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Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 12:10 pm
by a fan
old salt wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 2:14 am The unmasking & leak of his ph call to the WP. The discussion between Obama, Biden & Sally Yates to go after him for the Logan Act. That put events in motion. Because of the leak, Trump had to dump him. The FBI ambush interview directed by Comey & McCabe. Strzok not clearing him because of pressure from the 7th floor. Mueller prosecutors threatening to go after his son if he didn't take a plea. Clapper & Brennan went after him from the time he joined the Trump campaign. They fed Dana Priest at the WP & Atlantic what she needed to do a hit piece on him. Halper's Svetlana honeytrap fable. He was toast from the time he joined in the "lock her up" cheer. They got him.
And not one of these things would have meant boo if Flynn didn't lie to Pence.

Let's move on.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 12:31 pm
by njbill
Flynn wasn’t ambushed or entrapped. In an ambush, the person who is ambushed does not know what is about to happen to him. Custer was ambushed. An intervention is an ambush in a sense. Also a surprise birthday party although that of course is benign.

McCabe told Flynn in advance what the FBI wanted to talk to him about. He asked him if he wanted to bring his own lawyer to the meeting. Flynn outranked McCabe in the government hierarchy at that point. McCabe asked Flynn if he would attend a meeting. He did not compel Flynn to attend. Indeed, McCabe had no power or authority to compel Flynn to do anything short of serving a grand jury subpoena on him.

Trump fired Flynn. Let me repeat that. Trump fired Flynn. If we have learned anything in the last several years, it is that no one tells Trump what to do.

I don’t like the contents of some of those FBI notes, but it appears that in the actual interview, the FBI did not follow through with that possible approach. Rather, they simply asked Flynn about his conversation with Kislyak. Flynn could’ve told the truth. He could’ve declined to answer. He could’ve terminated the meeting. He could’ve never agreed to the meeting in the first place. He could’ve brought a lawyer with him to the meeting. He did none of those things. He lied. He knew he lied. That is why he testified under oath in open court before a federal judge that he had lied. Twice.

In some ways, Flynn is like Giuliani. Both had done positive things in their lives earlier in their careers. Both have had their reputations ruined and lives destroyed by their association with Donald John Trump.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 12:53 pm
by MDlaxfan76
njbill wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 12:31 pm Flynn wasn’t ambushed or entrapped. In an ambush, the person who is ambushed does not know what is about to happen to him. Custer was ambushed. An intervention is an ambush in a sense. Also a surprise birthday party although that of course is benign.

McCabe told Flynn in advance what the FBI wanted to talk to him about. He asked him if he wanted to bring his own lawyer to the meeting. Flynn outranked McCabe in the government hierarchy at that point. McCabe asked Flynn if he would attend a meeting. He did not compel Flynn to attend. Indeed, McCabe had no power or authority to compel Flynn to do anything short of serving a grand jury subpoena on him.

Trump fired Flynn. Let me repeat that. Trump fired Flynn. If we have learned anything in the last several years, it is that no one tells Trump what to do.

I don’t like the contents of some of those FBI notes, but it appears that in the actual interview, the FBI did not follow through with that possible approach. Rather, they simply asked Flynn about his conversation with Kislyak. Flynn could’ve told the truth. He could’ve declined to answer. He could’ve terminated the meeting. He could’ve never agreed to the meeting in the first place. He could’ve brought a lawyer with him to the meeting. He did none of those things. He lied. He knew he lied. That is why he testified under oath in open court before a federal judge that he had lied. Twice.

In some ways, Flynn is like Giuliani. Both had done positive things in their lives earlier in their careers. Both have had their reputations ruined and lives destroyed by their association with Donald John Trump.
I wouldn't simply say it was the association with Trump, though Trump was certainly the vehicle.

If you track back where each of these two were prior to Trump's rise, the seeds of their descent were already observable.

