2020 Elections - Trump FIRED

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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by Bandito »

The Dem debates in a nutshell:
Dems are in BIG Trouble

By Patricia McCarthy:
If there were ever two evenings that exposed the economic idiocy of the Democratic Party, it was both debate nights. Every single candidate promises a wish list of free things for all, including a $1,000-a-month income (Yang) courtesy of the government. College will be free; health care will be free, even for illegal aliens; abortion will be free on demand; student debt will be erased; etc. Not one of them explains where all this money will come from; perhaps they think they can just print it. They always claim that it will come from the undeserving rich, but it never does. There are not near enough rich people to plunder for that much money. It would be extracted from middle-class taxpayers, as Bernie Sanders admitted, because that is where the most money is. Like all socialists, they mean to take from people who work and provide for those who do not work or produce. Every one of them is as economically illiterate as Ocasio-Cortez, but they are all old enough to know better. It was a pathetic display of ignorance and shameless pandering. They still think the American people are easily manipulated with their bluster. But then the moderators are themselves well known leftists who have worked hard every day of their lives since 2015 to defeat Trump and promote impeachment. For what should he be impeached? Because they are mad that he won.

And if there was ever an evening that made American citizens double down on protecting their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, it was hearing all of them talk about abrogating that right. They all clearly believe that law-abiding citizens should not own guns. It is perennially lost on them that criminals will always have guns and without them, good people have no means to defend themselves. Given the historical fact that every tyranny on the planet began by confiscating guns — Hitler, Mao, Chávez — we should all be very afraid if any one of these people is elected. Each one of them would, they make clear, immediately embark on the path every tyrant of the past took on his way to genocide and socialist devastation, like what is now happening in Venezuela. Starving one's people is a form of genocide, is it not?

There were very few challenging questions. Elizabeth Warren was not asked about her fake American Indian ancestry. They were not asked about their support of infanticide. Not one of them was asked about his anti-Israel sentiment. All of them but Delaney want to take away our private health insurance but not give up their own. Biden was not asked about his son's multi-million-dollar "businesses" in Ukraine and China. Buttigeig was only gently asked about his race problem in South Bend, and he demurred. He fired his city's first black police chief. His "thing" is attacking Christians who he assumes are homophobic; he never offers any evidence. Being gay may help him with one identity community, but he has a race problem with another. He is no more popular in South Bend than the Che-loving de Blasio is in New York. Neither of them is remotely prepared to be president.

They all are abjectly committed to the hoax that is climate alarmism, which proves that all of them are a bit dim, ignorant of science, and subject to mass hypnosis. If any one of them knows better, he is too afraid to say so. Only Biden had the guts to say the U.S. is not the problem with regard to CO2 emissions, but he still thinks we should pay for the pollutants of other nations, like China and India! Even that was a brave thing to do. But then he got raked over the coals by Harris on the busing issue. Talk about old news. She lied about her own experience; her Berkeley district was not segregated. Forced busing was a terrible solution to a very real problem in the early 1970s. Biden was right to oppose the program; it was awful for all involved. Harris claimed she was one of those kids bused and almost tearfully claims to have benefited, but her mother was an academic. It's doubtful she would have ever attended a school of which her mother did not approve. Busing was a classic case of big government's good intentions having disastrous results. Some kids spent four hours on buses each day!

Bernie Sanders is by far the most unpleasant candidate of the lot. (Swalwell is a close second.) Sanders is angry; he rages with furious envy at people who have worked hard and become successful. He loathes such people and wants to destroy them. He will never be the candidate; no person with such a vitriolic and aggressive personality has ever been or will ever be elected to the presidency. He is hard to listen to because he is so green with envy of successful, happy people. He is a communist of the worst kind. He would love nothing better than to condemn all "rich" people to gulags. All this from a man who owns three homes.

Sanders and Warren spend much of their fury attacking corporations as if they were the scourge of American life. But most of our lives are made easier and more comfortable by all the corporations who make things we want and need: cars, washers, dryers, televisions, smartphones, toilet paper, fast food, fresh food, etc. Where would we be without them? They employ millions of people, but Warren wants them punished. Just as "Medicare for all" would bankrupt every hospital in the country, going after corporations would be equally counter-productive.

