Sensible Gun Safety

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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by LandM »

You played that one wrong. Follow the golden mom rule - sometimes some things just need to be said however- tough being a candya$$ all the time - not being a jerk sometimes some things need to be said. Crying home to mom is not gonna fix it and not being a "jerk" - being honest and candid - maybe more people should try it - might make some of the problems go away.
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by wahoomurf »

LandM wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 8:15 am MR Murph,
I will give this a whirl:
1. What comes out of my mouth, comes out. My 34 year retired NYS DOT wife shakes her head. I am not PC and think it is sad when you have to stop and think what you are saying as you might get an educated persons label or offend. Live by the rule do not ask the question if you are sensitive to an honest candid answer;
2. My top 5 friends - 4 are minority. My wife is white;
3. Two classmates were SEAL team 6 commanders - Scotty Moore (introduced me to a lax stick) and Brian Losey who Senator McCain ruined his career. Thought you may have served with them;
4. On my third AFSC got to jump out of planes not fly them so had some fun with SEAL, Delta, and Rangers no Marines - thought you might know some;
5. I wear a sweatshirt occasionally that says NFL Players Association on top - Chargers logo in middle - Players at bottom. Good friend gave it to me - thought you might have played with him;
6. In the last year I have met more SEAL members then Carter has pills including one who was mid-80’s;
7. You called out S&O who helped my kid get through SBU even though he kept saying he was not a. Marine.

You want to know my history ask.

Hope this helped
Whirling backattcha:
*** Losey was 9 years old when I arrived in sunny Coronado. Scuttlebutt...he was a solid leader.
*** I have no idea who S&O is. When did I call him out? Is SBU a reference to Stony Brook?
*** My Chargers playing career lasted all of 14 minutes. My knee was destroyed returning a kickoff. Still keep in touch with Ed White and Hadl.
*** Like you, I am not PC. Nor am I analytical. My thoughts and attendant outbursts are visceral. Genetics? I wish there no restrictions on what we have to say.

Thanks for the bio. With respect, I have no interest in learning your history.

But you haven't yet answered my question. Perhaps I didn't pose it correctly. Let me try to rephrase."Why did you wish to seek information about my BUDs class"? Can't fathom why anyone would be remotely interested.

And the umbrage I took when I saw the phrase "call a spade a spade" was not to the phrase itself. Racists abound on FANLAX. Talk about more pills than Carters .What bothered me was that ADMIN gave that guy a pass. Quoth ADMIN ALL POSTERS ARE TREATED EQUALLY....yadda, yadda. :roll:
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by LandM »

Mr. Murf,
Sorry for the long winded explanation, not trying to resume build as forever says......just wondering if you may have served with people that I knew that was it. When i realized it was 45 you would have to add about 75 more classes before you get into my age bracket :D

Yes, SBU is Stony Brook and you did call him out at one point - did not think it was cool as he stated multiple times he was never in the Marines. I do not see him posting so water under the bridge now.

Had no idea that calling "a spade a spade" and "Carter's pills" were racist - meant no offense.

On a funny note - in Indy - looking for some business clothes which I had stored in a closet next to bed. ALL smell like campfire.....scrambling to put an assembly together. Hit business meeting, smell of campfire.......4 hour meeting, at end, someone finally asks who is camping, geography joke :D
Have a great day
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

LandM wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 4:34 pm Mr. Murf,
Sorry for the long winded explanation, not trying to resume build as forever says......just wondering if you may have served with people that I knew that was it. When i realized it was 45 you would have to add about 75 more classes before you get into my age bracket :D

Yes, SBU is Stony Brook and you did call him out at one point - did not think it was cool as he stated multiple times he was never in the Marines. I do not see him posting so water under the bridge now.

Had no idea that calling "a spade a spade" and "Carter's pills" were racist - meant no offense.

