Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

ggait wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2024 3:31 pm This zombie thread has been going on for so long that Old Saltine can't even keep his gas-baggery and gaslight striaght any more.

Today he tells us that:

Also, if it eventually needed to be elevated to a Special Counsel investigation, it needed to be under a Senate approved official, which US Atty's are. That's why Garland was finally able to elevate Weiss to SC authority.

But last August, Salty was telling us (via the doofus Andy McCarthy) that is was an outrage to appoint a Senate confirmed US Atty as an SC. Since they are supposed to come from outside the DOJ [emphasis added]:

by old salt » Mon Aug 21, 2023 7:06 pm

Andy McCarthy's unsparing analysis of Weiss, the plea agreement & diversion agreement (heavy legal stuff) : ... erm=second

The Chicanery of the Hunter Biden Plea Bargain

by ANDREW C. MCCARTHY, August 19, 2023

As it happens, the public will be spared from the worst of Weiss’s machinations, at least in the short term. But that is no thanks to Weiss. He’d like you to think he’s a born-again prosecutorial dynamo after last week’s charade, in which Merrick Garland pretended to name him a special counsel. In reality, Weiss remains a high-ranking Biden Justice Department official who is ineligible to be a special counsel — at least by regulation as opposed to Garland’s hocus-pocus. A special counsel is an attorney brought in from outside the government, while Weiss is the Delaware U.S. attorney. A special counsel is brought in because the Justice Department has a conflict of interest, and Weiss is a high-ranking Justice Department official. A special counsel would have indicted the case by now, and Weiss has not. Nothing has changed.

So let's review the bidding.

First, it was OUTRAGEOUS that an SC was not appointed.

Second, it was OUTRAGEOUS when an SC was appointed. Because appointing an SC is a classic cover up technique!!!

Third, it was OUTRAGEOUS that a Republican DOJ-er was appointed as SC to investigate a Dem. Also another classic cover up technique.

Fourth, Salty now tells us that the SC needed to be a Senate confirmed US Atty. So NOT someone outside the DOJ.

I've been a lawyer for almost 40 years. But even I can't follow the unending and conflicting bull-shirtery put out by Salty and his muse McCarthy.

Bengahzi! Butter-emails! No SC appointed -- outrage! SC appointed-- outrage!. SC can't be a DOJ-er -- outrage! But an SC MUST be a DOJ-er....

Dude -- just let it go.

Fan -- please stop wasting your time on this loser. We need for you to make bourbon instead.
How timely of ggaslamp to raise this. Andy McCarthy just reiterated that both things are true.

There are conflicts in the underlying laws & DoJ regulations being cited to authorize the appointment of what Garland claims to be SC's.
This is pending adjudication in FL regarding SC Smith. (see below)

By elevating Weiss to "Special Counsel" status, Garland was simply (in effect) resourcing & authorizing DE US Atty Weiss to conduct prosecutions in districts other than DE, without the concurrence or participation of the US Atty's for those other districts -- CA & DC in Hunter's tax cases.
According to the IRS WB's, Weiss told them that the US Atty's for DC & CA had declined to take Hunter's tax cases or participate, beyond offering office space for the DE staff to prosecute the cases in their districts.

This a complex legal & Constitutional issue which can't be adequately explained with ggaslamp's level of snark.
How does ggaslamp's experience & readership compare to Andy McCarthy's ? ... -in-peril/

Merrick Garland’s Special-Counsel Appointment of Jack Smith Is in Peril

by ANDREW C. MCCARTHY, June 24, 2024

In the coming weeks, there is a very real possibility that the federal district court in Florida will rule that Attorney General Merrick Garland’s appointment of Jack Smith as a special counsel (SC) violated the Constitution’s appointments clause (art. II, §2, cl.2).

If Judge Aileen Cannon, the Trump-appointee who is presiding over Smith’s illegal document-retention prosecution against former president Trump, were to make such a ruling, would the Biden Justice Department have to start the case over from scratch? Perhaps, but I think that’s unlikely.

More likely: AG Garland would have to reassign the case to a district U.S. attorney appointed by President Biden. That probably wouldn’t cause much delay. It would, however, force Garland to abandon his independent-prosecutor deception — i.e., the artifice by which he and Biden claim that they have no involvement in the government’s prosecution of Biden’s electoral opponent and that all decisions are being made by Smith, a supposedly independent actor. In truth, Biden and Garland are controlling the Trump prosecutions — as a matter of constitutional law, and as a matter of fact.

The Constitution’s Appointments Clause
The deception is not hard to grasp. The attendant legal technicalities, however, are complex because of the Constitution’s appointments clause, which says that the president

. . . shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law. [Emphasis added]

There is a bit more to the clause, which we’ll come to. For starters, let’s stick with this first part.

Attorneys who authorize the investigation and prosecution of federal crimes must be officers of the United States because they wield significant government power. Under the clause, there are just two ways of qualifying as an officer of the United States: the appointee must either be (a) nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate, or (b) appointed to a position that “shall be established by law” — which is to say, by a congressional statute.

Smith, who has run the Trump investigations since his SC appointment by Garland on November 18, 2022, was not appointed under either of those procedures. To the contrary, he was purportedly appointed under the Justice Department’s SC regulations. I say “purportedly” for two reasons.

