2020 Elections - Trump FIRED

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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by cradleandshoot »

RedFromMI wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:00 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:38 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:29 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:15 am
seacoaster wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:10 am The Source:

https://mobile.twitter.com/NoahShachtma ... 4477324288

“Sure, the U.S. Treasury Department may have declared one of his former associates—Ukrainian parliamentarian Andrii Derkach, who worked with Giuliani on his hunt for dirt on the Bidens—to be an “active Russian agent.” But that’s some Deep State talk, he added. “The chance that Derkach is a Russian spy is no better than 50/50.”

“My guess is that George Soros is behind this counter-offensive… because he wants to create a socialist country,” Giuliani baselessly alleged. “He’d like to see us collapse and see us taken over by the international... whatever.” Giuliani said that Derkach’s eventual sanctioning was the result of “an intelligence ploy to try to create problems for Trump—because Derkach could probably bury Obama.”

“...the international...whatever.” This only catches the attention of the “already deplorable.” He’s a disgrace.
Yup, for those who understand his meaning, the gross anti-semitism, it's a loud shout out.
Not a 'dog whistle' it's a bull horn to them.
QAnon love it, the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo, the KKK love it.

And of course the Russians love it.

What the rooskies will love is double barrel Joe running America. :D
Wonder why they're not trying to help him win...
I think the answer is obvious - Trump is much more pliable than Biden. No matter what cradle suggests...
What is double barrel joe's plan? What does pliability have to do with anything I am talking about. Double barrel Joe will be the new lead dog in the Democrat reset button towards Vlads Russia. If I am understanding MD correctly the olive branch double barrel is handing to Vlad resembles more of a sharp stick to the eye. That sure sounds like a real good plan to me. Keep ticking off the guy your party has spent 4 years calling every name in the book. How do you think Vlad is going to respond to double barrel Joe trying to antagonize him. That brings me back to my original question... Does double barrel Joe have a plan towards what his Russia policy will be? :!:
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by cradleandshoot »

seacoaster wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 1:49 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 1:17 pm
seacoaster wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:58 pm Just checking: it’s OK for one “side” to claim the the US Marshal Service is on its side, right? That’s normal in a republic?

https://mobile.twitter.com/atrupar/stat ... 6421427200
Pinochet made that statement a ton of times. It’s perfectly normal.
So Trump sort of owns the Marshals? OK.
I don't know about owning them. I know that he is their boss for right now. Mel Brooks said it best...it's good to be king.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:18 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:38 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:25 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:43 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:24 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:17 am by
cradle, actual enforcement of Magnitsky Act sanctions would bite Putin and his oligarchs specifically.

So, too, would a renewed US leadership of NATO and a worldwide energy plan that would disembowel Russia from its last primary revenue source.

Imagine for a moment, a Europe chastened by its experience with far right groups fueled by Russia (yes, that's exactly what's been happening since the HRC effort to 'reset') with a renewed commitment by US leadership to NATO...could Europe commit to utilizing fossil fuels from the US as it weans itself off them altogether, again led by the US?

The landscape has changed a lot in the past decade.
Europe has had a taste of what the world looks like with aggressive Russia, peddling right wing kleptocracy and sowing division and racial/ethnic animosity, and a compliant, coupled with a retreating US led by a wannabe right wing kleptocrat....
You are way too optimistic my friend. Putin does not care about sanctions. If you want US leadership of NATO you better hope double barrel Joe is ready to open up the us government treasury. This is funny you are now advocating the very same thing you and some other folks have been attacking Salty for advocating. A strong NATO is a good thing. Not so much when the us is footing the bill and providing the soldiers and heavy equipment needed.
I'm saying that the landscape has dramatically changed, cradle, so there's a quite new opportunity to rally allies to a common perspective and commitment.

The economics of that commitment can be addressed largely through using energy. Salty has long decried the reliance of Europe and specifically Germany on Russian fossil fuel. He's correct on that, but the politics of getting along with the Russians was very different a decade ago versus today, albeit with Trump firmly allied with, or compliant to, Putin, the Europeans have not had a viable alternative. And they've seen the costs of the right wing extremism being promoted by the Russians, the ethnic angers amplified by the Russians.

So, there's a very different landscape ahead, IF, and that's a big IF, the US can regain the confidence of allies. And IF we can get out of the zero sum box we've been in under Trump in thinking about these issues.

And yeah, there's a reason why Putin et al squawk so much about the Magnitsky Act sanctions. When enforced fully, they shut off their rather desperate attempts to own assets outside of Russia (which they know can disappear overnight if still in Russia), and to influence politics outside of Russia with financing.

But they need to be enforced.
I understand very well what you are saying. My reply is really very basic and simple. If you poke the bear the bear will poke back at you. If double barrel Joe wins he now has to smooth out all the acrimony and accusations that Democrats have been throwing at Putin for more than 4 years. The Democrats have spent 4 years dumping on the same plate they may soon have to eat off of. Putin may be a lot of things that you don't like but he is not stupid. If he has to manipulate a bunch of weak kneed Democrats that will be a piece of cake for him. There is the chance double barrel Joe will draw the same line in the sand his boss did. Vlad will laugh in his face. Double barrel Joe is holding nothing more than an empty squirt gun in his hand. Vlad will roll over double barrel Joe like he was a twinkie in his path. Sanctions...they scare the hell out of Vlad. :lol:
Hmmm, Vlad sure has worked hard to get DJT into the Oval Office, to support the NRA, to support various GOP wing nuts who are willing to sow divisiveness. It's been an enormous, though asymmetric, active measures campaign.

wonder why that Vlad did that?

Yup, the Magnitsky Act.

Remember Trump Tower meeting about "adoptions"??? Yup, Magnitsky Act.
When enforced, it really hurts the oligarchs. And it cuts off funding to all sorts of bad actors around the world.

Listen, I'm not saying that I have great confidence in Biden's capacity to rally allies to really strangle Putin, but I'm saying there's an opportunity to do so, if seized. The landscape has changed a lot.

And the mechanisms for this aren't about military buildup or saber rattling. It's about changing the economic reality for Putin and his kleptocracy, choking off their efforts to meddle in countries all over the world. The good news is that we really need to do the alternative energy path anyway, and it has huge implications for our other strategic challenges.

Of course, we DO have even bigger fish to fry than Russia, our strategic competition with China these next decades. Without our allies in this effort, we will inevitably fail to maintain free democracies in most of the world.
So your advocating this would be an ideal time to poke the bear? Hey that would not be my first option. I suppose double barrel Joe could send Hunter over to work out a deal. That is providing Hunter can remember where he left his laptop. :lol: I know that you and double barrel Joe are pretty close. He tell you what his plan for dealing with Vlad is? Give me a hint. Does it involve gold bars and C130 aircraft? ;)
cradle, now you're delving into troll territory.
You gonna vote for Joe or Donald?
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:08 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:00 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:38 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:29 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:15 am
seacoaster wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:10 am The Source:

https://mobile.twitter.com/NoahShachtma ... 4477324288

“Sure, the U.S. Treasury Department may have declared one of his former associates—Ukrainian parliamentarian Andrii Derkach, who worked with Giuliani on his hunt for dirt on the Bidens—to be an “active Russian agent.” But that’s some Deep State talk, he added. “The chance that Derkach is a Russian spy is no better than 50/50.”

“My guess is that George Soros is behind this counter-offensive… because he wants to create a socialist country,” Giuliani baselessly alleged. “He’d like to see us collapse and see us taken over by the international... whatever.” Giuliani said that Derkach’s eventual sanctioning was the result of “an intelligence ploy to try to create problems for Trump—because Derkach could probably bury Obama.”

