Orange Duce

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by old salt »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 5:49 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 4:56 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 4:06 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 3:51 pm
LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 10:40 am Page is getting the comeuppance she deserves. She and her buddy should have been smart enough to keep the lingo off the FBI equipment - it was only a matter of time. She is not a victim she put herself in that situation. Giving her a hall pass is not the answer. She is supposed to be non-biased how is not what she wrote not biased? She was trying to pull levers.
These two lovebirds were stars on our varsity spy catcher team. Yet they were texting about their love life, investigations, biases & "insurance plan" on non-secure govt PED's all around DC. What's the chance Ivan was collecting them ? ...& these 2 geniuses went after Flynn on the pretext that he was vulnerable to blackmail. The gang that couldn't shoot straight brings us the hoax that has paralyzed our govt for 3 years & continues.
What was Sondland talking on from his restaurant in Kiev? A Sat Phone?
Gordo's a dumdazz political appointee, not paid to be on our first string counter-espionage team.
He bought an opportunity to host parties in Brussels. Fiona wouldn't tell him anything of value.
He's a fixer & bail bondsman for internationally incarcerated rappers who can bring the black vote.
What are the Russians gonna blackmail him for, now that his former lady friends have accused him.
The sooner Trump throws Gordo under the bus, the better. He's earned it.
Who was he talking to on the other end?
What classified info was disclosed ?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 5:52 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 5:20 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 12:26 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:57 am
youthathletics wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:30 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:12 am As John Boehner said, "There is no more Republican Party, there is only the Trump Party."
John Boehner is right and he is partly to blame.

But ask yourself why? If you are indeed a republican as you say, you must then subscribe to the loooooong standing argument that the right just keeps taking it on the chin from the left, that the right has no spine, does not fight back, is too classy to get dirty with the left, so on and so forth. Trump comes along and immediately levels the playing the field.....he knows their political game tactics, hell....he is one, he just one-upped them. Now, all of a sudden the republican party is gone...ha!, it's just that the 2nd guy that swings gets caught.
What a lot of hooey.

"levels the playing field"... :roll:

Between 1968 and 2020, 52 years, there will have been 32 years of GOP Presidents, 20 Dems. During that period, the GOP went from the minority in both houses of Congress (where they'd been most of the prior 30 years) to a majority in both houses, and a majority of governorships, a majority of state legislatures. And they did that without Trumpism. Indeed, most analysts believe that the 2016 election was the GOP's to lose and that the election win would have been more sweeping with a more traditional candidate, including winning the popular vote. Instead, loss by 4 million votes, squeaked out a win in EC.

And under Trump, the House was promptly lost in the largest vote count loss ever in a midterm election. 6 million spread.

Yup, the "party" has solidified around Trump, but it has shifted, due to Trumpism, demographically smaller and weaker relative to the Dems. Older, whiter, less educated, much more so than it was in the prior GOP Presidency...see any issue with that demographic profile going forward?

But he makes those older, whiter, less educated... feel good... that he fights...dirty...he one-upped the hated Dems...
What an arrogant, condescending person you are MD. I am sorry if that hurts your feelings but you need to look at reality. Your party went to hell in a handbasket when Herbert stated read my lips, no new taxes. The Democrats have made a living raking your elephants over the coals ever since. The 8 years of Dubya brought nothing but scathing criticism from the usual suspects here on these forums. They laughed about what a moron GWB was. They loved Mcain until in e ran for POTUS then he was a hotheaded lunatic incapable of rational thinking. Then along came good old mild mannered Mittens. You remember him lecturing BHO about the dangers the Russians still posed to US national security? Do you also remember BHO mocking Mittens about his concerns? The 80s called mittens... they want their foreign policy back. I am holding out hope MD but maybe someday you will say something positive about your party. Until then carry on with your boot licking to your new FLP friends. Was BHO wrong when he chastised Mittens in the debate? It seems like today all the Democrats are screaming at the top of their lungs how bad Putin and his Russian friends are. What a difference in attitudes a couple of years can make. No Russian reset button in the Democrat party anymore. :D
Sorry if my pointing out a little reality to you cradle is so hard for you to handle.

The GOP, MY GOP, did rather well pre-Trump in the competitive arena of politics. At least during my voting years, 1980 onward.

Am I pleased with every aspect of that party, the turn to the 'southern strategy' for instance? Nope, but I was happy to consider myself a conservative leaning moderate Republican, very much a part of the 'big tent GOP'.

It's you newbie crybabies that disturb me.
Woe is me, a politician gets unfairly critiqued by his political opponents. Woe is me, whine, whine, whine.

The pre-Trump, 'big tent GOP' in my voting lifetime was ascendant politically, not dominant, but ascendant, controlling more levers of power than have the Dems over that period.

