can dream....

The Eeyore in me says that if you eliminate Trump from the GOP primary process - the most likely outcome is Jeb running against HRC. Two "Family Dynasty" candidates facing off against each other :roll: . And frankly, I suspect we would be sitting in middle of a scandal plagued second term of Hillary Clinton and the vitriol would be exactly the same with the uniforms swapped out: claims of falling skies would be coming from Fox with their own version of Hillary Derangement Syndrome, while CNN would be defending the indefensible.

meet the new boss, same as the old boss.....
I think any of the more normal, generally likable, GOP candidates would have beaten Clinton by a solid margin, perhaps even a majority of all votes.

If not, this scenario would indeed have been likely.
Well here is hoping that Liz Cheney runs for POTUS. She checks all of MD laxes boxes. The real world tells me Liz will get trashed by her own party long before the pit vipers on this forum get their turn to sink their fangs into her. I only wonder how MD lax will respond when the people on this forum he sucks up to on a daily basis suddenly remember that Liz is Dick Cheneys daughter and throw her ass into the FLP meat grinder. That moment would be worth the price of admission. I'm betting our resident FLP liberal RINO Republican is already practicing his spin .. :D

LIZ CHENEY 2024... All the hate filled angry old white FLP boys on this forum have to do is forget who Liz's dad is..... That should be huge fun watching that chit show unfold. They all love Liz until they realize they have to hate her. The sudden stark cold reality that they are supporting Dick Cheneys daughter will look like the climax from Mars Attacks. Heads will explode.
Another diatribe of personal insults.
Your comment has nothing to do with mine, which was that the numbers all indicated that nearly any GOP candidate was going to beat Clinton in 2016. Stars were aligned, and she was a an awful candidate.

Now as to Liz Cheney I hope she does run so as to directly confront Trump and Trumpism. I don't think she has a snowball's chance in hell of winning over the MAGA voters but I think she has enormous credibility with actual conservative voters...

Remember, I think the country will be much, much better off with a two-party competition in which both parties have a shared interest in protecting democracy and an interest in governing, not simply ruling.

And that ain't gonna happen as long as the MAGA fever/Trump cult is ascendant. So, defeating that movement is priority one. Whatever Cheney can do is a positive, albeit I don't see her being the GOP nominee in 2024. The Democrats will need to win that fight.

On the extremely remote chance that Cheney was to be the GOP nominee, I do not expect Democrats to vote for Cheney in a direct contest with a credible Democrat. But a lot of independents would.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by njbill »

If Trump is the nominee, I hope Cheney runs as a third-party candidate. If she did, she would pretty much guarantee that Trump would lose, which she would know going in.

That would be the ultimate way to screw over Trump. Cheney would have a smile on her lips the rest of her life.

As a D, that would be my dream scenario.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Farfromgeneva »

ggait wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 1:52 pm
There was a time when they believed that it would need to be packaged in politeness — compassionate conservatism — and the party would eventually recommend a more moderate approach intended to branch out and broaden its appeal — in its autopsy after Mitt Romney’s 2012 loss.
Trump 2016 was such an unlucky and destructive black swan event for our country.

In 2012, the GOP ticket was Romney/Ryan. They lost 51.1/47.2% against a rock star incumbent president. That is an outstanding performance by the GOP. Recognizing this, the GOP wrote up the famous autopsy report saying the GOP needed to go bigger/broader/more diverse in the future. Fun fact -- the autopsy report was authored by Reince Preibus.

Then the crazy hijacked the GOP. Trump only got 46.1% of the vote in 2016 -- worse than Romney 2012 while going up against an unpopular non-incumbent Dem candidate. But he shamelessly appealed to the deplorables in some key swing states, and got a gift from dumb third party candidates who diverted about 4.5% of the vote.

In 2020, Trump lost as an incumbent to an extremely meh Dem candidate 46.9/51.3%. Again, less than what Romney got in 2012. For an incumbent president with a good economy, that is a pathetic electoral performance.