First, Garland notoriously flouts the SC regulations. He picks and chooses which regs he is claiming to follow depending on the Biden administration’s political needs of the moment, and, when expedient, he pulls his ace in the hole: §600.10 (the last of the ten regs), which provides that no one can force the Justice Department to follow its regulations — so the AG can ignore them at will. As I’ve previously explained, Garland flouted the SC regulations in appointing Smith because he was trying to project the fiction that he and Biden were not behind the Trump prosecutions.

Second, a mere regulation cannot override statutory law, much less the Constitution. Ergo, if the Constitution mandates that officer positions (other than those the Constitution itself creates) must be established by law, then they must be established by statute, not by a DOJ regulation. To be sure, Garland has broad authority to assign any Justice Department lawyer to any matter he chooses, but as an executive officer, he has no power to create an officer-of-the-United States position. Only Congress can do that.

The attack on Smith’s constitutional qualifications has been mounted by the Trump defense in Florida with the assistance of formidable friends of the court — amicus briefs have been filed by, among others, former attorneys general Edwin Meese III and Michael B. Mukasey (in collaboration with Citizens United and law professors Steven Calabresi and Gary Lawson) and appointments-clause scholar Seth Barrett Tillman and the Landmark Legal Foundation (filed by law professor Josh Blackman).

In essence, they observe that Garland has purported to vest in Smith “the full power and independent authority to exercise all investigative and prosecutorial functions of any United States Attorney” (quoting from §600.6 of the special-counsel regulations). Yet, U.S. attorneys are permitted to wield these powers only because they are officers of the United States. Smith is not.

Even ‘Inferior Officers’ Must Be Established by Statute
This brings us to some common misunderstandings about the appointments clause.

The clause creates a second category of officer of the United States — the “inferior officer.” For that reason, the first category of officers we’ve already discussed (those established either by the Constitution or by statute to wield significant powers) are referred to as principal officers. That distinguishes them from the second category, inferior officers.

When I excerpted the start of the appointments clause, above, I mentioned that we’d be getting to the rest of the clause. It deals with inferior officers and reads as follows:

. . . but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

Inferior officers are inferior either because (a) the government authority they exercise is not as significant as that exercised by principal officers or (b) when they are permitted to exercise significant power, they do so under the supervision of superior officers.

As the clause clearly provides, the manner of appointing inferior officers is up to Congress. There is an important limitation on Congress’s power in this regard: the Constitution’s overarching separation-of-powers principle. That is, Congress may not structure appointments of executive- or judicial-branch officers in a manner that would enable Congress, rather than the president or the courts, to exercise executive or judicial power. Executive officers — whether principal of inferior — must answer to and be removable by the president; and Article III judges must be independent of the political branches. Beyond that, Congress has broad latitude in prescribing how inferior officers are to be vetted before assuming their statutorily created positions.

Which Officers Must Be Subject to Presidential Appointment and Senate Confirmation?
This is the cause of confusion. Many people, including many experienced lawyers, assume that if a government official must be nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate, then that official must be a principal officer. Not true.

When Congress establishes inferior-officer positions, it sometimes requires presidential appointment and Senate confirmation. But it doesn’t have to. Congress could, for example, vest the AG (the “Head of a Department” in appointments-clause parlance) to name a person to an inferior-officer position that Congress has created, with no Senate vetting. Yet, Congress usually prefers to prescribe a Senate-confirmation requirement because that gives Congress more control over appointments. Statutorily mandating Senate confirmation discourages the executive branch from appointing officers whom Congress would find unacceptable (but Congress does not thereby intrude into the operation of the executive branch, so there is no separation-of-powers problem).

Here’s the salient distinction, though: Regardless of whether Congress assigns the president, a court, or a department head to appoint an inferior officer, and regardless of what qualification process Congress prescribes for an inferior officer, it is up to Congress by law — i.e., by statute — to create the inferior-officer position. A head of a department, such as AG Garland, has no power to create a position.

Whether District U.S. Attorneys Are Principal or Inferior Officers, Smith Is Neither

Let’s address some confusion that attends a pair of arguments (con and pro) about Smith’s status.

Many who object to Smith’s SC appointment argue that he is ineligible because (as noted above) Garland purported to vest him with the same power as that wielded by a district U.S. attorney. (I am speaking here about arguments against Smith made in the commentariat, not the more exacting ones advanced by Meese, Mukasey, Blackman, and other scholars who have filed briefs in the case.) These dissenters claim that Smith is not qualified to exercise the same power as a U.S. attorney because, unlike U.S. attorneys, he was not appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate before taking the SC office.
Smith counters that, as SC, he is an inferior officer closely supervised by AG Garland. Needless to say, that is rich since Garland appointed Smith solely to advance the administration’s political claim that Garland, the Biden Justice Department, and President Biden have nothing to do with the prosecutions of Trump — those, Garland has repeatedly insisted, were undertaken by Smith alone in his utterly independent judgment. But let’s put that hypocrisy aside, for the moment. Smith’s contention is that the SC position passes appointments-clause muster because he is an inferior officer. He analogizes his position to past independent counsels and other SCs, whose appointments have been upheld over appointment-clause challenges.
Both of these arguments are wrong.

