Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sat Jun 22, 2024 10:39 am
old salt wrote: Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:28 am I just finished reviewing a digital edition of Barr's memoir.
He makes no mention of Weiss. He makes no mention of Hunter's tax case. He expressed frustration with Guliani. He said he had little confidence in anything that came out of Ukraine & he could not implicate VP Biden for having the Ukrainian prosecutor fired to help Hunter with Burisma.
That's right! Just as we discussed MONTHS ago, and as I told you yesterday....Barr looked into Ukraine. You've just forgotten.

And that's fine. But maybe tone it down with me, and realize all I'm doing is addressing IDEAS, and the ridiculousness that there's a conspiracy to help Hunter and Joe. It's clear as day that this isn't true....and you're clearly piecing this all together today, after calling me an idiot.

I have thick skin, so call me what you want if it makes you happy. But maybe take a look around......I'm addressing TeamTinFoil nonsense, and I handle it alllll the same. Whether Jan6th, or Covid, or whatever. This isn't personal.

if I thought you were too stupid to understand this stuff, I'd just walk away.......but you're NOT stupid. And should be able to handle having your ideas challenged when they make no sense without getting upset.
old salt wrote: Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:28 am In his final news conference, when asked if he would appoint a SC to conduct the reported investigation of Hunter. He responded that he was confident that the case was being handled by DoJ lawyers. Based on his book, it reads like Hunter's case was below his radar horizon. He had more important issues to deal with.
And that's all fine.

But that doesn't mean that:

A. the case wasn't Barr's responsibility. It was. The management choices made were HIS choices. So if you agree with the WB's (and clearly you don't anymore), you have to hold Barr accountable for his role.

B. that he didn't personally choose to move the case to Delaware. Again: where do you think the Whistleblower's offices were located? It wasn't Delaware. Personally? As I've told you before, Barr had to move the case somewhere. His choice of HQ was a nothingburger, and neither right nor wrong. It was a choice. That's it.
Barr had no control over the case after he resigned in Dec 2020.
Due to covid, the case had not been before a grand jury for an indictment yet. That's why it had not leaked.
Just before covid (Dec 2019), a Wilminington grand jury ok'd a subpoena for the FBI to take custody of the laptop from MacIssac.
In Barr's final press conf he said the matter was still under investigation by DoJ lawyers.
Weiss has been in charge of the case the whole time.
The decision Barr made to assign the case to DE made sense. There were other investigations of Hunter that the IRS WB's were not aware of.
Since there were no indictments by the time Barr left office, you dismiss the whole prosecution as a tin foil hat conspiracy.
I agree with the WB's who were frustrated that the SOL for 2014-2015 ran. You assert that the WB's blame that on Barr specifically.
They did not. They blamed it on Wolf & Wess, by name, after Barr was gone.
Last edited by old salt on Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:30 am, edited 4 times in total.
Typical Lax Dad
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

old salt wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:17 am
a fan wrote: Sat Jun 22, 2024 10:39 am
old salt wrote: Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:28 am I just finished reviewing a digital edition of Barr's memoir.
He makes no mention of Weiss. He makes no mention of Hunter's tax case. He expressed frustration with Guliani. He said he had little confidence in anything that came out of Ukraine & he could not implicate VP Biden for having the Ukrainian prosecutor fired to help Hunter with Burisma.
That's right! Just as we discussed MONTHS ago, and as I told you yesterday....Barr looked into Ukraine. You've just forgotten.

And that's fine. But maybe tone it down with me, and realize all I'm doing is addressing IDEAS, and the ridiculousness that there's a conspiracy to help Hunter and Joe. It's clear as day that this isn't true....and you're clearly piecing this all together today, after calling me an idiot.

I have thick skin, so call me what you want if it makes you happy. But maybe take a look around......I'm addressing TeamTinFoil nonsense, and I handle it alllll the same. Whether Jan6th, or Covid, or whatever. This isn't personal.

if I thought you were too stupid to understand this stuff, I'd just walk away.......but you're NOT stupid. And should be able to handle having your ideas challenged when they make no sense without getting upset.
old salt wrote: Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:28 am In his final news conference, when asked if he would appoint a SC to conduct the reported investigation of Hunter. He responded that he was confident that the case was being handled by DoJ lawyers. Based on his book, it reads like Hunter's case was below his radar horizon. He had more important issues to deal with.
And that's all fine.

But that doesn't mean that:

A. the case wasn't Barr's responsibility. It was. The management choices made were HIS choices. So if you agree with the WB's (and clearly you don't anymore), you have to hold Barr accountable for his role.

