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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2019 12:50 pm
seacoaster wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2019 9:10 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2019 7:04 pm
seacoaster wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2019 10:37 am So here's an article about "the data." Like a climate change deniers' calypso dance; go for it!!! ... e-america/

Before climate change thawed the winters of New Jersey, this lake hosted boisterous wintertime carnivals. As many as 15,000 skaters took part, and automobile owners would drive onto the thick ice. Thousands watched as local hockey clubs battled one another and the Skate Sailing Association of America held competitions, including one in 1926 that featured 21 iceboats on blades that sailed over a three-mile course.

In those days before widespread refrigeration, workers flocked here to harvest ice. They would carve blocks as much as two feet thick, float them to giant ice houses, sprinkle them with sawdust and load them onto rail cars bound for ice boxes in New York City and beyond

"These winters do not exist anymore," says Marty Kane, a lawyer and head of the Lake Hopatcong Foundation.

That’s because a century of climbing temperatures has changed the character of the Garden State. The massive ice industry and skate sailing association are but black-and-white photographs at the local museum. And even the hardy souls who still try to take part in ice fishing contests here have had to cancel 11 of the past dozen competitions for fear of straying onto perilously thin ice and tumbling into the frigid water.

Over the past two decades, the 2 degrees Celsius number has emerged as a critical threshold for global warming. In the 2015 Paris accord, international leaders agreed that the world should act urgently to keep the Earth’s average temperature increases “well below” 2 degrees Celsius by the year 2100 to avoid a host of catastrophic changes.

The potential consequences are daunting. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns that if Earth heats up by an average of 2 degrees Celsius, virtually all the world’s coral reefs will die; retreating ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica could unleash massive sea level rise; and summertime Arctic sea ice, a shield against further warming, would begin to disappear.

But global warming does not heat the world evenly.

A Washington Post analysis of more than a century of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration temperature data across the Lower 48 states and 3,107 counties has found that major areas are nearing or have already crossed the 2-degree Celsius mark.

— Today, more than 1 in 10 Americans — 34 million people — are living in rapidly heating regions, including New York City and Los Angeles. Seventy-one counties have already hit the 2-degree Celsius mark.

— Alaska is the fastest-warming state in the country, but Rhode Island is the first state in the Lower 48 whose average temperature rise has eclipsed 2 degrees Celsius. Other parts of the Northeast — New Jersey, Connecticut, Maine and Massachusetts — trail close behind.

— While many people associate global warming with summer’s melting glaciers, forest fires and disastrous flooding, it is higher winter temperatures that have made New Jersey and nearby Rhode Island the fastest warming of the Lower 48 states.

The average New Jersey temperature from December through February now exceeds 0 degrees Celsius, the temperature at which water freezes. That threshold, reached over the past three decades, has meant lakes don't freeze as often, snow melts more quickly, and insects and pests don't die as they once did in the harsher cold.

The freezing point “is the most critical threshold among all temperatures,” said David A. Robinson, New Jersey state climatologist and professor at Rutgers University’s department of geography.

The uneven rise in temperatures across the United States matches what is happening around the world."

No worries, right? Just moneyed interests trying to get the leg over on an unsuspecting public, right? So we have palm trees and scorpions for our grandchildren in Irondequoit? BFD.
Great post seacoaster… sure got me thinking. I live in the town of Irondequoit. Bring on the climate change heat... :D I will visit Amans Farm Market this Friday and inquire when they will stock Orange/Grapefruit/Lemon trees. I can finally dispose of my snow blower and snow shovels. I never realized the benefits I was going to reap from climate change. I bet I can now grow tomatoes damn near all year long. Holy dump and you fear mongers want to deny me this priviledge… damn you coaster... I was just this close to paradise and all you and your fellow fear mongers just pulled the rug right out from under me. Thanks for keeping the Artic tundra back in Upstate NY. There is one benefit... a hot fudge sundae on a cold winter day is healing medicine indeed. How much does your salvation cost us all again? 35 trillion dollars... a small price for all of us folks here in Upstate NY to pay. My recommendation for your grandkids...Dons Original in Seabreeze for a Chocolate Almond Custard. Guaranteed to chill down all the warming your grandkids will ever come up against. :D
I don't know why I bother. But I will point out that this is adduced from data points, not a rainy spring or the belief that kids no longer ice skate in the winter in this or that location. Your silly post simply illustrates one of the principal contemporary problems in dealing with (to say nothing of combating) anything troubling that brushes up against a status quo and entrenched constituencies: people are unwilling to respect the science and the data that underlie it. As the President would say, using his big vocabulary: sad.
I don't know why I bother either. I was jerking your chain spanky. What is really sad is that you get your panties so twisted up in knots. I am going to check at Amans about the citrus trees for next spring. We have a difference of opinion. You are all wrapped up in your security blanket of scientific knowledge you believe them to be incapable of ever being wrong. I believe humans are incapable of changing the climate on our planet. I have read and observed 45 years now of scientists predicting doom and gloom and ultimately cataclysmic devastation all over the planet. They have been wrong for 45 plus years. They are way smarter now. This is the new age of scientists. They got it nailed down now. We just have to do all the goofy stuff all the special interest folks tell us we must do. No more internal combustion engines... no more hamburgers... only renewable energy and only electric cars. We can't forget investing 35 trillion to make this all happen so we can save the planet. The only thing the planet needs to be saved from is you jackwagons that think you need to save the planet.
I usually don’t bring her up but here you go: ... ion-2019-6

