Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Had just 20 (D)'s joined 193 (R)'s, the Goodlatte bill would have passed the House & gone to the Senate.
https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news ... eform-bill
...an immigration reform bill sponsored by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., Thursday that would have dramatically increased border security and provided a pathway to citizenship for roughly 700,000 of the 1.8 million so-called "Dreamers" living in the United States.

The bill — the more conservative option of two pieces of immigration legislation originally scheduled to be voted on this week — was defeated by a final vote of 193-231. No Democrats voted for the bill, and ...41 Republicans voted nay
So in your world, 41 Republicans voted no on the bill, ensuring its failure,...yet you want to blame 20 Democrats for not signing on.

Makes perfect sense. ;)

You really believe that, don't you? Republicans have managed to convince you that, "gee whiz, we'd love to fix the border, but the Dems, who have zero bearing on this vote, are the problem".

At what point do you realize that they're lying to you, and have zero intention of changing the status quo?

Does Congress need to be 100% Republican in order for you to catch on to this nonsense?
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote:HR 4760: Failed b/c 41 pretend CONservatives voted NO.
Gee. Ya think?
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by runrussellrun »

thatsmell wrote:Keep an eye out for Texas militias and citizens taking up arms to secure the border and prevent the crossings.

It has happened before:

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/mor ... 2c9b306e0f

paywall, no thanks. Do you actually get to SHOOT people? Sign me up.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by cradleandshoot »

dislaxxic wrote:Great choice for a new thread Cradle. Nothing else to do? Garden plowed under for that wonderful Rochester winter?

Tell you what. Find out what country they are coming from, study it, and let us know what is going on there. Who's the president of said country? What politics rule that nation? Are there jobs there? Doctors? Must be, its 2018 after all. What is the crime rate there, and how long have conditions that exist there today been the case?

The answer to your vexing questions may be there. Get back to us on that, wouldja?

I asked a very simple question dis based on logistics. I really don't give a rats patootie about whether these people are let in or not. Sometimes your political bias overcomes your reading comprehension. I will repeat it for you one more time... who is paying to support all these people? Who is feeding them, providing medical and sanitary facilities? When you get together this many people that are clearly on a mission... someone is supporting this "caravan" and wants it to happen. I knew when I posted this that a certain few people her would react just as I knew you would. Yall ignored the question which was very simple and side stepped into the same bs1 you folks always do. If nothing else you people are so very easy to predict. You raced right off on a yellow man tangent and didn't even try to answer the question. Thank you dis for being the easily predictable character I knew you to be. salut1
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by cradleandshoot »

I heard on the radio on the way home the roving heard has grown to an estimate of 14 thousand people. I ask again who is supporting this effort? Who is paying for the food/water/medical care and transportation for all the folks riding in trucks. That was my only question when I started this thread and no one here has offered up an answer. It takes millions of dollars and organization to pull this off. This is not some spontaneous march to freedom... this is a well thought out plan with a very clear objective. Trump claiming he will "seal the border" is pure bs1 The military can't stop these people without one very ugly scenario playing out in front of 20 thousand media fruitcakes who would love to broadcast live on their networks US military people busting people skulls open for all the world to see.

When they get to the border they will enter our nation and then we try to figure out who they are then send them on their merry way with an immigration court date about 50 years from now. Its the same old story... the same old song and dance my friends. If we are not going to enforce the laws we now have on the books... then change the laws and let everyone in and be all happy happy at our compassion as a nation. It is not that difficult to figure out... it takes the butt wipes in DC to fix it. Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen. :roll:
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by jhu72 »

Not to be a wet blanket, but letting a little sunshine in. :roll:

Debunking Myths.
Some small number but far less than 7000 have reached as far north as 23 miles north of the Guatemala - Mexico border. They crossed the Suchiate river by boat.

The idea that you are going to see 7000 migrants showing up in Brownsville, TX or any other port of entry in the next 45 days, is ludicrous. AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN! But it is a nice attempt at a scare tactic by Orange Duce for the mentally deficient. Should convince most of his voting base. :roll:
Last edited by jhu72 on Mon Oct 22, 2018 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by HooDat »

The answer seems relatively simple.
Our military meets them at the border (gee I would have thought that THAT is what an Army is for, but some folks seem to think that an Army is meant to be an international police force....

sorry, where was i? Oh yeah,

military stops them at the border. We send supplies across the border to help the Mexican gov deal with the humanitarian crisis that will be occurring. But NO ONE crosses the border until they are processed.

Most should be put on a bus or plane back home.... Otherwise we will be held hostage to this kind of stunt over and over again. Perhaps we let none in the country and tell Mexico to deal with it, and maybe next time they will stop them at their border?

