~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by dislaxxic »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2024 2:33 pm
dislaxxic wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2024 1:32 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2024 1:04 pmIf Kamala becomes our next CiC she will have to be aware that her chops will tested very quickly by bad actors from a few rather powerful nations that don't and never will respect a female president. I keep bringing this up because it is relevant to her qualifications. She was handed the job of handling the disaster at the southern border and finding a doable solution that all sides could agree on. I do know that after a period of time the matter went dormant and her mission was kicked to the curb by her own boss. I don't say this to demean her in anyway. I say this because once it is game on in September she will be hammered mercilessly on this matter by team trump. She will have to explain to the American people what went wrong and why. The way it looks from my perspective is she failed at whatever it was her objective was. Nobody in the Biden administration ever explained to my understanding what went wrong.
With as much respect as i can muster...your "perspective" is warped.

She has most certainly NOT "failed at whatever it was her objective was" [sic]

As you know, "fixing" the southern border means different things to different people. Trump thinks one thing, which is TOTALLY out of proportion and unreasonable. You KNOW he does nothing but lie about it, right? The border issue is in crisis to be sure, but trying to measure HER competency against that one issue is a total fool's errand. How many times did Trump scream "MURDER!" "Hundreds of THOUSANDS of Americans murdered by insane, illegal aliens!!" during that debate?? That's a clue, Cradle, one of his most frequent lies.

You know that a VERY conservative Senator from deep red Oklahoma put together a comprehensive immigration bill that made NUMEROUS concessions to "the left" along the way, right? Do YOU know Harris' contribution to THAT effort? Do you know who ACTUALLY kicked that effort to the curb?

Your shallow understanding of the border wedge issue belies the fact that you have totally adopted the MAGA framing of the border issue. NO ONE, including the Orange Moron, has "solved" this issue...as we have discussed at great length on these boards...neither side (though yes, mostly the right, wants to keep it out there as a wedge issue) has fixed it.

Trying to fix a meme to Ms. Harris on this score is shallow and not likely to work with anyone paying close attention who is NOT a devoted MAGA cultist. You've hung out around here long enough to know that trying to paint Harris as not ready for office, on THIS score, is flat out wrong. Stop trying to make the MAGA case for them, Cradle. Please.

My bad Dis. She succeeded brilliantly regarding when it came to addressing the calamity and chaos at the southern border. She did such a magnificent job that the Biden administration kept it top secret. No need to get at about it. Please don't get spittle all over your computer screen. I'm not the one you need to get angry at. Those Republican trump people are probably now coming up with their game plan. What im expressing to you is my opinion and informing you about something you already know. Kamala Harris will be asked in front of the American people about what she did or did not accomplish as Joe Bidens Czarina to deal with the South border. The Republicans are going to be hammering home the issue. They see it as a real weakness that Harris has that they can advantage of. Either she will or will not have a logical explanation for the American people that they can understand. BTW, the garden is doing good. I never did get around to planting that crabapple tree in your honor.
Speaking of the immigration issue, C&S, check this out:

Donald Trump Is Becoming Increasingly Unhinged on Immigration
THE NEWS HAS MOVED SO FAST over the past few weeks that Donald Trump has gotten away with some insanity that makes his past outrages look almost sensible. Among the most unhinged claims in the disjointed litany of terribles that spewed from his mouth as he accepted the GOP nomination was this doozy:
Venezuela, Caracas, high crime, high crime. Caracas, Venezuela, really a dangerous place. But not anymore, because in Venezuela, crime is down 72 percent. In fact, if they would ever in this election, I hate to even say that, we will have our next Republican convention in Venezuela because it will be safe. Our cities, our cities will be so unsafe we won’t be able, we will not be able to have it there.
What the hell was he talking about? It’s hard to follow what passes for evidence and logic in Trump’s mind, but his reasoning seems to be that if you lock up a huge portion of your population, you’ll solve your crime problem. In that vein, Trump ranted on about El Salvador—which he chose not to name, referring only to “a certain country, and I happen to like the president of that country very much.” Since President Nayib Bukele took office in 2019, he’s prosecuted a relentless campaign against the gangs that had made many parts of El Salvador a lawless wasteland in recent years. But Trump wasn’t exactly complimenting Bukele for implementing a state of emergency in 2022 that has seen tens of thousands of arrests—he sees in it a plot against America. Trump claims Bukele isn’t really locking up the criminals, “he’s sending all of his criminals, his drug dealers, his people that are in jails, he’s sending them all to the United States.”

