2020 Elections - Trump FIRED

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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by kramerica.inc »

Interesting in PA none the less.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by 6ftstick »

seacoaster wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 7:11 am The 2020 election puts a highlight on voter suppression:

https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/01/opin ... e=Homepage

We actually have one party, a central part of whose electoral strategy is making sure fewer and fewer Americans' votes count. It is a worldwide disgrace.

"This year, in the face of the unprecedented hurdles to voting introduced by the coronavirus pandemic, Republicans are battling from coast to coast to ensure that casting a ballot is as hard as it can be. In Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott mandated a single ballot drop-box per county — including the increasingly Democratic Harris County, population 4.7 million. Republican lawmakers there are also suing to throw out more than 100,000 ballots cast by Harris County voters from their cars, at drive-through sites.

In Nevada, the Trump campaign and the state Republican Party have sued to stop counting mail-in ballots until observers can more closely monitor the signature-matching process. In Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Wisconsin, Republicans have fought to prevent the counting of all mail-in ballots that arrive after Election Day, even if they are postmarked on or before Nov. 3.

This all amounts to “a concerted national Republican effort across the country in every one of the states that has had a legal battle to make it harder for citizens to vote,” said Trevor Potter, a Republican lawyer who formerly led the Federal Election Commission and worked on both of John McCain’s presidential campaigns.

The effort has been turbocharged by President Trump, who has spent the past year falsely attacking the integrity of mail-in ballots. Mr. Trump’s lies have been echoed by the attorney general, William Barr, who has claimed that mail balloting is associated with “substantial fraud.” Not remotely true. Mr. Trump’s own handpicked F.B.I. director, Christopher Wray, has said there is no evidence of any coordinated voter-fraud effort. Scholars, researchers and judges have said for years that voting fraud of any kind is vanishingly rare in this country. That hasn’t stopped Republicans from alleging that it happens all the time. They know that accusations of fraud can be enough by themselves to confuse voters and drive down turnout.

When that tactic fails, Republicans turn to another tried-and-true one: voter intimidation. Frightening people, particularly Black people, away from the ballot box has a long history in the United States. Modern Republicans have done it so consistently that in 1982 a federal court barred the national party from engaging in any so-called anti-voter-fraud operations. The ban was renewed again and again over the decades, because Republicans kept violating it. In 2018, however, it expired, meaning that 2020 is the first election in which Republicans can intimidate with abandon.

All the while, Mr. Trump happily plays the part of intimidator in chief. He has urged his supporters to enlist in an “Army for Trump,” monitoring polls. “A lot of strange things happening in Philadelphia,” Mr. Trump said during a recent campaign stop in Pennsylvania. “We’re watching you, Philadelphia. We’re watching at the highest level.”

Representative democracy works only when a large majority of people participate in choosing their representatives. That can happen only when those in power agree that voting should be as easy and widely available as possible. Yet today, one of the two major political parties is convinced it cannot win on a level playing field — and will not even try.

What would a level playing field look like? For starters, it would have more polling places, more early-voting days and shorter voting lines. Since the Supreme Court gutted the heart of the Voting Rights Act in 2013, almost 1,700 polling places have been shut down, most of them in the states that had been under federal supervision for their past discriminatory voting practices. It’s no surprise that voters in predominantly Black neighborhoods wait 29 percent longer to cast ballots than voters in white neighborhoods.

A fair election would mean giving all states the necessary funds to implement automatic voter registration and to upgrade old voting machines. It would mean allowing people with criminal records to vote as soon as they have completed the terms of their sentences.

Many of these reforms have already been adopted in some states, and they have enjoyed bipartisan support. In the case of early voting, some Republican-led states are ahead of their Democratic counterparts. Georgia, for example, has long offered many weeks of early voting — far better than New York, which began the practice only last year, and for only 10 days. (It’s worth noting that Georgia once had even more early-voting days. Republican lawmakers cut them back by more than half after Black voters started taking advantage of early voting in 2008.)