We could also put them on a bus and drive them up to Canada, the Canadians are far nicer than we are.....
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by cradleandshoot »

holmes435 wrote:Image

What makes more sense? George Soros and the Democratic machine is paying thousands of Central Americans to march on up to America for no reason, which provides fodder for Trump and his base which helps Republicans gain more votes, or that people are so desperate to escape violence, death and destitution that they band together seeking the promised land of the American Dream, the beacon on the hill. Did anyone pay the tens of thousands of slaves escaping via the underground railroad? Or did they make their way from the generosity of others?

The media is there because it creates drama across America and draws eyeballs.
I don't recall the slaves escaping to freedom marching up north in a huge caravan of people. I believe they escaped slavery in small numbers via the underground railroad at the risk of beatings, torture and death. If you are going to make an analogy Holmes you should shoot for apples to apples. Maybe you can share with us via your own infinite wisdom who is financing this. Or do you believe it is just a spontaneous group of thousands who just suddenly woke up one morning and said... lets hoof it 2000 miles up to America... it sure sucks were we live now? Maybe we can find a place in Watertown NY were it gets to 20 below and they get 6 feet of snow in a good weekend. Now that is the American dream my friend. headbang1
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by HooDat »

it is a little bit of sunshine, but not much.

I would be less surprised to learn that the GOP funded this than the DNC - the DNC is not that dumb...

Whoever is behind it, and someone has to be, is setting a very dangerous precedent. We let these people in, we are now on the record as caving to this kind of stunt, and the next wave will be a million people. People will end up losing their lives on these migrations and the US held hostage to the humanitarian tragedy that is certain play out south of our border. If not this time, then the next and the next after that.....

This can't end well, and the best outcome is to nip it in the bud now.
STILL somewhere back in the day....

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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by cradleandshoot »

HooDat wrote:The answer seems relatively simple.
Our military meets them at the border (gee I would have thought that THAT is what an Army is for, but some folks seem to think that an Army is meant to be an international police force....

sorry, where was i? Oh yeah,

military stops them at the border. We send supplies across the border to help the Mexican gov deal with the humanitarian crisis that will be occurring. But NO ONE crosses the border until they are processed.

Most should be put on a bus or plane back home.... Otherwise we will be held hostage to this kind of stunt over and over again. Perhaps we let none in the country and tell Mexico to deal with it, and maybe next time they will stop them at their border?

We could also put them on a bus and drive them up to Canada, the Canadians are far nicer than we are.....
They could accommodate them at Ft Drum... plenty of land up here in snowtown, freeze ass upstate NY. Once you get use to the mountains of snow, the freezing cold and you make your way up to Tugg Hill and learn how to snow mobile... you will really love America. Every person entering in the caravan gets a free pair of ice skates and cross country skis and a really high quality Carhart jacket, boots and mittens and long underwear. Dmac could probably help take the edge off with some of his "medicinal" crops... if he has a surplus and I bet he does. ;)
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by cradleandshoot »

HooDat wrote:
it is a little bit of sunshine, but not much.

I would be less surprised to learn that the GOP funded this than the DNC - the DNC is not that dumb...

Whoever is behind it, and someone has to be, is setting a very dangerous precedent. We let these people in, we are now on the record as caving to this kind of stunt, and the next wave will be a million people. People will end up losing their lives on these migrations and the US held hostage to the humanitarian tragedy that is certain play out south of our border. If not this time, then the next and the next after that.....

This can't end well, and the best outcome is to nip it in the bud now.
Personally I think the GOP is too cheap to fund such a thing. It seems way too well organized to be a brainchild of any Republican I can think of. :lol:
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by jhu72 »

HooDat wrote:
it is a little bit of sunshine, but not much.

I would be less surprised to learn that the GOP funded this than the DNC - the DNC is not that dumb...

Whoever is behind it, and someone has to be, is setting a very dangerous precedent. We let these people in, we are now on the record as caving to this kind of stunt, and the next wave will be a million people. People will end up losing their lives on these migrations and the US held hostage to the humanitarian tragedy that is certain play out south of our border. If not this time, then the next and the next after that.....

This can't end well, and the best outcome is to nip it in the bud now.
Lacking evidence at this time, of outside funding, I think it is locally generated and totally underfunded. 90% of these migrants won't get 100 miles into Mexico. There will be further attrition as the others move north. As for outside funding, it makes no sense for the democrats to fund it, so they aren't. Who knows what the republican dirty trick machine is capable of, but I doubt they are funding it.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by DocBarrister »

The United States needs ambitious, determined, hard working, young immigrant workers to serve as an upgrade over the aging, decrepit, and racist cohort that forms Trump’s MAGA political base and the Fox News viewership.

If you walked over a thousand miles to enter the United States, we ought to hear your case for stayin’.

I think we should screen everyone for a criminal record, and those who come out clean should be given green cards with eligibility for citizenship in five years.