But here's where we are now, "older, whiter, less educated' than at any prior time in the GOP, and all you guys can do is whine about how awful the D's are. I asked you whether you see an issue in that demographic reality and your response is to call me "arrogant, condescending"? Is it the older and white parts that bother you? or is is it the less educated? These are simply the realities of the demographic concentration of the Trump Party, not a value judgement by me...but it's surely not a majority strategy for the future of the GOP.

Sure, there are a bunch of whackos in the Dem party with views that worry the heck out of a fiscal conservative...but this new Trump Party is in love with debt and trade wars...yikes! And sure, there are plenty of hypocrites on the left side of the political ledger...but how can I be PO'd about that when the hypocrisy is absolutely off the hook in the Trump Party?
But here's where we are now, "older, whiter, less educated' than at any prior time in the GOP, and all you guys can do is whine about how awful the D's are.
beg pardon there MD but are you not saying that all the Republican Trump supporters are just a bunch of uneducated wahoos who are an embarrassment to your beloved party. You sir are more of an embarrassment to your party than any of the Trump people. You insult millions of Republicans with your blanket statement and never once ever think about what you as an alleged Republican should do to reach out to them. I have no doubt that if your mindset is representative of the Republican gameplan… well your party can get use to making all of those powerful and impressive concession speeches. DJT may be an industrial strength butthole but he has showed SOME people in your party that if you believe in something stand up for it for all its worth.

DJT is not even a Republican, and he is an a-hole but at least he will stand up for the party when all the rest of you Republicans are cowering in the corner. What do you stand for MD? What are your most set in stone hardcore beliefs that you will not compromise on? Are they not so important you will criticize the other party even if they will say harsh things about you? I have not ever read you do so yet. You go out of your way to agree with everything the FLP folks here spout off about. I tip my hat to you. You do a great job of focusing on everything that is wrong with your party. I wonder why you seem to care less about what is wrong with the other party. It is just an observation but the usual suspect around this forum rarely criticize their own party. The FLP folks keep a tight shot group and are loyal to their party to a fault. That is not a character trait of the Republicans.
beg pardon there MD but are you not saying that all the Republican Trump supporters are just a bunch of uneducated wahoos who are an embarrassment to your beloved party.

Wait a second, cradle...exactly what aspect of "older, whiter, and less educated" than at any prior time in the GOP do you find so insulting?

Are older, whiter, less educated voters necessarily an "embarrassment" or "uneducated wahoos"? I don't make that assumption. I'm 'older and whiter', and I know lots of 'less educated' folks who are quite capable of being well informed citizens. My father-in-law never finished high school, went into the Navy in WWII, and then followed the family tradition of commercial fishing. I'd certainly describe him as a very well informed and a very competent citizen.

"blanket statement"?
It's simply an accurate statement that the Trump version of the GOP is 'older, whiter, and less educated' than at any prior period of the GOP in the past 70+ years. That's surely a demographic problem, assuming the GOP wishes to compete as a majority party again.

As to "stone hardcore beliefs" that I "will not compromise on", that's limited to my personal integrity.
I'm willing to "compromise" to achieve positive movement in problem solving, recognizing that my ideal policy views are very unlikely to be achieved in their entirety, that compromise is most likely to actually get to the best available solutions. I actually believe in that process, where finding common ground is the best way to achieve enduring solutions to difficult challenges.

This whining by Trumpists is truly ridiculous.
Petulant, sniveling whining....married to rampant dishonesty and corruption.

No, I don't see Trump as 'standing up for the party'...nope, he demands loyalty to himself, and anyone in the party who disagrees with him is a 'traitor' and other such insults.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by dislaxxic »

fattyandshoot wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 6:00 pm Cranky... that is the nicest thing you have said about me in forever. I was beginning to think Dis that you didn't care about me anymore. Can you inform me Mr Dis exactly how the Democrats are going to put the fear of God back into Vlad? I am sure Vlad is shaking in his boots at the prospect of having to go nose to nose with Mayor Pete. What me worry? Lizzy Warren probably keeps Vlad up at night. Vlad is concerned about Bernie because he is afraid he will visit and chug down all his Vodka. Joe Biden, in another year he may not even remember Vlads name or where Russia is. That team of Democrats is a juggernaut that is going to scare the dump right out of Vlad. :roll:
This is Fatty, right? pretending to be our cantankerous friend from can tell by the nonsensical meandering being done here...all in the name of making some sort of obscure faux point about how we should elect someone based on what Vlad "Donnie's Puppeteer" Putin thinks we should do. A cold ham sandwich would be better than this disaster.

