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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

ABV 8.3% wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:38 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 8:42 am
tech37 wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 8:18 am
seacoaster wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 8:27 pm Fixed this:

“Now, what about (the two years the GOP controlled both houses of Congress?):

Investigating misuse of the public trust Fine, so long as there is equal scrutiny, equal coverage by the media.

Your comments are purely partisan and there's the rub. My criticism was directed at Congress in general but of course in your narrow mind it's all the fault of Rs. And since any of the initiatives I listed are Trump-driven, they're to be discarded or ignored, not because they won't help the country but because you hate Trump. That's sick IMO. You and all the other resistance warriors are drooling over impeachment while the business at hand stagnates. Nice work counselor :roll:

USMCA ratification (GOP controlled Senate; What the heck)
Immigration solutions (GOP can’t compromise because of the endless Trump patter and re-election campaign)
Trade negotiations with China (the Chinese are sure to cave soon, right Larry? Steve?)
the $hitheads in Iran (well, Trump made this mess because of his Obama fetish; what now?)
Denuclearization of Korean Pen (BFFs Forever!!!)
Infrastructure (Democrats are waiting for the Senate on this)
I gotta disagree.
The GOP had two years of full, complete control...yet did not get any of this done when they didn't need Dems to be involved.
That observation is factual, not partisan.

On Trump more specifically, I responded in detail as to how the heat around most of these issues is entirely of Trump's making, in several cases quite stupidly. that, too, is not partisan, though it is more of an opinion (based on facts) than simply 'factual'.

But no one is suggesting that there aren't very serious issues, both domestic and international, that deserve serious and competent attention.

Now, here comes the actual 'bias' for you to criticize: I think Trump and his cronies are so corrupt and incompetent that they are truly incapable of positive progress of their own making. The question is whether they can be restrained or channeled into no complete or irreparable CF's. That seems to me the best we can hope for at this point (I had higher hopes initially, though predicted this situation as most likely).
I thought, when it came to certain budget items, you needed 60 US Senate votes to have , again certain, fiscal budgets pass. Probably wrong, but pretty sure tRump sent a tweet out in June , of last year (Rep Gaudette bill) and blamed democrats in the Senate (NOT the 41 GOP congress that voted against EVerify ) that it would never pass the Senate anyway.........something like that.

https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/sta ... 6268545024
You shared another lying tweet by Trump. On immigration.

Nope, the 'nuclear option' has effectively neutered the filibuster (thanks Harry Reid). McConnell decides what comes to the floor and once on the floor, majority rules. It's really a shame that we're in that situation now, as the filibuster demanded compromise in order to get major legislation passed.

As I said, infrastructure would have had bi-partisan support, not needed hardball politics.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

ABV 8.3% wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:45 am
tech37 wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:41 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:40 am
tech37 wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:35 am And if you haven't yet figured it out, it's way too simple blaming Trump alone, especially when it's based on hate.
I don't 'hate' Trump, just the corruption, the dishonesty, the racism, the misogyny.
:lol: OK mdlax...whatever you say.
And yet.....mdlax voted for THIS clown

Yes I did.
McCain went on record as saying that ad was very bad error, something he regretted.

BTW, I do vote for folks who don't meet my standards as optimal. I think McCain was an honorable human being and he represented closer to my views on a variety of issues than did Obama.

It's amazing to me the disdain so many wimps have today for John McCain.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by tech37 »

RedFromMI wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:46 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 8:32 pm
tech37 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 6:58 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 6:04 pm The problem is that Trump says so many stupid, embarrassing things???
Given. And he's the POTUS, get over it.

Now, what about:

USMCA ratification
Immigration solutions
Trade negotiations with China
the $hitheads in Iran
Denuclearization of Korean Pen

Someone obviously needs to get their priorities in order ;)
Again, my first priority is rule of law, the preservation of democracy.
This is all on Trump, and the knuckleheads who actually support him.

On your list, the USMCA is Trump's mess, a mild revision of NAFTA which he blew up.

