Voting Rights

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Re: Voting Rights

Post by ggait »

If no ID's are involved, how does one go about getting a default mail in ballot in the first place?
RRR -- you are obviously more than smart enough to not believe the BS you are posting. And the rest of us are smart enough to identify your BS as such. If we are trying to have a reasonable conversation, why do you waste our time with such junk? Do us a favor and just STFU, ok?

Every state requires ID to vote. Duh. What matters, though, is which types of ID are acceptable. And also when the ID must be presented -- time of registration? Time of voting? Both?

Colorado allows more than a dozen types of ID. If you are registered, you don't need to show a government issued photo ID to vote. A recent utility bill showing your address, for example, is fine to vote with. That's reasonable, since it is very good evidence of your current address.

In contrast, a registered voter in Wisconsin pretty much can't vote unless they have a Wisconsin photo driver license (or non-driver ID card) or U.S. photo passport. But those don't work for voting if they recently expired. That's complete BS, but legal since SCOTUS declined to hear the case. For example, why doesn't a state issued driver license with your photo on it and also your address (which would match your voter registry address) prove your identity just because it expired after a certain date? Since an expired license could easily be backed with other things like a recent utility bill to prove current address.

That has zero to do with fraud and everything to do with putting speed bumps in front of a citizen who is trying to exercise their freaking rights. Note that you can legally buy a gun in Wisconsin with less ID than you need to vote.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: Voting Rights

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Last edited by Typical Lax Dad on Thu Oct 18, 2018 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Voting Rights

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote: If no ID's are involved, how does one go about getting a default mail in ballot in the first place? :o
Sigh. Ever the contrarian. What is keeping me from taking my wife's ballot...or my neighbors ballot out of his mailbox since they all arrive on the same day....filling it out, and sending it in?


How hard is it to get a list of registered voters? People steal packages off of porches for a living. What would keep this from happening to ballots?

It's real simple, and you know it. If you or anyone else was remotely serious about voter ID, you'd get rid of all absentee ballots, save military installation where it's easy to prove identity to an appointed Military Officer.

But they don't. Why? Because absentee ballots favor Republicans. You know all those grey hairs who watch FoxNews? Getting to the polling place is hard for many of them. Sending it via mail is easy. So just stop. It's not a serious issue. It's about winning. Period.
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Re: Voting Rights

Post by runrussellrun »

ggait wrote:
If no ID's are involved, how does one go about getting a default mail in ballot in the first place?
RRR -- you are obviously more than smart enough to not believe the BS you are posting. And the rest of us are smart enough to identify your BS as such. If we are trying to have a reasonable conversation, why do you waste our time with such junk? Do us a favor and just STFU, ok?

Every state requires ID to vote. Duh. What matters, though, is which types of ID are acceptable. And also when the ID must be presented -- time of registration? Time of voting? Both?

Colorado allows more than a dozen types of ID. If you are registered, you don't need to show a government issued photo ID to vote. A recent utility bill showing your address, for example, is fine to vote with. That's reasonable, since it is very good evidence of your current address.

In contrast, a registered voter in Wisconsin pretty much can't vote unless they have a Wisconsin photo driver license (or non-driver ID card) or U.S. photo passport. But those don't work for voting if they recently expired. That's complete BS, but legal since SCOTUS declined to hear the case. For example, why doesn't a state issued driver license with your photo on it and also your address (which would match your voter registry address) prove your identity just because it expired after a certain date? Since an expired license could easily be backed with other things like a recent utility bill to prove current address.