I met Guiliani during his campaign in 2007...even then it was obvious to me, a Republican, that he was angry and dishonest in ways that seeped through his comments to a small crowd of prospective donors. The whole look and feel of his entourage was slimy and thuggish. And if you track forward from there he was engaged in private enterprises that sure looked dirty to me from afar. It wasn't what any of us wanted to see, given his earlier service, but it was there. Trump was a vehicle for him to regain his stature, his ego, access to power.

Flynn went off the rails, IMO, with his 'religious' infused views of the 'enemy' he was fighting, as he perceived it...Islam. Not violent Islamic extremists, not even Islamic fundamentalists, but Islam at its core. As far as I can tell, he grew more and more extreme in his own views, more strident, and it cost him his career in the military..despite earlier service, presumably honorable and effective service. Trump was a vehicle to regain his stature, his ego, access to power.

And as we've subsequently seen, both men were willing to sacrifice any shred of integrity and honor to achieve their goals...

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 1:57 pm
by njbill
Fair points about both, but I think you can draw a bright line before and after their association with Trump in terms of their downward spirals.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 2:27 pm
by Seacoaster(1)
njbill wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 1:57 pm Fair points about both, but I think you can draw a bright line before and after their association with Trump in terms of their downward spirals.
Exactly; even if the seeds of their respective lack of character were there, association with Trump -- and the effort to advance that so-called agenda -- put them in the toilet at relative lightspeed. Hard to believe Old Salt still keeps the flame for the Criminal Mike Flynn.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 3:00 pm
by Kismet
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 2:27 pm
njbill wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 1:57 pm Fair points about both, but I think you can draw a bright line before and after their association with Trump in terms of their downward spirals.
Exactly; even if the seeds of their respective lack of character were there, association with Trump -- and the effort to advance that so-called agenda -- put them in the toilet at relative lightspeed. Hard to believe Old Salt still keeps the flame for the Criminal Mike Flynn.
Especially after all the sh*t he's been personally linked to since then. Willful disregard of the facts and excusing multiple and egregious acts of alleged criminal behavior. Probably the biggest traitor to his country since Aaron Burr.

Speaking of that nasty DoJ trying to criminalize politics" How about the latest superseding indictment of serial liar Rep. George Santos for
a variety of "nuisance crimes" (31 counts) like identity theft, fraud, conspiracy, falsifying records and lying to investigators. Apparently the Feds have his treasurer turns states' evidence after pleading guilty to 5 felonies.

He' still a member of the House. :oops:

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 4:14 pm
by CU88a
Kismet wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 3:00 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 2:27 pm
njbill wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 1:57 pm Fair points about both, but I think you can draw a bright line before and after their association with Trump in terms of their downward spirals.
Exactly; even if the seeds of their respective lack of character were there, association with Trump -- and the effort to advance that so-called agenda -- put them in the toilet at relative lightspeed. Hard to believe Old Salt still keeps the flame for the Criminal Mike Flynn.
Especially after all the sh*t he's been personally linked to since then. Willful disregard of the facts and excusing multiple and egregious acts of alleged criminal behavior. Probably the biggest traitor to his country since Aaron Burr.
It is all the D's fault!

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 4:54 pm
by Seacoaster(1) ... publicans/

"Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced Monday that he would end his primary challenge to President Biden and instead run for the White House as an independent.

And with the announcement not only did a long-running GOP effort to elevate him in the service of embarrassing Biden go up in smoke, but Kennedy now appears to pose a potential spoiler threat by taking more votes from former president Donald Trump than Biden.

What has resulted is a remarkable turnabout in how Republicans and the right talk about Kennedy.

In recent days, the Republican National Committee has called Kennedy “just another radical, far-left Democrat” while detailing 23 reasons Republicans should oppose him. RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said Kennedy is a “typical elitist liberal, and voters won’t be fooled.” And Trump’s campaign made it even clearer that it fears a potential spoiler candidacy from Kennedy, who is much more popular with Republicans than Democrats.

“Voters should not be deceived by anyone who pretends to have conservative values,” Trump spokesman Steven Cheung said in a statement. He added that an “RFK candidacy is nothing more than a vanity project for a liberal Kennedy to cash in on his family’s name.”

