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Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:58 am
by CU88a
old salt wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:51 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:08 am Sure, his policies: ... 4224013777

Dog boy will vote for him again anyway.
I never voted for Trump & never will.

I just refuse to ignore what his enemies have done, & are continuing to do, to take him out.

The ends do not justify the means.
If true, where is your same energy toward Joe B and the current farcical House impeachment hearings?

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 10:08 am
by Seacoaster(1)
CU88a wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:58 am
old salt wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:51 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:08 am Sure, his policies: ... 4224013777

Dog boy will vote for him again anyway.
I never voted for Trump & never will.

I just refuse to ignore what his enemies have done, & are continuing to do, to take him out.

The ends do not justify the means.
If true, where is your same energy toward Joe B and the current farcical House impeachment hearings?
Totally different.....You must be a zealot.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 10:38 am
by njbill
I heard the Republicans hired John Durham to be lead impeachment counsel. That way the investigation will be sure to be concluded by 2040.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 11:27 am
by a fan
CU88a wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:58 am
old salt wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:51 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:08 am Sure, his policies: ... 4224013777

Dog boy will vote for him again anyway.
I never voted for Trump & never will.

I just refuse to ignore what his enemies have done, & are continuing to do, to take him out.

The ends do not justify the means.
If true, where is your same energy toward Joe B and the current farcical House impeachment hearings?
He knows his hypocrisy runs deep. He just doesn't care, is all.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 11:27 am
by Farfromgeneva
Kismet wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 6:43 am
old salt wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:51 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:08 am Sure, his policies: ... 4224013777

Dog boy will vote for him again anyway.
I never voted for Trump & never will.

I just refuse to ignore what his enemies have done, & are continuing to do, to take him out.

The ends do not justify the means.
That's your opinion. Has it ever occurred to you that the illegal activities for which he is charged are actually true?
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
You won't even condemn or criticize his comments and actions against veterans (especially dead and wounded one) and military officers.

Just yesterday in an interview he used Nazi references to migrants "poisoning the blood" of this country - right out of Mein Kampf. You won't even criticize any of his bad acts while you play this disingenuous game of Who me? I didn't vote for him.
This is what delusional looks like. Out of touch with reality while convinced everyone else is off base. It’s like Holden Caulfield meets Benjamin Button.

So brave defending such a deserving soul from evil attacks of bad people will I’ll intent and harm in their hearts. He’s the real hero. (Though if you really think about it, makes you wonder whether we have a Rosenberg in our midst here)

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:05 pm
by a fan
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:20 am
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:45 am
old salt wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:55 pm You really need to ask yourself how & why Trump has so much support.
Oh, I have. And I'd tell you why, but you don't want to hear it.

You are physically unable to explain why Trump has so much support, without bringing up the Dems or "the Libs".

Because you're unwilling to look in the mirror, and examine your own party, OS. You can't do it.
So go ahead & tell me. Why does Trump have millions of followers ?
If you want to go past "because they want Trump to lead their party?

It's because 40 years Reaganomics and Republican Trickle down economic policy has failed them completely. It didn't work. At all.

-going with privatized health care and education has left then holding their willies in the cold. These voters are left behind with school and health care they can't afford.

-R's chose wars overseas to protect the 1%ers interests over investing in working class Americans

-and Reagan started pulling apart Unions..the only thing left between working class and irrelevancy in the global market

-NATFA and other R supported policies moved labor values to the global mean. Which royally F'ed the R base.

-Health care costs exploded, giving the bottom 50% of earners 2nd world health care (the ER, to fix catastrophic problems, instead of overall actual health care.

-then you move to what makes their economic status unbearable for them.....