“...the international...whatever.” This only catches the attention of the “already deplorable.” He’s a disgrace.
Yup, for those who understand his meaning, the gross anti-semitism, it's a loud shout out.
Not a 'dog whistle' it's a bull horn to them.
QAnon love it, the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo, the KKK love it.

And of course the Russians love it.

What the rooskies will love is double barrel Joe running America. :D
Wonder why they're not trying to help him win...
I think the answer is obvious - Trump is much more pliable than Biden. No matter what cradle suggests...
What is double barrel joe's plan? What does pliability have to do with anything I am talking about. Double barrel Joe will be the new lead dog in the Democrat reset button towards Vlads Russia. If I am understanding MD correctly the olive branch double barrel is handing to Vlad resembles more of a sharp stick to the eye. That sure sounds like a real good plan to me. Keep ticking off the guy your party has spent 4 years calling every name in the book. How do you think Vlad is going to respond to double barrel Joe trying to antagonize him. That brings me back to my original question... Does double barrel Joe have a plan towards what his Russia policy will be? :!:
I don't know what Joe's plan is, but there's a very real opportunity to marry the very clear plan on energy and climate with the strategic objective of choking off Vlad et al.

And that certainly won't happen with Donald.
Nope, he just wants to be a kleptocrat too.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:27 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:18 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:38 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:25 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:43 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:24 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:17 am by
cradle, actual enforcement of Magnitsky Act sanctions would bite Putin and his oligarchs specifically.

So, too, would a renewed US leadership of NATO and a worldwide energy plan that would disembowel Russia from its last primary revenue source.

Imagine for a moment, a Europe chastened by its experience with far right groups fueled by Russia (yes, that's exactly what's been happening since the HRC effort to 'reset') with a renewed commitment by US leadership to NATO...could Europe commit to utilizing fossil fuels from the US as it weans itself off them altogether, again led by the US?

The landscape has changed a lot in the past decade.
Europe has had a taste of what the world looks like with aggressive Russia, peddling right wing kleptocracy and sowing division and racial/ethnic animosity, and a compliant, coupled with a retreating US led by a wannabe right wing kleptocrat....
You are way too optimistic my friend. Putin does not care about sanctions. If you want US leadership of NATO you better hope double barrel Joe is ready to open up the us government treasury. This is funny you are now advocating the very same thing you and some other folks have been attacking Salty for advocating. A strong NATO is a good thing. Not so much when the us is footing the bill and providing the soldiers and heavy equipment needed.
I'm saying that the landscape has dramatically changed, cradle, so there's a quite new opportunity to rally allies to a common perspective and commitment.

The economics of that commitment can be addressed largely through using energy. Salty has long decried the reliance of Europe and specifically Germany on Russian fossil fuel. He's correct on that, but the politics of getting along with the Russians was very different a decade ago versus today, albeit with Trump firmly allied with, or compliant to, Putin, the Europeans have not had a viable alternative. And they've seen the costs of the right wing extremism being promoted by the Russians, the ethnic angers amplified by the Russians.

So, there's a very different landscape ahead, IF, and that's a big IF, the US can regain the confidence of allies. And IF we can get out of the zero sum box we've been in under Trump in thinking about these issues.

And yeah, there's a reason why Putin et al squawk so much about the Magnitsky Act sanctions. When enforced fully, they shut off their rather desperate attempts to own assets outside of Russia (which they know can disappear overnight if still in Russia), and to influence politics outside of Russia with financing.

But they need to be enforced.
I understand very well what you are saying. My reply is really very basic and simple. If you poke the bear the bear will poke back at you. If double barrel Joe wins he now has to smooth out all the acrimony and accusations that Democrats have been throwing at Putin for more than 4 years. The Democrats have spent 4 years dumping on the same plate they may soon have to eat off of. Putin may be a lot of things that you don't like but he is not stupid. If he has to manipulate a bunch of weak kneed Democrats that will be a piece of cake for him. There is the chance double barrel Joe will draw the same line in the sand his boss did. Vlad will laugh in his face. Double barrel Joe is holding nothing more than an empty squirt gun in his hand. Vlad will roll over double barrel Joe like he was a twinkie in his path. Sanctions...they scare the hell out of Vlad. :lol:
Hmmm, Vlad sure has worked hard to get DJT into the Oval Office, to support the NRA, to support various GOP wing nuts who are willing to sow divisiveness. It's been an enormous, though asymmetric, active measures campaign.

wonder why that Vlad did that?

Yup, the Magnitsky Act.

Remember Trump Tower meeting about "adoptions"??? Yup, Magnitsky Act.
When enforced, it really hurts the oligarchs. And it cuts off funding to all sorts of bad actors around the world.

Listen, I'm not saying that I have great confidence in Biden's capacity to rally allies to really strangle Putin, but I'm saying there's an opportunity to do so, if seized. The landscape has changed a lot.

And the mechanisms for this aren't about military buildup or saber rattling. It's about changing the economic reality for Putin and his kleptocracy, choking off their efforts to meddle in countries all over the world. The good news is that we really need to do the alternative energy path anyway, and it has huge implications for our other strategic challenges.

Of course, we DO have even bigger fish to fry than Russia, our strategic competition with China these next decades. Without our allies in this effort, we will inevitably fail to maintain free democracies in most of the world.
So your advocating this would be an ideal time to poke the bear? Hey that would not be my first option. I suppose double barrel Joe could send Hunter over to work out a deal. That is providing Hunter can remember where he left his laptop. :lol: I know that you and double barrel Joe are pretty close. He tell you what his plan for dealing with Vlad is? Give me a hint. Does it involve gold bars and C130 aircraft? ;)
cradle, now you're delving into troll territory.
You gonna vote for Joe or Donald?
Trolling my left nut. I asked a very simple question. I will refine it for you. You were the one implying it would be a good idea to poke the bear. What the hell do you think putting the screws to Vlad will lead to? Walk with me together down the road where this leads to happily ever after. I am looking forward to a few months down the road where double barrel has to mend the fences with Vlad. You better hope as well that double barrel Joe has a plan. It is not like Vlad has much love for the Democrat party right now.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:30 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:08 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:00 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:38 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:29 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:15 am
seacoaster wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:10 am The Source:

https://mobile.twitter.com/NoahShachtma ... 4477324288

“Sure, the U.S. Treasury Department may have declared one of his former associates—Ukrainian parliamentarian Andrii Derkach, who worked with Giuliani on his hunt for dirt on the Bidens—to be an “active Russian agent.” But that’s some Deep State talk, he added. “The chance that Derkach is a Russian spy is no better than 50/50.”

“My guess is that George Soros is behind this counter-offensive… because he wants to create a socialist country,” Giuliani baselessly alleged. “He’d like to see us collapse and see us taken over by the international... whatever.” Giuliani said that Derkach’s eventual sanctioning was the result of “an intelligence ploy to try to create problems for Trump—because Derkach could probably bury Obama.”

“...the international...whatever.” This only catches the attention of the “already deplorable.” He’s a disgrace.
Yup, for those who understand his meaning, the gross anti-semitism, it's a loud shout out.
Not a 'dog whistle' it's a bull horn to them.
QAnon love it, the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo, the KKK love it.

And of course the Russians love it.

