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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

LandM wrote: Thu Jul 11, 2019 10:38 pm She was elected with 27,000 votes
She has 4 million twitter followers
Her district as Polosi said could be won by a glass of water with a D sticky note attached
For the love of God why the attention.
Social media made her a star just like the guy sitting in the left seat. When will we learn?
She's marshaling social media much as Trump did.
We live in a era in which even the biggest knuckleheads and jerks can become popular celebrities, at least with a chunk of the population.

She's taking extreme positions that gain attention with young people, who are far more liberal on social issues than prior generations. And that younger generation is really large, far more diverse, in so many ways, than their predecessors. Her positions are quite popular.

Pretty simple.

But the Dem Party overall is not yet in that far left camp. And youngsters do tend to grow less liberal as they age.
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Post by foreverlax »

Kudlow thinks she's smaaaart.
Trump economic adviser Larry Kudlow: Hats off to AOC, she 'nailed' her questions to Fed chair
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Post by HooDat »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 8:58 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 8:44 amI worry about authoritarianism for exactly this reason...the rise of a far-left authoritarian could well occur in reaction to the right wing period.
I think it is important to be vigilant re authoritarianism, but I don't think Obama or Trump's actions came anywhere near crossing the line. Everything both of them did, could be smoothly and properly undone by legislative action. Our legislatures won't act - because doing so only opens them up to criticism.

I have faith in the American people to stand up to visible authoritarians. The one's I fear are the one's you don't see until it is too late. And they lurk in the dark shadows of bureaucracy * . The most visible right now is the "grievance" departments that now seem to run our universities.

People are sensitive to the danger though. And I think that is why Trump's "rigged" campaign platform was so effective.

* in my opinion, one of the greatest book/movie villains ever created is Delores Umbridge from Harry Potter - an underwhelming career bureaucrat who has risen to power and is willing to wield it mercilessly in the interest of what she perceives as "good".....
STILL somewhere back in the day....

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Post by LandM »

I get why she is where she is at She is a little mini me of the President. My buddy called me the other day laughing is arse off. His daughter gets her first real paycheck and wondering why the SSN, FICA, state and other deductions. He was just laughing. Free is great until you gotta pay for it
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Post by Brooklyn »

LandM wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 11:19 am MD
I get why she is where she is at She is a little mini me of the President. My buddy called me the other day laughing is arse off. His daughter gets her first real paycheck and wondering why the SSN, FICA, state and other deductions. He was just laughing. Free is great until you gotta pay for it

and you are still paying the cost of the search for Bush's imaginary WMD ;)
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Post by Bandito »

Great article about the absurdity and stupidity of AOC. From the Free Beacon
Not so long ago—as recently as the cover of the March 2019 Rolling Stone, in fact—they seemed like the best of friends. I'm referring to Nancy Pelosi and the members of "The Squad": Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and (not pictured) Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley. They shared some good times.

It was the dawn of a new era. House Democrats had returned to power after eight years. And these Democrats were remarkably diverse in age, ethnicity, race, and gender. Ideology, too: Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib belong to the Democratic Socialists of America. "Our nation is at an historic moment," Pelosi said in January. "Two months ago, the American people spoke, and demanded a new dawn."

Well, the sun has set. And fast. Whatever Pelosi's plans might have been, they've been lost in a fog of anti-Semitism and left-wing radicalism. If Ilhan Omar isn't causing Pelosi trouble, Ocasio-Cortez is. And vice versa. One day the speaker has to respond to the charge that Jewish money controls American foreign policy. The next she has to downplay flatulent cows. It's enough to make one pity her. Almost.

Pelosi's bind began on election night. As Republicans learned from 2011-2015, holding one chamber of Congress isn't worth that much. The president and the upper chamber block legislation. Frustrated by inaction, the majority turns inward. Divisions grow. The more extreme members target leadership. The speaker spends more time negotiating with her own party than with the president and Senate majority leader.

