The odds are excellent that you will leave this forum hating someone.
Typical Lax Dad
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Post by Typical Lax Dad »

DMac wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
DMac wrote:.....and Bonaparte and da Vinci were lefties.

Methinks 72 is right. Me also thinks you're understating in saying that he drinks beer and gets drunk occasionally. I think the part about being a belligerent, loud mouth, aggressive, "occasional" drunk is being left out here, and that's when people do really stupid things (which might well come back to haunt them). This boy was a hard drinker (would not be surprised if he still is) and contributor to the fighting Irish stereotype. That is the part of his life that is the gift that will keep on giving, am sure others will step up with more stories. Put a few beers in Barf at the hearings and how "emotional" would he have become?
Will he get through? Sure. He's got friends in high places who will downplay his behavior and overlook his unwillingness to be forthright and honest. It's just more politics as usual in the good ol' USofA. Besides, he just wants to be a SC judge, no biggie.
I don't know about this dmac. 95% of the kids I grew up with drank beer, smoked weed and became belligerent and obnoxious when they did so. 95% of the folks I served with in the Army drank too much beer, swilled too much Jim Beam and toked a little weed on occasions. Eventually you get married and have kids and unlike peter pan... you grow up. If I was judged by my actions from 40 years ago I would be in big trouble. I bet a lot of you folks out there would also be embarrassed by all the stupid turd you all did when you were in college. if we were all to be judged by the same set of standards many of us would not have a job today. Teddy Kennedy was a drunken low life womanizing degenerate of the lowest order and he is still a Democratic icon today. Where do we separate the double standard? Do Democrats and Republicans have different thresholds for the degenerate behavior of their members that is acceptable to their members? ang8
Big difference here, cradle, is that you're honest and forthcoming about it. I'd bet that after you did a few shots, downed a 15 pack of Falstaff, and took a toke or two and puked, you wouldn't tell me it was because of the mystery meat you ate in the mess hall before going out.
As the last guy to show up from the 20 mile hike ( ;) ) you might have missed what I've said in previous posts. I don't care about his partying and youthful indiscretions, in fact I've stated that these partying frat boys might have had a hard time hanging with we military boys when we were the same age. Alcohol and the behavior it brings on was pretty much expected and pretty much acceptable as long as you could could get up and perform the next day. Have had many days like the one you describe and done many stupid things, but I'd never downplay it the way this SC judge has. He hasn't been honest with us (despite the fact that we'd all say, "Yup, kinda sounds like what most of us have done, no biggie."), and I'd expect that from a SC judge. That's the problem I have with this guy.
Yep. It’s his performance last week. Not what he did in high School or college. A friend hung out with Kavanaugh. He only vaguely remembers because they were all drunk. the guy’s little white lies is the problem I have with him and he was so unimpressive. Came off as the type of guy that would say anything to get what he wants.
“You lucky I ain’t read wretched yet!”
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Post by cradleandshoot »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
DMac wrote:.....and Bonaparte and da Vinci were lefties.

Methinks 72 is right. Me also thinks you're understating in saying that he drinks beer and gets drunk occasionally. I think the part about being a belligerent, loud mouth, aggressive, "occasional" drunk is being left out here, and that's when people do really stupid things (which might well come back to haunt them). This boy was a hard drinker (would not be surprised if he still is) and contributor to the fighting Irish stereotype. That is the part of his life that is the gift that will keep on giving, am sure others will step up with more stories. Put a few beers in Barf at the hearings and how "emotional" would he have become?
Will he get through? Sure. He's got friends in high places who will downplay his behavior and overlook his unwillingness to be forthright and honest. It's just more politics as usual in the good ol' USofA. Besides, he just wants to be a SC judge, no biggie.
I don't know about this dmac. 95% of the kids I grew up with drank beer, smoked weed and became belligerent and obnoxious when they did so. 95% of the folks I served with in the Army drank too much beer, swilled too much Jim Beam and toked a little weed on occasions. Eventually you get married and have kids and unlike peter pan... you grow up. If I was judged by my actions from 40 years ago I would be in big trouble. I bet a lot of you folks out there would also be embarrassed by all the stupid turd you all did when you were in college. if we were all to be judged by the same set of standards many of us would not have a job today. Teddy Kennedy was a drunken low life womanizing degenerate of the lowest order and he is still a Democratic icon today. Where do we separate the double standard? Do Democrats and Republicans have different thresholds for the degenerate behavior of their members that is acceptable to their members? ang8
Would you lie last week about it?
Nope... but I am not all wrapped up in the political nonsense of being elected to the Supreme court. BK has already been accused of attempted rape, gang rape, indecent exposure with zero corroboration from the people accusing him. When Chuck Schumer told the nation that the Democrats would stop at nothing to defeat Judge BK... well he certainly meant it. My HS experience is anecdotal and proves nothing but you could not French kiss a girl at a party without my entire HS knowing about it. Professor Ford was her own worst enemy. She sounded like a pathetic fool with her whiny little valley girl voice. Was she telling the truth... who the hell knows. Sure is mighty convenient that she chose this place and time to remember only one thing. IMO it goes back to what Chuck Schumer boldly stated that the Democrats would stop at nothing to defeat BK... even if it meant lying, cheating, or making stuff up... my opinion not Schumers. I do believe that it is not out of the realm of possibility that Ms Ford may have been a very poor actor in a very poor play.
I use to be a people person until people ruined that for me.
Typical Lax Dad
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Post by Typical Lax Dad »