That has zero to do with fraud and everything to do with putting speed bumps in front of a citizen who is trying to exercise their freaking rights. Note that you can legally buy a gun in Wisconsin with less ID than you need to vote.
First off, why be rude? Second, I was replying to AFAN about the ID issue. (actually lots of people bring the issue up, don't you think? )

Don't care if your visa using slave labor state has twelve THOUSAND acceptable forms of ID. The point is, you NEED an ID to register, hence vote. And, according to you, the mail it in method is working, until it doesn't. (wrong or write party wins an election ;) )

You can get arrested for driving with an expired license, yes? And having an expired PASSPORT? Not really the demographic that the NON-ID for voting crowd are pretend defending, is it. (poor, minorities, ILLEGALS )

I will ask again, what are the solutions to this problem. It is a problem, to me. Sticking to only Federal elections. We have requirements to run for Federal office, no? Age 25, citizen, representing a certain number of constituants. (no, no, NOT this again.....pesky ignored Article 1, section 2, part 3 ) Most importantly, file paperwork with the FEC. The states supress, ahem, I mean handle the process the rest of the way.

States don't handle US Passports. Federal taxes. SS cards. Man, if only Obama and the Democratic majority got some sort of law passed in 2009-2011 :roll: :roll: What is YOUR solution? IF you don't have on, than STFUP :o
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Re: Voting Rights

Post by runrussellrun »

a fan wrote:
runrussellrun wrote: If no ID's are involved, how does one go about getting a default mail in ballot in the first place? :o
Sigh. Ever the contrarian. What is keeping me from taking my wife's ballot....umm, probably her. Against the law ..or my neighbors ballot out of his mailbox since they all arrive on the same day....filling it out, and sending it in? A CRIME


How hard is it to get a list of registered voters? People steal packages off of porches for a living. What would keep this from happening to ballots? key word STEAL. Goes along with CRIME.

It's real simple, and you know it. If you or anyone else was remotely serious about voter ID, you'd get rid of all absentee ballots, save military installation where it's easy to prove identity to an appointed Military Officer.

But they don't. Why? Because absentee ballots favor Republicans. You know all those grey hairs who watch FoxNews? Getting to the polling place is hard for many of them. Sending it via mail is easy. So just stop. It's not a serious issue. It's about winning. Period.
AFAN, your examples are moronic, sorry to say. They are all ILLEGAL activities.

Regarding your last sentence, which is it? Ggait claims Colorado's mail it in ballot is working. Obviously, you need an ID to get a ballot. So whats the problem if you have to show one in person?

Not sure how winning isn't the goal when running for elected office. I know one of your US Senators. A hidden gem, if you know what I mean. (he does nothing of substance )

ask again, solutions? It sounds like you don't care b/c they don't care, as long as they win.
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Re: Voting Rights

Post by runrussellrun »

Critics of these laws argue that in-person voter impersonation (the only type of fraud a photo ID prevents) is exceedingly rare. The real purpose of these laws, they say, is to suppress voter participation by disproportionately burdening the groups of voters — African-Americans, Latinos and other minorities — least likely to vote for a Republican candidate.

From TLD article. Voter suppression is certainly real if they keep on changing or closing polling stations, but NO ONE has ever shown how an ID requirement to vote is suppression, when EVERY SINGLE state requires ID's in order to register to vote. This is just complete nonsense. What's going on in North Dakota should invoke armed protests. I am not kidding. a clear definition of skull buggerary and FU.

The Senate took up the useless action vote recently, but can't draft legislation that will stop this nonsense? Just like the drinking age being 21, if a state doesn't comply with the enacted FEDERAL voting regulations, sorry, NO welfare dollars for you. No funds for Air Force bases. No funds for Hopkins to study how being poor affects your life, to the click of $1000 an hour. No funds for farmers, or is it really for Monsanto.

THis is what our Congress is voting on.

H.R. 1071 recognizes that allowing illegal immigrants the right to vote devalues the franchise and diminishes the voting power of United States citizens.

The United States Constitution prohibits discrimination in voting based on race, sex, poll taxes, and age. Federal statutory law prohibits non-citizens from voting in elections for federal office.”

In 2016, voters in the City of San Francisco approved a referendum allowing noncitizens, including those without legal status, to vote in school board races. These noncitizens must be either be parents, legal guardians, or caregivers to children under the age of 19.