Immigration is far, far worse of a problem, in every sense than in the prior decade...of his making.

The trade "negotiations" have exposed our vulnerabilities and blundering, rather than focused on the issues that truly do matter, most importantly IP theft (from a trade perspective)...all the while ignoring the genocide in western China, worst since the Holocaust.

The Iranian debacle is again of Trump's making.

Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is a pipe dream unless you mean our withdrawal.

Infrastructure was a huge opportunity missed...that miss is on Trump (and the GOP).
Amen - and the real way you get work done on those priorities (as well as all the others) is to get the incompetent doofus currently in office out of office (whether it be by impeachment or election) and get someone in who can figure out how to undo the tremendous damage Trump and his cronies have done to both this country and to the R party.
Amen? If impeached, what makes you think Trump won't still be re elected? Keep on prayin...
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

ABV 8.3% wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:44 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:12 am

I wouldn't relieve Ryan of responsibility, but I think it's BS that Trump isn't primarily responsible for setting the public policy agenda. He should have driven infrastructure first. It was political malpractice not to put those bi-partisan points on the board.
Interesting. Whataboutism (facts) dictates that you placed no such blame at Obama's feet when he laughed about "shovel ready" jobs aren't so shovel ready, I guess......and spent his billions on drone strikes, killing doctors, children.......and spending billions on PRIVATE armies.......and drone strikes. And bailouts for idiots on wallstreet.........doing NOTHING for our nations infrastructure.......but blamed Mitch McConnell for all of Obama's woes.

You actually voted for McLame? :o
ABV, why do you presume I gave a pass to Obama?
Are you mixing me up with someone else?
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

tech37 wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:52 am
RedFromMI wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:46 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 8:32 pm
tech37 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 6:58 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 6:04 pm The problem is that Trump says so many stupid, embarrassing things???
Given. And he's the POTUS, get over it.

Now, what about:

USMCA ratification
Immigration solutions
Trade negotiations with China
the $hitheads in Iran
Denuclearization of Korean Pen

Someone obviously needs to get their priorities in order ;)
Again, my first priority is rule of law, the preservation of democracy.
This is all on Trump, and the knuckleheads who actually support him.

On your list, the USMCA is Trump's mess, a mild revision of NAFTA which he blew up.

Immigration is far, far worse of a problem, in every sense than in the prior decade...of his making.

The trade "negotiations" have exposed our vulnerabilities and blundering, rather than focused on the issues that truly do matter, most importantly IP theft (from a trade perspective)...all the while ignoring the genocide in western China, worst since the Holocaust.

The Iranian debacle is again of Trump's making.

Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is a pipe dream unless you mean our withdrawal.

Infrastructure was a huge opportunity missed...that miss is on Trump (and the GOP).
Amen - and the real way you get work done on those priorities (as well as all the others) is to get the incompetent doofus currently in office out of office (whether it be by impeachment or election) and get someone in who can figure out how to undo the tremendous damage Trump and his cronies have done to both this country and to the R party.
Amen? If impeached, what makes you think Trump won't still be re elected? Keep on prayin...
I'd much prefer that Trump be ignominiously defeated at the polls as I think that may best break the fever hold Trumpism has currently on the GOP. I think it's very important to have a viable second party, a conservative party as balance.

Red wants him out of office, just as do I.

I believe he deserves to be impeached, regardless of whether he is convicted in the Senate and removed. If the Senate convicts, I hope that it is sufficiently obvious to most American that it was necessary, as it became to Americans when Nixon resigned, facing that outcome. But note that even then, 30% of Americans believed Nixon shouldn't have been impeached.
ABV 8.3%
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by ABV 8.3% »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:51 am
ABV 8.3% wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:45 am
tech37 wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:41 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:40 am
tech37 wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:35 am And if you haven't yet figured it out, it's way too simple blaming Trump alone, especially when it's based on hate.
I don't 'hate' Trump, just the corruption, the dishonesty, the racism, the misogyny.
:lol: OK mdlax...whatever you say.
And yet.....mdlax voted for THIS clown

Yes I did.
McCain went on record as saying that ad was very bad error, something he regretted.