Recently it seemed as though the major divide would be over impeachment. Pelosi's terrified by the prospect. The idea isn't popular, especially with voters in battleground districts. And Mueller's report didn't give her much to work with. She would have been in a better position had the special counsel actually said that he thought President Trump obstructed justice. But he copped out, leaving people confused and Pelosi forlorn. She's let Nadler, Schiff, and Cummings fire their subpoena cannons at will. But this war of attrition favors the president. And deepens the frustration of Democrats who wish Trump had been impeached on inauguration day.

The crisis at the border revealed another division. Shouldn't have been much of a surprise: Immigration is the defining issue of our time, its tendrils entangling themselves in the politics of democracies around the world.

Democrats, and many Republicans, object to the conditions facing detained asylum-seekers. What separates the Democrats is what to do about it. The majority, including representatives from Trump districts, takes the classic approach: throw money at the problem. The Squad has a different idea. It voted against border funds to "make a point." And strike a pose.

Ocasio-Cortez's outlandish rhetoric isn't helping. She's described the detention centers as "concentration camps." Already in favor of abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement, this week she said she's open to shutting down the entire Department of Homeland Security. Why stop there? I'm guessing she doesn't like the Department of Defense, either. Karl Rove, who in 2002 won a midterm election over DHS, said Ocasio-Cortez's comments were "moronic, stupid, naïve, and dumb." That was an understatement.

She's something, Ocasio-Cortez. At 29 years old, she perfectly embodies her generation's uniquely irritating combo of self-righteousness and cluelessness. Passionate and charming at first blush, her appeal quickly wears off. In a March Quinnipiac poll her favorability was underwater by 13 points.

What Ocasio-Cortez understands is that, in the culture of social media celebrity, the worst possible thing to do is back down. So, when Pelosi stated the obvious to Maureen Dowd—that for all the attention The Squad receives from the media it is, in the end, four votes—Ocasio-Cortez insinuated the speaker is a racist. And they say liberals oppose nuclear war.

If Pelosi's racist, then America is in serious trouble. The absurdity of the claim was best expressed by Congressman Lacy-Clay, who is black. "You're getting push back so you resort to using the race card?" he asked. "Unbelievable." But the very absurdity highlights the position in which the Democratic leadership finds itself. An aging elite must contend with a vocal, far-left cadre of social justice warriors even as the majority depends on legislators who don't frighten moderates. The differences between the contestants in this liberal Thunderdome are generational, ideological, methodological, and demographic. How Pelosi escapes is a mystery.

Maybe she can't. Maybe The Squad really is the future of the Democratic Party. After all, Jeremy Corbyn moved from the fringe to the leadership of the Labour Party in the U.K. And the trend of the Democrats has been leftward for a while. If that's the case, then Pelosi faces a grim future.

And maybe the Democrats do, too. Even if you assume that Ocasio-Cortez's Twitter and Instagram following counts for something in the real world, she's not about to help Democrats win Senate races in red states. President Trump and the Republican Party want nothing more than to define the choice in 2020 as between socialism and Americanism, socialism and prosperity, socialism and security. And for whatever reason, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is eager to help him.
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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Brooklyn wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 11:22 am
LandM wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 11:19 am MD
I get why she is where she is at She is a little mini me of the President. My buddy called me the other day laughing is arse off. His daughter gets her first real paycheck and wondering why the SSN, FICA, state and other deductions. He was just laughing. Free is great until you gotta pay for it

and you are still paying the cost of the search for Bush's imaginary WMD ;)
Both of you are correct, stuff ain't free.
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Post by HooDat »

Bandito wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 11:30 am The differences between the contestants in this liberal Thunderdome are generational, ideological, methodological, and demographic. How Pelosi escapes is a mystery.

Maybe she can't. Maybe The Squad really is the future of the Democratic Party.
If you look at our college campuses it certainly is the future the Dems are building toward. They don't know much else.

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 9:01 am And youngsters do tend to grow less liberal as they age.
and this is one of the reasons why:
LandM wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 11:19 am My buddy called me the other day laughing is arse off. His daughter gets her first real paycheck and wondering why the SSN, FICA, state and other deductions.
STILL somewhere back in the day....

