Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by Farfromgeneva »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 5:10 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 4:00 pm
OCanada wrote: Thu Aug 08, 2024 3:20 pm You are not seriously trying to praise Trump’s economics are you? Let me give you a starting point when Trump got His tax cut passed and transferred huge wealth to the wealth it came at who’s expense? At the same time
He raised taxes on those with incomes under 75k and that provision has a couple more years to go. Then there were his tariffs and oil price increases he pushed.
Not sure your economics background but do you believe you can have a cleanish democracy combined with capitalism and not have things get binary? The entire point is competitions which requires outcomes that oppose each other.

To me it’s foolish the way Dems and left talk about economic change but insist on it being inside this specific paradigm never questioning whether they are compatible. It’s that stupidity and hubris that makes me not support that side of the ledger except when you throw a pos golem like Trump at me. And they don’t really promote policy supporting middle class they’re mostly shifting to the other end of the spectrum not distributing broadly. It’s all fraudulent or lacking understanding by pols to me as their polices have skewed and biased outcomes not smooth distribution. And a FR in Econ could figure that out so why do folks think they are supporting middle class really?
What policies would you suggest especially help middle class folks?
How about working class? Differences?
I could suggest a few chain linking ssi, outcomes based comp/payment in healthcare, make bk dischargeabke, vastly revamp antitrust enforcement, end this 1099 nonsense many companies are forcing permanent conditions on employees and arbitraging that grossly, have to research more detail hut work to balance fed/state contributions and obligations as so much has been pushed downmarket in political subdivisions (not knowledgeable enough on each line item but broadly it needs to be addressed), infrastructure but have to balance somehow and keep lean to tangible direct stuff like transport, logistics and energy. Theo in soem assistance for early childhood care/educaution even if I have to take it out of high schools and hold my nose. I would get Szechuan on housing subsidies and related. Shift and revamp a lot of doe student lending (fairly familiar used to
Underwrite and trade ffelp bonds). Ag and trade barriers and subsidies? Peace out your on your own you best learn to outrun the competition now that I’ve pushed down some concentration of industry power gay prior antrust enforcement adjautment. Get something on paper down on immigration. Even if not ideal so to at least have something not an amorphous flavor that never gets anything. For a very few select cats I am zero tolerance. Putin is on notice straight up. I will digest my experts and advisors but my way is they start with any potential agenda or benefit they can think of for themselves prior to providing their advice.

I could add more but here’s the thing: over someone’s lifetime or 65-95yrs I don’t think if I got all that and executed perfectly on the ground that over time we wouldn’t still have a barbelled situation in society ultimately. I’m not advocating for a system/paradigm change but that’s what’s required to have any long term turd at a balanced distribution of outcomes as far as I believe and think.

So then…what do I do if not changing paradigms? Transored y and maintain that hegemony and fiat currency first. Ensure and improve transparency across the board. Reduce frictions and administrative regulatory fat that does exist in places (surgical not shotgun). All that stuff above too. And ultimately critical is to clearly priority what, who and how much safety nets we need to have for various risks to our citizens.

Enjoy carving that up.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

The Gaslighting Old Party: Lying to bring about fear is what they do. Long article, best read in the Post itself. ... -security/

More than $247 million was spent in the first six months of this year on television, streaming platform and digital ads that mention immigration, according to AdImpact, which tracks campaign advertising. That is $40 million more than ads that mention any other issue.

Over 90 percent of the ads supported Republican candidates and were paid for by their campaigns or political action committees backing them.

The level of spending underscores how important Republicans view border security and immigration in this year’s elections. While polls show voters overall rank issues at the border as less important to them than the economy, inflation and protecting democracy, Republican voters consistently rank it as among the most important.

The Washington Post analyzed the transcripts, images and on-screen text featured in more than 700 campaign ads that mention immigration and that ran from January through June for the presidential and Senate races, as well as congressional primaries and major state campaigns.

Taken as a whole, the ads convey an unrealistic portrait of the border as being overrun and inaccurately characterize immigrants generally as a threat, of which there is little evidence. FBI data show U.S. border cities are among the nation’s safest. And a 2023 report from a group of economists found immigrants are at least 30 percent less likely to be incarcerated than U.S.-born individuals.

Republicans have made issues at the border central to their attacks on Harris in her effort to win the White House, dubbing her the “border czar” of the Biden administration and blaming her for crimes committed by immigrants. As vice president, she was directed by President Joe Biden to tackle the enduring root causes of unauthorized immigration. She, however, was never put in charge of the border nor labeled a “czar.”