What the rooskies will love is double barrel Joe running America. :D
Wonder why they're not trying to help him win...
I think the answer is obvious - Trump is much more pliable than Biden. No matter what cradle suggests...
What is double barrel joe's plan? What does pliability have to do with anything I am talking about. Double barrel Joe will be the new lead dog in the Democrat reset button towards Vlads Russia. If I am understanding MD correctly the olive branch double barrel is handing to Vlad resembles more of a sharp stick to the eye. That sure sounds like a real good plan to me. Keep ticking off the guy your party has spent 4 years calling every name in the book. How do you think Vlad is going to respond to double barrel Joe trying to antagonize him. That brings me back to my original question... Does double barrel Joe have a plan towards what his Russia policy will be? :!:
I don't know what Joe's plan is, but there's a very real opportunity to marry the very clear plan on energy and climate with the strategic objective of choking off Vlad et al.

And that certainly won't happen with Donald.
Nope, he just wants to be a kleptocrat too.
There is also a very real opportunity double barrel Joe might just back Vlad up into a corner. I hope you are thinking about what you are saying. What do you think Vlad will do if the US chokes him off? You think he caves or do you think he doubles down? My bet is he doubles down.
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:47 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:27 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:18 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:38 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:25 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:43 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:24 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:17 am by
cradle, actual enforcement of Magnitsky Act sanctions would bite Putin and his oligarchs specifically.

So, too, would a renewed US leadership of NATO and a worldwide energy plan that would disembowel Russia from its last primary revenue source.

Imagine for a moment, a Europe chastened by its experience with far right groups fueled by Russia (yes, that's exactly what's been happening since the HRC effort to 'reset') with a renewed commitment by US leadership to NATO...could Europe commit to utilizing fossil fuels from the US as it weans itself off them altogether, again led by the US?

The landscape has changed a lot in the past decade.
Europe has had a taste of what the world looks like with aggressive Russia, peddling right wing kleptocracy and sowing division and racial/ethnic animosity, and a compliant, coupled with a retreating US led by a wannabe right wing kleptocrat....
You are way too optimistic my friend. Putin does not care about sanctions. If you want US leadership of NATO you better hope double barrel Joe is ready to open up the us government treasury. This is funny you are now advocating the very same thing you and some other folks have been attacking Salty for advocating. A strong NATO is a good thing. Not so much when the us is footing the bill and providing the soldiers and heavy equipment needed.
I'm saying that the landscape has dramatically changed, cradle, so there's a quite new opportunity to rally allies to a common perspective and commitment.

The economics of that commitment can be addressed largely through using energy. Salty has long decried the reliance of Europe and specifically Germany on Russian fossil fuel. He's correct on that, but the politics of getting along with the Russians was very different a decade ago versus today, albeit with Trump firmly allied with, or compliant to, Putin, the Europeans have not had a viable alternative. And they've seen the costs of the right wing extremism being promoted by the Russians, the ethnic angers amplified by the Russians.

So, there's a very different landscape ahead, IF, and that's a big IF, the US can regain the confidence of allies. And IF we can get out of the zero sum box we've been in under Trump in thinking about these issues.

And yeah, there's a reason why Putin et al squawk so much about the Magnitsky Act sanctions. When enforced fully, they shut off their rather desperate attempts to own assets outside of Russia (which they know can disappear overnight if still in Russia), and to influence politics outside of Russia with financing.

But they need to be enforced.
I understand very well what you are saying. My reply is really very basic and simple. If you poke the bear the bear will poke back at you. If double barrel Joe wins he now has to smooth out all the acrimony and accusations that Democrats have been throwing at Putin for more than 4 years. The Democrats have spent 4 years dumping on the same plate they may soon have to eat off of. Putin may be a lot of things that you don't like but he is not stupid. If he has to manipulate a bunch of weak kneed Democrats that will be a piece of cake for him. There is the chance double barrel Joe will draw the same line in the sand his boss did. Vlad will laugh in his face. Double barrel Joe is holding nothing more than an empty squirt gun in his hand. Vlad will roll over double barrel Joe like he was a twinkie in his path. Sanctions...they scare the hell out of Vlad. :lol:
Hmmm, Vlad sure has worked hard to get DJT into the Oval Office, to support the NRA, to support various GOP wing nuts who are willing to sow divisiveness. It's been an enormous, though asymmetric, active measures campaign.

wonder why that Vlad did that?

Yup, the Magnitsky Act.

Remember Trump Tower meeting about "adoptions"??? Yup, Magnitsky Act.
When enforced, it really hurts the oligarchs. And it cuts off funding to all sorts of bad actors around the world.

Listen, I'm not saying that I have great confidence in Biden's capacity to rally allies to really strangle Putin, but I'm saying there's an opportunity to do so, if seized. The landscape has changed a lot.

And the mechanisms for this aren't about military buildup or saber rattling. It's about changing the economic reality for Putin and his kleptocracy, choking off their efforts to meddle in countries all over the world. The good news is that we really need to do the alternative energy path anyway, and it has huge implications for our other strategic challenges.

Of course, we DO have even bigger fish to fry than Russia, our strategic competition with China these next decades. Without our allies in this effort, we will inevitably fail to maintain free democracies in most of the world.
So your advocating this would be an ideal time to poke the bear? Hey that would not be my first option. I suppose double barrel Joe could send Hunter over to work out a deal. That is providing Hunter can remember where he left his laptop. :lol: I know that you and double barrel Joe are pretty close. He tell you what his plan for dealing with Vlad is? Give me a hint. Does it involve gold bars and C130 aircraft? ;)
cradle, now you're delving into troll territory.
You gonna vote for Joe or Donald?
Trolling my left nut. I asked a very simple question. I will refine it for you. You were the one implying it would be a good idea to poke the bear. What the hell do you think putting the screws to Vlad will lead to? Walk with me together down the road where this leads to happily ever after. I am looking forward to a few months down the road where double barrel has to mend the fences with Vlad. You better hope as well that double barrel Joe has a plan. It is not like Vlad has much love for the Democrat party right now.
There's no upside to 'mend fences with Vlad". He's proved that again and again.

And with no real resistance, he's only shown that he'll be more aggressive, with greater reach around the world.

But he can be contained far better, with consistent resolve and strategic vision.

Again, what I'm suggesting is that there's a marriage of multiple strategic interests that actually has the side benefit of choking Putin's capacity to do damage. Will he continue to try? Sure. But with more alignment across the world against such.

Whether Joe can pull that off diplomatically with our allies and whether his administration will have that kind of strategic vision remains to be seen.

But the opportunity is there.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:59 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:30 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:08 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:00 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:38 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:29 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:15 am
seacoaster wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:10 am The Source:

https://mobile.twitter.com/NoahShachtma ... 4477324288

“Sure, the U.S. Treasury Department may have declared one of his former associates—Ukrainian parliamentarian Andrii Derkach, who worked with Giuliani on his hunt for dirt on the Bidens—to be an “active Russian agent.” But that’s some Deep State talk, he added. “The chance that Derkach is a Russian spy is no better than 50/50.”

“My guess is that George Soros is behind this counter-offensive… because he wants to create a socialist country,” Giuliani baselessly alleged. “He’d like to see us collapse and see us taken over by the international... whatever.” Giuliani said that Derkach’s eventual sanctioning was the result of “an intelligence ploy to try to create problems for Trump—because Derkach could probably bury Obama.”

“...the international...whatever.” This only catches the attention of the “already deplorable.” He’s a disgrace.
Yup, for those who understand his meaning, the gross anti-semitism, it's a loud shout out.
Not a 'dog whistle' it's a bull horn to them.
QAnon love it, the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo, the KKK love it.

And of course the Russians love it.

