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Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:29 am
by njbill
Kramer is the new Pete. Just can’t take it that his boy Trump lost.

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:30 am
by MDlaxfan76
njbill wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:29 am Kramer is the new Pete. Just can’t take it that his boy Trump lost.
But didn't vote for him...

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:36 am
by njbill
So he says. :roll:

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:51 am
by DMac wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:12 am
jhu72 wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 3:40 am wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 11:33 pm No. His terrible class ranks aside, it's telling that Joe is willing to lie about something so dumb as his class rank in law school. If he's willing to lie about that, its easy to choose to lie about other things.

It woulda played better if he had laughed it off and been honest.

But I doubt he woulda said, "I was just there for the draft deferment."

Cadet Bone Spurs, meet Private Asthma. Glad that asthma didn't develop until he was done playing hs and college football!

The base didn't seem to care about Trump's lies. I doubt they are going to worry about a few Biden lies. He will lie far less than Trump.
That's why I liked Jeff Dahmer. He only killed 17 people. Such a better guy than Ted Bundy who killed dozens more.
Must say, kram, am very surprised by you as of late, you're trying to make issues where there are none and your latest little line is just flat out asinine. Who among us has never told a little fib or exaggerated a bit along the way? Your trying to compare Biden to the level Prez Snake Oil takes it to and lives by sure does come across as big bushel of sour grapes from a guy who is looking for reasons to tear the guy apart whether you have to fabricate them or not. What's the deal with that? You're usually much more reasonable and better than that.

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 11:51 am
by dislaxxic
That's why this thread is so over-the-top. It's set up as a place for rightwing grievance and conspiracy theorizing.

That's fine, leave it here as such and Kramer can put back his Creepy banner.

More serious discussion of the new administration going forward maybe ought to take place elsewhere.


Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:16 pm
DMac, Not sour grapes at all. This is not just a grievance thread like the Orang Duce thread that runs here at Fanlax. I have been posting all these stories to remind people who we are getting and to point out the hypocricy of a number of Biden apologists on here too.

I agree with the notion that the Trump Supporters sold their souls and were awfully quiet for the past 4 years about his lies, crimes and bs. But what has happened to those same super-sensitive NeverTrumpers and Resisters? Seems like they sold their souls down the river too.

All the people here complaining about me pointing out Biden's foibles are the ones who railed Trump over more, same, and lesser things. Now they are letting Joe and the Dems off the hook. Cause he "Ain't Trump." Sorry, but Biden hasn't earned a pass. I'm not canonizing him because he's "anyone but Trump." How quickly many forget 45+ years of mediocrity and political Same Old Sh1t (SoS).

He just doesnt sit well with me. His school, family history, personal life is about as tailored and spun as it gets. And it's all rife with bullsh1t. The reality is Biden is a perfect example of the Peter Principle in a politician.

As I've posted multiple times and for years, I didn't vote for Trump and think the best thing for this country is for him to shut his yapper, and for us to move forward. But also like I've said (even louder), is that doesn't mean letting Biden off the hook just because he's the "lesser of two evils." Who says it around here? "Horse hockey?"


Now for my usual: Voting is not a binary choice. As long as we keep making excuses and giving these lousy politicians a pass and voting for them we are gonna keep getting lousy politicians, candidates and ultimately presidents. In another thread people here are complaining about mediocrity when it came to a judge with 8-12 years law experience. Who would disagree with that? But these are the same people who settled for a president who was near last in his law school class and may (or may not) have been there...just to avoid Viet Nam.

But anyway, carry on.

Who has Biden locked in for his cabinet?

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:24 pm
by Farfromgeneva
wgdsr wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 5:57 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 5:25 pm
wgdsr wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:17 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 3:55 pm
wgdsr wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 12:58 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 12:42 pm
wgdsr wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:40 am
Farfromgeneva wrote: Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:56 am wrote: Mon Nov 16, 2020 11:47 pm Of course it could be a pro Biden swing. Or a pro trump Swing. He had things going the right direction before the Rona hit.

All I read is it’s probably excitement about split gov and no likely major policy changes.
Aside from the stock market, which is not the economy, can you point to quantitative or measurable items that indicate the president had things going in the right direction economically? And I would point out that economists who lean both Ways have exposed massive flaws in the measurement of unemployment rate, they are all working towards a better measurement to eventually be adopted by the government which would apply underemployed, meaning people working but below the level they need to support themselves effectively. By this measurement we weren’t doing very good.

