Orange Duce

The odds are excellent that you will leave this forum hating someone.
ABV 8.3%
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by ABV 8.3% »

CU77 wrote: Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:56 pm
smoova wrote: Sat Oct 31, 2020 10:16 am I think Biden would strongly consider pardoning Trump to avoid civil unrest.
If Biden pardons Trump, I'm going to personally START some civil unrest.'ll go back to not caring that tRump IS, afterall, really one of yours. Friends with the Clintons :idea: :idea:
oligarchy thanks you......same as it evah was
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Re: Orange Duce

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old salt wrote: Sat Oct 31, 2020 11:24 pm day CNN experts also said early voting favors the Dems. A few nuts in Michigan (who harmed no one) have created more mass hysteria then Orson Welles did with War of the Worlds.

On the other hand, how will the recent unrest in Philly impact turnout. That's why the city is wit
Early voting favors Dems. Election day voting favors Reps.
And the new voter pushes favor republicans in rural areas (Most of PA).
Philly unrest. Pittsburgh newspaper endorsing Trump.
Good luck calling PA.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Kismet » wrote: Mon Nov 02, 2020 1:29 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Oct 31, 2020 11:24 pm day CNN experts also said early voting favors the Dems. A few nuts in Michigan (who harmed no one) have created more mass hysteria then Orson Welles did with War of the Worlds.

On the other hand, how will the recent unrest in Philly impact turnout. That's why the city is wit
Early voting favors Dems. Election day voting favors Reps.
And the new voter pushes favor republicans in rural areas (Most of PA).
Philly unrest. Pittsburgh newspaper endorsing Trump.
Good luck calling PA.
Might not matter. If overall turnout is upside of 150 million, demographics tell you just about all you need to know - In this election 48% may not get it done for DOPUS.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by njbill »

Cook says in 2016 Texas, Ohio, and Florida were called by about 10 PM Eastern time. He suspects the same will be true this year. That’s a reflection of how quickly they get their votes counted. If Biden wins any of the three, it is all over.

I’m sticking by my prediction that Pennsylvania will not be able to be called until Saturday at the earliest.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by jhu72 »

Don't know how Trump does it. So tired of winning!
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by CU77 »

The Banality of Trump’s Hatred

The president will always denigrate anyone remotely different from himself.

John Hendrickson

Excitement seizes Donald Trump’s face when it’s time, once again, to humiliate another human. His eyes narrow and he curls the corners of his lips. You’re likely to spot the sinister grimace during one of the president’s campaign rallies. Yesterday in Michigan, Trump turned to the screen behind him to watch a clip of former Vice President Joe Biden stumbling while trying to say, “I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize true international pressure.” Biden stuttered between the words true and international then rushed toward the end of the sentence, yielding muddled speech. The crowd roared. Trump’s smile turned to laughter.

Trump will crisscross the country on Air Force One today. He will take stage after stage and tell lies. At some point, he may dance to “Y.M.C.A.,” “Fortunate Son,” or some other nostalgic song whose message is out of sync with his presidency. Eventually, the Biden verbal montage will roll on the screen behind him, and he’ll turn to watch it again, his face lighting up with delight at another’s difficulty. He will lead his supporters in jeering, because it is a cruel and easy thing to do, and, as my colleague Adam Serwer wrote in the defining essay of the Trump era, the cruelty is the point.

The video will eventually end and Trump will return to the podium and smile and lie and taunt some more. In 2020, it is both natural and acceptable for the president to act this way. He has found success by acting this way. All day today, Trump will show millions of Americans who he is as a person. Tomorrow, they will decide if that is who they are. ... eo/616966/
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by cradleandshoot » ... 234608279/

Could this be trumps post POTUS plan?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Nov 03, 2020 4:41 pm ... 234608279/

Could this be trumps post POTUS plan?
Very likely was in 2016, along with international branding exposure.

He may still make a play for it...but on the other hand, who is going to lend him a nickel? oh yeah...

