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Re: 2024

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

kramerica.inc wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:19 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:01 am Kramer back to his old self…

>> Kamela is the future for democracy, as long as we ignore that we didn't get a chance to elect her in a true primary as our party's nominee.

Kamela will fix all our problems, as long as we ignore that she has overseen those issues and has held office and the ability to act and fix those issues, for the past 3.5 years. <<

First VP in the history of the USA that is responsible for solving America’s problems….I hope she wins so we can get the make fun of the black lady routine.
Yes. I've acknowledged that she's not responsible for solving problems.

You explained it well. Repeatedly.

Now I'm giving you a chance to show us that she was competent at executing the job functions YOU pointed out she IS responsible for.

Please, tell us what policies of the Biden Admin YOU think she has done a particularly good job drafting, speaking and advising on?

We know you don't care, but surely you can shine that flashlight of wisdom on us (with little brains) just a little more? Please?
Reproductive rights.
Medicare negotiation on drug prices

Unless they decide to explicitly tell us, we don't, and shouldn't, know what policies she has advised on, agreed with or disagreed with, her boss. Whether on the margin, strongly, or all-in together, it is and should be a quiet behind the scenes matter.

The VP role is and should be, and nearly always is, very behind the scenes. Very rarely is the VP given ANY authority at all, Dick Cheney is the only VP I can recall who actually asserted some degree of authority beyond just speaking for the President on his behalf. Even HW, the most experienced VP in modern history, was very behind the scenes with Reagan.

The two above matters is what they decided to tell us explicitly she's had a key role in addressing.

We also have recently been told that she personally played a pivotal role in the very complicated multi-nation prisoner swap, a process that took years to achieve. But obviously she was just one person in a series of key moves, primarily orchestrated by Biden with Blinken through the State Dept.

We know as well that she was given an assignment to meet with various parties in Central and South America to find ways to improve their governance and prosperity to slow the tide of migrants...and we're told that where those efforts were targeted, there was actual positive impact in those specific countries. And net migration declined from those countries. She was never tasked with border security. We have no idea what her counsel, if any, was in that area, but we do know that the Biden Admin decided to take a more humane approach to actual migrants, while maintaining some return to Mexico policies instituted under Covid but later overturned by the courts. We also know that Biden himself wanted a legislative solution not an executive order solution and was very reluctant to do the latter...we don't know what she advised, but my hunch would be that she agreed with that approach.

We don't know what she advised re Afghanistan or Ukraine, though we have heard her talk specifically about supporting Ukraine and a general philosophy of standing for freedom from aggression. She's certainly come across as highly supportive of that aid.

We also don't know whether she played a preeminent role in specific Covid response policies, though it's certainly clear that she was all-in with things like the child tax credit. She spoke on that several times. Did she have advice re the various financial rescue programs and their implementation? We don't know. If I had to guess, she'd have been among those expressing concern about fraud and abuse, given her prosecutorial background. We also don't know what here views were, if any different, on the infrastructure and Chips acts, or burn pits, etc, but we can assume she was on board with those as well. She certainly isn't running away from any of those and Biden is giving her credit for being involved.

The Campaign now is an opportunity for her to define what she sees as priorities going forward.

One signal as to "competence", as I've previously pointed out, is how remarkably well run this Campaign launch has been, the clarity of fresh messaging and the pure excellence of execution at every turn, with adjustments on the fly being seamless with the overall message. Impressive.

That said, should we expect perfection? Should we expect no mistakes, no stumbles? Of course not.

But the contrast with the ineptitude, darkness, and flat stupidity of where MAGA and Trump have taken the GOP is staggering.
Last edited by MDlaxfan76 on Wed Aug 21, 2024 11:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: 2024

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:53 am
kramerica.inc wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:19 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:01 am Kramer back to his old self…

>> Kamela is the future for democracy, as long as we ignore that we didn't get a chance to elect her in a true primary as our party's nominee.

Kamela will fix all our problems, as long as we ignore that she has overseen those issues and has held office and the ability to act and fix those issues, for the past 3.5 years. <<

First VP in the history of the USA that is responsible for solving America’s problems….I hope she wins so we can get the make fun of the black lady routine.
Yes. I've acknowledged that she's not responsible for solving problems.

You explained it well. Repeatedly.

Now I'm giving you a chance to show us that she was competent at executing the job functions YOU pointed out she IS responsible for.

Please, tell us what policies of the Biden Admin YOU think she has done a particularly good job drafting, speaking and advising on?

We know you don't care, but surely you can shine that flashlight of wisdom on us (with little brains) just a little more? Please?
Reproductive rights.
Medicare negation on drug prices

Unless they decide to explicitly tell us, we don't, and shouldn't, know what policies she has advised on, agreed with or disagreed with, her boss. Whether on the margin, strongly, or all-in together, it is and should be a quiet behind the scenes matter.

The VP role is and should be, and nearly always is, very behind the scenes. Very rarely is the VP given ANY authority at all, Dick Cheney is the only VP I can recall who actually asserted some degree of authority beyond just speaking for the President on his behalf. Even HW, the most experienced VP in modern history, was very behind the scenes with Reagan.

The two above matters is what they decided to tell us explicitly she's had a key role in addressing.

We also have recently been told that she personally played a pivotal role in the very complicated multi-nation prisoner swap, a process that took years to achieve. But obviously she was just one person in a series of key moves, primarily orchestrated by Biden with Blinken through the State Dept.

