The Biden - Harris Era.

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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

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RunRussellRun, no personal attacks.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:09 pm It speaks volumes that you need to read some schlub from TWP gaslight the hell out of us, when we and they know full well our money does not go nearly as far as it did a short handful of years ago. The BS they are pushing is embarrassing. They are running interference for Biden....nothing more.
Correct. Why? Why doesn't our money go as far as it did a few years ago?

You know why. And I watched you cheer it on, YA.

What does massive tax cuts for corporations and the 1%ers who are holding all the US currency do? It keeps more money in circulation, right?

What happens when you have too much money in circulation, YA?

Inflation, right?

Now add in borrowing EVEN MORE money....trillions........what do you think will happen?

No one complained about this as it was happening. Everyone was THRILLED with Trump as he pumped TRILLIONS of borrowed money into the US economy which, duh, led to prosperity. Odd what happens when you hand every person in America cash and eviction bans, isn't it? Remember the Billions in cash for farmers BEFORE Covid? ;)

Now the bill is due. And you cats want to blame Biden for it? Please.

We signed up for this. Don't like it? Simple solution: raise taxes to pay for all the cr*p we bought. No one wants to do that, and hasn't wanted to do that for 20+ years now, and counting.

Know what the interest payment on our debt is this year, YA? We broke through $1 Trillion this year. Wasted money on NOTHING because a bunch of grown adults are convinced that they don't have to pay for the things government give them. Oh, and then pretends that the government doesn't do anything for them.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by cradleandshoot »

a fan wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 1:57 pm
youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:09 pm It speaks volumes that you need to read some schlub from TWP gaslight the hell out of us, when we and they know full well our money does not go nearly as far as it did a short handful of years ago. The BS they are pushing is embarrassing. They are running interference for Biden....nothing more.
Correct. Why? Why doesn't our money go as far as it did a few years ago?

You know why. And I watched you cheer it on, YA.

What does massive tax cuts for corporations and the 1%ers who are holding all the US currency do? It keeps more money in circulation, right?

What happens when you have too much money in circulation, YA?

Inflation, right?

Now add in borrowing EVEN MORE money....trillions........what do you think will happen?

No one complained about this as it was happening. Everyone was THRILLED with Trump as he pumped TRILLIONS of borrowed money into the US economy which, duh, led to prosperity. Odd what happens when you hand every person in America cash and eviction bans, isn't it? Remember the Billions in cash for farmers BEFORE Covid? ;)

Now the bill is due. And you cats want to blame Biden for it? Please.

We signed up for this. Don't like it? Simple solution: raise taxes to pay for all the cr*p we bought. No one wants to do that, and hasn't wanted to do that for 20+ years now, and counting.

Know what the interest payment on our debt is this year, YA? We broke through $1 Trillion this year. Wasted money on NOTHING because a bunch of grown adults are convinced that they don't have to pay for the things government give them. Oh, and then pretends that the government doesn't do anything for them.
+1 It would be impossible to single out any particular entity of government to lay the blame on. There are too many people with their fingers in the money pie. What the hell though a Fan, when your spending other people's money...who cares? :roll: It ain't like you will ever face a day of reconning or be held accountable for your malfeasance.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:09 pm It speaks volumes that you need to read some schlub from TWP gaslight the hell out of us, when we and they know full well our money does not go nearly as far as it did a short handful of years ago. The BS they are pushing is embarrassing. They are running interference for Biden....nothing more.
Why do you think Catherine Rampell is a "schlub"? Better to bring in the stuff from bubblebathgirl? Benny Johnson? Collin Rugg?
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

More from the "schlubs" at the Post: ... sentiment/

"America’s economic mood remains glum. This is despite great news: Growth is strong; the stock market just hit record levels; unemployment is low; and inflation has significantly cooled in the past year. Dig a little deeper into public sentiment and there’s a striking dichotomy — the vast majority of Americans (72 percent) say their personal finances are all right, but only 22 percent think the national economy is in decent shape, according to a chart the Federal Reserve recently released.