This is a far cry from how the right — and even Trump himself — once talked about Kennedy. And to the extent MAGA voters are “fooled” into thinking he’s one of them, Republicans will have themselves to blame.

While Republicans are now pitching Kennedy as an opportunist and a radical, Trump in late June vouched for Kennedy’s character and “common sense.”

“He’s a very smart guy, and a good guy,” Trump said, adding: “He’s a very good man, and his heart is in the right place.”

“He’s a common-sense guy, and so am I,” Trump said. “So, whether you’re conservative or liberal, common sense is common sense.”

While they now suggest Kennedy should be persona non grata for conservative voters, key Trump-aligned strategists including Stephen K. Bannon and Roger Stone have pushed Kennedy as a possible running mate for Trump.

Stone in April called a Trump-Kennedy ticket a “dream ticket,” while Bannon said two months ago that it would lead to a “massive landslide” in Trump’s favor.

Bannon even called Kennedy’s more liberal views “irrelevant” in the broader context.

“I understand that he doesn’t have policies on life and guns that are absolutely perfect and aligned with MAGA — there’s no doubt about that — but he’s talking about the central issues facing the country, as Donald Trump is, and that’s why the other stuff is irrelevant,” Bannon said in June, referring to Trump’s “Make America Great Again” motto.

This is how Republicans often talked about Kennedy — acknowledging the ways in which he is out of step with the GOP but playing down the significance of that.

The other leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), acknowledged those political differences in late July. But he also said he might appoint Kennedy to a key position at the Food and Drug Administration or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Another candidate who has made inroads with MAGA Republicans, Vivek Ramaswamy, has also floated Kennedy as his possible running mate.

And Bannon and Stone have hardly been the only conservative media influencers to sing Kennedy’s praises. When Kennedy launched his campaign in April, then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson also vouched for Kennedy’s character and alignment with the MAGA movement on the most important issues.

“Bobby Kennedy himself is not extreme. He is deeply insightful, and above all he is honest,” Carlson said, adding: “We’re not Democrats, but Bobby Kennedy is one of the most remarkable people we have ever met, and we are honored to have him on our show.”

While the Trump campaign now calls Kennedy’s campaign a “vanity project,” Carlson assured of Kennedy: “He’s not running to get rich. He’s trying to make things better.”

House Republicans also invited Kennedy to testify in July — an extraordinary invitation for a current presidential candidate — and promoted him as a serious combatant in the battle against censorship.

“It’s why Mr. Kennedy is running for president — to help us expose and stop what’s going on,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), now a top GOP candidate to become House speaker.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Tex.) added while introducing Kennedy, “It is for this that Mr. Kennedy finds himself receiving the scorn of both the political left and right because if one dares challenge the orthodoxy of the powers that be, then one is their enemy.”

It was around that time that the right’s sudden interest in Kennedy did prove too much for at least one Republican congresswoman. Shortly before the hearing, none other than Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.) stepped forward to urge her party to slow its roll in embracing him.

“So I agree with Bobby Kennedy on a lot of things,” she said, citing his position on vaccines and the CIA. “But I tell you what: I think there’s a lot of Republicans that have been fooled by him. He’s not a Republican, everyone. He’s very much a Democrat.”

Now he’s an independent. And a lot of Republicans are probably wishing they had heeded Greene’s advice earlier."

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 6:17 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Kismet wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 3:00 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 2:27 pm
njbill wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 1:57 pm Fair points about both, but I think you can draw a bright line before and after their association with Trump in terms of their downward spirals.
Exactly; even if the seeds of their respective lack of character were there, association with Trump -- and the effort to advance that so-called agenda -- put them in the toilet at relative lightspeed. Hard to believe Old Salt still keeps the flame for the Criminal Mike Flynn.
Especially after all the sh*t he's been personally linked to since then. Willful disregard of the facts and excusing multiple and egregious acts of alleged criminal behavior. Probably the biggest traitor to his country since Aaron Burr.
mmm, gotta think Donald has Flynn 'trumped' on "biggest traitor...since Aaron Burr" but that's a nit. Maybe better to say "biggest former military officer traitor..."

