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Re: 2024

Post by JoeMauer89 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:47 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:32 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:18 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:48 pm
ggait wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:14 pm
Please use the same search function to find and blast all the hypocritical Psaki apologists...

You know, the ones who who were criticizing everything the Trump PR crew was doing?
False equivalency is still false.

There's a world of difference between Psaki and Spicer et al.
There is a difference all right...Psaki happens to be a more competent liar than the Trump people. GMAFB.

Ahhh, you mean she tells the truth but not the "whole truth" at every moment?

You gotta give us some actual examples of when she's "competent" in an actual lie.

Easy with these other folks...they lied egregiously again and again and again...
You'll give me some BS reply but oh WTH...

So, evasion, distortion, and obfuscation aren't forms of lying?

Note to self... this should be good.
You gotta give us some specific examples of such that were provably lying.

It's easy with these other cats.

But no, "evasion" is not lying. It's refusing to lie.
Is it immediately disclosing the truth? Absolutely not. But it's not a form of lying.

"distortion" might well be a lie if it purposely gives a false impression. But is it false? is the question or is it simply perspective? Show us some examples and why they're actual lies.

"obfuscation" exactly the same as above...could be, might not be...show us some specific examples and why they were actually false. And knowably so to the press secretary.

Again, we had rampant, outright lying from the press secretaries during the prior Admin. A barrage of such. And long periods from them of not even taking questions at all, the bloody job. It's simply not a close call.

Admit that and we can then fairly parse whether Psaki has actually lied as yet in her communications job.
The Mental Gymnastics that you use to obsfucate the fact that you are wrong never ceases to amaze. It's doesn't make you a better person, it makes you self-serving and you wonder why you get the pushback you do. It's simply amazing :roll:

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Re: 2024

Post by dislaxxic »

What you talkin' bout, Chester? I mean seriously, Joe, what are you getting at?

You don't seriously think there is an equivalence between what is happening with the current press Secretary's office and the LAT one, are you??

Nothing whatsoever in MD's post could reasonably lead to your response...care to defend yourself?

"The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog." - Calvin, to Hobbes
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Re: 2024

Post by JoeMauer89 »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:33 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:47 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:33 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:31 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:06 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:04 pm Trying to equate Biden's press staff issues vs. Trump's is about the saddest thing ever. Like comparing apples to, well, I guess the best comparison is what comes out after you eat an apple.

Like, were you not there the first two days of Trump's presidency when the most insane press conference ever during a presidency occurred (which was quickly surpassed in the following days). It's like bizarro-land around here. Revisionist history, ain't it great lads.
Hey TLD....curious, who was equating?
Not sure what you mean here. You need to restructure your inquiry…..I will answer although you frequently decline to answer direct questions.
I answer and engage regularly....just depends on how far down the rabbit hole I feel like following you. ;)
Was TLD even in this discussion today or did you mean NattyBoh?
You tell me...are they same person? :lol:
I mean it's possible, it's certainly one of the regular FLP brethren's other usernames. Popped up out of nowhere and has NEVER posted in a non-politics related thread. Makes you wonder...joined on May 4th 2021. I have rarely if EVER seen any posters on this site that only, I mean only post on the politics related thread. If this person wants to talk politics there are plenty of other sites do so in, where the discourse is much different and expansive then this site. It is very strange the more I look into it. We all post at least occasionally in the lacrosse related threads, this person NEVER. It's likely not TLD, but it could very well be somebody like JHU88, who disappeared, months ago.

Last edited by JoeMauer89 on Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2024

Post by JoeMauer89 »

dislaxxic wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:41 pm What you talkin' bout, Chester? I mean seriously, Joe, what are you getting at?

You don't seriously think there is an equivalence between what is happening with the current press Secretary's office and the LAT one, are you??

Nothing whatsoever in MD's post could reasonably lead to your response...care to defend yourself?

Jen Psaki is a liar, plain and simple. Kram already posted a perfect example of it. Your the god damn press secretary to the POTUS, and you tell a reporter "Why do they need to know how many breakthrough cases there are?" This admin is supposed to be all about transparency right? The opposite of the Trump admin, according to our resident FLP brethren. Well guess what? it's just more of the same apparently, done in a different matter. Psaki trivializes the reporters questions quite frequently, this can be seen as an attempt to deflect/protect those above her. There you go, won't satisfy you, I know because your not looking for an alternative viewpoint here. Narrow minded as usual :roll:

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Re: 2024

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:13 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:57 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:40 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:25 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:04 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:46 pm
a fan wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:02 pm
kramerica.inc wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 12:24 pm Todd, you realize I'm not blasting Psaki, right? I'm pointing out the same hypocrisy that you are.

Please use the same search function to find and blast all the hypocritical Psaki apologists...
Haven't had a chance yet! I just got back.

