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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by runrussellrun »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:
youthathletics wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
seacoaster wrote:"Why are you so wound up man?"

Mostly because I have children, and their country is leaving them and becoming something different and something not so great.
Anyone of you care to be specific about how our country is leaving them and becoming something not so great? I too have children, 1 in the military, 1 in a liberal arts chool where is teacher is cramming Communism down his throat as the best thing since sliced bread and do not feel that me understand, seriously. I know I can also what you did and argue about jerk hat crazies, ANTIFA types threatening and acting out, people going after and killing first responders, shooting politicians playing baseball, etc...but I am sure you have something else in mind that I am missing.
youth, I'll agree with you that what is happening on the far left is worrisome as well.
But if your kid doesn't have the cojones and educational grounding to resist some college prof's "cramming Communism", I gotta say that could be on you. I had plenty of that in '70's at my Ivy institution, some real wing dingers, but somehow I emerged intact. Heck, I faced a pretty blistering barrage in my Government thesis defense in the Honors program, but came out of it with all sorts of acclaim from the very roughest of my lefty reviewers. They didn't necessarily agree with my willingness to see urban gentrification through a positive market-based lens (while also addressing the issues of displacement), but were ultimately persuaded of my scholarship and the actual logic of my argument. Turns out, in the long run, I was 'right' in my views and policy prescriptions; and some of those same profs has subsequently said so. So, tell your college boy to learn all that he can from the commie profs (they do tend to be smart folks and know a heck of a lot ) but think critically for himself at all times, wherever that takes him ideologically. If he come out of college capable of that, the $ were well spent.

But yes, the issues right now are the degradation of actual 'truth', the undermining of core institutions and norms, the disrespect for the rule of law, and the lifting up of the 'strong man', the authoritarian...I could go on and on.

Dangerous times, IMO. Not unlike some past precarious periods in US history, when we could easily have tipped to some form of authoritarianism in response to civil discord. We've been through some very rough times, but I don't think we've ever been so ill led as today.

And never have we been as close to a full-on authoritarian turn (though we could have gone that direction in the depths of the Depression with the rise of Fascism as an alternative to our constitutional democracy; instead we tacked towards a small measure of socialism and maintained our constitutional democracy).

So, folks are understandably concerned about the world we're making/leaving for our kids.

Not to mention concerns about climate change and a looming, inevitably crushing debt crisis.
While we "fiddle" on.
I like stories. You tell them so often, but your experience at Dartmouth, where my sister in law was in the second class of females admitted, can't be compared to ANYONE elses experiences. Did your political standoffs include poor grades b/c of those disagreements? Have at it in a STEM class, where philosophies matter little b/c mixing WHITE phosphorous instead of RED, with heat & water, would have been the one to use in Walter Whites camper. I had plenty of whacko Journalism Prof and my grades suffered because of different philosophies. (or, could have been that Obama like spring break trip that lasted 6 weeks instead of 1 ) Ivy' league don't eat their own, do they? (Does anyone graduate from Harvard with anything less than a 3.0 gpa? )
This is just ONE story ... urt-rules/
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by runrussellrun »

Or, you could just not take their classes?

Do you think any of the remaining Duke 88 encourage opinions that differ?

We all know that places of HIGHER learning offer useless classes, but I wonder what potential Presidential candidate Bloomberg thinks of THIS course at my Almur? (mr. banned soda, not b/c of teeth decay, but FATNESS)

Students at the University of Maryland will have the chance to “engage fatness” next term as part of a “Fat Studies” course offered by the school's American Studies department.

“Introduction to Fat Studies” will not engage “fatness” as a social or medical problem, according to a syllabus for the course posted online. Instead, the course will approach fatness as “an aspect of human diversity, experience, and identity.”

The syllabus goes on to say that the course “will function as an introduction to the recent (and growing) field known as Fat Studies.” The field of Fat Studies, the syllabus claims, is “a field that is not concerned with the eradication of fatness, but with offering a sustained critique of anti-fat sentiment, discrimination, and policy.”