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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by holmes435 »

cradleandshoot wrote:I heard on the radio on the way home the roving heard has grown to an estimate of 14 thousand people. I ask again who is supporting this effort? Who is paying for the food/water/medical care and transportation for all the folks riding in trucks. That was my only question when I started this thread and no one here has offered up an answer. It takes millions of dollars and organization to pull this off. This is not some spontaneous march to freedom... this is a well thought out plan with a very clear objective.
People believe in strength in numbers. If a few people band together and others hear about it they can join it. Pretty easy to get a bunch of disaffected people fleeing violence in the countries just south of Mexico. They think they will have greater bargaining power if there are a lot of them.

To answer your question about who is paying:

I doubt they're getting any medical care on the trip other than what first aid they know and anything they were able to pack. As far as water, I imagine they are drinking whatever water they come across. As far as food, between beans, rice, flour, and eggs, you can feed people for cents on the dollar per day in Mexico along with whatever food they had to start. When they run out of food and money, they do what millions of migrants do around the world every year - forage for food, work, steal, or do whatever they need to get it.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by DMac »

If they run out money, they could run into big trouble.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by Brooklyn »

runrussellrun wrote:
Brooklyn wrote:I've been wondering all this time as well.

... I suspect that someone or some group associated with the anti-immigrant right wing arranged this superbly well organized march at this very convenient moment. The news has inspired some folks in this area to join up with Trump and to vote for his party. No surprise that it happened and no doubt that this is happening all over the USA. I bet it was all planned that way from the beginning.

And yet, the clowns at CNN, MSNBC, huffpost, ny times, wash post are Too stupid to understand that this is a tRump plot/plan and cover the story 24/7? Just ignore it like they do so many other stories.


http://americandownfall.com/wp-content/ ... 307705.jpg

No luggage or supply stuffs. They are not carrying any form of supplies/provisions because they know there are supply stations everywhere. It is obvious that this march is not spontaneous. It was planned and organized long before it started and timed just before the elections in order to take advantage of anti-immigration sentiment nationwide.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by old salt »

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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by Trinity »

Built on the model of the Stations of The Cross. Mothers and children and grandparents fleeing the mouth of a shark. Trump’s frightened?
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by Bandito »

a fan wrote:
Bandito wrote:
a fan wrote:
Bandito wrote:Of course the Democrats have been silent. Since blacks are leaving the Democrat plantation, Democrats need a new group they can prey on and keep voting Democrat. This is why we must never let the Democrats have power again. They are anti American and want a global world take over of this country.
So if all immigrants vote Democrat, why hasn't Trump and Republicans passed an immigration reform bill, and sealed the border? Hell, I'd settle for a bill passing the House at this point. Where is the bill?

Did they forget to write it?
Check this out. Excellent article about the border crisis and invasion by Dr. Joondeph
So in other words, you know full well that your Republican party didn't lift a finger to seal the border, or to reform immigration.

And you don't care. But you think we need to keep voting for them....even thought they aren't actually doing anything about these problems.

Got it.
Read Old Salt's post. He just owned you. Keep lying and trolling.
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Re: Who is supporting the immigrant caravan?

Post by Bandito »

Brooklyn wrote:
runrussellrun wrote:
Brooklyn wrote:I've been wondering all this time as well.

... I suspect that someone or some group associated with the anti-immigrant right wing arranged this superbly well organized march at this very convenient moment. The news has inspired some folks in this area to join up with Trump and to vote for his party. No surprise that it happened and no doubt that this is happening all over the USA. I bet it was all planned that way from the beginning.

And yet, the clowns at CNN, MSNBC, huffpost, ny times, wash post are Too stupid to understand that this is a tRump plot/plan and cover the story 24/7? Just ignore it like they do so many other stories.


All these invaders are men. This is a threat to our soverneighty. This needs to be stopped by all means necessary. Trump needs to send the military to the border and send them back. If it comes to bloodshed, so be it. Build the damn wall already. Stupid Democrats who oppose the wall, are big time hypocrites because they live in houses with walls. Why? To keep things out! (weather, bugs, bad guys etc.)

http://americandownfall.com/wp-content/ ... 307705.jpg

No luggage or supply stuffs. They are not carrying any form of supplies/provisions because they know there are supply stations everywhere. It is obvious that this march is not spontaneous. It was planned and organized long before it started and timed just before the elections in order to take advantage of anti-immigration sentiment nationwide.
All these invaders are men. This is a threat to our soverneighty. This needs to be stopped by all means necessary. Trump needs to send the military to the border and send them back. If it comes to bloodshed, so be it. Build the damn wall already. Stupid Democrats who oppose the wall, are big time hypocrites because they live in houses with walls. Why? To keep things out! (weather, bugs, bad guys etc.)
Farfromgeneva is a sissy soy boy
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