But there's a big difference between, for example, boilerplate WH spokesman buffalo bagels we've seen since TV was invented (things are going great in Vietnam, we promise)....and shutting down all questions completely for an entire year. I'm on MD's side on this count. Come on.....being MIA for a year?

I'm just getting warmed up on Biden. He hasn't done anything yet, really.

Everyone here pointed out that BIden F'ed up on Afghanistan. So the Forum's Trump-haters are already doing just fine in terms of equal criticisms.

What they didn't do, and rightly so, place ALL of the blame for the Afghan collapse on Biden. Because that's absurd...Biden's hasn't even been around for a full baseball season yet, let alone for 20 years.

But Biden is on the clock, and the clock runs out for many of these items in a few months. On my short list:

-he has to repeal (or try, he can't do it alone) the Trump Tax cuts
-he has to end the tariffs. That's China and the UK/EU. It's now Biden's tariffs until he changes them.
-he has to do SOMETHING to help the bottom 80% voters---the Trump "forgotten voter." An example would be the child tax checks that are going out. If he makes that permanent? He's made a big, big, big difference in the lives of the bottom earners in America.
-he has to pass the infrastructure bill.

I don't like Biden, as you know. I think he's a corrupt corporate Dem, ala Bill and Hillary. I don't think he'll move the football for most Americans. Just like Trump.
Where Biden takes the blame on our withdrawal is really simple. He has already to a great extent acknowledged that the buck stops on his desk. I doubt very much that any of his advisors agreed with Joe's "bug out" plan. We all understand why Joe was so adamant about getting out ASAP. That being said doing so has to be done incrementally. I was stunned beyond belief when Joe decided to abandon Bagram Airfield in the middle of the night. It sent 2 very clear messages. It told the Afghan Army they were on their own. It told the Taliban they could do whatever they wanted. That was the genesis of this collasal screw up on Bidens part. His own people tried to dissuade him from doing it. He ignored his own people and used his own judgement. When called out the failure was blamed on what they inherited from Trump. Bullchit.. after 1/21/2021 Biden was free to make any new deal with the Thallybhaaan he wanted to. Biden chose to go with his own instincts.. bad move on Joes part.
I'm fine with your argument, though I don't think you know any more than I do what advice and planning they had done, where the errors were made, what alternatives were actually considered and what their pluses and minuses were, etc. Fine with 'buck stops here' but not fine with the assumption that you or I actually know better, for sure.

I do think you, for some reason, are blind to the fact that Biden actually slowed down the withdrawal from the Trump timetable, enabling more planning and preparation. The reality is that the Trump timetable (and we now know he signed an order for an immediate, precipitous, unplanned withdrawal last winter) would very likely have been worse, especially given Trump's impatience. We also know that his Admin was actively stalling Afghan exit visas, so there's little basis to think the Trump Admin would have had nearly as much concern for our Afghan allies, much less those who were going to be under the Taliban's control, women's rights etc.

Yes, we were going to leave whether under the Trump or the Biden Admin. Neither was going to reverse course. The only question was implementation process.

I think we can critique the Biden Admin, but the context can't be avoided.
On 1/21/2021 the implementation of our exit from Afghanistan became the responsibility of POTUS Biden. I have no idea what Biden did or did not so to arrange an orderly exit from Afghanistan. I have said this ad nauseum and will continue to do so. Biden made the horrific decision to abandon Bagram Airfield. This abysmal failure can not be emphasized enough. That tactical failure that Joe did not understand the importance of Bagram Airfield and keeping it under control of our people for as long as possible will go down as the single worst blunder of any POTUS in decades. If Joe blew off the advice of his best and brightest advisors...time will tell. I'm not a military expert. I knew the minute this foul up at Bagram happened that the US was in a world of chit. If a spec. 4 US Army understood it, Joe Biden sure as hell should have understood it as well. What the dumb f**k politicians understood was a date on a calender and they did not want to tick off the Taliban.. Copy That Lima Charlie.
Again, you're making all sorts of assumptions about the considerations about Bagram that you really don't know. My gut says the same thing as yours about the importance of that particular decision, but I too really have no idea about why they made that tactical decision. I don't think they're dumb, nor do I think it's likely that Biden overruled the military folks on this specific aspect of the tactical withdrawal, if they strongly disagreed. And it was undoubtedly discussed and considered, pros and cons.

Unlike the former POTUS, I very much doubt that Biden actually considers himself smarter than the generals, nor a military expert. However, on the priority of where to apply our financial and strategic and manpower resources over the next years, that's what he was elected to do. And he was clear in his campaign that it wouldn't be in Afghanistan. So, I doubt that he'd have overruled the generals on the tactical decisions, though he'd have been called upon to assent to them. Timetable another matter.