Negativity about the national economy nosedived during the pandemic and has barely rebounded since. The Fed surveys more than 11,000 adults a year, with its most recent assessment of financial well-being occurring in late 2023. Recent polling shows a similar divide, with Americans saying that they are doing “okay” (or their state is doing pretty well) but that the national economy is in trouble. A new poll by the Guardian found the majority of adults wrongly think the country is in a recession. Why?

The main answer is inflation. Prices spiked across the board in 2022, largely driven by supply shortages of everything from gas to meat to kitchen cabinets to workers. Inflation is typically reported as the change in prices in the past year. But looking at the cumulative increase since the start of the pandemic, inflation is up 21 percent. Wages are up 22 percent, but higher prices tend to have more of a psychological impact. Many people feel that they have earned their pay increases but that price increases are unfair.

The cumulative increase since President Biden took office in January 2021 shows prices up 19 percent. That’s unusual. No president in recent memory has presided over a higher cumulative price increase since Jimmy Carter (cumulative inflation was nearly 38 percent at this point in his term).

It’s possible that Americans are experiencing the economic equivalent of a hangover. It’s taking a long time for the economy to get back to normal after the severe shock of the pandemic and then the inflation surge. Prices are no longer rising rapidly for most items. Wages have actually been rising, on average, faster than inflation for the past year. Consumption has remained robust despite people’s expressed gloominess. There’s some hope that if this trend continues, people will really start to notice and the “vibes” will also return to more normal levels. The latest University of Michigan consumers survey shows a big rebound from this time last year, but there has been another noticeable drop this year as people worry they won’t see much additional relief from high prices and high interest rates anytime soon. It’s notable in the Fed data that the group reporting the biggest decline in their personal financial situations in 2023 were parents with children under 18 living at home.

The media’s negative economic coverage might also help explain the glum mood. A study of economic news from Brookings Institution economists Ben Harris and Aaron Sojourner found a more negative tone since 2018 and, especially, since 2021. But they also found a more positive tone at the end of 2023, which did not impact the Fed data but did coincide with an increase in the Michigan survey. Republicans have also been extremely pessimistic about the economy since Mr. Biden took office. The partisan divide explains some of the negative sentiment, though not all since independents are also gloomy.

Many Americans feel deep anxiety about the future. Most doubt their children will be better off than they are. Nearly half aren’t confident they will have enough money for retirement. Young people are especially pessimistic. A new poll from Democratic firm Blueprint of 18-to-30-year-olds found 54 percent believe the country is going downhill and 64 percent agree that “America is in decline.” These poll results help explain why people can see their personal finances as acceptable now but still have deep concerns about the economy’s direction.

Telling Americans the economy is better than they realize doesn’t make much impact in an era when many are still in shock about the rise in prices. Good news about employment and growth isn’t registering. Politicians who try to win support by citing those numbers — we’re looking at you, Mr. Biden — have to find a new language for a new post-inflation psychology, acknowledging the price shock while projecting confidence that it’s being overcome. Wages are now rising quickly, and major companies, such as Target and Aldi, are cutting prices. Recovery takes time.

This is not an easy message to convey. But it is a realistic one."
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by youthathletics »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 1:26 pm
youthathletics wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 1:12 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri May 17, 2024 2:56 pm
youthathletics wrote: Fri May 17, 2024 11:51 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri May 17, 2024 10:55 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri May 17, 2024 10:13 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri May 17, 2024 10:09 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri May 17, 2024 8:40 am Garland in Contempt?
Assume that the GOP House Oversight Committee contempt citation is issued. Now what happens?

The President has interposed executive privilege against disclosure of the videotapes. The DOJ will likely contest the legal basis for the subpoenaed materials, asserting that the Congress does not have an appropriate legislative purpose for the disclosure, and that the disclosure of the transcripts was sufficient for any such purposes in any event.

I know you have registered your disagreement with Trump's interposition of executive privilege on many...whoa, strike that.

So a case is filed in the federal district court in Washington, House Oversight v. Garland. The Court issues an order quashing the contempt and effectively validating the DOJ's/Garland's measured and lawful approach to evaluation of the subpoena and DOJ's decision to contest its scope and purpose. Appeal is had to the DC Circuit, and a briefing schedule is published and the case is briefed and argued.