Even if it’s $20 trillion, it’s not that significant over 30-40 years. Plus you get a return. Don’t fret, we won’t be alive in all likelihood.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by runrussellrun »

What is it that you believe? (in terms of this thread)

That MAN is causing the earth to have an annual average increase of a few degrees over 100 years, and that it is only going to increase? believe this.

What is YOUR solution to solving this problem?

Plant a tree? (which, is already living and doing all it can to scrub co2, so won't make a difference ) What?

Do you ride your bike to work? Use solar chargers? Charge your phone in the car only? keep your house at 64 degrees in the winter, like I do? No AC in the summer? Please, we ALL grew up without AC, even in the district of crackumbia. Willing to bet most of the "believers" are sitting in air conditioning. Why?

'Didn't have it in the CHevy Chase house. Nor New Jersey. Only remember the ponds freezing three times, for skating, in the 12 years living in NJ in the 70's and 80's. Creeks and bays DID freeze in Maryland, a few winters ago, couldn't use the boat for duck hunting.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by runrussellrun »


While the avaiation industry employs millions & millions of people, is doesn't mean the jobs can't be focus on something better.

HIGH Speed Trains. (mag-LEV mono-rails, powered by NUKEs )

Flight delays are expensive, costing our business sector about $30 billion a year. 75% of which are weather related. Trains (mono-rails of HIGH speed) suffer not from weather delays.

Of the 16 million flights in the USA each year, how many are in the NE corridor? What is the carbon footprint of these flights, in the NE corridor?

HIGH speed rail system during Democrats adminstration is awesomer. AOC, Ed Markey and Tom Steyer (sp?) all want to build it.

US built infrastructure. Engineers, factory workers, etc. I read the details in the Wash Post all the time about these ideas. :roll:

NY Times mentions the plan. Really surprised that the shovel ready jobs weren't so shovel ready. Because I act like I know, so you think YOU know.

44k flights every day. 20% in NE corridor? Think of the co2 we would NOT emit using a better way to travel.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by foreverlax »

runrussellrun wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2019 1:21 pm What is it that you believe? (in terms of this thread)

That MAN is causing the earth to have an annual average increase of a few degrees over 100 years, and that it is only going to increase? believe this.

What is YOUR solution to solving this problem?

Plant a tree? (which, is already living and doing all it can to scrub co2, so won't make a difference ) What?

Do you ride your bike to work? Use solar chargers? Charge your phone in the car only? keep your house at 64 degrees in the winter, like I do? No AC in the summer? Please, we ALL grew up without AC, even in the district of crackumbia. Willing to bet most of the "believers" are sitting in air conditioning. Why?

'Didn't have it in the CHevy Chase house. Nor New Jersey. Only remember the ponds freezing three times, for skating, in the 12 years living in NJ in the 70's and 80's. Creeks and bays DID freeze in Maryland, a few winters ago, couldn't use the boat for duck hunting.
Assuming you are directing this at me....

What is it that you believe? (in terms of this thread)man has had a negative impact on the enviroment

That MAN is causing the earth to have an annual average increase of a few degrees over 100 years, and that it is only going to increase? If we continue on the same path, potentially believe this.

What is YOUR solution to solving this problem?not my area of expertise, I but we make a determined effort to continually cut our waste.

Plant a tree? (which, is already living and doing all it can to scrub co2, so won't make a difference ) What?Are you answering your own questions again

Do you ride your bike to work? No, but I do like to ride my bike

Use solar chargers? for what?