In both, as POTUS, he nevertheless "owns" the outcomes...again in contrast to the former POTUS, but consistent with most Presidents, Biden doesn't shirk from that ownership. All of those other Presidents, who similarly didn't shirk responsibility, ask, however, to have their decisions and "mistakes" judged both in real time and by history in the context in which the decisions were reached. Fair.
I'm making the same assumptions I had when I woke up and read on the news our folks had simply left Bagram in the middle of the night like a fart in the wind my immediate gut instinct told me was dumb. A simple analogy was that without Bagram our people were forced to put all of their eggs in one basket. That basket was called KH airport in Kabul. How did that work out for us. You can down play it all day long. The minute Biden abandoned our next best option to get our people our of Afghanistan he made a miscalculation of monumental proportions. You find me any military person trained in this type of situation that thinks abandoning Bagram in the middle of this cluster fudge was a good idea.. please share that information I would love to read it.
Yup, I certainly had the same gut reaction.
But I don't know what they considered and how they reached the conclusions they did.

The little bit that I've read about it was that they were very concerned about trying to move people from Kabul to Bagram safely. That it would have been an extremely difficult and dangerous thing to to try do...sitting ducks along the way. Whether Americans, other western allies, or Afghans.

On "how did that work for us", there was a massive airlift of people from Kabul, a scale unparalleled in history.
While there were casualties, I'd be willing to bet that the casualty estimates of a Bagram exit would have been far higher.

The counter argument has been that retaining forces, longer, and in higher capacities longer, might have prevented the Taliban from overtaking Kabul prior to our departure...maybe. Or maybe the process would have been far more violent and bloody. Maybe.

But those are the sorts of considerations and tradeoffs they were undoubtedly considering, not simply in the original planning but as the situation on the ground"evolved" rapidly.

They've been pretty forthright that their intelligence didn't have the Afghan forces laying down their arms wholesale without any fight. And that began before Bagram exit if I'm not mistaken, not because of it. Taliban had already cut those deals with military commanders.

That was always the problem with a date certain, 100% exit.
And they had a good long lead time to be prepared to move swiftly as we withdrew.
With proper planning and organization the massive airlift would not have been needed. The massive airlift became necessary because any semblance of an organized evacuation plan turned in to chit almost overnight. This was less a massive airlift out than it was panic city to the max. Biden and his folks have tried their best to put a happy face on how they fouled up getting out of Afghanistan. IMO the mistake was made saying we would be out by such and such a date. We should have left when we were ready and a sensible incremental plan had been put in place. Why is it that common sense just simply does not exist in the leadership of this country? Why does any POTUS have advisors that they consistently ignore on a regular basis? Then when things go all to chit, the finger pointing starts.
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Re: 2024

Post by youthathletics »

She can't even tell the damned truth about the dog biting people...... :oops:

A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: 2024

Post by tech37 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:47 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:32 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:18 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:48 pm
ggait wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:14 pm
Please use the same search function to find and blast all the hypocritical Psaki apologists...

You know, the ones who who were criticizing everything the Trump PR crew was doing?
False equivalency is still false.

There's a world of difference between Psaki and Spicer et al.
There is a difference all right...Psaki happens to be a more competent liar than the Trump people. GMAFB.

Ahhh, you mean she tells the truth but not the "whole truth" at every moment?

You gotta give us some actual examples of when she's "competent" in an actual lie.

Easy with these other folks...they lied egregiously again and again and again...
You'll give me some BS reply but oh WTH...

So, evasion, distortion, and obfuscation aren't forms of lying?

Note to self... this should be good.
You gotta give us some specific examples of such that were provably lying.

It's easy with these other cats.

But no, "evasion" is not lying. It's refusing to lie.
Is it immediately disclosing the truth? Absolutely not. But it's not a form of lying.

"distortion" might well be a lie if it purposely gives a false impression. But is it false? is the question or is it simply perspective? Show us some examples and why they're actual lies.

"obfuscation" exactly the same as above...could be, might not be...show us some specific examples and why they were actually false. And knowably so to the press secretary.

Again, we had rampant, outright lying from the press secretaries during the prior Admin. A barrage of such. And long periods from them of not even taking questions at all, the bloody job. It's simply not a close call.

Admit that and we can then fairly parse whether Psaki has actually lied as yet in her communications job.
Perfect :roll:

We will have to agree to disagree on this as well as most everything else. I'll never be able to out do your nuanced (yet flawed) characterization of what lying looks like.
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Re: 2024

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:33 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:47 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:33 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:31 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:06 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:04 pm Trying to equate Biden's press staff issues vs. Trump's is about the saddest thing ever. Like comparing apples to, well, I guess the best comparison is what comes out after you eat an apple.

Like, were you not there the first two days of Trump's presidency when the most insane press conference ever during a presidency occurred (which was quickly surpassed in the following days). It's like bizarro-land around here. Revisionist history, ain't it great lads.
Hey TLD....curious, who was equating?
Not sure what you mean here. You need to restructure your inquiry…..I will answer although you frequently decline to answer direct questions.
I answer and engage regularly....just depends on how far down the rabbit hole I feel like following you. ;)
Was TLD even in this discussion today or did you mean NattyBoh?
You tell me...are they same person? :lol:
Are they? Unaware of such.