72 members of congress voted NAY, even though it's a federal crime. Isn't this a violation of their sworn oath to defend the US Constitution? I think it is (and what's up with the idiotic "present" votes )

We really don't have that many problems. It's the forest for the trees. And the trees are our congress.
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Re: Voting Rights

Post by HooDat »

except I would take the position that a local school board can select its members almost any way they want for all I care. Why do the feds have to get involved in school board elections? for that matter why do the feds have to get involved in local school policies etc... the feds aren't paying the bills, the local property taxes are. with that said, if you start giving non-citizens and people actively breaking the law (aka illegals) "rights", then I am not sure what that is going to do for your property values.... ultimately it would make the most sense for the local property owners (who pay the property taxes that cover the school budgets) to be the ones setting the direction of the school boards.

question - is there any federal law that requires a county or municipality to provide an elementary or secondary education to its youth? I am not aware of one. so why do counties provide those schools? Two reasons: 1) it is the right thing to do, and 2) to support the value of their property because everyone else is doing the same.

if you want to strap on your tinfoil hat you will say it is so that they can indoctrinate the youth to make them conform with the wishes and demands of the elite..... bootys1
STILL somewhere back in the day....

...and waiting/hoping for a tinfoil hat emoji......
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Re: Voting Rights

Post by a fan »

runrussellrun wrote: AFAN, your examples are moronic, sorry to say. They are all ILLEGAL activities.

Regarding your last sentence, which is it? Ggait claims Colorado's mail it in ballot is working. Obviously, you need an ID to get a ballot. So whats the problem if you have to show one in person?


Did you hit the pipe this morning or something? OF COURSE what I described are illegal activities. That's the whole point.

You're trying to tell us that absentee voting procedures are fraud-proof. They're not. I gave examples as to easy ways you can vote without showing anyone an ID in the absentee ballot system.

I mean....the ENTIRE reason that you want people to show ID to vote is to prevent voter fraud, right?
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Re: Voting Rights

Post by runrussellrun »

Oh AFAN, haven't you always been saying that fraud doesn't exist? And, like I said, the easy cure for mail in/absentee ballots is it has to include a print out/copy of that persons photo ID. No ID copy attached? Ballot gets tossed in the trash. Sure, you could still copy your wife's license and check the boxes and send it in. Why not get a loan in her name while you're at it too !!
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Re: Voting Rights

Post by a fan »

:lol: Another one of those cases where you don't believe what you are writing. Sell it somewhere else.

Maybe we should pass a law that allows minor to fax in a copy of their parents driver license to allow them to pick up beer or weed at a store, right? :roll:

Because boy, sending in a photocopy of someone's ID is brilliantly fraud proof, right?
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Re: Voting Rights

Post by ggait »

RRR -- we've got well over a hundred years of data on this for god's sake.

It is nearly impossible to swing election outcomes by getting extra improper votes for your side at the individual level. While you can get some extra votes here and there under any system (in person, mail-in, absentee), it is extremely difficult to do it at the volume needed to determine outcome without getting caught. It would be hard to rig mail or absentee balloting at such a scale. But mass fake voting in person would be much much much harder to do in volume.

As you and I and everyone else knows (and have known for over a century) the way to swing elections is to depress valid votes coming from the other side. Because that tactic takes place at the system level -- it can be done legally (absent the Voting Rights Act) and in volume. It is the only way to go.

The Georgia SOS might be able to keep 53,000 registrations (most of them coming from AAs) from going through. That could make a difference in election outcome. Please explain to us how it would be possible, however, to generate 53,000 extra fake in person votes undetected? Poll taxes, literacy tests, overly restrictive ID requirements, unusual restrictions on registration and voting methods, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. are all of the same cloth. If you don't know about and understand this, you must have slept through HS American history class. Or you are just hopelessly partisan or worse.

FYI, I'm a registered independent and an Obama/Romney voter. I'm pretty comfortable with the non-Trump GOP generally. But I think their BS voter suppression is disgusting and un-American. Righties would never accept such a level of BS restrictions when it comes to exercising gun rights. But they are fine imposing that on other people's exercise of voting rights. Completely indefensible.

Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Voting Rights

Post by Typical Lax Dad » ...

All should be easier to buy a gun than it is to vote.
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Re: Voting Rights

Post by runrussellrun »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: ...

All should be easier to buy a gun than it is to vote.
This non-partisan guy doesn't believe everything. Your CNN article has some confusing, contradicktory data.

The county has rejected 595 absentee ballots, which account for more than a third of the total absentee-ballot rejections in the state, even though Gwinnett County accounts for only about 6% of absentee ballots submitted in Georgia, according to state data analyzed by CNN Friday. More than 300 of the rejected ballots belonged to African Americans and Asian Americans.

That accounts for a little over 50% of all rejected ballots

Further on down, it says that 15% of Asian and 11.4% of blacks absentee ballots were rejected. Don't know about you, but doesn't that add up to 26.4% ?

Why in the world do we care about RACE on any government data collection system? Ban it. The 53K non-registered voters in Georgia might need a little dose of salt too.

Just saying, don't believe ANYTHING you read.
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Voting Rights

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

runrussellrun wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote: ...

All should be easier to buy a gun than it is to vote.
This non-partisan guy doesn't believe everything. Your CNN article has some confusing, contradicktory data.

The county has rejected 595 absentee ballots, which account for more than a third of the total absentee-ballot rejections in the state, even though Gwinnett County accounts for only about 6% of absentee ballots submitted in Georgia, according to state data analyzed by CNN Friday. More than 300 of the rejected ballots belonged to African Americans and Asian Americans.

That accounts for a little over 50% of all rejected ballots

Further on down, it says that 15% of Asian and 11.4% of blacks absentee ballots were rejected. Don't know about you, but doesn't that add up to 26.4% ?

Why in the world do we care about RACE on any government data collection system? Ban it. The 53K non-registered voters in Georgia might need a little dose of salt too.

Just saying, don't believe ANYTHING you read.
It's made up data. Voter suppression efforts are a lie.
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Re: Voting Rights

Post by runrussellrun »

ggait wrote:RRR -- we've got well over a hundred years of data on this for god's sake.

It is nearly impossible to swing election outcomes by getting extra improper votes for your side at the individual level. While you can get some extra votes here and there under any system (in person, mail-in, absentee), it is extremely difficult to do it at the volume needed to determine outcome without getting caught. It would be hard to rig mail or absentee balloting at such a scale. But mass fake voting in person would be much much much harder to do in volume.

As you and I and everyone else knows (and have known for over a century) the way to swing elections is to depress valid votes coming from the other side. Because that tactic takes place at the system level -- it can be done legally (absent the Voting Rights Act) and in volume. It is the only way to go.

The Georgia SOS might be able to keep 53,000 registrations (most of them coming from AAs) from going through. That could make a difference in election outcome. Please explain to us how it would be possible, however, to generate 53,000 extra fake in person votes undetected? Poll taxes, literacy tests, overly restrictive ID requirements, unusual restrictions on registration and voting methods, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. are all of the same cloth. If you don't know about and understand this, you must have slept through HS American history class. Or you are just hopelessly partisan or worse.

FYI, I'm a registered independent and an Obama/Romney voter. I'm pretty comfortable with the non-Trump GOP generally. But I think their BS voter suppression is disgusting and un-American. Righties would never accept such a level of BS restrictions when it comes to exercising gun rights. But they are fine imposing that on other people's exercise of voting rights. Completely indefensible.

Does Colorado's 12 allowed ID's fit into the "overly restrictive " category? And, can't blame you for missing it, but I am completely serious about showing armed and loaded to the town, county, or state facilities that are messing with voting rights. I think it was disgusting when our founders suppressed voters because they were poor. Disgusted at the Democrats that voted to NOT allow womens suffrage, less than 100 years ago. (btw, did YOU get angry when the scumbags Brits didn't allow the Iroquois into their country because of "restrictive ID requirements "? , I STILL am )

This is about the 9th or 10th time I have asked: What system should be set in place to have nationwide, uniform voting policies? And enough of the stupid lawsuits already, the Supremes have always been a horrilbe branch/pillar of our government. Like lead pipes, nice idea, but poisonous.
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Re: Voting Rights

Post by runrussellrun »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:
runrussellrun wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote: ...