The most destructive policy they all support is open borders. To this bunch, illegal migrants, the hundreds of thousands of them breaching our border, are far more important than American citizens. They should be allowed to break our laws. They should be taken care of while our own homeless are ignored. If they try to buy a gun, they should not be reported. If they commit rape, murder, DUI, etc., they should be forgiven and neither imprisoned nor deported. The Democrats want the U.S. to be a sanctuary nation, no matter the catastrophic results of such a policy. Our Left rolls out the red carpet for illegals, plans to shower them with all manner of welfare and protect them from our legal establishment. It is truly shocking.

These candidates want to transform America even more than Obama did. American citizens be damned. Every single candidate wants our borders to be overrun like most of Europe has been. European culture has been forever altered by the influx of Muslim refugees who have no intention of assimilating. They mean to impose their culture on Europe, and they are succeeding. Our Hispanic immigrants, however well-meaning, serve only to hurt our own labor force.

Trump has effected the lowest unemployment for all groups in over fifty years — quite an accomplishment. The U.S. is now energy independent. The stock market has had a phenomenal run. Kamala Harris thinks that does not matter, since not all Americans own stocks. But the unions and pension funds of the companies they work for do; the success of the stock market benefits millions of people who do not purchase stocks themselves.

The difference between Trump, who loves this country, and all twenty Democrat candidates who seem to hate everything about America could not have been clearer in these two debates. Their hatred of Trump has eaten away at their wisdom and conscience. It has poisoned their souls. What we saw those two nights is what is left of them: misery; intolerance; and their disdain for freedom, the Constitution, and the American people.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:43 pm .:lol:. ... yeah, that's it. It's all Trump's fault that the woke(D)TDSzombies are devouring their own not quite dead yet liberal uncle.
That's part of it. Trump is scaring the hell out of the libs.

The other part was what Hillary did to Sanders. Real libs think that the Dems sold out to corporate America.

And of course, so do you, tech, 6ft, and any other American with a pulse.

Libs think they've been totally ignored for the last 40 years. And they're largely correct. So you're going to be hearing from them, like it or not.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by a fan »

Bandito wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 9:49 pm The most destructive policy they all support is open borders.
Good think your Republicans are on the case.

Whoops. Still no immigration reform. Still no wall. They've done nothing whatsoever about the problem.

And Bandito is thrilled!

Horray! They did nothing!
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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by a fan »

6ftstick wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:02 pm Democrats ran things unabated postwar until the 90's when republicans tried to get a hold of the run away government.
I see. So for you, the 80's, when Reagan and Bush were President....were the days of "runaway government"?

Do I have that right?
6ftstick wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:02 pm Remember Clinton telling us the age of big government was over. Laughable.
Yep. But he's a Democrat. You're supposed to hate them, remember?
6ftstick wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:02 pm (Remember newt balanced the budget not Bill Clinton)
Oh I remember.

Do you remember HOW he balanced the budget. He raised taxes! Imagine that?

I take it this means you think we need to raise taxes to get our fiscal house in order?

:lol: All this dancing. You can't so much as admit what your party has done in terms of making government bigger than ever. Reagan did it. Bush did it. And Bush again....and now Trump is doing it.

And I LOVE how you come back and tell me "the Dems do it too". Of COURSE they do it too! That doesn't change the fact that your Republican party of "small, limited government" is a big, fat lie. A house of sand, built on nothing.

You know it. I know it. The fans know it. And I told you the instant Trump took power that he'd explode spending and the deficit....just like every other Republican when you give them the reigns.

And here we are....Federal government at record size and spending levels. And 6ft doesn't care. Not even a little. Why? Little R's are more important to him that actual policies.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Found it. Pure Boston!!!
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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 7:34 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:53 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:24 pm...he stumbled into using a 'states rights' sort of argument, which I'm quite confident he fully understands is the argument that was used (and is still being used) by the worst of the racists.
Yeah sure. Biden was making a racist states right argument. .:roll:.

https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/201 ... te-vpx.cnn
Sorry, I'm old enough to remember how vitriolic the racist response to busing was, not just in the south but in the north as well. I remember the interviews with kids in Southie Boston and wondering whether I was in Alabama, the racist epithets were so fierce. Incredibly gross.
African Americans hated it too. Paternalistic meddling.