What the rooskies will love is double barrel Joe running America. :D
Wonder why they're not trying to help him win...
I think the answer is obvious - Trump is much more pliable than Biden. No matter what cradle suggests...
What is double barrel joe's plan? What does pliability have to do with anything I am talking about. Double barrel Joe will be the new lead dog in the Democrat reset button towards Vlads Russia. If I am understanding MD correctly the olive branch double barrel is handing to Vlad resembles more of a sharp stick to the eye. That sure sounds like a real good plan to me. Keep ticking off the guy your party has spent 4 years calling every name in the book. How do you think Vlad is going to respond to double barrel Joe trying to antagonize him. That brings me back to my original question... Does double barrel Joe have a plan towards what his Russia policy will be? :!:
I don't know what Joe's plan is, but there's a very real opportunity to marry the very clear plan on energy and climate with the strategic objective of choking off Vlad et al.

And that certainly won't happen with Donald.
Nope, he just wants to be a kleptocrat too.
There is also a very real opportunity double barrel Joe might just back Vlad up into a corner. I hope you are thinking about what you are saying. What do you think Vlad will do if the US chokes him off? You think he caves or do you think he doubles down? My bet is he doubles down.
Putin is only more aggressive if not pushed back.
Sure, he'll make efforts to work asymmetrically, but his influence can be greatly reduced by international cooperation to confront it.

He can 'double down' but he'll lose more and more power as his own economics dry up.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by RedFromMI »

Rudy: Only ‘50/50’ Chance I Worked With a ‘Russian Spy’ to Dig Dirt on Bidens

In a wild interview, the president’s personal attorney made clear he believes he’s on a mission to torpedo the Bidens. And he doesn’t care who supplied the ammunition.
https://www.thedailybeast.com/rudy-giul ... -on-bidens

Rudy Giuliani thinks it’s hilarious.

He says the questions mounting around him—including those about whether his efforts to dump Hunter Biden’s documents and photos are part of some foreign election-interference operation—are “a bunch of bullsh*t.” He’s unconcerned about intelligence assessments that one of his former associates was a Russian agent, a proposition that he gave more or less even odds. In fact, Giuliani said, he has been “laughing my head off” about the whole affair.

Instead, the pugnacious former New York City mayor said he was on a mission to push out all the contents of a hard drive he allegedly obtained, that he claims belongs to the former vice president’s son—no matter how seemingly irrelevant others may say they are.

“I sleep with it at night,” Giuliani said of the hard drive, chortling. “It’s because I work late.”

Giuliani called The Daily Beast from New York City, the television blaring in the background, airing President Donald Trump’s rally at the Middle Georgia Regional Airport in Georgia. The president’s personal attorney said he recently made a private “gentleman's bet” with his client, who thought that U.S. media outlets would not report on the unveiling of Hunter Biden’s documents and photos, because of how protective the president believes the media is towards the Biden family. Giuliani, on the other hand, believed there was a good chance that mainstream outlets would pick up the story.

Giuliani now thinks he won that bet. “It made its way into the back of some papers,” he said.

Over the past week, Giuliani’s efforts have resulted primarily in a series of stories in the New York Post based on Hunter Biden’s emails, text messages, and documents, allegedly pulled from his laptop. The most politically substantive appeared to show that Hunter Biden had written an email to an adviser to the Ukrainian gas company, Burisma, to set up a meeting with his then vice president father. (“They never had a meeting,” Biden campaign spokesperson Andrew Bates said Friday.)

The Post reports came under immediate suspicion, in part because of longstanding concerns within the intelligence community that Giuliani’s attempts to peddle dirt about the Bidens was aligned with a broader Russian attempt to subvert the 2020 election. But despite those fears, the former mayor said he has been “laughing my head off” about the whole affair. The criticism against him, including questions about whether or not this is part of a foreign election-interference operation, he added, was just “a bunch of bullsh*t.”

“The chance that Derkach is a Russian spy is no better than 50/50.”

Sure, the U.S. Treasury Department may have declared one of his former associates—Ukrainian parliamentarian Andrii Derkach, who worked with Giuliani on his hunt for dirt on the Bidens—to be an “active Russian agent.” But that’s some Deep State talk, he added. “The chance that Derkach is a Russian spy is no better than 50/50.”

“My guess is that George Soros is behind this counter-offensive… because he wants to create a socialist country,” Giuliani baselessly alleged. “He’d like to see us collapse and see us taken over by the international... whatever.” Giuliani said that Derkach’s eventual sanctioning was the result of “an intelligence ploy to try to create problems for Trump—because Derkach could probably bury Obama.”

In the nearly hour-long phone conversation, Giuliani confirmed a prior Daily Beast report that he’d given Trump a heads-up about his latest salvo in his campaign against the Bidens—a long-running saga that birthed the Trump-Ukraine scandal and ended up getting Giuliani’s client, the leader of the free world, impeached at the hands of House Democrats.

“Sure, sure. The president knows all about this,” Giuliani said, adding that he had briefed Trump on the “general” parameters of the files.

But the Hunter Biden material, Giuliani also revealed, wasn’t just pre-screened with Trump. He also said that top Republicans on Capitol Hill had been looped into the matter. The president’s lawyer said the computer store repairman who claims to have received Hunter Biden’s laptop in 2019 alerted several lawmakers on Capitol Hill, including Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and others. “Jim Jordan. People like that,” Giuliani said, adding that he “believed” Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) had also received the materials. “But we’re the only ones that got all of it,” he said.

None of these lawmakers’ office responded to The Daily Beast on Friday night.

The origins of the laptop and the dissemination of the material purportedly on it have become an 11th hour election subplot that has been, perhaps, more difficult to follow than politically consequential. Critics have charged the president and his team with purposefully pushing disinformation. Social media giants have tried to slow the spread of related stories. And, through it all, Giuliani has been indignant at anyone who questions his ethics or motives.

Asked, for instance, whether he was concerned if the materials he obtained might in some way be linked to the hacking of Burisma late last year—an act attributed to Russian intelligence—Giuliani said: “Wouldn’t matter. What’s the difference?”

Giuliani said that prior to the Post’s publication of the story, he told the president “that there were… a number of photographs that show very explicit sexual activity, and other very personal things, and also display criminal conduct.”

But pressed on what in the photos and documents pointed to clear criminality, Giuliani would only point to Hunter Biden’s acknowledged drug use. “Smoking crack is a crime!” he exclaimed.

The president’s lawyer said that he did not show Trump any of the photos or documentation, because he didn’t want the president to start talking about the lurid content in any detail. Indeed, he said he advised Trump that should any salacious material be published about his 2020 Democratic opponent’s son, the president should simply say that “he will have to have it reviewed to see if it’s a danger to national security… because this is precisely the thing that they said they had on him… [with the urinating] prostitutes on the bed.”

All public evidence shows that Trump absolutely is interested in promoting “that sort of” thing about his political foes, whether it comes to the alleged bloody facelifts of a critical cable-news host, or the nonexistent “sex tape” of a Hillary Clinton-supporting Venezuelan celeb. However, Giuliani claimed that Trump “agreed with me” that he shouldn’t wade into those waters with regards to Hunter Biden.

Giuliani then conceded that the president “probably [will] talk about the drug addiction,” referring to Hunter Biden’s publicly-documented substance abuse issues.

Pressed on why he thought it was appropriate to so aggressively push sordid details of the drug past of the former VP’s son, who has openly discussed his past struggles with addiction, Giuliani insisted it could constitute a “major national-security threat” because it could have opened up Hunter, and therefore 2020 Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, to potential blackmailing efforts.

