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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:34 pm
by njbill
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:01 pm
njbill wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:55 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:44 am
njbill wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 5:21 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:59 pm I am not a trump supporter. I loath the guy. I have for many years. I enjoy playing the role of devil's advocate. I am surprised a wise counselor such as yourself didn't figure that out a long time ago. As devil's advocate I ask you what you think will happen if the FBI found something on the laptop and did not say anything. It is a damned if you do and damned if you don't scenario for the FBI. Once again playing the role of devil's advocate. If anything comes out AFTER the election that makes Hunter look dirty do you thing a Biden DOJ will take a serious look at it? I don't but that is just a wild guess on my part. ;) BTW is there really such a thing as a legitimate journalist?
Yeah sure. If you say so.

I’m not the biggest Joe fan, but have said this entire cycle that I thought he had the best chance to beat Trump (still do), which is why I have been supporting him from the outset.

Never liked Harris. Still don’t. Might have been a good pick for VP for this election though. My concern about her is that if Joe doesn’t run in 2024, she might get the nomination. I don’t think she is electable, which is why I wanted Joe to pick an heir apparent who could win in 2024 if he decides not to run.

As I keep saying, the FBI should not say anything at all, whether it helps or hurts one candidate or the other.

In terms of Hunter, they certainly shouldn’t say anything if all they found was embarrassing stuff or things that showed he lined his pocket. Hunter is not running for president. The public does not have a right to know his private business. Now, I’m not naïve enough to think that his private business isn’t fodder for the gossip columns. Of course it is. Just like Don Jr.’s cocaine problem, the criminal investigation against Eric, etc.

Even if the FBI found evidence of criminal activity by Hunter, they still should not publicize it now. First of all, a long standing FBI rule is not to comment on investigations. If they indict someone, then it becomes public. Secondly, there is also a long time practice not to make any announcements or take any action that might influence an election. Obviously, if they were to announce a criminal investigation against Hunter, that could influence the election. They should not do that.

No one anywhere has suggested that Joe has engaged in any criminal conduct. So what is there for the FBI to comment on?

Be careful what you wish for. If there is any announcement by the FBI, it is going to be very damaging to Trump. I suspect Bill Barr has told Trump that already. You notice Trump and Rudy are not calling for the FBI to comment. Don’t you wonder why that is?
It is always interesting when I find myself engaged in a conversation with a lawyer. I don't mean to disparage you NJ but what is the primary function of any good lawyer? They make huge sums of money from having the ability to manipulate and twist the facts around to defend their client. I can't imagine you being different from any other mouth piece in that regard. That being said you were so focused in the wrong direction you missed my point entirely.
I will put it to you differently in the form of a hypothetical. The FBI determines after double barrel Joe has won the election that the laptop was legit. They determine they have found compromising information that suggests HBs old man knew about what his son was diddling around with in his dealings with the Ukraine. Remember counselor we are dealing in the land of hypothetical but possible. What the flip does POTUS double barrel do now? He can't just hand it off to the DOJ. The conflict of interest goes off the charts. I am playing the hypothetical game like this. Double barrel Joe has no other option than to hand the presidency over to Kammy Harris. He is backed into a corner by what his kid may have done.

I rest my case counselor, your turn at the witness. If the facts are true what does POTUS Biden do?
Lack of foundation counselor in training. Get back to me when you have proved any of your case.

By the way, nothing has been a remotely alleged that Joe Biden did anything illegal. Even in Rudy’s wildest scenario.

If Trump raped all those women, he should be in jail. Should we go down that path?
I would make a lousy lawyer, I spend most of my time sober. You can lay any hypothetical on me you want. If trump raped all those women then he and rapist Bill Clinton should have their cases tried at the same time. For a lawyer you have pretty chitty reading comprehension. I did not say anything was alleged against double barrel Joe. Maybe you should let your paralegal proof read for you while you get back to your martini. When and if you sober up, try reading my post again counselor.
If you aren’t alleging anything against Joe, what is the point of your post? Hunter Biden isn’t running for president.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:38 pm
by njbill
Cooter wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 11:20 am Hunter's associate coming forth
OAN. :lol:

I actually listened to the clip. Nothing is alleged against Joe Biden.