To help ensure that voting is easier for everybody, the federal government needs to take action. Currently, there are two comprehensive voting-rights bills in Congress, the Voting Rights Amendment Act and H.R. 1, also known as the For the People Act. The first bill would update the old map the Supreme Court invalidated in 2013 and would identify the states and localities that are racially discriminating against their voters today, requiring them to seek federal court approval before changing any election laws.

The second bill would, among other things, create a national voter-registration program; make it harder for states to purge voting rolls; and take gerrymandering away from self-interested state legislatures, putting the redistricting process in the hands of nonpartisan commissions.

The House of Representatives passed both of these bills in 2019, with all Democrats voting in favor both times. The Voting Rights Amendment Act got the vote of a single House Republican. H.R. 1 got none. The Republican-led Senate has refused to act on either. Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, mocked H.R. 1 by referring to it as the “Democrat Politician Protection Act.” Listen to him closely. He is only repeating what most Republicans have believed for decades: When more people vote, Republicans lose.

That’s why, if either of these laws is going to pass, it will require, at a minimum, voting out Republicans at every level who insist on suppressing the vote. Only then can those who believe in representative democracy for all Americans reset the rules and help ensure that everyone’s vote counts.
Read this article and tell us—with the diversity of election administration from top to bottom— how in hell REPUBLICANS are suppressing the vote.

https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections ... evels.aspx
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

kramerica.inc wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:18 am Interesting in PA none the less.
You realize how much land was given away by this country to Pennsylvania settlers in and around Pittsburgh? It was remarkable bootstrapping.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

If a legislature passes rules that remove polling places, voting machines, and/or drop boxes in areas with lots of people, causing long lines and low access in those areas, while providing more places, machines, drop boxes per thousand population in other regions, that serves to suppress the vote in the dense areas. If they move those polling places and/or boxes to where public transportation is difficult or does not reach, that surpresses the vote of those needing public transportation.

This legislatures know exactly what they are doing, and it is the opposite of making voting easier for registered voters.

And of course, we then have laws that make it easier for some eligible citizens to register than others...on purpose.

Of course, some would like to go back further to more direct suppression, you 6ft?
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:27 am If a legislature passes rules that remove polling places, voting machines, and/or drop boxes in areas with lots of people, causing long lines and low access in those areas, while providing more places, machines, drop boxes per thousand population in other regions, that serves to suppress the vote in the dense areas. If they move those polling places and/or boxes to where public transportation is difficult or does not reach, that surpresses the vote of those needing public transportation.

This legislatures know exactly what they are doing, and it is the opposite of making voting easier for registered voters.

And of course, we then have laws that make it easier for some eligible citizens to register than others...on purpose.

Of course, some would like to go back further to more direct suppression, you 6ft?
I read in one county, it may be Texas. You must drive to a drop box. Can’t take public transportation and you can’t walk (which is impractical unless you are in a city. I will see if I can find the article.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:27 am If a legislature passes rules that remove polling places, voting machines, and/or drop boxes in areas with lots of people, causing long lines and low access in those areas, while providing more places, machines, drop boxes per thousand population in other regions, that serves to suppress the vote in the dense areas. If they move those polling places and/or boxes to where public transportation is difficult or does not reach, that surpresses the vote of those needing public transportation.

This legislatures know exactly what they are doing, and it is the opposite of making voting easier for registered voters.

And of course, we then have laws that make it easier for some eligible citizens to register than others...on purpose.

Of course, some would like to go back further to more direct suppression, you 6ft?
Ballot Box distribution: https://www.njspotlight.com/2020/10/nj- ... stant/amp/
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:33 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:27 am If a legislature passes rules that remove polling places, voting machines, and/or drop boxes in areas with lots of people, causing long lines and low access in those areas, while providing more places, machines, drop boxes per thousand population in other regions, that serves to suppress the vote in the dense areas. If they move those polling places and/or boxes to where public transportation is difficult or does not reach, that surpresses the vote of those needing public transportation.

This legislatures know exactly what they are doing, and it is the opposite of making voting easier for registered voters.

And of course, we then have laws that make it easier for some eligible citizens to register than others...on purpose.