But because of the beyond improbable 2016 inside straight in the Electoral College, our country has been saddled with seven years (and counting) of destructive, poisonous, preposterous, embarassing, pointless and unnecessary bull shirt.

The alternate history where Trump loses (at the GOP nomination or in the 2016 general) would been soooooo much better. Maybe we'd be in the first term of a Paul Ryan administration right now...?
I loathe trump, and can say I didn’t like the guy form professional friends experiences with him in the past before he was a politician, but…it possible Paul Ryan would be fighting more inequity today if HRC won given she’s part of the system that gave us widening disparities (the whole cabal from the 90s except Stephanopolus, Rubin, etc built this that most people find problematic today).

Probably not matter for most on these boards but it’s not like she was some glorious savior.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Did Jared Rat Out Donald?

Post by DocBarrister »

According to the sources, some aides were convinced that only a family member would have known to point agents to a particular leather-bound box, as well as knowing the location of Trump's safe.

Both Trump's estranged niece, Mary, and his former attorney Michael Cohen have speculated that Jared Kushner, the former president's son-in-law, could be the informant. Neither offered evidence to back the claim.

According to multiple reports, agents conducting the raid were acting on information, including witness testimony, that Trump had not return all the classified information which was requested by the Justice Department and National Archives.

The New York Times reported that agents also obtained surveillance footage via subpoena of a hallway near the storage room where the documents were being kept and saw something that alarmed them. ... 2022-8?amp

DocBarrister ;)
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Aug 19, 2022 10:15 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 4:28 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:50 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 11:14 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:42 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 8:01 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:56 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:34 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 2:21 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:40 pm No blinding insight MD. I just understand the psychotic nature of Putin. You think he invaded Ukraine with the expectation he would lose??? Even a FLP liberal RINO Republican such as yourself should be able to comprehend that Putin will never let that happen. You think that Putin won't do anything in his power to win???? Even a FLP liberal Rockefeller Republican such as yourself isn't that stupid. Then again.................. :D
Thinking he won't lose does not mean that the reality won't be that he'll lose.

Invaders rarely think they will lose, but it's darn hard to take and hold lands from people who don't wish to give them up...and all the more so when much stronger nations come to the defense of the invaded nation.

I think Putin expected a quick strike would remove the current government in a matter of days prior to the West being able to do much of anything about it. Fait accompli.

I don't think he expected a long struggle, much less that the US would lead the West to rally so strongly to Ukraine's behalf.

I suspect he continues to underestimate Western resolve...of course, he may yet be proven right and the West blinks and walks...but that won't be Biden, that'll be Germany and France or, if Trump takes over again, the US too.

Frankly, I think for numerous years I've been way, way more correct about the danger Putin represents than has Salty or anyone else who pooh poohed that threat. I think I was also more correct about the West's reaction to the Russian aggression than what Salty predicted.
I can't speak for OS. I'm sure he has his own opinion he will express in his own way. I'm happy to see you standing on your soap box having advised all of us how dangerous Putin is. Too bad SoS HRC was never enlightened as to your intuition how dangerous Putin and Russia are. I guess that HRC reset button was always a humorous joke to Putin. The minute Putin chose to invade Ukraine put him in the same category as Hitler. There is no backing down from your decision and there will be no compromise on Putins part. The only question is what will Putin do to save face and not be humiliated on the battlefield???
I agree with the bolded, though you certainly tried to speak for him, amidst all your personal insults at me.

Yup, W was wrong, HRC was wrong, Obama was wrong, lots of wishful thinking.

who was right? Romney.

Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014, which is when my own focus on that threat grew sharper...we had arguments back then about whether it was even the Russians in those "little green men" me, it was super obvious.

