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Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:12 pm
by runrussellrun
I am pretty dumb, but am not a democrat. to far to the left for them.


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:12 pm
by jhu72
Bandito wrote:
jhu72 wrote:An anonymous boyfriend. :lol: :lol: Sorry -- if he can't put his name to it after Dr. Ford has put her name to it, no soup for you. :lol:
LOL so don't you see the hypocrisy here? You believe Ford without any evidence but this man provides a sworn statement witness account and you dismiss it because you don't agree with what he says? Says a lot about Democrats today.
Ford is a liar and a pawn. And a criminal. She is screwed big time. Also Feinstein leaked the memo with Ford's name attached.

Democrats are the dumbest people on the planet.

Morning 6".


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:15 pm
by Bandito
jhu72 wrote:
Bandito wrote:
jhu72 wrote:An anonymous boyfriend. :lol: :lol: Sorry -- if he can't put his name to it after Dr. Ford has put her name to it, no soup for you. :lol:
LOL so don't you see the hypocrisy here? You believe Ford without any evidence but this man provides a sworn statement witness account and you dismiss it because you don't agree with what he says? Says a lot about Democrats today.
Ford is a liar and a pawn. And a criminal. She is screwed big time. Also Feinstein leaked the memo with Ford's name attached.

Democrats are the dumbest people on the planet.

Morning 6".
Nice rebuttal. Again. You got caught with your pants down. more like 6 millimeters for you. blob8

Dr. Ford is going to Prison.


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:20 pm
by jhu72
Well if you insist. I'll call you 6 millimeter then. Nice to finally meet you. Can anyone else call you 6 millimeters? You said it was OK if I did.


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:24 pm
by Bandito
jhu72 wrote:Well if you insist. I'll call you 6 millimeter then. Nice to finally meet you. Can anyone else call you 6 millimeters? You said it was OK if I did.
Sure if it makes you feel better. Trump is YOUR PRESIDENT. Kav will be confirmed. Dr. Ford is going to Prison for perjury. headbang


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:25 pm
by jhu72
Ok then! Great.


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:25 pm
by dislaxxic
seacoaster wrote:I forget who, on the Old LP, had the tagline that said something akin to: don't argue with an idiot, because he'll bring you to his level and beat you with experience. Was it Lionwatcher? Miss him and a bunch of others... Don't feed the troll is today's abbreviated version of that tagline.

Anyway, the posts between Bandito and a lot of us seem to prove this. You guys are better than this, better than him, have more to say, offer and contribute to this Board. But, respectfully, his trolling gets the better of us, and I think we really just need to willfully ignore him. He is, after all, just a vulgar little troll.

I had been kind of impressed (in the sense of watching a 10 year old control his temper) with the President's forbearance on attacking Ford. But the planets aligned again last night, and all things came back into symmetry.
Man, truer words were never spoken. Will endeavor to do MUCH better. It's a challenge, but worth the try.

Thanks, sc...



Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:33 pm
by Bandito
jhu72 wrote:Ok then! Great.
Stay on topic. Truth hurts doesn't it? Ford's BF blew her in for Perjury!! HAHAHAHAHA


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:38 pm
by jhu72
Is it just me, or do the Trumpnista seem worried? Sure seems so. Orange Duce was told to play nice by his handlers and he did -- could almost believe he was a real human being for the past week, then he really went of the rails the past 24 hours. Sarah Chucklebees, has just given us a hysterical scolding, dressing down about how terrible we are for challenging Bart O. Keganaugh.


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:42 pm
by Bandito
jhu72 wrote:Is it just me, or do the Trumpnista seem worried? Sure seems so. Orange Duce was told to play nice by his handlers and he did -- could almost believe he was a real human being for the past week, then he really went of the rails the past 24 hours. Sarah Chucklebees, has just given us a hysterical scolding, dressing down about how terrible we are for challenging Bart O. Keganaugh.
Is it me or do the Democrats and TDS'ers seem worried? Sure seems so. Dr. Ford is going to Prison. Trump is winning for All Americans. Historic low black and hispanic unemployment. Black business ownership up 400%. Kav will be confirmed.
Sure sounds like America has woken up to who is telling the truth. It certainly isn't the Democrats and their pawns.


