Progressive Ideology

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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by 6ftstick »

dislaxxic wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:07 pm Our cherry pickin' expert strikes again. So angry. So off base.

So sad his life must be, always being so outraged by all the America-Hating he sees in the world.

Hater gonna hate.

From the cherry picking expert himself.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by jhu72 »

CU77 wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 1:23 pm
jhu72 wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:47 pmAOC is hardly the best of her class.
Depends on what metric you're using for "best".

As a communicator, AOC is terrific, IMO way better than anyone else on the left. For example, on "60 Minutes", she was asked by Anderson Cooper, "and how will you pay for this?" She replied, "the same way we pay for everything else." IMO, this was a terrific answer. In just a few words, she re-framed the debate from "tax or not" to "decide on priorities". And this was not (or at least did not appear to be) some carefully scripted, focus-group-tested remark, but something she just knew was the right answer.
Not saying she is not impressive in her own right, nor am I saying I don't agree with most of what she says. I think there are a number I have seen who are as impressive, if not more so. Amy Porter comes immediately to mind. She gets far less press, but I have to wonder if that is not in fact better. AOC is aspirational in presentation. She makes herself a target. Porter will labor in the field and will probably accomplish more over the long haul. At this point I am not looking for leadership out of these freshman although I think it is certainly there.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by foreverlax »

Ocasio-Cortez’s ignorance proves admissions fraud is the symptom, not cause, of America’s education crisis

In his opinion, it's all AOC's fault
There is no evidence that New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez bribed her way into college or cheated on the SAT. By all accounts, Boston University admitted the freshman congresswoman on her own merits, which distinguishes her from the children of wealthy parents arrested on Tuesday for paying over $25 million to cheat their kids’ way into colleges across the country.
So why bring it up?
So what is a college degree worth these days? Millennial congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez majored in Economics and graduated cum laude from a private university that costs nearly $70,000 per year. Since entering Congress, she has struggled to articulate even basic economic concepts.
Maybe Trump can explain how China is paying us billions in tariff...from the Navarro School of Moronic Economists.
Last month, AOC blocked Amazon from relocating tens of thousands of jobs near her congressional district because she failed to understand the difference between a tax incentive and a slush fund. On Tuesday, during congressional testimony, Ocasio-Cortez appeared bemused as Wells Fargo CEO explained the basic function of a bank. If Ocasio-Cortez represents the quality of an Economics degree from BU, the university should lose its accreditation.
And what does this have to do with the college scandel? How about the VSG from Penn?
The wealthy parents who cheated their children’s way into college committed a relatively minor crime, akin to petty theft. The greater criminals are the academic arsonists who have burned down our institutions of higher learning. In a democratic republic, our legislators are as benighted or enlightened as our voters. As go the liberal arts, so goes our liberty.
And the money shot....another click bait b.s. article that wants to blame AOC for all that is wrong with America.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by seacoaster »

The author acted in a Ted Cruz political ad. So, you know, he has that going for him.

The article you posted, foreverlax, is exactly the sort of thing that I find so interesting. It is as though the guy awoke and said, "Damn, I gotta figure out a way to link the scandal story of the day with AOC, and place AOC in a bad light...." He's a stooge, but Fox gives him the pulpit, and 6-types give him the eyeballs and willingness to believe. It's the recipe of our day and age.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by a fan »

I'm a particular fan of the criticism given to her about "not understanding how banks work" when she questioned Wells Fargo CEO about their investment in the pipeline.

Yeah, because she doesn't understand that.

For the right wing: hey, dumb*sses: Cortez just tied together a bank and oil. Have you noticed how many companies are divesting from things like fossil fuel companies? Cortez just tied Well Fargo together with investments in "bad' oil pipelines for all her liberal fans. There are plenty of other places for Wells Fargo to invest their monies.

Understand now? Or do I have to draw a picture? :lol:
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by CU77 »

There is no evidence that Fox News columnist Michael Knowles bribed his way into college or cheated on the SAT. By all accounts, Yale University admitted the graduate of Fox Lane High School in Bedford Hills, NY, on his own merits.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 5:35 pm I'm a particular fan of the criticism given to her about "not understanding how banks work" when she questioned Wells Fargo CEO about their investment in the pipeline.

