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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by jhu72 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:So...DJT is now full-on blaming the mainstream media for the bomb-maker.

I do think you're right, HooDat, that the media will always report on the extremes and stories that 'bleed'. 'If it bleeds it leads.'
Whether the 'vultures' are the media or the 'vultures' readers who reward them is a bit of a useless argument, as of course it's both.

But it's a strange argument to blame inflammatory rhetoric, the calling for anger and hate and even violence, on the media that reports it.

The media are the bullhorn, for sure.

But do guns kill people, or do people kill people?

Frankly, I think it's reasonable to consider both gun manufactures/sellers and the media to be responsible for how their businesses are used by others to commit dangerous acts detrimental to the public health. And so, it's reasonable for the public to regulate such companies. And we do. Arguably, we could do more.

But the notion that we should blame the gun or the bomb or the bullhorn for the acts of the criminal is total baloney.

With regard to regulating the media, my view is that what we should be insisting upon, especially new media tech platforms, is greater transparency and an emphasis upon establishing truth as the preeminent goal, not just persuasion.

I wrote extensively on the old LP on what we can/should do better in this regard, especially with the new tech platforms.

But let's be really clear as to who has the largest bullhorn in our society and who is using that bullhorn to maximum effect in stoking fear, anger and hate.

Nothing new under the sun. We have seen this before. Radio in the 30s had a similar effect. Demagogues will be with us always. The rise of new - unfamiliar in usage - forms of communication combined with the demagogue causes the problem. Orange Duce is just a Father Coughlin style demagogue. Throw in the mix difficult economic times, city vs farm and misguided Christian zealotry with the mixture of religion and politics and you get yourself what we've got. People forget that pre-war the FBI broke up the Christian Front plot to overthrow the US government. We went into the war a pretty divided nation. Some believe it saved us.
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by dislaxxic »

The kind of idiotic "governing" you get when you throw an incompetent, policy numbnuts like Donald Trump into the Oval Office...

Bolton achieving 'life's work' by axing international deals

We continue to allow a tiny fringe-right coven of ideologues to pull all this crap while the nation stands agog at the daily diversions/depredations of our DOPUS.

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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by jhu72 »

holmes435 wrote:

Meanwhile, the small number of actual Nazis around America are supporting Trump. For what that's worth.

Trump may not think he is a Nazi, funny that American Nazi's themselves don't see it that way. :lol: :lol:
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by cradleandshoot »

dislaxxic wrote:The kind of idiotic "governing" you get when you throw an incompetent, policy numbnuts like Donald Trump into the Oval Office...

Bolton achieving 'life's work' by axing international deals

We continue to allow a tiny fringe-right coven of ideologues to pull all this turd while the nation stands agog at the daily diversions/depredations of our DOPUS.

bs1 dis... come on man why try to feed us that line of refuse. You are a member of the opposite tiny fringe FLP bunch of looney tunes espousing your own collective brand of manure. The only difference between your manure and the FRC manure is that it resides on opposite ends of the pasture. Reality is that middle America is stuck in the middle and has to try and find a path thru the bs1 that both parties are laying on thick and heavy. cwm10
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by dislaxxic »

Au contraire, my hulking green friend. The day we lefty's let you guys with the fence post up your keister define us will be a cold day in hell. You have FLP's - the centrists - and the FRC's neatly lumped into groups that you can easily define for purposes of keeping your head straight, and that's OK. For you. Would it surprise you to know i once voted for Ronald Reagan? A low-information, hard-partying, lacrosse fanatic in the Boston area didn't know any better...just knew i had to wait in long lines for gasoline to put in the jalopy i coaxed around Beantown in those days. For the death penalty too...and nuke energy, and fiscal responsibility and, and...oh, what's the use? You have your neatly defined silos to put everyone in and so there's not a lot of point to continuing.