“If you have him on there smoking crack, you have him violating federal law,” he said. “Crack isn’t marijuana… Crack is crack.”

It’s a ridiculous assertion, of course. Hunter Biden has publicly admitted to his struggles with substance abuse—and such an admission would puncture any blackmail or national security issue. Addiction specialists have excoriated members of Team Trump for making similar claims.

“Addiction is a medical condition that affects millions of Americans each year, irrespective of any demographic. It is a disease, not a moral or character failing,” Marvin Ventrell, CEO of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers, told The Daily Beast earlier this month. “It is inappropriate, harmful, hurtful, and irresponsible when a public figure or person of influence disparages people suffering from addiction.”

When asked by The Daily Beast if he had any concerns about going down after Hunter Biden’s files, given that his prior work digging up dirt on the Bidens in Ukraine is precisely what got the president impeached, the former mayor replied, “I think [Trump] thinks the… impeachment was invalid. It would be totally unrealistic with three weeks to go in the campaign… not to use them. He owes it to the country to use them.”

Giuliani laid out a story about how he came to happen upon the Biden materials, saying John Paul Mac Issac, a computer repairman in Wilmington, Delaware who The Daily Beast interviewed earlier this week, got in touch with a number of individuals, including his lawyer, Robert Costello, alerting them that “he had Hunter Biden’s laptop,” Giuliani said.

Giuliani said Costello went to meet Mac Isaac and talk through the materials and that Costello only alerted him to the contents “three or four weeks ago.” Mac Isaac previously told The Daily Beast that he’d had the laptop for more than a year and that he’d alerted the FBI through an intermediary but also that the FBI had approached him about the materials. Under questioning by The Daily Beast and other reporters this week, Mac Isaac’s story about the laptop changed several times. He also refused to comment on any links to Giuliani.

The president’s personal attorney said he’d steered clear of telling reporters about the process by which he obtained the materials because he thought that is what the media would report on, not the contents of the laptop.

Giuliani said he viewed his latest leak to the New York Post as an extension of his years-long efforts to work with Ukrainians to dig up dirt on the Bidens. But nearly all of his former Ukrainian associates have either been arrested and indicted by federal law enforcement or are no longer welcome in the U.S. One of those individuals is Derkach, the pro-Russia Ukrainian parliamentarian sanctioned by the Treasury Department for being a “Russian agent” and peddling disinformation to undermine the 2020 presidential elections.

As The Daily Beast has previously reported, Derkach for years has tried to pass damaging—and largely false—information about the Ukraine government’s supposed attempts to undermine Trump, and the Bidens’ supposed dirty dealings in Kyiv. Derkach dispatched packets of disinformation about the Obama administration and the Bidens to lawmakers on Capitol Hill throughout 2019 and finally met with Giuliani in December 2019 in Kyiv during the middle of the House impeachment process. Derkach and Giuliani appeared together in an anti-Biden television series produced by the Trumpist network OAN, and Giuliani has interviewed Derkach about the Bidens on his YouTube video series Common Sense.

Giuliani said he plans to keep leaking materials about the Bidens, all of them from an alleged hard drive that Mac Isaac first obtained. Though he insisted that he believes Trump will win in November, then, he said, he couldn’t be sure if the materials would move the electoral needle in favor of Trump all that much and have as much “impact” as he may have hoped.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:17 am cradle, actual enforcement of Magnitsky Act sanctions would bite Putin and his oligarchs specifically.

So, too, would a renewed US leadership of NATO and a worldwide energy plan that would disembowel Russia from its last primary revenue source.

Imagine for a moment, a Europe chastened by its experience with far right groups fueled by Russia (yes, that's exactly what's been happening since the HRC effort to 'reset') with a renewed commitment by US leadership to NATO...could Europe commit to utilizing fossil fuels from the US as it weans itself off them altogether, again led by the US?

The landscape has changed a lot in the past decade.
Europe has had a taste of what the world looks like with aggressive Russia, peddling right wing kleptocracy and sowing division and racial/ethnic animosity, and a compliant, coupled with a retreating US led by a wannabe right wing kleptocrat....
The US, under Trump, is doing much more to "disembowel" Russia's energy industry & enforce Magnitsky Act sanctions than are our EU-NATO allies. Nordstream 2 ! The EUroburghers are propping up Putin, buying Russian energy then recouping their Euros by selling their autos & mfg goods in Russia. They talk the talk, then let the US do the heavy lifting.

You talk about a "renewed commitment" to NATO leadership. All you care about is rhetoric.
How about a renewed commitment to NATO followership by deploying some combat forces to the E flank, or just getting their planes airworthy & their armor out of mothballs. Mushy headed apologists like you make it easy for them to free ride.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:06 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:59 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:30 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:08 pm
RedFromMI wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:00 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:38 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:29 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:15 am
seacoaster wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:10 am The Source:

https://mobile.twitter.com/NoahShachtma ... 4477324288

“Sure, the U.S. Treasury Department may have declared one of his former associates—Ukrainian parliamentarian Andrii Derkach, who worked with Giuliani on his hunt for dirt on the Bidens—to be an “active Russian agent.” But that’s some Deep State talk, he added. “The chance that Derkach is a Russian spy is no better than 50/50.”

“My guess is that George Soros is behind this counter-offensive… because he wants to create a socialist country,” Giuliani baselessly alleged. “He’d like to see us collapse and see us taken over by the international... whatever.” Giuliani said that Derkach’s eventual sanctioning was the result of “an intelligence ploy to try to create problems for Trump—because Derkach could probably bury Obama.”

“...the international...whatever.” This only catches the attention of the “already deplorable.” He’s a disgrace.
Yup, for those who understand his meaning, the gross anti-semitism, it's a loud shout out.
Not a 'dog whistle' it's a bull horn to them.
QAnon love it, the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo, the KKK love it.

And of course the Russians love it.

What the rooskies will love is double barrel Joe running America. :D
Wonder why they're not trying to help him win...
I think the answer is obvious - Trump is much more pliable than Biden. No matter what cradle suggests...
What is double barrel joe's plan? What does pliability have to do with anything I am talking about. Double barrel Joe will be the new lead dog in the Democrat reset button towards Vlads Russia. If I am understanding MD correctly the olive branch double barrel is handing to Vlad resembles more of a sharp stick to the eye. That sure sounds like a real good plan to me. Keep ticking off the guy your party has spent 4 years calling every name in the book. How do you think Vlad is going to respond to double barrel Joe trying to antagonize him. That brings me back to my original question... Does double barrel Joe have a plan towards what his Russia policy will be? :!:
I don't know what Joe's plan is, but there's a very real opportunity to marry the very clear plan on energy and climate with the strategic objective of choking off Vlad et al.

And that certainly won't happen with Donald.
Nope, he just wants to be a kleptocrat too.
There is also a very real opportunity double barrel Joe might just back Vlad up into a corner. I hope you are thinking about what you are saying. What do you think Vlad will do if the US chokes him off? You think he caves or do you think he doubles down? My bet is he doubles down.
Putin is only more aggressive if not pushed back.
Sure, he'll make efforts to work asymmetrically, but his influence can be greatly reduced by international cooperation to confront it.