One assignment for the course requires students to read three articles with the tag “Fatshion” from, a website “where women go to be their unabashed selves.”

Another assignment requires students to “explore the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance site.” The NAAFA, according to its website, aims to “provide fat people with the tools for self-empowerment through public education, advocacy, and support.”
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

runrussellrun wrote:Or, you could just not take their classes?

Do you think any of the remaining Duke 88 encourage opinions that differ?

We all know that places of HIGHER learning offer useless classes, but I wonder what potential Presidential candidate Bloomberg thinks of THIS course at my Almur? (mr. banned soda, not b/c of teeth decay, but FATNESS)

Students at the University of Maryland will have the chance to “engage fatness” next term as part of a “Fat Studies” course offered by the school's American Studies department.

“Introduction to Fat Studies” will not engage “fatness” as a social or medical problem, according to a syllabus for the course posted online. Instead, the course will approach fatness as “an aspect of human diversity, experience, and identity.”

The syllabus goes on to say that the course “will function as an introduction to the recent (and growing) field known as Fat Studies.” The field of Fat Studies, the syllabus claims, is “a field that is not concerned with the eradication of fatness, but with offering a sustained critique of anti-fat sentiment, discrimination, and policy.”

One assignment for the course requires students to read three articles with the tag “Fatshion” from, a website “where women go to be their unabashed selves.”

Another assignment requires students to “explore the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance site.” The NAAFA, according to its website, aims to “provide fat people with the tools for self-empowerment through public education, advocacy, and support.”
When I read garbage like the article's linked. My first reaction is that the statements are taken out of context...... sort of like jury instructions...... Anyway, this is what you get with the 'interweb' anyone can publish anything......
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by HooDat »

a fan wrote:
HooDat wrote:
What they do think about is feelings - how does their bank account feel, how does their job feel, how do they feel about their place in their community, their community in their state, their state in the US and the US in the world. The answer lately has been: not all that good.
If this is true, and you are right...then understand this is where the libs have Republican voters clocked: these people are too stupid to govern themselves, and the government does indeed know better.
thus the electoral college!!!

but, to your point - while the dems will tell you to your face that you are too stupid to govern yourself, the GOP will tell you a sweet lie while going ahead and doing whatever it wants. That is why the GOP is winning right now in spite of its message, in spite of its hypocrisy, and in spite of Trump (well actually maybe because of trump - he channels everyone's inner 3-year old temper tantrum) ...

its all about the feels.
STILL somewhere back in the day....

...and waiting/hoping for a tinfoil hat emoji......
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

runrussellrun wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
youthathletics wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
seacoaster wrote:"Why are you so wound up man?"

Mostly because I have children, and their country is leaving them and becoming something different and something not so great.
Anyone of you care to be specific about how our country is leaving them and becoming something not so great? I too have children, 1 in the military, 1 in a liberal arts chool where is teacher is cramming Communism down his throat as the best thing since sliced bread and do not feel that me understand, seriously. I know I can also what you did and argue about jerk hat crazies, ANTIFA types threatening and acting out, people going after and killing first responders, shooting politicians playing baseball, etc...but I am sure you have something else in mind that I am missing.
youth, I'll agree with you that what is happening on the far left is worrisome as well.
But if your kid doesn't have the cojones and educational grounding to resist some college prof's "cramming Communism", I gotta say that could be on you. I had plenty of that in '70's at my Ivy institution, some real wing dingers, but somehow I emerged intact. Heck, I faced a pretty blistering barrage in my Government thesis defense in the Honors program, but came out of it with all sorts of acclaim from the very roughest of my lefty reviewers. They didn't necessarily agree with my willingness to see urban gentrification through a positive market-based lens (while also addressing the issues of displacement), but were ultimately persuaded of my scholarship and the actual logic of my argument. Turns out, in the long run, I was 'right' in my views and policy prescriptions; and some of those same profs has subsequently said so. So, tell your college boy to learn all that he can from the commie profs (they do tend to be smart folks and know a heck of a lot ) but think critically for himself at all times, wherever that takes him ideologically. If he come out of college capable of that, the $ were well spent.