B. that he didn't personally choose to move the case to Delaware. Again: where do you think the Whistleblower's offices were located? It wasn't Delaware. Personally? As I've told you before, Barr had to move the case somewhere. His choice of HQ was a nothingburger, and neither right nor wrong. It was a choice. That's it.
Barr had no control over the case after he resigned in Dec 2020.
Due to covid, the case had not even been before a grand jury yet. That's why it had not leaked.
In Barr's final press conf he said the matter was still under investigation by DoJ lawyers.
Weiss has been in charge of the case the whole time.
Since there were no indictments by the time Barr left office, you dismiss the whole prosecution as a tin foil hat conspiracy.
I agree with the WB's who were frustrated that the SOL for 2014-2015 ran. You assert that the WB's blame that on Barr specifically.
They did not. They blamed it on Wolf & Wess, by name, after Barr was gone.
:lol: :lol: :lol: project much?….😂😂😂
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:17 am Barr had no control over the case after he resigned in Dec 2020.
Due to covid, the case had not been before a grand jury for an indictment yet. That's why it had not leaked.
Just before covid (Dec 2019), a Wilminington grand jury ok'd a subpoena for the FBI to take custody of the laptop from MacIssac.
In Barr's final press conf he said the matter was still under investigation by DoJ lawyers.
Weiss has been in charge of the case the whole time.
You should really just stop responding to me. You don't read one single word I'm telling you. And the you invent in your head what it is you think I wrote. As TLD says, you are projecting. Either turn your anger down, and read what I'm saying-----or move on.

Weiss has NOT been in charge of "the investigation" the whole time. You didn't read one single word of the Whistleblower testimony if that's what you think. Hunter came across their (IRS WB's) desk because of another investigation that had nothing to do with Hunter. The WB's investigation into tax fraud started with the IRS. They walk you through the entire thing. It's becoming more and more clear that you have NOT read their testimony.
old salt wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:17 am The decision Barr made to assign the case to DE made sense. There were other investigations of Hunter that the IRS WB's were not aware of.
Pay attention. For the 100th time: I'm not the one who has a problem with Barr's choices. YOU are the one who is upset with the performance of the Delaware office, remember? You and the whistleblowers, both. And you believed them, until our latest discussion has finally released some rational thinking from you. Now you get that the WB's didn't have the whole story, and their complaints are nothingburgers. Multiple people have refuted their complaints and misunderstandings. Nothing nefarious happened.....just a bunch of management decisions made by lawyers that a couple of accountants didn't understand, or agree with. That's it. That's all that's there.
old salt wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:17 am Since there were no indictments by the time Barr left office, you dismiss the whole prosecution as a tin foil hat conspiracy.
Nope. You're lying again. The prosecution is just fine....I keep calling it a boilerplate tax case...which is exactly what it is. Throw him in jail
for it. I'm fine with that.

You know exactly what I"m calling a TinFoilHat Conspiracy:

-that Weiss is risking his career to help Joe and Hunter in numerous ways
-that Weiss is risking his career to hide a whole litany of financial crimes that all lead to Joe Biden
-that Hunter's laptop has thousands of crimes in it... while you can't name even one that's on there. Just a bunch of nonsense that you picked up from FoxNation, who DESPERATELY wants to keep the stupid thing in the headlines. Who cares about actual evidence of crimes, right? Simply lying about them to voters is enough, right? :roll:

old salt wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:17 am I agree with the WB's who were frustrated that the SOL for 2014-2015 ran. You assert that the WB's blame that on Barr specifically.
They did not. They blamed it on Wolf & Wess, by name, after Barr was gone.
Lying again. They were upset that Barr moved the case to Delaware. You're on here acting like Bill Barr is a personal friend. Do you understand that it's just no big freaking deal that two IRS agents disagreed with where they moved the case, right? Yet you're one here, transparently protecting Barr over a nothing accusation, because you can't bear the thought that someone didn't like something Barr did.

For me? I DON'T CARE what Barr did. And I DON'T CARE about this stupid case, involving yet another rich kid drug addict who blew his money on drugs, and forgot to pay his taxes.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by OCanada »

It it is an an election year and what do gou do if giur candidate is a career criminal and convicted felon and you need to reduce the perceived difference in character.