It then became very clear that Putin was ordering asymmetric warfare, cyber warfare, against all western democracies, but particularly the US as the leader of such. He was investing in support of right wing "white, Christian Nationalists" in various former Soviet holdings and throughout the West.

As Trump emerged, embracing these populist right-wing factions, both domestically and globally, the threat from Putin was eminently clear...the purpose was to undermine democracy, bolster authoritarianism, and to increase Putin's influence...asymmetric warfare.

The US did little at first to counter this threat...the Magnitsky Act...but basically very little...and then Trump got elected and the undermining of NATO began in earnest...

But Biden won, and Putin no longer had an ally in the White House...I do think he miscalculated about Biden after the withdrawal from Afghanistan, underestimating him, and I think he overestimated the fear of losing their energy source would play with other NATO countries...

Putin is indeed between a rock and a hard place...but then, so are we...we are in very real danger of an internal civil war, with those seeds of white christian nationalism and the cult of Trump, so we may become so distracted by that strife that we fail to keep NATO and the West together in support of the defense of Ukraine and international law.
Your probably correct about the "internal civil war" aspect of your argument . Maybe you should have paid closer attention when the ANTIFA scumbags carried the same argument for their rational for burning down a good portion of the northwest USA. :roll:
maybe you shouldn't get your news from right wing nut job media..."a good portion of the northwest USA"...what portion is "good"? How many blocks were "burning down"?

seriously, you didn't hear me applauding any of the anarchistic actions of any group, including the group in Portland.

But to be clear, I don't think generally of "Antifa" as "scumbags", though some few of them might well deserve some jail time. But generally, they're anti-fascists and willing to confront directly those who are fascist, "white christian nationalists". Some get too far out, though. That happened in Portland, though I'm not sure how much of that was actually ANTIFA...most of it, apparently, was anarchists...but some.
I don't get news from any right wing sources. I've only told you that a 1000 times. I read blurbs from Drudge and when I do watch national news I watch small clips of NBC nightly news. They are not exactly a bastion of right wingers reporting the news. I guess you are still under your delusional perception that anybody who doesn't think like you do is being brainwashed by right wing media. The more I read your posts the more I'm reassured in my own thinking and my own conclusions. If the time ever comes where I find myself agreeing with you.. then I will start to worry about myself. I tend to use your comments as a baseline for wrong thinking and then I go from there.
We’ve had this discussion before. Drudge is a conservative leaning aggregator, so what you are consuming is what they serve up to you based on your prior preferences…which are clearly right wing media content.

That’s the actual source of your ‘blurbs’.
FYI, since you don't pay attention... Matt Drudge also hates trump.... Given your narrow minded perspective that should make Drudge a winner in your book... Just out of curiosity, and I don't know why I waste my time asking... Do you ever read the Drudge Report? Your ignorance as to what his site actually reports every day tells me your clueless. That fact doesn't surprise me in the least, by that I mean you being clueless. Did you look in your backyard to see if there were any right wing terrorists hiding behind your trees? :D
Just visited again.


Takes you to CBS News story.

It's an aggregator, not original content. They don't "report" anything, they sift from actual news sites and link to their page...
If I was Don Rickles I could say that you win a cookie 🍪 Duuuuuuh, that is what the Drudge Report is about as is the HuffPo. These sites are clearing houses for news stories from all over the world. Your still ticked off like every other FLP type that Matt drudged up the story of a blue dress with a DNA stain on it. The irony IMO is you and Matt are kindred spirits.. you both hate the dumpster.. so does reading the Drudge Report equate in your twisted FLP liberal RINO mittens mind make me a right wing angry Republican hiding behind the trees in your back yard??? FYI I also read the HuffPo everyday. How do you pidgeon hole me in your judgemental world for being so brazen to actually do what you opine about all of the time???? I look at what both sides are saying and come to my own conclusions. The problem is YOU DON'T LIKE MY CONCLUSIONS. We have something in common.. I disagree with 99.999% of your opinions as well. So does that make you more righterer or is it okay for people to have differing opinions? This may come as a stunning surprise to you but not everyone sees the world from your perspective. IMO, that is a good thing. Did you check behind your trees this morning for right wing white supremacists hiding behind them? Your a kind hearted guy, did you bring them apple fritters and coffee???
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Ok, Cranky.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Aug 19, 2022 10:26 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 4:16 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:42 pm
HooDat wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:01 pm Paul Ryan would have had to actually sought the nomination to be in his 2nd term by now. But a guy can dream....

