Orange Duce

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by ChairmanOfTheBoard »

Brooklyn wrote:
Brett Kavanaugh is ... not a sexual assaulter like ... Keith Ellison

Ellison's name can now be removed from the list as his former wife is now on record as saying there had never been any violence during their 20 year relationship: ... y-general/

''“There was never any abuse in our marriage, and there’s nothing in our files to say that there was,” Kim Ellison said.''

Ellison's former girl friend who accused him of domestic violence said one of his sons would testify on her behalf and would produce a video to prove there had been violence. All three of Ellison's sons were by Kim's side. Nor did any of them produce a video because none existed. And while Republicans had been hoping all these false accusations would take a political toll on Ellison, it has instead taken a toll on Kim as she suffers from depression and her life struggles are now in the limelight.

great, that's settled. all it took was two accusers. and no actual evidence.

so i suppose our newest justice doesnt get the same treatment; because it's a distinct fact pattern.

now on to yesterday's news (literally). HR Clinton-Underwood, who said of her hubster's indiscretions with ms. lewinsky- hey, she's an adult, it's ok.

and so it's ok.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote:
old salt wrote: Here was your insertion of Obama into the discussion in your immediate, reflexive response to my Deep State definition quote by VDH.
The only quote I posted was VDH's Deep State definition. The link was for attribution purposes to the source article.
You took the bait & went into your reflexive (R) vs (D), Trump vs Obama rant, & trashed the entire article & VDH's entire body of work.
thus deflecting from my quotation of his accurate definition of the Deep State. Deflect & rant, rather than confront my (& VDH's) definition of the Deep State. went crazy, just as I predicted you would. .:lol:.
Oh, yeah. His "accurate" definition of the Deep State. I skipped over it, thinking that you couldn't possibly be serious in using him as a cite on what you think the Deep State is.

But sure, let's go right ahead and look at his "correct definition"

Indeed, dozens of the careerists and progressive appointees at the Washington FBI, DOJ, CIA, and National Security Council took all sorts of risks to insure a Clinton blowout. They variously sought to warp the FISA court, subvert the Trump campaign, collude with Fusion GPS and its Russian sources, and weaponize the FBI to ensure the Clinton victory — on the premise that their unethical and often illegal behavior would soon be rewarded by the Clintons, who for decades had proven far less ethical than 2016’s miscreant minions.

There is NO WAY you believe this. Tinfoil hat nonsense with zero evidence.

The idea that the FBI, DoJ, CIA, and NSA are filled with pot smoking, bomb throwing liberals biding their time, waiting, in many cases, 20 years of their spotless careers to commit illegal acts in the name of progressive ideals is the single dumbest thing I've ever read on the Water Cooler.

What's more, Trump is a freaking liberal! He's just a loudmouthed moron. Something that law and order types don't normally cotton to...

So VDH thinks that Strozk didn't break a single law, or do anything to stop Bush's conservative policies----and waited until Trump came along to break dozens of laws, throw his career in the trash, and all to (snicker) use the power of the FBI to make sure he doesn't get elected. In an election that no one expected Trump to win.

Now you need to add in that VDH thinks that DOZENS (his words) of career CIA, FBI, DoJ, and NSA agents did the exact same thing: waited until 2016 to break dozens of laws after having solid careers at four freaking separate agencies.

Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

Want my retort? ... -blowback/
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by a fan »

Ah, the Deep State was blown sky high, says VDH?

So they're gone? Do I have this right? It's Oct. 2018, and the Deep State is no more, RR? Is that what you think?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by old salt »

Somebody's still leaking intercepts to Ignatius. ...& they are not helpful to Trump.

Wait 'til the details come out about Susan Rices request to downgrade the classification of FISA intercepts & distriibute them throughout the IC.
She made the request in late Dec 2016.
Obama directed Clapper to downgrade them on 1-12-17.
Last edited by old salt on Wed Oct 17, 2018 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote:Somebody's still leaking intercepts to Ignatius. ...& they are not helpful to Trump.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by old salt »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:
old salt wrote:Somebody's still leaking intercepts to Ignatius. ...& they are not helpful to Trump.
Erdogan does not have the ability to monitor Jared's phonecons with MbS.

He just provides the gory details of the torture & murder.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
old salt wrote:Somebody's still leaking intercepts to Ignatius. ...& they are not helpful to Trump.
Erdogan does not have the ability to monitor Jared's phonecons with MbS.

He just provides the gory details of the torture & murder.
Old news. ... his-872401
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote:Somebody's still leaking intercepts to Ignatius. ...& they are not helpful to Trump.