So not applying a flawed UE rate and understanding the stock market doesn’t mean anything, what did he have going well?

GDP growth?
Stability of the dollar?
Budget deficit?
Inflation? (Why did we have Powell lowering Fed Funds prior to Rona if inflation was stable at the long run benchmark? Deflation is 100x worse than inflation when it hits you surely know)
Other metrics?
wage growth was probably the best metric
a lot of numbers someone can not like in there (wage inequality, others), but as a result of the already tightening employment picture prior and since, wages had a lot of beneficiaries.
The underemployment metric would suggest it wasn’t nearly enough to declare success. I would also note it took a long time after the financial crisis for wage growth to make ground. Stabilization took 4-5yrs into 2013, then we had the “taper tantrum” that summer because, oh god the Fed is going to raise rates, then the biyach Fed backed off and let the market have their way. There was almost no way to see true wage growth until 2014 or 2015.

And while that’s a nice metric, it’s not enough to state the “economy was humming” under this soon to be prior admin. Fact is things were weakening in 2019 for sure. ... r-2019.htm
total employment had been climbing. ... ed-states/
as had wages. started in 2014 for both in unison. i guess you can have any take you wish.
As can you. That one statistic in isolation without any discussion of distribution, inflation or population is hardly enough to hang ones hat on that the economy was humming or doing well, which is what was stated as fact, prior to Covid in spite of GDP, underemployment, affordability and about a hundred other metrics yet you throw it out there with no context as if to suggest it alone and with no context is sufficient evidence. So like you said you can have any take you wish.
the first link i gave you was in real terms (inflation), i also initially gave it with the caveat of wage growth inequality (your distribution?). you asked for us worker population for context vis a vis total employment/underemployment, which i gave you as flattened (and is cut off from this post as we've each had a reply since).
you asked what was going well. oh, well.
No I asked a person who stated that the economy was going well to point to something factual. You threw out one metric, sure I can agree that's a good thing and think I already acknowledged that, but it's also not nearly enough to say "the economy was going well". Your caveat isn't a minor thing either when discussing the economy as a whole don't you think. To me that negates the entire premise if it's skewed such to leave significant portion of the populace. It's as if you picked one sentence out of a conversation and threw one, flawed when including the "caveat", metric out and that's the entire counterpoint. Is that what your intention was with this? Did you read what I originally replied to at all? Or is the whole methodology to only play devils advocate to others and never take a position to stand behind?
ok. didn't catch you wanted a list. and i didn't say the caveat made it flawed, though some can argue that.
gdp growth was fine even if not late 90s.
unemployment was good to very good.
inflation, tough to judge a perfect metric but was not outside any kind of rangebound issue, so good also. ask powell why he did what he did.
non farm productivity good.
stability of the dollar historically better than average.
budget deficit horse out of the barn without a cowboy around.. so, not good.

let's hope we get on good footing when and if this is over.
Not a list, a cogent, quantitative based argument to support the statement made that “the economy was doing well before Covid). Those two sub 2% GDP prints and the Fed cutting Fed Funds alone are pretty hard to argue against.

But you also didn’t make the statement, so other than just playing devils advocate, would you state out of personal belief the economy was doing well before Covid? Basically 2nd half of 2019 maybe include Jan but not full Q1 of 2020? Or is this just a theoretical argument from you?

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:28 pm
by njbill wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:16 pm As I've posted multiple times and for years, I didn't vote for Trump
I don’t believe you. You don’t care that I don’t believe you, and I don’t care that you don’t care I don’t believe you.

You unfailingly criticize Biden and defend Trump. That is the hallmark of a Trump supporter.

I agree with Dmac. You’ve gone off the deep end lately. My armchair analysis is that’s because your guy lost.

I don’t think you are a Trump deplorable, however. I don’t think you hate this country as so many of his supporters do.

There. A bone, albeit a small one.

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:31 pm
by MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:16 pm DMac, Not sour grapes at all. This is not just a grievance thread like the Orang Duce thread that runs here at Fanlax. I have been posting all these stories to remind people who we are getting and to point out the hypocricy of a number of Biden apologists on here too.