We have some other serial moniker folks.
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Re: 2024

Post by cradleandshoot »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:48 pm
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:41 pm What you talkin' bout, Chester? I mean seriously, Joe, what are you getting at?

You don't seriously think there is an equivalence between what is happening with the current press Secretary's office and the LAT one, are you??

Nothing whatsoever in MD's post could reasonably lead to your response...care to defend yourself?

Jen Psaki is a liar, plain and simple. Kram already posted a perfect example of it. Your the god damn press secretary to the POTUS, and you tell a reporter "Why do they need to know how many breakthrough cases there are?" This admin is supposed to be all about transparency right? The opposite of the Trump admin, according to our resident FLP brethren. Well guess what? it's just more of the same apparently, done in a different matter. Psaki trivializes the reporters questions quite frequently, this can be seen as an attempt to deflect/protect those above her. There you go, won't satisfy you, I know because your not looking for an alternative viewpoint here. Narrow minded as usual :roll:

No problem.. she will circle back to you on that. A classic reply when you have no idea how to answer the question. If you can't dazzle em with brilliance.. baffle em with bullchit.
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Re: 2024

Post by cradleandshoot »

tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:54 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:47 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:32 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:18 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:48 pm
ggait wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:14 pm
Please use the same search function to find and blast all the hypocritical Psaki apologists...

You know, the ones who who were criticizing everything the Trump PR crew was doing?
False equivalency is still false.

There's a world of difference between Psaki and Spicer et al.
There is a difference all right...Psaki happens to be a more competent liar than the Trump people. GMAFB.

Ahhh, you mean she tells the truth but not the "whole truth" at every moment?

You gotta give us some actual examples of when she's "competent" in an actual lie.

Easy with these other folks...they lied egregiously again and again and again...
You'll give me some BS reply but oh WTH...

So, evasion, distortion, and obfuscation aren't forms of lying?

Note to self... this should be good.
You gotta give us some specific examples of such that were provably lying.

It's easy with these other cats.

But no, "evasion" is not lying. It's refusing to lie.
Is it immediately disclosing the truth? Absolutely not. But it's not a form of lying.

"distortion" might well be a lie if it purposely gives a false impression. But is it false? is the question or is it simply perspective? Show us some examples and why they're actual lies.

"obfuscation" exactly the same as above...could be, might not be...show us some specific examples and why they were actually false. And knowably so to the press secretary.

Again, we had rampant, outright lying from the press secretaries during the prior Admin. A barrage of such. And long periods from them of not even taking questions at all, the bloody job. It's simply not a close call.

Admit that and we can then fairly parse whether Psaki has actually lied as yet in her communications job.
Perfect :roll:

We will have to agree to disagree on this as well as most everything else. I'll never be able to out do your nuanced (yet flawed) characterization of what lying looks like.
Very well stated and respectfully so.. ;)
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
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Re: 2024

Post by tech37 »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:37 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:47 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:32 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:18 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:48 pm
ggait wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:14 pm
Please use the same search function to find and blast all the hypocritical Psaki apologists...

You know, the ones who who were criticizing everything the Trump PR crew was doing?
False equivalency is still false.

There's a world of difference between Psaki and Spicer et al.
There is a difference all right...Psaki happens to be a more competent liar than the Trump people. GMAFB.

Ahhh, you mean she tells the truth but not the "whole truth" at every moment?

You gotta give us some actual examples of when she's "competent" in an actual lie.

Easy with these other folks...they lied egregiously again and again and again...
You'll give me some BS reply but oh WTH...

So, evasion, distortion, and obfuscation aren't forms of lying?

Note to self... this should be good.
You gotta give us some specific examples of such that were provably lying.

It's easy with these other cats.

But no, "evasion" is not lying. It's refusing to lie.
Is it immediately disclosing the truth? Absolutely not. But it's not a form of lying.

"distortion" might well be a lie if it purposely gives a false impression. But is it false? is the question or is it simply perspective? Show us some examples and why they're actual lies.

"obfuscation" exactly the same as above...could be, might not be...show us some specific examples and why they were actually false. And knowably so to the press secretary.

Again, we had rampant, outright lying from the press secretaries during the prior Admin. A barrage of such. And long periods from them of not even taking questions at all, the bloody job. It's simply not a close call.

Admit that and we can then fairly parse whether Psaki has actually lied as yet in her communications job.
The Mental Gymnastics that you use to obsfucate the fact that you are wrong never ceases to amaze. It's doesn't make you a better person, it makes you self-serving and you wonder why you get the pushback you do. It's simply amazing :roll:

It's no use joe, mdlax engages in confirmation bias with himself :lol:
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Re: 2024

Post by JoeMauer89 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:55 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:33 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:47 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:33 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:31 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:06 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:04 pm Trying to equate Biden's press staff issues vs. Trump's is about the saddest thing ever. Like comparing apples to, well, I guess the best comparison is what comes out after you eat an apple.