Democrats ran a little more than three dozen ads about immigration, compared with almost 700 for Republicans. Of those ads, the most widely aired connected the issue of migration with calls to secure the border or crack down on fentanyl and violent crime. In the ads for Democrats, few showed migrants near a border.

While candidates have more options than ever before to get their messages to voters, television ad spending still ranks high on the list of expenditures. “If campaigns didn’t believe ads can matter, they wouldn’t be spending millions on buying time to air them,” said Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center.

The majority of spending — over 80 percent — went to ads that never aired in states that border Mexico. The states that saw the most money spent on immigration ads were Ohio, Indiana and Montana, which have immigrant populations well below the national average but also have high-stakes races.

Trump won all three of those states in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections. And this year, all three had competitive Republicans primaries for statewide races. But Ohio and Montana are particularly important for both parties: They have two of the most hotly contested Senate races where Democratic incumbents are facing tough challenges that could determine which party controls the chamber.

Over a third of the 745 ads included depictions of Border Patrol, soldiers or the military, sometimes paired with calls to “declare war” on drug cartels.

Around 20 percent of the ads referred to migrants as “illegals” or “aliens,” with around 7 percent choosing harsher words like “trafficker,” “rapist,” or “murderer.”

And around 10 percent of the 745 ads referenced migrants as invaders or the influx of migrants as an invasion.

In contrast, just 2 percent included the words “asylum,” “refugee,” or “undocumented.” And almost all of the ads from Republicans and their aligned groups portrayed refugees or asylum seekers as dangerous threats to the country, attacking candidates for perceived support of them.

The Post analysis found that nearly 20 percent of the 745 ads use footage and photos that are outdated, lack context, or are paired with voice-overs and text that do not accurately depict what is shown on the screen.

Dozens of ads criticize the Biden-Harris administration’s handling of the border, while showing chaotic scenes that were filmed in 2018 under the Trump administration. This video shows Central American migrants in Tijuana, Mexico, rushing the southern border. U.S. Border Patrol agents fired tear gas to repel the crowd, which included young children. The footage was taken during the Trump administration, but in dozens of ads, it is paired with voice-over and text tying it to Democrats. The Post reached out to the political action committees and campaigns that ran the ads shown below. None responded with a comment.

Nearly 30 percent of the ads mention cartels or drugs. MAGA Inc. and the National Republican Congressional Committee, as well as campaign committees supporting candidates in Virginia, South Carolina and Alabama, paid for ads that included visuals of cartels or anonymous gang members that are nearly a decade old; one shows a gang member interviewed by ABC News in El Salvador in 2016; another was from a 2015 book by photographer Adam Hinton that featured photographs he took in 2013 of gang members inside a prison in El Salvador.

The NRCC’s national press secretary, Will Reinert, responded to questions in a statement that didn’t address the outdated images. Instead, the statement pointed to Americans killed by migrants and said: “The Washington Post is running interference for the perpetrators instead of the victims. Pathetic.”


These photographs of MS-13 prisoners in El Salvador were taken in 2013 and used in a 2024 ad that ran supporting Rep. Jerry L. Carl and attacking Rep. Barry Moore. The two Republicans faced each other in a primary after Alabama’s congressional map was redrawn, with Moore defeating Carl.


This video from 2016 of a gang member in El Salvador was used in a 2024 ad attacking Democrat Tom Suozzi of New York, who won back his congressional seat in a special election replacing Republican George Santos.


An ad paid for by Indiana state Sen. Andy Zay used stock footage of masked men and a staged arrest scene.

The ad above paid for by Zay, who ran for Indiana’s 3rd Congressional District and lost, uses stock footage of masked and armed men and a table of drugs as the words “cartels” and “human traffickers” flash on screen, as well as stock footage of an arrest, with his voice-over touting his record of having “cracked down on fentanyl dealers.” The Post reached out to Zay’s and Carl’s campaign representatives. None responded with a comment.

These ads use outdated or stock images as evidence to present migrants as violent and posing a danger to Americans. When asked about the ads analyzed by The Post, Michelle Mittelstadt, director of communications for the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute, said: “People would do well to remember they are seeing highly selected representations of immigration that are often filled with misinformation.”

In July, Trump accepted the GOP presidential nomination and stated: “At the heart of the Republican platform is our pledge to end this border nightmare, and fully restore the sacred and sovereign borders of the United States of America.”

