Orange Duce

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by DMac »

The only place you destroy anyone is between your ears, dito.
If being a touchhole is winning, you win the grand prize hands down.
The Pesky Urine Ant Punk Award is all yours, tough guy.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote:No, no-----Randy is TELLING me we're going isolationist. I agreed with him years ago that for Iraq, at least, we're dealing with Powell's "Pottery Barn" rule.

I just HATE that we can't leave, and I think it's the height of insanity to invade yet another ME country should the "opportunity" present itself. If that makes me an isolationist, then ok.

And to answer my own question: no. No, we can't buy all our military stuff domestically. That would make too much sense, and the 1% won't hear of it.
Pretty sure you meant SELL. (This can't happen without CONGRESS' approval, btw. They hand out OK's like halloween candy )

When is the last time our subs or topside Navy ships have fired within the 13 mile region of the USA borders? We don't need tanks or armored people cans either. Let's all form an infantry square against cavalry charges while were at antique ways of fighting. Tanks? Lots or rotting vehicles/planes in our nations military bases. I know, I know deterrence, Teddy R's big stick and all.

ANd....thank GOODNESS we have private contractors running security at the USS Constitution and West Point, to name a few. Is M.P. still a MOS? What the heck is going on? ... llegations

So much junk, so little time. Oh, look......Aventti calling for a blue wave on the front page of the globe. Porn sites still number one on the interweb? exactly

we get what we deserve, because our head is in lah lah land of make believe tough.
Last edited by runrussellrun on Wed Oct 24, 2018 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Brooklyn »

Trump = three pants on fire lies in 2 days:

It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by dislaxxic »

He's panicking that elections are less tthan 2 weeks away...

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by seacoaster »

Anyone read the story in the [failing/fake] Post this morning about the back-office group of functionaries who try to generate something, after the fact, that appears to make the President's lies about myriad things true. It's remarkable. A self-governing society cannot be sustained with an electorate that can't be bothered to be interested or educated. ... 843656b25e

"When President Trump abruptly told reporters over the weekend that middle-income Americans would receive a 10 percent tax cut before the midterm elections, neither officials on Capitol Hill nor in his administration knew anything about such a tax cut. The White House released no substantive information. And although cutting taxes requires legislation, Congress is not scheduled to be back in session until after the Nov. 6 elections.

Yet Washington’s bureaucratic machinery whirred into action nonetheless — working to produce a policy that could be seen as supporting Trump’s whim.

One such option now under discussion by administration officials is a symbolic nonbinding “resolution” designed to signal to voters ahead of the elections that if Republicans hold their congressional majorities they might pass a future 10 percent tax cut for the middle class. And House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady (R-Tex.) said Tuesday that he would work with the White House and the Treasury Department to develop a plan “over the coming weeks.”

"The mystery tax cut is only the latest instance of the federal government scrambling to reverse-engineer policies to meet Trump’s sudden public promises — or to search for evidence buttressing his conspiracy theories and falsehoods.

The Pentagon leaped into action to both hold a military parade and launch a “Space Force” on the president’s whims. The Commerce Department moved to create a plan for auto tariffs after Trump angrily threatened to impose them. And just this week, Vice President Pence, the Department of Homeland Security and the White House all rushed to try to back up Trump’s unsupported claim that “unknown Middle Easterners” were part of a migrant caravan in Central America — only to have the president admit late Tuesday that there was no proof at all."

Instead of caring about the fact that we have a President whose word mean less than nothing, they're all eating Fritos.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by runrussellrun »

So, we'll elect someone else in 2020. YOU gave us Hillary. Like Dr. Loh gave us (Terps) the last two useless fph, F. FFFooootball coaches. (b/c football is SOOO important )

tRump's been at the helm for the downwind leg.........really just steering straight with NO jibes.

easy economy. Wanna thank Obama? You gotta thank Bush too.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Your reply as with afan’s, is projecting on a future hypothetical, based on a past moment in time. As you are well aware, Trump is doing quite differently and not your or others liking. My argument is quite simple. Tax cuts help people, pure and simple. When you start arguing the ecomnomins of revenue and we “are nowhere near today” , that is just you opinion. Why don’t you try an excercise and ask your employees if they would be happy with a tax cut or hike. Don’t over conllicate it.
There's no way that you are this financially illiterate. Do me a favor. Print out this post, date it, and give to the youngest member of your family. That way, when the US can't borrow any more money, this young relative of yours will be able to answer the question: "what was grandpa thinking that made him think that we don't have to pay to fund our government".