It’s worth looking at Trump’s outrageous invasion fantasies in depth—and the media, in general, does little to counter the craziest of them. He repeats them so often they become a mantra: We’re being invaded by would-be Hannibal Lecters. X country (fill in any Latin American, Caribbean or African nation you like) is sending criminals, murderers, rapists, and insane asylum inmates to our southern border, and the Biden administration is letting them in to wreak havoc, steal jobs, “killing hundreds of thousands of people a year.” The media fact-checks Trump with anodyne comments that immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than the American born—which is certainly true but doesn’t fully call out the danger of Trump’s dark obsession.

Since 2015, Trump has claimed that other countries “send” their worst to our borders. Again and again, Trump asserts that Mexico is “not sending their best,” but, with few exceptions, countries don’t send people to the United States. Immigrants come here of their own free will because they see America more in Ronald Reagan’s image of “a shining city on a hill” than Donald Trump’s dystopian vision of American carnage.

BUT WHAT ABOUT TRUMP’S specific claims that Venezuela and El Salvador have experienced a big drop in crime because they are pushing their criminals to flee north? Venezuelan murders are down, but nothing like Trump’s 72 percent figure, which fact checkers have been unable to track to a reliable source. The government itself hasn’t reported numbers on murders or robberies in ten years, but the Venezuelan Observatory of Violence Social Sciences Laboratory has published a well-regarded study on violence in the country. The group found a 25 percent drop in violent deaths in Venezuela in 2023 compared to the previous two years. But homicides declined by relatively little compared to deaths by police action and the largest category, “deaths under investigation,” which may include the large numbers of extrajudicial killings that happen in Venezuela, as in so many other brutal authoritarian states.

El Salvador has experienced a bigger drop in violent crime—last year, according to the government, murders were down nearly 70 percent. (Maybe Trump confused Venezuela and El Salvador?) But Bukele has achieved that impressive drop not just by incarcerating 2 percent of his population—the highest rate in the world, using tactics that have brought widespread condemnation—but by buying off some of the country’s most powerful gangs, including MS-13, whose branches in the United States are responsible for murders, human trafficking, and a host of other crimes.

Of course, this is all giving Trump too much credit. He seems, based on his convention speech, to have no idea what’s going on in El Salvador at all. He began his discussion of El Salvador—or at least, it was probably El Salvador, but he never actually named the country he was thinking of—by riffing on the “late, great Hannibal Lecter.”
Get some knowledge about the issue Cranky...making the MAGA case that Harris is incompetent because she somehow effed up the Southern Border is the kind of Straw Man BS that Fox News is spewing everyday...don't let it further warp your mind...

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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by youthathletics »

Nice to see the democrats are following suit, and providing us a true sh(t sandwich of choices this election cycle.

Not too far off: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1816974609637417112

Bill is on point: https://x.com/kylenabecker/status/1817050713123443004

Her past: https://x.com/ImMeme0/status/1816949775864082522

Fact Checkers get it wrong, again, apparently: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/181680945 ... 29/photo/1

Defund the police supporter: https://x.com/stillgray/status/1816830099116724600
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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by OCanada »

Lololol. Hour choice of links reflect nothing more than political theater. Which fits you to a Tee
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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

youthathletics wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 8:50 am Nice to see the democrats are following suit, and providing us a true sh(t sandwich of choices this election cycle.

Not too far off: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1816974609637417112

Bill is on point: https://x.com/kylenabecker/status/1817050713123443004

Her past: https://x.com/ImMeme0/status/1816949775864082522

Fact Checkers get it wrong, again, apparently: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/181680945 ... 29/photo/1

Defund the police supporter: https://x.com/stillgray/status/1816830099116724600
Again, here you are working hard for MAGA and the end of elections. Is that really who you are?

Harris was the CA AG when its Charitable Trust division proved Simone’s trustee was taking unjustifiable amounts out of the estate:

Ms Harris, who was California’s top prosecutor between 2011 and 2017, led a legal battle against the singer’s daughter, Lisa Simone Kelly, who was in charge of her late mother’s estate and charitable trust.