To be clear, that's in the common use of traitor, traitorous, treasonous, not the legal case of treason.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 6:31 pm
by MDlaxfan76
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 2:27 pm
njbill wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 1:57 pm Fair points about both, but I think you can draw a bright line before and after their association with Trump in terms of their downward spirals.
Exactly; even if the seeds of their respective lack of character were there, association with Trump -- and the effort to advance that so-called agenda -- put them in the toilet at relative lightspeed. Hard to believe Old Salt still keeps the flame for the Criminal Mike Flynn.
yup, to stick with my "vehicle" analogy, these guys had been walking, then running, in the wrong direction before Trump arrived as a leading GOP candidate...but when they got on Trump's bandwagon, they sped up tremendously via that 'vehicle'.

Would they have been revealed to be POS without Trump?
Maybe not, as the level of attention to them would have been relatively low...but they wanted the attention and they got it...

It's also probably a decent bet that Trump himself would have fared differently had he not sought the political spotlight and made so many decisions based on that grift. I think he was the dog who caught the bus, never really wanted the actual responsibility of governance, but the decisions to appeal to the lowest moral character of our nation's citizens put him on a path of escalating grossness and egotistical grandiosity...with people who do actually care about the rule of law paying much closer attention to all of his acts.

That said, it also undoubtedly worked the other way, with politics being a shield from prosecution...until recently. Flynn skated because of politics, he was convicted because of his own decisions. Rudy is such a gross mess that one almost feels sorry for him, it's so bad...but only almost. He deserves what he's facing, bankruptcy, jail and ignominy in history. But tragic. I just can't bring myself to feel sorry at all for Flynn.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:24 pm
by Farfromgeneva
njbill wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 12:31 pm Flynn wasn’t ambushed or entrapped. In an ambush, the person who is ambushed does not know what is about to happen to him. Custer was ambushed. An intervention is an ambush in a sense. Also a surprise birthday party although that of course is benign.

McCabe told Flynn in advance what the FBI wanted to talk to him about. He asked him if he wanted to bring his own lawyer to the meeting. Flynn outranked McCabe in the government hierarchy at that point. McCabe asked Flynn if he would attend a meeting. He did not compel Flynn to attend. Indeed, McCabe had no power or authority to compel Flynn to do anything short of serving a grand jury subpoena on him.

Trump fired Flynn. Let me repeat that. Trump fired Flynn. If we have learned anything in the last several years, it is that no one tells Trump what to do.

I don’t like the contents of some of those FBI notes, but it appears that in the actual interview, the FBI did not follow through with that possible approach. Rather, they simply asked Flynn about his conversation with Kislyak. Flynn could’ve told the truth. He could’ve declined to answer. He could’ve terminated the meeting. He could’ve never agreed to the meeting in the first place. He could’ve brought a lawyer with him to the meeting. He did none of those things. He lied. He knew he lied. That is why he testified under oath in open court before a federal judge that he had lied. Twice.

In some ways, Flynn is like Giuliani. Both had done positive things in their lives earlier in their careers. Both have had their reputations ruined and lives destroyed by their association with Donald John Trump.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:54 pm
by old salt
CU88a wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:16 am
old salt wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 10:44 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 11:56 am jeebus...Flynn???

Has it not been 100 times over revealed what a flaming POS he actually is?

Not just a liar, not just a bigot, a total POS who wanted martial law to be declared to hold onto power...a bigoted, Qanon embracing white christian nationalist fascist POS.

Seriously, 100 times over. Podcast after podcast, speech after speech. Deposition after deposition.

But when one "fears the looney (D) policies & what they are doing to our country." you're going to give a pass to breaking the law, right? You WANT people to break the law, 'to save our country'. Wave the flag.