But newsflash. Maxwell’s cellmate said Maxwell told her that she personally witnessed Trump raping the 13-year-old girl at the Epstein mansion back in the early 90s. She corroborates everything the girl said in her sworn declaration filed in federal court. Trump has never denied those allegations under oath or, to my knowledge, otherwise. Why isn’t OAN reporting on that? Fox News’ silence is deafening.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 1:16 pm
by cradleandshoot
njbill wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:34 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:01 pm
njbill wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:55 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:44 am
njbill wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 5:21 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:59 pm I am not a trump supporter. I loath the guy. I have for many years. I enjoy playing the role of devil's advocate. I am surprised a wise counselor such as yourself didn't figure that out a long time ago. As devil's advocate I ask you what you think will happen if the FBI found something on the laptop and did not say anything. It is a damned if you do and damned if you don't scenario for the FBI. Once again playing the role of devil's advocate. If anything comes out AFTER the election that makes Hunter look dirty do you thing a Biden DOJ will take a serious look at it? I don't but that is just a wild guess on my part. ;) BTW is there really such a thing as a legitimate journalist?
Yeah sure. If you say so.

I’m not the biggest Joe fan, but have said this entire cycle that I thought he had the best chance to beat Trump (still do), which is why I have been supporting him from the outset.

Never liked Harris. Still don’t. Might have been a good pick for VP for this election though. My concern about her is that if Joe doesn’t run in 2024, she might get the nomination. I don’t think she is electable, which is why I wanted Joe to pick an heir apparent who could win in 2024 if he decides not to run.

As I keep saying, the FBI should not say anything at all, whether it helps or hurts one candidate or the other.

In terms of Hunter, they certainly shouldn’t say anything if all they found was embarrassing stuff or things that showed he lined his pocket. Hunter is not running for president. The public does not have a right to know his private business. Now, I’m not naïve enough to think that his private business isn’t fodder for the gossip columns. Of course it is. Just like Don Jr.’s cocaine problem, the criminal investigation against Eric, etc.

Even if the FBI found evidence of criminal activity by Hunter, they still should not publicize it now. First of all, a long standing FBI rule is not to comment on investigations. If they indict someone, then it becomes public. Secondly, there is also a long time practice not to make any announcements or take any action that might influence an election. Obviously, if they were to announce a criminal investigation against Hunter, that could influence the election. They should not do that.

No one anywhere has suggested that Joe has engaged in any criminal conduct. So what is there for the FBI to comment on?

Be careful what you wish for. If there is any announcement by the FBI, it is going to be very damaging to Trump. I suspect Bill Barr has told Trump that already. You notice Trump and Rudy are not calling for the FBI to comment. Don’t you wonder why that is?
It is always interesting when I find myself engaged in a conversation with a lawyer. I don't mean to disparage you NJ but what is the primary function of any good lawyer? They make huge sums of money from having the ability to manipulate and twist the facts around to defend their client. I can't imagine you being different from any other mouth piece in that regard. That being said you were so focused in the wrong direction you missed my point entirely.
I will put it to you differently in the form of a hypothetical. The FBI determines after double barrel Joe has won the election that the laptop was legit. They determine they have found compromising information that suggests HBs old man knew about what his son was diddling around with in his dealings with the Ukraine. Remember counselor we are dealing in the land of hypothetical but possible. What the flip does POTUS double barrel do now? He can't just hand it off to the DOJ. The conflict of interest goes off the charts. I am playing the hypothetical game like this. Double barrel Joe has no other option than to hand the presidency over to Kammy Harris. He is backed into a corner by what his kid may have done.

I rest my case counselor, your turn at the witness. If the facts are true what does POTUS Biden do?
Lack of foundation counselor in training. Get back to me when you have proved any of your case.

By the way, nothing has been a remotely alleged that Joe Biden did anything illegal. Even in Rudy’s wildest scenario.