Of course, some would like to go back further to more direct suppression, you 6ft?
Ballot Box distribution: https://www.njspotlight.com/2020/10/nj- ... stant/amp/
In other cases, the number of polling places were reduced and the one remaining was moved to a suburb not reached by public transportation.

another tactic is to require that voters queue up by registered party, R, D, Other, and then go through, with an equal # of ballot stations per party. And a limit on number of ballot machines. So, in a densely populated area, with say, mostly D voters, it takes many hours to go through the queue whereas the R voters go through swiftly. But people have jobs, kids... In less dense voting areas, the same process doesn't create long lines.

Enough, 6ft?
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:40 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:33 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:27 am If a legislature passes rules that remove polling places, voting machines, and/or drop boxes in areas with lots of people, causing long lines and low access in those areas, while providing more places, machines, drop boxes per thousand population in other regions, that serves to suppress the vote in the dense areas. If they move those polling places and/or boxes to where public transportation is difficult or does not reach, that surpresses the vote of those needing public transportation.

This legislatures know exactly what they are doing, and it is the opposite of making voting easier for registered voters.

And of course, we then have laws that make it easier for some eligible citizens to register than others...on purpose.

Of course, some would like to go back further to more direct suppression, you 6ft?
Ballot Box distribution: https://www.njspotlight.com/2020/10/nj- ... stant/amp/
In other cases, the number of polling places were reduced and the one remaining was moved to a suburb not reached by public transportation.
That is the type of stuff you would expect to see in Chile or The Philippines. Don’t touch the second amendment but make it harder to vote. Patriots.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by 6ftstick »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:27 am If a legislature passes rules that remove polling places, voting machines, and/or drop boxes in areas with lots of people, causing long lines and low access in those areas, while providing more places, machines, drop boxes per thousand population in other regions, that serves to suppress the vote in the dense areas. If they move those polling places and/or boxes to where public transportation is difficult or does not reach, that surpresses the vote of those needing public transportation.

This legislatures know exactly what they are doing, and it is the opposite of making voting easier for registered voters.

And of course, we then have laws that make it easier for some eligible citizens to register than others...on purpose.

Of course, some would like to go back further to more direct suppression, you 6ft?
You've added a month for early voting. Mail in ballots easily available with a month to max them in. How are votes being suppressed again.

Election porn.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

6ftstick wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:52 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:27 am If a legislature passes rules that remove polling places, voting machines, and/or drop boxes in areas with lots of people, causing long lines and low access in those areas, while providing more places, machines, drop boxes per thousand population in other regions, that serves to suppress the vote in the dense areas. If they move those polling places and/or boxes to where public transportation is difficult or does not reach, that surpresses the vote of those needing public transportation.

This legislatures know exactly what they are doing, and it is the opposite of making voting easier for registered voters.

And of course, we then have laws that make it easier for some eligible citizens to register than others...on purpose.

Of course, some would like to go back further to more direct suppression, you 6ft?
You've added a month for early voting. Mail in ballots easily available with a month to max them in. How are votes being suppressed again.

Election porn.
Read all of the above 6ft...why so many efforts to make it harder for some populations than others?
Why the discrimination?

Nah, you know why.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by a fan »

6ftstick wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:52 am You've added a month for early voting. Mail in ballots easily available with a month to max them in. How are votes being suppressed again.
You understand that now that your team has made these aggressive games the norm, and the more you do stuff like this? The Dems will follow suit when they gain power....and do everything they can to make voting for you and your demographic difficult. You understand that, right?

Things like making all mail in ballots illegal---something they are 100% entitled to do. Are you in the military, serving overseas? Yeah---we don't care. We don't count your vote unless you show up in person. What's that you say? You're one of the millions of FoxViewers that are old, and have trouble getting around? Yeah, we don't care....not only do you have to wait in person? You have to wait in line for 3 hours if you want to vote.

And then they shut down all but one polling booth in every single district that has ever voted Republican.

And you'd LOVE that, right?

FFS, 6ft------Calfornia R's put up fake "drop boxes" for votes. And Texas put a single drop box in an area with millions of voters.