Like, were you not there the first two days of Trump's presidency when the most insane press conference ever during a presidency occurred (which was quickly surpassed in the following days). It's like bizarro-land around here. Revisionist history, ain't it great lads.
Hey TLD....curious, who was equating?
Not sure what you mean here. You need to restructure your inquiry…..I will answer although you frequently decline to answer direct questions.
I answer and engage regularly....just depends on how far down the rabbit hole I feel like following you. ;)
Was TLD even in this discussion today or did you mean NattyBoh?
You tell me...are they same person? :lol:
Are they? Unaware of such.

We have some other serial moniker folks.
Yes that's true, but we don't have many if ANY at all that come on THIS site, just to talk politics strictly. It's clearly the 2nd username of the FLP brethren. With a slight nuance in the way they respond from their main account.

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Re: 2024

Post by JoeMauer89 »

tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:01 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:37 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:47 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:32 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:18 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:48 pm
ggait wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:14 pm
Please use the same search function to find and blast all the hypocritical Psaki apologists...

You know, the ones who who were criticizing everything the Trump PR crew was doing?
False equivalency is still false.

There's a world of difference between Psaki and Spicer et al.
There is a difference all right...Psaki happens to be a more competent liar than the Trump people. GMAFB.

Ahhh, you mean she tells the truth but not the "whole truth" at every moment?

You gotta give us some actual examples of when she's "competent" in an actual lie.

Easy with these other folks...they lied egregiously again and again and again...
You'll give me some BS reply but oh WTH...

So, evasion, distortion, and obfuscation aren't forms of lying?

Note to self... this should be good.
You gotta give us some specific examples of such that were provably lying.

It's easy with these other cats.

But no, "evasion" is not lying. It's refusing to lie.
Is it immediately disclosing the truth? Absolutely not. But it's not a form of lying.

"distortion" might well be a lie if it purposely gives a false impression. But is it false? is the question or is it simply perspective? Show us some examples and why they're actual lies.

"obfuscation" exactly the same as above...could be, might not be...show us some specific examples and why they were actually false. And knowably so to the press secretary.

Again, we had rampant, outright lying from the press secretaries during the prior Admin. A barrage of such. And long periods from them of not even taking questions at all, the bloody job. It's simply not a close call.

Admit that and we can then fairly parse whether Psaki has actually lied as yet in her communications job.
The Mental Gymnastics that you use to obsfucate the fact that you are wrong never ceases to amaze. It's doesn't make you a better person, it makes you self-serving and you wonder why you get the pushback you do. It's simply amazing :roll:

It's no use joe, mdlax engages in confirmation bias with himself :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

A frightening amount of the time, I guess when you do it so much, you become unaware that you are even engaging in such behavior. Great observation!

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Re: 2024

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:43 pm
youthathletics wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:33 pm
Hey TLD....curious, who was equating?
I mean it's possible, it's certainly one of the regular FLP brethren's other usernames. Popped up out of nowhere and has NEVER posted in a non-politics related thread. Makes you wonder...joined on May 4th 2021. I have rarely if EVER seen any posters on this site that only, I mean only post on the politics related thread. If this person wants to talk politics there are plenty of other sites do so in, where the discourse is much different and expansive then this site. It is very strange the more I look into it. We all post at least occasionally in the lacrosse related threads, this person NEVER. It's likely not TLD, but it could very well be somebody like JHU88, who disappeared, months ago.

:lol: spooky....

I don't really care about any of the teams you guys regularly argue about in the non-politics forums. I like watching the game.

Just a lax guy who's sick and tired of the B.S. One party went off the rails in 2016 and a vocal minority with too much power in politics is trying to drag us kicking and screaming back to the 20th century. Throw in a couple of posters laying down wild and insane viewpoints, and others getting all high and mighty "why so negative and divisive" when you call them out on flat-out lies, and I just felt like throwing my $0.02 in.

Just doing my best to make America Great Again...
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Re: 2024

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:54 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:47 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:32 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:18 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:48 pm
ggait wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:14 pm
Please use the same search function to find and blast all the hypocritical Psaki apologists...

You know, the ones who who were criticizing everything the Trump PR crew was doing?
False equivalency is still false.

There's a world of difference between Psaki and Spicer et al.
There is a difference all right...Psaki happens to be a more competent liar than the Trump people. GMAFB.

Ahhh, you mean she tells the truth but not the "whole truth" at every moment?

You gotta give us some actual examples of when she's "competent" in an actual lie.

Easy with these other folks...they lied egregiously again and again and again...
You'll give me some BS reply but oh WTH...

So, evasion, distortion, and obfuscation aren't forms of lying?