For God's sake, don't investigate and prosecute them. They're on our side of this holy, civil war. God's side.
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 1:30 pm
njbill wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 1:03 pm The Flynn meeting was on a date and at a time and place that he agreed to. The place was his office where, one would think, he would be much more comfortable than an FBI office. He also was asked ahead of time if he wanted to have a lawyer present. That would’ve tipped off any normal human being that something was afoot. Flynn declined, either because he is incredibly dumb and naïve (unlikely) or because he thought he could outsmart the FBI (most likely).

Flynn responded to an open ended question with a lie. He was not entrapped or anything of the like.

Subsequently, Flynn testified in person under oath, twice, in federal court before a federal judge that he had lied.

Pretty much end of story.

In the eyes of the law, he is a convicted felon. He is lucky he is on the outside and not making license plates.
In the eyes of some (traitorous minds) he’s a hero.
Flynn was a hero, until Deep State partisans abused their power & came after him because he supported Trump.
The IC had to eliminate him. He knew how they played their games. They entrapped him.
They tried to bankrupt him. He then fought back the only way he could.
You may have noticed -- he escaped the Jan 6th witch hunt unscathed,
Honestly, this is scary to read from you.
You would think with all the ranting about Flynn as a threat, he would have been indicted for something in relation to the Jan 6th insurrection.
Maybe he's just a bogeyman who's giving speeches & selling t-shirts to pay his legal bills from defending himself.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:59 pm
by MDlaxfan76
old salt wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:54 pm
CU88a wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:16 am
old salt wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 10:44 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 11:56 am jeebus...Flynn???

Has it not been 100 times over revealed what a flaming POS he actually is?

Not just a liar, not just a bigot, a total POS who wanted martial law to be declared to hold onto power...a bigoted, Qanon embracing white christian nationalist fascist POS.

Seriously, 100 times over. Podcast after podcast, speech after speech. Deposition after deposition.

But when one "fears the looney (D) policies & what they are doing to our country." you're going to give a pass to breaking the law, right? You WANT people to break the law, 'to save our country'. Wave the flag.

For God's sake, don't investigate and prosecute them. They're on our side of this holy, civil war. God's side.
Farfromgeneva wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 1:30 pm
njbill wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 1:03 pm The Flynn meeting was on a date and at a time and place that he agreed to. The place was his office where, one would think, he would be much more comfortable than an FBI office. He also was asked ahead of time if he wanted to have a lawyer present. That would’ve tipped off any normal human being that something was afoot. Flynn declined, either because he is incredibly dumb and naïve (unlikely) or because he thought he could outsmart the FBI (most likely).

Flynn responded to an open ended question with a lie. He was not entrapped or anything of the like.

Subsequently, Flynn testified in person under oath, twice, in federal court before a federal judge that he had lied.

Pretty much end of story.

In the eyes of the law, he is a convicted felon. He is lucky he is on the outside and not making license plates.
In the eyes of some (traitorous minds) he’s a hero.
Flynn was a hero, until Deep State partisans abused their power & came after him because he supported Trump.
The IC had to eliminate him. He knew how they played their games. They entrapped him.
They tried to bankrupt him. He then fought back the only way he could.
You may have noticed -- he escaped the Jan 6th witch hunt unscathed,
Honestly, this is scary to read from you.
You would think with all the ranting about Flynn as a threat, he would have been indicted for something in relation to the Jan 6th insurrection.
Maybe he's just a bogeyman who's giving speeches & selling t-shirts to pay his legal bills from defending himself.
Give it time. He doesn't seem to have been involved in the Georgia case in which many others beyond Trump himself have been indicted.

The federal case is currently focused solely on Trump for time pressure reasons, but that doesn't mean the rest of the conspirators won't be indicted federally downstream. Of course, he might plead out...

But leave it to you to pooh pooh how much of a confirmed POS he really is.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 10:28 pm
by Farfromgeneva
For all those cats who hate Joe Manchin, here’s your alternative. As friends of the President of Carter B & T I assure you anything you read about Jim Justice is far kinder than the reality. He’s a degenerate of epic proportions.

West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice Runs for Senate Amid Stacks of Unpaid Bills

As Big Jim hopes to take on Sen. Joe Manchin, Justice’s family businesses face allegations of unpaid debts, overdue environmental fines and conflicts of interest.