But jail may prove to be a tough place from which to broadcast...
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Andersen »

Now isn't this just impressive- new quote today from Trump on Fox News
Crucial Quote

Trump said that when he’s often asked by friends, “Who is the most difficult country to deal with? Is it Russia? Is it China? Is it North Korea?” He answered “I’d go by far the most difficult country to deal with is the U.S. Not even close.” Claiming that the U.S. has “very very deceptive people and we have some people that are sick some ways,” the President offered house member Adam Schiff (D-Ca.) as an example.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Nov 03, 2020 5:10 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Nov 03, 2020 4:41 pm ... 234608279/

Could this be trumps post POTUS plan?
Very likely was in 2016, along with international branding exposure.

He may still make a play for it...but on the other hand, who is going to lend him a nickel? oh yeah...

But jail may prove to be a tough place from which to broadcast...
The slammer could very well be where he winds up. That will probably be a long and winding road. His army of lawyers can probably delay things for years. It seems like creating a megaphone for his opinions via some sort of news network just dovetails nicely for a weasel like him.
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by seacoaster »

We're all going to miss Jared: ... anagement/

"Westminster Management, an apartment company owned in part by White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, has submitted hundreds of eviction filings in court against tenants with past due rent during the pandemic, according to interviews with more than a dozen tenants and a review of hundreds of the company’s filings.

A state eviction moratorium currently bars Maryland courts from removing tenants from their homes, and a federal moratorium offers renters additional protection. But like other landlords around the country, Westminster has been sending letters to tenants threatening legal fees and then filing eviction notices in court ― a first legal step toward removing tenants. Those notices are now piling up in local courthouses as part of a national backlog of tens of thousands of cases that experts warn could lead to a surge in displaced renters across the country as eviction bans expire and courts resume processing cases.

Many of the Westminster tenants facing eviction live on low or middle incomes in modest apartments in the Baltimore area, according to tenants. Some of them told The Washington Post they fell behind on rent after losing jobs or wages due to the pandemic.

Those facing eviction proceedings once courts begin hearing cases again include a nurse who struggled financially during the pandemic, health-care administrators and a single mother who is currently unemployed.

Yolanda Coates, who lives at a Westminster-owned property called Bonnie Ridge in Pikesville, Md., said she has kept her day job at a local child-care facility so far but has occasionally fallen behind on rent. As recently as Sept. 25, Westminster charged her court fees in an ongoing eviction case that started last year, according to an email reviewed by The Post.

“If you don’t pay before the fifth of the month, they still send out an eviction notice,” Coates said.

Tashika Booker, a resident of another Westminster property, Owings Run, says she used to work for an online education company. She lost her job in May and now receives a little more than $800 per month from unemployment insurance, but it’s not enough to cover her $1,300 rent.

“My bills are getting paid slowly but surely. It might not be on time, but I’m really in a better situation than a lot of other people,” Booker said.

She said she is looking for other ways to generate income, but Oct. 8 she received an email from the property manager saying, “we have filed on you with the District court of MD, so court fees will be added to your account.”

For the moment, Maryland courts cannot order people removed from their homes. The state’s moratorium was renewed Oct. 29, preventing cases from proceeding. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ban through the end of this year allows tenants in many cases to file paperwork to halt the process.

Westminster, a unit of the Kushner Cos., issued a statement from Kushner Cos. general counsel Christopher W. Smith saying the company was fully compliant with state and federal eviction bans, including ones approved by President Trump through the Cares Act and the CDC.

Renters thought a CDC order protected them from eviction. Then landlords found loopholes.

“Westminster has comprehensively abided by all federal, state, and local orders regarding residential tenancies during the Covid-19 pandemic … and will faithfully continue to do so,” the statement said.

When he joined his father-in-law, President Trump, in the White House, Kushner resigned from his family’s business but maintained ownership in Westminster, which paid him $1.65 million in 2019, according to his government disclosure form.

Westminster, which is co-owned by Kushner and other investors, has already drawn scrutiny from state officials. Last year Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh sued the company for its management practices, alleging that the company collects illegitimate fees for applications and evictions, and illegally claims tenants’ security deposits. Kushner Cos. representatives have called the suit politically motivated and are fighting the charges.

Westminster manages more than 20,000 apartments, according to its website. It is far from the only company moving to evict tenants despite the pandemic; housing experts have been warning for months that as Americans’ stimulus benefits run dry and eviction moratoriums expire, backlogs in eviction cases may be leading to a surge in renters being forced from their homes, particularly at the end of the year when the CDC moratorium ends.