-all the money and good deals in America all shovel money to the overeducated coastal liberal elites....and they continue to do that to this day. Trump's policies ACCELERATED this problem. (trump voters don't care...they've given up)

-these liberal elites include people who up until the last 20 years had no voice. So now that we're hearing from the gay and minority communities, the flyover working class is losing their minds. THEY used to be all that anyone listened to in media and politics. They're out of their minds because they aren't calling 100% of the shots culturally, and this loss of power is freaking them out. So all their prejudices are bubbling to the surface. You see this in their mantra "go woke go broke" which is a transparently sad death rattle from them which says "see, Mommy! We're still important, and people HAVE to listen to our opinions"

-so Trump, a card carrying 1%er who had Hillary at his latest wedding knows all this, and starts stoking their fears, and makes them think he's listening to them, when he's doing no such thing. Trump's policies are moving MORE money to these coastal libs, faster than ever. But policies and reality are immaterial to these voters. And we know this, because Trump's biggest accomplishment was a fat tax cut to the 1%ers, which is royally F'ing Trump voters....who simply don't care.

-in short, it's a national pathology where the R policies have failed them, but like you, they're unwilling to accept that, and start voting for Dems like Sanders who DO have policies that are designed to help the working class.

-and R leaders don't think they can change course, because they and FoxNation have been selling this "small government" notion that smart guys like McConnell know full well screws the R working class base. The result of this? R's haven't had a policy that REALLY helps the working class in over 20 years. The R party is stuck, and knows that only liberal economic policies----free health care, free vocational training, etc.----are the ONLY way to help these Trump voters.

-so what do they do instead? They tell voters that they'll stop cultural change (which they cannot do), instead of actually working to help their base get out of their lot in life. Things like keepin' the gays from reading books, or (snicker) selling beer to them. You know: the REALLY important stuff. :roll:

So until a R leader actually comes out to help the working class? We'll continue to get Trump and TrumpClones selling to voters that they'll "stop the gays"...while their real policies make the coastal liberal elite more and more wealthy. Rinse. Repeat.

It's a combination of zero leadership and policy from the R leaders, their loss of economic power and the jealousy of those who have economic power. Then you pile on to this loss of self0worth and self-esteem the fact that American culture is passing them by.....and you get three nomination of Trump who feeds their lowest and basest thoughts.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:10 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:20 am
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:45 am
old salt wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:55 pm You really need to ask yourself how & why Trump has so much support.
Oh, I have. And I'd tell you why, but you don't want to hear it.

You are physically unable to explain why Trump has so much support, without bringing up the Dems or "the Libs".

Because you're unwilling to look in the mirror, and examine your own party, OS. You can't do it.
So go ahead & tell me. Why do I support Trump?
Fixed it.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:14 pm
by Farfromgeneva
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:05 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:20 am
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:45 am
old salt wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:55 pm You really need to ask yourself how & why Trump has so much support.
Oh, I have. And I'd tell you why, but you don't want to hear it.

You are physically unable to explain why Trump has so much support, without bringing up the Dems or "the Libs".

Because you're unwilling to look in the mirror, and examine your own party, OS. You can't do it.
So go ahead & tell me. Why does Trump have millions of followers ?
If you want to go past "because they want Trump to lead their party?

It's because 40 years Reaganomics and Republican Trickle down economic policy has failed them completely. It didn't work. At all.

-going with privatized health care and education has left then holding their willies in the cold. These voters are left behind with school and health care they can't afford.

-R's chose wars overseas to protect the 1%ers interests over investing in working class Americans

-and Reagan started pulling apart Unions..the only thing left between working class and irrelevancy in the global market

-NATFA and other R supported policies moved labor values to the global mean. Which royally F'ed the R base.

-Health care costs exploded, giving the bottom 50% of earners 2nd world health care (the ER, to fix catastrophic problems, instead of overall actual health care.

-then you move to what makes their economic status unbearable for them.....

-all the money and good deals in America all shovel money to the overeducated coastal liberal elites....and they continue to do that to this day. Trump's policies ACCELERATED this problem. (trump voters don't care...they've given up)

-these liberal elites include people who up until the last 20 years had no voice. So now that we're hearing from the gay and minority communities, the flyover working class is losing their minds. THEY used to be all that anyone listened to in media and politics. They're out of their minds because they aren't calling 100% of the shots culturally, and this loss of power is freaking them out. So all their prejudices are bubbling to the surface. You see this in their mantra "go woke go broke" which is a transparently sad death rattle from them which says "see, Mommy! We're still important, and people HAVE to listen to our opinions"

-so Trump, a card carrying 1%er who had Hillary at his latest wedding knows all this, and starts stoking their fears, and makes them think he's listening to them, when he's doing no such thing. Trump's policies are moving MORE money to these coastal libs, faster than ever. But policies and reality are immaterial to these voters. And we know this, because Trump's biggest accomplishment was a fat tax cut to the 1%ers, which is royally F'ing Trump voters....who simply don't care.