Wait 'til the details come out about Susan Rices request to downgrade the classification of FISA intercepts & distriibute them throughout the IC.
She made the request in late Dec 2016.
Obama directed Clapper to downgrade them on 1-12-17.
I'm asking about now. Your definition of the Deep State was a conspiracy between Progressives in four separate agencies.

Are they still there, or aren't they?

As for "not helpful to Trump".....sure they are! When you hear about these leaks, does it weaken your view of Trump? Nope. In fact, I'd argue that it strengthens your bond with Trump. It deepens the "us vs. them" narrative. If the Deep State really exists and they are trying to take down Trump, the best thing that they could do was go away.

A sitting President just tweeted "horseface" about a hooker he had an adulterous affair with a few years ago while married to his current wife, the first freaking Lady of the US. The idea that someone can "dig up dirt" on Trump, and have it damage his rep with his base----or even his detractors at this point----is ridiculous.

If this is the "Deep State", then you have nothing to fear. These leakers are idiots, because any leaks are utterly pointless. This isn't 2016, when America cared what our President did or said, my friend!

It's 2018, baby!
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by jhu72 »

Ignatius is claiming Ahmad Asiri is being setup as the fall guy. The same Ahmad Asiri who met with the Trump folks to hear the Saudi proposal to help the Trump campaign. If true, how convenient.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

a fan wrote:
old salt wrote:Somebody's still leaking intercepts to Ignatius. ...& they are not helpful to Trump.

Wait 'til the details come out about Susan Rices request to downgrade the classification of FISA intercepts & distriibute them throughout the IC.
She made the request in late Dec 2016.
Obama directed Clapper to downgrade them on 1-12-17.
I'm asking about now. Your definition of the Deep State was a conspiracy between Progressives in four separate agencies.

Are they still there, or aren't they?

As for "not helpful to Trump".....sure they are! When you hear about these leaks, does it weaken your view of Trump? Nope. In fact, I'd argue that it strengthens your bond with Trump. It deepens the "us vs. them" narrative. If the Deep State really exists and they are trying to take down Trump, the best thing that they could do was go away.

A sitting President just tweeted "horseface" about a hooker he had an adulterous affair with a few years ago while married to his current wife, the first freaking Lady of the US. The idea that someone can "dig up dirt" on Trump, and have it damage his rep with his base----or even his detractors at this point----is ridiculous.

If this is the "Deep State", then you have nothing to fear. These leakers are idiots, because any leaks are utterly pointless. This isn't 2016, when America cared what our President did or said, my friend!

It's 2018, baby!

It's 2018. Guy seems to be upset that someone is making it hard for Trump to lie to the American public.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by old salt »

Too bad the MSM is not as impatient with the Mueller investigation as they are with the Khashoggi investigation.

Can't even wait for the forensics ? The US has no jurisdiction in Turkey. He's not a US citizen.

Will Turkey file with the ICC or the UN Security Council ?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

ChairmanOfTheBoard wrote:
Brooklyn wrote:
Brett Kavanaugh is ... not a sexual assaulter like ... Keith Ellison

Ellison's name can now be removed from the list as his former wife is now on record as saying there had never been any violence during their 20 year relationship: ... y-general/

''“There was never any abuse in our marriage, and there’s nothing in our files to say that there was,” Kim Ellison said.''

Ellison's former girl friend who accused him of domestic violence said one of his sons would testify on her behalf and would produce a video to prove there had been violence. All three of Ellison's sons were by Kim's side. Nor did any of them produce a video because none existed. And while Republicans had been hoping all these false accusations would take a political toll on Ellison, it has instead taken a toll on Kim as she suffers from depression and her life struggles are now in the limelight.

great, that's settled. all it took was two accusers. and no actual evidence.

so i suppose our newest justice doesnt get the same treatment; because it's a distinct fact pattern.

now on to yesterday's news (literally). HR Clinton-Underwood, who said of her hubster's indiscretions with ms. lewinsky- hey, she's an adult, it's ok.

and so it's ok.
Ol'Blue Eyes, pretty sure Clinton's comments were roundly condemned by the liberal leaning media and all sorts of Dem folks. I didn't hear anyone ever talking about those comments as "ok" or justified. Pretty much universal recoil (I don't listen to much Fox, but I'm assuming the recoil was consistent there as well). The 'nicest' way any Dem pundits said it was "it's not helpful". The closest anyone got to an excuse, while also saying she was wrong and misguided and 'unhelpful', was to the effect that she's 'made peace with her husband' which itself sounded slimy. And you could tell it made them queasy.

