CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by jhu72 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:37 am
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:23 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:05 am
No, re Kav, some of the issues were never "disproven"; and Ford presented herself and her story publicly.

I am way more passionate about the Kav bs than I am Epstein...Epstein to me is a sideshow. I don't know Kav; but here is a relevant fact: I know the Evans family. That's Dave Evans of Duke, and Landon.

Anyone who knows Dave knew immediately that the Duke case was beyond nonsensical.

I've written previously here that civil liberties are my number one passion. Anyone getting wrecked by innuendo and possibly facing 20 years+ for a crime they did not commit, deserves more than a passing hail-well-met when you see him. Dave has (fortunately) recovered nicely in life.

As you may or may not know, David lived in a town not far from Kavanaugh. Many of the folks in this area know each other. Many of the folks in this area say the same things about Kav as they did about Dave. ie: not even a possibility he did it.

Here is the money shot piece of that article that you should think hard about:

If Kavanaugh is not safe from reputation- and career-destroying smears, no one is. Not you. Not your husband. Not your son, father, or brother. If they can destroy Kavanaugh, they can do it to anyone you love and trust, regardless of any mountains of facts or evidence to the contrary.

And yes, every single allegation against Kav has been disproven. You could buy a book to understand this if you are so inclined: ... 1621579832. This book is a national bestseller.

Not a bestseller? A book written by 2 NYT writers which immediately was discredited.
Sounds like your passion is about the Evans family, a righteous passion. And because folks live near one another, you assume they have the same character?

Listen, you continuously promote all sorts of allegations about folks without facts, turn around and claim a puritanical view of METOO, then dismiss women who come forward...because you know people who live in a town near them???

Yes, we need to be darn careful about the potential for a false story to smear someone's reputation...just be careful all the time, not so selectively, please.

And please stop with this notion that the stories about Kav were entirely's just not true.

Maybe Kav just can't admit to the truth of his behaviors back when he was young and drunk, yet perhaps accurate that he never actually raped anyone...maybe. But he chose to not tell the whole truth about his past.

On the Duke boys, I don't recall which kids were at the party with the stripper and which weren't, but hey, really, really dumb, misogynistic behavior...I'd sure tell my kid to avoid such situations, indeed step up and shut down such situations.

But I can't pretend that when we were young and dumb and drinking we didn't do stupid things like this, go down to the Block for a laugh, etc..happens. As I said, the adolescent brain isn't fully developed, literally doesn't light up when making executive function decisions the way an adult brain does. I cut youngsters some slack on being young and making dumb choices. I don't go so far as to excuse rape, though.

EDIT: I clicked through to see more about the book and the "two NYT writers". Had to chuckle when I saw how they are described on Amazon and some of the "reviews"...

“The authors’ deep knowledge of the players and the constitutional stakes shines throughout the book and makes for a thrilling and revealing read.” -- EDWIN MEESE III, 75th U.S. Attorney General

"[A] brand new smash book with enormous amounts of actual real reporting, interviews, behind-the-scenes fact-digging and analysis… You won’t get it anywhere else unless you get this book.” -- Laura Ingraham, Fox News

About the Author
MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, a senior editor at The Federalist and a contributor to Fox News, is one of the country’s most thoughtful, prescient, and respected political commentators.

CARRIE SEVERINO is chief counsel and policy director of the Judicial Crisis Network. A graduate of Harvard Law School, she clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas on the U.S. Supreme Court.
What is pathetic is the white washing that many on this board want to give the Duke episode. No matter how you slice it, the guys on the team brought it on themselves with their immature actions and general bad judgement. A few of them paid a huge and unjust price, but in the end got paid a large sum in restitution. But to pretend these privileged clowns did nothing wrong is total BS.
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

The crazy idea that some folks seem to have is that bad, indeed evil, behavior, is the sole provenance of if R's are somehow not involved...absolutely batsh-t crazy.

Good lord, Trump has more than 16 women who have publicly claimed asset or rape...yet it was too long ago??? Or they were 'too homely' to be believed'?
Peter Brown
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by Peter Brown »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:54 am
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:49 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:37 am EDIT: I clicked through to see more about the book and the "two NYT writers". Had to chuckle when I saw how they are described on Amazon and some of the "reviews"...

“The authors’ deep knowledge of the players and the constitutional stakes shines throughout the book and makes for a thrilling and revealing read.” -- EDWIN MEESE III, 75th U.S. Attorney General

"[A] brand new smash book with enormous amounts of actual real reporting, interviews, behind-the-scenes fact-digging and analysis… You won’t get it anywhere else unless you get this book.” -- Laura Ingraham, Fox News

About the Author
MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, a senior editor at The Federalist and a contributor to Fox News, is one of the country’s most thoughtful, prescient, and respected political commentators.