It is SOO amusing watching all you DTS's bending into knots to defend this guy's behavior, especially in light of the caterwauling you all did for BHO's eight years, for FAR less significant issues...just flabbergasted at that :shock:

TDS's awaiting the Senate trial:


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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 6:11 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 5:49 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 4:56 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 4:06 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 3:51 pm
LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 10:40 am Page is getting the comeuppance she deserves. She and her buddy should have been smart enough to keep the lingo off the FBI equipment - it was only a matter of time. She is not a victim she put herself in that situation. Giving her a hall pass is not the answer. She is supposed to be non-biased how is not what she wrote not biased? She was trying to pull levers.
These two lovebirds were stars on our varsity spy catcher team. Yet they were texting about their love life, investigations, biases & "insurance plan" on non-secure govt PED's all around DC. What's the chance Ivan was collecting them ? ...& these 2 geniuses went after Flynn on the pretext that he was vulnerable to blackmail. The gang that couldn't shoot straight brings us the hoax that has paralyzed our govt for 3 years & continues.
What was Sondland talking on from his restaurant in Kiev? A Sat Phone?
Gordo's a dumdazz political appointee, not paid to be on our first string counter-espionage team.
He bought an opportunity to host parties in Brussels. Fiona wouldn't tell him anything of value.
He's a fixer & bail bondsman for internationally incarcerated rappers who can bring the black vote.
What are the Russians gonna blackmail him for, now that his former lady friends have accused him.
The sooner Trump throws Gordo under the bus, the better. He's earned it.
Who was he talking to on the other end?
What classified info was disclosed ?
None now. I thought the POTUS can classify and de-classify whatever he deems appropriate....
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by LandM »

I am more informed then you are IMHO- I just do not follow the tag lines - you can educate yourself, take a few steps down from the perch and speak with the common people. Give it a shot as you might educate yourself;
You come out here and tell your tales - maybe someone has something more important and more valid then your points - it is good to be educated outside your selective news rooms.

I do not care what a false narrative is - it is not in my normal vocabulary. It is a term that you will use to show your just smarter then the next guy. Ok, you passed with flying colors on the SAT, who gives a ratz. You and a few others claim you are just brilliant people and if you say something that must by Gog's granted words - All Heil MD :D

Yellow man - never once criticized Romney. I said he works in a click, prove me wrong. Try doing business in Utah and let me know how that goes for you.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by LandM »

Might want to educate yourself on clearances - it will avoid future embarrassments
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by dislaxxic »

old salt wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 3:51 pm
LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 10:40 am Page is getting the comeuppance she deserves. She and her buddy should have been smart enough to keep the lingo off the FBI equipment - it was only a matter of time. She is not a victim she put herself in that situation. Giving her a hall pass is not the answer. She is supposed to be non-biased how is not what she wrote not biased? She was trying to pull levers.
These two lovebirds were stars on our varsity spy catcher team. Yet they were texting about their love life, investigations, biases & "insurance plan" on non-secure govt PED's all around DC. What's the chance Ivan was collecting them ? ...& these 2 geniuses went after Flynn on the pretext that he was vulnerable to blackmail. The gang that couldn't shoot straight brings us the hoax that has paralyzed our govt for 3 years & continues.
You two Brainiac's know that Page and her lover were also saying nasty things about Democrats in their messaging, right? Does that mean anything to you? Wait, did i say that out loud...? OK, i'm an idiot for that...

"The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog." - Calvin, to Hobbes
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:12 pm TLD,
Might want to educate yourself on clearances - it will avoid future embarrassments
Can the President declassify whatever he wants?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by LandM »

Yellow Man,
Thanks for the compliment - much appreciated. Does not matter what they did or who they shined for - non-bias is the word. I am going to print and show this response to my wife........she just thinks I am an idiot :lol:
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by LandM »

Well he use to until a bunch of nannies said that was against his Constitutional Powers so I guess we wait and see for a SC vote - waste of time created by a bunch of useless lawyers being paid by free money. But I would say yes and that was what I lived under.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by dislaxxic »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 12:03 pmTell us, when is the line crossed when the Imperial Presidency becomes, in fact, a fascist authoritarian regime?
Quite simply: when a Democrat does the EXACT FORKIN' THING this Bozo is doing!

"The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog." - Calvin, to Hobbes
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:21 pm tLD,
Well he use to until a bunch of nannies said that was against his Constitutional Powers so I guess we wait and see for a SC vote - waste of time created by a bunch of useless lawyers being paid by free money. But I would say yes and that was what I lived under.
So I didn’t embarrass myself?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by LandM »

Doing well but the OSU thing we gotta change that :D
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:29 pm TLD,
Doing well but the OSU thing we gotta change that :D
Two teammates were captains. O H Till I die O

Friend’s son was wrecking havoc on Saturday!
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Trinity »

43% of Republicans now believe a president free of checks and balances could address the country's problems more effectively, a number that has grown from just 14% during Trump's presidency. More evidence of his reshaping of the party in favor of authoritarianism.
Evan McMullin former cia, gop.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:15 pm
LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:12 pm TLD,
Might want to educate yourself on clearances - it will avoid future embarrassments
Can the President declassify whatever he wants?
Yes he can, though by doing so he may well violate his oath of office in the process.

