Trump's Russian Collusion

The odds are excellent that you will leave this forum hating someone.
Peter Brown
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Gather evidence steadily, go to trial in the Senate.

Post by Peter Brown »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 8:45 am PB, what an interestingly illogical post. On the one hand, you suggest that folks have to be one extreme or the other. And then you want to suggest that the only reasonable view is that Barr and Pelosi must be both "honourable people".

When Barr so totally misrepresented the Mueller Report, starkly lying about it, he lost any benefit of the doubt as to "honor". I was with two lawyers in DC last night who know Barr, know his law firm, and think he's a very smart guy, very hard-nosed, sharp elbowed, corporate advocate, like the style of his law firm, but also unethical as is his firm more generally. Very willing to cross the line ethically as advocates. These were not "liberal" lawyers. They believe he's in it for the power.

Now, I'm sure one could suggest similarly of Pelosi, certainly she's been a target for decades.

But for Barr, he simply doesn't deserve the notion that he's "honourable".

You are perhaps over-reading my post; I am not suggesting anything. I may point out some odd (to me) thoughts, but I have yet to see an Internet argument change an opinion or mind. Mostly, I chuckle at these posts (which might be the problem, as most seem to be very seriously intended).

A great maxim for life is pain + reflection = progress.

As the world's leading light on fu#king up, I read those words to myself 200x a day on my iPhone home screen (it's my home screen, duh). A reminder to my Democrat friends that 2016 hopefully taught you/us something, and yet I see Elizabeth Warren now pulling away from the pack (divisive, super-progressive, dishonest, not genuine...ring a bell?).

Meanwhile, Orange Man Bad is our preferred meal. smdh

Anyway, I'd like to end by saying what I often say when things get too tense, none of this really matters anyway, but then I might really get the catcalls! :lol:
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Post by Bandito »

Time to impeach Katie Hill instead.

Brett Kavanaugh: *has a beer*


Katie Hill: Does drugs, has multiple inappropriate sexual relationships with employees, posts exhibitionist pictures on Reddit, does "wifesharing," etc. etc.

Media: She's living her best life, give her some privacy.
Farfromgeneva is a sissy soy boy
Peter Brown
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Post by Peter Brown »

Bandito wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:49 am Time to impeach Katie Hill instead.

Brett Kavanaugh: *has a beer*


Katie Hill: Does drugs, has multiple inappropriate sexual relationships with employees, posts exhibitionist pictures on Reddit, does "wifesharing," etc. etc.

Media: She's living her best life, give her some privacy.

Ahhhhhhhh, ummmmmmmm, cough-cough, you left out the biggest dilemna/tattoo: ... iron-cross
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Post by jhu72 »

Who knew Bandito was a church lady? I guess he hasn't heard about Donald Trump. :lol:
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Gather evidence steadily, go to trial in the Senate.

Post by foreverlax »

Bandito wrote: Wed Oct 23, 2019 11:12 am Democrats have no message. They know impeachment is a ruse. They’ve been threatening it since before Trump was elected. Why don’t the Dems come up with good ideas on the economy, health care, border security, et al? It’s because they know if they told the truth about their ideas, no one would vote for them! They fundamentally want to change us into a socialist utopia, a fascist regime. These aren’t the democrats of yesteryear where they wanted the best for the country, as did Republicans but they just disagreed on a few things. The left are bigots, racists and fascists. They own counterculture ( if you don’t agree with something they want to eliminate it and protest against it ( Chick Fil-A etc). They want to ban guns and promote the idea that sex changes at the youth level is appropriate ( it’s child abuse). They support open borders so rapists, abusers, and government leeches can come into our country and overrun it to create a new world order.

No one with a functioning brain would vote Democrat today. There is no collusion evidence or evidence to bring charges against a duly elected president. Democrats are evil, deranged people who’s party will be a nothing burger in a few years. Losers
Not sure why I am bothering....
Daniel Krauthammer is the editor of “The Point of It All” by longtime Post columnist Charles Krauthammer. This column is adapted from the preface to the paperback edition of the book.