cradleandshoot wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
DMac wrote:.....and Bonaparte and da Vinci were lefties.

Methinks 72 is right. Me also thinks you're understating in saying that he drinks beer and gets drunk occasionally. I think the part about being a belligerent, loud mouth, aggressive, "occasional" drunk is being left out here, and that's when people do really stupid things (which might well come back to haunt them). This boy was a hard drinker (would not be surprised if he still is) and contributor to the fighting Irish stereotype. That is the part of his life that is the gift that will keep on giving, am sure others will step up with more stories. Put a few beers in Barf at the hearings and how "emotional" would he have become?
Will he get through? Sure. He's got friends in high places who will downplay his behavior and overlook his unwillingness to be forthright and honest. It's just more politics as usual in the good ol' USofA. Besides, he just wants to be a SC judge, no biggie.
I don't know about this dmac. 95% of the kids I grew up with drank beer, smoked weed and became belligerent and obnoxious when they did so. 95% of the folks I served with in the Army drank too much beer, swilled too much Jim Beam and toked a little weed on occasions. Eventually you get married and have kids and unlike peter pan... you grow up. If I was judged by my actions from 40 years ago I would be in big trouble. I bet a lot of you folks out there would also be embarrassed by all the stupid turd you all did when you were in college. if we were all to be judged by the same set of standards many of us would not have a job today. Teddy Kennedy was a drunken low life womanizing degenerate of the lowest order and he is still a Democratic icon today. Where do we separate the double standard? Do Democrats and Republicans have different thresholds for the degenerate behavior of their members that is acceptable to their members? ang8
Would you lie last week about it?
Nope... but I am not all wrapped up in the political nonsense of being elected to the Supreme court. BK has already been accused of attempted rape, gang rape, indecent exposure with zero corroboration from the people accusing him. When Chuck Schumer told the nation that the Democrats would stop at nothing to defeat Judge BK... well he certainly meant it. My HS experience is anecdotal and proves nothing but you could not French kiss a girl at a party without my entire HS knowing about it. Professor Ford was her own worst enemy. She sounded like a pathetic fool with her whiny little valley girl voice. Was she telling the truth... who the hell knows. Sure is mighty convenient that she chose this place and time to remember only one thing. IMO it goes back to what Chuck Schumer boldly stated that the Democrats would stop at nothing to defeat BK... even if it meant lying, cheating, or making stuff up... my opinion not Schumers. I do believe that it is not out of the realm of possibility that Ms Ford may have been a very poor actor in a very poor play.
Thanks. I don’t care what he did as a young guy. Young people do stupid stuff. Bold faced lies last week were too much for me. Along with his partisan opening statement. He was also “evasive” in the original hearing. I don’t understand it. There had to be better conservative candidates. Perhaps I expect too much.
“You lucky I ain’t read wretched yet!”
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Post by DMac »

Bandito wrote:Kavanaugh is the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States. Suck it all you losers. You lose. MAGA and Kav won. You and your idiot Democrats have awakened a sleeping giant. I expect a big Red Wave in 2018.
1. CNN Lost
2. Avenatti Lost
3. Schumer lost (both of them)
4. Pelosi lost
5. Harris Lost
6. Booker lost and is an admitted sexual assaulter
7. MSNBC lost
8. Hirono lost
9. Leaker Feinstein lost
10. Shelia Jackson Lee and her Ricin sending worker lost
11. All liberals in the US lost
12. Today is a wonderful day!

Imagine being a Democrat:
-You historically lost the 2016 election
-Every prediction about Trump failing has been hilariously wrong
-Two strong conservatives are now on the Supreme Court
-And your attempt to destroy Kavanaugh ended up uniting and energizing Republicans
Must Suck!