If Trump raped all those women, he should be in jail. Should we go down that path?
I would make a lousy lawyer, I spend most of my time sober. You can lay any hypothetical on me you want. If trump raped all those women then he and rapist Bill Clinton should have their cases tried at the same time. For a lawyer you have pretty chitty reading comprehension. I did not say anything was alleged against double barrel Joe. Maybe you should let your paralegal proof read for you while you get back to your martini. When and if you sober up, try reading my post again counselor.
If you aren’t alleging anything against Joe, what is the point of your post? Hunter Biden isn’t running for president.
One last time counselor. I will cap my points so you understand... maybe. I POSED A HYPOTHETICAL TO YOU ABOUT WHAT WOULD HAPPEN POST ELECTION IF HBs LAPTOP SHOWED HE WAS DIRTY? WHAT WOULD HAPPEN POST ELECTION IF ANYTHING ON HIS LAPTOP INCRIMINATED HIS DAD IN ANY WAY. I hope that makes it clear for you. I am not alleging anything against double barrel Joe. I will post the definition of hypothetical to help you out.

of, based on, or serving as a hypothesis.
"that option is merely hypothetical at this juncture"
exploratory · investigational · probing · fact-finding · trial and error · trial · test · [more

does that help you? :roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 1:22 pm
by cradleandshoot
I have to post this just for kicks and giggles. I have read so much criticism here from our legal eagles concerning the ethics of Rudy. Does anybody remember the last time we saw Rudy on a zoom chat with his dick in his hands? Maybe Jeffrey Toobin, the legal scholar that he is can clear that up. :lol: ... ident.html

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 2:11 pm
by njbill
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 1:16 pm
njbill wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:34 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:01 pm
njbill wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:55 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:44 am
njbill wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 5:21 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:59 pm I am not a trump supporter. I loath the guy. I have for many years. I enjoy playing the role of devil's advocate. I am surprised a wise counselor such as yourself didn't figure that out a long time ago. As devil's advocate I ask you what you think will happen if the FBI found something on the laptop and did not say anything. It is a damned if you do and damned if you don't scenario for the FBI. Once again playing the role of devil's advocate. If anything comes out AFTER the election that makes Hunter look dirty do you thing a Biden DOJ will take a serious look at it? I don't but that is just a wild guess on my part. ;) BTW is there really such a thing as a legitimate journalist?
Yeah sure. If you say so.

I’m not the biggest Joe fan, but have said this entire cycle that I thought he had the best chance to beat Trump (still do), which is why I have been supporting him from the outset.

Never liked Harris. Still don’t. Might have been a good pick for VP for this election though. My concern about her is that if Joe doesn’t run in 2024, she might get the nomination. I don’t think she is electable, which is why I wanted Joe to pick an heir apparent who could win in 2024 if he decides not to run.

As I keep saying, the FBI should not say anything at all, whether it helps or hurts one candidate or the other.

In terms of Hunter, they certainly shouldn’t say anything if all they found was embarrassing stuff or things that showed he lined his pocket. Hunter is not running for president. The public does not have a right to know his private business. Now, I’m not naïve enough to think that his private business isn’t fodder for the gossip columns. Of course it is. Just like Don Jr.’s cocaine problem, the criminal investigation against Eric, etc.

Even if the FBI found evidence of criminal activity by Hunter, they still should not publicize it now. First of all, a long standing FBI rule is not to comment on investigations. If they indict someone, then it becomes public. Secondly, there is also a long time practice not to make any announcements or take any action that might influence an election. Obviously, if they were to announce a criminal investigation against Hunter, that could influence the election. They should not do that.

No one anywhere has suggested that Joe has engaged in any criminal conduct. So what is there for the FBI to comment on?

Be careful what you wish for. If there is any announcement by the FBI, it is going to be very damaging to Trump. I suspect Bill Barr has told Trump that already. You notice Trump and Rudy are not calling for the FBI to comment. Don’t you wonder why that is?
It is always interesting when I find myself engaged in a conversation with a lawyer. I don't mean to disparage you NJ but what is the primary function of any good lawyer? They make huge sums of money from having the ability to manipulate and twist the facts around to defend their client. I can't imagine you being different from any other mouth piece in that regard. That being said you were so focused in the wrong direction you missed my point entirely.
I will put it to you differently in the form of a hypothetical. The FBI determines after double barrel Joe has won the election that the laptop was legit. They determine they have found compromising information that suggests HBs old man knew about what his son was diddling around with in his dealings with the Ukraine. Remember counselor we are dealing in the land of hypothetical but possible. What the flip does POTUS double barrel do now? He can't just hand it off to the DOJ. The conflict of interest goes off the charts. I am playing the hypothetical game like this. Double barrel Joe has no other option than to hand the presidency over to Kammy Harris. He is backed into a corner by what his kid may have done.