What does it mean to have civil debate? How do we get back to it, given the deteriorating state of public discourse? These are questions I am often asked because of my closeness to someone who for so many people represented what political dialogue in this country should strive to be: my late father, Charles Krauthammer.
There are many principles he embodied that led him to maintain the highest standards of argument. I discuss them at length in the preface to the new paperback edition of his posthumous book, “The Point of It All.” But my father was particularly fond of one phrase that sums up so much of what is essential: “the loyal opposition.”

Originally a British parliamentary term, it encapsulates a concept critical to democracy: that whoever holds power, all sides must respect the fundamental legitimacy of their political rivals; that their differences be seen not as treasonous or out of bounds, but rather as healthy disagreement within our divided and adversarial system of government, which as a whole — and only as a whole — retains ultimate authority. Members of the other party may be your opponents, but within the walls of our democratic constitutional order, they are not your enemy. Where freedom and pluralism reign, you must convince, not overpower.

What does this mean in practice? Above all, it means meeting the other side face to face in a battle of ideas, respecting their right to promote their viewpoint and recognizing that winning the debate means mounting the superior argument: using sounder reasoning and marshaling more compelling evidence. And it means not attempting shortcuts to victory by trying to delegitimize the other side before the debate even begins.

My father never resorted to these shortcuts and often focused his withering criticism on them when used as a crutch by those unwilling or unable to mount a cogent argument. One such strategy is villainizing the opposition. When we contend that those with differing views are not just wrong but are bad people — criminals even — we abandon genuine debate. If we hold that their conclusions stem not from faulty logic or evidence but from fundamental ill will and nefarious intentions, then no progress can be made. No one ever changed their mind because their opponents called them evil.

A second, twin strategy that my father criticized was apocalyptic alarmism. He identified the clearest historical examples appearing on the left with the Nuclear Freeze movement of the 1980s and on the right with the McCarthyite conspiracy hysteria of the 1950s. The motivations and assumptions for each are different, but the basic argument is the same: The other side’s program is leading to the destruction of all we hold dear, and certain disaster can be avoided only by following our own side’s particular political path. With the stakes so high — sometimes even the literal end of the world — everything else becomes secondary. Procedural obstacles — even constitutional ones — become intolerable. The only justifiable option becomes overpowering the opposition by any means necessary.
In today’s politics, neither side of the political divide has a monopoly on such hyperbole. We hear partisans on both sides claiming that their adversaries are full of evil intent and hatred; that if their own party doesn’t win, America will be lost forever.
Such strategies are good only for rallying those who already agree with you; for whipping them into a panic; for making them less willing to even consider the other side’s position and more willing to do whatever it takes to keep others out of power or — even more drastically — to silence them.

This mind-set undermines open discourse and democratic principles. As my father once wrote, “Those who believe that the end of the world is coming and that they hold the key to preventing it, tend to believe that their program is good — indeed, absolutely necessary — for all. They become convinced of their obligation to carry out their mission, and impatient with those standing in their way.” It is an approach “marked by a profound intolerance, which not only rigs the terms of the debate . . . but often abolishes debate altogether.” Liberal democracy does not fare well in this environment. In the end, “apocalyptic politics demands a declaration of emergency. But democracy never coexists well with emergency, a lesson we have always learned during wartime.”
In contrast, my father came to the national debate with humility and in good faith. He saw his political sparring partners as mistaken and perhaps ill-informed, but still as fundamentally decent and well-intentioned souls who wanted the best for their country, too. He sought to dismantle their arguments and ideas, not to assault their character. And he never presumed his arguments so obviously right that they could be opposed only by those wishing harm or destruction on the nation or the planet.
This is not to say my father was a moral relativist who didn’t recognize evil in the world or existential threats to our way of life. Far from it. As a student of history, he was keenly aware of the power of politics gone wrong to wreak untold destruction on our civilization. But that historical awareness gave him the perspective to see just how far our current situation is from how bad things can truly get; how lucky we are to live in a stable, open and prosperous democracy; and how essential it is for us not to lose that perspective or exaggerate our internal disagreements to the point where we start characterizing the other side not as “the loyal opposition,” but instead as enemies of the state. Down that road lies the fate of banana republics, lands of civil strife and civil war. And so, my father wrote, “That is reason enough to resist the sirens calling us to the moral equivalent of war.”