BTW, I do vote for folks who don't meet my standards as optimal. I think McCain was an honorable human being and he represented closer to my views on a variety of issues than did Obama.

It's amazing to me the disdain so many wimps have today for John McCain.
geez.....how many times did he regret something........jimmynkeebaldosghost..........or did YOU forget his Chelsea Clinton/Janet Reno joke ?

All happened before YOU voted for him as POTUSA.

So, if Trumpy the creep made a statement about regretting something.......you forgave him? :lol: :lol:


(oh, btw as an aside....isn't it biased to editorialize "facts" with adjectives like rare? exactly. taats )

Do you SEE IT NOW ? the hypocrisy?
oligarchy thanks you......same as it evah was
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by Farfromgeneva »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:59 am
tech37 wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:52 am
RedFromMI wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:46 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 8:32 pm
tech37 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 6:58 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Sep 28, 2019 6:04 pm The problem is that Trump says so many stupid, embarrassing things???
Given. And he's the POTUS, get over it.

Now, what about:

USMCA ratification
Immigration solutions
Trade negotiations with China
the $hitheads in Iran
Denuclearization of Korean Pen

Someone obviously needs to get their priorities in order ;)
Again, my first priority is rule of law, the preservation of democracy.
This is all on Trump, and the knuckleheads who actually support him.

On your list, the USMCA is Trump's mess, a mild revision of NAFTA which he blew up.

Immigration is far, far worse of a problem, in every sense than in the prior decade...of his making.

The trade "negotiations" have exposed our vulnerabilities and blundering, rather than focused on the issues that truly do matter, most importantly IP theft (from a trade perspective)...all the while ignoring the genocide in western China, worst since the Holocaust.

The Iranian debacle is again of Trump's making.

Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula is a pipe dream unless you mean our withdrawal.

Infrastructure was a huge opportunity missed...that miss is on Trump (and the GOP).
Amen - and the real way you get work done on those priorities (as well as all the others) is to get the incompetent doofus currently in office out of office (whether it be by impeachment or election) and get someone in who can figure out how to undo the tremendous damage Trump and his cronies have done to both this country and to the R party.
Amen? If impeached, what makes you think Trump won't still be re elected? Keep on prayin...
I'd much prefer that Trump be ignominiously defeated at the polls as I think that may best break the fever hold Trumpism has currently on the GOP. I think it's very important to have a viable second party, a conservative party as balance.

Red wants him out of office, just as do I.

I believe he deserves to be impeached, regardless of whether he is convicted in the Senate and removed. If the Senate convicts, I hope that it is sufficiently obvious to most American that it was necessary, as it became to Americans when Nixon resigned, facing that outcome. But note that even then, 30% of Americans believed Nixon shouldn't have been impeached.
It’s true that Harry Reid and the Dems blew their load using the nuclear option. Even in frustration which may or may not have been legitimate real leadership (say like a MLK) would’ve been to not go down that path, so they need to take the blame.

Of course the reality is this ends like the end of gangs of NY....

Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by seacoaster »

"Your comments are purely partisan and there's the rub. My criticism was directed at Congress in general but of course in your narrow mind it's all the fault of Rs. And since any of the initiatives I listed are Trump-driven, they're to be discarded or ignored, not because they won't help the country but because you hate Trump. That's sick IMO. You and all the other resistance warriors are drooling over impeachment while the business at hand stagnates. Nice work counselor."

Sure, I guess my comments end up being partisan, but the point is that the GOP was in charge of the Congress for 6 of the 8 Obama years, and the first two of Trump's presidency, and not much got done, either by design during the Obama administration or by the fecklessness of Trump and the House during his first two years. USMCA ratification is entirely the job of the Senate, which is and has been held by the GOP. Infrastructure was a deal Democrats were willing to make.