We know as well that she was given an assignment to meet with various parties in Central and South America to find ways to improve their governance and prosperity to slow the tide of migrants...and we're told that where those efforts were targeted, there was actual positive impact in those specific countries. She was never tasked with border security. We have no idea what her counsel, if any, was in that area, but we do know that the Biden Admin decided to take a more humane approach to actual migrants, while maintaining some return to Mexico policies instituted under Covid but later overturned by the courts. We also know that Biden himself wanted a legislative solution not an executive order solution and was very reluctant to do the latter...we don't know what she advised, but my hunch would be that she agreed with that approach.

We don't know what she advised re Afghanistan or Ukraine, though we have heard her talk specifically about supporting Ukraine and a general philosophy of standing for freedom from aggression. She's certainly come across as highly supportive of that aid.

We also don't know whether she played a preeminent role in specific Covid response policies, though it's certainly clear that she was all-in with things like the child tax credit. She spoke on that several times. Did she have advice re the various financial rescue programs and their implementation? We don't know. If I had to guess, she'd have been among those expressing concern about fraud and abuse, given her prosecutorial background. We also don't know what here views were, if any different, on the infrastructure and Chips acts, or burn pits, etc, but we can assume she was on board with those as well. She certainly isn't running away from any of those and Biden is giving her credit for being involved.

The Campaign now is an opportunity for her to define what she sees as priorities going forward.

One signal as to "competence", as I've previously pointed out, is how remarkably well run this Campaign launch has been, the clarity of fresh messaging and the pure excellence of execution at every turn, with adjustments on the fly being seamless with the overall message. Impressive.

That said, should we expect perfection? Should we expect no mistakes, no stumbles? Of course not.

But the contrast with the ineptitude, darkness, and flat stupidity of where MAGA and Trump have taken the GOP is staggering.
The guy purposely misspells her name and wants to be taken seriously. He doesn’t care what she has done….otherwise he would have done his own research instead of asking me. He wants to blame her for what hasn’t been done. Trump was bad at his job, he still receives Kramer’s support.
“I wish you would!”
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Re: 2024

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Thoughts about last night's speeches?
The Milwaukee rally simulcasted?
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Re: 2024

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

One very short speech by Trump's former press secretary, a self described prior 'true believer', who was the first Trump official to resign on Jan 6.

Our Trump MAGA leaners should listen.


Also should listen to two others in similar vein.

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Re: 2024

Post by a fan »

a fan wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2024 8:18 pm
kramerica.inc wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2024 2:50 pm
a fan wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2024 2:09 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2024 1:48 pm
kramerica.inc wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2024 1:07 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2024 12:41 pm
kramerica.inc wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2024 12:27 pm The spin has already begun. Less than 12 hrs later.

The tributes to Biden were heartfelt. Of course. All those "We Heart Joe!" signs surely make up for how they showed him the door. It was doubly nice of Nancy Pelosi to lead those cheers.

Kamela is the future for democracy, as long as we ignore that we didn't get a chance to elect her in a true primary as our party's nominee.

Kamela will fix all our problems, as long as we ignore that she has overseen those issues and has held office and the ability to act and fix those issues, for the past 3.5 years.

If I'm looking for a positive from last night- I guess it was nice of Ashley to give her father's eulogy and let her know how she feels about him, while he's still with us. Seems like she is over all those issues she mentioned in her diary.
Don’t recall you mentioning what Mike Pence oversaw as Veep.
So was Kamala involved the past 3 years- Does she have any executive branch experience?
Or was she not involved, and had no part in the current problems?
Was she Immigration Czar or not?
List the issues that she “oversaw”.

1. Immigration Czar

https://www.threads.net/@roktgurl/post/ ... T9BuAIm4ww

She did her part. Republicans and Trump let her down.
Yep. She's put herself in as in charge of the border. So sure, you can throw stones at her for things not going well there.


Biden had a fully formed bill in Jan of 2021, ready for the House to get to work on it. They did NOTHING.

Then, just this year, R's and D's got together for a bill that would have pumped badly needed money into our border patrol, the courts, detainment infrastructure, and on and on.

Who killed that Bill, Kram?
Who voted to kill the bill or who in implementation killed the bill?

Trumps policies had border encounters down. Biden killed those policies because, well...no other reason than- Trump made them.
So Biden gets hit with new immigrants ... but not the young, working males. His short-sighted policies only allow those seeking asylum. So sure enough, that's what he gets. But now he needs to address each asylum encounter individually. He gets backlogged even more. Then, to give relief, lets 10s of thousands more through, each mos, unchecked via his parole authority.

Ok...so then Biden helped facilitate a bi partisan bill. What does he attach it to? The D's biggest pork project.

So YOU can say republicans killed it. Voted against it. That is accurate.

But I'd say the Democrats and Biden had no intention on passing it - unless they got their way with Ukraine.

So the democrats resorted to their favorite Plan B- blaming Trump and Republicans.

Smart play for the Ds. But the talking point that "republican's killed it because Trump said so," isn't 100% accurate.
Ya got it backwards: the "this is Ukraine pork" was cover for the Republicans to run away.

Kram.....you do know that they passed a nearly identical Aid Bill to Ukraine just months later, yes? Soooo....how did that happen if that bill was "Bad".