May 5, 6 a.m. EDT

West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice announced his U.S. Senate campaign in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, on April 27. Chris Jackson/AP
This article was produced for ProPublica’s Local Reporting Network in partnership with Mountain State Spotlight. Sign up for Dispatches to get stories like this one as soon as they are published.

For years, West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice has been dogged by allegations that his family businesses haven’t paid their debts, including fines for environmental violations at their coal plants. One bank is even seeking to garnish his salary as governor to cover an unpaid personal guarantee of a business loan, court documents show.

But these disputes are likely to resurface in what will be one of the most hotly contested races for control of the U.S. Senate in 2024. Last week, Justice, a Republican who is immensely popular in the state, announced that he will challenge U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, a Democrat who is often the swing vote on key legislation.

A review by ProPublica in 2020 found that, over three decades, Justice’s constellation of mining, farming and hospitality companies were involved in over 600 lawsuits in more than two dozen states. Many were filed by workers, vendors, business partners and government agencies, alleging they weren’t paid. Often, similar cases were filed in multiple jurisdictions, as lawyers for plaintiffs tried to chase down a Justice company’s assets to settle debts.

By late 2020, the total in judgments and settlements for Justice family businesses had reached $140 million, ProPublica and Mountain State Spotlight found.

Since then, his family business empire has faced more turmoil. Lenders are trying to hold him personally responsible for hundreds of millions in debt. Courts are ordering payment of long-standing environmental penalties.

Neither representatives for Justice nor the family’s businesses responded to a request for comment. In the past, Justice has said that he and his family companies always pay what they owe. The governor has said that his businesses don’t create any conflicts of interest and that he didn’t run for office to get anything for himself.

Justice inherited a coal fortune from his father and expanded it to an empire of agricultural companies and resort hotels, including The Greenbrier, a posh, historic resort located in a valley where southern West Virginia’s mountains meet western Virginia’s rolling hills.

Last week, Justice used The Greenbrier as the backdrop for his announcement that he would seek the Republican nomination, facing U.S. Rep. Alex Mooney in the GOP primary. (Manchin has not announced a reelection bid yet, but in response to questions about Justice he said, “Make no mistake, I will win any race I enter.”)

As we documented, the resort has been at the heart of various conflicts of interest, as major trade associations that lobby state government for their industries have held meetings and conferences there.

And just two days before Justice’s Senate announcement, another of his resorts, Glade Springs, was the subject of state Supreme Court arguments in a case in which the resort homeowners’ association is seeking $6.6 million in property upkeep fees from one of Justice’s companies, which owns lots at the resort.

When he became governor in 2017, Justice said he was turning control of his family businesses over to his adult children. But our investigation found that, while governor, he continued to steer the empire.

In his political campaigns, Justice frequently touted his experience as a businessman and said that his long career in coal and other industries made him suited for the role of West Virginia’s chief executive.

Justice’s coal operations have also been repeatedly pressed to settle allegations of significant pollution problems in deals with regulators, yet the environmental violations have continued. Last month, a federal appeals court ruled that Justice companies must pay $2.5 million in environmental fines. Lawyers for the companies had argued the fines were the result of a misreading of an earlier settlement.

In December, an industrial plant owned by Justice’s family agreed to pay nearly $1 million in fines after releasing excessive air pollution into Black neighborhoods in Birmingham, Alabama. An attorney who works with the Justice family said the consent order would “provide the certainty that the company needs to complete its evaluation of the plant’s future.”

For years, Justice had been considered West Virginia’s richest man and listed by Forbes as a billionaire. But in 2021, Forbes removed that listing. The magazine cited a dispute over $850 million in debt to the now-defunct firm Greensill Capital.

The Justice companies settled that dispute with a payment plan. But last week a longtime banking partner of Justice’s, Carter Bank & Trust, filed documents seeking to collect on a separate $300 million debt. Justice’s son, Jay Justice, said in a statement that the bank had refused a reasonable repayment plan.