It was indeed a traumatic time, as the status quo, which was the result of generations of racist redlining, was being upended. It was hard, it was painful, and eventually it was abandoned. With no real replacement, so we still have deeply segregated schools by and large.
So you acknowledge that Fed mandated busing was a failure. Or a "liberal train wreck" as Biden called it.

This concept of de jure segregation versus de facto ignores that while the laws of who could attend which school may have changed, the reality was that underlying segregation by neighborhood was deeply entrenched, resulting in segregated schools. The racists didn't need de jure, they were in control in other ways.

Whether busing was the best answer or not is debatable. Something was clearly necessary to break down many barriers, but the backlash ultimately won out. We don't really know what would have occurred had we stayed the course.
Stayed the course long enough to accelerate suburban sprawl.

But, yes, Joe went to this notion of 'voluntary busing' meaning the local community, however racist it might be, could decide whether to desegregate their schools in a meaningful way or not. States rights over federal. Apparently voluntary busing worked for Kamala Harris

I think that was a stumble, not that Biden actually believes in the states rights argument. But he blew it, again.

How do we break through racism?
A lot of science makes clear that getting to know one another as individuals makes an enormous difference to racial attitudes and assumptions. Kids, especially young kids, are much more open to that process. It's the parents and local communities that are the problem. Which is why busing was abandoned.
How 'bout Fed race based quotas/neighborhood for home ownership.
Why not just reassign kids to parents of a different race ?
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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 8:11 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 8:01 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 7:58 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 7:47 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 7:04 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:24 pm
6ftstick wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:12 pm Wasn't Joe Biden the vice president in the first Black American Presidents administration? For both terms?

How'd that nasty racist ever wiggle into that spot.
Who is calling him a racist? Certainly not Harris, nor Booker.

I'd say he's over the hill, but certainly not a racist.

He blew the opportunity to answer the challenge. There were so many artful ways to have responded, but he stumbled into using a 'states rights' sort of argument, which I'm quite confident he fully understands is the argument that was used (and is still being used) by the worst of the racists. It was a stumble, a bumble.

It would have been so easy to have said, something like: yes, the struggle to achieve civil rights was difficult and messy, often involving compromises that, in retrospect, are easy to critique from afar. But for those of us were actually fighting the battles to achieve a more perfect union, for those of us who were there, it was more complicated. Let's recognize that we have made major progress from those days, yet we have new battles to fight as we certainly have not yet achieved racial justice. Let's face the struggles of today together, not tear each other apart. This struggle is too important not to be together.

Instead, the critique stuck. But it's more about being over the hill than anything else.
Busing was ultimately undone after white flight.
Yes, flight to political jurisdictions that had low diversity.
Busing and especially 'voluntary busing' was within specific jurisdictions, so those with mobility simply left diverse jurisdictions.
It’s a complicated issue and it was a strange time.
I just watched the first two episodes of City on a Hill...yikes!
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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2019 12:27 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 7:34 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:53 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:24 pm...he stumbled into using a 'states rights' sort of argument, which I'm quite confident he fully understands is the argument that was used (and is still being used) by the worst of the racists.
Yeah sure. Biden was making a racist states right argument. .:roll:.

https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/201 ... te-vpx.cnn
Sorry, I'm old enough to remember how vitriolic the racist response to busing was, not just in the south but in the north as well. I remember the interviews with kids in Southie Boston and wondering whether I was in Alabama, the racist epithets were so fierce. Incredibly gross.
African Americans hated it too. Paternalistic meddling.

It was indeed a traumatic time, as the status quo, which was the result of generations of racist redlining, was being upended. It was hard, it was painful, and eventually it was abandoned. With no real replacement, so we still have deeply segregated schools by and large.
So you acknowledge that Fed mandated busing was a failure. Or a "liberal train wreck" as Biden called it.

This concept of de jure segregation versus de facto ignores that while the laws of who could attend which school may have changed, the reality was that underlying segregation by neighborhood was deeply entrenched, resulting in segregated schools. The racists didn't need de jure, they were in control in other ways.

Whether busing was the best answer or not is debatable. Something was clearly necessary to break down many barriers, but the backlash ultimately won out. We don't really know what would have occurred had we stayed the course.
Stayed the course long enough to accelerate suburban sprawl.

But, yes, Joe went to this notion of 'voluntary busing' meaning the local community, however racist it might be, could decide whether to desegregate their schools in a meaningful way or not. States rights over federal. Apparently voluntary busing worked for Kamala Harris

I think that was a stumble, not that Biden actually believes in the states rights argument. But he blew it, again.

How do we break through racism?
A lot of science makes clear that getting to know one another as individuals makes an enormous difference to racial attitudes and assumptions. Kids, especially young kids, are much more open to that process. It's the parents and local communities that are the problem. Which is why busing was abandoned.
How 'bout Fed race based quotas/neighborhood for home ownership.
Why not just reassign kids to parents of a different race ?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2019 12:27 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 7:34 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:53 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:24 pm...he stumbled into using a 'states rights' sort of argument, which I'm quite confident he fully understands is the argument that was used (and is still being used) by the worst of the racists.
Yeah sure. Biden was making a racist states right argument. .:roll:.

https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/201 ... te-vpx.cnn
Sorry, I'm old enough to remember how vitriolic the racist response to busing was, not just in the south but in the north as well. I remember the interviews with kids in Southie Boston and wondering whether I was in Alabama, the racist epithets were so fierce. Incredibly gross.
African Americans hated it too. Paternalistic meddling.

It was indeed a traumatic time, as the status quo, which was the result of generations of racist redlining, was being upended. It was hard, it was painful, and eventually it was abandoned. With no real replacement, so we still have deeply segregated schools by and large.
So you acknowledge that Fed mandated busing was a failure. Or a "liberal train wreck" as Biden called it.

This concept of de jure segregation versus de facto ignores that while the laws of who could attend which school may have changed, the reality was that underlying segregation by neighborhood was deeply entrenched, resulting in segregated schools. The racists didn't need de jure, they were in control in other ways.

Whether busing was the best answer or not is debatable. Something was clearly necessary to break down many barriers, but the backlash ultimately won out. We don't really know what would have occurred had we stayed the course.
Stayed the course long enough to accelerate suburban sprawl.

But, yes, Joe went to this notion of 'voluntary busing' meaning the local community, however racist it might be, could decide whether to desegregate their schools in a meaningful way or not. States rights over federal. Apparently voluntary busing worked for Kamala Harris

I think that was a stumble, not that Biden actually believes in the states rights argument. But he blew it, again.

How do we break through racism?
A lot of science makes clear that getting to know one another as individuals makes an enormous difference to racial attitudes and assumptions. Kids, especially young kids, are much more open to that process. It's the parents and local communities that are the problem. Which is why busing was abandoned.
How 'bout Fed race based quotas/neighborhood for home ownership.
Why not just reassign kids to parents of a different race ?
Ok, got it.
You were all in for the status quo.
No matter how racist the reality, it's up the the local community to decide whether to address it or not.
States rights argument.

Same for voting rights. Same for reproductive rights.

Yes, the response to busing was white flight, didn't matter whether court ordered or 'voluntary', whites fled integration (and the underfunded schools their kids would have otherwise been attending...underfunded due to racist policies). The most racist such families fled the furthest.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2019 9:48 am
old salt wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2019 12:27 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 7:34 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:53 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:24 pm...he stumbled into using a 'states rights' sort of argument, which I'm quite confident he fully understands is the argument that was used (and is still being used) by the worst of the racists.
Yeah sure. Biden was making a racist states right argument. .:roll:.

https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/201 ... te-vpx.cnn
Sorry, I'm old enough to remember how vitriolic the racist response to busing was, not just in the south but in the north as well. I remember the interviews with kids in Southie Boston and wondering whether I was in Alabama, the racist epithets were so fierce. Incredibly gross.
African Americans hated it too. Paternalistic meddling.

It was indeed a traumatic time, as the status quo, which was the result of generations of racist redlining, was being upended. It was hard, it was painful, and eventually it was abandoned. With no real replacement, so we still have deeply segregated schools by and large.
So you acknowledge that Fed mandated busing was a failure. Or a "liberal train wreck" as Biden called it.

This concept of de jure segregation versus de facto ignores that while the laws of who could attend which school may have changed, the reality was that underlying segregation by neighborhood was deeply entrenched, resulting in segregated schools. The racists didn't need de jure, they were in control in other ways.

Whether busing was the best answer or not is debatable. Something was clearly necessary to break down many barriers, but the backlash ultimately won out. We don't really know what would have occurred had we stayed the course.
Stayed the course long enough to accelerate suburban sprawl.

But, yes, Joe went to this notion of 'voluntary busing' meaning the local community, however racist it might be, could decide whether to desegregate their schools in a meaningful way or not. States rights over federal. Apparently voluntary busing worked for Kamala Harris

I think that was a stumble, not that Biden actually believes in the states rights argument. But he blew it, again.

How do we break through racism?
A lot of science makes clear that getting to know one another as individuals makes an enormous difference to racial attitudes and assumptions. Kids, especially young kids, are much more open to that process. It's the parents and local communities that are the problem. Which is why busing was abandoned.
How 'bout Fed race based quotas/neighborhood for home ownership.
Why not just reassign kids to parents of a different race ?
Ok, got it.
You were all in for the status quo.
No matter how racist the reality, it's up the the local community to decide whether to address it or not.
States rights argument.

Same for voting rights. Same for reproductive rights.

Yes, the response to busing was white flight, didn't matter whether court ordered or 'voluntary', whites fled integration (and the underfunded schools their kids would have otherwise been attending...underfunded due to racist policies). The most racist such families fled the furthest.
Nothing wrong with a little steering and redlining. Eventually, folks will decide out of the goodness of their hearts to stop.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by Brooklyn »

right wingers give themselves a head start:


It has been proven a hundred times that the surest way to the heart of any man, black or white, honest or dishonest, is through justice and fairness.

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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by jhu72 »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:43 pm
6ftstick wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:26 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:24 pm
6ftstick wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:12 pm Wasn't Joe Biden the vice president in the first Black American Presidents administration? For both terms?

How'd that nasty racist ever wiggle into that spot.
Who is calling him a racist? Certainly not Harris, nor Booker.

I'd say he's over the hill, but certainly not a racist.

He blew the opportunity to answer the challenge. There were so many artful ways to have responded, but he stumbled into using a 'states rights' sort of argument, which I'm quite confident he fully understands is the argument that was used (and is still being used) by the worst of the racists. It was a stumble, a bumble.

It would have been so easy to have said, something like: yes, the struggle to achieve civil rights was difficult and messy, often involving compromises that, in retrospect, are easy to critique from afar. But for those of us were actually fighting the battles to achieve a more perfect union, for those of us who were there, it was more complicated. Let's recognize that we have made major progress from those days, yet we have new battles to fight as we certainly have not yet achieved racial justice. Let's face the struggles of today together, not tear each other apart. This struggle is too important not to be together.

Instead, the critique stuck. But it's more about being over the hill than anything else.
Nice spin.
Spin? I actually watched the debates, and the follow-ups.
Did you?

Look, I was rooting for Biden to do well as it certainly seems on paper that Biden would beat Trump by the widest margin. But not if he doesn't have the juice.

Right now Harris looks like someone who would mop the floor with Trump in a 1:1 debate. Booker less so, but I think he too would crush Trump 1:1.
But I still fear the soft racism of less educated white working class older voters.

I think Mayor Pete would absolutely destroy Trump in a debate environment, but I don't think he's likely to excite the African American part of the Dem base and there's real risk on the margin for the homophobes. Love to see Pete go up against Pence though. Talk about crushing an idiot.

I really don't like Warren, but she too would crush Trump in a debate in which anyone was actually listening. But she has none of the charm of those I mention above and I think charm still matters in how we vote. We want to actually like the person. Makes me nervous, plus I worry about the kinds of policies she advocates. I dunno whether she's willing to be practical or will just be ideological.

Bernie's toast IMO, thankfully. But that's largely to Warren's benefit.

So, it would be great if Biden had his mojo and could go toe to toe with Trump...but I'm not sure he has it.

Debates aren't going to matter where the POS in Chief is concerned. Every remaining democratic candidate would wipe the floor with the POS, just as HRC did. Does not and will not matter. This is going to be a turn out election and everyone who is going to turnout has pretty much already picked their side.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by Trinity »

Trump better plan on looking out at the debate audience and seeing Stormy and Karen and E. Jean and Summer Zervo. We’re gonna need bleachers to seat all of Trump’s victims.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by jhu72 »

tech37 wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 7:22 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:24 pmWho is calling him a racist? Certainly not Harris, nor Booker.
:lol: You're being kooky... you can't admit that Harris and Booker are playing the race card big time with their out-of-context attacks on Biden?!

Biden has solid AA support and these two posers will do whatever they can to cut into that support. It's quite obvious. Your latent liberalism betrays you. ;)
No they are not playing the race card. They are describing the hurt they felt as human beings. It is a race based hurt that is easily understood by anyone that wants to understand it of any race!. Racists can't be expected to understand it, they are too rapped up in their own denial and snowflake-ism. :roll: Unfortunately Booker and Harris are using it to try to score political points (its what politicians do). Their initial attempt to use it backfired. I don't think this attempt was really anymore successful. Biden's problem is age induced degraded mental acuity (pretty obvious), not Kamala Harris' or Cory Booker's playing the snowflake for everyone to see. It was a pure appeal to the youngsters in the base. No one with real life experience considers it a strong argument. That's why older AA voters consider it a BS argument, they know it is not racism, just as Booker and Harris know it is not racism. The argument is a tempest in a tea cup of irrelevance for the election. Biden's metal acuity problem which was exposed in this episode and others on Thursday night is significant.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by Typical Lax Dad »


Good article. A good friend of my wife, was the director of this program until her husband took a diplomatic post in Belgium.
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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by old salt »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2019 9:48 am
old salt wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2019 12:27 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 7:34 pm
old salt wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:53 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2019 6:24 pm...he stumbled into using a 'states rights' sort of argument, which I'm quite confident he fully understands is the argument that was used (and is still being used) by the worst of the racists.
Yeah sure. Biden was making a racist states right argument. .:roll:.

https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/201 ... te-vpx.cnn
Sorry, I'm old enough to remember how vitriolic the racist response to busing was, not just in the south but in the north as well. I remember the interviews with kids in Southie Boston and wondering whether I was in Alabama, the racist epithets were so fierce. Incredibly gross.
African Americans hated it too. Paternalistic meddling.

It was indeed a traumatic time, as the status quo, which was the result of generations of racist redlining, was being upended. It was hard, it was painful, and eventually it was abandoned. With no real replacement, so we still have deeply segregated schools by and large.
So you acknowledge that Fed mandated busing was a failure. Or a "liberal train wreck" as Biden called it.

This concept of de jure segregation versus de facto ignores that while the laws of who could attend which school may have changed, the reality was that underlying segregation by neighborhood was deeply entrenched, resulting in segregated schools. The racists didn't need de jure, they were in control in other ways.

Whether busing was the best answer or not is debatable. Something was clearly necessary to break down many barriers, but the backlash ultimately won out. We don't really know what would have occurred had we stayed the course.
Stayed the course long enough to accelerate suburban sprawl.

But, yes, Joe went to this notion of 'voluntary busing' meaning the local community, however racist it might be, could decide whether to desegregate their schools in a meaningful way or not. States rights over federal. Apparently voluntary busing worked for Kamala Harris

I think that was a stumble, not that Biden actually believes in the states rights argument. But he blew it, again.

How do we break through racism?
A lot of science makes clear that getting to know one another as individuals makes an enormous difference to racial attitudes and assumptions. Kids, especially young kids, are much more open to that process. It's the parents and local communities that are the problem. Which is why busing was abandoned.
How 'bout Fed race based quotas/neighborhood for home ownership.
Why not just reassign kids to parents of a different race ?
Ok, got it.
You were all in for the status quo.
No matter how racist the reality, it's up the the local community to decide whether to address it or not.
States rights argument.

Same for voting rights. Same for reproductive rights.

Yes, the response to busing was white flight, didn't matter whether court ordered or 'voluntary', whites fled integration (and the underfunded schools their kids would have otherwise been attending...underfunded due to racist policies). The most racist such families fled the furthest.
In this area, you can't force change unless the people involved want change.
I'm for school choice, which would include voluntary busing & charter schools for kids (& parents) who judge their local schools to be inadequate.
I'm for attracting the best teachers (& paying them more) to work in underperforming schools & in "challenging" positions.
You employ " States Rights" as a pejorative, used to limit debate & other ideas. Just another way to play the race card.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
“I wish you would!”
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Re: 2020 Elections - Off and Running

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sun Jun 30, 2019 1:47 pm :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
My reaction to Salty too.
The shame of it is that I suspect he actually believes what he's saying, at least up to the point when someone tells him he'd need to pay more taxes.
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