...and waiting/hoping for a tinfoil hat emoji......
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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

HooDat wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 10:53 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 8:58 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 8:44 amI worry about authoritarianism for exactly this reason...the rise of a far-left authoritarian could well occur in reaction to the right wing period.
I think it is important to be vigilant re authoritarianism, but I don't think Obama or Trump's actions came anywhere near crossing the line. Everything both of them did, could be smoothly and properly undone by legislative action. Our legislatures won't act - because doing so only opens them up to criticism.

I have faith in the American people to stand up to visible authoritarians. The one's I fear are the one's you don't see until it is too late. And they lurk in the dark shadows of bureaucracy * . The most visible right now is the "grievance" departments that now seem to run our universities.

People are sensitive to the danger though. And I think that is why Trump's "rigged" campaign platform was so effective.

* in my opinion, one of the greatest book/movie villains ever created is Delores Umbridge from Harry Potter - an underwhelming career bureaucrat who has risen to power and is willing to wield it mercilessly in the interest of what she perceives as "good".....
Trump worries me because his impulses are so authoritarian, and it seems that there's truly nothing he couldn't say or do which would fracture his base's support. And that base has the more traditional GOP fully cowed at this point.

But somehow wiser heads pulled him off the cliff on this one, thank goodness. Had he indeed done what he'd signaled, done an Executive Order to place the question on the Census, in direct defiance of the Supreme Court ruling, and his base stuck with him, Senate cowed in submission, it would have been Katy bar the door for more Executive Orders regardless of constitutionality. Not just him but any future President.

I'm apparently less worried by the bureaucrats than you are. Not that I don't agree, but I'm much more concerned with concentrated, uncontested power than those who keep the machinery running and may overstep from time to time. Sure, there's some over swing on college campuses by college administrations but their powers are pretty darn limited to those campuses. And I'm not so sure that some of those 'grievances' eg the way rapes have been previously mishandled and covered up isn't a good thing to get some sunlight on. But, of course, pendulums swing too far at times.

But a single ruler able to flaunt the Constitutional checks and balances, supported by a populist, angry base...we've seen what happens in lots and lots of other countries when that occurs. Very ugly. I've never bought the 'it can't happen here' trope. As you say, we need to be vigilant.

Had Trump done that Executive Order, the question would have been put to the test.
Sadly, I think there's a big chunk of America which would have failed it. And they claim to be patriots.
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Post by HooDat »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 11:50 am Had Trump done that Executive Order, the question would have been put to the test.
Sadly, I think there's a big chunk of America which would have failed it. And they claim to be patriots.
lot of truth to all you say there. On this last point, I also think you are right. But, I also think that our constitutional system would have stopped him, and that many (certainly not all) of the people who would have failed that test (initially) would have come around to seeing things right once they cooled down. fighting the pull of the "tribe" is hard, and our politicians (enabled by a ratings seeking media) have done everything in their power to draw stringent tribal lines between us.
STILL somewhere back in the day....

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Post by Bandito »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 11:50 am
HooDat wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 10:53 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 8:58 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 8:44 amI worry about authoritarianism for exactly this reason...the rise of a far-left authoritarian could well occur in reaction to the right wing period.
I think it is important to be vigilant re authoritarianism, but I don't think Obama or Trump's actions came anywhere near crossing the line. Everything both of them did, could be smoothly and properly undone by legislative action. Our legislatures won't act - because doing so only opens them up to criticism.

I have faith in the American people to stand up to visible authoritarians. The one's I fear are the one's you don't see until it is too late. And they lurk in the dark shadows of bureaucracy * . The most visible right now is the "grievance" departments that now seem to run our universities.

People are sensitive to the danger though. And I think that is why Trump's "rigged" campaign platform was so effective.

* in my opinion, one of the greatest book/movie villains ever created is Delores Umbridge from Harry Potter - an underwhelming career bureaucrat who has risen to power and is willing to wield it mercilessly in the interest of what she perceives as "good".....
Trump worries me because his impulses are so authoritarian, and it seems that there's truly nothing he couldn't say or do which would fracture his base's support. And that base has the more traditional GOP fully cowed at this point.

But somehow wiser heads pulled him off the cliff on this one, thank goodness. Had he indeed done what he'd signaled, done an Executive Order to place the question on the Census, in direct defiance of the Supreme Court ruling, and his base stuck with him, Senate cowed in submission, it would have been Katy bar the door for more Executive Orders regardless of constitutionality. Not just him but any future President.