I agree with the notion that the Trump Supporters sold their souls and were awfully quiet for the past 4 years about his lies, crimes and bs. But what has happened to those same super-sensitive NeverTrumpers and Resisters? Seems like they sold their souls down the river too.

All the people here complaining about me pointing out Biden's foibles are the ones who railed Trump over more, same, and lesser things. Now they are letting Joe and the Dems off the hook. Cause he "Ain't Trump." Sorry, but Biden hasn't earned a pass. I'm not canonizing him because he's "anyone but Trump." How quickly many forget 45+ years of mediocrity and political Same Old Sh1t (SoS).

He just doesnt sit well with me. His school, family history, personal life is about as tailored and spun as it gets. And it's all rife with bullsh1t. The reality is Biden is a perfect example of the Peter Principle in a politician.

As I've posted multiple times and for years, I didn't vote for Trump and think the best thing for this country is for him to shut his yapper, and for us to move forward. But also like I've said (even louder), is that doesn't mean letting Biden off the hook just because he's the "lesser of two evils." Who says it around here? "Horse hockey?"


Now for my usual: Voting is not a binary choice. As long as we keep making excuses and giving these lousy politicians a pass and voting for them we are gonna keep getting lousy politicians, candidates and ultimately presidents. In another thread people here are complaining about mediocrity when it came to a judge with 8-12 years law experience. Who would disagree with that? But these are the same people who settled for a president who was near last in his law school class and may (or may not) have been there...just to avoid Viet Nam.

But anyway, carry on.

Who has Biden locked in for his cabinet?
sorry, a piece of wood, a manhole cover, is better than 4 more years of Trump.

The baloney critiques of Biden are already tiresome, it's simply not a remotely close call that we're better off having him in the White House, with a competent crew around him. I'm not sure if anyone on here had him as their preferred candidate from the Dem slate of possibilities, but we're glad he was able to defeat Trump.

We can rip Biden when he's POTUS, if/when he gives real reason to do so, but not because he wears a tan suit. Let's save our critiques for things that actually matter.

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:10 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:31 pm wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:16 pm DMac, Not sour grapes at all. This is not just a grievance thread like the Orang Duce thread that runs here at Fanlax. I have been posting all these stories to remind people who we are getting and to point out the hypocricy of a number of Biden apologists on here too.

I agree with the notion that the Trump Supporters sold their souls and were awfully quiet for the past 4 years about his lies, crimes and bs. But what has happened to those same super-sensitive NeverTrumpers and Resisters? Seems like they sold their souls down the river too.

All the people here complaining about me pointing out Biden's foibles are the ones who railed Trump over more, same, and lesser things. Now they are letting Joe and the Dems off the hook. Cause he "Ain't Trump." Sorry, but Biden hasn't earned a pass. I'm not canonizing him because he's "anyone but Trump." How quickly many forget 45+ years of mediocrity and political Same Old Sh1t (SoS).

He just doesnt sit well with me. His school, family history, personal life is about as tailored and spun as it gets. And it's all rife with bullsh1t. The reality is Biden is a perfect example of the Peter Principle in a politician.

As I've posted multiple times and for years, I didn't vote for Trump and think the best thing for this country is for him to shut his yapper, and for us to move forward. But also like I've said (even louder), is that doesn't mean letting Biden off the hook just because he's the "lesser of two evils." Who says it around here? "Horse hockey?"


Now for my usual: Voting is not a binary choice. As long as we keep making excuses and giving these lousy politicians a pass and voting for them we are gonna keep getting lousy politicians, candidates and ultimately presidents. In another thread people here are complaining about mediocrity when it came to a judge with 8-12 years law experience. Who would disagree with that? But these are the same people who settled for a president who was near last in his law school class and may (or may not) have been there...just to avoid Viet Nam.

But anyway, carry on.

Who has Biden locked in for his cabinet?
sorry, a piece of wood, a manhole cover, is better than 4 more years of Trump.

The baloney critiques of Biden are already tiresome, it's simply not a remotely close call that we're better off having him in the White House, with a competent crew around him. I'm not sure if anyone on here had him as their preferred candidate from the Dem slate of possibilities, but we're glad he was able to defeat Trump.

We can rip Biden when he's POTUS, if/when he gives real reason to do so, but not because he wears a tan suit. Let's save our critiques for things that actually matter.
So I appreciate the rules of engagement on when and what I can critique and care about.