First, it is not at all clear that the Constitution requires district U.S. attorneys to be presidentially nominated and Senate-confirmed. The Constitution mandates that process only for principal officers; while the matter has never been conclusively decided by the Supreme Court, it is possible that U.S. attorneys are inferior officers. That is, it may well be that U.S. attorneys are subject to appointment by the president and confirmation by the Senate only because Congress has required it by statute — specifically, §541 of Title 28, U.S. Code.

Still, even if U.S. attorneys are arguably inferior officers who are not constitutionally subject to presidential nomination and Senate confirmation, that would not legitimize the SC appointment of Smith, who is not presidentially nominated or Senate-confirmed. No matter what vetting procedure Congress required for U.S. attorneys, they are appointed by law; Smith is not.

The position of U.S. attorney, its presumptive four-year term, and the appointments process for qualifying for the position are laid out in §541. There are 94 U.S. attorneys, one in each of the federal districts across the nation and its territories. U.S. attorneys oversee federal prosecutions in those districts, hiring and supervising assistant U.S. attorneys who directly handle the cases. I, for example, was an assistant U.S. attorney for nearly 20 years.

District U.S. attorneys also have a measure of independence from “Main Justice” — the Justice Department’s Washington headquarters, where the AG, the deputy AG, and other top, presidentially appointed DOJ officers and their direct reports are stationed. That is, district U.S. attorneys are supervised by and report to the AG, who has the power to assign them to take any case in the country and to remove them from any case in their own districts. Yet, as presidential appointees, district U.S. attorneys can be fired only by the president — the AG has no authority to remove them from office.

Because U.S. attorneys wield significant power, have fixed multi-year terms (i.e., theirs is not an ad hoc position created for a single investigation or a limited purpose), and can be removed only by the president, there is a colorable constitutional argument that they are principal officers. But because they answer to superior officers (the AG and deputy AG) in a chain of command, are expected to follow Justice Department policy, must obtain Main Justice approval to file certain charges, and can be assigned to and removed from cases, the argument that they are inferior officers may be stronger — as, for example, the First Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals decided that it was in United States v. Hilario (2000).

Consequently, the fact that Smith was not nominated by President Biden and confirmed by the Senate to act as a SC is not necessarily disqualifying. It is possible that a prosecutor whose remit is the equivalent of a U.S. attorney’s is an inferior officer, and the Constitution does not require an inferior officer to be presidentially nominated and Senate-confirmed.

Nevertheless, because a prosecutor who is the functional equivalent of a district U.S. attorney must, at the very least, have the status of an inferior officer, Smith does not qualify. His position was not established by law. Hence, Smith is merely an employee of the United States. As a matter of constitutional law, an employee may not exercise the authority of an officer — neither principal nor inferior. An employee of the United States may legitimately perform an officer’s functions only under the supervision of an appropriately empowered officer. Because his position is not created by statute, an employee lacks his own authority to perform an officer’s functions.

Garland has defined Smith’s own authority to be the same powers vested in a district U.S. attorney. Indeed, according to Garland, Smith operates with even more autonomy than does a district U.S. attorney. As Congress has not created Smith’s SC position, this violates the Constitution.

Analogies to Past Cases Are Unavailing

The media have taken to reporting that Trump’s challenge to Smith’s status is unconvincing because courts have rejected similar challenges over the years. The word “similar” is working overtime in that critique. While “similar,” Trump’s challenge is not the same as those that have previously failed.

For example, challenges have been made to the authority of independent counsels (IC). But unlike Smith’s SC appointment, the position of IC was created by statute — a statute that lapsed in 1999. (I happen to agree with Justice Antonin Scalia’s legendary 1988 dissent in Morrison v. Olson that the IC position, as crafted in that statute, was unconstitutional, but that is neither here nor there for present purposes because Smith is not an IC.)

It has also been pointed out that Patrick Fitzgerald, John Durham, and David Weiss were appointed SCs in, respectively, the Valerie Plame, Russiagate, and Hunter Biden probes without being nominated or confirmed as SCs for those cases. Those appointments, however, were saliently different from Smith’s on two grounds.

First, those three appointments were not made under the SC regulations that Garland purports to have followed in appointing Smith (as I have explained in connection with both Weiss and Durham). Second, when appointed to their so-called special-counsel investigations, Weiss, Durham, and Fitzgerald were all district U.S. attorneys (for the districts of Delaware, Connecticut, and Northern Illinois, respectively). In fact, their being U.S. attorneys — high-ranking DOJ officials — made Weiss, Durham, and Fitzgerald unqualified to be SCs under the SC regulations, which mandate that SCs must be recruited from outside the government (see §600.3).

Those district U.S. attorneys may have been labeled “special counsel” for public consumption, but their constitutional authority to preside over those investigations traced to their status as officers of the United States who had been appointed as such by statute — i.e., nominated by the president and confirmed by the Senate, pursuant to §541. No one is disputing that an AG has the authority to assign any district U.S. attorney to assume control of any federal criminal investigation and prosecution anywhere in the United States. Smith, however, is not a district U.S. attorney. He was not appointed under §541, and his SC position and purported authority to exercise the same powers as district U.S. attorneys were not established by statute.