Kavanaugh #winning
Gorsuch #winning
Booming economy #winning
Tax cuts #winning
3.7% unemployment #winning
Regulatory reform #winning
Galvanized united GOP #winning
Democrat/media complex exposed #winning
Deep State exposed #winning
Congratulations to the Rs, as it is now obvious that the right man for the job has been appointed. That's what the vote says, must be right.
The Trump nominee and appointed SC judge has given Trump and his belligerent (not all of them) Rs another platform to be assholes on. Antagonistic, belittling, tough guy talk, like Prez Bone Spurs likes, has been given a boost. "Losers", "Idiots", you know, same o' classless BS.
Too bad Barf O' Kegsnotenuff wasn't/isn't a pot head, might have had a shot at this Sched 1 deal.
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Post by laxman3221 »

DMac wrote: Congratulations to the Rs, as it is now obvious that the right man for the job has been appointed. That's what the vote says, must be right.
The Trump nominee and appointed SC judge has given Trump and his belligerent (not all of them) Rs another platform to be assholes on. Antagonistic, belittling, tough guy talk, like Prez Bone Spurs likes, has been given a boost. "Losers", "Idiots", you know, same o' classless BS.
Too bad Barf O' Kegsnotenuff wasn't/isn't a pot head, might have had a shot at this Sched 1 deal.
Vail Shootout Champion 2017, 2018
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Post by cradleandshoot »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
DMac wrote:.....and Bonaparte and da Vinci were lefties.

Methinks 72 is right. Me also thinks you're understating in saying that he drinks beer and gets drunk occasionally. I think the part about being a belligerent, loud mouth, aggressive, "occasional" drunk is being left out here, and that's when people do really stupid things (which might well come back to haunt them). This boy was a hard drinker (would not be surprised if he still is) and contributor to the fighting Irish stereotype. That is the part of his life that is the gift that will keep on giving, am sure others will step up with more stories. Put a few beers in Barf at the hearings and how "emotional" would he have become?
Will he get through? Sure. He's got friends in high places who will downplay his behavior and overlook his unwillingness to be forthright and honest. It's just more politics as usual in the good ol' USofA. Besides, he just wants to be a SC judge, no biggie.
I don't know about this dmac. 95% of the kids I grew up with drank beer, smoked weed and became belligerent and obnoxious when they did so. 95% of the folks I served with in the Army drank too much beer, swilled too much Jim Beam and toked a little weed on occasions. Eventually you get married and have kids and unlike peter pan... you grow up. If I was judged by my actions from 40 years ago I would be in big trouble. I bet a lot of you folks out there would also be embarrassed by all the stupid turd you all did when you were in college. if we were all to be judged by the same set of standards many of us would not have a job today. Teddy Kennedy was a drunken low life womanizing degenerate of the lowest order and he is still a Democratic icon today. Where do we separate the double standard? Do Democrats and Republicans have different thresholds for the degenerate behavior of their members that is acceptable to their members? ang8
Would you lie last week about it?
Nope... but I am not all wrapped up in the political nonsense of being elected to the Supreme court. BK has already been accused of attempted rape, gang rape, indecent exposure with zero corroboration from the people accusing him. When Chuck Schumer told the nation that the Democrats would stop at nothing to defeat Judge BK... well he certainly meant it. My HS experience is anecdotal and proves nothing but you could not French kiss a girl at a party without my entire HS knowing about it. Professor Ford was her own worst enemy. She sounded like a pathetic fool with her whiny little valley girl voice. Was she telling the truth... who the hell knows. Sure is mighty convenient that she chose this place and time to remember only one thing. IMO it goes back to what Chuck Schumer boldly stated that the Democrats would stop at nothing to defeat BK... even if it meant lying, cheating, or making stuff up... my opinion not Schumers. I do believe that it is not out of the realm of possibility that Ms Ford may have been a very poor actor in a very poor play.
Thanks. I don’t care what he did as a young guy. Young people do stupid stuff. Bold faced lies last week were too much for me. Along with his partisan opening statement. He was also “evasive” in the original hearing. I don’t understand it. There had to be better conservative candidates. Perhaps I expect too much.
I can't blame the man for his "partisan" opening statement. a certain few Democrats on the judicial committee were making serious allegations about the judge that were impossible to defend against. The rabid pitbull tactics the Dummycrats chose to use against BK came back to bite them in the ass. I was proud the BK chose to get in the faces of these weasels. complain all you want about his demeanor. He called these Dummycrats out for the assholes that they were. Decorum be damned, BK had every right to call these certain few lowlife Dummycrats out for who they were. IMO it was refreshing to watch some one stand up to these jack asses and not let them get away with it. If you are going to accuse someone of attempted rape, gang rape, exposing yourself and all the other various accusations that were brought forth then BK did what I would have done if he knew I ws innocent. He did not sit there like the wallflower they expected him to be, he told them to go eff themselves, good for you judge... that is exactly what you should have done... don't take the turd these people were shoveling on you. having the guts to defend yourself is a very rare attribute among any republican... screw judicial demeanor... at least in this instance. headbang
I use to be a people person until people ruined that for me.
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Post by laxman3221 »