My father appreciated the incredible preciousness and also the fragility of the democratic system we are blessed to have inherited. He recognized that it is neither the natural nor an automatic state of being for society. It is the exception in human history, and it takes great and continual effort — the hard work of democracy and of civil debate — to sustain it. It is, he wrote, the “ceaseless work of every generation. To which I have devoted much of my life.”
May the next generation find inspiration in his example.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Peter Brown wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:54 am
Bandito wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:49 am Time to impeach Katie Hill instead.

Brett Kavanaugh: *has a beer*


Katie Hill: Does drugs, has multiple inappropriate sexual relationships with employees, posts exhibitionist pictures on Reddit, does "wifesharing," etc. etc.

Media: She's living her best life, give her some privacy.

Ahhhhhhhh, ummmmmmmm, cough-cough, you left out the biggest dilemna/tattoo: ... iron-cross
Cough... Cough:

“In the United States, however, the Iron Cross also became one of several Nazi-era symbols adopted by outlaw bikers, more to signify rebellion or to shock than for any white supremacist ideology. By the early 2000s, this other use of the Iron Cross had spread from bikers to skateboarders and many extreme sports enthusiasts and became part of the logo of several different companies producing equipment and clothing for this audience.”
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Post by Bandito »

jhu72 wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:58 am Who knew Bandito was a church lady? I guess he hasn't heard about Donald Trump. :lol:
The hypocrisy is astounding. Trump didn’t have sex w a staffer. Trump doesn’t have a Nazi tattoo.

No one is perfect but this woman led the charge against Kav with no evidence. She was doing Exactly what she claimed Kav did.

It’s embarrassing how dense you are when it comes to these things.
Farfromgeneva is a sissy soy boy
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Post by jhu72 »

:lol: :lol: - like a clock.
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Post by Bandito »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:07 am
Peter Brown wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:54 am
Bandito wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:49 am Time to impeach Katie Hill instead.

Brett Kavanaugh: *has a beer*


Katie Hill: Does drugs, has multiple inappropriate sexual relationships with employees, posts exhibitionist pictures on Reddit, does "wifesharing," etc. etc.

Media: She's living her best life, give her some privacy.

Ahhhhhhhh, ummmmmmmm, cough-cough, you left out the biggest dilemna/tattoo: ... iron-cross
Cough... Cough:

“In the United States, however, the Iron Cross also became one of several Nazi-era symbols adopted by outlaw bikers, more to signify rebellion or to shock than for any white supremacist ideology. By the early 2000s, this other use of the Iron Cross had spread from bikers to skateboarders and many extreme sports enthusiasts and became part of the logo of several different companies producing equipment and clothing for this audience.”
Lol and we’ve come full circle. TLD defending Nazis of the left. This is amazing!! Enjoy your day!
Farfromgeneva is a sissy soy boy
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Post by foreverlax »

Peter Brown wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:54 am
Bandito wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:49 am Time to impeach Katie Hill instead.

Brett Kavanaugh: *has a beer*


Katie Hill: Does drugs, has multiple inappropriate sexual relationships with employees, posts exhibitionist pictures on Reddit, does "wifesharing," etc. etc.

Media: She's living her best life, give her some privacy.