Finally, defenders of Smith’s appointment seize on the Watergate case, United States v. Nixon (1974). There, the Supreme Court observed that AG Elliot Richardson, “pursuant to” the power “vested in him [by various statutes] to appoint subordinate officers,” had named a “special prosecutor” — Archibald Cox — to take over the Watergate investigation of President Nixon and his underlings. Cox was not presidentially appointed or Senate-confirmed, and there was no “special prosecutor” statute.

Still, the Supreme Court’s observation about the basis for his appointment is nonbinding dictum. In the Nixon case, the issue before the Court was the enforceability against Nixon of a trial subpoena issued by Cox demanding that he turn over the infamous White House tapes. The constitutional validity of the special prosecutor’s appointment was not challenged — probably because Nixon was not a defendant in the criminal case Cox was prosecuting and because, as everyone knew at the time, Richardson would not have been confirmed as AG by the Democratic-dominated Senate unless he had appointed a Watergate special prosecutor from outside the administration.

In any event, the claim regarding Cox’s authority was not raised in Nixon. By contrast, it has been squarely raised regarding Smith’s authority by Trump’s defense.

Moreover, Cox was not a special counsel purportedly appointed under the current regulations on which Smith and Garland rely; rather, he was a special prosecutor appointed under a 1973 regulation issued by Richardson related specifically to Watergate. (See Nixon, footnote 8.) That was before Congress, to try to solidify the status of lawyers brought in to handle criminal investigations when the Justice Department is conflicted, enacted the aforementioned and now lapsed independent-counsel statute — the constitutionality of which was convincingly called into question by Justice Scalia’s Morrison v. Olson dissent. The Nixon dictum does not even address, much less cure, the infirmity of Smith’s appointment — the fact that he is not appointed by law.

What Happens If Smith Is Ruled Ineligible?

To be clear, none of this means that there is anything unlawful about Garland’s recruitment of Smith from outside the government to work on the Trump investigations. The illegitimacy lies in Smith’s running the Trump investigations. Smith is not an officer of the United States in a position established by law. To work on the case, then, he should have to work under the supervision of a proper officer — like any other government employee. The Trump investigations must be assigned to qualified officers of the United States, such as a district U.S. attorney.

Laughably, as recently I pointed out, Smith now claims that he is working under Garland’s close supervision. That, however, flies in the face of the very purpose — the political purpose — of his appointment.

There has never been a conflict of interest that would have ethically impeded the Biden Justice Department from investigating Trump. That’s why the Justice Department investigated Trump for nearly two years — in connection with both the January 6 and Mar-a-Lago probes — prior to Smith’s appointment. Garland used Trump’s early announcement that he’d be a candidate for the presidency as a pretext to claim that this created a conflict warranting an SC appointment.

In reality, it did no such thing. But by that point, Garland had to know that the Biden Justice Department was going to indict Trump and that Trump would claim that Biden was using his control over the Justice Department as a partisan weapon. To blunt that political claim by Biden’s campaign rival, Garland brought in Smith as his cutout: It enabled Garland to claim that all decisions regarding investigations of Trump were being made by an experienced, independent attorney from outside the government, with no input from Garland and other Biden political appointees.

It was always a farce: Smith’s prosecution teams are threaded with attorneys from the Biden and Obama-Biden Justice Departments. Plus, it is an unavoidable constitutional fact that the prosecutions of Trump are brought under Biden’s authority — under the Constitution, all executive power is vested in the president, and prosecution is a quintessentially executive power.

If Judge Cannon rules that Smith’s SC appointment violates the appointments clause, I don’t see how Garland would have any choice but to reassign the Trump investigations to a qualified officer of the United States. Were the AG to suddenly claim that he (Garland) has been running the case and closely supervising Smith all along, it would be tantamount to admitting that he’s been misleading the country for the past two years. On the contrary, were Garland to reaffirm his previous claims of noninvolvement, it would be tantamount to conceding that he improperly vested the powers of a district U.S. attorney in an outside lawyer whose position was not established by Congress and who has been neither appointed by the president nor confirmed by the Senate.

If Judge Cannon does conclude that Smith is ineligible, I do not believe the Mar-a-Lago documents-retention case in Florida, and perhaps the January 6 case in Washington, D.C., would necessarily have to start over again. Undoubtedly, Trump would seek dismissal of the indictments. Yet, I suspect that Garland could reassign the cases to qualified district U.S. attorneys. With the permission of the assigned judges, and with the help of Smith and his staff, those U.S. attorneys could quickly familiarize themselves with the proceedings. They could probably approve them without having to redo the indictments and prior proceedings; they would then supervise the proceedings going forward.

Nothing would change except the politics of the 2024 presidential campaign: It would be clear for all to see that the Justice Department, under President Biden’s control and authority, is prosecuting Biden’s electoral opponent, Donald Trump, including on charges of illegally retaining national-defense intelligence — felony charges of the same kind that the same Biden Justice Department declined to bring against Biden.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by ggait »

Salty gaslight -- that is all horse shirt.