He can 'double down' but he'll lose more and more power as his own economics dry up.
Disagree 100% Putin is the equal to trump when it comes to his arrogance. The difference is Putin is very smart and devious. Do you remember who the last POTUS and VICE POTUS were when Vlad decided to intervene militarily in this region? You are trying to fool yourself if you think Vlad will back down. Vlad believes double barrel Joe to be a coward. He understands that to be true because of how double barrel Joe and his boss backed down to him once already. Double barrel Joe has a huge task in front of him if he is elected. His party has been chitting on Putin and denigrating him for 4 years. They never had to worry about how Vlad felt about everything they said about him. How quickly the tables can turn. In a couple of months double barrel Joe will be the man responsible for the direction of the relationship between the US and Russia. You want to tell me that putting Vlads chestnuts in a vice is going to get him to back down?

You can't possibly understand the arrogance that drives Putin if you seriously think he will back down. I figured MD that you are or use to be a chess player. How many moves ahead in this game are you thinking ahead? Vlad does not give a flying fig about what he might lose. He will never allow himself to lose face in the worlds eye. He is already filthy rich but next to his wealth his ego is not that far behind. Sorta kinda like that German guy with the funny mustache. Putin runs his country with an iron fist. He is not all that different from Josef Stalin. Where do you think he gets his inspiration from? What exactly do you think he is afraid of losing? He will take his entire freaking country down with him if that is what he decides to do. Go ahead and watch double barrel Joe box him into a corner. You seem to be under the impression you are dealing with some sort of a rational person. He may be reasonable until you actually back him in to a corner. I'm just so anxious to see how this all plays out.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by old salt »

Kismet wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 5:40 amLet me know when you (and Rudy) find the metadata on those emails or when you discover that the repair guy is LEGALLY BLIND.
Let us know when you find any actual link to Russia in this.
Has any Biden questioned the authenticity of Hunter's computer or claimed Hunter was hacked ?
After 4 years of this, you have to do more than just shout Russia-Russia-Russia & sling the same tired innuendo.
Show us some actual evidence that this is Russian disinformation.

obtw -- some of the most damaging emails have been verified by other addressees on those emails.
If any actual link to Russia can be shown, Trump has no chance of winning,
Last edited by old salt on Sat Oct 17, 2020 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:02 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:47 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:27 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:18 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:38 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:25 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:43 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:24 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:17 am by
cradle, actual enforcement of Magnitsky Act sanctions would bite Putin and his oligarchs specifically.

So, too, would a renewed US leadership of NATO and a worldwide energy plan that would disembowel Russia from its last primary revenue source.

Imagine for a moment, a Europe chastened by its experience with far right groups fueled by Russia (yes, that's exactly what's been happening since the HRC effort to 'reset') with a renewed commitment by US leadership to NATO...could Europe commit to utilizing fossil fuels from the US as it weans itself off them altogether, again led by the US?

The landscape has changed a lot in the past decade.
Europe has had a taste of what the world looks like with aggressive Russia, peddling right wing kleptocracy and sowing division and racial/ethnic animosity, and a compliant, coupled with a retreating US led by a wannabe right wing kleptocrat....
You are way too optimistic my friend. Putin does not care about sanctions. If you want US leadership of NATO you better hope double barrel Joe is ready to open up the us government treasury. This is funny you are now advocating the very same thing you and some other folks have been attacking Salty for advocating. A strong NATO is a good thing. Not so much when the us is footing the bill and providing the soldiers and heavy equipment needed.
I'm saying that the landscape has dramatically changed, cradle, so there's a quite new opportunity to rally allies to a common perspective and commitment.

The economics of that commitment can be addressed largely through using energy. Salty has long decried the reliance of Europe and specifically Germany on Russian fossil fuel. He's correct on that, but the politics of getting along with the Russians was very different a decade ago versus today, albeit with Trump firmly allied with, or compliant to, Putin, the Europeans have not had a viable alternative. And they've seen the costs of the right wing extremism being promoted by the Russians, the ethnic angers amplified by the Russians.

So, there's a very different landscape ahead, IF, and that's a big IF, the US can regain the confidence of allies. And IF we can get out of the zero sum box we've been in under Trump in thinking about these issues.

And yeah, there's a reason why Putin et al squawk so much about the Magnitsky Act sanctions. When enforced fully, they shut off their rather desperate attempts to own assets outside of Russia (which they know can disappear overnight if still in Russia), and to influence politics outside of Russia with financing.

But they need to be enforced.
I understand very well what you are saying. My reply is really very basic and simple. If you poke the bear the bear will poke back at you. If double barrel Joe wins he now has to smooth out all the acrimony and accusations that Democrats have been throwing at Putin for more than 4 years. The Democrats have spent 4 years dumping on the same plate they may soon have to eat off of. Putin may be a lot of things that you don't like but he is not stupid. If he has to manipulate a bunch of weak kneed Democrats that will be a piece of cake for him. There is the chance double barrel Joe will draw the same line in the sand his boss did. Vlad will laugh in his face. Double barrel Joe is holding nothing more than an empty squirt gun in his hand. Vlad will roll over double barrel Joe like he was a twinkie in his path. Sanctions...they scare the hell out of Vlad. :lol:
Hmmm, Vlad sure has worked hard to get DJT into the Oval Office, to support the NRA, to support various GOP wing nuts who are willing to sow divisiveness. It's been an enormous, though asymmetric, active measures campaign.

wonder why that Vlad did that?

Yup, the Magnitsky Act.

Remember Trump Tower meeting about "adoptions"??? Yup, Magnitsky Act.
When enforced, it really hurts the oligarchs. And it cuts off funding to all sorts of bad actors around the world.

Listen, I'm not saying that I have great confidence in Biden's capacity to rally allies to really strangle Putin, but I'm saying there's an opportunity to do so, if seized. The landscape has changed a lot.

And the mechanisms for this aren't about military buildup or saber rattling. It's about changing the economic reality for Putin and his kleptocracy, choking off their efforts to meddle in countries all over the world. The good news is that we really need to do the alternative energy path anyway, and it has huge implications for our other strategic challenges.

Of course, we DO have even bigger fish to fry than Russia, our strategic competition with China these next decades. Without our allies in this effort, we will inevitably fail to maintain free democracies in most of the world.
So your advocating this would be an ideal time to poke the bear? Hey that would not be my first option. I suppose double barrel Joe could send Hunter over to work out a deal. That is providing Hunter can remember where he left his laptop. :lol: I know that you and double barrel Joe are pretty close. He tell you what his plan for dealing with Vlad is? Give me a hint. Does it involve gold bars and C130 aircraft? ;)
cradle, now you're delving into troll territory.
You gonna vote for Joe or Donald?
Trolling my left nut. I asked a very simple question. I will refine it for you. You were the one implying it would be a good idea to poke the bear. What the hell do you think putting the screws to Vlad will lead to? Walk with me together down the road where this leads to happily ever after. I am looking forward to a few months down the road where double barrel has to mend the fences with Vlad. You better hope as well that double barrel Joe has a plan. It is not like Vlad has much love for the Democrat party right now.
There's no upside to 'mend fences with Vlad". He's proved that again and again.

And with no real resistance, he's only shown that he'll be more aggressive, with greater reach around the world.

But he can be contained far better, with consistent resolve and strategic vision.

Again, what I'm suggesting is that there's a marriage of multiple strategic interests that actually has the side benefit of choking Putin's capacity to do damage. Will he continue to try? Sure. But with more alignment across the world against such.

Whether Joe can pull that off diplomatically with our allies and whether his administration will have that kind of strategic vision remains to be seen.

But the opportunity is there.
"There's no upside to 'mend fences with Vlad". He's proved that again and again."

So go and poke him with a stick then. BTW, are you willing to send your only son over there to fight this fight? Because that is what your asking for a fight.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by cradleandshoot »

old salt wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 4:34 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:17 am cradle, actual enforcement of Magnitsky Act sanctions would bite Putin and his oligarchs specifically.