This ain't ok, and you know it. And at some point, if you keep telling Dems this behavior is awesome? They're gonna turn the tables....and you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by 6ftstick »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:06 am
6ftstick wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:52 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:27 am If a legislature passes rules that remove polling places, voting machines, and/or drop boxes in areas with lots of people, causing long lines and low access in those areas, while providing more places, machines, drop boxes per thousand population in other regions, that serves to suppress the vote in the dense areas. If they move those polling places and/or boxes to where public transportation is difficult or does not reach, that surpresses the vote of those needing public transportation.

This legislatures know exactly what they are doing, and it is the opposite of making voting easier for registered voters.

And of course, we then have laws that make it easier for some eligible citizens to register than others...on purpose.

Of course, some would like to go back further to more direct suppression, you 6ft?
You've added a month for early voting. Mail in ballots easily available with a month to max them in. How are votes being suppressed again.

Election porn.
Read all of the above 6ft...why so many efforts to make it harder for some populations than others?
Why the discrimination?

Nah, you know why.
Why isn't 30 days enough
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

6ftstick wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:11 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:06 am
6ftstick wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:52 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:27 am If a legislature passes rules that remove polling places, voting machines, and/or drop boxes in areas with lots of people, causing long lines and low access in those areas, while providing more places, machines, drop boxes per thousand population in other regions, that serves to suppress the vote in the dense areas. If they move those polling places and/or boxes to where public transportation is difficult or does not reach, that surpresses the vote of those needing public transportation.

This legislatures know exactly what they are doing, and it is the opposite of making voting easier for registered voters.

And of course, we then have laws that make it easier for some eligible citizens to register than others...on purpose.

Of course, some would like to go back further to more direct suppression, you 6ft?
You've added a month for early voting. Mail in ballots easily available with a month to max them in. How are votes being suppressed again.

Election porn.
Read all of the above 6ft...why so many efforts to make it harder for some populations than others?
Why the discrimination?

Nah, you know why.
Why isn't 30 days enough
Trump-Pence 2020

https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/01/us/voter ... index.html
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

6ftstick wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:11 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:06 am
6ftstick wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:52 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:27 am If a legislature passes rules that remove polling places, voting machines, and/or drop boxes in areas with lots of people, causing long lines and low access in those areas, while providing more places, machines, drop boxes per thousand population in other regions, that serves to suppress the vote in the dense areas. If they move those polling places and/or boxes to where public transportation is difficult or does not reach, that surpresses the vote of those needing public transportation.

This legislatures know exactly what they are doing, and it is the opposite of making voting easier for registered voters.

And of course, we then have laws that make it easier for some eligible citizens to register than others...on purpose.

Of course, some would like to go back further to more direct suppression, you 6ft?
You've added a month for early voting. Mail in ballots easily available with a month to max them in. How are votes being suppressed again.

Election porn.
Read all of the above 6ft...why so many efforts to make it harder for some populations than others?
Why the discrimination?

Nah, you know why.
Why isn't 30 days enough
Hopefully it will have been. People are very PO'd.

But if it comes down to the thousands in some key state, it'll have mattered.

But here's what ticks me off, one party, my own Party the GOP, is actively doing everything it can think of (legally) to keep voters they deem likely to vote D from voting. That embarrasses me...
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:06 am
6ftstick wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:52 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:27 am If a legislature passes rules that remove polling places, voting machines, and/or drop boxes in areas with lots of people, causing long lines and low access in those areas, while providing more places, machines, drop boxes per thousand population in other regions, that serves to suppress the vote in the dense areas. If they move those polling places and/or boxes to where public transportation is difficult or does not reach, that surpresses the vote of those needing public transportation.

This legislatures know exactly what they are doing, and it is the opposite of making voting easier for registered voters.

And of course, we then have laws that make it easier for some eligible citizens to register than others...on purpose.

Of course, some would like to go back further to more direct suppression, you 6ft?
You've added a month for early voting. Mail in ballots easily available with a month to max them in. How are votes being suppressed again.

Election porn.
Read all of the above 6ft...why so many efforts to make it harder for some populations than others?
Why the discrimination?