Some SCs have been DOJ outsiders -- Mueller, Ken Starr, Robert Hur. Some have been DOJ insiders -- Patrick Fitzgerald, John Durham, Weiss.

Some dumb MAGA lawyers think the outsiders are wrongly appointed. Other dumb MAGA lawyers think the insiders are wrongly appointed -- like Andy McCarthy. Even Judge Cannon knows McCarthy's position is stupid.

Both positions are wrong.

And of course, Salty believes both positions are correct. :roll:

Salty -- let it go dude. Why don't you start posting about butter emails and Benghazi again? It would be more relevant.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

Ever since the expiration of the Independent Counsel statute in 1999, there has been a debate about the Constitutionality of a Special Counsel every time one is appointed. It is another issue that Congress needs to clarify.

In the case of Weiss & Durham, the SC designation was nothing more than the AG enhancing & expanding the scope of an already Senate confirmed & serving US Atty's authority within the DoJ.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by njbill »

This is what’s going on in the diabolical little mind of Judge Cannon. She’s obviously in the bag for Trump and will do anything and everything in her power to see that the charges against him are dismissed with prejudice.

So how to do that? This is her plan. She is going to delay delay delay to be sure that the case is not tried before the election. If Trump wins, he will pardon himself or order his justice department to dismiss the charges or take some other authoritarian, extra constitutional step. In that event, she won’t need to make any rulings in his favor.

But she also has to account for the possibility that Trump loses the election. In that case, she has to make darn sure that she does not get removed from the case. As the trial court judge, she will have innumerable opportunities to put her thumb on the scale to make sure Trump is acquitted (jury selection, evidentiary rulings before and during trial, etc.). And she holds the ace of trump (as it were). Even if the jury convicts Trump, she can grant a motion for a judgment of acquittal. At that point, the case is over. The government cannot appeal. Make no mistake. There is zero question in my mind that she would grant such a motion if the jury convicts Trump.

Cannon is keenly aware that she cannot take any steps that would result in her removal by the 11th Circuit. If that were to happen, the case no doubt would be assigned to a “normal” judge who would oversee a trial where Trump would very likely be found guilty of these open and shut (serious) charges. And there is a real risk that such a judge would sentence Trump to jail because by the time of sentencing, he will be a repeat offender many times over.

A lot of the commentators seem to think she has already crossed the line and should be removed. I don’t think she has as yet. Simply filibustering the case is not grounds for removal. At least yet.

She will be very careful not to issue a ruling that would give the 11th Circuit grounds to remove her. For that reason, I don’t think she is going to rule that Jack Smith’s appointment is unconstitutional. She also will need to be very careful about dismissing any of the charges against Trump. I think she could deny the request for a gag order and survive that on appeal.

To summarize, her number one goal is to delay the case until past the election. Her number two goal is to stay on the case at all costs.

She is the very worst of the federal judiciary and there are a lot of bad judges. She is crooked. It is that simple.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by youthathletics »

New Information Shows CIA Contractors Colluded with the Biden Campaign to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Read our latest report: ... a82I2GssRg ... a82I2GssRg
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:25 pm New Information Shows CIA Contractors Colluded with the Biden Campaign to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Read our latest report: ... a82I2GssRg ... a82I2GssRg
And for the 1000th time....they were right to call Giulaini's BS.

Want to get back on the merry go round? Happy to ride it again, my man.

It wasn't "Hunter Biden's Laptop Story". Your source is lying. It was "Rudy Giuliani's Laptop claims two weeks before the election".

Protip: if you want America to believe you have Hunter's laptop, don't have Rudy Giuliani send what HE claims are "snippets" from a COPY of Hunter Biden's alleged laptop , and tell the world "hey, take Rudy Giuliani's word that this is real".

Giuliaini, Trump, and your party deserved every last bit of what happened. I hope that next time, MORE US officials call BS when this happens.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

:lol: ...they were right to call Guilani's BS ?

Let's hope they do it again ? You like being lied to by your IC. That's why you enjoyed Benghazi so much.

Turns out that Rudy was a lot more truthful than Blinken's band of former spooks.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 12:18 am
youthathletics wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:25 pm New Information Shows CIA Contractors Colluded with the Biden Campaign to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Read our latest report: ... a82I2GssRg ... a82I2GssRg
And for the 1000th time....they were right to call Giulaini's BS.

Want to get back on the merry go round? Happy to ride it again, my man.

It wasn't "Hunter Biden's Laptop Story". Your source is lying. It was "Rudy Giuliani's Laptop claims two weeks before the election".

Protip: if you want America to believe you have Hunter's laptop, don't have Rudy Giuliani send what HE claims are "snippets" from a COPY of Hunter Biden's alleged laptop , and tell the world "hey, take Rudy Giuliani's word that this is real".

Giuliaini, Trump, and your party deserved every last bit of what happened. I hope that next time, MORE US officials call BS when this happens.
You are turning into a shill for the democratic party and making tinfoil hat wearers look sane, rather than seeking and demanding truth. Here is a report from the your feds, right in front of you eyes, not some wacko on twitter, that are not all Trump people, and you still want to play silly games......its okay to be mad that you too got spun into the web of deceit while digging your heels in like an Alabama tick that it was all Trump Admin fault.