But yes, the issues right now are the degradation of actual 'truth', the undermining of core institutions and norms, the disrespect for the rule of law, and the lifting up of the 'strong man', the authoritarian...I could go on and on.

Dangerous times, IMO. Not unlike some past precarious periods in US history, when we could easily have tipped to some form of authoritarianism in response to civil discord. We've been through some very rough times, but I don't think we've ever been so ill led as today.

And never have we been as close to a full-on authoritarian turn (though we could have gone that direction in the depths of the Depression with the rise of Fascism as an alternative to our constitutional democracy; instead we tacked towards a small measure of socialism and maintained our constitutional democracy).

So, folks are understandably concerned about the world we're making/leaving for our kids.

Not to mention concerns about climate change and a looming, inevitably crushing debt crisis.
While we "fiddle" on.
I like stories. You tell them so often, but your experience at Dartmouth, where my sister in law was in the second class of females admitted, can't be compared to ANYONE elses experiences. Did your political standoffs include poor grades b/c of those disagreements? Have at it in a STEM class, where philosophies matter little b/c mixing WHITE phosphorous instead of RED, with heat & water, would have been the one to use in Walter Whites camper. I had plenty of whacko Journalism Prof and my grades suffered because of different philosophies. (or, could have been that Obama like spring break trip that lasted 6 weeks instead of 1 ) Ivy' league don't eat their own, do they? (Does anyone graduate from Harvard with anything less than a 3.0 gpa? )
This is just ONE story ... urt-rules/
My wife and I matriculated in the fall of '76, I think the 4th or 5th class with directly admitted women. 3:! male to female in our class. Admission requirements extremely high for the females and a big push to populate the sports teams meant that it was a pretty darn impressive bunch of gals. But they were called "co-hogs", very sexist songs sung outside the female dorms. Guys told on the freshman trip (which I missed due to a job to help pay the bills) that if they dated a "Dartmouth girl" they wouldn't be admitted to the most desired fraternities; true, happened to me in freshman year, though admitted the following year to "we need the dues" and "she's one of us". Really it was just that it had calmed down some. That said, we have friends who dated their 4 years in secret, married still today. We started holding hands freshman week and never hid it (costing me that frat admission first year). Daughter of a commercial fisherman and school nurse, she was valedictorian of her class, Junior Miss of Massachusetts and played basketball and ran track. Put herself entirely through college on various scholarships and work-study, no money from parents; her siblings did the same. As a freshman, she was a founding member of Kappa Kappa Gamma and later its second elected President. I played lax and joined Beta Theta Pi as a sophomore. Football backs and a few linemen, bunch of rugby,, handful of lacrosse players, and a broad mix otherwise. By the time we graduated the mix was getting closer to 50:50 and the social taboos about dating a Dartmouth woman were nearly fully gone.

Sure, I did worry that my grades might suffer a bit when I took a position contrary to a far left leaning Professor's, but I was never a jerk about my disagreement. I quickly learned that if one fairly acknowledged what the Professor was teaching, making clear that one was paying attention, and simply dealt with the topic from a different angle respectfully, it would be rewarded fairly (or at least not egregiously punished). I wasn't any sort of radical conservative (the student body in general was far more conservative than most Ivies at the time, due to the weight put on alumni interviews and recommendations) and I think I genuinely came across as actually listening to the Profs, not fighting them for drill. That wasn't true of some campus conservatives, most famously the sophomoric jerks who started the Dartmouth Review, one of whose first editors was a fraternity brother of mine. And I say "sophomoric jerk" because he was exactly that. Bright as heck, though.