Where in the foregoing is the GOP Majority doing anything that helps Americans? Do you not understand that this is all of the mishmash you purport to hate, but now, as it is coming from Comer the Gomer, you seem OK with it. Weird. Wonder what the legal authority "bubblebathgirl" thinks?
Objection. speculation. "Sustained"
Ahh, clever reply that I can label, "YA takes the Fifth."
The plot thickens (my little pretty) the video and background music by Luna, makes it kinda scary... :lol:
Performative nonsense that you pass on. You are a purposeful or unwitting agent of deep MAGA bullsh@t. But you got Jesus going on, so you’re good.
Curious, as an attorney what is your take on this idea…

If they released the transcripts of the interview, does that not nullify executive privilege in releasing the actual audio? If no, why? Otherwise the argument is that the transcript and audio differ, no?
Yes, I think that is a valid argument; production of the transcript voluntarily effectively waives the assertion of privilege to the videotape. It will depend, among other things, I whether the voluntary production of the transcript reserved or tried to reserve the privilege to anything else, such as the video and audio. But yes, that is an argument the Committee could make. The real problem will be the broader question of whether Congress/the Committee has any basis for wanting any of it in the first place due to the (pretty clear to me, anyway) absence of a legislative purpose for the materials.

If we could keep the conversation about things like this -- that have a basis in reality and reason, and not the Luna silliness or other stupid twittersphere idiocy -- that would be nice. Once you invoke a GOP member of Congress for nearly any proposition, the conversation goes down the sewer.
Vote to hold him in contempt squeeks by: ... index.html
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

youthathletics wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2024 4:31 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 1:26 pm
youthathletics wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 1:12 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri May 17, 2024 2:56 pm
youthathletics wrote: Fri May 17, 2024 11:51 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri May 17, 2024 10:55 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri May 17, 2024 10:13 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri May 17, 2024 10:09 am
youthathletics wrote: Fri May 17, 2024 8:40 am Garland in Contempt?
Assume that the GOP House Oversight Committee contempt citation is issued. Now what happens?

The President has interposed executive privilege against disclosure of the videotapes. The DOJ will likely contest the legal basis for the subpoenaed materials, asserting that the Congress does not have an appropriate legislative purpose for the disclosure, and that the disclosure of the transcripts was sufficient for any such purposes in any event.

I know you have registered your disagreement with Trump's interposition of executive privilege on many...whoa, strike that.

So a case is filed in the federal district court in Washington, House Oversight v. Garland. The Court issues an order quashing the contempt and effectively validating the DOJ's/Garland's measured and lawful approach to evaluation of the subpoena and DOJ's decision to contest its scope and purpose. Appeal is had to the DC Circuit, and a briefing schedule is published and the case is briefed and argued.

Where in the foregoing is the GOP Majority doing anything that helps Americans? Do you not understand that this is all of the mishmash you purport to hate, but now, as it is coming from Comer the Gomer, you seem OK with it. Weird. Wonder what the legal authority "bubblebathgirl" thinks?
Objection. speculation. "Sustained"
Ahh, clever reply that I can label, "YA takes the Fifth."
The plot thickens (my little pretty) the video and background music by Luna, makes it kinda scary... :lol:
Performative nonsense that you pass on. You are a purposeful or unwitting agent of deep MAGA bullsh@t. But you got Jesus going on, so you’re good.
Curious, as an attorney what is your take on this idea…

If they released the transcripts of the interview, does that not nullify executive privilege in releasing the actual audio? If no, why? Otherwise the argument is that the transcript and audio differ, no?
Yes, I think that is a valid argument; production of the transcript voluntarily effectively waives the assertion of privilege to the videotape. It will depend, among other things, I whether the voluntary production of the transcript reserved or tried to reserve the privilege to anything else, such as the video and audio. But yes, that is an argument the Committee could make. The real problem will be the broader question of whether Congress/the Committee has any basis for wanting any of it in the first place due to the (pretty clear to me, anyway) absence of a legislative purpose for the materials.