Ahhhhhhhh, ummmmmmmm, cough-cough, you left out the biggest dilemna/tattoo: ... iron-cross
Iron Cross

In the United States, however, the Iron Cross also became one of several Nazi-era symbols adopted by outlaw bikers, more to signify rebellion or to shock than for any white supremacist ideology. By the early 2000s, this other use of the Iron Cross had spread from bikers to skateboarders and many extreme sports enthusiasts and became part of the logo of several different companies producing equipment and clothing for this audience. Consequently, the use of the Iron Cross in a non-racist context has greatly proliferated in the United States, to the point that an Iron Cross in isolation (i.e., without a superimposed swastika or without other accompanying hate symbols) cannot be determined to be a hate symbol. Care must therefore be used to correctly interpret this symbol in whatever context in which it may be found.

Bikers and the Iron Cross

Few things are more confusing to the average citizen than the use of the German Iron Cross by bikers. Many assume that it is a Nazi symbol and bikers wear it as a symbol of white supremacy. While that may be true in some cases today, the Iron Cross was not a Nazi symbol. It had its beginnings 700 years before Hitler and the Third Reich.

During the Crusades, there was an order of religious knights that most of us have heard of, called the Templars. There was a more obscure group that was less religious, but just as committed to the protection of pilgrims and the defense of Jerusalem. These were the German knights of the Teutonic Order. The Templars displayed the familiar red cross on the white field that we are all used to seeing. Some say that this cross eventually became the red cross displayed on the sails and standards of Spanish and Portuguese ships during early explorations, possibly becoming the Swiss flag and even the symbol of the Red Cross Organization. The Teutonic Order used a similar device but it was a black cross on a white field. This is the predecessor of our Iron Cross of modern times.

The Iron Cross in the form that we know it today, as a German military decoration, began in 1813. Frederick William III, King of Prussia, issued the Iron Cross as a medal for service during the Napoleonic Wars. The photo above shows one such medal from the era bearing the 1813 date. King Frederick William was known as a benevolent ruler who worked hard during his reign to undo the oppression of his predecessors. He was definitely not an evil man.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Bandito wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:12 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:07 am
Peter Brown wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:54 am
Bandito wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:49 am Time to impeach Katie Hill instead.

Brett Kavanaugh: *has a beer*


Katie Hill: Does drugs, has multiple inappropriate sexual relationships with employees, posts exhibitionist pictures on Reddit, does "wifesharing," etc. etc.

Media: She's living her best life, give her some privacy.

Ahhhhhhhh, ummmmmmmm, cough-cough, you left out the biggest dilemna/tattoo: ... iron-cross
Cough... Cough:

“In the United States, however, the Iron Cross also became one of several Nazi-era symbols adopted by outlaw bikers, more to signify rebellion or to shock than for any white supremacist ideology. By the early 2000s, this other use of the Iron Cross had spread from bikers to skateboarders and many extreme sports enthusiasts and became part of the logo of several different companies producing equipment and clothing for this audience.”
Lol and we’ve come full circle. TLD defending Nazis of the left. This is amazing!! Enjoy your day!
I am pointing out the use of the iron cross. There had been speculation that it was biker related. Facts hurt..... have a great weekend Bandidiot
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Post by foreverlax »

Bandito wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:10 am
jhu72 wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:58 am Who knew Bandito was a church lady? I guess he hasn't heard about Donald Trump. :lol:
The hypocrisy is astounding. Trump didn’t have sex w a staffer. Trump doesn’t have a Nazi tattoo.

No one is perfect but this woman led the charge against Kav with no evidence. She was doing Exactly what she claimed Kav did.

It’s embarrassing how dense you are when it comes to these things.
Your hero has a different view. Good for him!!
“Who among us would look perfect if every ex leaked every photo/text? Katie isn’t being investigated by Ethics or maligned because she hurt anyone — it is because she is different,” Gaetz tweeted Thursday. Hill identifies as bisexual
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Post by jhu72 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:07 am
Peter Brown wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:54 am
Bandito wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:49 am Time to impeach Katie Hill instead.

Brett Kavanaugh: *has a beer*


Katie Hill: Does drugs, has multiple inappropriate sexual relationships with employees, posts exhibitionist pictures on Reddit, does "wifesharing," etc. etc.