I'm apparently less worried by the bureaucrats than you are. Not that I don't agree, but I'm much more concerned with concentrated, uncontested power than those who keep the machinery running and may overstep from time to time. Sure, there's some over swing on college campuses by college administrations but their powers are pretty darn limited to those campuses. And I'm not so sure that some of those 'grievances' eg the way rapes have been previously mishandled and covered up isn't a good thing to get some sunlight on. But, of course, pendulums swing too far at times.

But a single ruler able to flaunt the Constitutional checks and balances, supported by a populist, angry base...we've seen what happens in lots and lots of other countries when that occurs. Very ugly. I've never bought the 'it can't happen here' trope. As you say, we need to be vigilant.

Had Trump done that Executive Order, the question would have been put to the test.
Sadly, I think there's a big chunk of America which would have failed it. And they claim to be patriots.
You’re so triggered by an alpha male it’s hilarious. Trump isn’t even close to an authoritarian. You’re just a wimp. Grow a pair. Meanwhile on the left here’s what they are doing and support which is authoritarian:

1. Wanting to confiscate firearms from all law abiding citizens. Former Dem Pres. candidate Eric Swalwell even said he would nuke the populace if we didn’t comply. Talk about authoritarian
2. Creating fake news to purposely mislead the public and distort the truth: talking about all the major news networks and social media giants.
3. Censorship of free speech- specifically conservative talking points and facts- this is happening all over social media
4. Wanting a socialist takeover of healthcare and other large entities of our economy. Socialism and authoritarianism go hand in hand together.
5. Confiscation of wealth via high taxes of the workers and wealthy and redistribution of that wealth to the lazy and poor.
6. Wanting open borders allowing illegal aliens to flood our country, commit crime and mooch us dry financially. This is an authoritarian attack on the citizens of our country.

7. A failed coup to tear down a duly elected president of the US by the deep state. That’s something that would happen in an authoritarian state.

Shall I go on? I think you get the point. Everything I’ve stated Trump is vehemently against. Everything I’ve stated Democrats vehemently support as does the media and social media. Time to deal with facts, not feelings. You deal with emotion way too much. Stop being triggered and deal with reality.

But but but; Orange man bad!!!
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Post by MDlaxfan76 »

HooDat wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:03 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 11:50 am Had Trump done that Executive Order, the question would have been put to the test.
Sadly, I think there's a big chunk of America which would have failed it. And they claim to be patriots.
lot of truth to all you say there. On this last point, I also think you are right. But, I also think that our constitutional system would have stopped him, and that many (certainly not all) of the people who would have failed that test (initially) would have come around to seeing things right once they cooled down. fighting the pull of the "tribe" is hard, and our politicians (enabled by a ratings seeking media) have done everything in their power to draw stringent tribal lines between us.
Thankfully, we didn't face that test.

But pretty sure we know a few folks on here and probably some in our personal lives who would not have stood up. Same for a bunch of the more prominent GOP pols who are deep in the tank.

They'd have just doubled down with the hate Dems, MSM, Deep State rhetoric...and a call to arms.

Again, thankfully Trump balked.
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Post by a fan »

LandM wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 11:19 am His daughter gets her first real paycheck and wondering why the SSN, FICA, state and other deductions. He was just laughing. Free is great until you gotta pay for it
Your buddy should have showed her how paychecks work before she left the house for college......
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Post by a fan »

Bandito wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:14 pm 1. Wanting to confiscate firearms from all law abiding citizens. Former Dem Pres. candidate Eric Swalwell even said he would nuke the populace if we didn’t comply. Talk about authoritarian
Been hearing this from NRA idiots for 50 years. Newsflash: your boy Trump passed laws restricting guns. Want the cite?