PS: numerically, there are WAY more libruls in the country than not...and i'm talking from slightly left of center over to the far-left fringe. many on the right, like Corn Chip, are actually liberal but aren't bright enough to realize it...they're too busy "winning" and getting marching orders from the likes of Hair Furor, the Orange Douche leading the modern GOP these days.

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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by cradleandshoot »

dislaxxic wrote:Au contraire, my hulking green friend. The day we lefty's let you guys with the fence post up your keister define us will be a cold day in hell. You have FLP's - the centrists - and the FRC's neatly lumped into groups that you can easily define for purposes of keeping your head straight, and that's OK. For you. Would it surprise you to know i once voted for Ronald Reagan? A low-information, hard-partying, lacrosse fanatic in the Boston area didn't know any better...just knew i had to wait in long lines for gasoline to put in the jalopy i coaxed around Beantown in those days. For the death penalty too...and nuke energy, and fiscal responsibility and, and...oh, what's the use? You have your neatly defined silos to put everyone in and so there's not a lot of point to continuing.

PS: numerically, there are WAY more libruls in the country than not...and i'm talking from slightly left of center over to the far-left fringe. many on the right, like Corn Chip, are actually liberal but aren't bright enough to realize it...they're too busy "winning" and getting marching orders from the likes of Hair Furor, the Orange Douche leading the modern GOP these days.

I can shock you to dis... my first vote for POTUS in 1976 was for Jimmy Carter. A very nice man but a lousy POTUS. Jimmy C was still leading the nation when I arrived at FT Bragg in September of 1979. Where my unit fully expected and trained accordingly to be dispatched to the deserts of Iran where we would suffer the same fate as the rescue team that was burned, dismembered and dissected over there at desert one for all the world to see. Your point of view that there are more libruls in this country is pure poppycock. But buddy... you are perfectly welcome to having your fantasies, even if they are not based in reality. Point of order, when I speak of libruls I mean the nutjob FLP wing of what use to be the Democrat party that I grew up knowing. I probably have more than my own share of librul beliefs. Problem is once the US government becomes part and parcel of the enforcement wing of FLP ideology... you can all go to hell then. angry5 One more point of order... never been a big fan of the death penalty. In theory it sounds rational but when transferred to the real world it is never applied equally. I can think of a few people that deserved what they got... Ted Bundy... Timothy Mcviegh. Too often it is not applied in a manner that protects an innocent person from being killed. ... le/304803/ I am guessing some of you folks out there don't remember what happened at desert one. It was the first time we witnessed American soldiers killed in action having their bodies abused for propaganda. It was the event that doomed Jimmy Carters re-election.
Last edited by cradleandshoot on Thu Oct 25, 2018 5:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by DMac »

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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by HooDat »

cradleandshoot wrote:never been a big fan of the death penalty
that goes for me as well.

Here is the funny thing about people ... they make no sense. I mean none whatsoever.

The reason I don't believe in the death penalty, is the same reason I want to spread power around, and make sure there are lots of checks and balances, and hate what lobbyists have done to our country - people screw things up. They just flat out get things wrong. Sometimes with good intentions and often times not.

Examples of where this comes into play:

Death penalty - D's are against and R's are for
Gun Control - R's are against and D's are for
Centralized Planning - R's are (supposedly) against and D's are for
Huge Corporations - D's are (supposedly) against and R's are for
Fed control of marriage - R's are for D's are against

the lack of logical views on the role of gov't goes on and on
STILL somewhere back in the day....

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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by DMac »

...and the legalization of cannabis the Rs are for, ... dfc83758a6

and the Ds are for too,
"Nearly seven-in-ten Democrats (69%) say marijuana use should be legal, as do 75% of independents who lean toward the Democratic Party." ... alization/ ... alization/

What the eff's the story there?
That logic, I guess.
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by jhu72 »

DMac wrote:...and the legalization of cannabis the Rs are for, ... dfc83758a6

and the Ds are for too,
"Nearly seven-in-ten Democrats (69%) say marijuana use should be legal, as do 75% of independents who lean toward the Democratic Party." ... alization/ ... alization/

What the eff's the story there?
That logic, I guess.