But LandM seems to think he knows more than everyone else on here, he's more "informed"... :roll:
Last edited by MDlaxfan76 on Mon Dec 02, 2019 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:09 pm MD,
I am more informed then you are IMHO- I just do not follow the tag lines - you can educate yourself, take a few steps down from the perch and speak with the common people. Give it a shot as you might educate yourself;
You come out here and tell your tales - maybe someone has something more important and more valid then your points - it is good to be educated outside your selective news rooms.

I do not care what a false narrative is - it is not in my normal vocabulary. It is a term that you will use to show your just smarter then the next guy. Ok, you passed with flying colors on the SAT, who gives a ratz. You and a few others claim you are just brilliant people and if you say something that must by Gog's granted words - All Heil MD :D

Yellow man - never once criticized Romney. I said he works in a click, prove me wrong. Try doing business in Utah and let me know how that goes for you.
I'm having trouble following you on this one, LandM.

Are you responding to a post or two of mine, or are you simply ignoring them?
I actually can't tell.

You appear at least to be be referring to the post in which I said that IF you actually don't know what a false narrative is (how could that possibly be?), you could just use google and easily find out.

But nope, you'd prefer to suggest that it's somehow high falutin' "vocabulary"...what a crock.

So, gotta ask...why do you insist on playing dumb and dumber? or dumbererer?
You still haven't responded to the actual content of my response to the 'false narative' you've bought into, hook, line and sinker.

I'm on here, listening and responding to all sorts of folks with whom I disagree. I "learn' all sorts of things about others' perspectives, beyond my 'selective news rooms'. Of course, this isn't the only arena where I "educate" myself on what others think. My brother-in-law, who lives in my basement rent free, is happy to tell me what a great man Trump is and why, just like Fox tells him. I'm here at my mom's place in Florida surrounded by folks who love Trump, from behind their gated walls. They too are happy to loudly proclaim why they support Trump. I listen.

Interestingly, I happened to wear a hat that reads "Make the Earth Cool Again" that I had picked up at a recent grocery business a few blinks from residents here, but two waiters, a gardener, and the waterfront guy, went out of their way to compliment the hat.

Folks do live in very different universes. I try to be aware of the variety of perspectives.
And I'm not gonna play dumb about it.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by old salt »

dislaxxic wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:14 pm
old salt wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 3:51 pm
LandM wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 10:40 am Page is getting the comeuppance she deserves. She and her buddy should have been smart enough to keep the lingo off the FBI equipment - it was only a matter of time. She is not a victim she put herself in that situation. Giving her a hall pass is not the answer. She is supposed to be non-biased how is not what she wrote not biased? She was trying to pull levers.
These two lovebirds were stars on our varsity spy catcher team. Yet they were texting about their love life, investigations, biases & "insurance plan" on non-secure govt PED's all around DC. What's the chance Ivan was collecting them ? ...& these 2 geniuses went after Flynn on the pretext that he was vulnerable to blackmail. The gang that couldn't shoot straight brings us the hoax that has paralyzed our govt for 3 years & continues.
You two Brainiac's know that Page and her lover were also saying nasty things about Democrats in their messaging, right? Does that mean anything to you? Wait, did i say that out loud...? OK, i'm an idiot for that.....
Yeah. They were worried they'd take heat for Comey's bungling of MidYear Exam after HRC won.
They weren't horrifed if HRC won, smelling her voters or plotting an insurance plan to defeat her.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Dec 02, 2019 12:03 pmTell us, when is the line crossed when the Imperial Presidency becomes, in fact, a fascist authoritarian regime?
A few examples --
-- When she refuses to leave office at the end of her term.
-- When she declares martial law & federalizes the National Guard.
-- When she refuses to enforce US laws (except for DACA).
-- When she binds the US to international Agreements without the advice & consent of the Senate (except for JCPOA & the Paris Climate Accords).
Last edited by old salt on Tue Dec 03, 2019 12:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by LandM »

Never said I was smarter then the next person in the room.......I responded to the issue of clearances - did you ever have one? That is a topic I am pretty well versed on.

As to your dumb, dumber, and dumber comment - again juvenile. I do not care to understand what a "false narrative" is - just speak the facts - I could care less that you are smarter then the average Joe - keeping grinding on as so far it has brought you zip. BTW in business I learned awhile ago that acting stupid usually gets you to the point whereby the smart guy supposedly wins the battle - NOT.
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