The one instance when I felt discriminated against was not due to conservative views but rather because I was an athlete. This particular professor apparently thought the athletes were the source of anti-intellectualism on campus, misogyny, taking up the place of a better student, etc, etc and went after athletes in the grade book not class. I didn't get the heads up in time to avoid wearing my lax gear (what else did I own??). I had to miss a couple of classes for bus trips for away games and that's when it became apparent that he had real antipathy. Ouch.

Years later with my son at Harvard, he told me that the freshmen lax players were told early on to not wear their athletic gear to classes as there was real concern about some professors. Ridiculous but real. So, some of these concerns are valid, IMO. That said, I recall my Government Prof for Constitutional Law, the very formidable Vincent Starzinger, frequently coming to watch us practice and making a lot of our games. I got an A in that class, which was unusual as he was reputed very tough marker, but I'd like to think it was because I found it fascinating and was bit scared of him as the class was a bit like being in One L. You better know your stuff and not fall behind. But I did know that he knew who I was outside of the classroom. So, who knows, I might have gotten a positive bump on that one.

But by and large, my takeaway was don't act like a jerk in one's disagreements and you'll be treated fairly most of the time. And, in some cases, the profs will relish the respectful debate and encourage one to stretch even further.

BTW, the 3.0 minimum stuff at Harvard is far from reality. Like everywhere there's some inflation, but there's still a curve that has a bunch of students below 3.0. It's an extremely brilliant group of students overall, of course, and very few wouldn't crush the grades, make Summa, at most universities given same effort level. But the 3.0 + ain't automatic. For instance, a minority of the athletes exceed 3.0. Their challenge (as well as not all having quite as much raw horsepower) is the # of hours they have for academics versus their sport. Sleep is the biggest problem. But also the prior preparation level of the non-athlete classmates is extremely high. I recall my son describing the math in his freshmen economics class and that most of the others in the class had already had twice as much calc as he had and had actually taken economics in HS. Not to mention math camp when he was likely on some lacrosse field. My son handled it well, but certainly the competition level was extraordinarily high. His only down academic periods were when he was concussed, which happened twice during his tenure and the freshman semester on crutches with hip surgery. Still needed to get to every practice and film study, but hobbling across campus and up 4 flights of steps to his dorm room. So, when the athletes do well, it actually says something about their discipline, not just their brains. BTW, whole lot of conservatives in the Harvard Econ Dept, as well as some in the Psychology Dept which my son took as a second concentration. Overall, though, like most campuses, more liberals than conservatives. To be expected, but IMO fully manageable.
Last edited by MDlaxfan76 on Thu Oct 18, 2018 11:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by runrussellrun »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:
runrussellrun wrote:Or, you could just not take their classes?

Do you think any of the remaining Duke 88 encourage opinions that differ?

We all know that places of HIGHER learning offer useless classes, but I wonder what potential Presidential candidate Bloomberg thinks of THIS course at my Almur? (mr. banned soda, not b/c of teeth decay, but FATNESS)

Students at the University of Maryland will have the chance to “engage fatness” next term as part of a “Fat Studies” course offered by the school's American Studies department.

“Introduction to Fat Studies” will not engage “fatness” as a social or medical problem, according to a syllabus for the course posted online. Instead, the course will approach fatness as “an aspect of human diversity, experience, and identity.”

The syllabus goes on to say that the course “will function as an introduction to the recent (and growing) field known as Fat Studies.” The field of Fat Studies, the syllabus claims, is “a field that is not concerned with the eradication of fatness, but with offering a sustained critique of anti-fat sentiment, discrimination, and policy.”

One assignment for the course requires students to read three articles with the tag “Fatshion” from, a website “where women go to be their unabashed selves.”

Another assignment requires students to “explore the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance site.” The NAAFA, according to its website, aims to “provide fat people with the tools for self-empowerment through public education, advocacy, and support.”
When I read garbage like the article's linked. My first reaction is that the statements are taken out of context...... sort of like jury instructions...... Anyway, this is what you get with the 'interweb' anyone can publish anything......
Is it garbage b/c it's just not true? You do know that U of Maryland course catalog is online don't you? Wanna prove yourself wrong, that the course DOES exist. Have fun

Meanwhile, does the message count from this source?