Nah, you know why.
MD, how do you actually stop somebody from voting? This voter suppression stuff has been bandied about for awhile on this thread. I have yet to hear about anybody that wanted to vote having been denied that right. If that was the case I know exactly what I would do. I would call my local TV station and inform them of the issue. These folks would be all over that like white on rice. They would relish the opportunity to stick a camera in someones face and unleash all the layers standing by in the bullpen. That would make for the perfect storm for having a contested election. I am sure that will be the case in more than a few voting districts.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:16 am
6ftstick wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:11 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:06 am
6ftstick wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:52 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:27 am If a legislature passes rules that remove polling places, voting machines, and/or drop boxes in areas with lots of people, causing long lines and low access in those areas, while providing more places, machines, drop boxes per thousand population in other regions, that serves to suppress the vote in the dense areas. If they move those polling places and/or boxes to where public transportation is difficult or does not reach, that surpresses the vote of those needing public transportation.

This legislatures know exactly what they are doing, and it is the opposite of making voting easier for registered voters.

And of course, we then have laws that make it easier for some eligible citizens to register than others...on purpose.

Of course, some would like to go back further to more direct suppression, you 6ft?
You've added a month for early voting. Mail in ballots easily available with a month to max them in. How are votes being suppressed again.

Election porn.
Read all of the above 6ft...why so many efforts to make it harder for some populations than others?
Why the discrimination?

Nah, you know why.
Why isn't 30 days enough
Hopefully it will have been. People are very PO'd.

But if it comes down to the thousands in some key state, it'll have mattered.

But here's what ticks me off, one party, my own Party the GOP, is actively doing everything it can think of (legally) to keep voters they deem likely to vote D from voting. That embarrasses me...
Again MD... HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN? The assumption of the part of your republicans is that their own voters are too stupid to get ticked off about it. If what you say is true then they have taken the first step towards being a doormat, they have lied down and allowed people to walk all over them.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by cradleandshoot »

a fan wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:09 am
6ftstick wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:52 am You've added a month for early voting. Mail in ballots easily available with a month to max them in. How are votes being suppressed again.
You understand that now that your team has made these aggressive games the norm, and the more you do stuff like this? The Dems will follow suit when they gain power....and do everything they can to make voting for you and your demographic difficult. You understand that, right?

Things like making all mail in ballots illegal---something they are 100% entitled to do. Are you in the military, serving overseas? Yeah---we don't care. We don't count your vote unless you show up in person. What's that you say? You're one of the millions of FoxViewers that are old, and have trouble getting around? Yeah, we don't care....not only do you have to wait in person? You have to wait in line for 3 hours if you want to vote.

And then they shut down all but one polling booth in every single district that has ever voted Republican.

And you'd LOVE that, right?

FFS, 6ft------Calfornia R's put up fake "drop boxes" for votes. And Texas put a single drop box in an area with millions of voters.

This ain't ok, and you know it. And at some point, if you keep telling Dems this behavior is awesome? They're gonna turn the tables....and you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
"And Texas put a single drop box in an area with millions of voters"

We are talking Texas here. I bet it is one really big drop box.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by njbill »

kramerica.inc wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:18 am Interesting in PA none the less.

Pa. is looking more and more like 2000 Florida every day.
Not saying it will be 537 votes close and fortunately chads have been relegated to the dust bin of history, but now over 10% of the counties say they won’t start processing mail in ballots until November 4 though they are legally permitted to do so at 7 a.m. on Election Day. And practices vary by county as to what constitutes “processing.” Some counties are doing nothing with the ballots at this point. Others are at least opening them.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by jhu72 »

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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by jhu72 »

njbill wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 11:48 am
kramerica.inc wrote: Sun Nov 01, 2020 10:18 am Interesting in PA none the less.

Pa. is looking more and more like 2000 Florida every day.
Not saying it will be 537 votes close and fortunately chads have been relegated to the dust bin of history, but now over 10% of the counties say they won’t start processing mail in ballots until November 4 though they are legally permitted to do so at 7 a.m. on Election Day. And practices vary by county as to what constitutes “processing.” Some counties are doing nothing with the ballots at this point. Others are at least opening them.
I think all those PA counties saying they don't have the resource are Trump heavy rural counties. Makes for some real hypocrisy on the part of the Trumps.
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