No one is taking your guns. Go downstairs, give them a hug, no one is taking them. Stop acting like the boogie man is coming for them. They're not.
Bandito wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:14 pm 2. Creating fake news to purposely mislead the public and distort the truth: talking about all the major news networks and social media giants.
Totally true. The only truth comes from the Federal Government. I implore everyone to follow Bandito's brilliant lead and ONLY trust what the Federal Government tells you. I mean, what could possibly go wrong if you simply do what the Federal Government tells you to do?
Bandito wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:14 pm . Censorship of free speech- specifically conservative talking points and facts- this is happening all over social media
That's not censorship. What are you, a Soviet Commie? The owner of the companies in question can do whatever they wish. This ain't N Korea, buddy.
Bandito wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:14 pm 4. Wanting a socialist takeover of healthcare and other large entities of our economy.
Let me know when you and your fellow grey haired FoxNation pals want to kill Medicare. You know: the socialist Healthcare program we already have, but you want to pretend doesn't exist.

I'd LOVE the tax break from killing Medicare. Shut it down, and let guys like you who think that piddly $2K you got from Trump's tax breaks will handle all your health care bills. When can we start? Nothing would make me happier than watching a few million FoxNation viewers drop dead because they can't afford even 3rd world health care now that the government dole that taxpayers like me are funding (Medicare) is gone.
Bandito wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:14 pm 5. Confiscation of wealth via high taxes of the workers and wealthy and redistribution of that wealth to the lazy and poor.
Oh, good! Another poster who wants to pay my taxes! Sweet. Hope you enjoy them. Hope Trump cuts them again before he leaves office. We don't need a military or infrastructure anyway, right?
Bandito wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:14 pm 6. Wanting open borders allowing illegal aliens to flood our country, commit crime and mooch us dry financially.
Oh, no. Didn't you hear? Trump ran on fixing the border. He and the Republicans fixed that in the first two years Trump was in office when the Republicans completely controlled the Federal Government. So you're all set. Problem was solved months ago.
Bandito wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:14 pm 7. A failed coup to tear down a duly elected president of the US by the deep state.
Yeah, I noticed all the indictments for that. Boy, that was some conspiracy. Zero indictments. Wow. Staggering conspiracy ya got there.
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Post by Brooklyn »

Bandito wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:14 pm

You’re so triggered by an alpha male it’s hilarious. Trump isn’t even close to an authoritarian. You’re just a wimp. Grow a pair. Meanwhile on the left here’s what they are doing and support which is authoritarian:

1. Wanting to confiscate firearms from all law abiding citizens. Former Dem Pres. candidate Eric Swalwell even said he would nuke the populace if we didn’t comply. Talk about authoritarian
2. Creating fake news to purposely mislead the public and distort the truth: talking about all the major news networks and social media giants.
3. Censorship of free speech- specifically conservative talking points and facts- this is happening all over social media
4. Wanting a socialist takeover of healthcare and other large entities of our economy. Socialism and authoritarianism go hand in hand together.
5. Confiscation of wealth via high taxes of the workers and wealthy and redistribution of that wealth to the lazy and poor.
6. Wanting open borders allowing illegal aliens to flood our country, commit crime and mooch us dry financially. This is an authoritarian attack on the citizens of our country.

7. A failed coup to tear down a duly elected president of the US by the deep state. That’s something that would happen in an authoritarian state.

Shall I go on? I think you get the point. Everything I’ve stated Trump is vehemently against. Everything I’ve stated Democrats vehemently support as does the media and social media. Time to deal with facts, not feelings. You deal with emotion way too much. Stop being triggered and deal with reality.

But but but; Orange man bad!!!

1. confiscating guns -

Delusional righties said Obama was going to take away your guns. But he never did. Instead, it was Reagan under the Mulford Act and Bush in NOLA during Katrina.

2. fake news: Fox network fake news using film of two rallies in order to make a right wing rally look like it got much popular support: ... st-footage

and, ... ants-fire/

3. censorship:

the right wing does it more often - ... -liberals/

Bob Jones University, BYU, Liberty [sic], etc

4. Socialism and authoritarianism

True, Especially when it comes to the corporate socialist military industrial complex.

5. confiscation ... and redistribution of that wealth

No greater example of that than the welfare given to the Pentagon and MIC: ... e&ie=UTF-8

6. open borders

It was Republican Reagan who gave blanket amnesty to illegals and Bush offered to do the same.

7. failed coup

The actual coup is voter suppression and gerrymandering.