“The state of California accused her in 2013 of “breaching her fiduciary duty,” alleging she used up to $2m from the funds, including a $1.5m deposit into her personal company, according to The Daily Beast.”

Harris wasn’t the prosecutor. One of her subordinates was Chief of the Division. A court agreed. There was due process. There were appeals. Maybe, just maybe, someone couldn’t be trusted as a fiduciary.

But thanks again for the algorithm results and the effort on behalf of Orange Moron and JVD.
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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by cradleandshoot »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:04 am
youthathletics wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 8:50 am Nice to see the democrats are following suit, and providing us a true sh(t sandwich of choices this election cycle.

Not too far off: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1816974609637417112

Bill is on point: https://x.com/kylenabecker/status/1817050713123443004

Her past: https://x.com/ImMeme0/status/1816949775864082522

Fact Checkers get it wrong, again, apparently: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/181680945 ... 29/photo/1

Defund the police supporter: https://x.com/stillgray/status/1816830099116724600
Again, here you are working hard for MAGA and the end of elections. Is that really who you are?

Harris was the CA AG when its Charitable Trust division proved Simone’s trustee was taking unjustifiable amounts out of the estate:

Ms Harris, who was California’s top prosecutor between 2011 and 2017, led a legal battle against the singer’s daughter, Lisa Simone Kelly, who was in charge of her late mother’s estate and charitable trust.

“The state of California accused her in 2013 of “breaching her fiduciary duty,” alleging she used up to $2m from the funds, including a $1.5m deposit into her personal company, according to The Daily Beast.”

Harris wasn’t the prosecutor. One of her subordinates was Chief of the Division. A court agreed. There was due process. There were appeals. Maybe, just maybe, someone couldn’t be trusted as a fiduciary.

But thanks again for the algorithm results and the effort on behalf of Orange Moron and JVD.
Come on counselor you have to realize what team trump will be using for their strategy. There are valid issues to be brought up about VP Harris and what she did as DA of San Francisco and as AG of California. You can't be solidly against the death penalty and then reluctantly as AG be for it. I don't know how the Republicans will frame their message but I'm certain it will be similar to the very effective Willie Horton ads. I'm also willing to bet it won't be hard to find some law enforcement higher ups in California who were not particularly enamored with her time as DA and AG. I don't need to tell you this campaign has only just begun to get very ugly very quickly. The ugliness will be tailored to those 25% of Independent voters.
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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by OCanada »

So far they are racist and often violent dog whistles snd the GOO cannot figure it out. Her past is far far better than the career criminals. People are not going to care about your retread from decades ago crap which had no traction then. It is a racist candidate. After the 2016 election studies looked into the vote and found whiteness and mosts under lay things like lack of education, lack of travel and suspicion of the “other”.

Trump asked at his rally the other day. “Do you want a black president or a white president?
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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by cradleandshoot »

OCanada wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 11:12 am So far they are racist and often violent dog whistles snd the GOO cannot figure it out. Her past is far far better than the career criminals. People are not going to care about your retread from decades ago crap which had no traction then. It is a racist candidate. After the 2016 election studies looked into the vote and found whiteness and mosts under lay things like lack of education, lack of travel and suspicion of the “other”.

Trump asked at his rally the other day. “Do you want a black president or a white president?
I'm not expressing my opinion about anything concerning the upcoming election. I am pointing out what I think the strategy of team trump will be. That is probably not that different from the strategy team Harris will employ. That strategy is to eviscerate your opponent and rip him or her shreds in the arena of public opinion. That is pretty damn ugly at face value but IMO that is how the next few months will play out.
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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by cradleandshoot »

OCanada wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 11:12 am So far they are racist and often violent dog whistles snd the GOO cannot figure it out. Her past is far far better than the career criminals. People are not going to care about your retread from decades ago crap which had no traction then. It is a racist candidate. After the 2016 election studies looked into the vote and found whiteness and mosts under lay things like lack of education, lack of travel and suspicion of the “other”.

Trump asked at his rally the other day. “Do you want a black president or a white president?
I didn't hear him say that. If there is audio or video of it I suspect team Harris will find a way to put that in their campaign ads. My gut instinct not having heard him say that is that trump even trump isn't that stupid. In all things in trump land you never know what might come out of his mouth.