Back to the original point. 2 + 2 = 4. No matter what Prof. McKibben wants to tell you ( NOAA buoys prove sea water temps have NOT gone up ) But, the professor that says their hand is warm and dry when placed in bucket of ice water? (PC culture ) You want to pretend that this is NOT happening at our colleges? Or hasn't happened? No student has ever failed a class for political differences? Um, ok
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

runrussellrun wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
runrussellrun wrote:Or, you could just not take their classes?

Do you think any of the remaining Duke 88 encourage opinions that differ?

We all know that places of HIGHER learning offer useless classes, but I wonder what potential Presidential candidate Bloomberg thinks of THIS course at my Almur? (mr. banned soda, not b/c of teeth decay, but FATNESS)

Students at the University of Maryland will have the chance to “engage fatness” next term as part of a “Fat Studies” course offered by the school's American Studies department.

“Introduction to Fat Studies” will not engage “fatness” as a social or medical problem, according to a syllabus for the course posted online. Instead, the course will approach fatness as “an aspect of human diversity, experience, and identity.”

The syllabus goes on to say that the course “will function as an introduction to the recent (and growing) field known as Fat Studies.” The field of Fat Studies, the syllabus claims, is “a field that is not concerned with the eradication of fatness, but with offering a sustained critique of anti-fat sentiment, discrimination, and policy.”

One assignment for the course requires students to read three articles with the tag “Fatshion” from, a website “where women go to be their unabashed selves.”

Another assignment requires students to “explore the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance site.” The NAAFA, according to its website, aims to “provide fat people with the tools for self-empowerment through public education, advocacy, and support.”
When I read garbage like the article's linked. My first reaction is that the statements are taken out of context...... sort of like jury instructions...... Anyway, this is what you get with the 'interweb' anyone can publish anything......
Is it garbage b/c it's just not true? You do know that U of Maryland course catalog is online don't you? Wanna prove yourself wrong, that the course DOES exist. Have fun

Meanwhile, does the message count from this source?

Back to the original point. 2 + 2 = 4. No matter what Prof. McKibben wants to tell you ( NOAA buoys prove sea water temps have NOT gone up ) But, the professor that says their hand is warm and dry when placed in bucket of ice water? (PC culture ) You want to pretend that this is NOT happening at our colleges? Or hasn't happened? No student has ever failed a class for political differences? Um, ok
If the course is in the catalogue the course is offered. My point is many articles only give you half the the "vaccine" articles......If it sounds ridiculous on the surface, it probably is or there is more to the story. No student has ever failed due to a political difference? I am sure it has happened....I am not stupid enough to say "it has never happened"....I also bet some kids have failed for reasons more ridiculous than that. Is it common and routine?........ how many kids have failed a class over the past 20 years..... how many of those have been due to "politics".....I would venture to guess that more "innocent" people have been shot and killed by police than those that have failed a class because of "politics".....Timmy failed a class because the teacher didn't like him....that is our big concern in 2018?
Last edited by Typical Lax Dad on Thu Oct 18, 2018 11:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Of course there are seemingly silly course curricula at various universities. Immense range of possible topics.
The question for college administrators and their boards should be not so much whether the topic is silly or ideologically slanted, but rather will the capacity to think critically and do scholarship be advanced in the course, or not? Don't weed out anything due to ideological point of view, but rather evaluate and weed out courses that aren't actually rigorous training of the mind. In this instance, I sure would rather see an interdisciplinary course addressing the issues, rather than how this course appears to be presented.

As the issue of obesity happens to be a big part of my business, I happen to follow this stuff a bit.

There's a perfectly legitimate health rationale to not 'shaming' people who are 'fat', not simply for some theoretical justice reason, but rather because shaming actually is counterproductive to helping people become healthier.