The Eeyore in me says that if you eliminate Trump from the GOP primary process - the most likely outcome is Jeb running against HRC. Two "Family Dynasty" candidates facing off against each other :roll: . And frankly, I suspect we would be sitting in middle of a scandal plagued second term of Hillary Clinton and the vitriol would be exactly the same with the uniforms swapped out: claims of falling skies would be coming from Fox with their own version of Hillary Derangement Syndrome, while CNN would be defending the indefensible.

meet the new boss, same as the old boss.....
I think any of the more normal, generally likable, GOP candidates would have beaten Clinton by a solid margin, perhaps even a majority of all votes.

If not, this scenario would indeed have been likely.
Well here is hoping that Liz Cheney runs for POTUS. She checks all of MD laxes boxes. The real world tells me Liz will get trashed by her own party long before the pit vipers on this forum get their turn to sink their fangs into her. I only wonder how MD lax will respond when the people on this forum he sucks up to on a daily basis suddenly remember that Liz is Dick Cheneys daughter and throw her ass into the FLP meat grinder. That moment would be worth the price of admission. I'm betting our resident FLP liberal RINO Republican is already practicing his spin .. :D

LIZ CHENEY 2024... All the hate filled angry old white FLP boys on this forum have to do is forget who Liz's dad is..... That should be huge fun watching that chit show unfold. They all love Liz until they realize they have to hate her. The sudden stark cold reality that they are supporting Dick Cheneys daughter will look like the climax from Mars Attacks. Heads will explode.
Another diatribe of personal insults.
Your comment has nothing to do with mine, which was that the numbers all indicated that nearly any GOP candidate was going to beat Clinton in 2016. Stars were aligned, and she was a an awful candidate.

Now as to Liz Cheney I hope she does run so as to directly confront Trump and Trumpism. I don't think she has a snowball's chance in hell of winning over the MAGA voters but I think she has enormous credibility with actual conservative voters...

Remember, I think the country will be much, much better off with a two-party competition in which both parties have a shared interest in protecting democracy and an interest in governing, not simply ruling.

And that ain't gonna happen as long as the MAGA fever/Trump cult is ascendant. So, defeating that movement is priority one. Whatever Cheney can do is a positive, albeit I don't see her being the GOP nominee in 2024. The Democrats will need to win that fight.

On the extremely remote chance that Cheney was to be the GOP nominee, I do not expect Democrats to vote for Cheney in a direct contest with a credible Democrat. But a lot of independents would.
"Another diatribe of personal insults."

If and when i choose to insult you i guaran damn tee you will know it. ;)

I figure a really good insult will give me at least 3 months in solitary. :D
Last edited by cradleandshoot on Sat Aug 20, 2022 9:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 7:58 amOk, Cranky.
So were there any right wing white supremacists hiding behind the trees in your yard?? You seem to see them everywhere?? You can bait them with apple fritters and coffee. Then you give em a MAGA cap and they will go in peace. :D
I use to be a people person until people ruined that for me.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 7:58 amOk, Cranky.
What??? you and Dis been comparing notes? You would be cranky too if you actually read your own bullchit that you post.. :D Tonights menu includes a Caprese salad with grape tomatoes from the garden, fresh basil from the garden and fresh mozzarella balls from the deli where I work. Our snackies will be ripe cantaloupe wrapped in DiParma prosciutto sliced super thin by yours truly... That makes me really cranky!!! Life really is good!!! :D :D :D To make my life even more "cranky" my wife is processing the large basket of San Marzano tomatoes from the garden into sauce she will cook down in another month. That is my kinda cranky indeed!!! :D I can only state emphatically... CRANKY IS GOOD!!! :D :D :D :D