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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by DMac »

Thanks for posting, 72, that's quite a commercial...dats big biness, brotha. No mention of clothing, building materials, food, etc, etc, etc, either. I believe there's a whole lot more to come from the hemp plant now that researchers can dig into it (no pun intended), who knows what other uses the plant has to offer.
They mentioned Israel in there, a country that has researched and used the plant for something other than filling private prisons. ... a-research
Shame on the US for what they've used this plant for based on a boatload of lies. People's lives have been deemed expendable in the war on cannabis just has they were in another war that was based on lies. Sure doesn't do much for the trust factor citizens have for their leaders. Absolutely sinful. I'm still surprised our Prez hasn't jumped all over this to get pot off of Sched 1 (I think that's the biggest hurdle left, gotta legitimize the business in order for it to reach its potential), bein' the biness genius and all that he is. That's a big vote getter for Mr. Prez and his R boys too if he were to do that. Would make a lot more folks high on Trump (pun intended), what a campaign slogan!! DJT got dat THC...go Donald!!
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by Bandito »

In DC this weekend there is a Young Black Leadership Summit that the media is barely covering. Why? Because these folks, hundreds in number, are black conservatives that have escaped the Democrat dependence plantation. This destroys the left's white supremacy label for Trump and his followers. It destroys the media's narrative that MAGA is a hate filled movement. MDLAXFAN called me a white supremacist for supporting MAGA. He is an idiot and a bigot himself. Again, the left name calls Republicans but in reality those names (bigot, racist, misogynist, fascists, Nazis) actually describes the Democrat Party historically and today. This is a huge movement for the Republicans. Also, early voting in many states show Republicans are up big from where they were in 2016. This could spell doom for the Democrats. The October surprises of making up lies about Kav, the Caravan and now the false flag bomb threats are backfiring bigly against the "evil party".
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Bandito wrote:In DC this weekend there is a Young Black Leadership Summit that the media is barely covering. Why? Because these folks, hundreds in number, are black conservatives that have escaped the Democrat dependence plantation. This destroys the left's white supremacy label for Trump and his followers. It destroys the media's narrative that MAGA is a hate filled movement. MDLAXFAN called me a white supremacist for supporting MAGA. He is an idiot and a bigot himself. Again, the left name calls Republicans but in reality those names (bigot, racist, misogynist, fascists, Nazis) actually describes the Democrat Party historically and today. This is a huge movement for the Republicans. Also, early voting in many states show Republicans are up big from where they were in 2016. This could spell doom for the Democrats. The October surprises of making up lies about Kav, the Caravan and now the false flag bomb threats are backfiring bigly against the "evil party".
Did I call you a white supremacist? Because you support MAGA? I don't recall calling you specifically much of anything other than nut job, troll, etc.

Your views, as expressed in the forum, I have addressed as reflecting white supremacy concepts, fear, resentment, anger, hate of the Other. But it appears that you are simply repeating, re-posting whatever trash you get in your hard right internet feeds. The lack of accurate historical perspective, the lack of discernment between propaganda and reality, the anger and hate, all reflect a weak mind.But, I'm not yet convinced that these are your own 'thoughts'. Of course, that's what is particularly scary about the hate-filled rhetoric, whether left or right. The weak-minded get swept up and eventually some take violent action. Historically, we see assassinations. And, if in a group, that violent behavior can spin enormously out of control. Again, this is true of left or right, whatever ideology that the weak-minded latch onto as 'justifying' their action.

But I certainly don't think that most MAGA supporters wittingly are supporting white supremacy.

But white supremacists definitely have lined up in support of MAGA. They hear the dog whistles loud and clear and have publicly said so.