Note to self... this should be good.
You gotta give us some specific examples of such that were provably lying.

It's easy with these other cats.

But no, "evasion" is not lying. It's refusing to lie.
Is it immediately disclosing the truth? Absolutely not. But it's not a form of lying.

"distortion" might well be a lie if it purposely gives a false impression. But is it false? is the question or is it simply perspective? Show us some examples and why they're actual lies.

"obfuscation" exactly the same as above...could be, might not be...show us some specific examples and why they were actually false. And knowably so to the press secretary.

Again, we had rampant, outright lying from the press secretaries during the prior Admin. A barrage of such. And long periods from them of not even taking questions at all, the bloody job. It's simply not a close call.

Admit that and we can then fairly parse whether Psaki has actually lied as yet in her communications job.
Perfect :roll:

We will have to agree to disagree on this as well as most everything else. I'll never be able to out do your nuanced (yet flawed) characterization of what lying looks like.
hmmm, so zero examples?

Not sure what aspect of what I responded above is "flawed", but sure, "nuanced" would be appropriate objective.

That's the trouble with trying to call someone a liar, accusing them of "lying", yet not being able to actually show an example of a single knowably false statement.

I don't take exception to you or anyone else saying that the typical White House Press Secretary will "deflect", "dissemble", "evade" questions they're not prepared to answer fulsomely at that time (or ever). Yup, definitely do. And they will also sometimes actually "obfuscate" or "distort" in an effort to "shape" the perceptions of the public to be more aligned with the preferred interests of the White House. No doubt.

Much more rarely, one will do so, falsely, knowingly "shaping" in a way that is belied by facts known to the Secretary but not to the public. The latter is indeed within the definition of "lying". Unless it's an extreme national security interest, it's definitely not ok in my book.

Rare, though, but not never.
I haven't yet seen an example of Psaki doing so, but it may have happened or could happen going forward.
If so, she would deservedly lose credibility and be open to such critique.
But gotta show me...I'm from Missouri until then.

By contrast, it should not be remotely hard for you to admit that all the Trump Press Secretaries lied egregiously, baldly, and provably, indeed rampantly so. They also at long stretches refused to even hold press conferences...the bloody job.

Why are you having such difficulty admitting the obvious?
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Re: 2024

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:02 pm Yes that's true, but we don't have many if ANY at all that come on THIS site, just to talk politics strictly. It's clearly the 2nd username of the FLP brethren. With a slight nuance in the way they respond from their main account.


This is the sad state of the divisiveness of American politics. When you encounter someone you think you disagree with, you automatically label them into your opposition. FLP my tuckus, I just like calling out BS. Which I have to do a heck of a lot more with the Trumpists and far-right.

Why so divisive in your incorrect labeling?
Last edited by NattyBohChamps04 on Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2024

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:04 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:01 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:37 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:47 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:32 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:18 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:48 pm
ggait wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:14 pm
Please use the same search function to find and blast all the hypocritical Psaki apologists...

You know, the ones who who were criticizing everything the Trump PR crew was doing?
False equivalency is still false.

There's a world of difference between Psaki and Spicer et al.
There is a difference all right...Psaki happens to be a more competent liar than the Trump people. GMAFB.

Ahhh, you mean she tells the truth but not the "whole truth" at every moment?

You gotta give us some actual examples of when she's "competent" in an actual lie.

Easy with these other folks...they lied egregiously again and again and again...
You'll give me some BS reply but oh WTH...

So, evasion, distortion, and obfuscation aren't forms of lying?

Note to self... this should be good.
You gotta give us some specific examples of such that were provably lying.

It's easy with these other cats.

But no, "evasion" is not lying. It's refusing to lie.
Is it immediately disclosing the truth? Absolutely not. But it's not a form of lying.

"distortion" might well be a lie if it purposely gives a false impression. But is it false? is the question or is it simply perspective? Show us some examples and why they're actual lies.

"obfuscation" exactly the same as above...could be, might not be...show us some specific examples and why they were actually false. And knowably so to the press secretary.

Again, we had rampant, outright lying from the press secretaries during the prior Admin. A barrage of such. And long periods from them of not even taking questions at all, the bloody job. It's simply not a close call.

Admit that and we can then fairly parse whether Psaki has actually lied as yet in her communications job.
The Mental Gymnastics that you use to obsfucate the fact that you are wrong never ceases to amaze. It's doesn't make you a better person, it makes you self-serving and you wonder why you get the pushback you do. It's simply amazing :roll:

It's no use joe, mdlax engages in confirmation bias with himself :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

A frightening amount of the time, I guess when you do it so much, you become unaware that you are even engaging in such behavior. Great observation!

Hey, Joe, if you want to help a brother out, just help tech find some actual examples of Psaki provably lying.
I await an actual fact based response.