My Google search doesn't find him saying that. He seems to be sticking to the " she's too liberal and too weak on crime" I'm starting to doubt the veracity of what you claim trump said. One reason is knowing this forum the way I do there would be at least a 1000 posts expressing outrage and I for one would agree with them.
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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:04 am
youthathletics wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 8:50 am Nice to see the democrats are following suit, and providing us a true sh(t sandwich of choices this election cycle.

Not too far off: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1816974609637417112

Bill is on point: https://x.com/kylenabecker/status/1817050713123443004

Her past: https://x.com/ImMeme0/status/1816949775864082522

Fact Checkers get it wrong, again, apparently: https://x.com/elonmusk/status/181680945 ... 29/photo/1

Defund the police supporter: https://x.com/stillgray/status/1816830099116724600
Again, here you are working hard for MAGA and the end of elections. Is that really who you are?

Harris was the CA AG when its Charitable Trust division proved Simone’s trustee was taking unjustifiable amounts out of the estate:

Ms Harris, who was California’s top prosecutor between 2011 and 2017, led a legal battle against the singer’s daughter, Lisa Simone Kelly, who was in charge of her late mother’s estate and charitable trust.

“The state of California accused her in 2013 of “breaching her fiduciary duty,” alleging she used up to $2m from the funds, including a $1.5m deposit into her personal company, according to The Daily Beast.”

Harris wasn’t the prosecutor. One of her subordinates was Chief of the Division. A court agreed. There was due process. There were appeals. Maybe, just maybe, someone couldn’t be trusted as a fiduciary.

But thanks again for the algorithm results and the effort on behalf of Orange Moron and JVD.
Yep. Him and people like him.
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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by Brooklyn »

I knew Kamala Harris was popular here in Lake Woebegone but did not quite expect this:


Ten point lead, so far. Wow.
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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by youthathletics »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 11:57 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:04 am Again, here you are working hard for MAGA and the end of elections. Is that really who you are?
Yep. Him and people like him.
happy to see I'm still front and center in your mind, appreciate your way of showing love. :D
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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by youthathletics »

SO, who is Kamal picking as VP?

I say Phil Murphy
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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4 ... t-attacks/

These are the Trump supporters. They, and people like them, support Trump.

“Vance has not publicly condemned the attacks, and in his comments Friday he was more critical of liberal commentators who have blasted his past comments about traditional family and gender roles, calling the criticism “disgusting”

The GOP needs that voting block.
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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by Brooklyn »

youthathletics wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 12:46 pm SO, who is Kamal picking as VP?

I say Phil Murphy

She can easily win Jersey without him.

Wouldn't Beshear (Kentucky) or Shapiro (Pennsylvania) be more advisable?
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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by 3rdPersonPlural »

IMHO nobody voted for Biden in 2020. Oh, maybe a few dozen friends and family members voted FOR Biden, but all the Biden voters I know would have voted for whomsoever was running against Trump.
By 2022, people were voting against anyone endorsed by Trump.
At this point, the 81 million, 283 thousand Biden voters who are still eligible to vote and a big chunk of the 8 million new gen Z voters added since 2020
https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-researc ... oters-2022
are going Harris come hell or high water. Trump has only gotten worse (Jan 6th, anyone? Stolen Classified docs?) since his Presidency. The internet is larded with former Trump supporters who have found that they’re not in the MAGA tent anymore, and the MAGA tent just seems to keep getting smaller and more insular.
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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by cradleandshoot »

3rdPersonPlural wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 1:44 pm IMHO nobody voted for Biden in 2020. Oh, maybe a few dozen friends and family members voted FOR Biden, but all the Biden voters I know would have voted for whomsoever was running against Trump.
By 2022, people were voting against anyone endorsed by Trump.
At this point, the 81 million, 283 thousand Biden voters who are still eligible to vote and a big chunk of the 8 million new gen Z voters added since 2020
https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-researc ... oters-2022
are going Harris come hell or high water. Trump has only gotten worse (Jan 6th, anyone? Stolen Classified docs?) since his Presidency. The internet is larded with former Trump supporters who have found that they’re not in the MAGA tent anymore, and the MAGA tent just seems to keep getting smaller and more insular.
IMHO there are a lot of people who voted for Biden who are not exactly enamored with the job he has done as CiC. That is a challenge for candidate Harris. Does she stand shoulder to shoulder with her bosses record or does she slowly and gracefully tiptoe away from it. IMHO Bidens record as CiC isn't really something to write home about. I think team Harris although they will never admit that certainly doesn't want to brag about it all that loudly.
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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