Sheesh. I thought that having to explain what County's were for was rock bottom. State's are organized into Counties so that they can pool resources to provide basic government services to people in smaller cities/towns. Follow the Republican logic of "every man for himself" and "redistribution is bad", Counties should be abolished. Every city for itself. Screw the smaller cities if they can't fend for themselves.

In any event, let's walk through your financial logic as to these Federal tax cuts. Let's start at the bottom.

1. The Federal Government has expenses. It has purchased things and has operating costs. Agreed, yes? Great.
2. So how do we pay for these expenses. Silly me, I think we should levy taxes. Apparently you don't.

So let's start your answers here, youthathletics. If you think that I'm "overcomplicating" things in insisting these ridiculous Federal tax cuts are bad, tell me: why do we have taxes at all? Why not simply borrow the money, and pay for our Federal Government expenses with nothing but borrowed money?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
youthathletics wrote:
a fan wrote:
youthathletics wrote:Proposed tax cuts must be making your heads spin. Politics at its finest. Remember....the debt is just a toy for each side torment each other. ;)
If that's even remotely true, why not hand out $50K to every man, woman, and child living in America? You just spoke of the unforgivable poverty we have in this nation. $50K to everyone would take care of that if things like those tax cuts don't matter.

In fact, why have taxes at all? Why not just borrow it all?
You clearly must be for the proposed tax cut, but upset about the proposed tax cut because, why? You just compared it to giving away money to every man and woman, every-bit helps. The government, sorry - the 1%ers, throw us not just crumbs this go-around, but this time it might be a whole loaf of bread each month for the foreseeable future, and your response is they should do more.....I agree completely. But not so fast, you know darned well if the left gets into office or has the majority, those tax are gone baby gone, and are likely to climb, stealing back our lollipops from that extra discretionary income.
youth, just checking, but you do realize that the tax cuts that impact in any way the middle or lower income groups, the 90%, go away shortly? Leaving just the tax cuts for the most well-off?

Yet, growth is not nearly going to net revenue to offset the cuts?

If I'm not mistaken, a fan was simply challenging the logic that tax cuts pay for themselves, versus requiring increased borrowing. And the logic that more cuts would be even better. Thus the proposition of why tax at all, just borrow. He's obviously not actually supporting that proposition, quite the opposite.

The problem is that tax cuts don't actually lead to revenue growth except in very limited specific situations...which we are nowhere near today.
You might be a day late MD. There is discussion on he table of more tax cuts coming and yes I understand about the last cut expiring.

Your reply as with afan’s, is projecting on a future hypothetical, based on a past moment in time. As you are well aware, Trump is doing quite differently and not your or others liking. My argument is quite simple. Tax cuts help people, pure and simple. When you start arguing the ecomnomins of revenue and we “are nowhere near today” , that is just you opinion. Why don’t you try an excercise and ask your employees if they would be happy with a tax cut or hike. Don’t over conllicate it.
I think a fan's response was more than adequate, but I'll be polite and respond as well.

There was no 'discussion on the table of more tax cuts' was purely a fiction of Trump's imagination in the flurry of BS running up to the midterms. His own economic advisors dialed it back fast, now they're scrambling to give him some sort of cover, but no one is actually serious about such being passable much less a good idea.

The existing tax cut, which Trump has trumpeted as the largest in history, has become quite unpopular, except with a very small % of folks who actually benefit substantively. And only a portion of the Trump base who as long as Trump is associated will support it. But separate the question from mention of Trump and they peel off.

More importantly, the revenue promised so loudly from the cuts has (as was easily predictable) not materialized to pay for the spike in spending. The deficit has soared. And will continue to do so. No chance of otherwise.

So, the deficit hawks in the GOP, and yes there remain some, will not be willing to do more tax cutting at this point. And, of course, if the House flips we're most likely to see any tax changes that actually would be passable to need to be a major dial back of the deep cuts to the top 1% and corporate, in exchange for some middle class cuts and military spending cuts. Not holding my breath on that either.