Princeton University’s Eviction Lab, which tracks evictions in 24 cities, found that landlords there have filed for 92,619 evictions during the pandemic. Eviction Lab’s Alieza Durana said that the lack of federal data made comparing time frames difficult but that whoever is elected president will face “increasing numbers of people at risk of eviction, particularly among marginalized communities.”

Data from past years suggests that evictions have a disproportionate impact on racial minorities. From 2012 to 2016, Black renters had evictions filed against them by landlords at nearly twice the rate of White renters, according to Eviction Lab data.

Some of Westminster’s tenants, including those facing eviction, are Black, and their plight was highlighted Oct. 26 by public backlash to comments Kushner made on Fox News. Kushner said on the air that Trump wants to help Black people but that they have to “want to be successful” for his policies to work.

“President Trump’s policies are the policies that can help people break out of the problems that they’re complaining about, but he can’t want them to be successful more than they want to be successful,” Kushner said.

Jared Kushner's unhelpful reminder to Black Americans

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany defended Kushner, issuing a statement saying it was “disgusting to see internet trolls taking Senior Advisor Jared Kushner out of context as they try to distract from President Trump’s undeniable record of accomplishment for the black community.”

Another research and advocacy group, the Private Equity Stakeholder Project, found that corporate landlords have filed more than 10,000 eviction notices in five states — Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and Texas — since September.

“There is definitely a question about what happens as time goes on,” said Jim Baker, the group’s executive director. “Clearly we are seeing some increases. It doesn’t add up to a surge yet. But with big companies making these filings and with moratoriums expiring, we are wondering if we will see more.”

Kushner is in a unique position to understand how the coronavirus has ravaged the national economy and the real estate industry.

After joining the nascent coronavirus task force with Vice President Pence, Kushner said at an April 2 news conference that “the president wanted us to make sure we think outside the box, make sure we’re finding all the best thinkers in the country, making sure we’re getting all the best ideas, and that we’re doing everything possible to make sure that we can keep Americans safe.”

But his handling of the federal pandemic response, in which he quickly assembled a team of private-sector volunteers with limited expertise in health, ended with the administration leaving large parts of the response to the states.

“The bottom line is that this program sourced tens of millions of masks and essential [personal protective equipment] in record time, and Americans who needed ventilators received ventilators,” Kushner said in a May statement. “These volunteers are true patriots.”

Trump says he’s ‘stopping evictions.’ Here’s why they’re still happening.

Before Trump ran for president, Kushner had taken over his family’s real estate company from his father, Charlie Kushner. Jared Kushner and his wife, Ivanka Trump, reported combined assets valued at between $204 million and $783 million last year.

Kushner has passed on some chances to avoid conflicts of interest. He planned to divest his stake worth between $25 million and $50 million in the real estate start-up he co-founded, Cadre, and received an approval in February from the Office of Government Ethics to do so tax-free. But in June he withdrew the request, according to a filing with the office.

Kushner’s company has struggled to pay some of its own debts, including by missing payments to one of its lenders on the retail space at the old New York Times building on West 43rd Street in Manhattan, according to securities filings. Kushner Cos. did not comment when asked about the property.

Advocates credit President Trump, Congress and some states for moratoriums that they say have kept people in their homes despite job losses and pay decreases due to the pandemic.

Trump is calling for another moratorium on evictions. Landlords are pushing back.

The Cares Act prohibited landlords at properties supported by federal housing programs, including Westminster’s Owings Run property, from making any court filing to start legal action. That moratorium expired July 24, allowing landlords to begin filing after a 30-day grace period, as early as Aug. 25.

Other moratoriums, such as the one in Maryland, don’t bar landlords from beginning the eviction process. State records show that the number of completed evictions has fallen during the pandemic but that landlords still initiate thousands of new cases every week despite the bans. There were about 8,200 new eviction filings in July, down from about 55,500 in February.

The CDC moratorium, announced by Trump on Sept. 1, was later clarified to also allow landlords to start the eviction process — as Westminster has done — so long as the actual eviction is delayed. Companies can then evict families once the moratorium expires Dec. 31.