Well you could prosecute a family member of the opponent for a crime virtually no one is prosecuted for. You could also start judge shopping to find a friendly judge or just take your fav SCOTUS to lunch or on a vacation. I used to think Roberts was an ok guy. Met him in Maine once. No more. He has severely damagrd the Court
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by ggait »

Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

Yep. Love that everyone else understands each point I make, no problem. Yet OS wants to act this is all so complicated. It ain’t . There’s no conspiracy, and this is just a bunch of boring choices made by a bunch of lawyers. You can backseat their choices until the cows come home. Who cares?
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 12:25 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:17 am Barr had no control over the case after he resigned in Dec 2020.
Due to covid, the case had not been before a grand jury for an indictment yet. That's why it had not leaked.
Just before covid (Dec 2019), a Wilminington grand jury ok'd a subpoena for the FBI to take custody of the laptop from MacIssac.
In Barr's final press conf he said the matter was still under investigation by DoJ lawyers.
Weiss has been in charge of the case the whole time.
You should really just stop responding to me. You don't read one single word I'm telling you. And the you invent in your head what it is you think I wrote. As TLD says, you are projecting. Either turn your anger down, and read what I'm saying-----or move on.

Weiss has NOT been in charge of "the investigation" the whole time. You didn't read one single word of the Whistleblower testimony if that's what you think. Hunter came across their (IRS WB's) desk because of another investigation that had nothing to do with Hunter. The WB's investigation into tax fraud started with the IRS. They walk you through the entire thing. It's becoming more and more clear that you have NOT read their testimony.
old salt wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:17 am The decision Barr made to assign the case to DE made sense. There were other investigations of Hunter that the IRS WB's were not aware of.
Pay attention. For the 100th time: I'm not the one who has a problem with Barr's choices. YOU are the one who is upset with the performance of the Delaware office, remember? You and the whistleblowers, both. And you believed them, until our latest discussion has finally released some rational thinking from you. Now you get that the WB's didn't have the whole story, and their complaints are nothingburgers. Multiple people have refuted their complaints and misunderstandings. Nothing nefarious happened.....just a bunch of management decisions made by lawyers that a couple of accountants didn't understand, or agree with. That's it. That's all that's there.
old salt wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:17 am Since there were no indictments by the time Barr left office, you dismiss the whole prosecution as a tin foil hat conspiracy.
Nope. You're lying again. The prosecution is just fine....I keep calling it a boilerplate tax case...which is exactly what it is. Throw him in jail
for it. I'm fine with that.

You know exactly what I"m calling a TinFoilHat Conspiracy:

-that Weiss is risking his career to help Joe and Hunter in numerous ways
-that Weiss is risking his career to hide a whole litany of financial crimes that all lead to Joe Biden
-that Hunter's laptop has thousands of crimes in it... while you can't name even one that's on there. Just a bunch of nonsense that you picked up from FoxNation, who DESPERATELY wants to keep the stupid thing in the headlines. Who cares about actual evidence of crimes, right? Simply lying about them to voters is enough, right? :roll:

old salt wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 11:17 am I agree with the WB's who were frustrated that the SOL for 2014-2015 ran. You assert that the WB's blame that on Barr specifically.
They did not. They blamed it on Wolf & Wess, by name, after Barr was gone.
Lying again. They were upset that Barr moved the case to Delaware. You're on here acting like Bill Barr is a personal friend. Do you understand that it's just no big freaking deal that two IRS agents disagreed with where they moved the case, right? Yet you're one here, transparently protecting Barr over a nothing accusation, because you can't bear the thought that someone didn't like something Barr did.

For me? I DON'T CARE what Barr did. And I DON'T CARE about this stupid case, involving yet another rich kid drug addict who blew his money on drugs, and forgot to pay his taxes.
Barr did not "move" the case. When the IRS did a criminal referral to DoJ, it had to be assigned to a US Atty to investigate & prosecute, if warranted. Since Hunter was already under investigation by the DE US Atty, the tax cases were also assigned to him.

I agree, in the main, with the WB's. Ziegler's complaint about which US Atty got the case is only a small part of the WB's complaint. It does not vitiate the entirety of their complaints. You are defaulting to your usual simplistic all-or-nothing logic to generate an irrelevant diversionary argument.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 5:22 pm
Yep. Love that everyone else understands each point I make, no problem. Yet OS wants to act this is all so complicated. It ain’t . There’s no conspiracy, and this is just a bunch of boring choices made by a bunch of lawyers. You can backseat their choices until the cows come home. Who cares?
The major gaslighting operation is being performed by afan in trying to deflect the WB's complaints against Weiss, to Barr & to shift the responsibility for letting the early SOLs run, from Weiss to Barr.