CARRIE SEVERINO is chief counsel and policy director of the Judicial Crisis Network. A graduate of Harvard Law School, she clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Here's an interesting 'counter-review': ... press.html

I always find this need to discredit a conservative author to be beneath the dignity of anyone who writes it. So here you go, MDLax: here is Carrie's real CV:

Severino was a law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and to Judge David B. Sentelle of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, and is a graduate of Harvard Law School (J.D.), Duke University (B.A., Biology), and Michigan State University (M.A., Linguistics).

Boy is she dumb! I wouldn't trust a word she writes! :roll:
I didn't call her dumb, are you? Heck Justice Thomas is a smart guy. Awful Justice. And yeah, I believe he was lying when he denied the allegations against him.

You do know what the Judicial Crisis Network is, right? Including that they have supported conservatives for various court positions with zero litigation experience??? But they're conservative, so all cool? Yeah, I don't 'trust' her...but not 'dumb'.

Here's the other author: ... -it-starts

Is she dumb? That's not my claim.

C'mon man, please. Your implication is readers can't trust a conservative woman to write anything. Like I said, beneath your dignity. Own up to it and move along.

It's amazing to me that a guy like me, a former Democrat who will still vote for Biden, is the guy who points out this nonsense on this forum.
Peter Brown
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by Peter Brown »

jhu72 wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:58 am What is pathetic is the white washing that many on this board want to give the Duke episode. No matter how you slice it, the guys on the team brought it on themselves with their immature actions and general bad judgement. A few of them paid a huge and unjust price, but in the end got paid a large sum in restitution. But to pretend these privileged clowns did nothing wrong is total BS.


This, MDLax, is what you get when you wink at lies. jhu72 in his heart knows that the Duke kids are guilty and should have gone to jail. :roll:

When you wink at lies, you get the sentiments expressed by jhu72; it's not the kid, it's the system, and if 3 kids have to pay the price for everyone, screw 'em.

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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by jhu72 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:00 am The crazy idea that some folks seem to have is that bad, indeed evil, behavior, is the sole provenance of if R's are somehow not involved...absolutely batsh-t crazy.

Good lord, Trump has more than 16 women who have publicly claimed asset or rape...yet it was too long ago??? Or they were 'too homely' to be believed'?
I heard a really funny excuse yesterday from a life long republican now Trumpnista - its the women's fault, you know women chase after rich guys. :lol: :lol:

I know I have that problem. :lol: :lol:
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by DMac »

Peter Brown wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:03 am
jhu72 wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:58 am What is pathetic is the white washing that many on this board want to give the Duke episode. No matter how you slice it, the guys on the team brought it on themselves with their immature actions and general bad judgement. A few of them paid a huge and unjust price, but in the end got paid a large sum in restitution. But to pretend these privileged clowns did nothing wrong is total BS.


This, MDLax, is what you get when you wink at lies. jhu72 in his heart knows that the Duke kids are guilty and should have gone to jail. :roll:

When you wink at lies, you get the sentiments expressed by jhu72; it's not the kid, it's the system, and if 3 kids have to pay the price for everyone, screw 'em.

Saying they brought it on themselves (which there is some truth to) and saying they should have gone to jail are two different things. He never even insinuated they should have gone to jail.
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Peter Brown wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:01 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:54 am
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:49 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:37 am EDIT: I clicked through to see more about the book and the "two NYT writers". Had to chuckle when I saw how they are described on Amazon and some of the "reviews"...

“The authors’ deep knowledge of the players and the constitutional stakes shines throughout the book and makes for a thrilling and revealing read.” -- EDWIN MEESE III, 75th U.S. Attorney General

"[A] brand new smash book with enormous amounts of actual real reporting, interviews, behind-the-scenes fact-digging and analysis… You won’t get it anywhere else unless you get this book.” -- Laura Ingraham, Fox News

About the Author
MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, a senior editor at The Federalist and a contributor to Fox News, is one of the country’s most thoughtful, prescient, and respected political commentators.

CARRIE SEVERINO is chief counsel and policy director of the Judicial Crisis Network. A graduate of Harvard Law School, she clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Here's an interesting 'counter-review': ... press.html

I always find this need to discredit a conservative author to be beneath the dignity of anyone who writes it. So here you go, MDLax: here is Carrie's real CV:

Severino was a law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and to Judge David B. Sentelle of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, and is a graduate of Harvard Law School (J.D.), Duke University (B.A., Biology), and Michigan State University (M.A., Linguistics).