However, I'm guessing I shouldn't hold my breath for your "permission" to question or critique the POTUS-elect.


Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:18 pm
by cradleandshoot
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:31 pm wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:16 pm DMac, Not sour grapes at all. This is not just a grievance thread like the Orang Duce thread that runs here at Fanlax. I have been posting all these stories to remind people who we are getting and to point out the hypocricy of a number of Biden apologists on here too.

I agree with the notion that the Trump Supporters sold their souls and were awfully quiet for the past 4 years about his lies, crimes and bs. But what has happened to those same super-sensitive NeverTrumpers and Resisters? Seems like they sold their souls down the river too.

All the people here complaining about me pointing out Biden's foibles are the ones who railed Trump over more, same, and lesser things. Now they are letting Joe and the Dems off the hook. Cause he "Ain't Trump." Sorry, but Biden hasn't earned a pass. I'm not canonizing him because he's "anyone but Trump." How quickly many forget 45+ years of mediocrity and political Same Old Sh1t (SoS).

He just doesnt sit well with me. His school, family history, personal life is about as tailored and spun as it gets. And it's all rife with bullsh1t. The reality is Biden is a perfect example of the Peter Principle in a politician.

As I've posted multiple times and for years, I didn't vote for Trump and think the best thing for this country is for him to shut his yapper, and for us to move forward. But also like I've said (even louder), is that doesn't mean letting Biden off the hook just because he's the "lesser of two evils." Who says it around here? "Horse hockey?"


Now for my usual: Voting is not a binary choice. As long as we keep making excuses and giving these lousy politicians a pass and voting for them we are gonna keep getting lousy politicians, candidates and ultimately presidents. In another thread people here are complaining about mediocrity when it came to a judge with 8-12 years law experience. Who would disagree with that? But these are the same people who settled for a president who was near last in his law school class and may (or may not) have been there...just to avoid Viet Nam.

But anyway, carry on.

Who has Biden locked in for his cabinet?
sorry, a piece of wood, a manhole cover, is better than 4 more years of Trump.

The baloney critiques of Biden are already tiresome, it's simply not a remotely close call that we're better off having him in the White House, with a competent crew around him. I'm not sure if anyone on here had him as their preferred candidate from the Dem slate of possibilities, but we're glad he was able to defeat Trump.

We can rip Biden when he's POTUS, if/when he gives real reason to do so, but not because he wears a tan suit. Let's save our critiques for things that actually matter.
"We can rip Biden when he's POTUS, if/when he gives real reason to do so,"
I bet that will take all of about 5 minutes after Biden takes the oath of office. After all, Joe will be the most honest and reputable POTUS to ever sit in the White House. Come on man, Joe does not even know how to tell a lie. :D

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:22 pm
by cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:10 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:31 pm wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:16 pm DMac, Not sour grapes at all. This is not just a grievance thread like the Orang Duce thread that runs here at Fanlax. I have been posting all these stories to remind people who we are getting and to point out the hypocricy of a number of Biden apologists on here too.

I agree with the notion that the Trump Supporters sold their souls and were awfully quiet for the past 4 years about his lies, crimes and bs. But what has happened to those same super-sensitive NeverTrumpers and Resisters? Seems like they sold their souls down the river too.

All the people here complaining about me pointing out Biden's foibles are the ones who railed Trump over more, same, and lesser things. Now they are letting Joe and the Dems off the hook. Cause he "Ain't Trump." Sorry, but Biden hasn't earned a pass. I'm not canonizing him because he's "anyone but Trump." How quickly many forget 45+ years of mediocrity and political Same Old Sh1t (SoS).

He just doesnt sit well with me. His school, family history, personal life is about as tailored and spun as it gets. And it's all rife with bullsh1t. The reality is Biden is a perfect example of the Peter Principle in a politician.

As I've posted multiple times and for years, I didn't vote for Trump and think the best thing for this country is for him to shut his yapper, and for us to move forward. But also like I've said (even louder), is that doesn't mean letting Biden off the hook just because he's the "lesser of two evils." Who says it around here? "Horse hockey?"