cradleandshoot wrote:
I can't blame the man for his "partisan" opening statement. a certain few Democrats on the judicial committee were making serious allegations about the judge that were impossible to defend against. The rabid pitbull tactics the Dummycrats chose to use against BK came back to bite them in the ass. I was proud the BK chose to get in the faces of these weasels. complain all you want about his demeanor. He called these Dummycrats out for the assholes that they were. Decorum be damned, BK had every right to call these certain few lowlife Dummycrats out for who they were. IMO it was refreshing to watch some one stand up to these jack asses and not let them get away with it. If you are going to accuse someone of attempted rape, gang rape, exposing yourself and all the other various accusations that were brought forth then BK did what I would have done if he knew I ws innocent. He did not sit there like the wallflower they expected him to be, he told them to go eff themselves, good for you judge... that is exactly what you should have done... don't take the turd these people were shoveling on you. having the guts to defend yourself is a very rare attribute among any republican... screw judicial demeanor... at least in this instance. headbang
Last edited by laxman3221 on Sat Oct 06, 2018 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Vail Shootout Champion 2017, 2018
Lake Placid Classic Champion 2018, 2019
Florida Lacrosse Classic Champion 2018 X2, 2019 x2
Who doesn't love ice cream!
Typical Lax Dad
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Post by Typical Lax Dad »

cradleandshoot wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
DMac wrote:.....and Bonaparte and da Vinci were lefties.

Methinks 72 is right. Me also thinks you're understating in saying that he drinks beer and gets drunk occasionally. I think the part about being a belligerent, loud mouth, aggressive, "occasional" drunk is being left out here, and that's when people do really stupid things (which might well come back to haunt them). This boy was a hard drinker (would not be surprised if he still is) and contributor to the fighting Irish stereotype. That is the part of his life that is the gift that will keep on giving, am sure others will step up with more stories. Put a few beers in Barf at the hearings and how "emotional" would he have become?
Will he get through? Sure. He's got friends in high places who will downplay his behavior and overlook his unwillingness to be forthright and honest. It's just more politics as usual in the good ol' USofA. Besides, he just wants to be a SC judge, no biggie.
I don't know about this dmac. 95% of the kids I grew up with drank beer, smoked weed and became belligerent and obnoxious when they did so. 95% of the folks I served with in the Army drank too much beer, swilled too much Jim Beam and toked a little weed on occasions. Eventually you get married and have kids and unlike peter pan... you grow up. If I was judged by my actions from 40 years ago I would be in big trouble. I bet a lot of you folks out there would also be embarrassed by all the stupid turd you all did when you were in college. if we were all to be judged by the same set of standards many of us would not have a job today. Teddy Kennedy was a drunken low life womanizing degenerate of the lowest order and he is still a Democratic icon today. Where do we separate the double standard? Do Democrats and Republicans have different thresholds for the degenerate behavior of their members that is acceptable to their members? ang8
Would you lie last week about it?
Nope... but I am not all wrapped up in the political nonsense of being elected to the Supreme court. BK has already been accused of attempted rape, gang rape, indecent exposure with zero corroboration from the people accusing him. When Chuck Schumer told the nation that the Democrats would stop at nothing to defeat Judge BK... well he certainly meant it. My HS experience is anecdotal and proves nothing but you could not French kiss a girl at a party without my entire HS knowing about it. Professor Ford was her own worst enemy. She sounded like a pathetic fool with her whiny little valley girl voice. Was she telling the truth... who the hell knows. Sure is mighty convenient that she chose this place and time to remember only one thing. IMO it goes back to what Chuck Schumer boldly stated that the Democrats would stop at nothing to defeat BK... even if it meant lying, cheating, or making stuff up... my opinion not Schumers. I do believe that it is not out of the realm of possibility that Ms Ford may have been a very poor actor in a very poor play.
Thanks. I don’t care what he did as a young guy. Young people do stupid stuff. Bold faced lies last week were too much for me. Along with his partisan opening statement. He was also “evasive” in the original hearing. I don’t understand it. There had to be better conservative candidates. Perhaps I expect too much.
I can't blame the man for his "partisan" opening statement. a certain few Democrats on the judicial committee were making serious allegations about the judge that were impossible to defend against. The rabid pitbull tactics the Dummycrats chose to use against BK came back to bite them in the ass. I was proud the BK chose to get in the faces of these weasels. complain all you want about his demeanor. He called these Dummycrats out for the assholes that they were. Decorum be damned, BK had every right to call these certain few lowlife Dummycrats out for who they were. IMO it was refreshing to watch some one stand up to these jack asses and not let them get away with it. If you are going to accuse someone of attempted rape, gang rape, exposing yourself and all the other various accusations that were brought forth then BK did what I would have done if he knew I ws innocent. He did not sit there like the wallflower they expected him to be, he told them to go eff themselves, good for you judge... that is exactly what you should have done... don't take the turd these people were shoveling on you. having the guts to defend yourself is a very rare attribute among any republican... screw judicial demeanor... at least in this instance. headbang
He is supposed to be a judge. I am naive..... I never thought I would see the day when a Supreme Court Justice Nominee would lie on national tv in front of the senate and 1/3 of the country wouldn’t care. My how far we have fallen as a country. For the record, are you ok with lying?
“You lucky I ain’t read wretched yet!”
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Post by cradleandshoot »

Typical Lax Dad wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
DMac wrote:.....and Bonaparte and da Vinci were lefties.