Boy is she dumb! I wouldn't trust a word she writes! :roll:
I didn't call her dumb, are you? Heck Justice Thomas is a smart guy. Awful Justice. And yeah, I believe he was lying when he denied the allegations against him.

You do know what the Judicial Crisis Network is, right? Including that they have supported conservatives for various court positions with zero litigation experience??? But they're conservative, so all cool? Yeah, I don't 'trust' her...but not 'dumb'.

Here's the other author: ... -it-starts

Is she dumb? That's not my claim.

C'mon man, please. Your implication is readers can't trust a conservative woman to write anything. Like I said, beneath your dignity. Own up to it and move along.

It's amazing to me that a guy like me, a former Democrat who will still vote for Biden, is the guy who points out this nonsense on this forum.
Of course a conservative, woman or man, can write something worth respecting.

I'm a fan, for instance, of Peggy Noonan, certainly a conservative. On the other hand, I don't 'trust' Kimberley Strassel, Noonan's fellow op ed writer at the WSJ.

Watch out for the partisans...
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

DMac wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:08 am
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:03 am
jhu72 wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:58 am What is pathetic is the white washing that many on this board want to give the Duke episode. No matter how you slice it, the guys on the team brought it on themselves with their immature actions and general bad judgement. A few of them paid a huge and unjust price, but in the end got paid a large sum in restitution. But to pretend these privileged clowns did nothing wrong is total BS.


This, MDLax, is what you get when you wink at lies. jhu72 in his heart knows that the Duke kids are guilty and should have gone to jail. :roll:

When you wink at lies, you get the sentiments expressed by jhu72; it's not the kid, it's the system, and if 3 kids have to pay the price for everyone, screw 'em.

Saying they brought it on themselves (which there is some truth to) and saying they should have gone to jail are two different things. He never even insinuated they should have gone to jail.
I wouldn't go so far as to say they 'brought it on themselves' as no one deserves to have this happen. But they ain't 'innocent' of misogynistic, dumb behaviors, plus as a team supporting underage drinking to excess. They were in a position to have something bad happen.
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by jhu72 »

Peter Brown wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:03 am
jhu72 wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:58 am What is pathetic is the white washing that many on this board want to give the Duke episode. No matter how you slice it, the guys on the team brought it on themselves with their immature actions and general bad judgement. A few of them paid a huge and unjust price, but in the end got paid a large sum in restitution. But to pretend these privileged clowns did nothing wrong is total BS.


This, MDLax, is what you get when you wink at lies. jhu72 in his heart knows that the Duke kids are guilty and should have gone to jail. :roll:

When you wink at lies, you get the sentiments expressed by jhu72; it's not the kid, it's the system, and if 3 kids have to pay the price for everyone, screw 'em.


As I said, total white wash. It is not possible to admit these men behaved badly and stupidly and started the entire episode. Not possible to admit that if they had not moved first there would have been no incident. :roll: Everybody is at fault but for the guys who moved first to bring together the actors that led to the outcome.

No where have I said screw the kids or they deserved what they got - but they started it with their immaturity and bad judgement! Neither have I said they did not deserve some punishment - they did. Canceling a lacrosse season was fair!
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by foreverlax »

Peter Brown wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:01 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:54 am
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:49 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:37 am EDIT: I clicked through to see more about the book and the "two NYT writers". Had to chuckle when I saw how they are described on Amazon and some of the "reviews"...

“The authors’ deep knowledge of the players and the constitutional stakes shines throughout the book and makes for a thrilling and revealing read.” -- EDWIN MEESE III, 75th U.S. Attorney General

"[A] brand new smash book with enormous amounts of actual real reporting, interviews, behind-the-scenes fact-digging and analysis… You won’t get it anywhere else unless you get this book.” -- Laura Ingraham, Fox News

About the Author
MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, a senior editor at The Federalist and a contributor to Fox News, is one of the country’s most thoughtful, prescient, and respected political commentators.

CARRIE SEVERINO is chief counsel and policy director of the Judicial Crisis Network. A graduate of Harvard Law School, she clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Here's an interesting 'counter-review': ... press.html

I always find this need to discredit a conservative author to be beneath the dignity of anyone who writes it. So here you go, MDLax: here is Carrie's real CV:

Severino was a law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and to Judge David B. Sentelle of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, and is a graduate of Harvard Law School (J.D.), Duke University (B.A., Biology), and Michigan State University (M.A., Linguistics).