Trump killed the immigration bill....and come on, he TOLD you he killed the bill. Full stop. Which is why it hasn't been reintroduced.
Soooo....that's it, Kram? I refute your claim....follow with a question of my own, and you move on?
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Re: 2024

Post by cradleandshoot »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:53 am
kramerica.inc wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:19 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:01 am Kramer back to his old self…

>> Kamela is the future for democracy, as long as we ignore that we didn't get a chance to elect her in a true primary as our party's nominee.

Kamela will fix all our problems, as long as we ignore that she has overseen those issues and has held office and the ability to act and fix those issues, for the past 3.5 years. <<

First VP in the history of the USA that is responsible for solving America’s problems….I hope she wins so we can get the make fun of the black lady routine.
Yes. I've acknowledged that she's not responsible for solving problems.

You explained it well. Repeatedly.

Now I'm giving you a chance to show us that she was competent at executing the job functions YOU pointed out she IS responsible for.

Please, tell us what policies of the Biden Admin YOU think she has done a particularly good job drafting, speaking and advising on?

We know you don't care, but surely you can shine that flashlight of wisdom on us (with little brains) just a little more? Please?
Reproductive rights.
Medicare negotiation on drug prices

Unless they decide to explicitly tell us, we don't, and shouldn't, know what policies she has advised on, agreed with or disagreed with, her boss. Whether on the margin, strongly, or all-in together, it is and should be a quiet behind the scenes matter.

The VP role is and should be, and nearly always is, very behind the scenes. Very rarely is the VP given ANY authority at all, Dick Cheney is the only VP I can recall who actually asserted some degree of authority beyond just speaking for the President on his behalf. Even HW, the most experienced VP in modern history, was very behind the scenes with Reagan.

The two above matters is what they decided to tell us explicitly she's had a key role in addressing.

We also have recently been told that she personally played a pivotal role in the very complicated multi-nation prisoner swap, a process that took years to achieve. But obviously she was just one person in a series of key moves, primarily orchestrated by Biden with Blinken through the State Dept.

We know as well that she was given an assignment to meet with various parties in Central and South America to find ways to improve their governance and prosperity to slow the tide of migrants...and we're told that where those efforts were targeted, there was actual positive impact in those specific countries. And net migration declined from those countries. She was never tasked with border security. We have no idea what her counsel, if any, was in that area, but we do know that the Biden Admin decided to take a more humane approach to actual migrants, while maintaining some return to Mexico policies instituted under Covid but later overturned by the courts. We also know that Biden himself wanted a legislative solution not an executive order solution and was very reluctant to do the latter...we don't know what she advised, but my hunch would be that she agreed with that approach.

We don't know what she advised re Afghanistan or Ukraine, though we have heard her talk specifically about supporting Ukraine and a general philosophy of standing for freedom from aggression. She's certainly come across as highly supportive of that aid.

We also don't know whether she played a preeminent role in specific Covid response policies, though it's certainly clear that she was all-in with things like the child tax credit. She spoke on that several times. Did she have advice re the various financial rescue programs and their implementation? We don't know. If I had to guess, she'd have been among those expressing concern about fraud and abuse, given her prosecutorial background. We also don't know what here views were, if any different, on the infrastructure and Chips acts, or burn pits, etc, but we can assume she was on board with those as well. She certainly isn't running away from any of those and Biden is giving her credit for being involved.

The Campaign now is an opportunity for her to define what she sees as priorities going forward.

One signal as to "competence", as I've previously pointed out, is how remarkably well run this Campaign launch has been, the clarity of fresh messaging and the pure excellence of execution at every turn, with adjustments on the fly being seamless with the overall message. Impressive.

That said, should we expect perfection? Should we expect no mistakes, no stumbles? Of course not.

But the contrast with the ineptitude, darkness, and flat stupidity of where MAGA and Trump have taken the GOP is staggering.
You are doing a remarkable job of having Kamala's 6 on her epic failure at the southern border. That comes as no surprise that on this forum the usual suspects are making excuses for her failure. I've seen the video where some guy named Biden handed her the responsibility. Maybe Joe has plausible deniability because he wasn't specific enough. :roll:
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
Bob Ross:
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Re: 2024

Post by a fan »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 11:05 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:53 am
kramerica.inc wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:19 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:01 am Kramer back to his old self…

>> Kamela is the future for democracy, as long as we ignore that we didn't get a chance to elect her in a true primary as our party's nominee.

Kamela will fix all our problems, as long as we ignore that she has overseen those issues and has held office and the ability to act and fix those issues, for the past 3.5 years. <<

First VP in the history of the USA that is responsible for solving America’s problems….I hope she wins so we can get the make fun of the black lady routine.
Yes. I've acknowledged that she's not responsible for solving problems.

You explained it well. Repeatedly.

Now I'm giving you a chance to show us that she was competent at executing the job functions YOU pointed out she IS responsible for.

Please, tell us what policies of the Biden Admin YOU think she has done a particularly good job drafting, speaking and advising on?

We know you don't care, but surely you can shine that flashlight of wisdom on us (with little brains) just a little more? Please?
Reproductive rights.
Medicare negation on drug prices

Unless they decide to explicitly tell us, we don't, and shouldn't, know what policies she has advised on, agreed with or disagreed with, her boss. Whether on the margin, strongly, or all-in together, it is and should be a quiet behind the scenes matter.