‘The warning shot’
Even with the moratoriums in place, tenants and advocates say landlords can effectively bully some families out of their properties without a formal eviction taking place.

Experts say they see far more “constructive evictions” — cases in which people leave because they are pressured over missed rent and don’t know their rights. Some tenants don’t want an eviction on their permanent record because it can show up on credit ratings and other legal screenings, experts and tenants said. Others move out to avoid court fees.

Landlords, lobbyists launch legal war against Trump’s eviction moratorium, aiming to unwind renter protections

“This is the warning shot — do you want to have your stuff just thrown out on the street, or do you want to just go?” said Georgetown University law professor Adam J. Levitin. “I suspect in many cases landlords are hoping to move people out without having to go through the actual formal eviction.“ Several tenants said they were regularly being charged court fees for eviction cases that started before the pandemic and have been reopened in recent months.

Zafar Shah, an attorney with a Baltimore-based legal aid nonprofit, the Public Justice Center, said even relatively small fees “can make the difference between the eviction going through or not, or the tenant being able to take the bus to work.”

Booker, one of the Owings Run residents, described the eviction threats as “heartless” coming from a company owned by the president’s son-in-law.

“The way they’re treating us is just making us feel like we’re nothing. It feels like we’re … what’s the word … disposable,” she said. “They just want us gone so someone else can come in."

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Matnum PI »

On Fox News, Bret Baier just said “we have not seen hard evidence” of any election fraud. Wow. Fox totally divorcing from Trump.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by old salt »

Matnum PI wrote: Thu Nov 05, 2020 7:44 pm On Fox News, Bret Baier just said “we have not seen hard evidence” of any election fraud. Wow. Fox totally divorcing from Trump.
The FNC news side plays it straight. Don't confuse them with the opinionators.
Hosts like Bret Baier, Marha McCallum, Shannon Bream, Bill Hemmer & Harris Faulkner are fair, objective & far more balanced than the other networks. They're showing it by distancing thenselves from Trump & calling states for Biden sooner than the other networks or wire services.
Look at how Andy McCarthy & Jonathan Turley are throwing cold water on Trump's legal filings.

MSNBC didn't even show their viewers the President's latest remarks. They'll just criticize them & show excerpts.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Matnum PI »

old salt wrote: Thu Nov 05, 2020 8:35 pm The FNC news side plays it straight. Don't confuse them with the opinionators.
Interesting distinction. Thanks.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by DMac »

Saw a couple minutes of Donald's speech, wow. Gotta figure somewhere in The Art Of The Deal there's something in there about posture, body language, facial expression, and a look of confidence. I wasn't struck by any of that in the little bit I watched.
The Trumpster's sentiments seen here:
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Saw it live. Wow.
Whining sore loser was bad enough, but the fact that millions of people will distrust the results of the election is very damaging.
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Re: Orange Duce

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Sore loser? No one has lost yet.

Live time quote:

“This race is razor thin. Everywhere. No way someone should be calling this election right now.”

John Lapinski- Dir of Elections, NBC News
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Re: Orange Duce

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“Arizona is breaking Trump.”

“GA is not a callable race right now. Probably
not for a few weeks.”
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by DocBarrister » wrote: Thu Nov 05, 2020 10:39 pm Sore loser? No one has lost yet.

Live time quote:

“This race is razor thin. Everywhere. No way someone should be calling this election right now.”

John Lapinski- Dir of Elections, NBC News
True, no one should be calling the election tonight. The election will be called for Biden tomorrow by noon Eastern Time after Biden wins Pennsylvania.

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Re: Orange Duce

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DocBarrister wrote: Thu Nov 05, 2020 10:59 pm wrote: Thu Nov 05, 2020 10:39 pm Sore loser? No one has lost yet.

Live time quote:

“This race is razor thin. Everywhere. No way someone should be calling this election right now.”

John Lapinski- Dir of Elections, NBC News
True, no one should be calling the election tonight. The election will be called for Biden tomorrow by noon Eastern Time after Biden wins Pennsylvania.

DocBarrister 8-)
Perhaps. Perhaps not. Either way some teat sucking lawyers will be getting some billable hours.
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