Now for my usual: Voting is not a binary choice. As long as we keep making excuses and giving these lousy politicians a pass and voting for them we are gonna keep getting lousy politicians, candidates and ultimately presidents. In another thread people here are complaining about mediocrity when it came to a judge with 8-12 years law experience. Who would disagree with that? But these are the same people who settled for a president who was near last in his law school class and may (or may not) have been there...just to avoid Viet Nam.

But anyway, carry on.

Who has Biden locked in for his cabinet?
sorry, a piece of wood, a manhole cover, is better than 4 more years of Trump.

The baloney critiques of Biden are already tiresome, it's simply not a remotely close call that we're better off having him in the White House, with a competent crew around him. I'm not sure if anyone on here had him as their preferred candidate from the Dem slate of possibilities, but we're glad he was able to defeat Trump.

We can rip Biden when he's POTUS, if/when he gives real reason to do so, but not because he wears a tan suit. Let's save our critiques for things that actually matter.
So I appreciate the rules of engagement on when and what I can critique and care about.


However, I'm guessing I shouldn't hold my breath for your "permission" to question or critique the POTUS-elect.

Come on man, MD will be carrying Joes water for as long as he sits in the White House. He ain't trump after all... you know what i mean man? ;)

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:24 pm
by cradleandshoot
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:18 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:31 pm wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:16 pm DMac, Not sour grapes at all. This is not just a grievance thread like the Orang Duce thread that runs here at Fanlax. I have been posting all these stories to remind people who we are getting and to point out the hypocricy of a number of Biden apologists on here too.

I agree with the notion that the Trump Supporters sold their souls and were awfully quiet for the past 4 years about his lies, crimes and bs. But what has happened to those same super-sensitive NeverTrumpers and Resisters? Seems like they sold their souls down the river too.

All the people here complaining about me pointing out Biden's foibles are the ones who railed Trump over more, same, and lesser things. Now they are letting Joe and the Dems off the hook. Cause he "Ain't Trump." Sorry, but Biden hasn't earned a pass. I'm not canonizing him because he's "anyone but Trump." How quickly many forget 45+ years of mediocrity and political Same Old Sh1t (SoS).

He just doesnt sit well with me. His school, family history, personal life is about as tailored and spun as it gets. And it's all rife with bullsh1t. The reality is Biden is a perfect example of the Peter Principle in a politician.

As I've posted multiple times and for years, I didn't vote for Trump and think the best thing for this country is for him to shut his yapper, and for us to move forward. But also like I've said (even louder), is that doesn't mean letting Biden off the hook just because he's the "lesser of two evils." Who says it around here? "Horse hockey?"


Now for my usual: Voting is not a binary choice. As long as we keep making excuses and giving these lousy politicians a pass and voting for them we are gonna keep getting lousy politicians, candidates and ultimately presidents. In another thread people here are complaining about mediocrity when it came to a judge with 8-12 years law experience. Who would disagree with that? But these are the same people who settled for a president who was near last in his law school class and may (or may not) have been there...just to avoid Viet Nam.

But anyway, carry on.

Who has Biden locked in for his cabinet?
sorry, a piece of wood, a manhole cover, is better than 4 more years of Trump.

The baloney critiques of Biden are already tiresome, it's simply not a remotely close call that we're better off having him in the White House, with a competent crew around him. I'm not sure if anyone on here had him as their preferred candidate from the Dem slate of possibilities, but we're glad he was able to defeat Trump.

We can rip Biden when he's POTUS, if/when he gives real reason to do so, but not because he wears a tan suit. Let's save our critiques for things that actually matter.
"We can rip Biden when he's POTUS, if/when he gives real reason to do so,"
I bet that will take all of about 5 minutes after Biden takes the oath of office. After all, Joe will be the most honest and reputable POTUS to ever sit in the White House. Come on man, Joe does not even know how to tell a lie. :D
Just for snips and giggles, I know this is just a rumor, who out there thinks Bernie would be a good Secretary of Labor?

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:25 pm
by MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:10 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:31 pm wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:16 pm DMac, Not sour grapes at all. This is not just a grievance thread like the Orang Duce thread that runs here at Fanlax. I have been posting all these stories to remind people who we are getting and to point out the hypocricy of a number of Biden apologists on here too.

I agree with the notion that the Trump Supporters sold their souls and were awfully quiet for the past 4 years about his lies, crimes and bs. But what has happened to those same super-sensitive NeverTrumpers and Resisters? Seems like they sold their souls down the river too.