As to my "opinion", sure, but my "opinion is based on the consensus of actual economists of note, not the tiny handful who predicted that revenues would cover expenditures. The timing issue that they explained was that tax cuts (or gov't expenditures) could create far more positive stimulation in a slack production environment than when employment is near full and growth is already at a strong pace. The exact time not to do major tax cuts is in such an already strong growth environment.

But sure, it's of course a delight to get a tax refund or tax cut...assuming that all the things I would spend on with those extra dollars aren't jumping in cost as a result. Now if I'm really dumb (and yes, a large portion of the voters actually fit that label) I might be temporarily persuaded politically to be enthusiastic about my perceived benefit...but over time even most numbskulls like me figure it out.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Bandito wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
Bandito wrote:Everything MDlax said about the tax cuts is false. He is spreding lies because of his TDS. Me and millions of Americans are greatly benefitting from the tax cuts. It is amazing to see how you morons can't stand tax cuts. No one is stopping you from paying more taxes. Trump has put thousands of dollars back in my pocket and he is keeping his promises. The results are speaking for themselves.
He has put two's of thousands back in your pocket!
Hell yea he has! I have $2400 crumbs back in my hard earned pocket!! It is only CRUMBS though. Just crumbs. I can't do anything with $2400! This is how stupid you and a fan are. Most Americans are greatly benefitting from the tax cuts and economic climate we are in. You and he just are big time sufferers of TDS. It is amazing to see everyone opposed to winning just because they hate TRUMP!

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Bandito »

Republicans and Conservatives don't act like this. This seems, just like Kavanaugh and the Caravan, a political hit job set up by the Democrats. Democrats are the ones who have been calling for violence. Don't you find it interesting none of these bombs exploded? This just doesn't add up. This definitely smells like a Democrat hit job. I know one when I see one.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

President's comments just now were appropriate in tone of condemnation of the acts, but strangely incomplete.

For some reason he omitted CNN and Soros, could that really have been inadvertent?
For the moment I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it was strange.

His reference to this as bipartisan was also weird. Somehow suggesting equivalence. But again, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt as obviously there was the shooting of GOP congressmen a year ago. But it felt like he was suggesting equivalence with the stuff in restaurants from the left.

7th package was targeted at Maxine Waters. You know, "low IQ" Maxine.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by CU88 »

Bandito wrote:Republicans and Conservatives don't act like this. This seems, just like Kavanaugh and the Caravan, a political hit job set up by the Democrats. Democrats are the ones who have been calling for violence. Don't you find it interesting none of these bombs exploded? This just doesn't add up. This definitely smells like a Democrat hit job. I know one when I see one.
just like the pizza parlor in DC
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by jhu72 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:President's comments just now were appropriate in tone of condemnation of the acts, but strangely incomplete.

For some reason he omitted CNN and Soros, could that really have been inadvertent?
For the moment I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it was strange.

His reference to this as bipartisan was also weird. Somehow suggesting equivalence. But again, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt as obviously there was the shooting of GOP congressmen a year ago. But it felt like he was suggesting equivalence with the stuff in restaurants from the left.

7th package was targeted at Maxine Waters. You know, "low IQ" Maxine.

Cuomo package is now claimed to be not related. That one seemed strange.

Orange Duce is walking on egg shells. This should put him on his best behavior for the next, oh, 4 hours of so, before he says something to incite his deplorables.
Last edited by jhu72 on Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Bandito wrote:Republicans and Conservatives don't act like this. This seems, just like Kavanaugh and the Caravan, a political hit job set up by the Democrats. Democrats are the ones who have been calling for violence. Don't you find it interesting none of these bombs exploded? This just doesn't add up. This definitely smells like a Democrat hit job. I know one when I see one.
Yup, 'no crazies on the right' is belied daily by your posts.

Crazies come in all political stripes, always have, always will. Only a total looney tunes would argue otherwise.
The nut jobs who go to violence are simply looking for an excuse and a target for their anger and resentments, mostly imagined.
Most nut jobs don't take the last step to actual violence, but a few do.