-in short, it's a national pathology where the R policies have failed them, but like you, they're unwilling to accept that, and start voting for Dems like Sanders who DO have policies that are designed to help the working class.

-and R leaders don't think they can change course, because they and FoxNation have been selling this "small government" notion that smart guys like McConnell know full well screws the R working class base. The result of this? R's haven't had a policy that REALLY helps the working class in over 20 years. The R party is stuck, and knows that only liberal economic policies----free health care, free vocational training, etc.----are the ONLY way to help these Trump voters.

-so what do they do instead? They tell voters that they'll stop cultural change (which they cannot do), instead of actually working to help their base get out of their lot in life. Things like keepin' the gays from reading books, or (snicker) selling beer to them. You know: the REALLY important stuff. :roll:

So until a R leader actually comes out to help the working class? We'll continue to get Trump and TrumpClones selling to voters that they'll "stop the gays"...while their real policies make the coastal liberal elite more and more wealthy. Rinse. Repeat.

It's a combination of zero leadership and policy from the R leaders, their loss of economic power and the jealousy of those who have economic power. Then you pile on to this loss of self0worth and self-esteem the fact that American culture is passing them by.....and you get three nomination of Trump who feeds their lowest and basest thoughts.
Wayyyyy too many words.

The answer is because populism appeals to most thoughtless, least introspective, animalistic instincts of man. It’s that simple. Political theatre for simple people. There’s nothing deeper than that. No special answer that will indict everyone on the left or prove some bitter old man right.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:42 pm
by a fan
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:14 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:05 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:20 am
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:45 am
old salt wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:55 pm You really need to ask yourself how & why Trump has so much support.
Oh, I have. And I'd tell you why, but you don't want to hear it.

You are physically unable to explain why Trump has so much support, without bringing up the Dems or "the Libs".

Because you're unwilling to look in the mirror, and examine your own party, OS. You can't do it.
So go ahead & tell me. Why does Trump have millions of followers ?
If you want to go past "because they want Trump to lead their party?

It's because 40 years Reaganomics and Republican Trickle down economic policy has failed them completely. It didn't work. At all.

-going with privatized health care and education has left then holding their willies in the cold. These voters are left behind with school and health care they can't afford.

-R's chose wars overseas to protect the 1%ers interests over investing in working class Americans

-and Reagan started pulling apart Unions..the only thing left between working class and irrelevancy in the global market

-NATFA and other R supported policies moved labor values to the global mean. Which royally F'ed the R base.

-Health care costs exploded, giving the bottom 50% of earners 2nd world health care (the ER, to fix catastrophic problems, instead of overall actual health care.

-then you move to what makes their economic status unbearable for them.....

-all the money and good deals in America all shovel money to the overeducated coastal liberal elites....and they continue to do that to this day. Trump's policies ACCELERATED this problem. (trump voters don't care...they've given up)

-these liberal elites include people who up until the last 20 years had no voice. So now that we're hearing from the gay and minority communities, the flyover working class is losing their minds. THEY used to be all that anyone listened to in media and politics. They're out of their minds because they aren't calling 100% of the shots culturally, and this loss of power is freaking them out. So all their prejudices are bubbling to the surface. You see this in their mantra "go woke go broke" which is a transparently sad death rattle from them which says "see, Mommy! We're still important, and people HAVE to listen to our opinions"

-so Trump, a card carrying 1%er who had Hillary at his latest wedding knows all this, and starts stoking their fears, and makes them think he's listening to them, when he's doing no such thing. Trump's policies are moving MORE money to these coastal libs, faster than ever. But policies and reality are immaterial to these voters. And we know this, because Trump's biggest accomplishment was a fat tax cut to the 1%ers, which is royally F'ing Trump voters....who simply don't care.