Charge your phone in the car only? I charge it when it needs charging

keep your house at 64 degrees in the winter, like I do? pretty close

No AC in the summer? no, we use AC

Please, we ALL grew up without AC, even in the district of crackumbia. I had asthma as a kid....needed A/c Willing to bet most of the "believers" are sitting in air conditioning. Why? Why what? Why does their office have guessing it makes people more productive

'Didn't have it in the CHevy Chase house. Nor New Jersey. Only remember the ponds freezing three times, for skating, in the 12 years living in NJ in the 70's and 80's. Creeks and bays DID freeze in Maryland, a few winters ago, couldn't use the boat for duck hunting.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

runrussellrun wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2019 1:37 pm Solutions.

While the avaiation industry employs millions & millions of people, is doesn't mean the jobs can't be focus on something better.

HIGH Speed Trains. (mag-LEV mono-rails, powered by NUKEs )

Flight delays are expensive, costing our business sector about $30 billion a year. 75% of which are weather related. Trains (mono-rails of HIGH speed) suffer not from weather delays.

Of the 16 million flights in the USA each year, how many are in the NE corridor? What is the carbon footprint of these flights, in the NE corridor?

HIGH speed rail system during Democrats adminstration is awesomer. AOC, Ed Markey and Tom Steyer (sp?) all want to build it.

US built infrastructure. Engineers, factory workers, etc. I read the details in the Wash Post all the time about these ideas. :roll:

NY Times mentions the plan. Really surprised that the shovel ready jobs weren't so shovel ready. Because I act like I know, so you think YOU know.

44k flights every day. 20% in NE corridor? Think of the co2 we would NOT emit using a better way to travel.
Are high Speed trains part of green new deal?
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by RedFromMI »

In order to deal with human caused climate change, the big picture solution is to limit what additional greenhouse gases get into the atmosphere and start removing the ones already there.

Biggest contributor to GHGs in the atmosphere is burning fossil fuels (with carbon in them, so CO_2 gets added to the atmosphere). There are several ways of doing this: change electric production to non-fossil fuel generation has probably the biggest impact. Solar, wind, wave are part. Fission energy and when available fusion energy production.

Then to limit GHGs from transportation, start to transition to electric vehicles as much as possible. That way improvements in electricity production without GHGs can be propagated to that sector.

Consider reducing the animal production for meat given its energy intensive nature and production of GHGs as well.

On the removal side, best bet is to replant entire forests, in particular in tropical rainforest regions. That can sequester carbon from the atmosphere.

Now does every use of fossil fuels have to go away? Probably not, if you get the vast majority of electric and vehicle production into combinations of renewables and nuclear.

Some of this gets left out of the GND - in particular nuclear production because of its inherent danger. Fission energy can be tricky to be as safe as it should be, and still not be cost prohibitive, and the waste is pretty bad and extremely long term dangerous.

Fusion seems to always have a horizon of 30-40 years into the future, although there are some who think commercial scale fusion reactors might be available in the 2030s. These approaches still have some of the inherent dangers of radiation/radioactive waste streams, but fusion production will likely produce more short term radioactive products and fewer really long term (thousands of years dangerous) products.

And to answer the last question - high speed trains where feasible can reduce air travel, which looks to be the most resistant to conversion to electric. Significant movement in that way in Europe, and should be on the table for portions of the US, but not really feasible yet for say the American West.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by seacoaster »

"You are all wrapped up in your security blanket of scientific knowledge you believe them to be incapable of ever being wrong."

I get some fun out of eliciting statements like this one (to quote only one of your routinely preposterous statements), because, well, you're wrong about me. FIrst, my knickers aren't twisted; I am 60 and have lived a really good life already. I'm not worried that my life will be much affected by climate change; it just concerns me that so much data is out there and we are, as with many issues, unable to come to even a broad consensus about what to do at a policy level.

I trust the science to the extent that I trust people devoted to the inquiry may -- see that? may -- have a point, and that if -- see that? if -- they are right, our behavior globally and locally might have to change. For me, it's a hedge against a future that I might not like. I don't pretend to be certain about this stuff, but I care enough about the planet and my children and my nieces and nephews to err on the side of caution. You seem to just bumble along jettisoning silly stuff like facts and data and science. It may seem unkind to say it, but your views are not "homespun." They're just shortsighted and stupid.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by youthathletics »

Does anyone know how Germany is doing on this transition? ... story.html
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by jhu72 »

Isolated weather stations above the arctic circle reporting 90-95 F temps in late July. Something you don't see every day Chauncy - at least not in the past.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

youthathletics wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2019 5:04 pm Does anyone know how Germany is doing on this transition? ... story.html
I’ll try to ask my cousin. He is in the States on holiday.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by cradleandshoot »

seacoaster wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2019 3:58 pm "You are all wrapped up in your security blanket of scientific knowledge you believe them to be incapable of ever being wrong."