On a funny note - in Indy - looking for some business clothes which I had stored in a closet next to bed. ALL smell like campfire.....scrambling to put an assembly together. Hit business meeting, smell of campfire.......4 hour meeting, at end, someone finally asks who is camping, geography joke :D
Have a great day
I wish you had a camera crew following you around. You have provided a lot of good material for a Raising Arizona part 2 type film.
“I wish you would!”
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by wahoomurf »

LandM wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 4:34 pm Mr. Murf,
Sorry for the long winded explanation, not trying to resume build as forever says......just wondering if you may have served with people that I knew that was it. When i realized it was 45 you would have to add about 75 more classes before you get into my age bracket :D

Yes, SBU is Stony Brook and you did call him out at one point - did not think it was cool as he stated multiple times he was never in the Marines. I do not see him posting so water under the bridge now.

Had no idea that calling "a spade a spade" and "Carter's pills" were racist - meant no offense.

On a funny note - in Indy - looking for some business clothes which I had stored in a closet next to bed. ALL smell like campfire.....scrambling to put an assembly together. Hit business meeting, smell of campfire.......4 hour meeting, at end, someone finally asks who is camping, geography joke :D
Have a great day
I forget what I had for breakfast at this stage of life. For some reason ;) BUDs Will always loom large in my limited memory bank. So much fun getting wet and sandy. :roll:

I was not taking a poke at you by any means. It was my failed attempt at humor, designed to remind ADMIN of HIS hypocrisy. Wasn't it Monty Python that coined the phrase "call a spade a shovel"? Kinda weird since those guys were never PC.

Please extend my apologies to your friend. BTW I believe SBU is the jewel of the SUNY system

My best friend in high school often used the phrase "more (fill in the blank) than Carter has pills". Eg..." she has more curves than Carter has pills".Your use of the term was clearly quantitative and in no way, racially insensitive. Sorry for that implication.

I'm happily retired. I dropped off around 10 suits to the VA 8 months ago. I have 2 that I've saved. If you need one, I'd be happy to send one or both to you...size 52 long. Gotta look spiffy at those business meetings which thank God, I no longer have to attend.I'd much rather go Camping. :D

Good luck and be well.
ABV 8.3%
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by ABV 8.3% »

wahoomurf wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 2:47 pm

And the umbrage I took when I saw the phrase "call a spade a spade" was not to the phrase itself. Racists abound on FANLAX. Talk about more pills than Carters .What bothered me was that ADMIN gave that guy a pass. Quoth ADMIN ALL POSTERS ARE TREATED EQUALLY....yadda, yadda. :roll:
Dude, admin gave you fair warning to not use a certain word. We all know what you did, but guessing you don't. Plus, equating a made up user names mis-spelling, on purpose or not, isn't the same as refusing to stop using that certain word. Mean, come on, you type in Ball Are Longer Daily, Obviously, just the first letters in caps, and it automatically puts in "former moderator" . Like calling Simon Legree a human rights activist or union organizer.

But, either way, strange. Other words are slowly getting 1984'd.
oligarchy thanks you......same as it evah was
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by LandM »

LMAO, never thought we could turn this in a youtube production - where were you when this whole thing started? :D

Unfortunately starting at 5AM tomorrow - need to be serious - we are a week delayed so heading from Indy to Reagan, thankfully I got suspended/sabbatical from AFA and graduated 1984 - graduated bottom 10% but he hung out and shook our hands - my one teammate asked for a pay raise :lol: :shock: :shock:

Anyway, tomorrow starts the Indy to Reagan and then Arlington back to Reagan and then Dallas - pick up JR and then to Sugarland - peace out as my son says for a week - somber.
ardilla secreta
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by ardilla secreta »

LandM wrote: Sun Aug 18, 2019 1:18 pm DMac and OS thanks for the info. I probably mis heard him or as I am getting older cannot remember :shock: :shock:
Now that is some cool stuff.

OS do we now have OSDS :D

Last night living in van down by the river. We came in late Friday. Tight confines. Guy I am sure nervous about us clipping his car politely says I will park the the home on wheels for you. We are high fiving and doing the jig. What would have taken 30 minutes took 2 and no work :D Last night work out and swim in lake. Guy who parked messing around saying you know all strokes -YEP. Invites us over for chicken dinner. He built the cooker. Around his campfire, dr. Esq, two software developers, a soon to be long haul truck driver, a store cashier and a few business owners. Best part was none of the 50 people around fire knew the other about 6 hours prior. All owned guns but my wife.