Yeah, because she doesn't understand that.

For the right wing: hey, dumb*sses: Cortez just tied together a bank and oil. Have you noticed how many companies are divesting from things like fossil fuel companies? Cortez just tied Well Fargo together with investments in "bad' oil pipelines for all her liberal fans. There are plenty of other places for Wells Fargo to invest their monies.

Understand now? Or do I have to draw a picture? :lol:
You mean the Keystone - Exxon pipeline ? ...the same bank that cages children.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by a fan »

Yes. As I wrote before: the Keystone Exxon pipeline that we'd make Mexico pay for, yes. That one.

I thought you told us we weren't supposed to take such pronouncements literally, old salt? What happened to that idea?
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by old salt »

Trump's a moron too. He's just not cute & cuddly.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

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Chelsea Clinton harassed by Bernie shirt wearers for “inciting islamaphobic mob” and stoking the hatred behind New Zealand shootings. ... shootings/
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:38 pm Trump's a moron too. He's just not cute & cuddly.
He's also not in his 20's. This woman gets a looooooong bit of slack from me. 2 months of job experience, 29 years old, and every camera and microphone the world can find is thrust in her face.

Shocker, she's not perfect. Ask Obama how many States we have, or tell Bush the nation is under attack, or Trump....well, anything.

I will say this: if she's still like this in a year or two, and doesn't put in the work to learn about the world....I'm out.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by a fan » wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 8:59 am Chelsea Clinton harassed by Bernie shirt wearers for “inciting islamaphobic mob” and stoking the hatred behind New Zealand shootings. ... shootings/
More hatred. That will surely fix everything. Because of course Chelsea Clinton is to blame for something that happened halfway around the world.

I mean: obviously.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by cradleandshoot » ... or-1223545 As Paul Harvey would inquire about the rest of the story. Is it true that AOC was responsible for boppin Bernie on his noggin? :D I think there must be collusion here in this assault on Bernie. There has to be an investigation. Someone is not telling the truth. The Russians must be involved. This is a crisis of national importance. Nancy... you need to find the truth there girl. Bernie is Jewish... was this a Muslim based anti-Semitic attack? :o The American people have a right to know. The shower door excuse is a thinly vailed attempt to hide the truth from the American people. We demand answers and we demand them now... :lol: :lol: :lol: You notice Bernie is pointing his finger at someone!!! The truth, we demand the truth, this coverup must be exposed in all of its shamefulness. :P

Because a few a you folks out there don't get it... sarcasm font is fully engaged here. ;)
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by cradleandshoot »

DMac wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 9:33 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 6:48 pm Seriously... Republicans love AOC... she is the Democrats answer to Sarah Palin. The idiotic gift that keeps on giving. The hardest determination between the 2 women is which one butchers the English language more. Like yah know it kinda like yah know I like get confused sorta like yah know I sorta kinda grasp the concept of yah know like what the English language is like all about. Archie Bunker has the perfect term for AOC... dingbat... :lol: Advantage to Palin... no snapping of bubble gum and twirling her hair with her fingers. :P
I don't know how anyone in the Trump camp can criticize anyone for their grasp of the English language when Master Covfefe is bigly confused by all those words and how to put them together. Prez Slippery Tongue is an orator of the fourth grade (giving him the benefit of the doubt there) level, you should find something else to complain about AOC.
Dmac… I made an absurd comparison that got the exact response I knew it would from the usual suspects here. The same people that mocked Sarah Palin for her poor execution of the English language are the same people who defend AOC for her equally poor grasp of proper use of the English language. In neither case should it reflect on the intelligence of the person. I never said AOC was not a very smart person. When my mom worked for the telephone company in the late 60's and early 70's she was responsible for training the new operators coming on board. Many of these women(at the time they were predominately women) were poor black women that had relocated up north from the south. Many of these women could barely be understood because they just could not speak all that well.