I get some fun out of eliciting statements like this one (to quote only one of your routinely preposterous statements), because, well, you're wrong about me. FIrst, my knickers aren't twisted; I am 60 and have lived a really good life already. I'm not worried that my life will be much affected by climate change; it just concerns me that so much data is out there and we are, as with many issues, unable to come to even a broad consensus about what to do at a policy level.

I trust the science to the extent that I trust people devoted to the inquiry may -- see that? may -- have a point, and that if -- see that? if -- they are right, our behavior globally and locally might have to change. For me, it's a hedge against a future that I might not like. I don't pretend to be certain about this stuff, but I care enough about the planet and my children and my nieces and nephews to err on the side of caution. You seem to just bumble along jettisoning silly stuff like facts and data and science. It may seem unkind to say it, but your views are not "homespun." They're just shortsighted and stupid.
Homespun has never been me. I think any individual... scientist or the bum on the corner that believes they can predict what the planet will do or be in 50 years is similarly as stupid as you believe me to be. I am lucky enough to have been endowed by my creator with something none of you environmental extremists seem to know anything about... common sense. I am more than happy to let you gullible morons let your imaginations run wild with every prediction of cataclysmic disaster that warms your little hearts. My beliefs will never change... planet earth will do what it wants... when it wants... where it wants and how it wants. The fact you believe as an insignificant human being that you have the power to change or alter that fact is testimony to your own stupidity. Answer me this my good friend... do you also have the ability to prevent the massive eruption in Yellowstone that will eventually happen? The only advice a stupid person such as me can give you... dont worry about stuff you have no control over. I know that is a very difficult concept for you to grasp. I am so very lucky to be as stupid as I am that even that simple truth is something I have always understood. Have yourself a great day and as the song goes... don't worry... be happy. :D
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2019 7:14 am
seacoaster wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2019 3:58 pm "You are all wrapped up in your security blanket of scientific knowledge you believe them to be incapable of ever being wrong."

I get some fun out of eliciting statements like this one (to quote only one of your routinely preposterous statements), because, well, you're wrong about me. FIrst, my knickers aren't twisted; I am 60 and have lived a really good life already. I'm not worried that my life will be much affected by climate change; it just concerns me that so much data is out there and we are, as with many issues, unable to come to even a broad consensus about what to do at a policy level.

I trust the science to the extent that I trust people devoted to the inquiry may -- see that? may -- have a point, and that if -- see that? if -- they are right, our behavior globally and locally might have to change. For me, it's a hedge against a future that I might not like. I don't pretend to be certain about this stuff, but I care enough about the planet and my children and my nieces and nephews to err on the side of caution. You seem to just bumble along jettisoning silly stuff like facts and data and science. It may seem unkind to say it, but your views are not "homespun." They're just shortsighted and stupid.
Homespun has never been me. I think any individual... scientist or the bum on the corner that believes they can predict what the planet will do or be in 50 years is similarly as stupid as you believe me to be. I am lucky enough to have been endowed by my creator with something none of you environmental extremists seem to know anything about... common sense. I am more than happy to let you gullible morons let your imaginations run wild with every prediction of cataclysmic disaster that warms your little hearts. My beliefs will never change... planet earth will do what it wants... when it wants... where it wants and how it wants. The fact you believe as an insignificant human being that you have the power to change or alter that fact is testimony to your own stupidity. Answer me this my good friend... do you also have the ability to prevent the massive eruption in Yellowstone that will eventually happen? The only advice a stupid person such as me can give you... dont worry about stuff you have no control over. I know that is a very difficult concept for you to grasp. I am so very lucky to be as stupid as I am that even that simple truth is something I have always understood. Have yourself a great day and as the song goes... don't worry... be happy. :D
Most people can’t predict with certainty that they will be alive in 24 months. Live for today. Spend it.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by wahoomurf »

Trump is contemplating buying Greenland. :o He'd better hurry. Greenland is shrinking at an alarming rate. Thank GOD the fake reports of climate change had ZERO effect on Greenland.No way, no how, jamais!
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2019 7:14 am
seacoaster wrote: Thu Aug 15, 2019 3:58 pm "You are all wrapped up in your security blanket of scientific knowledge you believe them to be incapable of ever being wrong."