FTR, I checked behind the maple trees in my yard... not a single crazy racist, white wing republican to be found. They must be congregating where you live. That makes sense considering how much time and energy you expend looking for them. ;)
I use to be a people person until people ruined that for me.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Kismet »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:02 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 7:58 amOk, Cranky.
What??? you and Dis been comparing notes? You would be cranky too if you actually read your own bullchit that you post.. :D Tonights menu includes a Caprese salad with grape tomatoes from the garden, fresh basil from the garden and fresh mozzarella balls from the deli where I work. Our snackies will be ripe cantaloupe wrapped in DiParma prosciutto sliced super thin by yours truly... That makes me really cranky!!! Life really is good!!! :D :D :D To make my life even more "cranky" my wife is processing the large basket of San Marzano tomatoes from the garden into sauce she will cook down in another month. That is my kinda cranky indeed!!! :D I can only state emphatically... CRANKY IS GOOD!!! :D :D :D :D

FTR, I checked behind the maple trees in my yard... not a single crazy racist, white wing republican to be found. They must be congregating where you live. That makes sense considering how much time and energy you expend looking for them. ;)
As long as you want to be accurate - it's prosciutto di Parma which is product only made in Parma in Emilia-Romagna
Prosciutto crudo is a generic name for any kind of unsmoked, dry cured ham from Italy.

DiParma sounds like a domestic brand name of smoked ham imitating the real thing.

If you prefer smoked version that's called Speck.

Otherwise, my only other suggestion for you is to try and not act like a jerk while attempting to be more accurate. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by cradleandshoot »

Kismet wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:47 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:02 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 7:58 amOk, Cranky.
What??? you and Dis been comparing notes? You would be cranky too if you actually read your own bullchit that you post.. :D Tonights menu includes a Caprese salad with grape tomatoes from the garden, fresh basil from the garden and fresh mozzarella balls from the deli where I work. Our snackies will be ripe cantaloupe wrapped in DiParma prosciutto sliced super thin by yours truly... That makes me really cranky!!! Life really is good!!! :D :D :D To make my life even more "cranky" my wife is processing the large basket of San Marzano tomatoes from the garden into sauce she will cook down in another month. That is my kinda cranky indeed!!! :D I can only state emphatically... CRANKY IS GOOD!!! :D :D :D :D

FTR, I checked behind the maple trees in my yard... not a single crazy racist, white wing republican to be found. They must be congregating where you live. That makes sense considering how much time and energy you expend looking for them. ;)
As long as you want to be accurate - it's prosciutto di Parma which is product only made in Parma in Emilia-Romagna
Prosciutto crudo is a generic name for any kind of unsmoked, dry cured ham from Italy.

DiParma sounds like a domestic brand name of smoked ham imitating the real thing.

If you prefer smoked version that's called Speck.