The VP role is and should be, and nearly always is, very behind the scenes. Very rarely is the VP given ANY authority at all, Dick Cheney is the only VP I can recall who actually asserted some degree of authority beyond just speaking for the President on his behalf. Even HW, the most experienced VP in modern history, was very behind the scenes with Reagan.

The two above matters is what they decided to tell us explicitly she's had a key role in addressing.

We also have recently been told that she personally played a pivotal role in the very complicated multi-nation prisoner swap, a process that took years to achieve. But obviously she was just one person in a series of key moves, primarily orchestrated by Biden with Blinken through the State Dept.

We know as well that she was given an assignment to meet with various parties in Central and South America to find ways to improve their governance and prosperity to slow the tide of migrants...and we're told that where those efforts were targeted, there was actual positive impact in those specific countries. She was never tasked with border security. We have no idea what her counsel, if any, was in that area, but we do know that the Biden Admin decided to take a more humane approach to actual migrants, while maintaining some return to Mexico policies instituted under Covid but later overturned by the courts. We also know that Biden himself wanted a legislative solution not an executive order solution and was very reluctant to do the latter...we don't know what she advised, but my hunch would be that she agreed with that approach.

We don't know what she advised re Afghanistan or Ukraine, though we have heard her talk specifically about supporting Ukraine and a general philosophy of standing for freedom from aggression. She's certainly come across as highly supportive of that aid.

We also don't know whether she played a preeminent role in specific Covid response policies, though it's certainly clear that she was all-in with things like the child tax credit. She spoke on that several times. Did she have advice re the various financial rescue programs and their implementation? We don't know. If I had to guess, she'd have been among those expressing concern about fraud and abuse, given her prosecutorial background. We also don't know what here views were, if any different, on the infrastructure and Chips acts, or burn pits, etc, but we can assume she was on board with those as well. She certainly isn't running away from any of those and Biden is giving her credit for being involved.

The Campaign now is an opportunity for her to define what she sees as priorities going forward.

One signal as to "competence", as I've previously pointed out, is how remarkably well run this Campaign launch has been, the clarity of fresh messaging and the pure excellence of execution at every turn, with adjustments on the fly being seamless with the overall message. Impressive.

That said, should we expect perfection? Should we expect no mistakes, no stumbles? Of course not.

But the contrast with the ineptitude, darkness, and flat stupidity of where MAGA and Trump have taken the GOP is staggering.
The guy purposely misspells her name and wants to be taken seriously. He doesn’t care what she has done….otherwise he would have done his own research instead of asking me. He wants to blame her for what hasn’t been done. Trump was bad at his job, he still receives Kramer’s support.
To answer Kram's direct question: infrastructure. Kamala had a say in the bill, stumped for it, and then went out telling folks what the bill did.

The infrastructure bill was a HUGE deal, especially for flyover America: the very Voters Trump claims to serve.

So there you go. You going to credit her for that? Trump couldn't get one done. Which is just......absurd.
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Re: 2024

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 11:58 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:53 am
kramerica.inc wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:19 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:01 am Kramer back to his old self…

>> Kamela is the future for democracy, as long as we ignore that we didn't get a chance to elect her in a true primary as our party's nominee.

Kamela will fix all our problems, as long as we ignore that she has overseen those issues and has held office and the ability to act and fix those issues, for the past 3.5 years. <<

First VP in the history of the USA that is responsible for solving America’s problems….I hope she wins so we can get the make fun of the black lady routine.
Yes. I've acknowledged that she's not responsible for solving problems.

You explained it well. Repeatedly.

Now I'm giving you a chance to show us that she was competent at executing the job functions YOU pointed out she IS responsible for.

Please, tell us what policies of the Biden Admin YOU think she has done a particularly good job drafting, speaking and advising on?

We know you don't care, but surely you can shine that flashlight of wisdom on us (with little brains) just a little more? Please?
Reproductive rights.
Medicare negotiation on drug prices

Unless they decide to explicitly tell us, we don't, and shouldn't, know what policies she has advised on, agreed with or disagreed with, her boss. Whether on the margin, strongly, or all-in together, it is and should be a quiet behind the scenes matter.

The VP role is and should be, and nearly always is, very behind the scenes. Very rarely is the VP given ANY authority at all, Dick Cheney is the only VP I can recall who actually asserted some degree of authority beyond just speaking for the President on his behalf. Even HW, the most experienced VP in modern history, was very behind the scenes with Reagan.

The two above matters is what they decided to tell us explicitly she's had a key role in addressing.

We also have recently been told that she personally played a pivotal role in the very complicated multi-nation prisoner swap, a process that took years to achieve. But obviously she was just one person in a series of key moves, primarily orchestrated by Biden with Blinken through the State Dept.

We know as well that she was given an assignment to meet with various parties in Central and South America to find ways to improve their governance and prosperity to slow the tide of migrants...and we're told that where those efforts were targeted, there was actual positive impact in those specific countries. And net migration declined from those countries. She was never tasked with border security. We have no idea what her counsel, if any, was in that area, but we do know that the Biden Admin decided to take a more humane approach to actual migrants, while maintaining some return to Mexico policies instituted under Covid but later overturned by the courts. We also know that Biden himself wanted a legislative solution not an executive order solution and was very reluctant to do the latter...we don't know what she advised, but my hunch would be that she agreed with that approach.