But my comments on this, whether you believe it or not, are not "purely partisan." The Constitution is bipartisan; the rule of law is bipartisan. Basic courtesies are, well, basic. Diplomacy by tweet is silly and counterproductive. Democracy is in all our interests. Use of a public office to obtain personal favors and alter the alchemy that is an election should concern all of us and be a primary priority. You call me a "resistance warrior...drooling over impeachment." Baloney; this is the way you want to label and categorize folks who take a stand, like OS's parachute out of almost every conversation with so mention of "TDS." You're projecting outward from your faux "moderation" and "patience" stance maybe? I'd much prefer Trump be defeated in what passes for a fair election. Certainly it would help the country through this most divided time much more than an impeachment process. You're one of the guys -- and jiminy, you are not alone here -- who hasn't answered the simple question: is it OK for a public official to use the power of his or her office to obtain personal favors to help defeat an opponent in an election? My sense is that, for you, the answer is "only if I like the guy who's doing it."
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by Trinity »

Pompeo’s State Dept is still working the Hillary Clinton e-mails, notifying former staffers of new retroactive classifications. Hillary Clinton left office over 6 years ago. The statute of limitations on any potential offenses is what?
“I don’t take responsibility at all.” —Donald J Trump
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by a fan »

tech37 wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:27 am Well certainly, that's obvious. Trump came into office to lay waste the current ways of Washington. That's why he was elected after all.
That's not why he was elected. If it was, his base would be furious because he has made the swamp worse than ever.

Spending is trillions higher. So's the debt. And no one here can name a regulation he's pulled that has made a material difference on their lives, outside of pulling apart EPA laws. Apparently Trump's base doesn't breathe or use water.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

ABV 8.3% wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 10:30 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:51 am
ABV 8.3% wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:45 am
tech37 wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:41 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:40 am
tech37 wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 9:35 am And if you haven't yet figured it out, it's way too simple blaming Trump alone, especially when it's based on hate.
I don't 'hate' Trump, just the corruption, the dishonesty, the racism, the misogyny.
:lol: OK mdlax...whatever you say.
And yet.....mdlax voted for THIS clown

Yes I did.
McCain went on record as saying that ad was very bad error, something he regretted.

BTW, I do vote for folks who don't meet my standards as optimal. I think McCain was an honorable human being and he represented closer to my views on a variety of issues than did Obama.

It's amazing to me the disdain so many wimps have today for John McCain.
geez.....how many times did he regret something........jimmynkeebaldosghost..........or did YOU forget his Chelsea Clinton/Janet Reno joke ?

All happened before YOU voted for him as POTUSA.

So, if Trumpy the creep made a statement about regretting something.......you forgave him? :lol: :lol:


(oh, btw as an aside....isn't it biased to editorialize "facts" with adjectives like rare? exactly. taats )

Do you SEE IT NOW ? the hypocrisy?
Classic RRR; you've been outed ABV.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by a fan »

I'd say it's safe to say that we'll never see a whistleblower again.

Trump is practically BEGGING for anyone sitting on even trivial classified dirt on Trump to install a permanent open line to the Times and the WaPo.

"Like every American, I deserve to meet my accuser, especially when this accuser, the so-called 'Whistleblower,' represented a perfect conversation with a foreign leader in a totally inaccurate and fraudulent way," Trump tweeted before taking aim at House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff who confirmed earlier Sunday there is a tentative agreement for the whistleblower to testify before his committee.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by a fan »

Oh good. Threats from a sitting President have made nutjobs put a bounty on him. Sounds like our Whistleblower law has never been in better shape.

Wondering what it will take from TrumpFans to finally say "enough".

Apparently I'm supposed to simply check my bank accounts and 401K first, and then decide if I should care about this stuff.