So, too, would a renewed US leadership of NATO and a worldwide energy plan that would disembowel Russia from its last primary revenue source.

Imagine for a moment, a Europe chastened by its experience with far right groups fueled by Russia (yes, that's exactly what's been happening since the HRC effort to 'reset') with a renewed commitment by US leadership to NATO...could Europe commit to utilizing fossil fuels from the US as it weans itself off them altogether, again led by the US?

The landscape has changed a lot in the past decade.
Europe has had a taste of what the world looks like with aggressive Russia, peddling right wing kleptocracy and sowing division and racial/ethnic animosity, and a compliant, coupled with a retreating US led by a wannabe right wing kleptocrat....
The US, under Trump, is doing much more to "disembowel" Russia's energy industry & enforce Magnitsky Act sanctions than are our EU-NATO allies. Nordstream 2 ! The EUroburghers are propping up Putin, buying Russian energy then recouping their Euros by selling their autos & mfg goods in Russia. They talk the talk, then let the US do the heavy lifting.

You talk about a "renewed commitment" to NATO leadership. All you care about is rhetoric.
How about a renewed commitment to NATO followership by deploying some combat forces to the E flank, or just getting their planes airworthy & their armor out of mothballs. Mushy headed apologists like you make it easy for them to free ride.
+1 The expectation here will always be that our military will wind up doing all the dirty work and the dying when needed.
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by old salt »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 4:57 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:02 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:47 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:27 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:18 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:38 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:25 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:43 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:24 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:17 am by
cradle, actual enforcement of Magnitsky Act sanctions would bite Putin and his oligarchs specifically.

So, too, would a renewed US leadership of NATO and a worldwide energy plan that would disembowel Russia from its last primary revenue source.

Imagine for a moment, a Europe chastened by its experience with far right groups fueled by Russia (yes, that's exactly what's been happening since the HRC effort to 'reset') with a renewed commitment by US leadership to NATO...could Europe commit to utilizing fossil fuels from the US as it weans itself off them altogether, again led by the US?

The landscape has changed a lot in the past decade.
Europe has had a taste of what the world looks like with aggressive Russia, peddling right wing kleptocracy and sowing division and racial/ethnic animosity, and a compliant, coupled with a retreating US led by a wannabe right wing kleptocrat....
You are way too optimistic my friend. Putin does not care about sanctions. If you want US leadership of NATO you better hope double barrel Joe is ready to open up the us government treasury. This is funny you are now advocating the very same thing you and some other folks have been attacking Salty for advocating. A strong NATO is a good thing. Not so much when the us is footing the bill and providing the soldiers and heavy equipment needed.
I'm saying that the landscape has dramatically changed, cradle, so there's a quite new opportunity to rally allies to a common perspective and commitment.

The economics of that commitment can be addressed largely through using energy. Salty has long decried the reliance of Europe and specifically Germany on Russian fossil fuel. He's correct on that, but the politics of getting along with the Russians was very different a decade ago versus today, albeit with Trump firmly allied with, or compliant to, Putin, the Europeans have not had a viable alternative. And they've seen the costs of the right wing extremism being promoted by the Russians, the ethnic angers amplified by the Russians.

So, there's a very different landscape ahead, IF, and that's a big IF, the US can regain the confidence of allies. And IF we can get out of the zero sum box we've been in under Trump in thinking about these issues.

And yeah, there's a reason why Putin et al squawk so much about the Magnitsky Act sanctions. When enforced fully, they shut off their rather desperate attempts to own assets outside of Russia (which they know can disappear overnight if still in Russia), and to influence politics outside of Russia with financing.

But they need to be enforced.
I understand very well what you are saying. My reply is really very basic and simple. If you poke the bear the bear will poke back at you. If double barrel Joe wins he now has to smooth out all the acrimony and accusations that Democrats have been throwing at Putin for more than 4 years. The Democrats have spent 4 years dumping on the same plate they may soon have to eat off of. Putin may be a lot of things that you don't like but he is not stupid. If he has to manipulate a bunch of weak kneed Democrats that will be a piece of cake for him. There is the chance double barrel Joe will draw the same line in the sand his boss did. Vlad will laugh in his face. Double barrel Joe is holding nothing more than an empty squirt gun in his hand. Vlad will roll over double barrel Joe like he was a twinkie in his path. Sanctions...they scare the hell out of Vlad. :lol:
Hmmm, Vlad sure has worked hard to get DJT into the Oval Office, to support the NRA, to support various GOP wing nuts who are willing to sow divisiveness. It's been an enormous, though asymmetric, active measures campaign.

wonder why that Vlad did that?

Yup, the Magnitsky Act.

Remember Trump Tower meeting about "adoptions"??? Yup, Magnitsky Act.
When enforced, it really hurts the oligarchs. And it cuts off funding to all sorts of bad actors around the world.

Listen, I'm not saying that I have great confidence in Biden's capacity to rally allies to really strangle Putin, but I'm saying there's an opportunity to do so, if seized. The landscape has changed a lot.

And the mechanisms for this aren't about military buildup or saber rattling. It's about changing the economic reality for Putin and his kleptocracy, choking off their efforts to meddle in countries all over the world. The good news is that we really need to do the alternative energy path anyway, and it has huge implications for our other strategic challenges.

Of course, we DO have even bigger fish to fry than Russia, our strategic competition with China these next decades. Without our allies in this effort, we will inevitably fail to maintain free democracies in most of the world.
So your advocating this would be an ideal time to poke the bear? Hey that would not be my first option. I suppose double barrel Joe could send Hunter over to work out a deal. That is providing Hunter can remember where he left his laptop. :lol: I know that you and double barrel Joe are pretty close. He tell you what his plan for dealing with Vlad is? Give me a hint. Does it involve gold bars and C130 aircraft? ;)
cradle, now you're delving into troll territory.
You gonna vote for Joe or Donald?
Trolling my left nut. I asked a very simple question. I will refine it for you. You were the one implying it would be a good idea to poke the bear. What the hell do you think putting the screws to Vlad will lead to? Walk with me together down the road where this leads to happily ever after. I am looking forward to a few months down the road where double barrel has to mend the fences with Vlad. You better hope as well that double barrel Joe has a plan. It is not like Vlad has much love for the Democrat party right now.
There's no upside to 'mend fences with Vlad". He's proved that again and again.

And with no real resistance, he's only shown that he'll be more aggressive, with greater reach around the world.

But he can be contained far better, with consistent resolve and strategic vision.

Again, what I'm suggesting is that there's a marriage of multiple strategic interests that actually has the side benefit of choking Putin's capacity to do damage. Will he continue to try? Sure. But with more alignment across the world against such.

Whether Joe can pull that off diplomatically with our allies and whether his administration will have that kind of strategic vision remains to be seen.

But the opportunity is there.
"There's no upside to 'mend fences with Vlad". He's proved that again and again."

So go and poke him with a stick then. BTW, are you willing to send your only son over there to fight this fight? Because that is what your asking for a fight.
The US does not have the leverage to coerce Putin to change course. All we can do is contain & deter him militarily.
The EUroburghers are unwilling to leverage Putin because it is counter to their commercial self-interest.
They don't want to increase military tensions so they're foot dragging on their defense spending, readiness & deployments.
What did 8 years of inspired NATO leadership by Obama/Biden yield ?
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Yup, keep apologizing for Trump kowtowing to Putin.
No one could do better than our Der Leader.

The US certainly can't stand up Vlad, he's such a strong leader.