Otherwise, my only other suggestion for you is to try and not act like a jerk while attempting to be more accurate. :lol: :lol: :lol:
You got me there. :oops: I slice it all day long, I should know better. Speck prosciutto is an interesting product. It is intense in its smoky flavor. It is easy to trim and slice. My wife and I used Speck in a recipe awhile back. cut it into quarter inch pieces and sauté it with broccoli florets. Then garlic and bowtie pasta and really good EVOO and some fresh grated Lucano Genuino Parmesan cheese. Since we are getting into advanced prosciutto i always recommend di Parma. We sell it for 18.95 a pound. The real prosciutto aficionados chose the San Daniele brand. In our deli it sells for 21.75 a pound. Too salty for my taste. That is what separates good prosciutto from the pretenders. The really good stuff is aged only in sea salt. The Tuscano Prosciutto is also very good. What are your opinions of Genoa Salami and Soppressata Salame?? Do you prefer the hot Sicilian Salame or are you more of a sweet soppressata person. There is a remarkable San Paulo made in Canada hot Soppressata that is really good stuff. Do you prefer the mild provolone or are you more of a boars head picante sharp provolone person... I can talk deli meats all day long if you like. In another hour I will be behind the counter at the Salumeria slicing meat. How do you like your mortadella?? Really thin with pistachios???
I use to be a people person until people ruined that for me.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Kismet »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 11:30 am
Kismet wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:47 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:02 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 7:58 amOk, Cranky.
What??? you and Dis been comparing notes? You would be cranky too if you actually read your own bullchit that you post.. :D Tonights menu includes a Caprese salad with grape tomatoes from the garden, fresh basil from the garden and fresh mozzarella balls from the deli where I work. Our snackies will be ripe cantaloupe wrapped in DiParma prosciutto sliced super thin by yours truly... That makes me really cranky!!! Life really is good!!! :D :D :D To make my life even more "cranky" my wife is processing the large basket of San Marzano tomatoes from the garden into sauce she will cook down in another month. That is my kinda cranky indeed!!! :D I can only state emphatically... CRANKY IS GOOD!!! :D :D :D :D

FTR, I checked behind the maple trees in my yard... not a single crazy racist, white wing republican to be found. They must be congregating where you live. That makes sense considering how much time and energy you expend looking for them. ;)
As long as you want to be accurate - it's prosciutto di Parma which is product only made in Parma in Emilia-Romagna
Prosciutto crudo is a generic name for any kind of unsmoked, dry cured ham from Italy.

DiParma sounds like a domestic brand name of smoked ham imitating the real thing.

If you prefer smoked version that's called Speck.

Otherwise, my only other suggestion for you is to try and not act like a jerk while attempting to be more accurate. :lol: :lol: :lol:
You got me there. :oops: I slice it all day long, I should know better. Speck prosciutto is an interesting product. It is intense in its smoky flavor. It is easy to trim and slice. My wife and I used Speck in a recipe awhile back. cut it into quarter inch pieces and sauté it with broccoli florets. Then garlic and bowtie pasta and really good EVOO and some fresh grated Lucano Genuino Parmesan cheese. Since we are getting into advanced prosciutto i always recommend di Parma. We sell it for 18.95 a pound. The real prosciutto aficionados chose the San Daniele brand. In our deli it sells for 21.75 a pound. Too salty for my taste. That is what separates good prosciutto from the pretenders. The really good stuff is aged only in sea salt. The Tuscano Prosciutto is also very good. What are your opinions of Genoa Salami and Soppressata Salame?? Do you prefer the hot Sicilian Salame or are you more of a sweet soppressata person. There is a remarkable San Paulo made in Canada hot Soppressata that is really good stuff. Do you prefer the mild provolone or are you more of a boars head picante sharp provolone person... I can talk deli meats all day long if you like. In another hour I will be behind the counter at the Salumeria slicing meat. How do you like your mortadella?? Really thin with pistachios???
First off...Speck is Speck, not Prosciutto. Speck is smoked, prosciutto is dry cured.

I often use Soppressata preferably hot spiced from Calabria or Sicily. Provolone has to be extra sharp picante and aged. Never Boar's Head only imported for me (get out your checkbook). Prefer Pecorino Romano to parmesan for grating. Not a fan of mortadella, prefer capicola.