If we could keep the conversation about things like this -- that have a basis in reality and reason, and not the Luna silliness or other stupid twittersphere idiocy -- that would be nice. Once you invoke a GOP member of Congress for nearly any proposition, the conversation goes down the sewer.
Vote to hold him in contempt squeeks by: ... index.html
Another dumb stunt by the majority party in the 118th Congress. I guess the issues now go into the courts for resolution, and Congress -- Comer and Jordan -- have to come up with a legislative purpose served by the video, when they already have the complete and verified transcript. What has the GOP majority carried into law that serves the interests of its constituency?
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

Interesting how the Biden administration is trying to tell us we're not really seeing what we're seeing with these video clips we're seeing. So how come folks are touching Biden's arm and showing him the way to exit, or the way to face? Touching his arm, though... But we're not seeing that. Yeah--it's just the MAGA folks putting lies out into the ether. U-huh. Okay if you say so.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

Free of any policies to help Americans, the GOP campaign to hoodwink Americans moves forward: ... ideos.html

"President Biden has many adversaries in this year’s election. There are his Republican opponent, former President Donald J. Trump, and the independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

And then there is the distorted, online version of himself, a product of often misleading videos that play into and reinforce voters’ longstanding concerns about his age and abilities.

In the last two weeks, conservative news outlets, the Republican National Committee and the Trump team have circulated videos of Mr. Biden that lacked important context and twisted mundane moments to paint him in an unflattering light. Among other things, they created the impression that the president:

Wandered off during a meeting with other Group of 7 leaders, an image that The New York Post ran on its front page (he was greeting paratroopers)

Was escorted out of an event by his wife, Jill Biden, while President Emmanuel Macron of France stayed behind to greet veterans (a longer video showed Mr. Biden greeting veterans before his exit and then walking out with Dr. Biden)

Struggled to sit down at a D-Day commemoration ceremony (after seemingly hesitating for an uncomfortable few seconds, he eventually took a seat when the next speaker was announced, as did others), an image that spawned wild and false claims. It also generated approximately 12,000 mentions across social media platforms — an unusual level of attention — and 372 English-language articles, according to Chiara Vercellone, a senior staff analyst for NewsGuard, a company that monitors online misinformation

A New York Times review of these videos found that some scenes were cut short and taken out of context, while other clips were cropped in a way that omitted crucial details when compared with additional footage.

Campaigns and political groups have long disseminated damaging videos of their opponents, sometimes misleadingly edited ones.

But the flurry of clips released this month is a fresh reminder of the steep, multifront and evolving challenge that Mr. Biden, 81, faces in convincing voters that he is spry enough to serve another term. As polls show a close race, many Americans harbor doubts about his fitness — and selectively sliced snippets from his routine public appearances are fueling those worries and sending conspiracy theories spiraling across social media.

“They’ll go around the world twice before the truth can even wake up, and in many cases people never hear what the truth is,” said former Representative Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, a rare Republican critic of Mr. Trump’s who is supporting Mr. Biden. “If you see those and that’s all you see, you’re going to walk away thinking there’s something wrong, like something’s going on, because you haven’t seen the truth and the correction, so yeah, I do think it’s damaging.”

Driven by clips of Mr. Biden’s appearances at high-profile events commemorating Juneteenth and D-Day, posts on the social media platform X concerning his age and mental competence surged nearly 2,000 percent over the last two weeks compared with average activity, according to data from the firm PeakMetrics.

Some of the videos of Mr. Biden circulating during this year’s campaign are clearly manipulated to make him look old and confused. Others cut out vital context to portray him in a negative light, a process sometimes known as a “cheap fake” because it requires little expense or technological skill to create.

And some are simply brief, unedited clips of an octogenarian president who is an uneven public speaker prone to verbal miscues, who shuffles at times (his doctor has said he has a “stiffened gait,” partly because of arthritis) and who is otherwise showing signs of his age, his greatest and most persistent political liability.

The videos that are misleadingly cropped “follow a formula,” said Bhaskar Chakravorti, the dean of global business at the Fletcher School at Tufts University.