Pretty sure Bloomberg would be against "shaming" as well, for exactly that reason. He cares about what will actually make a difference and isn't caught up in the PC aspects one way or another. He's dead on right that super gulps, etc of sugary drinks are a big factor in America's sugar addiction and should either be banned or taxed. Sugar really is massively 'the enemy' of our public health (and that means us taxpayers). So, when we see Fox and the GOP arguing so strenuously against taxes on sugar or regulating the access to massive amounts of rapid sugar intake we should be wondering who is funding that point of view, who are the advertisers and donors they are courting?
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by runrussellrun »

But, the CDC is telling the truth.....umm, ok. No matter how many former directors work at Big pharmas. You're funny.....NO....Hillaryous
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

runrussellrun wrote:But, the CDC is telling the truth.....umm, ok. No matter how many former directors work at Big pharmas. You're funny.....NO....Hillaryous
Nobody can tell you what to "believe"......
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by runrussellrun »

HooDat wrote:
a fan wrote:
HooDat wrote:
What they do think about is feelings - how does their bank account feel, how does their job feel, how do they feel about their place in their community, their community in their state, their state in the US and the US in the world. The answer lately has been: not all that good.
If this is true, and you are right...then understand this is where the libs have Republican voters clocked: these people are too stupid to govern themselves, and the government does indeed know better.
thus the electoral college!!!

but, to your point - while the dems will tell you to your face that you are too stupid to govern yourself, the GOP will tell you a sweet lie while going ahead and doing whatever it wants. That is why the GOP is winning right now in spite of its message, in spite of its hypocrisy, and in spite of Trump (well actually maybe because of trump - he channels everyone's inner 3-year old temper tantrum) ...

its all about the feels.
Hope and Change.....feels good. So does transferring from Occidental to Columbia.....b/c stuff like that happens every day.
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by Trinity »

Here in Red Tide Florida we know it’s also the growing of sugar that causes so much harm to the environment.
“I don’t take responsibility at all.” —Donald J Trump
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

runrussellrun wrote:
HooDat wrote:
a fan wrote:
HooDat wrote:
What they do think about is feelings - how does their bank account feel, how does their job feel, how do they feel about their place in their community, their community in their state, their state in the US and the US in the world. The answer lately has been: not all that good.
If this is true, and you are right...then understand this is where the libs have Republican voters clocked: these people are too stupid to govern themselves, and the government does indeed know better.
thus the electoral college!!!

but, to your point - while the dems will tell you to your face that you are too stupid to govern yourself, the GOP will tell you a sweet lie while going ahead and doing whatever it wants. That is why the GOP is winning right now in spite of its message, in spite of its hypocrisy, and in spite of Trump (well actually maybe because of trump - he channels everyone's inner 3-year old temper tantrum) ...

its all about the feels.
Hope and Change.....feels good. So does transferring from Occidental to Columbia.....b/c stuff like that happens every day. transferring from Albany to Yale :D....or Stony Brook to Duke... ... -colleges/
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by jhu72 »

CU88 wrote:I am an atheist, so I don’t know the bible verse he’s quoting; please help me out so I can better understand christians.

Christian leader: Going after Saudi Arabia for journalist's disappearance not worth risking "$100 billion worth of arms sales" ... earance-of

This is "pro-life" how?

This should surprise NO ONE.

Its very clear where evangelicals come down on such issues. They worship their new golden idol (or perhaps that is an orange idol). They have been shown to be the fraudulently pious finger wagers many of us have known them to be all along. It is less clear where other Christians come down. What is true is that Christian Churches, all, are being damaged by this association or perceived association with Orange Duce. Christianity at least in the US, is just one more institution being damaged by Trump.