We don't know what she advised re Afghanistan or Ukraine, though we have heard her talk specifically about supporting Ukraine and a general philosophy of standing for freedom from aggression. She's certainly come across as highly supportive of that aid.

We also don't know whether she played a preeminent role in specific Covid response policies, though it's certainly clear that she was all-in with things like the child tax credit. She spoke on that several times. Did she have advice re the various financial rescue programs and their implementation? We don't know. If I had to guess, she'd have been among those expressing concern about fraud and abuse, given her prosecutorial background. We also don't know what here views were, if any different, on the infrastructure and Chips acts, or burn pits, etc, but we can assume she was on board with those as well. She certainly isn't running away from any of those and Biden is giving her credit for being involved.

The Campaign now is an opportunity for her to define what she sees as priorities going forward.

One signal as to "competence", as I've previously pointed out, is how remarkably well run this Campaign launch has been, the clarity of fresh messaging and the pure excellence of execution at every turn, with adjustments on the fly being seamless with the overall message. Impressive.

That said, should we expect perfection? Should we expect no mistakes, no stumbles? Of course not.

But the contrast with the ineptitude, darkness, and flat stupidity of where MAGA and Trump have taken the GOP is staggering.
You are doing a remarkable job of having Kamala's 6 on her epic failure at the southern border. That comes as no surprise that on this forum the usual suspects are making excuses for her failure. I've seen the video where some guy named Biden handed her the responsibility. Maybe Joe has plausible deniability because he wasn't specific enough. :roll:
Maybe you just disrespect black people?

That's about as fair a retort as yours.

I'm providing a truthful review on each area.
It's not as if I agree with each policy, action or statement.
And I've said so re border issues.

I just think that fair analysis matters.
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Re: 2024

Post by OCanada »

Maybe??? Seriously.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: 2024

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

On the issue of southern border responsibilities:

https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politi ... -crossings

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden, watching tens of thousands of migrants from Central America reach the U.S.-Mexico border just a few months into his administration, tapped his second-in-command to help address the influx — a decision that has exposed Vice President Kamala Harris to one of her biggest political liabilities.

In grappling with migration, Harris proceeded cautiously. She focused her time and prestige on boosting private investment in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, the so-called Northern Triangle; her goal was to help create jobs to bolster economies and dissuade migrants from making the perilous journey to the United States.

It was a decidedly long-term — and limited — approach to a humanitarian crisis, and it has allowed Republicans to tie her to the broader fight over the border. While migration from the Northern Triangle ebbed, it surged from other nations, sparking an emergency at the U.S.-Mexico border, one that Republicans have aggressively sought to exploit at Harris' expense.

A review of Harris' work on immigration reveals a record that is more nuanced than the one presented by her critics or allies. It also provides insights into how Harris — who took over as the Democratic standard-bearer when Biden dropped out of the presidential race last month — might tackle one of the nation's most vexing concerns.

WATCH: A look at Kamala Harris' legal career and political record

Harris was never the "border czar," or put in charge of border security or halting illegal border crossings, as former President Donald Trump, Republicans and even the occasional media outlet have claimed. Instead, she was tasked in March 2021 with tackling the "root causes" of migration from the Northern Triangle and pushing its leaders — along with Mexico's — to enforce immigration laws, administration officials said.

Harris' backers say she demonstrated leadership by leveraging her stature to win investments that might curb migration years down the road.

"She felt — and I think she was right — that what she could do the most was help basically lead the effort to draw in investment, using the confidence that a relationship with the White House would give to investors," said Ricardo Zúniga, a former State Department official who specialized in the Northern Triangle and who traveled with Harris to the region.

Critics contend that she could have done far more but chose a less risky path, ensuring the problem only worsened.

"She was like, 'nope, I'm just root causes,''" said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, which advocates for less immigration. "Even if it worked, it's the sort of thing that takes generations, not one term."

He also said there was no evidence that Harris pushed Mexico and the Northern Triangle nations to enforce immigration laws.

Harris has defended her work, and her campaign began running a television ad Friday that said Harris as president would "hire thousands more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking." Democrats have also blasted Trump for helping tank a bipartisan immigration bill earlier this year that would have increased funding for border security, including the hiring of new Customs and Border Protection personnel.

Trump "has been talking a big game on securing the border, but he does not walk the walk," the vice president said last month in Atlanta. Later, she added, "Donald Trump does not care about border security. He only cares about himself."

Immigration becomes a big political issue

Immigration has long been an issue that motivates Trump and his base of supporters, and polls show it is among the most important issues on the minds of voters. As a presidential candidate in 2016, Trump said he would build a wall along the border between the United States and Mexico and get Mexico to pay for it. Trump was not able to complete the project, and Mexico did not fund the part of the barrier that was constructed. The former president also used explosive language to describe immigrants, launching his campaign by suggesting Mexico was sending its "rapists" and criminals to the United States.

While in office, Trump sought to tightly restrict asylum, which was challenged in the courts. This time around, Trump has promised to oversee a "mass deportation" of migrants who have committed crimes in the United States.

Migration numbers have spiked and dropped during both presidencies. Border Patrol arrests on the southern border fell in Trump's first year in office, then shot back up his next two, rising to more than 850,000 in 2019. The numbers plunged in 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic before rising even higher during Biden's presidency, reaching a peak of more than 250,000 encounters in December 2023, before falling below 84,000 in June of 2024, federal statistics show.