If they were not sure, they should have said nothing, they chose to blame russians and trump and guillani, spit out a false swallowed the bait and the media played along. Let it go.....things change, Biden, the democratic party, and the intel community intentionally got out over their skis and its clear they did. You should be irate at them, not playing silly partisan games with us.

Tinfoil Hat [ON]: Maybe, just Maybe.....Guilani and team Trump intentionally set the honeytrap for the intel and biden camp to double down on the russian hoax claim, it was an easy target, knowing full well they'd swallow the you ;) . While they knew full well the laptop was authentic and the truth would come out. Tinfoil Hat [OFF] Sadly, if this is true, it does more damage to the US by undermining further trust issues within our intel community.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

They were right to deceive the American people & throw the election, because we don't like Rudy.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

So we're worried about a $40,000 check to Joe may have been from China or something? Still not sure what people want to happen with all these investigations if they want to be clear and to the point.

Meanwhile, this weird case crept through mostly underreported at the time...

Judge unseals new documents relating to Mueller team's effort to compel an Egyptian government-owned bank's compliance with a subpoena seeking information about Trump's mysterious, last minute $10m contribution to his own campaign near the end of the 2016 election [PDF]

[Redacted Egyptian bank] argues that complying with the subpoena would require violating Country A's Banking Law, Country A's Anti-Money Laundering Law ("AML Law"), and unspecified law in Country B.

Later in the PDF on p. 48, in a separate memo, the court specifies in a footnote that, "Country B is the People's Republic of China."


Of course because Rosenstein told Mueller not to look into Trump's financials too deeply.

Trump Took $7.8 Million in Foreign Cash While in Office. He’d Do It Again. - and that's the tip of the iceberg vs the indirect quid-pro-quo stuff.

I'm sure if we keep investigating Hunter for another 6 years, something will turn up.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by njbill »

Yep. Turns out Hunter only tipped 13% one time. Oh, the horror.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

njbill wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 10:26 am Yep. Turns out Hunter only tipped 13% one time. Oh, the horror.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 9:50 am
a fan wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 12:18 am
youthathletics wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:25 pm New Information Shows CIA Contractors Colluded with the Biden Campaign to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Read our latest report: ... a82I2GssRg ... a82I2GssRg
And for the 1000th time....they were right to call Giulaini's BS.

Want to get back on the merry go round? Happy to ride it again, my man.

It wasn't "Hunter Biden's Laptop Story". Your source is lying. It was "Rudy Giuliani's Laptop claims two weeks before the election".

Protip: if you want America to believe you have Hunter's laptop, don't have Rudy Giuliani send what HE claims are "snippets" from a COPY of Hunter Biden's alleged laptop , and tell the world "hey, take Rudy Giuliani's word that this is real".

Giuliaini, Trump, and your party deserved every last bit of what happened. I hope that next time, MORE US officials call BS when this happens.
You are turning into a shill for the democratic party and making tinfoil hat wearers look sane, rather than seeking and demanding truth. Here is a report from the your feds, right in front of you eyes, not some wacko on twitter, that are not all Trump people, and you still want to play silly games......its okay to be mad that you too got spun into the web of deceit while digging your heels in like an Alabama tick that it was all Trump Admin fault.

If they were not sure, they should have said nothing, they chose to blame russians and trump and guillani, spit out a false swallowed the bait and the media played along. Let it go.....things change, Biden, the democratic party, and the intel community intentionally got out over their skis and its clear they did. You should be irate at them, not playing silly partisan games with us.

Tinfoil Hat [ON]: Maybe, just Maybe.....Guilani and team Trump intentionally set the honeytrap for the intel and biden camp to double down on the russian hoax claim, it was an easy target, knowing full well they'd swallow the you ;) . While they knew full well the laptop was authentic and the truth would come out. Tinfoil Hat [OFF] Sadly, if this is true, it does more damage to the US by undermining further trust issues within our intel community.
Hang on, did you read even the summary?

A fan is correct.
The "weaponization" committee, with zero bi-partisan involvement, put this BS piece out completely ignoring a fan's point of the context.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 9:50 am If they were not sure, they should have said nothing, they chose to blame russians and trump and guillani, spit out a false swallowed the bait and the media played along.
:lol: If they were not sure?

Dude. You and OS DESPERATELY want to ignore, for the 1100th one had anything in their hands "to be sure" about.

All we had was Giuliani's word. Two weeks before the election.

You and your Republican buds can be mad that everyone called BS on Rudy all you want.

Don't care. Not even a little. Rudy got what he deserved. Next time? Hand of over your claim, and let the world verify your claims.

He didn't do that, so no one believed him. Isn't it weird that a man who sweats out the shoe polish he dropped in his hear wasn't believed by anyone on Earth who didn't have a R by their name? :lol:

Gee whiz guys, I can't figure out why no one believed Rudy. Has he been disbarred yet? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And most importantly of all? You are STILL on here acting like there was criminal activity on the laptop that had ANYTHING to do with the election, and it was SOOPER important to the future of the Republic. :lol:

Oh no! A rich politicians son did a bunch of drugs!!!! How will America survive?!?!?! :lol:
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

a fan wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 8:16 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 9:50 am If they were not sure, they should have said nothing, they chose to blame russians and trump and guillani, spit out a false swallowed the bait and the media played along.
:lol: If they were not sure?