Methinks 72 is right. Me also thinks you're understating in saying that he drinks beer and gets drunk occasionally. I think the part about being a belligerent, loud mouth, aggressive, "occasional" drunk is being left out here, and that's when people do really stupid things (which might well come back to haunt them). This boy was a hard drinker (would not be surprised if he still is) and contributor to the fighting Irish stereotype. That is the part of his life that is the gift that will keep on giving, am sure others will step up with more stories. Put a few beers in Barf at the hearings and how "emotional" would he have become?
Will he get through? Sure. He's got friends in high places who will downplay his behavior and overlook his unwillingness to be forthright and honest. It's just more politics as usual in the good ol' USofA. Besides, he just wants to be a SC judge, no biggie.
I don't know about this dmac. 95% of the kids I grew up with drank beer, smoked weed and became belligerent and obnoxious when they did so. 95% of the folks I served with in the Army drank too much beer, swilled too much Jim Beam and toked a little weed on occasions. Eventually you get married and have kids and unlike peter pan... you grow up. If I was judged by my actions from 40 years ago I would be in big trouble. I bet a lot of you folks out there would also be embarrassed by all the stupid turd you all did when you were in college. if we were all to be judged by the same set of standards many of us would not have a job today. Teddy Kennedy was a drunken low life womanizing degenerate of the lowest order and he is still a Democratic icon today. Where do we separate the double standard? Do Democrats and Republicans have different thresholds for the degenerate behavior of their members that is acceptable to their members? ang8
Would you lie last week about it?
Nope... but I am not all wrapped up in the political nonsense of being elected to the Supreme court. BK has already been accused of attempted rape, gang rape, indecent exposure with zero corroboration from the people accusing him. When Chuck Schumer told the nation that the Democrats would stop at nothing to defeat Judge BK... well he certainly meant it. My HS experience is anecdotal and proves nothing but you could not French kiss a girl at a party without my entire HS knowing about it. Professor Ford was her own worst enemy. She sounded like a pathetic fool with her whiny little valley girl voice. Was she telling the truth... who the hell knows. Sure is mighty convenient that she chose this place and time to remember only one thing. IMO it goes back to what Chuck Schumer boldly stated that the Democrats would stop at nothing to defeat BK... even if it meant lying, cheating, or making stuff up... my opinion not Schumers. I do believe that it is not out of the realm of possibility that Ms Ford may have been a very poor actor in a very poor play.
Thanks. I don’t care what he did as a young guy. Young people do stupid stuff. Bold faced lies last week were too much for me. Along with his partisan opening statement. He was also “evasive” in the original hearing. I don’t understand it. There had to be better conservative candidates. Perhaps I expect too much.
I can't blame the man for his "partisan" opening statement. a certain few Democrats on the judicial committee were making serious allegations about the judge that were impossible to defend against. The rabid pitbull tactics the Dummycrats chose to use against BK came back to bite them in the ass. I was proud the BK chose to get in the faces of these weasels. complain all you want about his demeanor. He called these Dummycrats out for the assholes that they were. Decorum be damned, BK had every right to call these certain few lowlife Dummycrats out for who they were. IMO it was refreshing to watch some one stand up to these jack asses and not let them get away with it. If you are going to accuse someone of attempted rape, gang rape, exposing yourself and all the other various accusations that were brought forth then BK did what I would have done if he knew I ws innocent. He did not sit there like the wallflower they expected him to be, he told them to go eff themselves, good for you judge... that is exactly what you should have done... don't take the turd these people were shoveling on you. having the guts to defend yourself is a very rare attribute among any republican... screw judicial demeanor... at least in this instance. headbang
He is supposed to be a judge. I am naive..... I never thought I would see the day when a Supreme Court Justice Nominee would lie on national tv in front of the senate and 1/3 of the country wouldn’t care. My how far we have fallen as a country. For the record, are you ok with lying?
I don't know which person was lying BK or Dr Ford. I do know that a bunch of pompous, arrogant members of the senate threw decorum to the curb and viciously accused the judge of a variety of despicable acts with no corroboration from the person making the accusations. Deciding which individual is lying when trying to recall events of 36 years ago with no more than "foggy" recollections about what happened is tough. I know that when I was in HS 40 plus years ago nothing that happened at any party was immune to becoming common knowledge at school. To kids necking in the corner was broadcast all over school the next day. That proves nothing other than if this happened Dr Ford told no one... not even her best friend that was there. This fact does not sound plausible to me but it does not mean she is not telling the truth. The fact she has zero recollection of so many details other than it was BK doing the groping sounds fishy but it sure came about at a perfect point in time for the Democrats. There stated goal was to do anything to defeat BK. :roll:
I use to be a people person until people ruined that for me.
Typical Lax Dad
Posts: 32755
Joined: Mon Jul 30, 2018 12:10 pm