Or... stop with the personal attacks.
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Re: 2024

Post by JoeMauer89 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:15 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:04 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:01 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:37 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:47 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:32 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:18 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:48 pm
ggait wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:14 pm
Please use the same search function to find and blast all the hypocritical Psaki apologists...

You know, the ones who who were criticizing everything the Trump PR crew was doing?
False equivalency is still false.

There's a world of difference between Psaki and Spicer et al.
There is a difference all right...Psaki happens to be a more competent liar than the Trump people. GMAFB.

Ahhh, you mean she tells the truth but not the "whole truth" at every moment?

You gotta give us some actual examples of when she's "competent" in an actual lie.

Easy with these other folks...they lied egregiously again and again and again...
You'll give me some BS reply but oh WTH...

So, evasion, distortion, and obfuscation aren't forms of lying?

Note to self... this should be good.
You gotta give us some specific examples of such that were provably lying.

It's easy with these other cats.

But no, "evasion" is not lying. It's refusing to lie.
Is it immediately disclosing the truth? Absolutely not. But it's not a form of lying.

"distortion" might well be a lie if it purposely gives a false impression. But is it false? is the question or is it simply perspective? Show us some examples and why they're actual lies.

"obfuscation" exactly the same as above...could be, might not be...show us some specific examples and why they were actually false. And knowably so to the press secretary.

Again, we had rampant, outright lying from the press secretaries during the prior Admin. A barrage of such. And long periods from them of not even taking questions at all, the bloody job. It's simply not a close call.

Admit that and we can then fairly parse whether Psaki has actually lied as yet in her communications job.
The Mental Gymnastics that you use to obsfucate the fact that you are wrong never ceases to amaze. It's doesn't make you a better person, it makes you self-serving and you wonder why you get the pushback you do. It's simply amazing :roll:

It's no use joe, mdlax engages in confirmation bias with himself :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

A frightening amount of the time, I guess when you do it so much, you become unaware that you are even engaging in such behavior. Great observation!

Hey, Joe, if you want to help a brother out, just help tech find some actual examples of Psaki provably lying.
I await an actual fact based response.

Or... stop with the personal attacks.
Even for the Biden White House, Jen Psaki’s latest whopper stands out: The press secretary actually said that the vast tide of migrants crossing the southern border is “not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time.”

Hmm: Most of them have traveled over a thousand miles from south of Mexico — often enduring privation, violence and even rape along the way — to get to the United States. But it’s not in hopes of a better life here?

Right: They just pined for a short vacation in south Texas. Guess that’s her explanation for why so many “applicants for asylum” never show up for their court dates: Vacay over, they just walked the thousand miles back home.

Plus, Psaki offered this bunk as she tried to avoid the gaping contradiction on vaccination rules. Team Biden just announced that it will start letting vaccinated travelers from dozens of nations finally visit America again (come November), while still denying entry to the un-jabbed.

But the administration is not demanding vaccinations for the countless illegal border-crossers that it’s allowing in. Why? Because “it’s not the same thing,” explained Psaki, before moving on to her “not intending to stay” lie.


There you go. Just one of many...

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Re: 2024

Post by seacoaster »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:15 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:04 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:01 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:37 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:47 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:32 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:18 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:48 pm
ggait wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:14 pm
Please use the same search function to find and blast all the hypocritical Psaki apologists...

You know, the ones who who were criticizing everything the Trump PR crew was doing?
False equivalency is still false.

There's a world of difference between Psaki and Spicer et al.
There is a difference all right...Psaki happens to be a more competent liar than the Trump people. GMAFB.

Ahhh, you mean she tells the truth but not the "whole truth" at every moment?

You gotta give us some actual examples of when she's "competent" in an actual lie.

Easy with these other folks...they lied egregiously again and again and again...
You'll give me some BS reply but oh WTH...

So, evasion, distortion, and obfuscation aren't forms of lying?

Note to self... this should be good.
You gotta give us some specific examples of such that were provably lying.

It's easy with these other cats.

But no, "evasion" is not lying. It's refusing to lie.
Is it immediately disclosing the truth? Absolutely not. But it's not a form of lying.

"distortion" might well be a lie if it purposely gives a false impression. But is it false? is the question or is it simply perspective? Show us some examples and why they're actual lies.

"obfuscation" exactly the same as above...could be, might not be...show us some specific examples and why they were actually false. And knowably so to the press secretary.

Again, we had rampant, outright lying from the press secretaries during the prior Admin. A barrage of such. And long periods from them of not even taking questions at all, the bloody job. It's simply not a close call.

Admit that and we can then fairly parse whether Psaki has actually lied as yet in her communications job.
The Mental Gymnastics that you use to obsfucate the fact that you are wrong never ceases to amaze. It's doesn't make you a better person, it makes you self-serving and you wonder why you get the pushback you do. It's simply amazing :roll:

It's no use joe, mdlax engages in confirmation bias with himself :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

A frightening amount of the time, I guess when you do it so much, you become unaware that you are even engaging in such behavior. Great observation!