Re: 2024

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 10:57 pm
by OCanada
I believe it was cradle who claimed there were 3 democrats who served as mayors in western and central NY and therefore by saying they were republican areas of strength i was way out of touch. Well no. If you google red/blue state NT map as of 2020 you can decide for yourself. Wuite a few tepublicans homding a higher office than mayor. The governors of the states w the highest murder rates are generally Republican

Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 1:27 am
by jhu72
OCanada wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 10:57 pm I believe it was cradle who claimed there were 3 democrats who served as mayors in western and central NY and therefore by saying they were republican areas of strength i was way out of touch. Well no. If you google red/blue state NT map as of 2020 you can decide for yourself. Wuite a few tepublicans homding a higher office than mayor. The governors of the states w the highest murder rates are generally Republican
... yup, but we wouldn't want to let facts get in the way of a republICON campaign messages. :roll:

Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 1:36 am
by jhu72
old salt wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 11:30 pm
a fan wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 11:18 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Oct 09, 2023 10:44 pmFlynn was a hero, until Deep State partisans abused their power & came after him because he supported Trump.
The IC had to eliminate him. He knew how they played their games. They entrapped him.
They tried to bankrupt him. He then fought back the only way he could.
You may have noticed -- he escaped the Jan 6th witch hunt unscathed,
Odd, General Kelly managed to work for Trump, and left with his full rep intact.

He must have some sort of magic beans that Flynn didn't that what you're going with here?
Gen Kelly did not escape unscathed. Remember when he was called a racist.
... he did that to himself.

Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 5:33 am
by Farfromgeneva
jhu72 wrote: Wed Oct 11, 2023 1:27 am
OCanada wrote: Tue Oct 10, 2023 10:57 pm I believe it was cradle who claimed there were 3 democrats who served as mayors in western and central NY and therefore by saying they were republican areas of strength i was way out of touch. Well no. If you google red/blue state NT map as of 2020 you can decide for yourself. Wuite a few tepublicans homding a higher office than mayor. The governors of the states w the highest murder rates are generally Republican
... yup, but we wouldn't want to let facts get in the way of a republICON campaign messages. :roll:
I haven’t observed facts mattering to him in forever. I’m literally in his backyard now. Right around the corner from the OG Wegmanns and where Roseland used to be. For those actually familiar on the NE side at a golf course on the lake on 364. Besides having friends graduated from
UofR and RIT in the 90s and 2000s and spending time there myself, burying my aunt a block away from Seabreeze, I drive around Roch Cha Cha with my kids and saw/ spoke to Chad Martinovich, Hobart alum who’s the FB HC at UofR*-the delusion is strong for some is all I’ll say.

JHU, while parts are bucolic as heck up here and I love the Lakes, at this point there more going on in the Blue Ridge Parkway area and So Va than there is in large swaths of this area. They never really recovered from
Covid up here. I’d say 75% of the spots that formerly had more hours of operations are generally all closed Mon and Tuesday’s and talked to some of the bar owners in geneva and they haven’t resumed late night service yet to get that HWS boarding school kid with parents CC money (basically most of my friends who put me on social scholarship when I was a student, watched many five figure CC bills hit their parents every semeseter from lots of kids)

*(kids don’t know i set it up for them to be in the press box with the local professional radio guy who does hobart sports broadcasts for the Bart-whatever a Hilbert College football game is this upcoming Sat-the boy already told me he has a new second favorite player as I introduced him to one of our RBs yesterday who was LL POY in 21. Next up is daughter to Seneca falls women’s HOF, my dads grave in super poor and rural Bath NY, and a bunch of other stuff around the FL)

Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 4:21 pm
by Seacoaster(1)
Very conservative neighbor just planted his "Kennedy 2024" sign on the lawn. Two-time Trump voter.

Re: 2024

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 4:28 pm
by Seacoaster(1)
Meanwhile, in a desperate play for relevancy, Mike Pence goes monster-stupid: ... 0802997514

And Tim Scott, letting us know he's a liar and not ready for the job, girlfriend or not: ... 4492674537