Dude. You and OS DESPERATELY want to ignore, for the 1100th one had anything in their hands "to be sure" about.

All we had was Giuliani's word. Two weeks before the election.

You and your Republican buds can be mad that everyone called BS on Rudy all you want.

Don't care. Not even a little. Rudy got what he deserved. Next time? Hand of over your claim, and let the world verify your claims.

He didn't do that, so no one believed him. Isn't it weird that a man who sweats out the shoe polish he dropped in his hear wasn't believed by anyone on Earth who didn't have a R by their name? :lol:

Gee whiz guys, I can't figure out why no one believed Rudy. Has he been disbarred yet? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And most importantly of all? You are STILL on here acting like there was criminal activity on the laptop that had ANYTHING to do with the election, and it was SOOPER important to the future of the Republic. :lol:

Oh no! A rich politicians son did a bunch of drugs!!!! How will America survive?!?!?! :lol:

Had people seen this, Biden would have been toast! Meanwhile Trump is a convicted felon and rapist and the folks complaining about Rudy not being taken seriously are voting for him.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by runrussellrun »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 9:06 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 8:16 pm
youthathletics wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 9:50 am If they were not sure, they should have said nothing, they chose to blame russians and trump and guillani, spit out a false swallowed the bait and the media played along.
:lol: If they were not sure?

Dude. You and OS DESPERATELY want to ignore, for the 1100th one had anything in their hands "to be sure" about.

All we had was Giuliani's word. Two weeks before the election.

You and your Republican buds can be mad that everyone called BS on Rudy all you want.

Don't care. Not even a little. Rudy got what he deserved. Next time? Hand of over your claim, and let the world verify your claims.

He didn't do that, so no one believed him. Isn't it weird that a man who sweats out the shoe polish he dropped in his hear wasn't believed by anyone on Earth who didn't have a R by their name? :lol:

Gee whiz guys, I can't figure out why no one believed Rudy. Has he been disbarred yet? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

And most importantly of all? You are STILL on here acting like there was criminal activity on the laptop that had ANYTHING to do with the election, and it was SOOPER important to the future of the Republic. :lol:

Oh no! A rich politicians son did a bunch of drugs!!!! How will America survive?!?!?! :lol:

Had people seen this, Biden would have been toast! Meanwhile Trump is a convicted felon and rapist and the folks complaining about Rudy not being taken seriously are voting for him.
You admitted to STILL being friends with a known "rapist". Guess, your friend, just never got convicted..........

You seem to know many, how many "friends" do you hang with that have been kicked out of the military for crack cocaine use ?

stay principled, rapist friend.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt » ... tax-trial/

Hunter Biden’s Laptop Emails, Business Dealings Set to Feature Prominently at Upcoming Criminal Tax Trial

by JAMES LYNCH, August 2, 2024

Dozens of emails from Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop and documents related to his lucrative foreign business dealings are set to be featured at his upcoming criminal trial on nine federal tax charges.

Federal prosecutors submitted Wednesday a lengthy list of more than 250 exhibits the government will use to make its case that Biden failed to pay at least $1.4 million in taxes over four years while living an “extravagant lifestyle.”

The evidence includes a trove of emails, business contracts, divorce proceedings, text messages, lists of expenses, payroll details, his girlfriends’ tax returns, bank statements, wire payments, accountant billings, and his book contract.

It remains to be seen whether the prosecution will introduce each of the listed exhibits at trial, but the list as a whole provides a valuable snapshot into how the government will make its case against Biden.

Bidens Used Web of Shell Companies to Conceal Foreign Cash, Bank Records Obtained by House GOP Reveal
CIA Listed Some Signatories of the Hunter Biden Laptop Letter as Active Contractors
The emails and business records will bring fresh scrutiny to Biden’s lucrative foreign business dealings, particularly those involving Ukrainian and Chinese entities. Payments from Ukrainian energy firm Burisma Holdings and business records from Hudson West III, Biden’s joint venture with Chinese infrastructure conglomerate CEFC, are featured on the exhibits list. Emails between former business associates such as Rob Walker, Tony Bobulinski, James Gilliar are also listed.

Further, documents from the bribery prosecution of Biden’s former Chinese business associate, CEFC executive Patrick Ho are on the list. Ho paid Biden a $1 million legal retainer after he was arrested for services Biden never performed, according to documents provided to congress by IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, two agents who spent years on the Hunter Biden case.

House Republicans have investigated the scope of Biden’s business dealings with individuals and entities based in Ukraine, China, Romania, and other countries for the impeachment inquiry into his father, President Joe Biden. The investigation has uncovered roughly $24 million of payments from foreign business entities and associates to Biden and his business partners over a five year period last decade that overlapped with Joe Biden’s vice presidency.

Last year, a federal grand jury in California issued a bombshell indictment laying out the tax charges against Biden with detailed financial information about his foreign business dealings and lavish lifestyle that apparently took priority over his taxes. The payments Hunter Biden received from his various foreign business ventures will be central to the government’s effort to prove Biden had the necessary income to pay his taxes on time.