I also love anchovies on pizza. ;)
ardilla secreta
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by ardilla secreta »

If you’ve never had it, then I highly recommend any of you try jamon Iberico from the blackfooted pigs of Spain. It makes prosciutto DiParma taste like bologna in comparison. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever eaten. Even better is jamon Iberico belota, which is the same pig that feasts on acorns for a more nutty nuance. Both are mahogany in color, streaky in fat and hand carved with the grain.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by SCLaxAttack »

ardilla secreta wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 4:06 pm If you’ve never had it, then I highly recommend any of you try jamon Iberico from the blackfooted pigs of Spain. It makes prosciutto DiParma taste like bologna in comparison. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever eaten. Even better is jamon Iberico belota, which is the same pig that feasts on acorns for a more nutty nuance. Both are mahogany in color, streaky in fat and hand carved with the grain.
At $1399 the shipping better be free!! :lol: ... jm-76.html

And it is absolutely delicious, especially if you're only paying $10 for a few measly slices.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

This exchange has to be one of the most delicious sounding (distractions of cradle) ever executed on fanLax.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Kismet wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 11:53 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 11:30 am
Kismet wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:47 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:02 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Aug 20, 2022 7:58 amOk, Cranky.
What??? you and Dis been comparing notes? You would be cranky too if you actually read your own bullchit that you post.. :D Tonights menu includes a Caprese salad with grape tomatoes from the garden, fresh basil from the garden and fresh mozzarella balls from the deli where I work. Our snackies will be ripe cantaloupe wrapped in DiParma prosciutto sliced super thin by yours truly... That makes me really cranky!!! Life really is good!!! :D :D :D To make my life even more "cranky" my wife is processing the large basket of San Marzano tomatoes from the garden into sauce she will cook down in another month. That is my kinda cranky indeed!!! :D I can only state emphatically... CRANKY IS GOOD!!! :D :D :D :D

FTR, I checked behind the maple trees in my yard... not a single crazy racist, white wing republican to be found. They must be congregating where you live. That makes sense considering how much time and energy you expend looking for them. ;)
As long as you want to be accurate - it's prosciutto di Parma which is product only made in Parma in Emilia-Romagna
Prosciutto crudo is a generic name for any kind of unsmoked, dry cured ham from Italy.

DiParma sounds like a domestic brand name of smoked ham imitating the real thing.

If you prefer smoked version that's called Speck.

Otherwise, my only other suggestion for you is to try and not act like a jerk while attempting to be more accurate. :lol: :lol: :lol:
You got me there. :oops: I slice it all day long, I should know better. Speck prosciutto is an interesting product. It is intense in its smoky flavor. It is easy to trim and slice. My wife and I used Speck in a recipe awhile back. cut it into quarter inch pieces and sauté it with broccoli florets. Then garlic and bowtie pasta and really good EVOO and some fresh grated Lucano Genuino Parmesan cheese. Since we are getting into advanced prosciutto i always recommend di Parma. We sell it for 18.95 a pound. The real prosciutto aficionados chose the San Daniele brand. In our deli it sells for 21.75 a pound. Too salty for my taste. That is what separates good prosciutto from the pretenders. The really good stuff is aged only in sea salt. The Tuscano Prosciutto is also very good. What are your opinions of Genoa Salami and Soppressata Salame?? Do you prefer the hot Sicilian Salame or are you more of a sweet soppressata person. There is a remarkable San Paulo made in Canada hot Soppressata that is really good stuff. Do you prefer the mild provolone or are you more of a boars head picante sharp provolone person... I can talk deli meats all day long if you like. In another hour I will be behind the counter at the Salumeria slicing meat. How do you like your mortadella?? Really thin with pistachios???
First off...Speck is Speck, not Prosciutto. Speck is smoked, prosciutto is dry cured.

I often use Soppressata preferably hot spiced from Calabria or Sicily. Provolone has to be extra sharp picante and aged. Never Boar's Head only imported for me (get out your checkbook). Prefer Pecorino Romano to parmesan for grating. Not a fan of mortadella, prefer capicola.

I also love anchovies on pizza. ;)
Don’t try to teach him. He has no interest in learning anything. He has said so himself.
“You lucky I ain’t read wretched yet!”
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