-in short, it's a national pathology where the R policies have failed them, but like you, they're unwilling to accept that, and start voting for Dems like Sanders who DO have policies that are designed to help the working class.

-and R leaders don't think they can change course, because they and FoxNation have been selling this "small government" notion that smart guys like McConnell know full well screws the R working class base. The result of this? R's haven't had a policy that REALLY helps the working class in over 20 years. The R party is stuck, and knows that only liberal economic policies----free health care, free vocational training, etc.----are the ONLY way to help these Trump voters.

-so what do they do instead? They tell voters that they'll stop cultural change (which they cannot do), instead of actually working to help their base get out of their lot in life. Things like keepin' the gays from reading books, or (snicker) selling beer to them. You know: the REALLY important stuff. :roll:

So until a R leader actually comes out to help the working class? We'll continue to get Trump and TrumpClones selling to voters that they'll "stop the gays"...while their real policies make the coastal liberal elite more and more wealthy. Rinse. Repeat.

It's a combination of zero leadership and policy from the R leaders, their loss of economic power and the jealousy of those who have economic power. Then you pile on to this loss of self0worth and self-esteem the fact that American culture is passing them by.....and you get three nomination of Trump who feeds their lowest and basest thoughts.
Wayyyyy too many words.

The answer is because populism appeals to most thoughtless, least introspective, animalistic instincts of man. It’s that simple. Political theatre for simple people. There’s nothing deeper than that. No special answer that will indict everyone on the left or prove some bitter old man right.
:lol: You’re not wrong. But I was pointing out that there is a leadership void in the R party because the Rs can’t keep selling trickledown.

What they CAN sell is ——populism and fear. You’re right

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 3:03 pm
by Farfromgeneva
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:42 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:14 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:05 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:20 am
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:45 am
old salt wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:55 pm You really need to ask yourself how & why Trump has so much support.
Oh, I have. And I'd tell you why, but you don't want to hear it.

You are physically unable to explain why Trump has so much support, without bringing up the Dems or "the Libs".

Because you're unwilling to look in the mirror, and examine your own party, OS. You can't do it.
So go ahead & tell me. Why does Trump have millions of followers ?
If you want to go past "because they want Trump to lead their party?

It's because 40 years Reaganomics and Republican Trickle down economic policy has failed them completely. It didn't work. At all.

-going with privatized health care and education has left then holding their willies in the cold. These voters are left behind with school and health care they can't afford.

-R's chose wars overseas to protect the 1%ers interests over investing in working class Americans

-and Reagan started pulling apart Unions..the only thing left between working class and irrelevancy in the global market

-NATFA and other R supported policies moved labor values to the global mean. Which royally F'ed the R base.

-Health care costs exploded, giving the bottom 50% of earners 2nd world health care (the ER, to fix catastrophic problems, instead of overall actual health care.

-then you move to what makes their economic status unbearable for them.....

-all the money and good deals in America all shovel money to the overeducated coastal liberal elites....and they continue to do that to this day. Trump's policies ACCELERATED this problem. (trump voters don't care...they've given up)

-these liberal elites include people who up until the last 20 years had no voice. So now that we're hearing from the gay and minority communities, the flyover working class is losing their minds. THEY used to be all that anyone listened to in media and politics. They're out of their minds because they aren't calling 100% of the shots culturally, and this loss of power is freaking them out. So all their prejudices are bubbling to the surface. You see this in their mantra "go woke go broke" which is a transparently sad death rattle from them which says "see, Mommy! We're still important, and people HAVE to listen to our opinions"

-so Trump, a card carrying 1%er who had Hillary at his latest wedding knows all this, and starts stoking their fears, and makes them think he's listening to them, when he's doing no such thing. Trump's policies are moving MORE money to these coastal libs, faster than ever. But policies and reality are immaterial to these voters. And we know this, because Trump's biggest accomplishment was a fat tax cut to the 1%ers, which is royally F'ing Trump voters....who simply don't care.