3rdPersonPlural wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 1:44 pmThe internet is larded with former Trump supporters who have found that they’re not in the MAGA tent anymore, and the MAGA tent just seems to keep getting smaller and more insular.
They booed Mitch McConnell at the convention. The guy who has done more for their "cause" in the past 20 years, and lay the groundwork for trump, than anyone else in the country. From Citizen's United to the supreme court blocking to getting back in line and blocking the Jan 6th impeachment.
They should be kissing the ground at his feet.

And now he's out of the tent too. Wonder what goes through his head these days, knowing the monster he helped create is out of his control.
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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by cradleandshoot »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:55 pm
3rdPersonPlural wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 1:44 pm IMHO nobody voted for Biden in 2020. Oh, maybe a few dozen friends and family members voted FOR Biden, but all the Biden voters I know would have voted for whomsoever was running against Trump.
By 2022, people were voting against anyone endorsed by Trump.
At this point, the 81 million, 283 thousand Biden voters who are still eligible to vote and a big chunk of the 8 million new gen Z voters added since 2020
https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-researc ... oters-2022
are going Harris come hell or high water. Trump has only gotten worse (Jan 6th, anyone? Stolen Classified docs?) since his Presidency. The internet is larded with former Trump supporters who have found that they’re not in the MAGA tent anymore, and the MAGA tent just seems to keep getting smaller and more insular.
IMHO there are a lot of people who voted for Biden who are not exactly enamored with the job he has done as CiC. That is a challenge for candidate Harris. Does she stand shoulder to shoulder with her bosses record or does she slowly and gracefully tiptoe away from it. IMHO Bidens record as CiC isn't really something to write home about. I think team Harris although they will never admit that certainly doesn't want to brag about it all that loudly.
Point in case Joe Biden was furious at the terrorist attack on the US base that killed 3 soldiers. Joe promised to deal the bad actors at a time and place of United States choosing. Well as of today that time of our choosing hasn't quite happened. The bad actors are still launching rockets at our troops in Iraq and the hooties from Yemen are launching rockets at shipping in the Red Sea at their leisure. The US has expended alot of very expensive ordnance with little to no effect. A question for candidate Harris... does she have a better plan? Maybe she does and maybe she doesn't that might be one of those questions that might arise while on the campaign trail or even possibly in a debate. Kamala Harris will need to take a PhD level crash course in understanding all of the threats to the United States today. Poor Anthony Blinken has terminal jet lag from all of his international diplomacy with not much to show for it outside of the jet lag.

I'm not sure which is more difficult, running for president or actually finding yourself president?
Last edited by cradleandshoot on Sat Jul 27, 2024 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by Kismet »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 4:09 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:55 pm
3rdPersonPlural wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 1:44 pm IMHO nobody voted for Biden in 2020. Oh, maybe a few dozen friends and family members voted FOR Biden, but all the Biden voters I know would have voted for whomsoever was running against Trump.
By 2022, people were voting against anyone endorsed by Trump.
At this point, the 81 million, 283 thousand Biden voters who are still eligible to vote and a big chunk of the 8 million new gen Z voters added since 2020
https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-researc ... oters-2022
are going Harris come hell or high water. Trump has only gotten worse (Jan 6th, anyone? Stolen Classified docs?) since his Presidency. The internet is larded with former Trump supporters who have found that they’re not in the MAGA tent anymore, and the MAGA tent just seems to keep getting smaller and more insular.
IMHO there are a lot of people who voted for Biden who are not exactly enamored with the job he has done as CiC. That is a challenge for candidate Harris. Does she stand shoulder to shoulder with her bosses record or does she slowly and gracefully tiptoe away from it. IMHO Bidens record as CiC isn't really something to write home about. I think team Harris although they will never admit that certainly doesn't want to brag about it all that loudly.
Point in case Joe Biden was furious at the terrorist attack on the US base that killed 3 soldiers. Joe promised to deal the at a time and place of United States choosing. Well as of today that time of our choosing hasn't quite happened. The bad actors are still launching rockets at our troops in Iraq and the hooties from Yemen are launching rockets at shipping in the Red Sea at their leisure. The US has expended alot of very expensive ordnance with little to no effect. A question for candidate Harris... does she have a better plan? Maybe she does and maybe she doesn't that might be one of those questions that might arise while on the campaign trail or even possibly in a debate. Kamala Harris will need to take a PhD level crash course in understanding all of the threats to the United States today. Poor Anthony Blinken has terminal jet lag from all of his international diplomacy with not much to show for it outside of the jet lag.