Boy is she dumb! I wouldn't trust a word she writes! :roll:
I didn't call her dumb, are you? Heck Justice Thomas is a smart guy. Awful Justice. And yeah, I believe he was lying when he denied the allegations against him.

You do know what the Judicial Crisis Network is, right? Including that they have supported conservatives for various court positions with zero litigation experience??? But they're conservative, so all cool? Yeah, I don't 'trust' her...but not 'dumb'.

Here's the other author: ... -it-starts

Is she dumb? That's not my claim.

C'mon man, please. Your implication is readers can't trust a conservative woman to write anything. Like I said, beneath your dignity. Own up to it and move along.

It's amazing to me that a guy like me, a former Democrat who will still vote for Biden, is the guy who points out this nonsense on this forum.
You fail to grasp very two simple concepts around here - you can have any opinion you chose, but you can't have your own facts.

Hemmingway has a long history of stating her opinions as facts, which works for those who already buy in to her bias.
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by DMac »

MDlaxfan76 wrote
They were in a position to have something bad happen.
More accurately, they put themselves in a position to have something bad happen.
Completely agree they got dragged through ugliness that never should have happened.
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by foreverlax »

DMac wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:18 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote
They were in a position to have something bad happen.
More accurately, they put themselves in a position to have something bad happen.
Completely agree they got dragged through ugliness that never should have happened.
"trouble is easy to find and hard to get out of."
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by a fan »

Peter Brown wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:01 am C'mon man, please. Your implication is readers can't trust a conservative woman to write anything. Like I said, beneath your dignity. Own up to it and move along.

It's amazing to me that a guy like me, a former Democrat who will still vote for Biden, is the guy who points out this nonsense on this forum.
:lol: Says the guy who thinks the media protects Democrats.

Riddle: who is our current President, and who did he beat in the election?

Oh yeah. The media totally protected Hillary. So much so she lost to (snicker) Donald Trump.
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by Peter Brown »

jhu72 wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:13 am
As I said, total white wash. It is not possible to admit these men behaved badly and stupidly and started the entire episode. Not possible to admit that if they had not moved first there would have been no incident. :roll: Everybody is at fault but for the guys who moved first to bring together the actors that led to the outcome.

No where have I said screw the kids or they deserved what they got - but they started it with their immaturity and bad judgement! Neither have I said they did not deserve some punishment - they did. Canceling a lacrosse season was fair!

The "outcome" being that a complete lunatic lied to a lunatic prosecutor and all the predictable posse of envy-ridden agitators in media and the classroom chimed in, possibly putting the lives of 3 innocent young men at risk? That 'outcome'?

Let me get this straight: if I walk into a casino to gamble, a guy I don't know shoots up the joint, that guy tells a partisan prosecutor that I did it, I get locked up with no bail waiting for a trial, it's me to blame somehow because I should know not to walk into a casino in the first place? This is the 'short-skirt theory' that says women shouldn't wear short skirts because men can't help themselves; 'hey girl, you asked for it!'

Are you blanking kidding me with this elephant dung?!?!

Do you even know who Crystal Mangum is and where she is these days? I'd be curious if you know the answer to that.

But hey the boys got paid by Duke, so all's well that ends well. I didn't think I could dislike Hopkins more...
Peter Brown
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by Peter Brown »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:12 am
DMac wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:08 am
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:03 am
jhu72 wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 10:58 am What is pathetic is the white washing that many on this board want to give the Duke episode. No matter how you slice it, the guys on the team brought it on themselves with their immature actions and general bad judgement. A few of them paid a huge and unjust price, but in the end got paid a large sum in restitution. But to pretend these privileged clowns did nothing wrong is total BS.


This, MDLax, is what you get when you wink at lies. jhu72 in his heart knows that the Duke kids are guilty and should have gone to jail. :roll:

When you wink at lies, you get the sentiments expressed by jhu72; it's not the kid, it's the system, and if 3 kids have to pay the price for everyone, screw 'em.

Saying they brought it on themselves (which there is some truth to) and saying they should have gone to jail are two different things. He never even insinuated they should have gone to jail.
I wouldn't go so far as to say they 'brought it on themselves' as no one deserves to have this happen. But they ain't 'innocent' of misogynistic, dumb behaviors, plus as a team supporting underage drinking to excess. They were in a position to have something bad happen.