-in short, it's a national pathology where the R policies have failed them, but like you, they're unwilling to accept that, and start voting for Dems like Sanders who DO have policies that are designed to help the working class.

-and R leaders don't think they can change course, because they and FoxNation have been selling this "small government" notion that smart guys like McConnell know full well screws the R working class base. The result of this? R's haven't had a policy that REALLY helps the working class in over 20 years. The R party is stuck, and knows that only liberal economic policies----free health care, free vocational training, etc.----are the ONLY way to help these Trump voters.

-so what do they do instead? They tell voters that they'll stop cultural change (which they cannot do), instead of actually working to help their base get out of their lot in life. Things like keepin' the gays from reading books, or (snicker) selling beer to them. You know: the REALLY important stuff. :roll:

So until a R leader actually comes out to help the working class? We'll continue to get Trump and TrumpClones selling to voters that they'll "stop the gays"...while their real policies make the coastal liberal elite more and more wealthy. Rinse. Repeat.

It's a combination of zero leadership and policy from the R leaders, their loss of economic power and the jealousy of those who have economic power. Then you pile on to this loss of self0worth and self-esteem the fact that American culture is passing them by.....and you get three nomination of Trump who feeds their lowest and basest thoughts.
Wayyyyy too many words.

The answer is because populism appeals to most thoughtless, least introspective, animalistic instincts of man. It’s that simple. Political theatre for simple people. There’s nothing deeper than that. No special answer that will indict everyone on the left or prove some bitter old man right.
:lol: You’re not wrong. But I was pointing out that there is a leadership void in the R party because the Rs can’t keep selling trickledown.

What they CAN sell is ——populism and fear. You’re right

F those urban folks…except Kanye
F those Zionist banker globalists. Except Sheldon Adelson and Rebekah Mercer
F govt spending….Except military and senior benefits.
F immigrants…except the ones that work at my spots
F the liberals except when I used to blow them under the table to improve my fringe spot in society

And on and on. Just say what people want to hear or believe they want to hear.

Yeah, there’s some special enlightened explanation for the following that leads back to the other side being the worst people in the world ruining it for us all.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:39 pm
by old salt
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 8:56 am Sorry you didn't like other folks' rough political expression, tough guy.
That's ok. I laughed it off, just like I do with Trump's bluster.

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:41 pm
by Typical Lax Dad
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:39 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 8:56 am Sorry you didn't like other folks' rough political expression, tough guy.
That's ok. I laughed it off, just like I do with Trump's bluster.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: 2024

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:45 pm
by old salt
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:05 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:20 am
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:45 am
old salt wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:55 pm You really need to ask yourself how & why Trump has so much support.
Oh, I have. And I'd tell you why, but you don't want to hear it.

You are physically unable to explain why Trump has so much support, without bringing up the Dems or "the Libs".

Because you're unwilling to look in the mirror, and examine your own party, OS. You can't do it.
So go ahead & tell me. Why does Trump have millions of followers ?
If you want to go past "because they want Trump to lead their party?
No need to -- they obviously do want Trump to lead the GOP. You're trapped in your time machine. ... ing-signs/

Here's a hint, closer to home. Just a "cultural issue". :roll: : ... -business/
Denver Gay Bar to Close after Homeless Camps Drove Customers Away, ‘Slowly Suffocated’ Business

When Scott Coors and his husband resurrected Denver’s historic Triangle Bar in 2017, it quickly became known as a safe and popular gathering spot for the city’s LGBTQ community.
It billed itself as “Denver’s premium LGBTQ bar,” and it received national praise as one of the country’s best. The business thrived.

But Coors and his husband closed the Triangle Bar this week due to what they’ve described as ever-expanding homeless encampments that have “slowly suffocated” the business.

Drug-addled homeless people threaten and harass customers, Coors said. They vandalize the building, breaking windows to steal liquor. They relieve themselves by the parking lot and sometimes in the courtyard. They litter the ground with drug paraphernalia.

And too often, city leaders have done nothing to help.

“The encampments surrounding us pose a health and safety concern to our staff and guests that has slowly suffocated our business,” reads an email announcing the closure.