As to whether I'm an "idiot and bigot", I certainly have been proven wrong in various instances and am willing to learn when that occurs. Does that make me an "idiot"? Guess that's one perspective.

On "bigot", we all have a lens based on our various experiences and environments. My own experience base has considerable diversity, from waterman and farmers on the eastern shore of MD to Texas, Louisiana, and Missouri, to white and black and hispanic women and children in poverty, from policemen and soldiers to felons on probation. Exposure to lots of people involved in the political sphere and public policy, R and D. Ton of diversity religiously, particularly various segments of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Less with other major religions. But not much direct exposure to violent extremists of any of those. Not much direct exposure to criminal gangs, narco traffickers, but close friends who have battled these violent, criminal elements, both domestically and internationally. Exposure to gay, transgender, and other gender dynamics and couples. People, not labels.

So, of course I have biases, we all do. But "bigot"?
Against whom? white supremacists?
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by dislaxxic »

Well, clearly, MD, you're really bigoted against hateful, ignorant, far-right fringe, weak-minded dweebs. ;)

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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:
Bandito wrote:In DC this weekend there is a Young Black Leadership Summit that the media is barely covering. Why? Because these folks, hundreds in number, are black conservatives that have escaped the Democrat dependence plantation. This destroys the left's white supremacy label for Trump and his followers. It destroys the media's narrative that MAGA is a hate filled movement. MDLAXFAN called me a white supremacist for supporting MAGA. He is an idiot and a bigot himself. Again, the left name calls Republicans but in reality those names (bigot, racist, misogynist, fascists, Nazis) actually describes the Democrat Party historically and today. This is a huge movement for the Republicans. Also, early voting in many states show Republicans are up big from where they were in 2016. This could spell doom for the Democrats. The October surprises of making up lies about Kav, the Caravan and now the false flag bomb threats are backfiring bigly against the "evil party".
Did I call you a white supremacist? Because you support MAGA? I don't recall calling you specifically much of anything other than nut job, troll, etc.

Your views, as expressed in the forum, I have addressed as reflecting white supremacy concepts, fear, resentment, anger, hate of the Other. But it appears that you are simply repeating, re-posting whatever trash you get in your hard right internet feeds. The lack of accurate historical perspective, the lack of discernment between propaganda and reality, the anger and hate, all reflect a weak mind.But, I'm not yet convinced that these are your own 'thoughts'. Of course, that's what is particularly scary about the hate-filled rhetoric, whether left or right. The weak-minded get swept up and eventually some take violent action. Historically, we see assassinations. And, if in a group, that violent behavior can spin enormously out of control. Again, this is true of left or right, whatever ideology that the weak-minded latch onto as 'justifying' their action.
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by runrussellrun »

jhu72 wrote:
DMac wrote:...and the legalization of cannabis the Rs are for, ... dfc83758a6

and the Ds are for too,
"Nearly seven-in-ten Democrats (69%) say marijuana use should be legal, as do 75% of independents who lean toward the Democratic Party." ... alization/ ... alization/

What the eff's the story there?
That logic, I guess.

Does this mean I don't have to drive over the border to buy liquid cooled lites?

Pot for medicine.....complete nonsense. When will the Federal government make it legal? What's it take to be a grower/dispensary in YOUR state? You gotta be pretty wealthy, or have wealthy friends. Can't walk into the welfare office (bankof A or shittybank, etc ) to get a business loan.
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by jhu72 »

I for one certainly am not happy with the roadblocks being put in place that make it difficult for the un-connected, not wealthy, traditional pot grower to compete in the new environment.

It's like being an African American voter in Georgia this year.
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by dislaxxic »

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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by runrussellrun »

an oldie but goodie

the original ABC candidate, it's ok when hired hands do it.
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

dislaxxic wrote:Well, clearly, MD, you're really bigoted against hateful, ignorant, far-right fringe, weak-minded dweebs. ;)

Everyone has some degree of bigotry. :) salut1
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