Post by Typical Lax Dad »

cradleandshoot wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
Typical Lax Dad wrote:
cradleandshoot wrote:
DMac wrote:.....and Bonaparte and da Vinci were lefties.

Methinks 72 is right. Me also thinks you're understating in saying that he drinks beer and gets drunk occasionally. I think the part about being a belligerent, loud mouth, aggressive, "occasional" drunk is being left out here, and that's when people do really stupid things (which might well come back to haunt them). This boy was a hard drinker (would not be surprised if he still is) and contributor to the fighting Irish stereotype. That is the part of his life that is the gift that will keep on giving, am sure others will step up with more stories. Put a few beers in Barf at the hearings and how "emotional" would he have become?
Will he get through? Sure. He's got friends in high places who will downplay his behavior and overlook his unwillingness to be forthright and honest. It's just more politics as usual in the good ol' USofA. Besides, he just wants to be a SC judge, no biggie.
I don't know about this dmac. 95% of the kids I grew up with drank beer, smoked weed and became belligerent and obnoxious when they did so. 95% of the folks I served with in the Army drank too much beer, swilled too much Jim Beam and toked a little weed on occasions. Eventually you get married and have kids and unlike peter pan... you grow up. If I was judged by my actions from 40 years ago I would be in big trouble. I bet a lot of you folks out there would also be embarrassed by all the stupid turd you all did when you were in college. if we were all to be judged by the same set of standards many of us would not have a job today. Teddy Kennedy was a drunken low life womanizing degenerate of the lowest order and he is still a Democratic icon today. Where do we separate the double standard? Do Democrats and Republicans have different thresholds for the degenerate behavior of their members that is acceptable to their members? ang8
Would you lie last week about it?
Nope... but I am not all wrapped up in the political nonsense of being elected to the Supreme court. BK has already been accused of attempted rape, gang rape, indecent exposure with zero corroboration from the people accusing him. When Chuck Schumer told the nation that the Democrats would stop at nothing to defeat Judge BK... well he certainly meant it. My HS experience is anecdotal and proves nothing but you could not French kiss a girl at a party without my entire HS knowing about it. Professor Ford was her own worst enemy. She sounded like a pathetic fool with her whiny little valley girl voice. Was she telling the truth... who the hell knows. Sure is mighty convenient that she chose this place and time to remember only one thing. IMO it goes back to what Chuck Schumer boldly stated that the Democrats would stop at nothing to defeat BK... even if it meant lying, cheating, or making stuff up... my opinion not Schumers. I do believe that it is not out of the realm of possibility that Ms Ford may have been a very poor actor in a very poor play.
Thanks. I don’t care what he did as a young guy. Young people do stupid stuff. Bold faced lies last week were too much for me. Along with his partisan opening statement. He was also “evasive” in the original hearing. I don’t understand it. There had to be better conservative candidates. Perhaps I expect too much.
I can't blame the man for his "partisan" opening statement. a certain few Democrats on the judicial committee were making serious allegations about the judge that were impossible to defend against. The rabid pitbull tactics the Dummycrats chose to use against BK came back to bite them in the ass. I was proud the BK chose to get in the faces of these weasels. complain all you want about his demeanor. He called these Dummycrats out for the assholes that they were. Decorum be damned, BK had every right to call these certain few lowlife Dummycrats out for who they were. IMO it was refreshing to watch some one stand up to these jack asses and not let them get away with it. If you are going to accuse someone of attempted rape, gang rape, exposing yourself and all the other various accusations that were brought forth then BK did what I would have done if he knew I ws innocent. He did not sit there like the wallflower they expected him to be, he told them to go eff themselves, good for you judge... that is exactly what you should have done... don't take the turd these people were shoveling on you. having the guts to defend yourself is a very rare attribute among any republican... screw judicial demeanor... at least in this instance. headbang
He is supposed to be a judge. I am naive..... I never thought I would see the day when a Supreme Court Justice Nominee would lie on national tv in front of the senate and 1/3 of the country wouldn’t care. My how far we have fallen as a country. For the record, are you ok with lying?
I don't know which person was lying BK or Dr Ford. I do know that a bunch of pompous, arrogant members of the senate threw decorum to the curb and viciously accused the judge of a variety of despicable acts with no corroboration from the person making the accusations. Deciding which individual is lying when trying to recall events of 36 years ago with no more than "foggy" recollections about what happened is tough. I know that when I was in HS 40 plus years ago nothing that happened at any party was immune to becoming common knowledge at school. To kids necking in the corner was broadcast all over school the next day. That proves nothing other than if this happened Dr Ford told no one... not even her best friend that was there. This fact does not sound plausible to me but it does not mean she is not telling the truth. The fact she has zero recollection of so many details other than it was BK doing the groping sounds fishy but it sure came about at a perfect point in time for the Democrats. There stated goal was to do anything to defeat BK. :roll:
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Post by Bandito »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:
Bandito wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:Sure, those Dems absolutely "hate cops and white people".
Trump Derangement Syndrome and possibly much worse on full display.