Many Christian leaders, beyond evangelicals but including some evangelical leaders, see this damage. They see the effect on the young, they hear the complaints of the thoughtful in their flock. They see the effect on new membership drives. What they don't do is make clear the distinction, their abhorrence of our fake president, the golden idol that he is. They don't generally engage in any meaningful way. Some but very few, have spoken out. The vast majority have buried their heads claiming they are not in politics, not wishing to alienate some church members. The longer this goes on, the more damage will be done to their churches. It is the same situation we witnessed during the Vietnam War.

As an atheist, I am deeply ambivalent about this turn of events. While I don't see the universe the same way the religious of any faith or creed do, I don't feel their churches are of no value to the world. It is in such times they can have an impact, they can do good or evil. Doing nothing has never been a realistic option for them.
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by a fan »

All true. But I will say----if you ever meet a real, actual Christian? It's quite a thing. Following J's teachings with all your heart is a pretty good way to live your life, if you ask me. I can think of 4 people I've met who really follow those simple tenants each and every day. Remarkable people, each of them.

Two of them were involved in lacrosse programs, btw. One was a Rutgers grad, and formed the first club lacrosse in South Denver Metro in the early 80's.
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by jhu72 »

a fan wrote:All true. But I will say----if you ever meet a real, actual Christian? It's quite a thing. Following J's teachings with all your heart is a pretty good way to live your life, if you ask me. I can think of 4 people I've met who really follow those simple tenants each and every day. Remarkable people, each of them.

Two of them were involved in lacrosse programs, btw. One was a Rutgers grad, and formed the first club lacrosse in South Denver Metro in the early 80's.
True. But there are so few. You can separate Christian life philosophy from the religion and dogma. Christian philosophy as to how to live a life does have its merits. I make a clear distinction between that and what has grown up around it. What has grown up around it is the problem; it is what has caused the minimization of the philosophy and caused situations like the one we see evangelicals and other Christians in today.
Last edited by jhu72 on Thu Oct 18, 2018 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
a fan
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by a fan »

Oh, I agree completely.
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Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by runrussellrun »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:
runrussellrun wrote:But, the CDC is telling the truth.....umm, ok. No matter how many former directors work at Big pharmas. You're funny.....NO....Hillaryous
Nobody can tell you what to "believe"......

It's on our money. (in god we....)

I feel dumb. (if don't believe in global warming. Or, is it gravity now, so confusing )

No one can tell you what to "believe" ???? I believe that is an unbelievable statement.

ALL preschool, kindergarten/new students must provide specific mandated health information to the Public Health Nurse in their school before being permitted to enter. The physical assessment must be recorded on a State of Connecticut Health Assessment Record (HAR) form (English | Español), or for preschool on the Early Childhood Assessment Record, which is also available at the schools or the Board of Education. The assessment must be performed by a physician licensed in the United States and it must be dated within one year prior to date of registration/entry into school. Parents are advised to review this form with their physician to insure completeness. Without a completed form students cannot start school.

In addition, all students entering grades 3, 6 and 10 are required by state law to complete primary immunizations and a health assessment (English | Español) prior to school entrance in Connecticut (C.G.S.Secs. 10-204a and 10-206).

Sports participation: To participate in the competitive sports teams at the middle and high schools, a physical examination is required every 13 months, in addition concussion plan and cardiac event consent forms are necessary. The physical examination must be documented on the “Physical Exam for Sports Participation” form (English | Español) or the CT Health Assessment Record (HAR) form (English | Español).

Immunizations, The Commissioner of Public Health shall determine the standard of care for immunization for the children of this state. The standard of care for immunization shall be based on the recommended schedules for active immunization for normal infants and children published by the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Exemptions, are permitted under certain circumstances. According to state law a child can be exempted from receiving a vaccine for medical conditions which are contraindicated or for religious reasons.