Hey, Joe, if you want to help a brother out, just help tech find some actual examples of Psaki provably lying.
I await an actual fact based response.

Or... stop with the personal attacks.
And zero examples.
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Re: 2024

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:18 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:15 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:04 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:01 pm
JoeMauer89 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 3:37 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:47 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:32 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 2:18 pm
tech37 wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:48 pm
ggait wrote: Thu Sep 23, 2021 1:14 pm
Please use the same search function to find and blast all the hypocritical Psaki apologists...

You know, the ones who who were criticizing everything the Trump PR crew was doing?
False equivalency is still false.

There's a world of difference between Psaki and Spicer et al.
There is a difference all right...Psaki happens to be a more competent liar than the Trump people. GMAFB.

Ahhh, you mean she tells the truth but not the "whole truth" at every moment?

You gotta give us some actual examples of when she's "competent" in an actual lie.

Easy with these other folks...they lied egregiously again and again and again...
You'll give me some BS reply but oh WTH...

So, evasion, distortion, and obfuscation aren't forms of lying?

Note to self... this should be good.
You gotta give us some specific examples of such that were provably lying.

It's easy with these other cats.

But no, "evasion" is not lying. It's refusing to lie.
Is it immediately disclosing the truth? Absolutely not. But it's not a form of lying.

"distortion" might well be a lie if it purposely gives a false impression. But is it false? is the question or is it simply perspective? Show us some examples and why they're actual lies.

"obfuscation" exactly the same as above...could be, might not be...show us some specific examples and why they were actually false. And knowably so to the press secretary.

Again, we had rampant, outright lying from the press secretaries during the prior Admin. A barrage of such. And long periods from them of not even taking questions at all, the bloody job. It's simply not a close call.

Admit that and we can then fairly parse whether Psaki has actually lied as yet in her communications job.
The Mental Gymnastics that you use to obsfucate the fact that you are wrong never ceases to amaze. It's doesn't make you a better person, it makes you self-serving and you wonder why you get the pushback you do. It's simply amazing :roll:

It's no use joe, mdlax engages in confirmation bias with himself :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

A frightening amount of the time, I guess when you do it so much, you become unaware that you are even engaging in such behavior. Great observation!

Hey, Joe, if you want to help a brother out, just help tech find some actual examples of Psaki provably lying.
I await an actual fact based response.

Or... stop with the personal attacks.
Even for the Biden White House, Jen Psaki’s latest whopper stands out: The press secretary actually said that the vast tide of migrants crossing the southern border is “not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time.”

Hmm: Most of them have traveled over a thousand miles from south of Mexico — often enduring privation, violence and even rape along the way — to get to the United States. But it’s not in hopes of a better life here?

Right: They just pined for a short vacation in south Texas. Guess that’s her explanation for why so many “applicants for asylum” never show up for their court dates: Vacay over, they just walked the thousand miles back home.

Plus, Psaki offered this bunk as she tried to avoid the gaping contradiction on vaccination rules. Team Biden just announced that it will start letting vaccinated travelers from dozens of nations finally visit America again (come November), while still denying entry to the un-jabbed.

But the administration is not demanding vaccinations for the countless illegal border-crossers that it’s allowing in. Why? Because “it’s not the same thing,” explained Psaki, before moving on to her “not intending to stay” lie.


There you go. Just one of many...

Thanks...much better response.

The second is not lying, it's an explanation. You don't like the policy difference explanation perhaps, but it's definitely not lying.

I'll track down the first one as I'm not aware of it and its context. Sounds dumb to me too, in the meantime.

EDIT: I had a heck of a time finding it within a very long press conferences, lots of detailed questions and answers on all sorts of topics.
https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-roo ... r-20-2021/

Found series of questions and follow ups on Haiti that didn't include that statement. Then a discussion of vaccination requirements for travelers and a follow to why not for the Haitians coming across the border and this statement.

She's clearly not actually referring to migrant intent, generally, nor even the hope of these particular Haitians...she's referring to the US intent to send them back, which is indeed the current policy. But it's poorly phrased, easily misunderstood the way right wing media has purposely...it's indeed be a dumb statement to say the Haitians want to go back as soon as they can.

Man, I wouldn't want to have to defend this policy!

Presumably none of the Haitians have been vaccinated. Haiti is in complete meltdown, food and medicine shortages at extreme levels, violence...vaccinations?

so, the assumption definitely should be these desperate migrants are not yet vaccinated. Sure, we may be quarantine them and then sending them back to Haiti, but that's going to be a debacle.

I'd be lining the folks up for shots in arms, registering their identities best we can (biometrics) and then moving them to camps for further processing...as quickly as we can.

Personally, I'd be giving virtually all of them asylum, certainly all the families.

But the US populace hasn't elected legislators ready to do so.
Last edited by MDlaxfan76 on Thu Sep 23, 2021 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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