The Post reported in February that illegal border crossings had soared to record levels under Biden, averaging 2 million per year, from 2021 to 2023. However, after Trump rallied Republicans to defeat a bipartisan bill that would have expanded immigration enforcement, Biden tightened border restrictions. Illegal crossings have fallen in recent months to the lowest levels since 2020, according to the latest U.S. Customs and Border Protection data.

Trump has blamed Biden for inviting mass migration, and is pledging to close the border and deploy U.S. troops to carry out deportations if he’s elected in November, a position supported by most Americans in a recent poll. The same poll by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs found that Americans’ concerns about immigration have risen sharply this year, with 51 percent of Americans saying that the large number of immigrants and refugees entering the country is a “critical threat” to U.S. interests, up from 42 percent last fall to the highest level since 2010.

And while 44 percent of Americans said immigration mattered “a great deal” in their decisions of whom to vote for in the presidential election, 69 percent of Republicans said it mattered a great deal.

Trump and the Republican Party’s depiction of the border as seen in their advertising is part of a broader trend, according to Mittelstadt. “We’ve really seen, and not just in the U.S., but over the last decade, far-right, nationalist and populist parties have latched on to immigration as a very effective issue to motivate their base and turnout support.”

“Some thinking that used to be reserved for the dark places of the internet — like the great replacement theory … now you see them on the airwaves across the United States,” she said.

“Terrorists and illegal immigrants are invading our country,” a voice-over says in one characteristic ad, from a group boosting John Curtis in Utah’s Republican Senate primary. “Young women sold into prostitution, terrorists and illegal immigrants invading our country.” The Post reached out to a representative at Conservative Values for Utah for comment and did not get a response.

Trump and the Republican Party’s depiction of the border as seen in their advertising is part of a broader trend, according to Mittelstadt. “We’ve really seen, and not just in the U.S., but over the last decade, far-right, nationalist and populist parties have latched on to immigration as a very effective issue to motivate their base and turnout support.”

“Some thinking that used to be reserved for the dark places of the internet — like the great replacement theory … now you see them on the airwaves across the United States,” she said.

“Terrorists and illegal immigrants are invading our country,” a voice-over says in one characteristic ad, from a group boosting John Curtis in Utah’s Republican Senate primary. “Young women sold into prostitution, terrorists and illegal immigrants invading our country.” The Post reached out to a representative at Conservative Values for Utah for comment and did not get a response.

In another Trump ad, paid for by the Trump campaign, a voice-over warns viewers that Biden’s immigration policy “raises the possibility of a Hamas attack,” over a clip of a building being blown up. But the building shown in the ad was in Gaza, and was destroyed last year by a rocket fired from the Israeli military, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

This type of visual misinformation can have a dramatic effect on viewers, experts told The Post in separate interviews. “The images tied to immigration, tend to migrate out of their context,” said Jamieson, from the Annenberg Public Policy Center. “We process images more quickly than we process statements that are verbalized or that are in print. And we not only process them more immediately, we process them more viscerally.”

“Campaign ads deserve to be fact-checked” said Jacob Neiheisel, a professor at the University at Buffalo, because “campaigns themselves are inviting you to look at the images.”

Multiple ads show the same scene of migrants running at the border, paired with text on screen that gives the viewer a false impression that migrants are flooding unchecked into the United States. In the unedited video, Border Patrol agents had just instructed migrants in Lukeville, Ariz., whom they were taking to Border Patrol stations, to “start walking to the first camp,” according to a reporter who posted a minute-long video of the scene on X in December and spoke to The Post."
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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by OCanada »

In the end the GOP does not want government to work. They don’t want to govern, they don’t want to meet the needs of the citizens. When the tea party came to be in Congress i was at a Board meeting of a global organization. Prior to my presentation their attorneys wete reporting on the Tea Party members they had met st a reception the previous evening. Basically they reported thdy only knew one word. “No”. They had virtually no experience at successfully governing anything. Failed businessmen. A total lsvk of understanding of the vonsewuences of what they were doing. Mostly still true
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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by CU88a »

OCanada wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:26 am In the end the GOP does not want government to work. They don’t want to govern, they don’t want to meet the needs of the citizens. When the tea party came to be in Congress i was at a Board meeting of a global organization. Prior to my presentation their attorneys wete reporting on the Tea Party members they had met st a reception the previous evening. Basically they reported thdy only knew one word. “No”. They had virtually no experience at successfully governing anything. Failed businessmen. A total lsvk of understanding of the vonsewuences of what they were doing. Mostly still true

r's don't want to either govern nor represent; they want to rule.
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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

Hadn't heard about this guy in a few months... Amazing how much faster justice worked in this case...