Media: She's living her best life, give her some privacy.

Ahhhhhhhh, ummmmmmmm, cough-cough, you left out the biggest dilemna/tattoo: ... iron-cross
Cough... Cough:

“In the United States, however, the Iron Cross also became one of several Nazi-era symbols adopted by outlaw bikers, more to signify rebellion or to shock than for any white supremacist ideology. By the early 2000s, this other use of the Iron Cross had spread from bikers to skateboarders and many extreme sports enthusiasts and became part of the logo of several different companies producing equipment and clothing for this audience.”
I seem to recall someone pointing this out yesterday when this tattoo question came up. Can't remember who.
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Post by jhu72 »

foreverlax wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:18 am
Bandito wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:10 am
jhu72 wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:58 am Who knew Bandito was a church lady? I guess he hasn't heard about Donald Trump. :lol:
The hypocrisy is astounding. Trump didn’t have sex w a staffer. Trump doesn’t have a Nazi tattoo.

No one is perfect but this woman led the charge against Kav with no evidence. She was doing Exactly what she claimed Kav did.

It’s embarrassing how dense you are when it comes to these things.
Your hero has a different view. Good for him!!
“Who among us would look perfect if every ex leaked every photo/text? Katie isn’t being investigated by Ethics or maligned because she hurt anyone — it is because she is different,” Gaetz tweeted Thursday. Hill identifies as bisexual
Had too laugh when I saw this yesterday. Given Gaetz history, good bet he is trying to get into her pants. :lol: But hey, he has the right "liberal" idea.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

jhu72 wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:21 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:07 am
Peter Brown wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:54 am
Bandito wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:49 am Time to impeach Katie Hill instead.

Brett Kavanaugh: *has a beer*


Katie Hill: Does drugs, has multiple inappropriate sexual relationships with employees, posts exhibitionist pictures on Reddit, does "wifesharing," etc. etc.

Media: She's living her best life, give her some privacy.

Ahhhhhhhh, ummmmmmmm, cough-cough, you left out the biggest dilemna/tattoo: ... iron-cross
Cough... Cough:

“In the United States, however, the Iron Cross also became one of several Nazi-era symbols adopted by outlaw bikers, more to signify rebellion or to shock than for any white supremacist ideology. By the early 2000s, this other use of the Iron Cross had spread from bikers to skateboarders and many extreme sports enthusiasts and became part of the logo of several different companies producing equipment and clothing for this audience.”
I seem to recall someone pointing this out yesterday when this tattoo question came up. Can't remember who.
Yep. The person that wrote the detail on the history of the usage of that symbol must be a “liberal”. ;)
“I wish you would!”
Peter Brown
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Post by Peter Brown »

I don't even care that she does have an Iron Cross tattoo. Could have been a late night and too much tequila. Who knows, and really, who cares.

The real issue is had this been Sarah Palin, or Nikki Haley, or Ivanka Trump!, the Internet heavens would be shaking uncontrollably with righteous indignation from some of us here...and I believe you know exactly who.

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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Post by Bandito »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:15 am
Bandito wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:12 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:07 am
Peter Brown wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:54 am
Bandito wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:49 am Time to impeach Katie Hill instead.

Brett Kavanaugh: *has a beer*


Katie Hill: Does drugs, has multiple inappropriate sexual relationships with employees, posts exhibitionist pictures on Reddit, does "wifesharing," etc. etc.

Media: She's living her best life, give her some privacy.