All should be easier to buy a gun than it is to vote.
This non-partisan guy doesn't believe everything. Your CNN article has some confusing, contradicktory data.

The county has rejected 595 absentee ballots, which account for more than a third of the total absentee-ballot rejections in the state, even though Gwinnett County accounts for only about 6% of absentee ballots submitted in Georgia, according to state data analyzed by CNN Friday. More than 300 of the rejected ballots belonged to African Americans and Asian Americans.

That accounts for a little over 50% of all rejected ballots

Further on down, it says that 15% of Asian and 11.4% of blacks absentee ballots were rejected. Don't know about you, but doesn't that add up to 26.4% ?

Why in the world do we care about RACE on any government data collection system? Ban it. The 53K non-registered voters in Georgia might need a little dose of salt too.

Just saying, don't believe ANYTHING you read.
It's made up data. Voter suppression efforts are a lie.
A cabbage, A BEAK !! This scene makes me think or your childish rebuts
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Re: Voting Rights

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

runrussellrun wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
runrussellrun wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote: ...

All should be easier to buy a gun than it is to vote.
This non-partisan guy doesn't believe everything. Your CNN article has some confusing, contradicktory data.

The county has rejected 595 absentee ballots, which account for more than a third of the total absentee-ballot rejections in the state, even though Gwinnett County accounts for only about 6% of absentee ballots submitted in Georgia, according to state data analyzed by CNN Friday. More than 300 of the rejected ballots belonged to African Americans and Asian Americans.

That accounts for a little over 50% of all rejected ballots

Further on down, it says that 15% of Asian and 11.4% of blacks absentee ballots were rejected. Don't know about you, but doesn't that add up to 26.4% ?

Why in the world do we care about RACE on any government data collection system? Ban it. The 53K non-registered voters in Georgia might need a little dose of salt too.

Just saying, don't believe ANYTHING you read.
It's made up data. Voter suppression efforts are a lie.
A cabbage, A BEAK !! This scene makes me think or your childish rebuts
Pot and kettle. Great film.
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Re: Voting Rights

Post by runrussellrun »

Census Forms should have been returned within 10 days. Massachusetts General Law requires an annual street listing of residents as of January 1st each year (M.G.L. Ch. 51, Section 4).

Compliance with this State requirement provides proof of residence to protect voting rights, veteran's bonus, school enrollment projections, housing for the elderly and related benefits as well as providing information for selection of jurors. This form DOES NOT register you as a voter. If you are a registered voter, failure to respond to this annual census for two consecutive years shall result in the voter's name being removed from the voter's list.

This form is sent ONLY in english. Racist. ... ack?bidId=

Do other states have similar suppression laws? Annual census, only in english. How do renters vote? Homeless?

We should just vote on fecesbook.
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
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Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Voting Rights

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

runrussellrun wrote:Census Forms should have been returned within 10 days. Massachusetts General Law requires an annual street listing of residents as of January 1st each year (M.G.L. Ch. 51, Section 4).

Compliance with this State requirement provides proof of residence to protect voting rights, veteran's bonus, school enrollment projections, housing for the elderly and related benefits as well as providing information for selection of jurors. This form DOES NOT register you as a voter. If you are a registered voter, failure to respond to this annual census for two consecutive years shall result in the voter's name being removed from the voter's list.

This form is sent ONLY in english. Racist. ... ack?bidId=

Do other states have similar suppression laws? Annual census, only in english. How do renters vote? Homeless?

We should just vote on fecesbook.
It about “poor” people. There is a long history of voter suppression efforts. Just didn’t pop up in 2018. You know better. Cross check holds just started last season.
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