I haven't followed the Ellison matter closely enough to actually have an informed opinion, but I'm pretty sure no Dems are getting cut slack by fellow Dems just because they are Dems. Even if they wanted to, this issue is way too potent with a key portion of their voter base to ever be seen giving cover for it. I think by and large the Dems, including the men, are sincere in their views on the topic, but from a pure politics point of view they can't afford to cut fellow Dems slack.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote:Too bad the MSM is not as impatient with the Mueller investigation as they are with the Khashoggi investigation.

Can't even wait for the forensics ? The US has no jurisdiction in Turkey. He's not a US citizen.

Will Turkey file with the ICC or the UN Security Council ?
Maybe the people that killed OJ Simpson's wife did it.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote:Too bad the MSM is not as impatient with the Mueller investigation as they are with the Khashoggi investigation.

Can't even wait for the forensics ? The US has no jurisdiction in Turkey. He's not a US citizen.

Will Turkey file with the ICC or the UN Security Council ?
Hmmm, pretty sure the MSM has been consistently "impatient" to get whatever they can about the Mueller investigation and related matters. Kinda breathless about it at times. The more sober pundits said that it would be a time-consuming and thorough process, given the complexity of the matter, but I don't recall the MSM saying, 'fine, we'll check back next year'.

Re this matter, seems to me the reporting is that Pompeo told the Saudis that the investigation needed to be swift and 'sharp' else Trump's hand would be forced. We don't know whether that's accurate, but that was our SoS' message, not the MSM. Note however, that Pompeo himself seems to be saying that he and the Saudis didn't talk about any of the actual facts, not even whether they knew whether he was alive or not. Nada.

But of course the MSM is pushing for more info; that's their job.

As to the investigation, he was an "American person" by legal standards as well as the employee of a major American newspaper. So, the Administration would be well within its rights to request (read insist) that the FBI get involved directly in the investigation with Turkey. And Turkey would undoubtedly jump at the opportunity, including turning over to, or reviewing with, the FBI whatever they already have.

What I don't understand is why Trump's line from the outset wasn't: "This is a terrible matter of potentially very serious consequences. We're going to be very careful in our investigation of the matter, given both the seriousness of what may have happened and the importance of our relationship with Saudi Arabia". Say it a dozen times just like that, nothing more. Period. Shut up until you know exactly what happened and have a clear response as to what actions are to be taken. For goodness sake, don't try to slough it off as as " he's a Saudi citizen' or take off the table curtailing arms deals because of pecuniary reasons (rather than strategic) or "he told me very strongly they didn't do it" or any such nonsense.

Seems to me Trump has just dug a really deep hole that will give him and the relationship with the Saudis very little wiggle room once the truth is clear. Badly misplayed. So, the question is why? Incompetence? Impulse control? or something more nefarious having to do with personal $ relationships?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by ggait »

Can't even wait for the forensics ?
Because Trump has used the "he strongly denies it" dodge so many times before.

So everyone knows exactly what that means. Fool me 27 times, shame on me.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote:
old salt wrote:Somebody's still leaking intercepts to Ignatius. ...& they are not helpful to Trump.

Wait 'til the details come out about Susan Rices request to downgrade the classification of FISA intercepts & distriibute them throughout the IC.
She made the request in late Dec 2016.
Obama directed Clapper to downgrade them on 1-12-17.
I'm asking about now. Your definition of the Deep State was a conspiracy between Progressives in four separate agencies.

Are they still there, or aren't they? ... nce-215537 ... index.html ... st-lied-a/ ... ze-doj-and ... s-unproven ... not-a-joke
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Trinity »

Do Americans deserve to know who holds influence over their leaders? Because Trump’s helping cook up a cover story for the Saudis. We don’t need them THAT much. Jared’s fled to NY to avoid blame and I think I know what prompted Nikki Haley to pop smoke early.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Trinity wrote:Do Americans deserve to know who holds influence over their leaders? Because Trump’s helping cook up a cover story for the Saudis. We don’t need them THAT much. Jared’s fled to NY to avoid blame and I think I know what prompted Nikki Haley to pop smoke early.
Americans are informed on a need to know basis. Trump decides what Americans need to know. We don't need to know who possibly holds influence over him or what foreign country was part of his campaign team.

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Trinity »

Manafort has held 9 meetings with Team America. Sara Carter on Fox said that’s just to tie up loose ends in the case against the FBI.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by dislaxxic »

Trinity wrote:Do Americans deserve to know who holds influence over their leaders? Because Trump’s helping cook up a cover story for the Saudis. We don’t need them THAT much. Jared’s fled to NY to avoid blame and I think I know what prompted Nikki Haley to pop smoke early.
"They buy a lot of Trump Stuff. Toys. Real Estate. $40 million, $50 million. They buy lotsa stuff from Trump. Hundreds of millions! I LIKE the Saudis"

Pinocchio is a walking conflict of interest...and it DOES matter to US policy.

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