Ahhhhhhhh, ummmmmmmm, cough-cough, you left out the biggest dilemna/tattoo: ... iron-cross
Cough... Cough:

“In the United States, however, the Iron Cross also became one of several Nazi-era symbols adopted by outlaw bikers, more to signify rebellion or to shock than for any white supremacist ideology. By the early 2000s, this other use of the Iron Cross had spread from bikers to skateboarders and many extreme sports enthusiasts and became part of the logo of several different companies producing equipment and clothing for this audience.”
Lol and we’ve come full circle. TLD defending Nazis of the left. This is amazing!! Enjoy your day!
I am pointing out the use of the iron cross. There had been speculation that it was biker related. Facts hurt..... have a great weekend Bandidiot
At least I’m not a Nazi !!! Defending Nazism! Lol I’m always right
Farfromgeneva is a sissy soy boy
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Post by Bandito »

Peter Brown wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:39 am I don't even care that she does have an Iron Cross tattoo. Could have been a late night and too much tequila. Who knows, and really, who cares.

The real issue is had this been Sarah Palin, or Nikki Haley, or Ivanka Trump!, the Internet heavens would be shaking uncontrollably with righteous indignation from some of us here...and I believe you know exactly who.

That’s exactly right. The hypocrisy of the left and the loons on this board is astounding. If she was a Republican she’d be tarred and feathered by the media and by the psychos on this board. Instead they’re making up excuses and/or ignoring it. True hypocrites. But the left is that. They’re deranged. That’s why liberalism is a mental disorder.
Last edited by Bandito on Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
Farfromgeneva is a sissy soy boy
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Bandito wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:41 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:15 am
Bandito wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:12 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:07 am
Peter Brown wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:54 am
Bandito wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:49 am Time to impeach Katie Hill instead.

Brett Kavanaugh: *has a beer*


Katie Hill: Does drugs, has multiple inappropriate sexual relationships with employees, posts exhibitionist pictures on Reddit, does "wifesharing," etc. etc.

Media: She's living her best life, give her some privacy.

Ahhhhhhhh, ummmmmmmm, cough-cough, you left out the biggest dilemna/tattoo: ... iron-cross
Cough... Cough:

“In the United States, however, the Iron Cross also became one of several Nazi-era symbols adopted by outlaw bikers, more to signify rebellion or to shock than for any white supremacist ideology. By the early 2000s, this other use of the Iron Cross had spread from bikers to skateboarders and many extreme sports enthusiasts and became part of the logo of several different companies producing equipment and clothing for this audience.”
Lol and we’ve come full circle. TLD defending Nazis of the left. This is amazing!! Enjoy your day!
I am pointing out the use of the iron cross. There had been speculation that it was biker related. Facts hurt..... have a great weekend Bandidiot
At least I’m not a Nazi !!! Defending Nazism! Lol I’m always right
Yep. Have a great weekend at Jellystone.
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Re: IMPEACHMENT ... Constitutional method to vacate an election

Post by Bandito »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:44 am
Bandito wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:41 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:15 am
Bandito wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:12 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:07 am
Peter Brown wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:54 am
Bandito wrote: Fri Oct 25, 2019 9:49 am Time to impeach Katie Hill instead.

Brett Kavanaugh: *has a beer*


Katie Hill: Does drugs, has multiple inappropriate sexual relationships with employees, posts exhibitionist pictures on Reddit, does "wifesharing," etc. etc.

Media: She's living her best life, give her some privacy.

Ahhhhhhhh, ummmmmmmm, cough-cough, you left out the biggest dilemna/tattoo: ... iron-cross
Cough... Cough:

“In the United States, however, the Iron Cross also became one of several Nazi-era symbols adopted by outlaw bikers, more to signify rebellion or to shock than for any white supremacist ideology. By the early 2000s, this other use of the Iron Cross had spread from bikers to skateboarders and many extreme sports enthusiasts and became part of the logo of several different companies producing equipment and clothing for this audience.”
Lol and we’ve come full circle. TLD defending Nazis of the left. This is amazing!! Enjoy your day!
I am pointing out the use of the iron cross. There had been speculation that it was biker related. Facts hurt..... have a great weekend Bandidiot
At least I’m not a Nazi !!! Defending Nazism! Lol I’m always right
Yep. Have a great weekend at Jellystone.
Have a great weekend defending leftist Nazis. You should hide your anti Semitism better.
Farfromgeneva is a sissy soy boy
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