The DE Judge was not bored with the choices Weiss made, which he has yet to adequately account for.

If it was all so routine & boring, why did it take > 3 yrs for Garland to upgrade Weiss to SC status, with a new team of lawyers pursuing the case ?
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 5:40 pm The major gaslighting operation is being performed by afan in trying to deflect the WB's complaints against Weiss, to Barr & to shift the responsibility
:lol:Who's responsible on any ship you've ever been on for everything that happens on said ship, OS?

The ONLY thing I've "blamed" Barr for is what he, in fact, did: decide where the case was. That's it. Start and end of any comments. And AT NO POINT is this "blame". Simply pointing out a fact.

Now that your 100th smoke screen is out of the way.......and I've explained this dozens of times now, which is why GGait it telling us you're gaslighting, because you're not THIS stupid. You're a bright man, and can read. Stop projecting things I haven't said. i'm not blaming Barr for anything.

Now that that's out of the way (again).

You can blame Weiss all day long for whatever you want. The problem now is: you've backed yourself into a corner (again), because you just wrote that you don't think Weiss is corrupt.

So....why the firetruck have you wasted 200+ pages on a case where nothing has happened, no one is corrupt, and a civilian is involved that has NOTHING to do with the Federal Government?
old salt wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 5:40 pm If it was all so routine & boring, why did it take > 3 yrs for Garland to upgrade Weiss to SC status, with a new team of lawyers pursuing the case ?
I don't care. Neither do you. Remember: you don't think the guy running the case is corrupt. So who cares? Let Weiss do his job.

And at the end of the day? NOTHING has changed in Old Salt's life.

Just as I told you YEARS ago, when TeamTinFoil first showed up with this stupid stuff.

You've FINALLY listened, and stopped taking this personally for reasons no one here understands.
Last edited by a fan on Sun Jun 23, 2024 6:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 5:30 pm Barr did not "move" the case. When the IRS did a criminal referral to DoJ.....(snip)
They did a referal to DoJTax. Again, you didn't read one word of what the WB's complaints were.

Question, you've ignored twice now: where are the WB's offices? Do ya think they're in Delaware?

You keep trying to quibble with facts. Facts that are immaterial, UNLESS you think the DE office is corrupt. Which you're NOW telling the forum that you don't.

So....who the F cares where the stupid investigation was HQ'ed outside of the WB's? You don't, and I don't, right? So......move on.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by ggait »

Old Salty Gaslight.

You lost us all at Benghazi and butter-emails.

There is a cure for Biden derangement syndrome. But the first step is admitting you have a problem. Second step is stop listening to Andy McCarthy and Tucker Carlson. Third step is to devote your time and effort to something that matters.

Come back if Sleepy Joe wins and gives Hunter a full pardon. Which, of course, is what your Orange Jesus would do.

Until then, do yourself and us a favor. Let it go.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by Typical Lax Dad »

Ahhh the good old way back machine:
a fan wrote: Tue Oct 22, 2019 5:54 pm
old salt wrote: Tue Oct 22, 2019 5:45 pm The (D)'s making this all about Ukraine are giving Trump the perfect, easy to understand public defense --
After all this time, you still don't understand TrumpLand.

Trump doesn't need a defense. In fact, he copped to doing exactly, precisely what Dems are claiming..... on live TV.

He just needs to be Trump. That's it. He has Americans so freaking pegged, it's funny.

Trying to apply "logic" to "why he asked them to go after Biden" is wholly unnecessary. TrumpFans don't care about any of that. Just ask them. They're happy to tell you why anything he does or doesn't do is ok.

Just remember how funny all this is when the next demagogue takes office, and enacts policies you don't like. And then you'll remember how an entire nation green lit this behavior. Picture Hillary using the full force of government to pressure world leaders to go after her enemies....and she comes back with "oh, I'm just investigating corruption".

Oh yeah, that'll be awesome.

And I know you've gone on record as saying this stuff isn't okay, old salt. Every weaselly politician wannabe is paying attention to alllllll the stuff we're waving through with Trump. This will not end well for the non-1%ers.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 6:02 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 5:40 pm The major gaslighting operation is being performed by afan in trying to deflect the WB's complaints against Weiss, to Barr & to shift the responsibility
:lol:Who's responsible on any ship you've ever been on for everything that happens on said ship, OS?
The ship ran aground well after the old CO had departed & well after the new CO had taken command.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 6:05 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 5:30 pm Barr did not "move" the case. When the IRS did a criminal referral to DoJ.....(snip)
They did a referal to DoJTax. Again, you didn't read one word of what the WB's complaints were.