Like many big Western cities, Denver has struggled to control and snuff out growing homeless encampments. In an interview with National Review on Friday, Coors blamed the Triangle Bar’s demise on a lack of action by Denver leaders and their seeming reluctance to enforce anti-camping laws and laws against public drug use.

“Our prior administration was completely worthless, and literally screwed the city and left it in a state of horrible disrepair,” Coors said of Michael Hancock, the former Democratic mayor who left office in July after 12 years at the city’s helm. Coors said that new mayor, Democrat Mike Johnston, is overwhelmed. “And he’s saying, give me six months to fix this, and I’m like, you don’t have six months with me. You just don’t. I don’t have that runway.”

Coors said there are now more than 100 homeless people living on the streets within a few blocks of the Triangle. And with no city enforcement, they’ve been emboldened.

One homeless person threw the wheel of a car through the bar’s window, Coors said. The homeless campers have yelled out homophobic slurs at the bar’s customers. One man threatened to stab a Triangle Bar consultant who was taking pictures in the neighborhood, Coors said. A few weeks ago, a homeless person attacked a pedestrian with a baseball bat, he said.

Jarred McClain, a Triangle Bar manager, told the local NBC station that they’ve been “surrounded on four sides by homeless encampments and crime and filth.” Addicts try to use their outdoor heaters to light up. They litter the ground with tinfoil covered in fentanyl residue.

McClain said they’ve had to put metal grates over the windows because people were “breaking out the windows, reaching in and stealing liquor off the shelves because the bar is right there.”
“We had beautiful stained glass,” Coors said. “They would just come and break the glass and reach in and pull out as much booze as they could.”

Coors said he paid $100 an hour for armed security to keep homeless people out of the bar, where they would try to do drugs in the bathroom. He spent $20,000 on fencing to keep them off the property. “They would come over the fencing into our courtyard and, you know, use that as their toilet, should we say politely,” Coors said.

A fenced off corner of the alley behind the bar became a popular place for the homeless to pee.
“It smells like fetid urine every time I walk through that alley,” Coors said. “It’s just gross.”
Coors said he received complaints from patrons. He understands their frustrations.
“Literally, they were having to walk through tents just to get in our door, and people just stopped coming,” he said, calling the closing of the Firestone business the “beginning of the end for us.” “We’ve just watched sales plummet for six months.”

Other businesses in the area have also seen declining sales due to the encampments, according to Denver media reports.

Coors said he’s now receiving hate mail from people accusing him of being anti-homeless.
“I want to make a clear distinction that the people we’re dealing with are not people that are down on their luck and just lost their job and their house,” he said. The people who are a problem “are drug abusers who will not go into the shelters and the places that will help them because they have to stop using drugs, and they love the fact that they can run around, day and night, doing whatever they want to do with impunity.”

Re: 2024

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 12:00 am
by NattyBohChamps04
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:45 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:05 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:20 am
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:45 am
old salt wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:55 pm You really need to ask yourself how & why Trump has so much support.
Oh, I have. And I'd tell you why, but you don't want to hear it.

You are physically unable to explain why Trump has so much support, without bringing up the Dems or "the Libs".

Because you're unwilling to look in the mirror, and examine your own party, OS. You can't do it.
So go ahead & tell me. Why does Trump have millions of followers ?
If you want to go past "because they want Trump to lead their party?
No need to -- they obviously do want Trump to lead the GOP. You're trapped in your time machine. ... ing-signs/

Here's a hint, closer to home. Just a "cultural issue". :roll: : ... -business/
Denver Gay Bar to Close after Homeless Camps Drove Customers Away, ‘Slowly Suffocated’ Business
LMAO Trump's base generally doesn't interact with the homeless on a day to day basis other than at some random intersections. And Trump's base only wants to lock these people up. Back to broken window policing.

R economic and immigration policies have only made this kind of stuff worse. D policies take time and money and people want results now.