Bank records and the indictment show Burisma paid Biden $1 million per year from 2014 until 2017, when Burisma slashed his salary at the end of Joe Biden’s vice presidency. From 2017-2018, Hudson West III shelled out roughly $3 million to Hunter Biden and his uncle and business partner James Biden, bank records, business contracts, and the indictment reflect.

Prior to the Hudson West III deal, in early 2017, CEFC paid $3 million to Walker through its State Energy HK account, and Walker distributed roughly $1 million of the funds to Hunter and James Biden, bank records and the indictment show. The indictment estimates Biden hauled in more than $7 million of income, and received $1.2 million from friend and patron Kevin Morris to sustain his lifestyle during the relevant time period.

Moreover, the list of exhibits features court documents that could paint a vivid picture of Biden’s tumultuous divorce from ex-wife Kathleen Buhle and the lavish lifestyle he lived for the last decade, often characterized by severe drug addiction and unstable relationships with multiple women at a time. Tax forms and other documents from two of those girlfriends, Hallie Biden and Lunden Roberts, are on the exhibit list. Hallie Biden is the widow of Hunter’s deceased brother Beau, and Roberts is the mother of his love child.

Buhle, the mother of Biden’s three eldest daughters, and Hallie Biden each testified at Hunter’s criminal gun trial in June, and described the lasting trauma they suffered from his addiction to crack cocaine and erratic behavior. After she discovered a crack pipe on their porch in summer 2015, Buhle and Hunter Biden separated, and in 2017 their divorce was finalized.

Court filings reported by Axios show Biden failed to pay Buhle $1.7 million owed since the divorce. Biden and Buhle’s divorce agreement required him to pay her $37,000 per month alimony and half of his income over $875,000 annually.

Most of the emails the government lists are from conversations about his tax burdens, drawn-out divorce, bills to pay, and business dealings. Prosecutors will likely use the emails to show Biden had full awareness of his recurring tax problems and still refused to pay his taxes in a timely fashion.

The emails originate from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop archive, which first came to light ahead of the 2020 presidential election. It is not yet known whether Biden’s defense attorneys will dispute the authenticity of his abandoned laptop archive at the tax trial.

Throughout Biden’s various legal proceedings, his attorneys have claimed the laptop data was manipulated, a claim Justice Department prosecutors likened to a “conspiracy theory” in court papers leading up to Biden’s gun trial. Numerous media outlets have independently verified the contents contained on Biden’s laptop.

Before the 2020 election, 51 former intelligence officials claimed, without providing evidence, that the laptop story resembled Russian disinformation. Then-Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden used the letter during a presidential debate to dismiss the validity of the laptop story.

The since-discredited letter was prompted by the Biden campaign, namely senior Biden adviser Tony Blinken, according to congressional testimony from former CIA deputy director Michael Morell, the architect of the letter. One of the reasons for the letter, Morell said, was to give Joe Biden a talking point at the debate. Morell and other intelligence officials who testified before congress blamed the media and Joe Biden’s comments on the letter for the widespread criticism it continues to receive.

At Hunter Biden’s criminal gun trial, FBI special agent Erica Jensen testified for the prosecution about the validity of the data stored on Biden’s laptop. Jensen described how federal investigators cross-referenced the computer’s serial number to Biden’s Apple iCloud servers in late 2019, and extracted data from the computer. Her testimony on how the laptop was verified overlaps significantly with Shapley’s congressional testimony last year to the House Ways and Means Committee.

Special counsel David Weiss’s team of prosecutors won a conviction against Hunter Biden in June on three federal gun charges tied to a gun purchase he made in October 2018 while addicted to crack cocaine. Biden lied about his crack cocaine addiction on gun paperwork and subsequently possessed the firearm. His sentencing is set to take place later this year.

The government’s exhibit list indicates that the defense has not entirely agreed to the admissibility of some of the exhibits prosecutors plan on introducing at the trial next month. The defense will submit its own list of exhibits in due time before the trial starts. In the meantime, both sides have filed pre-trial motions over the scope of the trial’s arguments and evidence. National Review has reached out to Biden’s legal team for comment.

Hunter Biden is facing three felony and six misdemeanor charges for allegedly failing to pay over $1.4 million of taxes over a four year period, willfully failing to file tax returns in a timely manner, and filing false tax returns for 2018. He has pleaded not guilty to all the charges.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by njbill »

Now that Joe Biden isn’t running, why on earth would anybody have any interest about this?
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by ggait »

Good point.

Once Hillary lost the election, Salty no longer gave a shirt about Benghazi.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

ggait wrote: Fri Aug 02, 2024 4:53 pm Good point.

Once Hillary lost the election, Salty no longer gave a shirt about Benghazi.
Where have you been ? I've responded about Benghazi every time that afan or TLD trolled me about it.
Thankfully, nobody's done anything that stupid since HRC's aborted publicity stunt & fake excuses.
DoD responded by stationing a USMC FAST Team at Moron AB in southern Spain, which I posted about.

Hunter won't be sentenced on his gun crime until after the election & is unlikely to be sentenced for any tax crimes before the election.
That leaves plenty of time for lame duck Pop to pardon him without impacting the election.
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