I rest my case counselor, your turn at the witness. If the facts are true what does POTUS Biden do?
Lack of foundation counselor in training. Get back to me when you have proved any of your case.

By the way, nothing has been a remotely alleged that Joe Biden did anything illegal. Even in Rudy’s wildest scenario.

If Trump raped all those women, he should be in jail. Should we go down that path?
I would make a lousy lawyer, I spend most of my time sober. You can lay any hypothetical on me you want. If trump raped all those women then he and rapist Bill Clinton should have their cases tried at the same time. For a lawyer you have pretty chitty reading comprehension. I did not say anything was alleged against double barrel Joe. Maybe you should let your paralegal proof read for you while you get back to your martini. When and if you sober up, try reading my post again counselor.
If you aren’t alleging anything against Joe, what is the point of your post? Hunter Biden isn’t running for president.
One last time counselor. I will cap my points so you understand... maybe. I POSED A HYPOTHETICAL TO YOU ABOUT WHAT WOULD HAPPEN POST ELECTION IF HBs LAPTOP SHOWED HE WAS DIRTY? WHAT WOULD HAPPEN POST ELECTION IF ANYTHING ON HIS LAPTOP INCRIMINATED HIS DAD IN ANY WAY. I hope that makes it clear for you. I am not alleging anything against double barrel Joe. I will post the definition of hypothetical to help you out.

of, based on, or serving as a hypothesis.
"that option is merely hypothetical at this juncture"
exploratory · investigational · probing · fact-finding · trial and error · trial · test · [more

does that help you? :roll: :roll: :roll:
To pose a hypothetical, the factual predicate has to be reasonably based. Yours isn’t. At least until you and your fellow Trumpists, whether they admit it or not, prove anything.

But to play your game, if I assume Biden is guilty :roll: sure, he’s guilty. Doesn’t sound like a very productive exercise to me. Anyway, as we learned with Trump, you can’t indict a sitting president. By the time Joe is out of office, the statute of limitations will have run, if it hasn’t already since it sounds like the alleged crimes took place more than five years ago. Sound familiar?

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 2:23 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Cooter wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:02 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 11:33 am
Cooter wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 11:25 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 11:18 am
Cooter wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:48 am wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:55 am Good spin.

But again, trying to pin this as an equivalence and ignoring the pile of excrement that Biden is professionally, politically and personally, is putting your head in the sand too.

So he's got a son with drug addiction- But Joe and Jill "approve of his bad (drug addled?) decisions?"
Ignoring Joe's lousy professional track record doesn't help. Social justice reformers- ignoring Biden's OPENLY outright racist comments for 40 years and his Crime bill that was directly responsible for the incarceration of thousands of black men. Makes sense?
He's an actual liar about he simplest of things. He's a weak man morally, ethically and mentally- And he can be manipulated. It's why the DNC loves him... Kamala 2021
But mentioning that Biden is ALL of those things too just gets met with "BUT TRUMP!" response.


The Left can do better. They just refuse to, for some reason.
Who you voting for Cooter?
It's a binary choice.

The Democrats (does not equal the Left) decided they found winning more appealing than not. Black Democrats in particular believed that Biden, an old white, blue collar sort of guy was the best chance to win back white, older, blue collar voters in PA and the Midwest. Very practical.

The "Left" preferred Bernie or Liz. They lost.
Who are you voting for is the better question. You are not still planning on voting for Biden are you?
It's a very, very easy binary choice.
I'm voting for the D for POTUS for the first time in 40 years of always voting.

Biden was not my preferred choice out of the cast of folks who ran, but the next 4 years can't be Trump. Period.

You gonna answer?
It's not a binary choice.
At the moment I don't plan to vote at all. Kramerica's choice of writing in Hogan seems like a good one though.
That was my point of view in '16. I refused to vote for Clinton, but I darn sure thought Trump would be worse.

In my state, I knew that it didn't matter.

But I did want to register a 'protest' vote, "I'm here and voting, but not for these two" attitude. So, voted for the Libertarian knucklehead.

But too many like me in swing states did the same sort of thing or stayed home and that resulted in the worse of two evils being elected.