Former Rep. George Santos pleads guilty to fraud charges
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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by Kismet »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:23 pm Hadn't heard about this guy in a few months... Amazing how much faster justice worked in this case...

Former Rep. George Santos pleads guilty to fraud charges
Doesn't get sentenced until February 2025 - hoping for a pardon if Orange Fatso gets elected. :oops:
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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by a fan »

CU88a wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:41 am
OCanada wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2024 10:26 am In the end the GOP does not want government to work. They don’t want to govern, they don’t want to meet the needs of the citizens. When the tea party came to be in Congress i was at a Board meeting of a global organization. Prior to my presentation their attorneys wete reporting on the Tea Party members they had met st a reception the previous evening. Basically they reported thdy only knew one word. “No”. They had virtually no experience at successfully governing anything. Failed businessmen. A total lsvk of understanding of the vonsewuences of what they were doing. Mostly still true

r's don't want to either govern nor represent; they want to rule.
That's precisely it. The Republican party went from "taxes are the price for civilized society" to "I want to use the .gov as a personal cash register" in just 20 years.

Happily? This is at the Federal level only, by and large. In our State of Colorado? The Republicans are, for the most part, adult who want to govern.

And boy, am I thankful for that.
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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by DMac »

Yup, that makes about as much sense to me as a lot of the other posts here.
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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by OCanada »

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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by PizzaSnake »

More evidence of “strong conservative values.”

Fcuking grifter.

“Now, the DeSantis administration has turned on its former campus champion following revelations by the student journalists.

They found that Sasse blew through $17.3m in his first year of office, three times more than his predecessor, and channeled millions into secret consulting contracts and lucrative jobs for his former congressional staff and Republican cronies, some of the positions remote.” ... ew-college
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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by Brooklyn »

The source of much right wing non-thinking:

Curtis Yarvin wants American democracy toppled. He has some prominent Republican fans.
The New Right blogger has been cited by Blake Masters and J.D. Vance. What exactly is he advocating? ... ll-moldbug

He urged Donald Trump, should he win another term, to “seize the institutions of the left,” fire “every single midlevel bureaucrat” in the US government, “replace them with our people,” and defy the Supreme Court if it tries to stop him.

... Yarvin argues that a creative and visionary leader — a “startup guy,” like, he says, Napoleon or Lenin was — should seize absolute power, dismantle the old regime, and build something new in its place.

more ...

Napoleon and Lenin? This CONservative has a warped mind. The real problem is how many far right delusionals are disposed to believe any of this juvenile nonsense. Case in point = Jan 6.
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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

Putting this here, as I think this issue goes beyond just reproductive rights, and is part of a broader assault on women: ... s-abortion

“During Tuesday’s debate, as Donald Trump tried to take credit for the demise of Roe while pretending a second Trump administration wouldn’t obliterate abortion protections at a national level, he blurted out what he surely thought sounded like a winning statement: “Every legal scholar, every Democrat, every Republican, liberal, conservative, they all wanted this issue to be brought back to the states where the people could vote.”

This is, of course, exceedingly not true. 74 percent of women oppose leaving abortion up to the states, which is the same amount of women who believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases. There is no evidence Democrats or legal scholars who aren’t employed by Fox News wanted this balkanized nightmare where less than half of reproductive-age women in the country are aware of the current status of abortion policy in their state, millions live in states with bans with no exceptions for rape or incest, and infant mortality is spiking.

Despite their unwillingness to be frank about it, conservatives don’t want abortion returned to the states either. Sure, that’s what Justice Samuel Alito smugly declared was happening when he wrote the Dobbs opinion overturning Roe, and sure, that’s what both Trump and JD Vance are running around saying. But it’s the actions of red states — actions that seek to impose their anti-choice views on the entire nation — that speak far louder.

Ken Paxton thinks your business is his business

Look at Texas, where state Attorney General Ken Paxton just sued the Biden administration to block a new rule that protects the medical records of people who cross state lines to obtain abortions.

As Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra explained when announcing the rule, “Many Americans are scared their private medical information will be shared, misused, and disclosed without permission ... the Biden-Harris Administration is providing stronger protections to people seeking lawful reproductive health care regardless of whether the care is in their home state or if they must cross state lines to get it.”

Texas’s lawsuit alleges that the rule interferes with its ability to enforce its own laws on reproductive health. Of course, the rule does no such thing. Texas remains fully able to enforce its extreme abortion ban within its borders. All the rule does is prevent Texas from reaching into other states to demand patient records when people obtain reproductive health care that is legal in that state.