As for emotionalism, that is well illustrated here:



Nobody displays more hate, emotionalism, and irrationality than does the delusional far right. Everybody knows it. ;)
It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

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Post by LandM »

He did. Kinda like college you can be taught and then the real world smacks you between the eyes which is why he was laughing. He tried, junior failed to absorb and the smack in the head, welcome to reality😄
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Post by a fan »

“No such thing as bad student. Only bad teacher.”- Mr. Miyagi ;)
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Post by LandM »

That is a thread in and of itself :shock:
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Post by Bandito »

a fan wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 1:04 pm
Bandito wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:14 pm 1. Wanting to confiscate firearms from all law abiding citizens. Former Dem Pres. candidate Eric Swalwell even said he would nuke the populace if we didn’t comply. Talk about authoritarian
Been hearing this from NRA idiots for 50 years. Newsflash: your boy Trump passed laws restricting guns. Want the cite?

No one is taking your guns. Go downstairs, give them a hug, no one is taking them. Stop acting like the boogie man is coming for them. They're not.
Bandito wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:14 pm 2. Creating fake news to purposely mislead the public and distort the truth: talking about all the major news networks and social media giants.
Totally true. The only truth comes from the Federal Government. I implore everyone to follow Bandito's brilliant lead and ONLY trust what the Federal Government tells you. I mean, what could possibly go wrong if you simply do what the Federal Government tells you to do?
Bandito wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:14 pm . Censorship of free speech- specifically conservative talking points and facts- this is happening all over social media
That's not censorship. What are you, a Soviet Commie? The owner of the companies in question can do whatever they wish. This ain't N Korea, buddy.
Bandito wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:14 pm 4. Wanting a socialist takeover of healthcare and other large entities of our economy.
Let me know when you and your fellow grey haired FoxNation pals want to kill Medicare. You know: the socialist Healthcare program we already have, but you want to pretend doesn't exist.

I'd LOVE the tax break from killing Medicare. Shut it down, and let guys like you who think that piddly $2K you got from Trump's tax breaks will handle all your health care bills. When can we start? Nothing would make me happier than watching a few million FoxNation viewers drop dead because they can't afford even 3rd world health care now that the government dole that taxpayers like me are funding (Medicare) is gone.
Bandito wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:14 pm 5. Confiscation of wealth via high taxes of the workers and wealthy and redistribution of that wealth to the lazy and poor.
Oh, good! Another poster who wants to pay my taxes! Sweet. Hope you enjoy them. Hope Trump cuts them again before he leaves office. We don't need a military or infrastructure anyway, right?
Bandito wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:14 pm 6. Wanting open borders allowing illegal aliens to flood our country, commit crime and mooch us dry financially.
Oh, no. Didn't you hear? Trump ran on fixing the border. He and the Republicans fixed that in the first two years Trump was in office when the Republicans completely controlled the Federal Government. So you're all set. Problem was solved months ago.
Bandito wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:14 pm 7. A failed coup to tear down a duly elected president of the US by the deep state.
Yeah, I noticed all the indictments for that. Boy, that was some conspiracy. Zero indictments. Wow. Staggering conspiracy ya got there.
Blah blah blah. Republicans and Trump have tried to secure the border but the Dems are fighting it as are RINOs. I’ve already talked about this with you but you’re too dense to comprehend. Seems to be a theme with you.
You Didn’t refute anything I said. Funny how you don’t think censorship is going on. You must not frequent social media as a conservative. The first act of authoritarians is confiscate guns. The left has said that countless times and have threatened Americans who won’t comply. The socialist Brooklyn then went on some tangent about the military is socialist. It’s the federal governments job to have a strong military and protect its citizens. You both are very authoritarian in nature and still can’t understand the truth of what’s going on. You both suffer from TDS and are so brainwashed by the left it’s frightening. Authoritarians are the left and it’s not even up for debate it’s fact, something you never deal with. A Fan you’re so delusional it’s pathetic. You’re almost as dumb as MDLaxfan
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Post by runrussellrun »

What the heck does any of this have to do with AOC?

Willing to bet the 2020 Census will eliminate her district. Any takers?
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