All the people here complaining about me pointing out Biden's foibles are the ones who railed Trump over more, same, and lesser things. Now they are letting Joe and the Dems off the hook. Cause he "Ain't Trump." Sorry, but Biden hasn't earned a pass. I'm not canonizing him because he's "anyone but Trump." How quickly many forget 45+ years of mediocrity and political Same Old Sh1t (SoS).

He just doesnt sit well with me. His school, family history, personal life is about as tailored and spun as it gets. And it's all rife with bullsh1t. The reality is Biden is a perfect example of the Peter Principle in a politician.

As I've posted multiple times and for years, I didn't vote for Trump and think the best thing for this country is for him to shut his yapper, and for us to move forward. But also like I've said (even louder), is that doesn't mean letting Biden off the hook just because he's the "lesser of two evils." Who says it around here? "Horse hockey?"


Now for my usual: Voting is not a binary choice. As long as we keep making excuses and giving these lousy politicians a pass and voting for them we are gonna keep getting lousy politicians, candidates and ultimately presidents. In another thread people here are complaining about mediocrity when it came to a judge with 8-12 years law experience. Who would disagree with that? But these are the same people who settled for a president who was near last in his law school class and may (or may not) have been there...just to avoid Viet Nam.

But anyway, carry on.

Who has Biden locked in for his cabinet?
sorry, a piece of wood, a manhole cover, is better than 4 more years of Trump.

The baloney critiques of Biden are already tiresome, it's simply not a remotely close call that we're better off having him in the White House, with a competent crew around him. I'm not sure if anyone on here had him as their preferred candidate from the Dem slate of possibilities, but we're glad he was able to defeat Trump.

We can rip Biden when he's POTUS, if/when he gives real reason to do so, but not because he wears a tan suit. Let's save our critiques for things that actually matter.
So I appreciate the rules of engagement on when and what I can critique and care about.


However, I'm guessing I shouldn't hold my breath for your "permission" to question or critique the POTUS-elect.

:) you are free to do whatever you want, Kram, just giving you my opinion on what's relevant versus what is tiresome.

I'm sure Biden will give us plenty of reasons to critique his choices, his decisions. But why waste breath on the 'tan suit' sorts of stuff?

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:25 pm
by MDlaxfan76
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:24 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:18 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:31 pm wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:16 pm DMac, Not sour grapes at all. This is not just a grievance thread like the Orang Duce thread that runs here at Fanlax. I have been posting all these stories to remind people who we are getting and to point out the hypocricy of a number of Biden apologists on here too.

I agree with the notion that the Trump Supporters sold their souls and were awfully quiet for the past 4 years about his lies, crimes and bs. But what has happened to those same super-sensitive NeverTrumpers and Resisters? Seems like they sold their souls down the river too.

All the people here complaining about me pointing out Biden's foibles are the ones who railed Trump over more, same, and lesser things. Now they are letting Joe and the Dems off the hook. Cause he "Ain't Trump." Sorry, but Biden hasn't earned a pass. I'm not canonizing him because he's "anyone but Trump." How quickly many forget 45+ years of mediocrity and political Same Old Sh1t (SoS).

He just doesnt sit well with me. His school, family history, personal life is about as tailored and spun as it gets. And it's all rife with bullsh1t. The reality is Biden is a perfect example of the Peter Principle in a politician.

As I've posted multiple times and for years, I didn't vote for Trump and think the best thing for this country is for him to shut his yapper, and for us to move forward. But also like I've said (even louder), is that doesn't mean letting Biden off the hook just because he's the "lesser of two evils." Who says it around here? "Horse hockey?"


Now for my usual: Voting is not a binary choice. As long as we keep making excuses and giving these lousy politicians a pass and voting for them we are gonna keep getting lousy politicians, candidates and ultimately presidents. In another thread people here are complaining about mediocrity when it came to a judge with 8-12 years law experience. Who would disagree with that? But these are the same people who settled for a president who was near last in his law school class and may (or may not) have been there...just to avoid Viet Nam.

But anyway, carry on.

Who has Biden locked in for his cabinet?
sorry, a piece of wood, a manhole cover, is better than 4 more years of Trump.