I'm still not going to matter in the Electoral College.

However, this time, I want to send a clearer message that my vote can actually be moved to the D column given what's happened in the GOP under Trump.

Biden isn't Clinton.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 2:25 pm
by cradleandshoot
njbill wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 2:11 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 1:16 pm
njbill wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:34 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:01 pm
njbill wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:55 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:44 am
njbill wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 5:21 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Oct 19, 2020 3:59 pm I am not a trump supporter. I loath the guy. I have for many years. I enjoy playing the role of devil's advocate. I am surprised a wise counselor such as yourself didn't figure that out a long time ago. As devil's advocate I ask you what you think will happen if the FBI found something on the laptop and did not say anything. It is a damned if you do and damned if you don't scenario for the FBI. Once again playing the role of devil's advocate. If anything comes out AFTER the election that makes Hunter look dirty do you thing a Biden DOJ will take a serious look at it? I don't but that is just a wild guess on my part. ;) BTW is there really such a thing as a legitimate journalist?
Yeah sure. If you say so.

I’m not the biggest Joe fan, but have said this entire cycle that I thought he had the best chance to beat Trump (still do), which is why I have been supporting him from the outset.

Never liked Harris. Still don’t. Might have been a good pick for VP for this election though. My concern about her is that if Joe doesn’t run in 2024, she might get the nomination. I don’t think she is electable, which is why I wanted Joe to pick an heir apparent who could win in 2024 if he decides not to run.

As I keep saying, the FBI should not say anything at all, whether it helps or hurts one candidate or the other.

In terms of Hunter, they certainly shouldn’t say anything if all they found was embarrassing stuff or things that showed he lined his pocket. Hunter is not running for president. The public does not have a right to know his private business. Now, I’m not naïve enough to think that his private business isn’t fodder for the gossip columns. Of course it is. Just like Don Jr.’s cocaine problem, the criminal investigation against Eric, etc.

Even if the FBI found evidence of criminal activity by Hunter, they still should not publicize it now. First of all, a long standing FBI rule is not to comment on investigations. If they indict someone, then it becomes public. Secondly, there is also a long time practice not to make any announcements or take any action that might influence an election. Obviously, if they were to announce a criminal investigation against Hunter, that could influence the election. They should not do that.

No one anywhere has suggested that Joe has engaged in any criminal conduct. So what is there for the FBI to comment on?

Be careful what you wish for. If there is any announcement by the FBI, it is going to be very damaging to Trump. I suspect Bill Barr has told Trump that already. You notice Trump and Rudy are not calling for the FBI to comment. Don’t you wonder why that is?
It is always interesting when I find myself engaged in a conversation with a lawyer. I don't mean to disparage you NJ but what is the primary function of any good lawyer? They make huge sums of money from having the ability to manipulate and twist the facts around to defend their client. I can't imagine you being different from any other mouth piece in that regard. That being said you were so focused in the wrong direction you missed my point entirely.
I will put it to you differently in the form of a hypothetical. The FBI determines after double barrel Joe has won the election that the laptop was legit. They determine they have found compromising information that suggests HBs old man knew about what his son was diddling around with in his dealings with the Ukraine. Remember counselor we are dealing in the land of hypothetical but possible. What the flip does POTUS double barrel do now? He can't just hand it off to the DOJ. The conflict of interest goes off the charts. I am playing the hypothetical game like this. Double barrel Joe has no other option than to hand the presidency over to Kammy Harris. He is backed into a corner by what his kid may have done.

I rest my case counselor, your turn at the witness. If the facts are true what does POTUS Biden do?
Lack of foundation counselor in training. Get back to me when you have proved any of your case.

By the way, nothing has been a remotely alleged that Joe Biden did anything illegal. Even in Rudy’s wildest scenario.