My mom spent countless hours working with these women to help them speak clearly and be understood. You could not be a telephone operator and not be understood by the folks on the other end of the phone. One of these women became in charge of HR at the time my mom retired and was one of her closest friends. I did not know any of these women personally. My mom died in 1996. At her funeral many of these women were there to pay their respects. If I have a point to be made here is that these women worked tremendously hard to over come their inability to speak clearly. They only lacked proper education, they were always intelligent people. By comparison, if you are a college graduate and still struggle putting together a cohesive sentence without resorting to valley girl speak... what the hell did you waste your education on?

I am as guilty as anyone. My entire life my vocabulary skills have been crass and indecent. That is because for most of my life my friends and associates have always been equally as crass. In my case, I am perfectly capable of being able to refine my speech and tone down my attitude when I have to. I am not and never will be a highly visible politician. GWB was mocked all through his presidency for his poor public speaking. I understand 100% where AOC is coming from. I pick on her because she speaks exactly like people I know speaks. Eventually AOC will learn to direct how she speaks to the people she is speaking to. Right now, at times she speaks her mind with zero thought about who she is talking to and how her message will come across. I have more problems with AOCs message than I have with her. I do wish she would tone down the lipstick thing, but that is just nitpicking on my part.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:17 pm
DMac wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 9:33 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 6:48 pm Seriously... Republicans love AOC... she is the Democrats answer to Sarah Palin. The idiotic gift that keeps on giving. The hardest determination between the 2 women is which one butchers the English language more. Like yah know it kinda like yah know I like get confused sorta like yah know I sorta kinda grasp the concept of yah know like what the English language is like all about. Archie Bunker has the perfect term for AOC... dingbat... :lol: Advantage to Palin... no snapping of bubble gum and twirling her hair with her fingers. :P
I don't know how anyone in the Trump camp can criticize anyone for their grasp of the English language when Master Covfefe is bigly confused by all those words and how to put them together. Prez Slippery Tongue is an orator of the fourth grade (giving him the benefit of the doubt there) level, you should find something else to complain about AOC.
Dmac… I made an absurd comparison that got the exact response I knew it would from the usual suspects here. The same people that mocked Sarah Palin for her poor execution of the English language are the same people who defend AOC for her equally poor grasp of proper use of the English language. In neither case should it reflect on the intelligence of the person. I never said AOC was not a very smart person. When my mom worked for the telephone company in the late 60's and early 70's she was responsible for training the new operators coming on board. Many of these women(at the time they were predominately women) were poor black women that had relocated up north from the south. Many of these women could barely be understood because they just could not speak all that well.

My mom spent countless hours working with these women to help them speak clearly and be understood. You could not be a telephone operator and not be understood by the folks on the other end of the phone. One of these women became in charge of HR at the time my mom retired and was one of her closest friends. I did not know any of these women personally. My mom died in 1996. At her funeral many of these women were there to pay their respects. If I have a point to be made here is that these women worked tremendously hard to over come their inability to speak clearly. They only lacked proper education, they were always intelligent people. By comparison, if you are a college graduate and still struggle putting together a cohesive sentence without resorting to valley girl speak... what the hell did you waste your education on?

I am as guilty as anyone. My entire life my vocabulary skills have been crass and indecent. That is because for most of my life my friends and associates have always been equally as crass. In my case, I am perfectly capable of being able to refine my speech and tone down my attitude when I have to. I am not and never will be a highly visible politician. GWB was mocked all through his presidency for his poor public speaking. I understand 100% where AOC is coming from. I pick on her because she speaks exactly like people I know speaks. Eventually AOC will learn to direct how she speaks to the people she is speaking to. Right now, at times she speaks her mind with zero thought about who she is talking to and how her message will come across. I have more problems with AOCs message than I have with her. I do wish she would tone down the lipstick thing, but that is just nitpicking on my part.
It’s a southern dialect genius. People down south don’t understand people from Boston or Brooklyn. They learned to speak correctly the longer they were in Mississippi or Alabama.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 12:51 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:38 pm Trump's a moron too. He's just not cute & cuddly.
He's also not in his 20's. This woman gets a looooooong bit of slack from me. 2 months of job experience, 29 years old, and every camera and microphone the world can find is thrust in her face.