When Biden took office, he reversed dozens of Trump's moves on immigration even as apprehension numbers began to rise.

Harris was put in a 'difficult spot'

Harris received the migration assignment when border crossings were rising, garnering considerable attention and leading to bipartisan calls for action.

Chris Newman, an immigration rights advocate in Los Angeles, said Harris was put in a difficult spot.

"She was tasked with developing a long-term policy framework rather than creating a short-term political performance project," said Newman, the legal director of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network.

Biden and Harris had taken office only two months before, and Harris was under pressure to build her policy portfolio. When he was vice president, Biden had taken on a similar role on immigration. In 2021, though, Harris was dealing with an especially challenging situation given the lack of governing partners in the region. El Salvador's new president, Nayib Bukele, had a fraught relationship with the administration due to human rights questions raised by his crackdown on crime in his nation. The man who was then president of Honduras has since been convicted of drug trafficking.

The headaches for Harris began almost immediately, validating the concerns of some on her team that it was a no-win assignment.

Harris traveled to Mexico and Guatemala in June 2021, where she defended the fact she had not been to the U.S.-Mexico border during an interview with NBC's Lester Holt by saying she hadn't "been to Europe. And I mean, I don't … understand the point that you're making."

She also drew criticism on that trip for warning migrants bluntly: "Don't come" to the U.S.

Harris decided to focus on bringing private investment to the region, tapping into a network of business and nonprofit executives and using the prestige of the White House to signal the Biden administration was backing this effort.

The work linked multinational companies — like Visa, Nestle and Meta — with smaller nonprofits and Latin American businesses, all of which pledged to increase their investments or bolster their work with at-risk communities.

Focused on private investment

The Associated Press contacted all thenearly two dozen companiesthe White House touted as participants in the outreach effort. Some, like AgroAmerica, a sustainable food corporation, that pledged to invest more than $100 million in six new projects, reported their work had begun and they were on track to meet their investment goals. Others, including Columbia Sportswear Company, said they would likely surpass their pledges.

Most companies, however, either declined to comment or did not respond when asked about their efforts.

The vice president's office has said Harris' efforts have generated more than $5.2 billion in investment promises. In an illustration of how long it takes the promises to translate into concrete spending, the State Department reported that companies have plowed nearly $1.3 billion in the region as of June 2024, the bulk of it in Guatemala and Honduras.

READ MORE: Past match-ups offer clues on how Harris might debate Trump

"We are on track to exceed our commitments," Peter Bragdon, a top executive at Columbia Sportswear Company, said of their promise to purchase up to $200 million in products from the region. That pledge would create nearly 7,000 jobs over five years, the company said. The executive called Harris' efforts a "work in progress" but "a smart approach."

Katie Tobin, who worked as the top migration adviser at the National Security Council for three years, credited Harris' focus with spurring investment in reducing these numbers, arguing that Harris "was able to leverage her credibility" and the power of the White House to persuade companies to invest in "a risky investment environment."

"That was very much Kamala Harris," she added. "I have never seen something like that done before in this space and it made a real impact."

Republican Sen. Rick Scott of Florida, a sharp critic of Harris, said the vice president and White House were taking credit for investments that would have been made anyway.

The companies are "not doing it because someone asked them to," said Scott, who co-founded a major medical company. "They're doing it because it makes economic sense."

Addressed corruption

Harris also sought to address endemic corruption that has fueled migration from Central America. Before her 2021 trip to Guatemala, Harris met with a group of exiled Guatemalan prosecutors and judges in Washington.

Among them was Thelma Aldana, a former chief prosecutor who fled her country after what she said were politically motivated corruption charges.

"I came out of it convinced that she has a genuine interest in seeing things change in Central America," Aldana said.

The vice president also deserves credit for helping stop Guatemala's former president, Alejandro Giammattei, from overturning the 2023 election of his successor, Bernardo Arévalo, according to Luis Von Ahn, a U.S.-based technology entrepreneur from Guatemala.

"Giammattei didn't want to leave power, the administration of Kamala Harris came and told him 'stop (messing) around,'" said Von Ahn, the founder of the language app Duolingo. "That's a big help to Guatemala. If an extremely corrupt president doesn't want to leave it's terrible and (his exit) lets us be a better country."

Verdict is out on Harris' approach

While the Harris campaign and White House have pointed to statistics that show migration from Northern Triangle countries has dropped substantially since early 2021, there is debate over what is responsible for that drop.

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., said Harris and the administration deserve credit for the reduction because their efforts "worked."

Independent analysts, however, said they were skeptical that Harris' approach was responsible for the dip. They said the decrease was likely driven by regional factors, including the ascension of El Salvador's new president and his aggressive drive to combat violent crime. His government reported a 70% drop in homicides in 2023.

Julia Gelatt, associate director of the Migration Policy Institute in Washington, said investment can take years to alter migration patterns — if it ever does.

"Even a whole lot of economic development doesn't curb immigration in the way countries hope it will," Gelatt said.
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Re: 2024

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

a fan wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 12:02 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 11:05 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:53 am
kramerica.inc wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:19 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:01 am Kramer back to his old self…

>> Kamela is the future for democracy, as long as we ignore that we didn't get a chance to elect her in a true primary as our party's nominee.