The guy who parked us is phone IT and former Ranger whose dad is a prof at MSU and teaches music. This guy could tickle the guts and awesome. Voice. Shared some funny stories.

Rationale people doing responsible things having fun.
A very motivational story, Matt Foley.
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by LandM »

Too bad he died too young. He and Boulishi were flipping awesome. They were awesome.
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by wahoomurf »

ABV 8.3% wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 5:48 pm
wahoomurf wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 2:47 pm

And the umbrage I took when I saw the phrase "call a spade a spade" was not to the phrase itself. Racists abound on FANLAX. Talk about more pills than Carters .What bothered me was that ADMIN gave that guy a pass. Quoth ADMIN ALL POSTERS ARE TREATED EQUALLY....yadda, yadda. :roll:
Dude, admin gave you fair warning to not use a certain word. We all know what you did, but guessing you don't. Plus, equating a made up user names mis-spelling, on purpose or not, isn't the same as refusing to stop using that certain word. Mean, come on, you type in Ball Are Longer Daily, Obviously, just the first letters in caps, and it automatically puts in "former moderator" . Like calling Simon Legree a human rights activist or union organizer.

But, either way, strange. Other words are slowly getting 1984'd.
HEY TRAVIS...."are you talking ta' me"? I can't help it when I "type in the Ball Are Longer Daily, Obviously". My bride tells me that when I scribe such weird stuff, I'm reverting back to my prior, uncivilized behavior". This stream of conscience gibberish I apparantly posted, is proof she is correct.

DUDE??? You're a fan of Aerosmith I guess.Rest assured
I don't look anything like lady.But I have made love in an elevator albeit quite a while ago.

Not sure why Simom Legree's name sprung to life.I would put Simon Legree on the my villains list. Joins the pantheon of scumbags.Which includes Lady McBeth,Tourquemada ,Henry Cabot Lodge, Bill Belichik,
Hotspur,Mnuchin,Richard III and of course,Bibi.

ADMIN did NOT give me warning.No effing way.
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by DMac »

Probably the only Shakespeare question I could answer is, how do you spell Macbeth?
The Lady would be displeased with you....kinda like a Murph-murf thing. ;)
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Glad to see a little humor and good will around here.

Pretty esoteric or erudite stuff too!
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by Trinity » ... had-before

What background checks? Trump folded again.
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by foreverlax »

LandM wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 2:09 pm Forever,
You played that one wrong. Follow the golden mom rule - sometimes some things just need to be said I do agree that sometimes some things just need to be said. however- tough being a candya$$ all the time Not sure what you are trying to say- not being a jerk sometimes some things need to be said. Crying home to mom is not gonna fix itAgain, not sure what you are trying to say here and not being a "jerk" - being honest and candid - maybe more people should try it - might make some of the problems go away.I respect honesty and candor, I also respect facts...being a jerk to make your honest and candid points, based on facts, does little to make problems go away - more like getting a similar response in return, i.e. escalation without listening. Happens here all the time.
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by wahoomurf »

DMac wrote: Mon Aug 19, 2019 9:02 pm Probably the only Shakespeare question I could answer is, how do you spell Macbeth?
The Lady would be displeased with you....kinda like a Murph-murf thing. ;)
:D Ya got me. Guilty as charged. Perhaps a primal, subconscious attempt to "IRISHISE (?)" a Scottish name?
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by DMac »

That's why my old man would have clued you in real quick.
Mine's a small letter after the Mac...signifies the Royal Family, ya know. ;)
Macbeth, Macdonwald, Macduff...Capital next letter folk are just a bunch of peasants. :lol:
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by wahoomurf »

DMac: Alas I come from peasant stock.Not even a modicum of royal blood. Hell, my Grandparents were the kind of scum that a charter member of Henry Cabot Lodge's PORCELLIAN PLUTOCRACY, Prescott Hall, asked and defined: "shall we allow these inferior races to dilute the thrifty, capable Yankee blood of the earlier immigrants"?