Isolation is such a winning strategy. :roll:
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 4:57 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 3:02 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:47 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 2:27 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 12:18 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:38 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 11:25 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:43 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:24 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 9:17 am by
cradle, actual enforcement of Magnitsky Act sanctions would bite Putin and his oligarchs specifically.

So, too, would a renewed US leadership of NATO and a worldwide energy plan that would disembowel Russia from its last primary revenue source.

Imagine for a moment, a Europe chastened by its experience with far right groups fueled by Russia (yes, that's exactly what's been happening since the HRC effort to 'reset') with a renewed commitment by US leadership to NATO...could Europe commit to utilizing fossil fuels from the US as it weans itself off them altogether, again led by the US?

The landscape has changed a lot in the past decade.
Europe has had a taste of what the world looks like with aggressive Russia, peddling right wing kleptocracy and sowing division and racial/ethnic animosity, and a compliant, coupled with a retreating US led by a wannabe right wing kleptocrat....
You are way too optimistic my friend. Putin does not care about sanctions. If you want US leadership of NATO you better hope double barrel Joe is ready to open up the us government treasury. This is funny you are now advocating the very same thing you and some other folks have been attacking Salty for advocating. A strong NATO is a good thing. Not so much when the us is footing the bill and providing the soldiers and heavy equipment needed.
I'm saying that the landscape has dramatically changed, cradle, so there's a quite new opportunity to rally allies to a common perspective and commitment.

The economics of that commitment can be addressed largely through using energy. Salty has long decried the reliance of Europe and specifically Germany on Russian fossil fuel. He's correct on that, but the politics of getting along with the Russians was very different a decade ago versus today, albeit with Trump firmly allied with, or compliant to, Putin, the Europeans have not had a viable alternative. And they've seen the costs of the right wing extremism being promoted by the Russians, the ethnic angers amplified by the Russians.

So, there's a very different landscape ahead, IF, and that's a big IF, the US can regain the confidence of allies. And IF we can get out of the zero sum box we've been in under Trump in thinking about these issues.

And yeah, there's a reason why Putin et al squawk so much about the Magnitsky Act sanctions. When enforced fully, they shut off their rather desperate attempts to own assets outside of Russia (which they know can disappear overnight if still in Russia), and to influence politics outside of Russia with financing.

But they need to be enforced.
I understand very well what you are saying. My reply is really very basic and simple. If you poke the bear the bear will poke back at you. If double barrel Joe wins he now has to smooth out all the acrimony and accusations that Democrats have been throwing at Putin for more than 4 years. The Democrats have spent 4 years dumping on the same plate they may soon have to eat off of. Putin may be a lot of things that you don't like but he is not stupid. If he has to manipulate a bunch of weak kneed Democrats that will be a piece of cake for him. There is the chance double barrel Joe will draw the same line in the sand his boss did. Vlad will laugh in his face. Double barrel Joe is holding nothing more than an empty squirt gun in his hand. Vlad will roll over double barrel Joe like he was a twinkie in his path. Sanctions...they scare the hell out of Vlad. :lol:
Hmmm, Vlad sure has worked hard to get DJT into the Oval Office, to support the NRA, to support various GOP wing nuts who are willing to sow divisiveness. It's been an enormous, though asymmetric, active measures campaign.

wonder why that Vlad did that?

Yup, the Magnitsky Act.

Remember Trump Tower meeting about "adoptions"??? Yup, Magnitsky Act.
When enforced, it really hurts the oligarchs. And it cuts off funding to all sorts of bad actors around the world.

Listen, I'm not saying that I have great confidence in Biden's capacity to rally allies to really strangle Putin, but I'm saying there's an opportunity to do so, if seized. The landscape has changed a lot.

And the mechanisms for this aren't about military buildup or saber rattling. It's about changing the economic reality for Putin and his kleptocracy, choking off their efforts to meddle in countries all over the world. The good news is that we really need to do the alternative energy path anyway, and it has huge implications for our other strategic challenges.

Of course, we DO have even bigger fish to fry than Russia, our strategic competition with China these next decades. Without our allies in this effort, we will inevitably fail to maintain free democracies in most of the world.
So your advocating this would be an ideal time to poke the bear? Hey that would not be my first option. I suppose double barrel Joe could send Hunter over to work out a deal. That is providing Hunter can remember where he left his laptop. :lol: I know that you and double barrel Joe are pretty close. He tell you what his plan for dealing with Vlad is? Give me a hint. Does it involve gold bars and C130 aircraft? ;)
cradle, now you're delving into troll territory.
You gonna vote for Joe or Donald?
Trolling my left nut. I asked a very simple question. I will refine it for you. You were the one implying it would be a good idea to poke the bear. What the hell do you think putting the screws to Vlad will lead to? Walk with me together down the road where this leads to happily ever after. I am looking forward to a few months down the road where double barrel has to mend the fences with Vlad. You better hope as well that double barrel Joe has a plan. It is not like Vlad has much love for the Democrat party right now.
There's no upside to 'mend fences with Vlad". He's proved that again and again.

And with no real resistance, he's only shown that he'll be more aggressive, with greater reach around the world.

But he can be contained far better, with consistent resolve and strategic vision.

Again, what I'm suggesting is that there's a marriage of multiple strategic interests that actually has the side benefit of choking Putin's capacity to do damage. Will he continue to try? Sure. But with more alignment across the world against such.

Whether Joe can pull that off diplomatically with our allies and whether his administration will have that kind of strategic vision remains to be seen.

But the opportunity is there.
"There's no upside to 'mend fences with Vlad". He's proved that again and again."

So go and poke him with a stick then. BTW, are you willing to send your only son over there to fight this fight? Because that is what your asking for a fight.
Seriously, you see a hot war in the offing with Vlad?

I don't.

Putin's not dumb, nor is he suicidal.

I agree with Salty about constraining Putin militarily, but the very best weapons we have are soft power, the organization of our allies to change the economics that support Putin's kleptocracy.

W and Obama both thought they could work with Putin, that he wasn't a serious risk. And we end up with Trump and right wing politics ablaze in Europe, an increasingly aggressive Russia with a foothold and credibility for the first time in decades, with ambitions beyond.

Have the Europeans and other democracies come to recognize, as at least many of here in the US have, that Putin will never be satisfied with a passive role in the world, peacefully coexisting with Russia's neighbors?

Do they realize, now, that energy dependence on Russia puts them in a very bad position?

But they will need to be secure that the US will actually stay the course and be a reliable partner.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sat Oct 17, 2020 4:43 pm
If any actual link to Russia can be shown, Trump has no chance of winning,
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Riiiiiiiight. TrumpFans will turn on him. :lol: :lol:

Whoo. Good one.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by njbill »

I never was a big fan of Rudy’s, even after 911, but boy has he gone off the deep end. I seriously wonder if there is something wrong with him.

All of this new stuff is 100% fabricated or stolen. Don’t agree with that? Let’s see the evidence that any of it is authentic or obtained legally.

His claim to not know the Russians are involved is simply not credible. The only question is how deep he has embedded himself with the Russians.

I’m sure he has a deal with Trump for Trump to give him a blanket pardon before he leaves office. Wonder if any of the crimes he has been committing of late are state crimes as well?
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Re: 2020 Elections - Dems vs Trumpublicons

Post by seacoaster »

Watch a few of these. This is the Republican candidate for the Presidency. And Andy McCarthy says we can’t countenance Joe. What the F@ck happened to sone of you?

https://mobile.twitter.com/atrupar/stat ... 9171127296
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