Question, you've ignored twice now: where are the WB's offices? Do ya think they're in Delaware?

You keep trying to quibble with facts. Facts that are immaterial, UNLESS you think the DE office is corrupt. Which you're NOW telling the forum that you don't.

So....who the F cares where the stupid investigation was HQ'ed outside of the WB's? You don't, and I don't, right? So......move on.
It went to a real US Atty because it needed to be investigated for other potential related crimes, like money laundering, fraud, espionage & FARA violations, in addition to the need to verify the laptop & the gun case which could be included in a plea deal. It was much more than a simple failure to file or pay case. It was more than just a tax case.

It"s the AG's call, not the IRS agents. In their testimony, the WB's accepted the decision & maintained that the case still could have been prosecuted in a timely fashion within the DE office.

Also, if it eventually needed to be elevated to a Special Counsel investigation, it needed to be under a Senate approved official, which US Atty's are.
That's why Garland was finally able to elevate Weiss to SC authority.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

old salt wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 10:19 pm
a fan wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 6:05 pm
old salt wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 5:30 pm Barr did not "move" the case. When the IRS did a criminal referral to DoJ.....(snip)
They did a referal to DoJTax. Again, you didn't read one word of what the WB's complaints were.

Question, you've ignored twice now: where are the WB's offices? Do ya think they're in Delaware?

You keep trying to quibble with facts. Facts that are immaterial, UNLESS you think the DE office is corrupt. Which you're NOW telling the forum that you don't.

So....who the F cares where the stupid investigation was HQ'ed outside of the WB's? You don't, and I don't, right? So......move on.
It went to a real US Atty because it needed to be investigated for other potential related crimes, like money laundering, fraud, espionage & FARA violations, in addition to the need to verify the laptop & the gun case which could be included in a plea deal. It was much more than a simple failure to file or pay case. It was more than just a tax case.

It"s the AG's call, not the IRS agents. In their testimony, the WB's accepted the decision & maintained that the case still could have been prosecuted in a timely fashion within the DE office.

Also, if it eventually needed to be elevated to a Special Counsel investigation, it needed to be under a Senate approved official, which US Atty's are.
That's why Garland was finally able to elevate Weiss to SC authority.
So, Republican Weiss, appointed by Trump, reporting to Republican AG Barr, decided to go slower than the WB's wanted. Says he didn't need SC powers to move faster. Biden reappointed him, though he could have easily replaced him in 2021. Only when MAGA Republicans started claiming that the prosecution was being slowed did Weiss say ok give me additional powers, which Biden appointed AG immediately provided. Still going at glacial pace on anything beyond some garden variety crimes...

But maybe, just maybe, that's because it's more helpful to Republican interests to keep these 'allegations' as an open question rather than having to present a losing case in court? We've seen how empty MAGA Congress keeps coming up, why would we think the prosecutors have anything substantial more?
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by cradleandshoot »

Please God almighty will this Hunter Biden thing ever be put to bed. The same issues are being argued back and forth ad nauseum.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by ggait »

This zombie thread has been going on for so long that Old Saltine can't even keep his gas-baggery and gaslight striaght any more.

Today he tells us that:

Also, if it eventually needed to be elevated to a Special Counsel investigation, it needed to be under a Senate approved official, which US Atty's are. That's why Garland was finally able to elevate Weiss to SC authority.

But last August, Salty was telling us (via the doofus Andy McCarthy) that is was an outrage to appoint a Senate confirmed US Atty as an SC. Since they are supposed to come from outside the DOJ [emphasis added]:

by old salt » Mon Aug 21, 2023 7:06 pm

Andy McCarthy's unsparing analysis of Weiss, the plea agreement & diversion agreement (heavy legal stuff) : ... erm=second

The Chicanery of the Hunter Biden Plea Bargain

by ANDREW C. MCCARTHY, August 19, 2023

As it happens, the public will be spared from the worst of Weiss’s machinations, at least in the short term. But that is no thanks to Weiss. He’d like you to think he’s a born-again prosecutorial dynamo after last week’s charade, in which Merrick Garland pretended to name him a special counsel. In reality, Weiss remains a high-ranking Biden Justice Department official who is ineligible to be a special counsel — at least by regulation as opposed to Garland’s hocus-pocus. A special counsel is an attorney brought in from outside the government, while Weiss is the Delaware U.S. attorney. A special counsel is brought in because the Justice Department has a conflict of interest, and Weiss is a high-ranking Justice Department official. A special counsel would have indicted the case by now, and Weiss has not. Nothing has changed.