“They are low-cost and super easy to produce by clipping a video or narrowing the frame to eliminate or change the context, no fancy tech or A.I. needed,” he said. “Biden’s actual visuals, especially his physical unsteadiness and measured and stiff gait in a cropped frame, make the cheap fakes easier to produce and distribute rapidly. No question, we’ll see this spike.”

A Marquette Law School poll released last month found that 79 percent of voters saw Mr. Biden as too old to be president, while 54 percent said the same about Mr. Trump. At 78 years old, the former president has had many of his own verbal stumbles, alongside his extensive record of promoting conspiracy theories and lies.

Charles Franklin, the director of that poll, said the video clips fed a public perception that Mr. Biden was too old.

“People that already are concerned about his age are quick to accept what they see in the video, and not question whether that’s selectively edited,” Mr. Franklin said. “But seeing image after image of him, or video after video of him, over the last few years, also boosts the perception that he’s too old.”

Mr. Biden has long been the subject of deceptive videos, including during his successful 2020 race.

But as he struggles with weak job approval nearly four months before Election Day, there are signs that years of damaging clips — however misleading many of them are — pose a real political risk."
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:21 am Interesting how the Biden administration is trying to tell us we're not really seeing what we're seeing with these video clips we're seeing. So how come folks are touching Biden's arm and showing him the way to exit, or the way to face? Touching his arm, though... But we're not seeing that. Yeah--it's just the MAGA folks putting lies out into the ether. U-huh. Okay if you say so.
Kind of trolling post, right?

Are you aware of the 'clips' that are used to make truly false claims by "MAGA folks" ?
If not, you might want to do a bit of homework on those. Lots of precise debunking been done, just need to look for it.

Of course, there's no argument that he's an old guy.
But are you seeing what you want to see?
Or what manipulators want you to see?

I just don't think there's any denial that he's older than he was 4 years ago.
It's a legit issue.

Problem is that Trump is a sociopath wannabe authoritarian and felon and his closest acolytes are organized to seize power and to exercise it in some pretty darn horrible ways, regardless of what a majority of Americans want. They're very clear about it.

Some people, like you, prefer the sociopath authoritarian.

I prefer a manhole cover to Trump and his crew.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

No thanks, MD. I have had quite enough of your condescending insults to last for a good long while. Your pedantic lectures are insufferable. (C&S was accurate in referring to them as such). Your making-certain-sure-you-appear-to-have-won-the-argument tactic of raising all kinds of other topics--side or on point--so as to muddy the water and confuse the issue. As I've said before--just like Trump. It's a disingenuous way of getting your point across. For those reasons, I don't enjoy interacting with you so, no thank you. You're on the Pay No Mind list until further notice.

Oh, and if you think I am "trolling" – feel free to report me.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:13 am No thanks, MD. I have had quite enough of your condescending insults to last for a good long while. Your pedantic lectures are insufferable. (C&S was accurate in referring to them as such). Your making-certain-sure-you-appear-to-have-won-the-argument tactic of raising all kinds of other topics--side or on point--so as to muddy the water and confuse the issue. As I've said before--just like Trump. It's a disingenuous way of getting your point across. For those reasons, I don't enjoy interacting with you so, no thank you. You're on the Pay No Mind list until further notice.

Oh, and if you think I am "trolling" – feel free to report me.
He is pushing back against your viewpoint that "we're not really seeing what we're seeing with these video clips," and suggesting you take a deeper dive into the world of out of context videos and other pieces of sly misinformation that plague almost all social discourse, to say nothing of political discourse. Retreating into "I have had quite enough of your condescending insults" is, as I have come to know, totally de rigueur for many Americans, who don't want their lives and opinions shaped by facts, or corrections to misapprehended or misinformed opinions. It allows one to retreat into the hard shell of one's static views, and cast everyone else aside as "condescending."