If Trump raped all those women, he should be in jail. Should we go down that path?
I would make a lousy lawyer, I spend most of my time sober. You can lay any hypothetical on me you want. If trump raped all those women then he and rapist Bill Clinton should have their cases tried at the same time. For a lawyer you have pretty chitty reading comprehension. I did not say anything was alleged against double barrel Joe. Maybe you should let your paralegal proof read for you while you get back to your martini. When and if you sober up, try reading my post again counselor.
If you aren’t alleging anything against Joe, what is the point of your post? Hunter Biden isn’t running for president.
One last time counselor. I will cap my points so you understand... maybe. I POSED A HYPOTHETICAL TO YOU ABOUT WHAT WOULD HAPPEN POST ELECTION IF HBs LAPTOP SHOWED HE WAS DIRTY? WHAT WOULD HAPPEN POST ELECTION IF ANYTHING ON HIS LAPTOP INCRIMINATED HIS DAD IN ANY WAY. I hope that makes it clear for you. I am not alleging anything against double barrel Joe. I will post the definition of hypothetical to help you out.

of, based on, or serving as a hypothesis.
"that option is merely hypothetical at this juncture"
exploratory · investigational · probing · fact-finding · trial and error · trial · test · [more

does that help you? :roll: :roll: :roll:
To pose a hypothetical, the factual predicate has to be reasonably based. Yours isn’t. At least until you and your fellow Trumpists, whether they admit it or not, prove anything.

But to play your game, if I assume Biden is guilty :roll: sure, he’s guilty. Doesn’t sound like a very productive exercise to me. Anyway, as we learned with Trump, you can’t indict a sitting president. By the time Joe is out of office, the statute of limitations will have run, if it hasn’t already since it sounds like the alleged crimes took place more than five years ago. Sound familiar?
Now your trying lawyerspeak. A hypothetical does not need to have a factual predicate. Did you not read the definition of hypothetical. That is the fun part of posing a hypothetical to begin with. If you want to play the factual predicate lawyerspeak game, then honestly none of us know what may or may not be on the laptop. The factual predicate you opine about is an unknown variable at this point in time. Damn, maybe I should have went to law school? :D

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 2:29 pm
by njbill
Never too late. They are looking for warm bodies these days. Do you qualify?

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 2:34 pm
by cradleandshoot
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 2:23 pm
Cooter wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 12:02 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 11:33 am
Cooter wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 11:25 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 11:18 am
Cooter wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:48 am wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:55 am Good spin.

But again, trying to pin this as an equivalence and ignoring the pile of excrement that Biden is professionally, politically and personally, is putting your head in the sand too.

So he's got a son with drug addiction- But Joe and Jill "approve of his bad (drug addled?) decisions?"
Ignoring Joe's lousy professional track record doesn't help. Social justice reformers- ignoring Biden's OPENLY outright racist comments for 40 years and his Crime bill that was directly responsible for the incarceration of thousands of black men. Makes sense?
He's an actual liar about he simplest of things. He's a weak man morally, ethically and mentally- And he can be manipulated. It's why the DNC loves him... Kamala 2021
But mentioning that Biden is ALL of those things too just gets met with "BUT TRUMP!" response.


The Left can do better. They just refuse to, for some reason.
Who you voting for Cooter?
It's a binary choice.

The Democrats (does not equal the Left) decided they found winning more appealing than not. Black Democrats in particular believed that Biden, an old white, blue collar sort of guy was the best chance to win back white, older, blue collar voters in PA and the Midwest. Very practical.

The "Left" preferred Bernie or Liz. They lost.
Who are you voting for is the better question. You are not still planning on voting for Biden are you?
It's a very, very easy binary choice.
I'm voting for the D for POTUS for the first time in 40 years of always voting.

Biden was not my preferred choice out of the cast of folks who ran, but the next 4 years can't be Trump. Period.

You gonna answer?
It's not a binary choice.
At the moment I don't plan to vote at all. Kramerica's choice of writing in Hogan seems like a good one though.
That was my point of view in '16. I refused to vote for Clinton, but I darn sure thought Trump would be worse.

In my state, I knew that it didn't matter.

But I did want to register a 'protest' vote, "I'm here and voting, but not for these two" attitude. So, voted for the Libertarian knucklehead.

But too many like me in swing states did the same sort of thing or stayed home and that resulted in the worse of two evils being elected.

I'm still not going to matter in the Electoral College.

However, this time, I want to send a clearer message that my vote can actually be moved to the D column given what's happened in the GOP under Trump.