I get a particular kick out of you 'correcting' me with "constitutional republic" and "not a democracy," and earlier "rule of law," as if you actually have a clue... as opposed to just talking points from whatever right wing screed blog you read.

Oh the irony of having a clue. Any other brain busters for me Mr. Ivy League who doesn't even know what type of government we have?
I'm not sure you even understand the word "irony", nutcase.
Are you in any rational world actually confused as to whether I understand not only our form of government and Constitution, but also the philosophical underpinnings of our system and its evolution over time? Nah, that would require you actually caring enough to have paid attention to more than where I happened to go to school as if that alone would make me someone you'd dislike.

Based on your various diatribes and misstatements of history, it sure as heck appears that your "knowledge" comes from whatever pamphlet the white nationalist group you belong to handed out last time you bros got together in some basement.

When you know you are wrong, label someone you disagree with a white supremacist and a white nationalist. It is dumbass turd like this why Trump got elected. Racism is well documented as being part of Democrat history. They started the KKK, they owned all the slaves, not one Republican owned slaves. The left has sympathy for Fascism and Nazism going all the way back to Woodrow Wilson, and FDR. The left is the party of plantation politics even today. Despite slavery having been outlawed, they use the plantation mentality to keep voters down and manipulate their minds to vote for their failed policies. Democrats love labels especially against those who don't submit to groupthink. For instance, Democrats call black people who vote Republican- "Uncle Toms" and "Sell-outs". They think women who vote Republican or against any female Democrat politician as a traitor to their gender etc. There are hundreds of examples here. I am so happy that I am not part of the hateful party that keeps poor people poor, hates minorities (they claim they love them, but their policies keep them dependant on gov which allows for the victim mentality which makes them vote Democrat).

And you had no idea we were a constitutional republic. Makes sense as the Democrats want to dismantle it and get rid of everything it stands for.

By the way, for "being so smart" you certainly are moronic when it comes to politics and believing people are guilty before proven innocent. Typical loser liberal.
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Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Bandito wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:
Bandito wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:Sure, those Dems absolutely "hate cops and white people".
Trump Derangement Syndrome and possibly much worse on full display.

I get a particular kick out of you 'correcting' me with "constitutional republic" and "not a democracy," and earlier "rule of law," as if you actually have a clue... as opposed to just talking points from whatever right wing screed blog you read.

Oh the irony of having a clue. Any other brain busters for me Mr. Ivy League who doesn't even know what type of government we have?
I'm not sure you even understand the word "irony", nutcase.
Are you in any rational world actually confused as to whether I understand not only our form of government and Constitution, but also the philosophical underpinnings of our system and its evolution over time? Nah, that would require you actually caring enough to have paid attention to more than where I happened to go to school as if that alone would make me someone you'd dislike.

Based on your various diatribes and misstatements of history, it sure as heck appears that your "knowledge" comes from whatever pamphlet the white nationalist group you belong to handed out last time you bros got together in some basement.

When you know you are wrong, label someone you disagree with a white supremacist and a white nationalist. It is dumbass turd like this why Trump got elected. Racism is well documented as being part of Democrat history. They started the KKK, they owned all the slaves, not one Republican owned slaves. The left has sympathy for Fascism and Nazism going all the way back to Woodrow Wilson, and FDR. The left is the party of plantation politics even today. Despite slavery having been outlawed, they use the plantation mentality to keep voters down and manipulate their minds to vote for their failed policies. Democrats love labels especially against those who don't submit to groupthink. For instance, Democrats call black people who vote Republican- "Uncle Toms" and "Sell-outs". They think women who vote Republican or against any female Democrat politician as a traitor to their gender etc. There are hundreds of examples here. I am so happy that I am not part of the hateful party that keeps poor people poor, hates minorities (they claim they love them, but their policies keep them dependant on gov which allows for the victim mentality which makes them vote Democrat).

And you had no idea we were a constitutional republic. Makes sense as the Democrats want to dismantle it and get rid of everything it stands for.

