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Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 9:51 am
by Typical Lax Dad
SInce Donald has not done anything, why did he enter into a joint defense agreement with big Paulie? Could you imagine the damage big Paulie could have done in the Whitehouse had the Good guys not pursued the case......he could have committed more process crimes.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:02 am
by dislaxxic
Here's Breitbart's take on the Manafort deal:

Manafort Deal Looks Like Good News for Trump, Terrible News for Democrats

"Sure, the Resistance desperately holds on to the hope Mueller is sitting on a bombshell, but another interesting factoid the media only dutifully reported is that Mueller has agreed to accept written answers from Trump on the issue of collusion and is not asking any questions about the media’s other hoax — obstruction.

This is a massive climb down on Mueller’s part, a special counsel who has so far only indicted people for committing the terrible crime of “associating with Trump” — meaning, process crimes (lying to authorities *yawn*) and old crimes that have nothing to do with Trump (crimes no one was interested in before the aforementioned Trump association)."


Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:05 am
by Typical Lax Dad
dislaxxic wrote:Here's Breitbart's take on the Manafort deal:

Manafort Deal Looks Like Good News for Trump, Terrible News for Democrats

"Sure, the Resistance desperately holds on to the hope Mueller is sitting on a bombshell, but another interesting factoid the media only dutifully reported is that Mueller has agreed to accept written answers from Trump on the issue of collusion and is not asking any questions about the media’s other hoax — obstruction.

This is a massive climb down on Mueller’s part, a special counsel who has so far only indicted people for committing the terrible crime of “associating with Trump” — meaning, process crimes (lying to authorities *yawn*) and old crimes that have nothing to do with Trump (crimes no one was interested in before the aforementioned Trump association)."

That is great journalism!

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:08 am
by Trinity
The 46 Million forfeiture from Manafort more than pays for the Special Counsel. Mueller is a Marine, living off the land while he sets his traps. Trump’s written answers better match Manafort’s, Rudy thinks he’s so smart.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:17 am
by Typical Lax Dad
Trinity wrote:The 46 Million forfeiture from Manafort more than pays for the Special Counsel. Mueller is a Marine, living off the land while he sets his traps. Trump’s written answers better match Manafort’s, Rudy thinks he’s so smart.
Ray Ray shouldn't be complaining about the cost now!

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:42 am
by Trinity ... al/570331/

Here’s the Atlantic take on the flip.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 11:13 am
by dislaxxic
The official Republican platform "flipped" on the issue of Ukraine.

No campaign collusion from the then-campaign chairman??

Where's that "scratching the chin" emoji??


Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 11:29 am
by Trinity
Cohen is also now meeting regularly with Mueller. I’m upping my estimate to 100 indictments, none of them Hillary.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 9:17 pm
by dislaxxic

Interesting read. The theory here is that there will be no "Mueller Report"...just indictments.

Paulie was practicing in Ukraine the skills he would bring to the Trump campaign.

Stay tuned.


Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 11:09 pm
by Typical Lax Dad

Interesting read. The theory here is that there will be no "Mueller Report"...just indictments.

Paulie was practicing in Ukraine the skills he would bring to the Trump campaign.

Stay tuned.

Remarkable. This is the Trump campaign chairman.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 11:58 pm
by holmes435
Irrelevant. Do we have any updates on her emails?

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 9:57 am
by Typical Lax Dad
holmes435 wrote:Irrelevant. Do we have any updates on her emails?
Russia is working on it.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:12 pm
by youthathletics
Here we go....the latest, makes one wonder what Strzok and Page knew or were paid to do? More texts coming?

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:17 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
youthathletics wrote:Here we go....the latest, makes one wonder what Strzok and Page knew or were paid to do? More texts coming?
Ask Mr. Maltz why the judge spent 40 minutes running down big Paulie's charges and then big Paulie admitted to all of it..... Back to Page and Strzok.... that horse has been dead a long time ago. Another reason why I only follow lacrosse stuff on twitter....anybody can have a platform and I have little interest in listening to just anybody.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:42 pm
by tech37
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
youthathletics wrote:Here we go....the latest, makes one wonder what Strzok and Page knew or were paid to do? More texts coming?
Back to Page and Strzok.... that horse has been dead a long time ago.
This has to be a randy troll. You can't possibly believe that can you? :roll:

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:43 pm
by HooDat
Trinity wrote:The 46 Million forfeiture from Manafort more than pays for the Special Counsel. Mueller is a Marine, living off the land while he sets his traps. Trump’s written answers better match Manafort’s, Rudy thinks he’s so smart.
I gotta say, justifying a prosecution on the merits of its profitability makes me very, very queasy..... :oops:

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:51 pm
by Trinity
Lucky by-product of good police work.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 12:55 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
HooDat wrote:
Trinity wrote:The 46 Million forfeiture from Manafort more than pays for the Special Counsel. Mueller is a Marine, living off the land while he sets his traps. Trump’s written answers better match Manafort’s, Rudy thinks he’s so smart.
I gotta say, justifying a prosecution on the merits of its profitability makes me very, very queasy..... :oops:
Not a justification.....juts mentioned to pacify those saying the investigation needs to be wrapped up quickly because it is costing us a fortune in taxpayer dollars.....Looks like Paul keeps the Hampton estate. My colleague was out there with Paul last year and he had already cut back on breakfast.....bagels and muffins and you were on your own! Paul wasn't holding sway over the table as he had done in the past...... When you have Paul Manafort running your presidential campaign, you don't need Page and Strzok! .....Page and Strzok framed all of these folks......?


Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:38 pm
by Typical Lax Dad

Manafort, 67, is in many ways a natural choice to be Trump’s top campaign adviser. His firm was hired by Trump in the mid-1980s to lobby on gambling and real estate issues, said Manafort’s former business partner Charlie Black. In addition, Manafort has owned an apartment in Trump Tower since January 2015, property records show. And another former Manafort business partner, Roger Stone, has been an informal adviser to Trump for years.

Back before Big Paulie got pinched and before people realized the emperor had no clothes......

Inside Trump adviser Manafort’s world of politics and global financial dealmaking

More than many traditional political consultants, Manafort has demonstrated a willingness to forge unconventional alliances and cut deals in a way that makes him well suited to help Trump secure the nomination in a fractured GOP.

Re: The Mueller Investigation

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 4:34 pm
by MDlaxfan76
HooDat wrote:
Trinity wrote:The 46 Million forfeiture from Manafort more than pays for the Special Counsel. Mueller is a Marine, living off the land while he sets his traps. Trump’s written answers better match Manafort’s, Rudy thinks he’s so smart.
I gotta say, justifying a prosecution on the merits of its profitability makes me very, very queasy..... :oops:
Absolutely agree!

But it certainly removes a major talking point of the Trumpists who have wanted to talk about how much money is being 'wasted' on the 'witch hunt', with all those Dem prosecutors and investigators.

Any fair assessment would have to be that it's been an incredibly productive and efficient investigation and prosecution so far. Tremendous success rate of winning convictions or plea deals, and an unprecedented roll-up of cooperation agreements with high profile defendants (and the smaller fish too). And in a remarkably short period of time by historical special or independent counsel standards.

To actually recover serious dough for US Treasury as well definitely removes another talking point for those who want to believe it's all been a waste of taxpayers' money.

My own hunch is that there will be more monetary recoveries before Mueller's done, most notably from the Trump org. Tax avoidance and money laundering. CFO is cooperating.