Don't remember my parents telling me when I was a kid to be sure to check how much money I have before I decide what's right and what's wrong, but I guess they were old fashioned.

https://compassrosepllc.com/wp-content/ ... to-DNI.pdf
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by tech37 »

seacoaster wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 11:22 amYou're one of the guys -- and jiminy, you are not alone here -- who hasn't answered the simple question: is it OK for a public official to use the power of his or her office to obtain personal favors to help defeat an opponent in an election?
First off, thanks for the attempt at civics lesson :roll:

This entire issue is about as clear as mud. It's way too political, there's way too much room for interpretation and obfuscation, if not outright lies. Anyone who is taking a "stand" at this point is being purely speculative, unless you're simply an abject partisan of course.

I'm reserving judgment until there is more clarity, with the hope that actual facts emerge. It's way too early for some of you to be claiming facts in this matter when at this point it's merely opinion.

I will say, with all the stupid things Trump does and says at times, I think it was good thinking to release the transcript and show transparency. This will go a long way with the objective voter (the people who count in 2020 election) to sway general public opinion. IMO, the so called "cover up" and secret server is complete horse$hit. A POTUS has every right to safeguard information, especially when leaks have been/are such a big issue.

I also think Pelosi caved re impeachment because she finally realized there is no chance for the Dems to win in 2020. As Biden is being rejected by the Party and fades, and someone like Warren becomes front runner, it's a desperate, risky gamble on Pelosi's part. But she is smart enough to know there is no other choice.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by Trinity »

In the interest of transparency Trump should release the transcripts of his buried chats with Putin and Mohammed Bonesaw.
“I don’t take responsibility at all.” —Donald J Trump
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by seacoaster »

tech37 wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:48 am
seacoaster wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 11:22 amYou're one of the guys -- and jiminy, you are not alone here -- who hasn't answered the simple question: is it OK for a public official to use the power of his or her office to obtain personal favors to help defeat an opponent in an election?
First off, thanks for the attempt at civics lesson :roll:

This entire issue is about as clear as mud. It's way too political, there's way too much room for interpretation and obfuscation, if not outright lies. Anyone who is taking a "stand" at this point is being purely speculative, unless you're simply an abject partisan of course.

I'm reserving judgment until there is more clarity, with the hope that actual facts emerge. It's way too early for some of you to be claiming facts in this matter when at this point it's merely opinion.

I will say, with all the stupid things Trump does and says at times, I think it was good thinking to release the transcript and show transparency. This will go a long way with the objective voter (the people who count in 2020 election) to sway general public opinion. IMO, the so called "cover up" and secret server is complete horse$hit. A POTUS has every right to safeguard information, especially when leaks have been/are such a big issue.

I also think Pelosi caved re impeachment because she finally realized there is no chance for the Dems to win in 2020. As Biden is being rejected by the Party and fades, and someone like Warren becomes front runner, it's a desperate, risky gamble on Pelosi's part. But she is smart enough to know there is no other choice.
Thanks for this, umm, response. Sometimes you need facts and a wait and see attitude (all things Trump), other times you just think you've seen enough (Pelosi realizes Democrats are going to lose in 2020). And then you play dodge-ball. Sorry mate, but you need the civics lesson. Is it OK or not? I think I have your answer.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by tech37 »

seacoaster wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2019 7:16 am
tech37 wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:48 am
seacoaster wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 11:22 amYou're one of the guys -- and jiminy, you are not alone here -- who hasn't answered the simple question: is it OK for a public official to use the power of his or her office to obtain personal favors to help defeat an opponent in an election?
First off, thanks for the attempt at civics lesson :roll:

This entire issue is about as clear as mud. It's way too political, there's way too much room for interpretation and obfuscation, if not outright lies. Anyone who is taking a "stand" at this point is being purely speculative, unless you're simply an abject partisan of course.

I'm reserving judgment until there is more clarity, with the hope that actual facts emerge. It's way too early for some of you to be claiming facts in this matter when at this point it's merely opinion.

I will say, with all the stupid things Trump does and says at times, I think it was good thinking to release the transcript and show transparency. This will go a long way with the objective voter (the people who count in 2020 election) to sway general public opinion. IMO, the so called "cover up" and secret server is complete horse$hit. A POTUS has every right to safeguard information, especially when leaks have been/are such a big issue.