Medical Exemption Form
Religious Exemption form

It's not a matter of belief. Forced. Good luck with the religious exemption. Would YOU and YOURS want to attend a school with kids without the "proper" vaccines? How to illegals.....I mean, undocumented.....get around this law? Does California NOT have required vaccines? New York. So confusing
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
Pronouns: "we" and "suck"
Typical Lax Dad
Posts: 34198
Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2018 12:10 pm

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

runrussellrun wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
runrussellrun wrote:But, the CDC is telling the truth.....umm, ok. No matter how many former directors work at Big pharmas. You're funny.....NO....Hillaryous
Nobody can tell you what to "believe"......

It's on our money. (in god we....)

I feel dumb. (if don't believe in global warming. Or, is it gravity now, so confusing )

No one can tell you what to "believe" ???? I believe that is an unbelievable statement.

ALL preschool, kindergarten/new students must provide specific mandated health information to the Public Health Nurse in their school before being permitted to enter. The physical assessment must be recorded on a State of Connecticut Health Assessment Record (HAR) form (English | Español), or for preschool on the Early Childhood Assessment Record, which is also available at the schools or the Board of Education. The assessment must be performed by a physician licensed in the United States and it must be dated within one year prior to date of registration/entry into school. Parents are advised to review this form with their physician to insure completeness. Without a completed form students cannot start school.

In addition, all students entering grades 3, 6 and 10 are required by state law to complete primary immunizations and a health assessment (English | Español) prior to school entrance in Connecticut (C.G.S.Secs. 10-204a and 10-206).

Sports participation: To participate in the competitive sports teams at the middle and high schools, a physical examination is required every 13 months, in addition concussion plan and cardiac event consent forms are necessary. The physical examination must be documented on the “Physical Exam for Sports Participation” form (English | Español) or the CT Health Assessment Record (HAR) form (English | Español).

Immunizations, The Commissioner of Public Health shall determine the standard of care for immunization for the children of this state. The standard of care for immunization shall be based on the recommended schedules for active immunization for normal infants and children published by the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Exemptions, are permitted under certain circumstances. According to state law a child can be exempted from receiving a vaccine for medical conditions which are contraindicated or for religious reasons.

Medical Exemption Form
Religious Exemption form

It's not a matter of belief. Forced. Good luck with the religious exemption. Would YOU and YOURS want to attend a school with kids without the "proper" vaccines? How to illegals.....I mean, undocumented.....get around this law? Does California NOT have required vaccines? New York. So confusing
Nobody is forcing you to believe anything. You choose to believe what you want....I know people that don't believe smoking causes cancer or drinking causes liver disease. Nobody can force you to believe anything. You choose to believe....there are many factors as to why people make a choice but its a choice whether you recognize it as such or not.....what are you saying the organizations giving the exemptions are "pretends"....

Here is another pretend article:
“I wish you would!”
Posts: 7583
Joined: Thu Aug 09, 2018 11:07 am

Re: The GOP, Past and Future Direction

Post by runrussellrun »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:
runrussellrun wrote:
HooDat wrote:
a fan wrote:
HooDat wrote:
What they do think about is feelings - how does their bank account feel, how does their job feel, how do they feel about their place in their community, their community in their state, their state in the US and the US in the world. The answer lately has been: not all that good.
If this is true, and you are right...then understand this is where the libs have Republican voters clocked: these people are too stupid to govern themselves, and the government does indeed know better.
thus the electoral college!!!

but, to your point - while the dems will tell you to your face that you are too stupid to govern yourself, the GOP will tell you a sweet lie while going ahead and doing whatever it wants. That is why the GOP is winning right now in spite of its message, in spite of its hypocrisy, and in spite of Trump (well actually maybe because of trump - he channels everyone's inner 3-year old temper tantrum) ...

its all about the feels.
Hope and Change.....feels good. So does transferring from Occidental to Columbia.....b/c stuff like that happens every day. transferring from Albany to Yale :D....or Stony Brook to Duke... ... -colleges/
I know what my point is, what's yours? Barry O. couldn't pass a NCAA drug test. Besides, Columbia STILL doesn't have a lacrosse team. pathetic place.
ILM...Independent Lives Matter
Pronouns: "we" and "suck"
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