I do not know how so many people I respect can go so horribly wrong with their analysis of this situation. It's so easy to dismiss the seriousness of an event when it's not your kids or you don't know them or don't understand civil liberties

These kids did not bring it on themselves nor did the team "support" underage drinking. jfc, what is wrong with you people? Go tell Mike P he encouraged underage drinking...tell me how it goes for you! I think he'll want to take the debate 'outside'; you see, this is still raw for many folks who actually lived it.

The kids hired a stripper; bfd. The stripper was a psycho. That too is not unexpected. She tried to kill one boyfriend, finally did the other in. At this time, she's not able to comment on my post. But sure, the boys are at fault!
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by Peter Brown »

a fan wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:25 am
Peter Brown wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 11:01 am C'mon man, please. Your implication is readers can't trust a conservative woman to write anything. Like I said, beneath your dignity. Own up to it and move along.

It's amazing to me that a guy like me, a former Democrat who will still vote for Biden, is the guy who points out this nonsense on this forum.
:lol: Says the guy who thinks the media protects Democrats.

Riddle: who is our current President, and who did he beat in the election?

Oh yeah. The media totally protected Hillary. So much so she lost to (snicker) Donald Trump.

Of the major newspapers that endorsed either Clinton or Trump, only 3 percent (2 of 59) endorsed Trump. By comparison, 46 percent of newspapers to endorse either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney endorsed Romney in 2012. As the media has become less representative of right-of-center views — and as conservatives have rebelled against the political establishment — there’s been an increasing and perhaps self-reinforcing cleavage between conservative news and the rest of the media.
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by foreverlax »

The kids hired a stripper; bfd.
Uh, yes that is a big deal. No stripper, no issue.

Of course you know that.
Peter Brown
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by Peter Brown »

foreverlax wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 12:14 pm
The kids hired a stripper; bfd.
Uh, yes that is a big deal. No stripper, no issue.

Of course you know that.

Why don't you place all kids in a bubble then, foreverlax. They'll never get in any trouble with you at the helm! They may end up vegetables with no real world experience, but hey, who's counting... :roll:

This incessant desire by the Left to lay blame (partial or otherwise) at the feet of people who did absolutely nothing wrong is symptomatic of where the Democratic Party fails basic standards of common sense and promotes class-ridden envy. At its core, this desire to keep blaming these kids is class envy.

As I said, disgusting.
a fan
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by a fan »

Peter Brown wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 12:13 pm Of the major newspapers that endorsed either Clinton or Trump, only 3 percent (2 of 59) endorsed Trump. By comparison, 46 percent of newspapers to endorse either Barack Obama or Mitt Romney endorsed Romney in 2012. As the media has become less representative of right-of-center views — and as conservatives have rebelled against the political establishment — there’s been an increasing and perhaps self-reinforcing cleavage between conservative news and the rest of the media.
1. Who reads newspaper endorsements? Octogenarians? Who cares?

2. Trump is clearly, plainly to the left of Hillary. So all your nonsense about left wing media here goes right out the window. All the lefties...real lefties? Hate Hillary, and see her for the right leaning, corrupt politician she is.

3. Trump is an idiot. That's why literate people didn't endorse him.

4. You left out that the media ran non stop negative stories about Hillary nonstop during the election year. Benghazi. Emails. Clinton Foundation.

5. The most important data point that you and FoxNation so desperately want to ignore: Hillary freaking lost. That does not happen if the media is in the bag. Full stop.
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Re: CNN Says 'White Men' are the Biggest Terror Threat in US

Post by jhu72 »

Peter Brown wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 12:20 pm
foreverlax wrote: Wed Nov 06, 2019 12:14 pm
The kids hired a stripper; bfd.
Uh, yes that is a big deal. No stripper, no issue.

Of course you know that.

Why don't you place all kids in a bubble then, foreverlax. They'll never get in any trouble with you at the helm! They may end up vegetables with no real world experience, but hey, who's counting... :roll:

This incessant desire by the Left to lay blame (partial or otherwise) at the feet of people who did absolutely nothing wrong is symptomatic of where the Democratic Party fails basic standards of common sense and promotes class-ridden envy. At its core, this desire to keep blaming these kids is class envy.

As I said, disgusting.
NO! This is not about placing anyone in a bubble. IT IS ABOUT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR OWN ACTIONS!!! The engaged in risky behavior and things spun out of control. They are responsible for that. This is a basic lesson to be learned when growing up. The "boys will be boys" morons want to relieve these privileged young men of this responsibility.

If anyone is placing them in a bubble IT IS YOU!
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