But you're 100% right, this kind of stuff fuels his fans. It's a positive feedback loop. And America is so about instant gratification and the media is addicted to the hate train. You're gonna have a permanent 50% disapproval of anything non-republican for the next 25 years. Even Republican ideas get hate if they come from or get support from the other side.

Re: 2024

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 11:14 am
by Farfromgeneva
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Sat Oct 07, 2023 12:00 am
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:45 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:05 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:20 am
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:45 am
old salt wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:55 pm You really need to ask yourself how & why Trump has so much support.
Oh, I have. And I'd tell you why, but you don't want to hear it.

You are physically unable to explain why Trump has so much support, without bringing up the Dems or "the Libs".

Because you're unwilling to look in the mirror, and examine your own party, OS. You can't do it.
So go ahead & tell me. Why does Trump have millions of followers ?
If you want to go past "because they want Trump to lead their party?
No need to -- they obviously do want Trump to lead the GOP. You're trapped in your time machine. ... ing-signs/

Here's a hint, closer to home. Just a "cultural issue". :roll: : ... -business/
Denver Gay Bar to Close after Homeless Camps Drove Customers Away, ‘Slowly Suffocated’ Business
LMAO Trump's base generally doesn't interact with the homeless on a day to day basis other than at some random intersections. And Trump's base only wants to lock these people up. Back to broken window policing.

R economic and immigration policies have only made this kind of stuff worse. D policies take time and money and people want results now.

But you're 100% right, this kind of stuff fuels his fans. It's a positive feedback loop. And America is so about instant gratification and the media is addicted to the hate train. You're gonna have a permanent 50% disapproval of anything non-republican for the next 25 years. Even Republican ideas get hate if they come from or get support from the other side.
He’s just clueless. People will respond positively when you tell them what they want to hear whether there’s any intention to follow through or not.

Any other explanation is bitter delusion or an anachronistic out of touch person.

Re: 2024

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 11:34 am
by a fan
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:45 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:05 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:20 am
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:45 am
old salt wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:55 pm You really need to ask yourself how & why Trump has so much support.
Oh, I have. And I'd tell you why, but you don't want to hear it.

You are physically unable to explain why Trump has so much support, without bringing up the Dems or "the Libs".

Because you're unwilling to look in the mirror, and examine your own party, OS. You can't do it.
So go ahead & tell me. Why does Trump have millions of followers ?
If you want to go past "because they want Trump to lead their party?
No need to -- they obviously do want Trump to lead the GOP. You're trapped in your time machine. ... ing-signs/

Here's a hint, closer to home. Just a "cultural issue". :roll: :
:lol: You think millions support Trump because of homelessness?

1. How many times do I have to tell you that the National Review and your RightWingFeed INTENTIONALLY won't tell and your fellow mouthbreathers who aren't bright enough to understand that they're being played.....and that they're dealing with the same problems in Republican run cities like Colorado Springs.

You're just never gonna catch on. Keep clicking, and keep paying them to lie to you, OS. You're a lost cause, and so are millions of your buds.

2. The homelessness problem, in your addled mind, can be fixed by your magical letter R, remember? Only Dem run cities are bad, right? You think R run cities are perfect. So voting for ANY Republican will fix this homelessness problem....right? you're gonna have to try again. This isn't why we have Trump supporters. This is why we have REPUBLICAN supporter.

Try better: why are they supporting Trump, and not just anyone with the letter R by their name, OS?

Re: 2024

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 11:37 am
by a fan
a fan wrote: Sat Oct 07, 2023 11:34 am
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:45 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:05 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:20 am
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:45 am
old salt wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:55 pm You really need to ask yourself how & why Trump has so much support.
Oh, I have. And I'd tell you why, but you don't want to hear it.

You are physically unable to explain why Trump has so much support, without bringing up the Dems or "the Libs".

Because you're unwilling to look in the mirror, and examine your own party, OS. You can't do it.
So go ahead & tell me. Why does Trump have millions of followers ?
If you want to go past "because they want Trump to lead their party?
No need to -- they obviously do want Trump to lead the GOP. You're trapped in your time machine. ... ing-signs/

Here's a hint, closer to home. Just a "cultural issue". :roll: :
BTW.......this speaks to one part of my much better theory for why Trump: trickledown has failed, so has cutting services to the mentally challenged. Ask anyone in the field of poverty: what happened when Reagan eliminated Federal funding for mental health.