The baloney critiques of Biden are already tiresome, it's simply not a remotely close call that we're better off having him in the White House, with a competent crew around him. I'm not sure if anyone on here had him as their preferred candidate from the Dem slate of possibilities, but we're glad he was able to defeat Trump.

We can rip Biden when he's POTUS, if/when he gives real reason to do so, but not because he wears a tan suit. Let's save our critiques for things that actually matter.
"We can rip Biden when he's POTUS, if/when he gives real reason to do so,"
I bet that will take all of about 5 minutes after Biden takes the oath of office. After all, Joe will be the most honest and reputable POTUS to ever sit in the White House. Come on man, Joe does not even know how to tell a lie. :D
Just for snips and giggles, I know this is just a rumor, who out there thinks Bernie would be a good Secretary of Labor?
not my choice!

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:25 pm
Well, he'd be VERY good for "the worker."

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:29 pm
by cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:25 pm Well, he'd be VERY good for "the worker."
You must mean all of those workers who would find themselves out of a job forever?

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:30 pm
by Farfromgeneva
What does the Peter Principle mean if you’ve just achieved the highest position possible?

Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:34 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:25 pm wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:10 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:31 pm wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 12:16 pm DMac, Not sour grapes at all. This is not just a grievance thread like the Orang Duce thread that runs here at Fanlax. I have been posting all these stories to remind people who we are getting and to point out the hypocricy of a number of Biden apologists on here too.

I agree with the notion that the Trump Supporters sold their souls and were awfully quiet for the past 4 years about his lies, crimes and bs. But what has happened to those same super-sensitive NeverTrumpers and Resisters? Seems like they sold their souls down the river too.

All the people here complaining about me pointing out Biden's foibles are the ones who railed Trump over more, same, and lesser things. Now they are letting Joe and the Dems off the hook. Cause he "Ain't Trump." Sorry, but Biden hasn't earned a pass. I'm not canonizing him because he's "anyone but Trump." How quickly many forget 45+ years of mediocrity and political Same Old Sh1t (SoS).

He just doesnt sit well with me. His school, family history, personal life is about as tailored and spun as it gets. And it's all rife with bullsh1t. The reality is Biden is a perfect example of the Peter Principle in a politician.

As I've posted multiple times and for years, I didn't vote for Trump and think the best thing for this country is for him to shut his yapper, and for us to move forward. But also like I've said (even louder), is that doesn't mean letting Biden off the hook just because he's the "lesser of two evils." Who says it around here? "Horse hockey?"


Now for my usual: Voting is not a binary choice. As long as we keep making excuses and giving these lousy politicians a pass and voting for them we are gonna keep getting lousy politicians, candidates and ultimately presidents. In another thread people here are complaining about mediocrity when it came to a judge with 8-12 years law experience. Who would disagree with that? But these are the same people who settled for a president who was near last in his law school class and may (or may not) have been there...just to avoid Viet Nam.

But anyway, carry on.

Who has Biden locked in for his cabinet?
sorry, a piece of wood, a manhole cover, is better than 4 more years of Trump.

The baloney critiques of Biden are already tiresome, it's simply not a remotely close call that we're better off having him in the White House, with a competent crew around him. I'm not sure if anyone on here had him as their preferred candidate from the Dem slate of possibilities, but we're glad he was able to defeat Trump.

We can rip Biden when he's POTUS, if/when he gives real reason to do so, but not because he wears a tan suit. Let's save our critiques for things that actually matter.
So I appreciate the rules of engagement on when and what I can critique and care about.


However, I'm guessing I shouldn't hold my breath for your "permission" to question or critique the POTUS-elect.

:) you are free to do whatever you want, Kram, just giving you my opinion on what's relevant versus what is tiresome.

I'm sure Biden will give us plenty of reasons to critique his choices, his decisions. But why waste breath on the 'tan suit' sorts of stuff?
Fair enough. I will spare you and the forum some of my rants. I feel like I've railed against crooked career politicians pretty consistently here. But so you understand, my critique of what you call "tan suit" stuff is all of a piece of the bigger BS when it comes to Biden.

So anyway...


Re: President Elect Biden

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:36 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:30 pm What does the Peter Principle mean if you’ve just achieved the highest position possible?
He's been promoted well beyond his highest level of competence.

Which is not a compliment for a career politician.