Shocker, she's not perfect. Ask Obama how many States we have, or tell Bush the nation is under attack, or Trump....well, anything.

I will say this: if she's still like this in a year or two, and doesn't put in the work to learn about the world....I'm out.
Come on. She's on a Congressional committee, yet she's too lazy to educate herself on the subject matter she raises before the Committee to be able to even read the talking points her staffers write for her.

This Congressal stuff is work & takes a lot of her time.
You can't fix stupid.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 6:12 pm Come on. She's on a Congressional committee, yet she's too lazy to educate herself on the subject matter she raises before the Committee to be able to even read the talking points her staffers write for her.
Sorry mate, I'm not buying your ridiculous proposition. Call me when the leader of the free world understands how trade works. Or that Mexico isn't paying for a wall. Or that no, the nuclear problem in N Korea isn't over. You know: real stuff that affects us directly.

Until then, she has to meet the Trump standard---which both Cortez and my four year old daughter exceed with no trouble whatsoever.

BTW----remember when you and others made fun of us for picking on every word that came out of Trump's mouth? TDS, remember?

This "is different", exactly?

Little D's and R's, as usual....
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

a fan wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 6:45 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 6:12 pm Come on. She's on a Congressional committee, yet she's too lazy to educate herself on the subject matter she raises before the Committee to be able to even read the talking points her staffers write for her.
Sorry mate, I'm not buying your ridiculous proposition. Call me when the leader of the free world understands how trade works. Or that Mexico isn't paying for a wall. Or that no, the nuclear problem in N Korea isn't over. You know: real stuff that affects us directly.

Until then, she has to meet the Trump standard---which both Cortez and my four year old daughter exceed with no trouble whatsoever.

BTW----remember when you and others made fun of us for picking on every word that came out of Trump's mouth? TDS, remember?

This "is different", exactly?

Little D's and R's, as usual....

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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 6:45 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 6:12 pm Come on. She's on a Congressional committee, yet she's too lazy to educate herself on the subject matter she raises before the Committee to be able to even read the talking points her staffers write for her.
Sorry mate, I'm not buying your ridiculous proposition. Call me when the leader of the free world understands how trade works. Or that Mexico isn't paying for a wall. Or that no, the nuclear problem in N Korea isn't over. You know: real stuff that affects us directly.

Until then, she has to meet the Trump standard---which both Cortez and my four year old daughter exceed with no trouble whatsoever.

BTW----remember when you and others made fun of us for picking on every word that came out of Trump's mouth? TDS, remember?

This "is different", exactly?

Little D's and R's, as usual....
The diff is, I never had a crush on Trump. Her job is not that hard. All she has to do is read the talking points, ...& be adorable.
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Re: Progressive Ideology

Post by old salt »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 8:37 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 6:45 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 6:12 pm Come on. She's on a Congressional committee, yet she's too lazy to educate herself on the subject matter she raises before the Committee to be able to even read the talking points her staffers write for her.
Sorry mate, I'm not buying your ridiculous proposition. Call me when the leader of the free world understands how trade works. Or that Mexico isn't paying for a wall. Or that no, the nuclear problem in N Korea isn't over. You know: real stuff that affects us directly.

Until then, she has to meet the Trump standard---which both Cortez and my four year old daughter exceed with no trouble whatsoever.

BTW----remember when you and others made fun of us for picking on every word that came out of Trump's mouth? TDS, remember?

This "is different", exactly?

Little D's and R's, as usual....
No integrity
Within Trump's first months in office, oil was flowing through DPL & Keystone XL was approved.
He knew what he wanted to do, what he promised to do, & he's doing it.

Despite the bad news, Boeing stock is rising again (great buy opportunity). Trump likes proven aircraft, to complement the newest ones.
DoD is buying more new F-15's & F-18's, keeping BA's StL assembly lines humming.

Look at all the pilots & engineers now piping up to agree with what Trump tweeted about the problems with aircraft cockpit automation,
that all his reflexive, know nothing critics mocked him for. Maybe he talks to the pilots who fly him around & pays attention.
He's done pretty well for such a dumb guy.
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