Texas Republicans are also mad that the rule requires reproductive health care to be “interpreted broadly and inclusive of all types of health care related to an individual’s reproductive system” — which means it could also protect the records of people seeking gender-affirming care outside the state.”
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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by Brooklyn »

America is upset.
We are losing our country and illegal aliens are raping and killing children and eating people's pets, and the only thing the White House wants to talk about is CURRY AND COLLA GREENS

Is that how you say it? I need a translator.

~ CONservative 'thinking' from tRump's pal Laura Loomer in full view of the world. Typical right wing mindlessness.
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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by youthathletics »

Yes....if you use the r and d in collard, you are from up-norf.

Colla is pronounced like this.

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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

youthathletics wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 9:15 am Yes....if you use the r and d in collard, you are from up-norf.

Colla is pronounced like this.

I think the sentence with “colla” was in Loomer’s original bit of racism.
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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Brooklyn wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 12:40 am America is upset.
We are losing our country and illegal aliens are raping and killing children and eating people's pets, and the only thing the White House wants to talk about is CURRY AND COLLA GREENS

Is that how you say it? I need a translator.

~ CONservative 'thinking' from tRump's pal Laura Loomer in full view of the world. Typical right wing mindlessness.
And the people answering the phones want speak English…YA, C&S, Old Salt, Petey and people like them have no problem with it and in fact, cheer for that kind of attitude.
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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by Brooklyn »

AI Trump: My New Love!
AI Trump is in LOVE! Listen in as he tells us how after all the wives, and porn stars, and hookers, and one night stands, and Epstein girls - he has finally found true love with Laura least until someone better comes along.
It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by Brooklyn »

The Last Dog in Springfield (Donald Trump song parody)
At his debate against Kamala Harris, Donald Trump erroneously claimed that immigrants are eating the dogs and cats of red-blooded American citizens. This was based on an incident where a woman (who was not an immigrant) was indeed charged with such a crime, but then right-wing people posted online, saying that Hatian immigrants in Springfield were committing such crimes - not only false, but dangerous misinformation that will likely end in violence against innocent people.

This reliance and platforming of incorrect (and frankly, racist) information is yet another reason why Donald Trump is unfit to be President.

Typical Republican "thinking" if you can call it that.

tRump is pathetic.
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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by youthathletics »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 9:56 am
Brooklyn wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 12:40 am America is upset.
We are losing our country and illegal aliens are raping and killing children and eating people's pets, and the only thing the White House wants to talk about is CURRY AND COLLA GREENS

Is that how you say it? I need a translator.

~ CONservative 'thinking' from tRump's pal Laura Loomer in full view of the world. Typical right wing mindlessness.
And the people answering the phones want speak English…YA, C&S, Old Salt, Petey and people like them have no problem with it and in fact, cheer for that kind of attitude.
More trolling and hasn't even been a week to keep your word, nice....viewtopic.php?p=579706&hilit=trolling#p579706
admin wrote: Mon Sep 09, 2024 8:57 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2024 9:10 am
WaffleTwineFaceoff wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2024 12:06 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Sep 06, 2024 6:51 pm ...
He gets the W.T.F/C&S vote. They are pro school shooting.
Wow. Quite the toxic Trifecta, TLD. Trolling, lying, and a personal attack achieved in a single post. Impressively sophomoric.
You are pro school shooting.
No personal attacks. No trolling.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: Conservative Ideology: A Big Lie

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Brooklyn wrote: Sat Sep 14, 2024 11:09 am

The Last Dog in Springfield (Donald Trump song parody)
At his debate against Kamala Harris, Donald Trump erroneously claimed that immigrants are eating the dogs and cats of red-blooded American citizens. This was based on an incident where a woman (who was not an immigrant) was indeed charged with such a crime, but then right-wing people posted online, saying that Hatian immigrants in Springfield were committing such crimes - not only false, but dangerous misinformation that will likely end in violence against innocent people.

This reliance and platforming of incorrect (and frankly, racist) information is yet another reason why Donald Trump is unfit to be President.

Typical Republican "thinking" if you can call it that.

tRump is pathetic.
I have been to Springfield a bunch of times…..know it well. Dude that ran our small business unit played HS football there before heading off to Cincinnati for college ball. The worst thing to happen to Springfield was Ronald Reagan green lighting union busting and blaming US workers for being the problem with American companies. ... mic-future
“I wish you would!”
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