Biden isn't Clinton.
Damn MD, I actually find myself almost in total agreement with you. I made my final decision several weeks ago. I will go and cast my votes for who I believe the best candidates are. They are a mix of people from both parties. I will not vote for POTUS. I can't justify voting for either person I have determined substandard and not worthy of being the POTUS. I may be wrong in my methodology but a can't in good conscience vote for either person. One of them will win and i will accept the outcome and support who ever wins. That is the best I have to offer. Maybe your republican party will pull their heads from a very dark and unsanitary place and find a man or woman that represents at least 40 to 50% of the American people. I would be just as happy if the democrats do the same. I am not going to hold my breath waiting for that to actually happen.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 2:41 pm
by cradleandshoot
njbill wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 2:29 pm Never too late. They are looking for warm bodies these days. Do you qualify?
I'm 62 and recently lost my job because of Covid. I think my best days are way behind me in that regard. I am much happier scavenging old scrap wood from my neighbors trash and building bird houses to give away. It may sound boring to most folks but i enjoy doing it. I finally have the time to do all the projects around the house I have not hade time for. To answer you question i came damn close to going to college to study law. Twelve years of HS had burned me out, i would have never made it.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 2:50 pm
by ggait
It gets worked out post-election.

Maybe Biden's AG appoints a special counsel to investigate and Joe gets impeached. Or maybe said AG spikes such an investigation. FYI, Joe would (per DOJ policy) be immune from prosecution while in office. And he could fight against any congressional subpoenas. Sound familiar?

But 2016 taught us that you simply don't do anything this close to the election. Because while there was nothing new on Anthony Weienr's laptop, the mere mention of looking into that significantly moved the election needle.

You just leave it up to the campaigns and the press to hash out between now and election day. Feds stay out of it for now.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 3:26 pm
by old salt
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:37 am nice Kram,
you too are becoming just another Trump troll.

It's really pretty gross when we have so many families in America who have been devastated by various types of substance abuse, who battle for the lives and dignity of their family members, that so many attack a family which has publicly admitted the problems of one of their members, who love that family member.

Yet, pretend that that the Trump family doesn't have a problem of its own?

Just gross.
:lol: ...look at all the families that have the resources to pay for multiple luxury rehabs for their out of control kid.

Hunter was off to a noble start. He met his wife on a Jesuit mission. He then became a lobbyist to cash in on access to his Dad, so he could finance Joe's & Beau's lifestyle & political campaigns. He even paid off Beau's law school debts. Spare us the Hallmark movie family story. Hunter was the Biden Family earner & bag-man. Read his New Yorker apologia & examine his life style, especially the part when Beau resided with him & how he juggled his debts. In some respects, I feel sorry for Hunter & the way he was exploited by his father & brother. He looked up to them while they used him. No wonder he's so screwed up & came off the rails when Beau passed.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 4:25 pm
by cradleandshoot
ggait wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 2:50 pm
It gets worked out post-election.

Maybe Biden's AG appoints a special counsel to investigate and Joe gets impeached. Or maybe said AG spikes such an investigation. FYI, Joe would (per DOJ policy) be immune from prosecution while in office. And he could fight against any congressional subpoenas. Sound familiar?

But 2016 taught us that you simply don't do anything this close to the election. Because while there was nothing new on Anthony Weienr's laptop, the mere mention of looking into that significantly moved the election needle.

You just leave it up to the campaigns and the press to hash out between now and election day. Feds stay out of it for now.
Damn good reply to my hypothetical. I owe you a martini counselor. You are the legal eagle in my book.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 4:58 pm
by MDlaxfan76
old salt wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 3:26 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:37 am nice Kram,
you too are becoming just another Trump troll.

It's really pretty gross when we have so many families in America who have been devastated by various types of substance abuse, who battle for the lives and dignity of their family members, that so many attack a family which has publicly admitted the problems of one of their members, who love that family member.

Yet, pretend that that the Trump family doesn't have a problem of its own?

Just gross.
:lol: ...look at all the families that have the resources to pay for multiple luxury rehabs for their out of control kid.

Hunter was off to a noble start. He met his wife on a Jesuit mission. He then became a lobbyist to cash in on access to his Dad, so he could finance Joe's & Beau's lifestyle & political campaigns. He even paid off Beau's law school debts. Spare us the Hallmark movie family story. Hunter was the Biden Family earner & bag-man. Read his New Yorker apologia & examine his life style, especially the part when Beau resided with him & how he juggled his debts. In some respects, I feel sorry for Hunter & the way he was exploited by his father & brother. He looked up to them while they used him. No wonder he's so screwed up & came off the rails when Beau passed.
yup, Q is strong.
Full on Trump cult now.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 5:14 pm
by old salt
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 4:58 pm
old salt wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 3:26 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:37 am nice Kram,
you too are becoming just another Trump troll.