Discussion of difficult subjects, particularly in written form on pages like this one, carries no other humanizing quality -- a smile, a smirk, a hand gesture, and the like. So we take the cold words delivered in writing either like an adult who placed themselves in the public marketplace by their rendering of an opinion on a divisive topic, or we act the part of an aggrieved little boy who "won't be talked down to," or some such thing.
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What we've seen Biden do...

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

I love the spin on this issue. You know what it says to me? We're all too stupid to discern what we see, regardless of whether a video was cut short or not. Let's face it, Joe Biden has become a frail old man. We've seen him plenty of times on live TV doing the things he's doing more and more frequently. Look at how he walks. Look at how he expresses himself--his mumbling incoherent speech at times. He has crossed over the line into elderly frailness. He has good days and he has bad days but he shouldn't be saddled with the responsibilities of the United States or the Free World in his state. I don't need Biden's apologists (read: spin doctors) to explain to me what I'm seeing. I see it as a frantic attempt to prop up Biden because he's all the Dems have against Trump at this point.

However, I'm not voting against Biden because he's frail. I'm voting for Trump because of Biden's policies – Mainly, his dealings with Israel and Iran, but also the Border/immigration and other issues. I'm voting against him because I think many of his policies are horrible.

And I, like Stevens in this excellently demonstrated scene here where the "gentleman" in-the-know tries to humiliate him, don't have to know intricate details as to why I don't want to see another 4 years of Biden. Nor do tens of millions of other Americans. We're not all stupid, backwoods, white trailer trash voting for Trump. But if the left wants to paint us as such for their own sleight-of-hand influencing through the media--it don't make no nevermind to me.

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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:13 am No thanks, MD. I have had quite enough of your condescending insults to last for a good long while. Your pedantic lectures are insufferable. (C&S was accurate in referring to them as such). Your making-certain-sure-you-appear-to-have-won-the-argument tactic of raising all kinds of other topics--side or on point--so as to muddy the water and confuse the issue. As I've said before--just like Trump. It's a disingenuous way of getting your point across. For those reasons, I don't enjoy interacting with you so, no thank you. You're on the Pay No Mind list until further notice.

Oh, and if you think I am "trolling" – feel free to report me.
Then don't post if you don't want responses which disagree with you.

Your post wasn't part of any other conversation, so wasn't engaging with others' prior comments.
Out of the blue, but certainly fair within the overall thread topic.

My response was solely to what you wrote, no other topics.
Directed solely on your point and post.

I thought my response was pretty civil as well.

Your post felt to me like it was intended to inflame not inform. But I tempered that with "Kind of" and a question mark. If not intended as trolling, easy for you to say so. It certainly didn't rise to the level of egregious trolling that deserved reporting IMO, just a question about intent.

I asked, didn't assume, whether you'd seen the actually false 'clips' as used by right wing media and disinformation campaigns that had been debunked. You'd come across as dismissive, so I asked.

I agreed with the notion that Biden is old. I just don't think anyone is denying that reality. Perhaps you do?

And I shared my fundamental response about the alternative between "old" and "sociopath authoritarian". You have told us you are all-in for Trump in that choice, but perhaps you are taking personal offense at my inclusion of you in supporting who I consider to be a "sociopath authoritarian"?

Again, if you don't want others to engage with your posts, simple solution is to not post.
You needn't respond with personal insults.

Or you can engage civilly. Up to you.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 10:55 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:13 am No thanks, MD. I have had quite enough of your condescending insults to last for a good long while. Your pedantic lectures are insufferable. (C&S was accurate in referring to them as such). Your making-certain-sure-you-appear-to-have-won-the-argument tactic of raising all kinds of other topics--side or on point--so as to muddy the water and confuse the issue. As I've said before--just like Trump. It's a disingenuous way of getting your point across. For those reasons, I don't enjoy interacting with you so, no thank you. You're on the Pay No Mind list until further notice.

Oh, and if you think I am "trolling" – feel free to report me.
He is pushing back against your viewpoint that "we're not really seeing what we're seeing with these video clips," and suggesting you take a deeper dive into the world of out of context videos and other pieces of sly misinformation that plague almost all social discourse, to say nothing of political discourse. Retreating into "I have had quite enough of your condescending insults" is, as I have come to know, totally de rigueur for many Americans, who don't want their lives and opinions shaped by facts, or corrections to misapprehended or misinformed opinions. It allows one to retreat into the hard shell of one's static views, and cast everyone else aside as "condescending."