Re: 2024

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 12:17 pm
by Farfromgeneva
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Sat Oct 07, 2023 12:00 am
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:45 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:05 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:20 am
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:45 am
old salt wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:55 pm You really need to ask yourself how & why Trump has so much support.
Oh, I have. And I'd tell you why, but you don't want to hear it.

You are physically unable to explain why Trump has so much support, without bringing up the Dems or "the Libs".

Because you're unwilling to look in the mirror, and examine your own party, OS. You can't do it.
So go ahead & tell me. Why does Trump have millions of followers ?
If you want to go past "because they want Trump to lead their party?
No need to -- they obviously do want Trump to lead the GOP. You're trapped in your time machine. ... ing-signs/

Here's a hint, closer to home. Just a "cultural issue". :roll: : ... -business/
Denver Gay Bar to Close after Homeless Camps Drove Customers Away, ‘Slowly Suffocated’ Business
LMAO Trump's base generally doesn't interact with the homeless on a day to day basis other than at some random intersections. And Trump's base only wants to lock these people up. Back to broken window policing.

R economic and immigration policies have only made this kind of stuff worse. D policies take time and money and people want results now.

But you're 100% right, this kind of stuff fuels his fans. It's a positive feedback loop. And America is so about instant gratification and the media is addicted to the hate train. You're gonna have a permanent 50% disapproval of anything non-republican for the next 25 years. Even Republican ideas get hate if they come from or get support from the other side.
Only comment I’d make is that I find the dem side not nearly concerned enough about cost/benefit analysis and presenting it honestly and transparently (which leads me to believe they don’t care about the cost side at all) and they don’t consider or minimize second and their order effects to get what they want.

And that any policy takes time. Anyone expecting immediacy is a moron. Weve witnessed ti around here notwithstanding dont how many times I have to post a definition for latency around these parts.

Re: 2024

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 2:28 am
by old salt
a fan wrote: Sat Oct 07, 2023 11:34 am
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:45 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:05 pm
old salt wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 5:20 am
a fan wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:45 am
old salt wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:55 pm You really need to ask yourself how & why Trump has so much support.
Oh, I have. And I'd tell you why, but you don't want to hear it.

You are physically unable to explain why Trump has so much support, without bringing up the Dems or "the Libs".

Because you're unwilling to look in the mirror, and examine your own party, OS. You can't do it.
So go ahead & tell me. Why does Trump have millions of followers ?
If you want to go past "because they want Trump to lead their party?
No need to -- they obviously do want Trump to lead the GOP. You're trapped in your time machine. ... ing-signs/

Here's a hint, closer to home. Just a "cultural issue". :roll: :
:lol: You think millions support Trump because of homelessness?
No, you idiot. Read the polls cited & listen to the Morning Joe clip in the mediaite link I provided.

1. How many times do I have to tell you that the National Review and your RightWingFeed INTENTIONALLY won't tell and your fellow mouthbreathers who aren't bright enough to understand that they're being played.....and that they're dealing with the same problems in Republican run cities like Colorado Springs.

You're just never gonna catch on. Keep clicking, and keep paying them to lie to you, OS. You're a lost cause, and so are millions of your buds.

2. The homelessness problem, in your addled mind, can be fixed by your magical letter R, remember? Only Dem run cities are bad, right? You think R run cities are perfect. So voting for ANY Republican will fix this homelessness problem....right? you're gonna have to try again. This isn't why we have Trump supporters. This is why we have REPUBLICAN supporter.

Try better: why are they supporting Trump, and not just anyone with the letter R by their name, OS?
Sure. Things are great in our big Dem lead cities. Keep trying to sell that to the voters. The polls say they are not buying it.

Re: 2024

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 5:31 am
by Kismet
old salt wrote: Sun Oct 08, 2023 2:28 am No, you idiot.
Stay classy, Saltine. Officer and a gentleman aren't you? :oops: