Sensible Gun Safety

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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 5:04 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:58 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 4:51 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:37 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 2:39 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 2:18 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 12:50 pm It becomes problematic when someone wants to dictate to another person what type of weapon they should be allowed to have for home defense. IMO an AR-15 type will get the job done. It would never be my first choice because the effective lethal range is farther than most people can see. An Ithaca deer slayer 12 gauge pump with rifled slugs is an extremely effective home defense weapon. If you have never fired a 12 gauge rifled slug your in for an eye opening experience indeed. The bottom line, much to MD lax fans chagrin, is the weapon you have trained with and are comfortable using is the correct weapon for your needs. My wife at 5 foot six and 130 pounds would be a danger to herself with a 12 gauge in her hands. I made my choice and I put a lot of thought into it.
Sorry, no one needs an AR-15 for home defense and yes any gun ownership should require adequate training on handling the specific weapon as well as responsible ownership.
What weapon someone decides on for home protection is none of your damn business. Pretty arrogant of you to want to decide that for them. The 2nd amendment gives them the right to choose whatever weapon works best for them. This may come as a shock to you but responsible, law abiding, tax paying Americans really don't need your input.
Not sure why you choose to be so exercised about this topic.

You are in the minority of Americans, indeed the minority of gun owners, who interpret the 2nd Amendment that way.

And I think we all have a right to voice our political views. No?
I don't agree that I'm in a minority about this issue. There are around 20 million AR 15 style weapons owned in America. If you want to take a poll of all of those owners I'm fairly certain the vast majority of them would disagree with what you propose. There is a difference between expressing your opinion and insisting that nobody should have a right to own them because you don't like them. Your opinion doesn't supercede the 2nd amendment as written in the constitution.
I wouldn't be surprised if a higher percentage of AR-15 owners think the 2nd Amendment means they have a right to own, carry, and use their AR-15 wherever and whenever they like, but that may be my bias about what sorts of people, on average, own such weapons in the first place. Many own multiple AR-15's apparently. Only 6% of Americans own one or more AR-15s, about 1-5 or 1-6 of gun owners.

But I said gun owners, and there's lots of polling showing that a majority of gun owners are in favor of common sense gun regulations and don't agree with an absolute right to own any weapon they want.

And gun owners only represent about a third of all American adults.
The two thirds who don't skew heavily in favor of regulating guns. Some even want no gun ownership (other end of extreme).

Again, my compromise position didn't preclude all individual ownership, it just limits where they can be stored and where they can be used. It emphasizes public safety priorities with regulated usage of weapons specifically designed for warfare.
Well 20 million AR 15 owners suggests to me they have a right to own and use their weapons. How does your " compromise " define " where they can be stored and where they can be used? If your " compromise " involves government run and regulated firing ranges that poses a deal breaker. How many ranges would be needed? How many people to staff them? How much 🤑 will it cost? Where do you find the land? You could be talking about hundreds or thousands of range facilities nationwide. The devil is always in the details, it ain't never gonna happen but keep on advocating.
First, 20 million guns doesn't mean 20 million gun owners. Some own multiple AR-15's apparently. Only 6% of American adults own them, more like 15 million and that's just 1-5 or 6 of gun owners.... and no nothing about that makes them a "right" to own.

If you bothered to read my suggestion, you'd know that I'm saying government regulated (like any other industry is regulated) with private enterprise filling the market demand. Private individuals could own and store their guns there and use them there or simply rent them for an hour or two plus range time. I'm suggesting a generous buyback program for those who wish to give them up and simply rent when they want to practice or compete, etc.

I didn't expand on this but there could also be registered and regulated couriers for these weapons between ranges as needed, not the back of a pick up truck...nothing against pick up trucks or their drivers, but these are weapons of war.
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:29 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 5:04 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:58 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 4:51 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:37 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 2:39 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 2:18 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 12:50 pm It becomes problematic when someone wants to dictate to another person what type of weapon they should be allowed to have for home defense. IMO an AR-15 type will get the job done. It would never be my first choice because the effective lethal range is farther than most people can see. An Ithaca deer slayer 12 gauge pump with rifled slugs is an extremely effective home defense weapon. If you have never fired a 12 gauge rifled slug your in for an eye opening experience indeed. The bottom line, much to MD lax fans chagrin, is the weapon you have trained with and are comfortable using is the correct weapon for your needs. My wife at 5 foot six and 130 pounds would be a danger to herself with a 12 gauge in her hands. I made my choice and I put a lot of thought into it.
Sorry, no one needs an AR-15 for home defense and yes any gun ownership should require adequate training on handling the specific weapon as well as responsible ownership.
What weapon someone decides on for home protection is none of your damn business. Pretty arrogant of you to want to decide that for them. The 2nd amendment gives them the right to choose whatever weapon works best for them. This may come as a shock to you but responsible, law abiding, tax paying Americans really don't need your input.
Not sure why you choose to be so exercised about this topic.

You are in the minority of Americans, indeed the minority of gun owners, who interpret the 2nd Amendment that way.

And I think we all have a right to voice our political views. No?
I don't agree that I'm in a minority about this issue. There are around 20 million AR 15 style weapons owned in America. If you want to take a poll of all of those owners I'm fairly certain the vast majority of them would disagree with what you propose. There is a difference between expressing your opinion and insisting that nobody should have a right to own them because you don't like them. Your opinion doesn't supercede the 2nd amendment as written in the constitution.
I wouldn't be surprised if a higher percentage of AR-15 owners think the 2nd Amendment means they have a right to own, carry, and use their AR-15 wherever and whenever they like, but that may be my bias about what sorts of people, on average, own such weapons in the first place. Many own multiple AR-15's apparently. Only 6% of Americans own one or more AR-15s, about 1-5 or 1-6 of gun owners.

But I said gun owners, and there's lots of polling showing that a majority of gun owners are in favor of common sense gun regulations and don't agree with an absolute right to own any weapon they want.

And gun owners only represent about a third of all American adults.
The two thirds who don't skew heavily in favor of regulating guns. Some even want no gun ownership (other end of extreme).

Again, my compromise position didn't preclude all individual ownership, it just limits where they can be stored and where they can be used. It emphasizes public safety priorities with regulated usage of weapons specifically designed for warfare.
Well 20 million AR 15 owners suggests to me they have a right to own and use their weapons. How does your " compromise " define " where they can be stored and where they can be used? If your " compromise " involves government run and regulated firing ranges that poses a deal breaker. How many ranges would be needed? How many people to staff them? How much 🤑 will it cost? Where do you find the land? You could be talking about hundreds or thousands of range facilities nationwide. The devil is always in the details, it ain't never gonna happen but keep on advocating.
First, 20 million guns doesn't mean 20 million gun owners. Some own multiple AR-15's apparently. Only 6% of American adults own them, more like 15 million and that's just 1-5 or 6 of gun owners.... and no nothing about that makes them a "right" to own.

If you bothered to read my suggestion, you'd know that I'm saying government regulated (like any other industry is regulated) with private enterprise filling the market demand. Private individuals could own and store their guns there and use them there or simply rent them for an hour or two plus range time. I'm suggesting a generous buyback program for those who wish to give them up and simply rent when they want to practice or compete, etc.

I didn't expand on this but there could also be registered and regulated couriers for these weapons between ranges as needed, not the back of a pick up truck...nothing against pick up trucks or their drivers, but these are weapons of war.
You just don't get it my friend. Your suggestion turns to dust in the eyes of 20 million AR 15 owners when you advocate government regulated control on rifle ranges. The vast majority of these law abiding, tax paying Americans are already suspicious and rightfully so that government regulators would like nothing better than to confiscate their weapon of choice by force if necessary. My youngest son and some of his friends have a rifle range they built on property owned by one of the lads parents. They constructed earthen berms around 6 feet tall and 6 feet thick at around 50 meters. They shoot silhouette targets. They shoot them safely, they are familiar with their rifles and they don't need a government regulated rifle range. Do you have a need for government regulators around you when you hunt for ducks? Would you even appreciate government regulators mandated to be in your duck blind?? Would you appreciate them telling what type of duck call you can use? After all, in the name of common sense duck hunters these are simply common sense protocols to protect you from yourself. Who knows, when it comes to hunting game you might have some Dick Cheney in you for all we know?
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 7:13 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:29 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 5:04 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:58 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 4:51 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Sep 02, 2024 2:37 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 2:39 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 2:18 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Sep 01, 2024 12:50 pm It becomes problematic when someone wants to dictate to another person what type of weapon they should be allowed to have for home defense. IMO an AR-15 type will get the job done. It would never be my first choice because the effective lethal range is farther than most people can see. An Ithaca deer slayer 12 gauge pump with rifled slugs is an extremely effective home defense weapon. If you have never fired a 12 gauge rifled slug your in for an eye opening experience indeed. The bottom line, much to MD lax fans chagrin, is the weapon you have trained with and are comfortable using is the correct weapon for your needs. My wife at 5 foot six and 130 pounds would be a danger to herself with a 12 gauge in her hands. I made my choice and I put a lot of thought into it.
Sorry, no one needs an AR-15 for home defense and yes any gun ownership should require adequate training on handling the specific weapon as well as responsible ownership.
What weapon someone decides on for home protection is none of your damn business. Pretty arrogant of you to want to decide that for them. The 2nd amendment gives them the right to choose whatever weapon works best for them. This may come as a shock to you but responsible, law abiding, tax paying Americans really don't need your input.
Not sure why you choose to be so exercised about this topic.

You are in the minority of Americans, indeed the minority of gun owners, who interpret the 2nd Amendment that way.

And I think we all have a right to voice our political views. No?
I don't agree that I'm in a minority about this issue. There are around 20 million AR 15 style weapons owned in America. If you want to take a poll of all of those owners I'm fairly certain the vast majority of them would disagree with what you propose. There is a difference between expressing your opinion and insisting that nobody should have a right to own them because you don't like them. Your opinion doesn't supercede the 2nd amendment as written in the constitution.
I wouldn't be surprised if a higher percentage of AR-15 owners think the 2nd Amendment means they have a right to own, carry, and use their AR-15 wherever and whenever they like, but that may be my bias about what sorts of people, on average, own such weapons in the first place. Many own multiple AR-15's apparently. Only 6% of Americans own one or more AR-15s, about 1-5 or 1-6 of gun owners.

But I said gun owners, and there's lots of polling showing that a majority of gun owners are in favor of common sense gun regulations and don't agree with an absolute right to own any weapon they want.

And gun owners only represent about a third of all American adults.
The two thirds who don't skew heavily in favor of regulating guns. Some even want no gun ownership (other end of extreme).

Again, my compromise position didn't preclude all individual ownership, it just limits where they can be stored and where they can be used. It emphasizes public safety priorities with regulated usage of weapons specifically designed for warfare.
Well 20 million AR 15 owners suggests to me they have a right to own and use their weapons. How does your " compromise " define " where they can be stored and where they can be used? If your " compromise " involves government run and regulated firing ranges that poses a deal breaker. How many ranges would be needed? How many people to staff them? How much 🤑 will it cost? Where do you find the land? You could be talking about hundreds or thousands of range facilities nationwide. The devil is always in the details, it ain't never gonna happen but keep on advocating.
First, 20 million guns doesn't mean 20 million gun owners. Some own multiple AR-15's apparently. Only 6% of American adults own them, more like 15 million and that's just 1-5 or 6 of gun owners.... and no nothing about that makes them a "right" to own.

If you bothered to read my suggestion, you'd know that I'm saying government regulated (like any other industry is regulated) with private enterprise filling the market demand. Private individuals could own and store their guns there and use them there or simply rent them for an hour or two plus range time. I'm suggesting a generous buyback program for those who wish to give them up and simply rent when they want to practice or compete, etc.

I didn't expand on this but there could also be registered and regulated couriers for these weapons between ranges as needed, not the back of a pick up truck...nothing against pick up trucks or their drivers, but these are weapons of war.
You just don't get it my friend. Your suggestion turns to dust in the eyes of 20 million AR 15 owners when you advocate government regulated control on rifle ranges. The vast majority of these law abiding, tax paying Americans are already suspicious and rightfully so that government regulators would like nothing better than to confiscate their weapon of choice by force if necessary. My youngest son and some of his friends have a rifle range they built on property owned by one of the lads parents. They constructed earthen berms around 6 feet tall and 6 feet thick at around 50 meters. They shoot silhouette targets. They shoot them safely, they are familiar with their rifles and they don't need a government regulated rifle range. Do you have a need for government regulators around you when you hunt for ducks? Would you even appreciate government regulators mandated to be in your duck blind?? Would you appreciate them telling what type of duck call you can use? After all, in the name of common sense duck hunters these are simply common sense protocols to protect you from yourself. Who knows, when it comes to hunting game you might have some Dick Cheney in you for all we know?
I need a license to hunt. I need to qualify for that license and I need to follow stringent rules for when, where, and how I hunt. I can only take a limited number of birds (I hunt wildfowl and upland game) and likewise larger game hunters have limits. We can only hunt on certain days and certain times of day. We can't hunt within certain distances of homes and roads and we can only use certain types of shells, not others, and in shotgun case, only 3 allowed with a working plug. The size of barrel and various other restrictions are enforced. Baiting in most cases is prohibited. A new hunter needs to take a gun safety course and pass gun safety tests. And yes, you can't use a recording of birds as a call, nor can you use live birds as decoys.

There are more regulations than those I have mentioned, but suffice it to say that violation is serious. I'm okay with that as it makes hunting safer for all, including those in the blind or field with them and it's important for conservation and the environment (steel vs lead shells). Some hunters' chafe about regulations just as some hunters drink while they're hunting. I don't get in a blind or field with such and I'm glad we have wardens to enforce.

I don't know whether your son's friends' range would pass muster for safety or not, but if they wished to operate a range with assault weapons there'd be nothing preventing them from seeking qualification under my suggestion.
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by WaffleTwineFaceoff »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:29 pm
First, 20 million guns doesn't mean 20 million gun owners. Some own multiple AR-15's apparently. Only 6% of American adults own them, more like 15 million and that's just 1-5 or 6 of gun owners.... and no nothing about that makes them a "right" to own.

If you bothered to read my suggestion, you'd know that I'm saying government regulated (like any other industry is regulated) with private enterprise filling the market demand. Private individuals could own and store their guns there and use them there or simply rent them for an hour or two plus range time. I'm suggesting a generous buyback program for those who wish to give them up and simply rent when they want to practice or compete, etc.

I didn't expand on this but there could also be registered and regulated couriers for these weapons between ranges as needed, not the back of a pick up truck...nothing against pick up trucks or their drivers, but these are weapons of war.
So we're really going to head off and play in the deep weeds today.

Many here have determined they get to pick and choose which part of a right of their fellow Americans they deem needs regulation, licensing, and sequestering. Confusing rights and privileges doesn't change the inherent differences between the two, especially when policy is being driven by emotion rather than statistical and practical reality. Just IMHO.

The largest study of its kind published in 2022 is the 2021 National Firearms Survey by Georgetown professor William English. Nearly 17,000 gun owners. 80+ million estimated gun owners in America. 30% - approximately 25 million - own an estimated 44 million AR family rifles. I'll take Professor English's numbers (and Reuters, Pew Research, etc.) over yours. Just last year an estimated 2.8 million new AR's entered into civilian hands in America.

Nothing about anything about nowhere about something makes any gun which does nothing and anything "a right" to own. And, no, AR's available to civilians are not "weapons of war", no matter how badly our politicians, Bloomberg, NPR, WaPo, and Everytown want to spike their narrative Kook-Aid. My first post here referenced E. Gregory Wallace's research paper on AR-15's (5.56/2.23) in terms of ballistics and lethality, and of course those conclusions are ignored or denied by researchers who hate narrative busting reality. Meanwhile, NPR publishes articles regarding liquifying organs as if the majority of other calibre's and bullet delivery systems from non-AR family rifles and handguns are incapable of delivering horrifically devastating results of injury and death in the hands of a capable and determined madman, madwoman, or mad-whateverpronoun assailant.

With all these AR's, when we look at the most recent FBI data for homicide, once again we have to ask ourselves "Why the fixation on AR's?". Less than 3% of all homicides in US year in and year out are perpetrated with ALL long guns: thus averaging less than 500 per year. So AR owners are skyrocketing. AR's themselves are skyrocketing. Yet year in and year out long gun is a tiny fraction of homicide, and AR's a fraction of that 3%. So, I ask again, why the AR fixation? The answer: follow the Kool-aid. And acknowledge the brilliant positioning of the AR as someone else coined: America's partisan political gun debate chew toy". Nothing more, nothing less, because the numbers don't lie.

More interesting tidbits from Professor English's paper: Defensive gun use reporting, of which 80-90% never result in a weapon being fired, and which underreporting or non-reporting is suspected in large numbers, are more than 1 million incidents per year. The narrative busting reality of that got the Biden administration to pressure the CDC three years ago to DELETE the reporting of DGU's in their annual reports which the CDC had done for a quarter of a century. Anybody find that to be, uh, fishy? That cause anybody to think "hmmmm"?

Meanwhile, back at the recidivist and revolving door ranch, chronic gun violence and non-law abiding gun wielders are being let off, let out, plead down, and allowed to recirculate amongst us law abiding citizens, with results like this:

Where's the outrage? These illegal gun owning and criminal gun violence perpetrators are the REAL weapons of war on the streets of America. :roll:

In a new development, the Nashville shooter (with the chilling manifesto), was treated for 22 years, starting at age 6, in the Vanderbilt Psychiatric Unit. I have proposed before a sensible "Hippa disclosure law" to make mandatory testing and prescription drug medical information available to the public, researchers, and law enforcement. Knowing the status and prevalence of powerful "black box label" psychotropic drugs in the systems of living or deceased mass public shooters is 101% sensible, right? Since there is a clear correlation in enough instances to warrant demanding that information?

Cradle: Where's your son's friend's range? I need to go there to inspect if for, like, if it works properly or not! ;)
The only freedom which deserves the name is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it. John Stuart Mill On Liberty 1859
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by cradleandshoot »

WaffleTwineFaceoff wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 10:20 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:29 pm
First, 20 million guns doesn't mean 20 million gun owners. Some own multiple AR-15's apparently. Only 6% of American adults own them, more like 15 million and that's just 1-5 or 6 of gun owners.... and no nothing about that makes them a "right" to own.

If you bothered to read my suggestion, you'd know that I'm saying government regulated (like any other industry is regulated) with private enterprise filling the market demand. Private individuals could own and store their guns there and use them there or simply rent them for an hour or two plus range time. I'm suggesting a generous buyback program for those who wish to give them up and simply rent when they want to practice or compete, etc.

I didn't expand on this but there could also be registered and regulated couriers for these weapons between ranges as needed, not the back of a pick up truck...nothing against pick up trucks or their drivers, but these are weapons of war.
So we're really going to head off and play in the deep weeds today.

Many here have determined they get to pick and choose which part of a right of their fellow Americans they deem needs regulation, licensing, and sequestering. Confusing rights and privileges doesn't change the inherent differences between the two, especially when policy is being driven by emotion rather than statistical and practical reality. Just IMHO.

The largest study of its kind published in 2022 is the 2021 National Firearms Survey by Georgetown professor William English. Nearly 17,000 gun owners. 80+ million estimated gun owners in America. 30% - approximately 25 million - own an estimated 44 million AR family rifles. I'll take Professor English's numbers (and Reuters, Pew Research, etc.) over yours. Just last year an estimated 2.8 million new AR's entered into civilian hands in America.

Nothing about anything about nowhere about something makes any gun which does nothing and anything "a right" to own. And, no, AR's available to civilians are not "weapons of war", no matter how badly our politicians, Bloomberg, NPR, WaPo, and Everytown want to spike their narrative Kook-Aid. My first post here referenced E. Gregory Wallace's research paper on AR-15's (5.56/2.23) in terms of ballistics and lethality, and of course those conclusions are ignored or denied by researchers who hate narrative busting reality. Meanwhile, NPR publishes articles regarding liquifying organs as if the majority of other calibre's and bullet delivery systems from non-AR family rifles and handguns are incapable of delivering horrifically devastating results of injury and death in the hands of a capable and determined madman, madwoman, or mad-whateverpronoun assailant.

With all these AR's, when we look at the most recent FBI data for homicide, once again we have to ask ourselves "Why the fixation on AR's?". Less than 3% of all homicides in US year in and year out are perpetrated with ALL long guns: thus averaging less than 500 per year. So AR owners are skyrocketing. AR's themselves are skyrocketing. Yet year in and year out long gun is a tiny fraction of homicide, and AR's a fraction of that 3%. So, I ask again, why the AR fixation? The answer: follow the Kool-aid. And acknowledge the brilliant positioning of the AR as someone else coined: America's partisan political gun debate chew toy". Nothing more, nothing less, because the numbers don't lie.

More interesting tidbits from Professor English's paper: Defensive gun use reporting, of which 80-90% never result in a weapon being fired, and which underreporting or non-reporting is suspected in large numbers, are more than 1 million incidents per year. The narrative busting reality of that got the Biden administration to pressure the CDC three years ago to DELETE the reporting of DGU's in their annual reports which the CDC had done for a quarter of a century. Anybody find that to be, uh, fishy? That cause anybody to think "hmmmm"?

Meanwhile, back at the recidivist and revolving door ranch, chronic gun violence and non-law abiding gun wielders are being let off, let out, plead down, and allowed to recirculate amongst us law abiding citizens, with results like this:

Where's the outrage? These illegal gun owning and criminal gun violence perpetrators are the REAL weapons of war on the streets of America. :roll:

In a new development, the Nashville shooter (with the chilling manifesto), was treated for 22 years, starting at age 6, in the Vanderbilt Psychiatric Unit. I have proposed before a sensible "Hippa disclosure law" to make mandatory testing and prescription drug medical information available to the public, researchers, and law enforcement. Knowing the status and prevalence of powerful "black box label" psychotropic drugs in the systems of living or deceased mass public shooters is 101% sensible, right? Since there is a clear correlation in enough instances to warrant demanding that information?

Cradle: Where's your son's friend's range? I need to go there to inspect if for, like, if it works properly or not! ;)
It is in the town of Walworth NY. It's something they put together on land his parents own.
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by Typical Lax Dad » ... igh-school

Red blooded American had a right to that weapon. It’s not his fault the others weren’t packing
“I wish you would!”
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

WaffleTwineFaceoff wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 10:20 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue Sep 03, 2024 9:29 pm
First, 20 million guns doesn't mean 20 million gun owners. Some own multiple AR-15's apparently. Only 6% of American adults own them, more like 15 million and that's just 1-5 or 6 of gun owners.... and no nothing about that makes them a "right" to own.

If you bothered to read my suggestion, you'd know that I'm saying government regulated (like any other industry is regulated) with private enterprise filling the market demand. Private individuals could own and store their guns there and use them there or simply rent them for an hour or two plus range time. I'm suggesting a generous buyback program for those who wish to give them up and simply rent when they want to practice or compete, etc.

I didn't expand on this but there could also be registered and regulated couriers for these weapons between ranges as needed, not the back of a pick up truck...nothing against pick up trucks or their drivers, but these are weapons of war.
So we're really going to head off and play in the deep weeds today.

Many here have determined they get to pick and choose which part of a right of their fellow Americans they deem needs regulation, licensing, and sequestering. Confusing rights and privileges doesn't change the inherent differences between the two, especially when policy is being driven by emotion rather than statistical and practical reality. Just IMHO.

The largest study of its kind published in 2022 is the 2021 National Firearms Survey by Georgetown professor William English. Nearly 17,000 gun owners. 80+ million estimated gun owners in America. 30% - approximately 25 million - own an estimated 44 million AR family rifles. I'll take Professor English's numbers (and Reuters, Pew Research, etc.) over yours. Just last year an estimated 2.8 million new AR's entered into civilian hands in America.

Nothing about anything about nowhere about something makes any gun which does nothing and anything "a right" to own. And, no, AR's available to civilians are not "weapons of war", no matter how badly our politicians, Bloomberg, NPR, WaPo, and Everytown want to spike their narrative Kook-Aid. My first post here referenced E. Gregory Wallace's research paper on AR-15's (5.56/2.23) in terms of ballistics and lethality, and of course those conclusions are ignored or denied by researchers who hate narrative busting reality. Meanwhile, NPR publishes articles regarding liquifying organs as if the majority of other calibre's and bullet delivery systems from non-AR family rifles and handguns are incapable of delivering horrifically devastating results of injury and death in the hands of a capable and determined madman, madwoman, or mad-whateverpronoun assailant.

With all these AR's, when we look at the most recent FBI data for homicide, once again we have to ask ourselves "Why the fixation on AR's?". Less than 3% of all homicides in US year in and year out are perpetrated with ALL long guns: thus averaging less than 500 per year. So AR owners are skyrocketing. AR's themselves are skyrocketing. Yet year in and year out long gun is a tiny fraction of homicide, and AR's a fraction of that 3%. So, I ask again, why the AR fixation? The answer: follow the Kool-aid. And acknowledge the brilliant positioning of the AR as someone else coined: America's partisan political gun debate chew toy". Nothing more, nothing less, because the numbers don't lie.

More interesting tidbits from Professor English's paper: Defensive gun use reporting, of which 80-90% never result in a weapon being fired, and which underreporting or non-reporting is suspected in large numbers, are more than 1 million incidents per year. The narrative busting reality of that got the Biden administration to pressure the CDC three years ago to DELETE the reporting of DGU's in their annual reports which the CDC had done for a quarter of a century. Anybody find that to be, uh, fishy? That cause anybody to think "hmmmm"?

Meanwhile, back at the recidivist and revolving door ranch, chronic gun violence and non-law abiding gun wielders are being let off, let out, plead down, and allowed to recirculate amongst us law abiding citizens, with results like this:

Where's the outrage? These illegal gun owning and criminal gun violence perpetrators are the REAL weapons of war on the streets of America. :roll:

In a new development, the Nashville shooter (with the chilling manifesto), was treated for 22 years, starting at age 6, in the Vanderbilt Psychiatric Unit. I have proposed before a sensible "Hippa disclosure law" to make mandatory testing and prescription drug medical information available to the public, researchers, and law enforcement. Knowing the status and prevalence of powerful "black box label" psychotropic drugs in the systems of living or deceased mass public shooters is 101% sensible, right? Since there is a clear correlation in enough instances to warrant demanding that information?

Cradle: Where's your son's friend's range? I need to go there to inspect if for, like, if it works properly or not! ;)
Again, it ain't an absolute right. Just like my shotguns, I deal with regulations.
I'm ok with AR-15 owners dealing with regulations.

The prevalence of guns that are not well regulated is a major issue. I needn't explain why.

The rest of your post is filled with 'squirrels' as no one on here has suggested that AR-15 regulations are sufficient to address the scourge of all too easy gun ownership and mis-use, gun violence of all kinds. No one is suggesting a single solution to be a panacea.

However, we are rejecting the notion that guns can't be regulated.
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by Kismet »

14YO student kills 4 people (2 students and 2 teachers) and injures 9 additional people at a GA High school. Nothing to see here - move along - oh let's not forget thoughts & prayers. :oops:

I cannot wait for the platitudes about 2A and firearms regulation to explain this one. :oops: :oops:
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by cradleandshoot »

Kismet wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:07 pm 14YO student kills 4 people (2 students and 2 teachers) and injures 9 additional people at a GA High school. Nothing to see here - move along - oh let's not forget thoughts & prayers. :oops:

I cannot wait for the platitudes about 2A and firearms regulation to explain this one. :oops: :oops:
Right up there with all the children being shot dead every night in urban cities. Funny how almost all of those murders involve ILLEGAL WEAPONS in the hands of young criminals. Funny how 2nd amendment folks are against that. No law abiding tax paying American citizen wants anyone possessing a weapon illegally. How many murders again in Chicago every weekend?
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:48 pm
Kismet wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:07 pm 14YO student kills 4 people (2 students and 2 teachers) and injures 9 additional people at a GA High school. Nothing to see here - move along - oh let's not forget thoughts & prayers. :oops:

I cannot wait for the platitudes about 2A and firearms regulation to explain this one. :y: :oops:
Right up there with all the children being shot dead every night in urban cities. Funny how almost all of those murders involve ILLEGAL WEAPONS in the hands of young criminals. Funny how 2nd amendment folks are against that. No law abiding tax paying American citizen wants anyone possessing a weapon illegally. How many murders again in Chicago every weekend?
No solutions forthcoming from Rs on that front either, unsurprisingly.

Of course plenty of cities in red states have higher gun crime rates, but you don't seem to care about those either.
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:54 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:48 pm
Kismet wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:07 pm 14YO student kills 4 people (2 students and 2 teachers) and injures 9 additional people at a GA High school. Nothing to see here - move along - oh let's not forget thoughts & prayers. :oops:

I cannot wait for the platitudes about 2A and firearms regulation to explain this one. :y: :oops:
Right up there with all the children being shot dead every night in urban cities. Funny how almost all of those murders involve ILLEGAL WEAPONS in the hands of young criminals. Funny how 2nd amendment folks are against that. No law abiding tax paying American citizen wants anyone possessing a weapon illegally. How many murders again in Chicago every weekend?
No solutions forthcoming from Rs on that front either, unsurprisingly.

Of course plenty of cities in red states have higher gun crime rates, but you don't seem to care about those either.
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by PizzaSnake »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 6:49 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:54 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:48 pm
Kismet wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:07 pm 14YO student kills 4 people (2 students and 2 teachers) and injures 9 additional people at a GA High school. Nothing to see here - move along - oh let's not forget thoughts & prayers. :oops:

I cannot wait for the platitudes about 2A and firearms regulation to explain this one. :y: :oops:
Right up there with all the children being shot dead every night in urban cities. Funny how almost all of those murders involve ILLEGAL WEAPONS in the hands of young criminals. Funny how 2nd amendment folks are against that. No law abiding tax paying American citizen wants anyone possessing a weapon illegally. How many murders again in Chicago every weekend?
No solutions forthcoming from Rs on that front either, unsurprisingly.

Of course plenty of cities in red states have higher gun crime rates, but you don't seem to care about those either.
Yes there is… the wall.
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by Kismet »

"According to a joint statement from FBI Atlanta and the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office, today's 14-year-old shooter was questioned by law enforcement last year, when he was 13, regarding “several anonymous tips about online threats to commit a school shooting at an unidentified location and time." He denied making them. His dad was also interviewed and told officials then that he had hunting guns in the house, but the "subject did not have unsupervised access to them."

Weapon reportedly an AR style long gun - wonder how that weapon made it into school? Likely folding stock into a backpack. We'll know soon enough.

Interestingly, moved and changed schools after that incident/inquiry. New school not notified by old school about the investigation. Dad likely considers AR-15 a hunting rifle. If the alleged shooter had access dear ol dad should be in the same cell with his kid

Dad has been charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children - punishable up to 180 years in the slammer.

Mom has been charged with six alleged offenses to warrant her arrest on November 6, 2023. Gray is accused of using a glass pipe for narcotics, possessing hydrochloride, fentanyl, and meth, and concealing the identity of a vehicle.
Last edited by Kismet on Fri Sep 06, 2024 9:51 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by cradleandshoot »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:54 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:48 pm
Kismet wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:07 pm 14YO student kills 4 people (2 students and 2 teachers) and injures 9 additional people at a GA High school. Nothing to see here - move along - oh let's not forget thoughts & prayers. :oops:

I cannot wait for the platitudes about 2A and firearms regulation to explain this one. :y: :oops:
Right up there with all the children being shot dead every night in urban cities. Funny how almost all of those murders involve ILLEGAL WEAPONS in the hands of young criminals. Funny how 2nd amendment folks are against that. No law abiding tax paying American citizen wants anyone possessing a weapon illegally. How many murders again in Chicago every weekend?
No solutions forthcoming from Rs on that front either, unsurprisingly.

Of course plenty of cities in red states have higher gun crime rates, but you don't seem to care about those either.
There are no solutions being put forth by either party. There is one thing for certain, both parties don't want to swat that hornets nest about what it would take to get a grip on the scourge of illegal weapons in this country. Maybe the MD lax approach should be considered. All illegal weapons should only be used on government run and regulated handgun ranges. Going one step further you will be required to store your illegal handgun at the same government run and regulated range. There you go, problem solved with illegal handguns. How easy was that? :roll:
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 7:47 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:54 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:48 pm
Kismet wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:07 pm 14YO student kills 4 people (2 students and 2 teachers) and injures 9 additional people at a GA High school. Nothing to see here - move along - oh let's not forget thoughts & prayers. :oops:

I cannot wait for the platitudes about 2A and firearms regulation to explain this one. :y: :oops:
Right up there with all the children being shot dead every night in urban cities. Funny how almost all of those murders involve ILLEGAL WEAPONS in the hands of young criminals. Funny how 2nd amendment folks are against that. No law abiding tax paying American citizen wants anyone possessing a weapon illegally. How many murders again in Chicago every weekend?
No solutions forthcoming from Rs on that front either, unsurprisingly.

Of course plenty of cities in red states have higher gun crime rates, but you don't seem to care about those either.
There are no solutions being put forth by either party. There is one thing for certain, both parties don't want to swat that hornets nest about what it would take to get a grip on the scourge of illegal weapons in this country. Maybe the MD lax approach should be considered. All illegal weapons should only be used on government run and regulated handgun ranges. Going one step further you will be required to store your illegal handgun at the same government run and regulated range. There you go, problem solved with illegal handguns. How easy was that? :roll:
You're not paying attention if you think no solutions are being put forth, imperfect as many of them are. But keep your head in the sand. You don't even want to learn why tens of thousands of law enforcement guns are in the hands of criminals.

I guess I'll say that R's are putting forth some solutions, like arming teachers and more cops. Which obviously doesn't solve the problem before it happens, it merely reacts to it.
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by a fan »

How bad is it in America that this student was a locked door from getting mowed down....and from her tone, you can tell that Americans students now EXPECT this to happen at some point in their K-12 career. This isn't a shock to this student...this is America. ... ead-digvid
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by OCanada »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 9:44 am
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 7:47 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:54 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:48 pm
Kismet wrote: Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:07 pm 14YO student kills 4 people (2 students and 2 teachers) and injures 9 additional people at a GA High school. Nothing to see here - move along - oh let's not forget thoughts & prayers. :oops:

I cannot wait for the platitudes about 2A and firearms regulation to explain this one. :y: :oops:
Right up there with all the children being shot dead every night in urban cities. Funny how almost all of those murders involve ILLEGAL WEAPONS in the hands of young criminals. Funny how 2nd amendment folks are against that. No law abiding tax paying American citizen wants anyone possessing a weapon illegally. How many murders again in Chicago every weekend?
No solutions forthcoming from Rs on that front either, unsurprisingly.

Of course plenty of cities in red states have higher gun crime rates, but you don't seem to care about those either.
There are no solutions being put forth by either party. There is one thing for certain, both parties don't want to swat that hornets nest about what it would take to get a grip on the scourge of illegal weapons in this country. Maybe the MD lax approach should be considered. All illegal weapons should only be used on government run and regulated handgun ranges. Going one step further you will be required to store your illegal handgun at the same government run and regulated range. There you go, problem solved with illegal handguns. How easy was that? :roll:
You're not paying attention if you think no solutions are being put forth, imperfect as many of them are. But keep your head in the sand. You don't even want to learn why tens of thousands of law enforcement guns are in the hands of criminals.

I guess I'll say that R's are putting forth some solutions, like arming teachers and more cops. Which obviously doesn't solve the problem before it happens, it merely reacts to it.
Arming teachers is a bad solution butvtgen that is what the GOP does. The vsst majority of teachers smdon’t want it.

The GA kids parents should be charged. Parents bring charged should be at great risk if convicted. Huge fines and long senntences.
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by PizzaSnake »

a fan wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 10:30 am How bad is it in America that this student was a locked door from getting mowed down....and from her tone, you can tell that Americans students now EXPECT this to happen at some point in their K-12 career. This isn't a shock to this student...this is America. ... ead-digvid
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by Kismet »

Dear old dad - after getting a visit from local police about his son making threats to shoot up a school online told investigators that his firearms in the home was not accessible to his kid. Kid denies online Discord account isn't him.
Dad then goes out and purchases the assault rifle used in the murders as a Christmas gift for same kid.....and then moves to an adjacent county.

He should be in jail along with his kid.

Incredible. 2A my aazz :oops:
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Sensible Gun Safety

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Kismet wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2024 6:44 pm Dear old dad - after getting a visit from local police about his son making threats to shoot up a school online told investigators that his firearms in the home was not accessible to his kid. Kid denies online Discord account isn't him.
Dad then goes out and purchases the assault rifle used in the murders as a Christmas gift for same kid.....and then moves to an adjacent county.

He should be in jail along with his kid.

Incredible. 2A my aazz :oops:
He and his son has a right to those weapons. Better security is the problem. Just ask W.T.F and C&S and people like them.
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