Was he referring to Adams, Hancock, Franklin, T.J., John Dickinson and the rest of the guys? All were Englishmen, most quite wealthy and Protestant. Thrifty Yankee Blood?

The beat goes on: "The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists." (No attribution as I forgot who said that). ;)

While Hamlet was a Prince with royal blood coursing through his veins, he ruminated on peasants and slaves...well sort of. To wit "O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I! (2.2) Something I frequently think about.

I'm chuffed Lady M. ain't around to avenge my misspelling on the family name. The scariest line I heard in THE SCOTTISH PLAY or for that matter in any of Shakespeare's plays, apart from The Winter Tale, was when she strongly "advised/ordered" her hubby to "screw your courage to the sticking place". :shock: First time I read that line I had to change me Pampers.
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by wahoomurf »

BTW if any of the LAXFAN censors change the word bag.we'll have a big issue Do really think the phrase Shakespeare penned for Lady M's character was a euphemism for sexual intercourse? This is the problem with censorship. OFTEN A WORD MEANING, LIKE CLOTHING, DOES NOT FIT ALL. ADMIN---GET THIS RIDICULOUS NONSENSE UN-EFFED. AND DO NOT PRETEND NO ONE ON FANLAX USES THE WORD EFFED. :roll:
wahoomurf wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 6:58 pm DMac: Alas I come from peasant stock.Not even a modicum of royal blood. Hell, my Grandparents were the kind of scum that a charter member of Henry Cabot Lodge's PORCELLIAN PLUTOCRACY, Prescott Hall, asked and defined: "shall we allow these inferior races to dilute the thrifty, capable Yankee blood of the earlier immigrants"?

Was he referring to Adams, Hancock, Franklin, T.J., John Dickinson and the rest of the guys? All were Englishmen, most quite wealthy and Protestant. Thrifty Yankee Blood?

The beat goes on: "The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems to us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists." (No attribution as I forgot who said that). ;)

While Hamlet was a Prince with royal blood coursing through his veins, he ruminated on peasants and slaves...well sort of. To wit "O, what a rogue and peasant slave am I! (2.2) Something I frequently think about.

I'm chuffed Lady M. ain't around to avenge my misspelling on the family name. The scariest line I heard in THE SCOTTISH PLAY or for that matter in any of Shakespeare's plays, apart from The Winter Tale, was when she strongly "advised/ordered" her hubby to "bag your courage to the sticking place". :shock: First time I read that line I had to change me Pampers.

A warning. If any of you prissy LAXFAN censors change the word to BAG, we'll have a big issue Do really think the phrase Shakespeare penned for Lady M's character was a euphemism for sexual intercourse? This is the problem with censorship. OFTEN A WORD MEANING, LIKE CLOTHING, DOES NOT FIT ALL. ADMIN---GET THIS RIDICULOUS NONSENSE UN-EFFED. AND DO NOT PRETEND NO ONE ON FANLAX USES THE WORD EFFED. :roll:

Get it done. Do it now!
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by LandM »

MD thanks for introducing me to two new words :D

Thought you might find funny:
Say to my lovely wife in Indianapolis that we are a week behind and I can reschedule my annual trip. Nope conflicts with PSU home opener and trip is planned around date events. Besides, note quotes, “I just sit in right seat and do nothing”. Marriage correct and say nothing.

Call her from motel last night. 30 minute rant. Guess who sets up, tears down and takes care of the two hairy kids :shock: She intended to be in Canandaigua last night because she is tough and knows all the ropes. Made it to Columbus. Home on wheels is 27 feet in total we are 52 feet. So like a dumba$$ I say well PSU plays OSU I will meet you there just find a nice RV site. That led to why did I leave her in Indianapolis which led to duma$& two comment, I just do nothing but sit in right seat.

She will get home today as no unhitching and I will be in Dallas.

Circle back, I called my walking partner after my wife call. Told him to change the vault code and do not give it to me for 30 days :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Sensible Gun Control

Post by Trinity »

Trump called NRA chief Wayne LaPierre to tell him universal background checks are off the table, never mind an assault weapons ban. Rinse. Repeat. Swamp.
“I don’t take responsibility at all.” —Donald J Trump
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