So let's review the bidding.

First, it was OUTRAGEOUS that an SC was not appointed.

Second, it was OUTRAGEOUS when an SC was appointed. Because appointing an SC is a classic cover up technique!!!

Third, it was OUTRAGEOUS that a Republican DOJ-er was appointed as SC to investigate a Dem. Also another classic cover up technique.

Fourth, Salty now tells us that the SC needed to be a Senate confirmed US Atty. So NOT someone outside the DOJ.

I've been a lawyer for almost 40 years. But even I can't follow the unending and conflicting bull-shirtery put out by Salty and his muse McCarthy.

Bengahzi! Butter-emails! No SC appointed -- outrage! SC appointed-- outrage!. SC can't be a DOJ-er -- outrage! But an SC MUST be a DOJ-er....

Dude -- just let it go.

Fan -- please stop wasting your time on this loser. We need for you to make bourbon instead.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by cradleandshoot »

ggait wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2024 3:31 pm This zombie thread has been going on for so long that Old Saltine can't even keep his gas-baggery and gaslight striaght any more.

Today he tells us that:

Also, if it eventually needed to be elevated to a Special Counsel investigation, it needed to be under a Senate approved official, which US Atty's are. That's why Garland was finally able to elevate Weiss to SC authority.

But last August, Salty was telling us (via the doofus Andy McCarthy) that is was an outrage to appoint a Senate confirmed US Atty as an SC. Since they are supposed to come from outside the DOJ [emphasis added]:

by old salt » Mon Aug 21, 2023 7:06 pm

Andy McCarthy's unsparing analysis of Weiss, the plea agreement & diversion agreement (heavy legal stuff) : ... erm=second

The Chicanery of the Hunter Biden Plea Bargain

by ANDREW C. MCCARTHY, August 19, 2023

As it happens, the public will be spared from the worst of Weiss’s machinations, at least in the short term. But that is no thanks to Weiss. He’d like you to think he’s a born-again prosecutorial dynamo after last week’s charade, in which Merrick Garland pretended to name him a special counsel. In reality, Weiss remains a high-ranking Biden Justice Department official who is ineligible to be a special counsel — at least by regulation as opposed to Garland’s hocus-pocus. A special counsel is an attorney brought in from outside the government, while Weiss is the Delaware U.S. attorney. A special counsel is brought in because the Justice Department has a conflict of interest, and Weiss is a high-ranking Justice Department official. A special counsel would have indicted the case by now, and Weiss has not. Nothing has changed.

So let's review the bidding.

First, it was OUTRAGEOUS that an SC was not appointed.

Second, it was OUTRAGEOUS when an SC was appointed. Because appointing an SC is a classic cover up technique!!!

Third, it was OUTRAGEOUS that a Republican DOJ-er was appointed as SC to investigate a Dem. Also another classic cover up technique.

Fourth, Salty now tells us that the SC needed to be a Senate confirmed US Atty. So NOT someone outside the DOJ.

I've been a lawyer for almost 40 years. But even I can't follow the unending and conflicting bull-shirtery put out by Salty and his muse McCarthy.

Bengahzi! Butter-emails! No SC appointed -- outrage! SC appointed-- outrage!. SC can't be a DOJ-er -- outrage! But an SC MUST be a DOJ-er....

Dude -- just let it go.

Fan -- please stop wasting your time on this loser. We need for you to make bourbon instead.
If this thread keeps going on to infinity a Fan will need to make double batches. This entire chit show could have been avoided had HB just pleaded guilty. I don't think sending him to jail accomplishes anything. FTR, Hunter Biden is a low life degenerate scum bag. I know his dad loves him but I sure as hell don't understand how he can be so proud of him. That's family for you. :roll:
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

ggait wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2024 3:31 pm This zombie thread has been going on for so long that Old Saltine can't even keep his gas-baggery and gaslight striaght any more.
Yeah, this thread overtook the All Things Environment for stupidity some time ago.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by cradleandshoot »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2024 4:15 pm
ggait wrote: Mon Jun 24, 2024 3:31 pm This zombie thread has been going on for so long that Old Saltine can't even keep his gas-baggery and gaslight striaght any more.
Yeah, this thread overtook the All Things Environment for stupidity some time ago.
As amazing as it is the planet is still here..ooops off topic again... :D
We don't make mistakes, we have happy accidents.
Bob Ross:
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