By the way, for "being so smart" you certainly are moronic when it comes to politics and believing people are guilty before proven innocent. Typical loser liberal.
You tell 'em Manuel!
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Post by DMac »

Doesn't sound like much of a grand slam to me, jerk boy. Sounds a lot like a move from a boy who got his rump spanked and got the turd scared out of him and is now putting on a phony front to try to nonsense everyone. Doesn't take take serious courage to make that move, pretty wimpy in my book. Not surprising though, just taking the advice his wife gave him. :shock:
Am curious about some of your brilliance you shared with us in an earlier post:
We aren't a democracy, we are a constitutional republic. Division brought Trump, he did not cause it.
Was it unity that brought us Barack then?
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Post by jhu72 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote:Gonna have to put the whack job back in my "Do Not Disturb" box for awhile.
I thought you are a lifelong republican and a conservative as well as a perfectly reasonable fellow. 6mm pegs you for a liberal wacko. The shithouse rats have overrun the main house. :lol: :lol:
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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

jhu72 wrote:
MDlaxfan76 wrote:Gonna have to put the whack job back in my "Do Not Disturb" box for awhile.
I thought you are a lifelong republican and a conservative as well as a perfectly reasonable fellow. 6mm pegs you for a liberal wacko. The shithouse rats have overrun the main house. :lol: :lol:
Indeed, :roll:
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Post by Bandito »

dislaxxic wrote::lol: :lol: fell for it again! There's a reason it took this sexist 3 years to be confirmed for the DC Circuit. His colleagues there complained about him to CJ Roberts

He hired women clerks? Wonder how they "look"?

It's no hit's a pattern. He's illegitimate as a SCOTUS justice and this all will dog him for years. Typical Federalist Society F.U.

Yeah, sorry folks...trolling the troll here...

LOL. If he was a sexist why did hundreds of women come out in support of Kav? ... -Kavanaugh
You can't get over it. YOU LOST. WE WON. Just like Trump, he is legitimate. You are a butthurt wimp liberal douchebag. Serves you right.
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Post by Bandito »

ggait wrote:

18 year term limits for SCOTUS are the fix.

The combination of political polarization, life tenure and strategic retirements has really FUBAR-ed the Court.

Nixon put Lewis Powell on the Court in 1971. That seat then went to Kennedy/Reagan in 1988. Then to Kavanaugh/Trump in 2018. If Kennedy strategically retires in 2045 or so, that seat could be in GOP hands for 100 continuous years. Same thing goes on with the Dems. Absurd.

SCOTUS reform would be a great bi-partisan reform opportunity.
Oh well. Elections have consequences. If Hillary had appointed the last two SC Justices, you wouldn't give a heck about fixing the court. You Dems should have won the 2016 election! What happened? All the polls said she would win by historic amounts!

Are you in favor of term limits for HOR and Senate too?
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Post by Bandito »

a fan wrote:Congressional Dems don't have to lift a finger. The libs and the media will make all the noise.

You think Roberts is going to put up with any appearance of bias? I don't.

Kav is going to wind up recusing himself from a few cases in the coming years as a result of this circus.
No he's not. He is going to do what his job is which is to interpret the Constitution the way it was designed by the Framers. He isn't a Democrat and thus doesn't want to fundamentally change it. He isn't a wimp either or intimidated by the nonsense attacks on him by the hacks in the media and treasonous Democratic Senators.
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Post by foreverlax »

Bandito wrote:
Oh well. Elections have consequences. If Hillary had appointed the last two SC Justices, you wouldn't give a heck about fixing the court. You Dems should have won the 2016 election! What happened? All the polls said she would win by historic amounts!

Are you in favor of term limits for HOR and Senate too?
Boy they sure do.

-Bush wins the election by 500 votes. Bush loses, two justices for Gore.
-80,000 votes separated HRC from the OVAL and The View.

This could have easily been a 7-2 court, liberal....which isn't my preference either. 5-4 or

If I were king;

1. term limits - yes, both SCOTUS and Congress. I would also add in state/local positions and lower courts for a total time limit.
2. once you leave the public sector, you're swinging door.
3. eliminate the electoral college
4. representatives to DC are in proportion to the population of the state they represent
5. balanced budget amendment to the constitution
6. big time changes to lobbing rules.....have to suck up C.U. for now.
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Post by Bandito »

CU77 wrote:The big state / little state issue that produced that compromise was already moot by the time of the Civil War ….
Man you really are a moron. Do you even know why we have the electoral college? So coastal morons like you aren't the only say as to who runs our country. It never seizes to amaze me how dumb you Democrats and liberals are. Every time I come on here, you want to fundamentally change something. Why not just accept the greatness of the USA? If not, get the heck out.
Farfromgeneva is a sissy soy boy
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