In this case the odds are overwhelmingly suggestive that this is a nut job who imagines himself a supporter of Trump and a hater of all that he imagines as opposed. Kinda guy who believes every nonsensical conspiracy theory as long as it aligns with his nut case world view.

Sounds familiar.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote:
youthathletics wrote: Your reply as with afan’s, is projecting on a future hypothetical, based on a past moment in time. As you are well aware, Trump is doing quite differently and not your or others liking. My argument is quite simple. Tax cuts help people, pure and simple. When you start arguing the ecomnomins of revenue and we “are nowhere near today” , that is just you opinion. Why don’t you try an excercise and ask your employees if they would be happy with a tax cut or hike. Don’t over conllicate it.
If you think that I'm "overcomplicating" things in insisting these ridiculous Federal tax cuts are bad, tell me: why do we have taxes at all? Why not simply borrow the money, and pay for our Federal Government expenses with nothing but borrowed money?
We are talking past each other. Your reply assumes that operating costs of each and everything in the Fed is staying the same price or going up, not taking into account operating costs are reducing. For instance, our company has saved the State Department millions of dollars "globally" in a very small niche market, enough so, that their ROI was ~2-3 years. For instance....If I walked into your business and sold you UV curing lamps that could dry your ink and glue immediately, provide gear reduction and variable speed control on your machinery to speed up your assembly line at lower operating costs, find a way so you could be more productive at night when your electrical peak charge is much lower, etc, etc...You would be inclined to expand your business sq/ft and more than likely be able to increase your margins....which makes you wealthier. So that means should you re-invest, you are buying more products (think your consumption tax), services, hiring, etc. And you may find that if you lower costs now that you can increase your volume without comprising quality you may even lower you prices to capture more of the market.

I am not saying tax cuts are the ideal solution to everything, I am simply identifying with those (myself included) that would benefit from a tax cut. Your reply is prognosticating what that tax break will do years down the road. If for some reason things begin to get too far out of whack, taxes will simply be raised to balance things out......just like they always have. My argument, is we simply can't just keep taxing more and more things and raising them, without first cutting. And Yes, I know we are spending more right now, but lets see in the next couple/few years how this shakes out. You may very well be correct, but Trump is a different breed than we are accustomed to, let's see if his way is any different than a career politician.

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Trinity »

In a huge surprise, the Chinese are listening to Trump’s unsecured I-phone and infiltrating his friends and advisors. NYT has the story. Yeah, Trump’s a different breed alright.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by youthathletics »

It's intentional...see, he even fooled you. ;)
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Trinity »

In Trump’s defense, his staff says he doesn’t really know what’s going on anyway.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by youthathletics »

I believe that. :lol:
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by DocBarrister »

Trinity wrote:In a huge surprise, the Chinese are listening to Trump’s unsecured I-phone and infiltrating his friends and advisors. NYT has the story. Yeah, Trump’s a different breed alright.
Yep. A major national security breach.

WASHINGTON — When President Trump calls old friends on one of his iPhones to gossip, gripe or solicit their latest take on how he is doing, American intelligence reports indicate that Chinese spies are often listening — and putting to use invaluable insights into how to best work the president and affect administration policy, current and former American officials said.

Mr. Trump’s aides have repeatedly warned him that his cellphone calls are not secure, and they have told him that Russian spies are routinely eavesdropping on the calls, as well. But aides say the voluble president, who has been pressured into using his secure White House landline more often these days, has still refused to give up his iPhones. White House officials say they can only hope he refrains from discussing classified information when he is on them.

... American spy agencies, the officials said, had learned that China and Russia were eavesdropping on the president’s cellphone calls from human sources inside foreign governments and intercepting communications between foreign officials. ... e=Homepage

So, where are all those Republicans who criticized Hillary for using a private email server and speculated (and it was never more than speculation) that she had put our national security at risk? Here, you have our corrupt, lying, idiot president purposely discussing sensitive matters on an unsecured phone, despite being told by U.S. intelligence officials that his calls are being intercepted by Russia and China (and who knows how many others). And why would he do that? So that his calls would not be logged as they would be on secure phones.

Those of you who criticized Hillary over her email and still continue to support Trump after the revelations today have proven yourselves to be hypocritical morons who never really gave a damn about national security.

DocBarrister 8-)
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