I'm not sure which is more difficult, running for president or actually finding yourself president?
Think you'd better do some research before declaring facts that maybe are factual - We took multiple shots at various Iranian militias in both Syria and Iraq at the time. Since then there have been no recent attacks on US troops or installations.

Last time I checked the Houthis have not successfully hit any American target - naval or airborne let alone causing any casualties. Although there are still occasional attacks on commercial shipping the pace of those is significantly reduced.

Arguing just to argue seems to be a waste of time and energy.
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Re: ~47~President Kamala D. Harris~47~

Post by cradleandshoot »

Kismet wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 4:20 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 4:09 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 3:55 pm
3rdPersonPlural wrote: Sat Jul 27, 2024 1:44 pm IMHO nobody voted for Biden in 2020. Oh, maybe a few dozen friends and family members voted FOR Biden, but all the Biden voters I know would have voted for whomsoever was running against Trump.
By 2022, people were voting against anyone endorsed by Trump.
At this point, the 81 million, 283 thousand Biden voters who are still eligible to vote and a big chunk of the 8 million new gen Z voters added since 2020
https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-researc ... oters-2022
are going Harris come hell or high water. Trump has only gotten worse (Jan 6th, anyone? Stolen Classified docs?) since his Presidency. The internet is larded with former Trump supporters who have found that they’re not in the MAGA tent anymore, and the MAGA tent just seems to keep getting smaller and more insular.
IMHO there are a lot of people who voted for Biden who are not exactly enamored with the job he has done as CiC. That is a challenge for candidate Harris. Does she stand shoulder to shoulder with her bosses record or does she slowly and gracefully tiptoe away from it. IMHO Bidens record as CiC isn't really something to write home about. I think team Harris although they will never admit that certainly doesn't want to brag about it all that loudly.
Point in case Joe Biden was furious at the terrorist attack on the US base that killed 3 soldiers. Joe promised to deal the at a time and place of United States choosing. Well as of today that time of our choosing hasn't quite happened. The bad actors are still launching rockets at our troops in Iraq and the hooties from Yemen are launching rockets at shipping in the Red Sea at their leisure. The US has expended alot of very expensive ordnance with little to no effect. A question for candidate Harris... does she have a better plan? Maybe she does and maybe she doesn't that might be one of those questions that might arise while on the campaign trail or even possibly in a debate. Kamala Harris will need to take a PhD level crash course in understanding all of the threats to the United States today. Poor Anthony Blinken has terminal jet lag from all of his international diplomacy with not much to show for it outside of the jet lag.

I'm not sure which is more difficult, running for president or actually finding yourself president?
Think you'd better do some research before declaring facts that maybe are factual - We took multiple shots at various Iranian militias in both Syria and Iraq at the time. Since then there have been no recent attacks on US troops or installations.

Last time I checked the Houthis have not successfully hit any American target - naval or airborne let alone causing any casualties. Although there are still occasional attacks on commercial shipping the pace of those is significantly reduced.

Arguing just to argue seems to be a waste of time and energy.
You missed the point. After all of that expensive ordnance expended the hooties can still launch at the time and place of their choosing. The important point that you don't seem to grasp is the hooties ability to launch missiles and ordnance has not been degraded to a point where they are no longer a threat. Was that not the objective of the US in the first place? We are only fortunate the hooties are not hitting very much. The law of averages catches up eventually.
FTR I'm not arguing just to argue, I'm pointing out the reality of the situation. You don't see it that way and that is fine by me.
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
Bob Ross:
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