I get some fun out of eliciting statements like this one (to quote only one of your routinely preposterous statements), because, well, you're wrong about me. FIrst, my knickers aren't twisted; I am 60 and have lived a really good life already. I'm not worried that my life will be much affected by climate change; it just concerns me that so much data is out there and we are, as with many issues, unable to come to even a broad consensus about what to do at a policy level.

I trust the science to the extent that I trust people devoted to the inquiry may -- see that? may -- have a point, and that if -- see that? if -- they are right, our behavior globally and locally might have to change. For me, it's a hedge against a future that I might not like. I don't pretend to be certain about this stuff, but I care enough about the planet and my children and my nieces and nephews to err on the side of caution. You seem to just bumble along jettisoning silly stuff like facts and data and science. It may seem unkind to say it, but your views are not "homespun." They're just shortsighted and stupid.
Homespun has never been me. I think any individual... scientist or the bum on the corner that believes they can predict what the planet will do or be in 50 years is similarly as stupid as you believe me to be. I am lucky enough to have been endowed by my creator with something none of you environmental extremists seem to know anything about... common sense. I am more than happy to let you gullible morons let your imaginations run wild with every prediction of cataclysmic disaster that warms your little hearts. My beliefs will never change... planet earth will do what it wants... when it wants... where it wants and how it wants. The fact you believe as an insignificant human being that you have the power to change or alter that fact is testimony to your own stupidity. Answer me this my good friend... do you also have the ability to prevent the massive eruption in Yellowstone that will eventually happen? The only advice a stupid person such as me can give you... dont worry about stuff you have no control over. I know that is a very difficult concept for you to grasp. I am so very lucky to be as stupid as I am that even that simple truth is something I have always understood. Have yourself a great day and as the song goes... don't worry... be happy. :D
Seems to me that cradle articulates well what the scientific world is up against, environmental flat-earthism.

God (my creator) gives me common sense, and common sense, not data, tells me not to worry about what I, individually, can't control.

God will handle it.

Scientists should butt out.

It's been awhile ( not ever?) since we've had a 'flat-earth' science denier in the White House, but that's the case right now. Thankfully, that's not likely to continue much longer. And, thankfully, we're not yet throwing scientists into jail or burning them at the stake, but we are cutting off their funding, moving whole departments and agencies to the boonies to encourage retirement, etc. Serious damage being done. Give Trump another 4 years and the damage will be much worse.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by HooDat »

as opposed to "Scientists ARE God - do not question them" ???
STILL somewhere back in the day....

...and waiting/hoping for a tinfoil hat emoji......
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by holmes435 »

The great thing about science is that anyone can go out there and try to prove current theories wrong. Question everything, that's what great scientists do!

God knows the oil & gas companies spent tons of cash trying to do just that, but the data wasn't on their side. So they lied about it (just like the tobacco industry).
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by runrussellrun »

holmes435 wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2019 12:01 pm The great thing about science is that anyone can go out there and try to prove current theories wrong. Question everything, that's what great scientists do!

God knows the oil & gas companies spent tons of cash trying to do just that, but the data wasn't on their side. So they lied about it (just like the tobacco industry).
So when YOUR favorite MSM outlet does NOT report on a story, they are liars? Petro companies never lied about their research. When asked, they produced the "may" "if" " possibly " reports where they concluded that burning more carbon based fuel will produce more co2. Wow, who knew? :roll:

You called them liars, prove it.
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by jhu72 »

wahoomurf wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2019 9:10 am Trump is contemplating buying Greenland. :o He'd better hurry. Greenland is shrinking at an alarming rate. Thank GOD the fake reports of climate change had ZERO effect on Greenland.No way, no how, jamais!
Interesting how people that don't believe in climate change are interested in purchasing Greenland. Nothing proves what a hoax climate change is more than the fact that the Chinese are interested in Greenland property and Orange Douchie has now fallen for it. :lol: :lol:
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by wahoomurf »

PT Barnum new what he was talking about.One or more BORN EVERY MINUTE.🙄
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Re: Climate Change & The Environment

Post by holmes435 »

runrussellrun wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2019 1:42 pm
holmes435 wrote: Fri Aug 16, 2019 12:01 pm The great thing about science is that anyone can go out there and try to prove current theories wrong. Question everything, that's what great scientists do!

God knows the oil & gas companies spent tons of cash trying to do just that, but the data wasn't on their side. So they lied about it (just like the tobacco industry).
So when YOUR favorite MSM outlet does NOT report on a story, they are liars? Petro companies never lied about their research. When asked, they produced the "may" "if" " possibly " reports where they concluded that burning more carbon based fuel will produce more co2. Wow, who knew? :roll:

You called them liars, prove it. ... ontroversy to start
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