I also think Pelosi caved re impeachment because she finally realized there is no chance for the Dems to win in 2020. As Biden is being rejected by the Party and fades, and someone like Warren becomes front runner, it's a desperate, risky gamble on Pelosi's part. But she is smart enough to know there is no other choice.
Thanks for this, umm, response. Sometimes you need facts and a wait and see attitude (all things Trump), other times you just think you've seen enough (Pelosi realizes Democrats are going to lose in 2020). And then you play dodge-ball. Sorry mate, but you need the civics lesson. Is it OK or not? I think I have your answer.
:lol: Once again "mate," that's just your opinion...for what it's worth.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by runrussellrun »

seacoaster wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 11:22 am

But my comments on this, whether you believe it or not, are not "purely partisan." The Constitution is bipartisan; the rule of law is bipartisan. Really, which two parties are found in this document? Basic courtesies are, well, basic. Diplomacy by tweet is silly and counterproductive. Than so is doing business, no? Democracy is in all our interests. Use of a public office to obtain personal favors and alter the alchemy that is an election should concern all of us and be a primary priority. But to make money AFTER leaving office, tens of millions....is A -ok?

......- who hasn't answered the simple question: is it OK for a public official to use the power of his or her office to obtain personal favors to help defeat an opponent in an election? My sense is that, for you, the answer is "only if I like the guy who's doing it." Please with the caring oh so much of it......the revolving door between wallstreet and the white house doesn't seem to bother most folks. Giving "bundlers" diplomacy jobs? again, please with this. Just look at who New Jerser re-elected for US Senator. WHo the F really votes, to keep on electing these clowns. Mitch McConnell the problem? The USMC female pilot DEMOCRAT should have raised $100 million by know if the Dems were really serious about getting rid of Zuckerbergs/Fecedbooks bro-in law. THey are not. Why? taats.
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Peter navarro was a complete jerkoff to Kayla tausche on CNBC this am. “Out of touch with morals” salt must have been creaming in his pants.

These guys (and it’s all guys) are just showing their true colors now. Dismissive, lying, aggressive but still pu**ies if someone actually steps up to them frauds.

It is a shame, there’s a lot of good people who believe in traditional republican philosophies despite what certain posters claim about the entire party (conveniently which would lead to a single party rule though they don’t acknowledge that). It’s sad, very sad, beautifully sad that these people and they’re sycophant, immoral proxies here are somehow representing the party.

They call normal human beings who are thoughtful as Rhinos, and I call them scumbags and a**holes. And happy to provide my address in a PM to anyone who wants to adjudicate it personally instead of reading idiotic nonsense rebuttals here.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: The Politics of National Security

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

runrussellrun wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2019 7:48 am
seacoaster wrote: Sun Sep 29, 2019 11:22 am

But my comments on this, whether you believe it or not, are not "purely partisan." The Constitution is bipartisan; the rule of law is bipartisan. Really, which two parties are found in this document? Basic courtesies are, well, basic. Diplomacy by tweet is silly and counterproductive. Than so is doing business, no? Democracy is in all our interests. Use of a public office to obtain personal favors and alter the alchemy that is an election should concern all of us and be a primary priority. But to make money AFTER leaving office, tens of millions....is A -ok?

......- who hasn't answered the simple question: is it OK for a public official to use the power of his or her office to obtain personal favors to help defeat an opponent in an election? My sense is that, for you, the answer is "only if I like the guy who's doing it." Please with the caring oh so much of it......the revolving door between wallstreet and the white house doesn't seem to bother most folks. Giving "bundlers" diplomacy jobs? again, please with this. Just look at who New Jerser re-elected for US Senator. WHo the F really votes, to keep on electing these clowns. Mitch McConnell the problem? The USMC female pilot DEMOCRAT should have raised $100 million by know if the Dems were really serious about getting rid of Zuckerbergs/Fecedbooks bro-in law. THey are not. Why? taats.
It’s better to make the money while in office.
“I wish you would!”
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