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:47 pm
by DMac
Bandito wrote:
DMac wrote:
runrussellrun wrote
bandito, you just proved tRump insulted her BEFORE she asked an offtopic question. tRump is such the clairvoyant type :roll:
Indeed, and thanks.
Bandito spreading fake news in the cesspool that is social media. Big surprise, eh?
LOL. You did not read the transcript or watch the same video then. You are wrong. Now answer my post about Dr. Ford's Ex BF saying she lied under oath... Crickets...
two out of three agree here, probably nine hundred of a thousand in the real world world too. Good enough for me. Posted the video twice, take a look again, it's exactly what I describe it as.
Could care less about Doc Ford's ex bf, means nothing to me. My concern is with Barf and his lack of willingness to be forthcoming and man up. Not the kind of qualities one expects from a SC judge.
Yup, Barack smoked pot....and he owned up to it.


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:50 pm
by runrussellrun
Not the point. He will never be anything other than a postage stamp, if that.

The real question, why wasn't Kagan asked about pot use?



Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:51 pm
by jhu72
Yuy Dmac, old Bart is a liar and a big one. This is about him not her, she has not been nominated for the Supremes.


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:52 pm
by Bandito
DMac wrote:
Bandito wrote:
DMac wrote:
runrussellrun wrote
bandito, you just proved tRump insulted her BEFORE she asked an offtopic question. tRump is such the clairvoyant type :roll:
Indeed, and thanks.
Bandito spreading fake news in the cesspool that is social media. Big surprise, eh?
LOL. You did not read the transcript or watch the same video then. You are wrong. Now answer my post about Dr. Ford's Ex BF saying she lied under oath... Crickets...
two out of three agree here, probably nine hundred of a thousand in the real world world too. Good enough for me. Posted the video twice, take a look again, it's exactly what I describe it as.
Could care less about Doc Ford's ex bf, means nothing to me. My concern is with Barf and his lack of willingness to be forthcoming and man up. Not the kind of qualities one expects from a SC judge.
Yup, Barack smoked pot....and he owned up to it.
Brett drank alcohol and admitted it too but the media goons came after him. They praised Obama for doing weed and cocaine. Kav fighting for what is right and not giving into the Democrat lynch mob is who I want on my SC. Why are you ignoring evidence pointing out perjury for Dr. Ford? That is the issue. When chit hits you in the face you deflect. This letter helps prove that Ford has been lying. So many lies under oath. It pretty much exonerates Kav. Doesn't fit your TDS narrative does it?


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:55 pm
by jhu72
runrussellrun wrote:Not the point. He will never be anything other than a postage stamp, if that.

The real question, why wasn't Kagan asked about pot use?

It is all a giant conspiracy, but you know that right?


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:04 pm
by DMac
Been pretty clear on not caring about Ford and her bf, dito.
Keganaugh isn't an honest person (never blacked out :roll: )
his credibly was shot with me right there. Throw in the insinuation
of the choir boy image by saying he graduated as a virgin and he's
a no go with me. He's the one who wants to be a SC judge, not her.


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:08 pm
by Bandito
DMac wrote:Been pretty clear on not caring about Ford and her bf, dito.
Keganaugh isn't an honest person (never blacked out :roll: )
his credibly was shot with me right there. Throw in the insinuation
of the choir boy image by saying he graduated as a virgin and he's
a no go with me. He's the one who wants to be a SC judge, not her.
You don't care about it because it destroys your whole narrative of Brett sexually assaulting her. Again, if it doens't prove your point, you ignore facts


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:10 pm
by jhu72
DMac wrote:Been pretty clear on not caring about Ford and her bf, dito.
Keganaugh isn't an honest person (never blacked out :roll: )
his credibly was shot with me right there. Throw in the insinuation
of the choir boy image by saying he graduated as a virgin and he's
a no go with me. He's the one who wants to be a SC judge, not her.

Yup, never seen a testimony that was so oversold. Only one possible exception, Dick Cheney selling the Iraq war.


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:12 pm
by DMac
My narrative about him sexually assaulting her? Show me where I've ever as much as hinted about that. The only thing I've ever said is about and his evasiveness and his being less than honest. Have never made a comment about him sexually assaulting her.
Go find it.


Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:12 pm
by runrussellrun
Wow, the extra hearings suddenly don't matter now? the metoo# folks are write. You males just don't seem to care at all about dr. ford. You are saying it. You just don't care. Kav, in the extra hearings, lied about passing out and whether Squi was a better quarter players than mark judge. THAT is what matters, NOT Ms. Fords alleged sexual assault.

GOT IT. No Kav at all costs, you are saying it rite hear, WE DON"T CARE about you Dr. ford.

And you all wonder why I call you "pretends".