Kamela will fix all our problems, as long as we ignore that she has overseen those issues and has held office and the ability to act and fix those issues, for the past 3.5 years. <<

First VP in the history of the USA that is responsible for solving America’s problems….I hope she wins so we can get the make fun of the black lady routine.
Yes. I've acknowledged that she's not responsible for solving problems.

You explained it well. Repeatedly.

Now I'm giving you a chance to show us that she was competent at executing the job functions YOU pointed out she IS responsible for.

Please, tell us what policies of the Biden Admin YOU think she has done a particularly good job drafting, speaking and advising on?

We know you don't care, but surely you can shine that flashlight of wisdom on us (with little brains) just a little more? Please?
Reproductive rights.
Medicare negation on drug prices

Unless they decide to explicitly tell us, we don't, and shouldn't, know what policies she has advised on, agreed with or disagreed with, her boss. Whether on the margin, strongly, or all-in together, it is and should be a quiet behind the scenes matter.

The VP role is and should be, and nearly always is, very behind the scenes. Very rarely is the VP given ANY authority at all, Dick Cheney is the only VP I can recall who actually asserted some degree of authority beyond just speaking for the President on his behalf. Even HW, the most experienced VP in modern history, was very behind the scenes with Reagan.

The two above matters is what they decided to tell us explicitly she's had a key role in addressing.

We also have recently been told that she personally played a pivotal role in the very complicated multi-nation prisoner swap, a process that took years to achieve. But obviously she was just one person in a series of key moves, primarily orchestrated by Biden with Blinken through the State Dept.

We know as well that she was given an assignment to meet with various parties in Central and South America to find ways to improve their governance and prosperity to slow the tide of migrants...and we're told that where those efforts were targeted, there was actual positive impact in those specific countries. She was never tasked with border security. We have no idea what her counsel, if any, was in that area, but we do know that the Biden Admin decided to take a more humane approach to actual migrants, while maintaining some return to Mexico policies instituted under Covid but later overturned by the courts. We also know that Biden himself wanted a legislative solution not an executive order solution and was very reluctant to do the latter...we don't know what she advised, but my hunch would be that she agreed with that approach.

We don't know what she advised re Afghanistan or Ukraine, though we have heard her talk specifically about supporting Ukraine and a general philosophy of standing for freedom from aggression. She's certainly come across as highly supportive of that aid.

We also don't know whether she played a preeminent role in specific Covid response policies, though it's certainly clear that she was all-in with things like the child tax credit. She spoke on that several times. Did she have advice re the various financial rescue programs and their implementation? We don't know. If I had to guess, she'd have been among those expressing concern about fraud and abuse, given her prosecutorial background. We also don't know what here views were, if any different, on the infrastructure and Chips acts, or burn pits, etc, but we can assume she was on board with those as well. She certainly isn't running away from any of those and Biden is giving her credit for being involved.

The Campaign now is an opportunity for her to define what she sees as priorities going forward.

One signal as to "competence", as I've previously pointed out, is how remarkably well run this Campaign launch has been, the clarity of fresh messaging and the pure excellence of execution at every turn, with adjustments on the fly being seamless with the overall message. Impressive.

That said, should we expect perfection? Should we expect no mistakes, no stumbles? Of course not.

But the contrast with the ineptitude, darkness, and flat stupidity of where MAGA and Trump have taken the GOP is staggering.
The guy purposely misspells her name and wants to be taken seriously. He doesn’t care what she has done….otherwise he would have done his own research instead of asking me. He wants to blame her for what hasn’t been done. Trump was bad at his job, he still receives Kramer’s support.
To answer Kram's direct question: infrastructure. Kamala had a say in the bill, stumped for it, and then went out telling folks what the bill did.

The infrastructure bill was a HUGE deal, especially for flyover America: the very Voters Trump claims to serve.

So there you go. You going to credit her for that? Trump couldn't get one done. Which is just......absurd.
She was responsible for this also: https://gf.com/gf-press-release/globalf ... facturing/

Let’s give credit where credit is due.
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a fan
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Re: 2024

Post by a fan »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 12:21 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 12:02 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 11:05 am
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:53 am
kramerica.inc wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:19 am
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 10:01 am Kramer back to his old self…

>> Kamela is the future for democracy, as long as we ignore that we didn't get a chance to elect her in a true primary as our party's nominee.

Kamela will fix all our problems, as long as we ignore that she has overseen those issues and has held office and the ability to act and fix those issues, for the past 3.5 years. <<

First VP in the history of the USA that is responsible for solving America’s problems….I hope she wins so we can get the make fun of the black lady routine.
Yes. I've acknowledged that she's not responsible for solving problems.

You explained it well. Repeatedly.

Now I'm giving you a chance to show us that she was competent at executing the job functions YOU pointed out she IS responsible for.

Please, tell us what policies of the Biden Admin YOU think she has done a particularly good job drafting, speaking and advising on?

We know you don't care, but surely you can shine that flashlight of wisdom on us (with little brains) just a little more? Please?
Reproductive rights.
Medicare negation on drug prices

Unless they decide to explicitly tell us, we don't, and shouldn't, know what policies she has advised on, agreed with or disagreed with, her boss. Whether on the margin, strongly, or all-in together, it is and should be a quiet behind the scenes matter.