It's really pretty gross when we have so many families in America who have been devastated by various types of substance abuse, who battle for the lives and dignity of their family members, that so many attack a family which has publicly admitted the problems of one of their members, who love that family member.

Yet, pretend that that the Trump family doesn't have a problem of its own?

Just gross.
:lol: ...look at all the families that have the resources to pay for multiple luxury rehabs for their out of control kid.

Hunter was off to a noble start. He met his wife on a Jesuit mission. He then became a lobbyist to cash in on access to his Dad, so he could finance Joe's & Beau's lifestyle & political campaigns. He even paid off Beau's law school debts. Spare us the Hallmark movie family story. Hunter was the Biden Family earner & bag-man. Read his New Yorker apologia & examine his life style, especially the part when Beau resided with him & how he juggled his debts. In some respects, I feel sorry for Hunter & the way he was exploited by his father & brother. He looked up to them while they used him. No wonder he's so screwed up & came off the rails when Beau passed.
yup, Q is strong.
Full on Trump cult now.
:lol: The New Yorker is a Q rag for Russian disinformation. Have you bothered to read their story on Hunter ?

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:21 pm
by old salt
Tick tick tick :lol:
...remember Bannon's last pre-debate surprise ?

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:33 pm
by njbill
old salt wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:21 pm Tick tick tick :lol:
...remember Bannon's last pre-debate surprise ?
Now Steve Bannon? The guy who has been indicted for fraud? :lol:

Anybody with a pea for a brain can see that Bannon is simply playing for a pardon. He will do and say anything to get it.

Trump has played this game before. Repeat lies time after time. Try to get people talking about them. The American people have seen this movie before. They aren’t buying it. If anything, this is damaging Trump with undecided voters.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:02 pm
by holmes435

Does Trump really want to go down the "corrupt kids" path? It's like cr@pping your pants and blaming someone else for the smell...

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:43 pm
by old salt
holmes435 wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:02 pm Image

Does Trump really want to go down the "corrupt kids" path? It's like cr@pping your pants and blaming someone else for the smell...
Can he verify that Hunter was residing in CA & was not in DE on that date in Apr '19 ? If yes, how ?

When filling out the work order, the customer identified himself as Hunter Biden.

The sight impaired shop owner did not recognize Hunter Biden.

The security footage recycles. It was 3 mos before Hunter even failed to show up to pick up his stuff.
Several more months before Hunter's ID came into question.

Repeating the same stupid diversionary questions proves nothing.

Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 10:40 pm
by holmes435
old salt wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:43 pm
holmes435 wrote: Tue Oct 20, 2020 9:02 pm Image

Does Trump really want to go down the "corrupt kids" path? It's like cr@pping your pants and blaming someone else for the smell...
Can he verify that Hunter was residing in CA & was not in DE on that date in Apr '19 ? If yes, how ?

When filling out the work order, the customer identified himself as Hunter Biden.

The sight impaired shop owner did not recognize Hunter Biden.

The security footage recycles. It was 3 mos before Hunter even failed to show up to pick up his stuff.
Several more months before Hunter's ID came into question.

Repeating the same stupid diversionary questions proves nothing.
The Federalist reported that Hunter Biden moved to LA in fall of 2018. The NY Post reported that his home address was "swanky" Beverly Hills home in 2019 as some sort of "gotcha."

You're telling me that the front runner of the Democratic Party's son walks into a repair shop in Delaware last year with a random laptop, far from where he lives, and the Trump supporting owner doesn't connect the name "Hunter Biden" to the "Hunter Biden" who has been in the news the past few years? Delaware is a small state. I lived there for nearly 4 years. We know everyone. Biden is under SS surveillance, and has many people vetting him and his son for the past few years. If Hunter Biden walks in, especially in Joe's old district, he's gonna be a big deal.

And then guy just hands his laptop over to Rudy Giuliani? That's what you're going all in on? You're literally off your rocker here.