Discussion of difficult subjects, particularly in written form on pages like this one, carries no other humanizing quality -- a smile, a smirk, a hand gesture, and the like. So we take the cold words delivered in writing either like an adult who placed themselves in the public marketplace by their rendering of an opinion on a divisive topic, or we act the part of an aggrieved little boy who "won't be talked down to," or some such thing.
Birds of a feather, Seacoaster--birds of a feather.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Yes, not "all", indeed MOST Trump voters are NOT "stupid, backwoods, white trailer trash".

It's interesting that you think Biden voters think that they are, that you are.

Where do you get that notion, Fox or your Twitter feed or some other social media? "clips" ?

I watch a fair amount of liberal and mainstream media and talk to lots of Biden as well as Trump supporters and I haven't heard that opinion from anyone.

Sure, there's a reality that there are pretty significant demographic differences in MAGA from non-MAGA, but MAGA is a huge constituency that has some additional demographics, particularly economic, well beyond what you stated and I haven't heard anyone say differently.

This is an observation, an opinion, not a fact, but I DO see a lot of woe is me, my way or the highway, the Other is the Enemy, thinking among all-in MAGA sorts. Lots of whining and projection. Led by Whiner-in Chief Trump.

Again, just an observation.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 11:26 am
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 10:55 am
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:13 am No thanks, MD. I have had quite enough of your condescending insults to last for a good long while. Your pedantic lectures are insufferable. (C&S was accurate in referring to them as such). Your making-certain-sure-you-appear-to-have-won-the-argument tactic of raising all kinds of other topics--side or on point--so as to muddy the water and confuse the issue. As I've said before--just like Trump. It's a disingenuous way of getting your point across. For those reasons, I don't enjoy interacting with you so, no thank you. You're on the Pay No Mind list until further notice.

Oh, and if you think I am "trolling" – feel free to report me.
He is pushing back against your viewpoint that "we're not really seeing what we're seeing with these video clips," and suggesting you take a deeper dive into the world of out of context videos and other pieces of sly misinformation that plague almost all social discourse, to say nothing of political discourse. Retreating into "I have had quite enough of your condescending insults" is, as I have come to know, totally de rigueur for many Americans, who don't want their lives and opinions shaped by facts, or corrections to misapprehended or misinformed opinions. It allows one to retreat into the hard shell of one's static views, and cast everyone else aside as "condescending."

Discussion of difficult subjects, particularly in written form on pages like this one, carries no other humanizing quality -- a smile, a smirk, a hand gesture, and the like. So we take the cold words delivered in writing either like an adult who placed themselves in the public marketplace by their rendering of an opinion on a divisive topic, or we act the part of an aggrieved little boy who "won't be talked down to," or some such thing.
Birds of a feather, Seacoaster--birds of a feather.
See how easy that was to make my point? Well done. Kindly note the evident condescension.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by jhu72 »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:21 am Interesting how the Biden administration is trying to tell us we're not really seeing what we're seeing with these video clips we're seeing. So how come folks are touching Biden's arm and showing him the way to exit, or the way to face? Touching his arm, though... But we're not seeing that. Yeah--it's just the MAGA folks putting lies out into the ether. U-huh. Okay if you say so.
... Petey is back. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

People can never be manipulated by edited photos. Or videos.


I wonder why there are always escorts at the Oscars to help people get off stage? Surely they're capable of finding their way on their own?
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by JoeMauer89 »

jhu72 wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 12:37 pm
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:21 am Interesting how the Biden administration is trying to tell us we're not really seeing what we're seeing with these video clips we're seeing. So how come folks are touching Biden's arm and showing him the way to exit, or the way to face? Touching his arm, though... But we're not seeing that. Yeah--it's just the MAGA folks putting lies out into the ether. U-huh. Okay if you say so.
... Petey is back. :lol: :lol: :lol:
:roll: :roll:

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