The VP role is and should be, and nearly always is, very behind the scenes. Very rarely is the VP given ANY authority at all, Dick Cheney is the only VP I can recall who actually asserted some degree of authority beyond just speaking for the President on his behalf. Even HW, the most experienced VP in modern history, was very behind the scenes with Reagan.

The two above matters is what they decided to tell us explicitly she's had a key role in addressing.

We also have recently been told that she personally played a pivotal role in the very complicated multi-nation prisoner swap, a process that took years to achieve. But obviously she was just one person in a series of key moves, primarily orchestrated by Biden with Blinken through the State Dept.

We know as well that she was given an assignment to meet with various parties in Central and South America to find ways to improve their governance and prosperity to slow the tide of migrants...and we're told that where those efforts were targeted, there was actual positive impact in those specific countries. She was never tasked with border security. We have no idea what her counsel, if any, was in that area, but we do know that the Biden Admin decided to take a more humane approach to actual migrants, while maintaining some return to Mexico policies instituted under Covid but later overturned by the courts. We also know that Biden himself wanted a legislative solution not an executive order solution and was very reluctant to do the latter...we don't know what she advised, but my hunch would be that she agreed with that approach.

We don't know what she advised re Afghanistan or Ukraine, though we have heard her talk specifically about supporting Ukraine and a general philosophy of standing for freedom from aggression. She's certainly come across as highly supportive of that aid.

We also don't know whether she played a preeminent role in specific Covid response policies, though it's certainly clear that she was all-in with things like the child tax credit. She spoke on that several times. Did she have advice re the various financial rescue programs and their implementation? We don't know. If I had to guess, she'd have been among those expressing concern about fraud and abuse, given her prosecutorial background. We also don't know what here views were, if any different, on the infrastructure and Chips acts, or burn pits, etc, but we can assume she was on board with those as well. She certainly isn't running away from any of those and Biden is giving her credit for being involved.

The Campaign now is an opportunity for her to define what she sees as priorities going forward.

One signal as to "competence", as I've previously pointed out, is how remarkably well run this Campaign launch has been, the clarity of fresh messaging and the pure excellence of execution at every turn, with adjustments on the fly being seamless with the overall message. Impressive.

That said, should we expect perfection? Should we expect no mistakes, no stumbles? Of course not.

But the contrast with the ineptitude, darkness, and flat stupidity of where MAGA and Trump have taken the GOP is staggering.
The guy purposely misspells her name and wants to be taken seriously. He doesn’t care what she has done….otherwise he would have done his own research instead of asking me. He wants to blame her for what hasn’t been done. Trump was bad at his job, he still receives Kramer’s support.
To answer Kram's direct question: infrastructure. Kamala had a say in the bill, stumped for it, and then went out telling folks what the bill did.

The infrastructure bill was a HUGE deal, especially for flyover America: the very Voters Trump claims to serve.

So there you go. You going to credit her for that? Trump couldn't get one done. Which is just......absurd.
She was responsible for this also: https://gf.com/gf-press-release/globalf ... facturing/

Let’s give credit where credit is due.
Oh, that's a big one.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: 2024

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Let’s give her an atta boy! This is more lasting than those one time $1,000 tax reform checks that were issue to sell Trump’s tax reform package to the peasants.
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Re: 2024

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Let’s give Khamarlah her due!

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Re: 2024

Post by cradleandshoot »

So the methodology employed by Kamala Harris was completely bass ackwards. She wanted to treat the problem at the source....okay. :roll: It's a good thing Kammy isn't a surgeon. The patient bled out while she was diddle futzing around trying to find the source of where the blood was coming from. The poor patient was hemorrhaging blood for 3 and a half years. It's all okay now because the flow of blood has slowed to a trickle. Still the source of the hemorrhaging was never found. A lot of money was spent in the search. :roll:
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Re: 2024

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

Any comments on Trump’s apparent effort with the Israeli Prime Minister to scuttle a cease fire because it might make Biden look good?
a fan
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Re: 2024

Post by a fan »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 2:26 pm Any comments on Trump’s apparent effort with the Israeli Prime Minister to scuttle a cease fire because it might make Biden look good?
You can't possibly think that the TrumpApologists here are possibly going to comment, other than to diminish what Trump did?

Look at the reaction to Trump scuttling sending billions in badly needed resources to the Border that TrumpNation swears is a National Emergency.

They'll either spin this news, or ignore it. Or both.

There is NO CHANCE they will criticize him.
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Re: 2024

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 1:48 pm Let’s give Khamarlah her due!
Trump Campaign Releases Helpful Video On How To Mispronounce ‘Kamala’
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Re: 2024

Post by cradleandshoot »

How about ...Khamelion 8-)
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
Bob Ross:
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Re: 2024

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

a fan wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 2:32 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 2:26 pm Any comments on Trump’s apparent effort with the Israeli Prime Minister to scuttle a cease fire because it might make Biden look good?
You can't possibly think that the TrumpApologists here are possibly going to comment, other than to diminish what Trump did?

Look at the reaction to Trump scuttling sending billions in badly needed resources to the Border that TrumpNation swears is a National Emergency.

They'll either spin this news, or ignore it. Or both.

There is NO CHANCE they will criticize him.
The nominee who sunk the bipartisan border deal; prayed
for an economic crash, and now is attempting to interfere with peace talks in the Middle East.

This is who The Gaslighters support. Disgraceful.
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