The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

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Re: The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by old salt »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:43 am Republicans could have saved us from Biden 2024 if they had done their job and impeached Trump post Jan 6. 100% Biden wouldn't be running if Trump wasn't on the ballot.

After the riot, it's amazing how fast R pols went from standing up to Trump to back down on their knees.
Because the (R)'s saw Jan 6 as just another riot & not an insurrection.
It was just briefer & at a different location than the BLM/Antifa riots.
...or the current pro-Hamas riots. Many of the same eyes behind the face coverings.
Contrast those "peaceful demonstrations" with the atmosphere at a Trump-MAGA rally.

Trump's the only one who (right now) can turn out the MAGA bloc & get them to vote.
The rest of the (R)'s still see Trump as the lesser evil & as the only alternative to the crazy leftist agenda.
That's why the Dems will resort to anything to eliminate or neutralize Trump.
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Re: The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:22 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:43 am Republicans could have saved us from Biden 2024 if they had done their job and impeached Trump post Jan 6. 100% Biden wouldn't be running if Trump wasn't on the ballot.

After the riot, it's amazing how fast R pols went from standing up to Trump to back down on their knees.
Because the (R)'s saw Jan 6 as just another riot & not an insurrection.
It was just briefer & at a different location than the BLM/Antifa riots.
...or the current pro-Hamas riots. Many of the same eyes behind the face coverings.
The Republicans 1000% didn't see them as the same thing, OS.

One event? The entire world was burning down, and civilization was about to fall.

The other? Not only was the event no big deal, the FBI and Nancy Pelosi were to blame.

Want me to point out which was which? ;)
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Re: The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

old salt wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:22 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:43 am Republicans could have saved us from Biden 2024 if they had done their job and impeached Trump post Jan 6. 100% Biden wouldn't be running if Trump wasn't on the ballot.

After the riot, it's amazing how fast R pols went from standing up to Trump to back down on their knees.
Because the (R)'s saw Jan 6 as just another riot & not an insurrection.
It was just briefer & at a different location than the BLM/Antifa riots.
...or the current pro-Hamas riots. Many of the same eyes behind the face coverings.
Contrast those "peaceful demonstrations" with the atmosphere at a Trump-MAGA rally.

Trump's the only one who (right now) can turn out the MAGA bloc & get them to vote.
The rest of the (R)'s still see Trump as the lesser evil & as the only alternative to the crazy leftist agenda.
That's why the Dems will resort to anything to eliminate or neutralize Trump.
R's saw J6 correctly the day of and a few days after J6. They said so publicly. Then they fell back in line when forced (or chose) to do so. They knew right from wrong, but had to walk back doing the right thing in order to try to stay in power.

None of the other riots tried to overthrow a presidential election.

The fact that you think Biden and Co are part of "the crazy leftist agenda" means you've 100% fallen for the lies and propaganda you've been fed.

“We all were here. We saw what happened. It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election, from one administration to the next. That’s what it was,” - Mitch McConnell
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Re: The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by old salt »

Jan 6 was a political protest that was allowed to devolve into a riot because of inadequate security. The protesters should not have been allowed to breach the Capitol Building. Capitol & DC Police were unprepared, undermanned & under-equipped, with inadequate ROE.

Be thankful that Trump, Barr, Esper, Milley & the assembled Fed & DC Police Forces + the DC NG adequately defended Lafayette Park, the WH & downtown DC during the preceding Mem Day/week riots, or the WH perimeter would have been breached & downtown DC torched, ...while the Mayor designated BLM Plaza & she + Pelosi wailed about the overly militaristic response. Remember the bad optics & evicting the NG from their hotel.
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Re: The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by jhu72 »

old salt wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:01 am Jan 6 was a political protest that was allowed to devolve into a riot because of inadequate security. The protesters should not have been allowed to breach the Capitol Building. Capitol & DC Police were unprepared, undermanned & under-equipped, with inadequate ROE.

Be thankful that Trump, Barr, Esper, Milley & the assembled Fed & DC Police Forces + the DC NG adequately defended Lafayette Park, the WH & downtown DC during the preceding Mem Day/week riots, or the WH perimeter would have been breached & downtown DC torched, ...while the Mayor designated BLM Plaza & she + Pelosi wailed about the overly militaristic response. Remember the bad optics & evicting the NG from their hotel.
... what bullsh*t. :roll:
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Re: The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by cradleandshoot »

jhu72 wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 11:28 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:01 am Jan 6 was a political protest that was allowed to devolve into a riot because of inadequate security. The protesters should not have been allowed to breach the Capitol Building. Capitol & DC Police were unprepared, undermanned & under-equipped, with inadequate ROE.

Be thankful that Trump, Barr, Esper, Milley & the assembled Fed & DC Police Forces + the DC NG adequately defended Lafayette Park, the WH & downtown DC during the preceding Mem Day/week riots, or the WH perimeter would have been breached & downtown DC torched, ...while the Mayor designated BLM Plaza & she + Pelosi wailed about the overly militaristic response. Remember the bad optics & evicting the NG from their hotel.
... what bullsh*t. :roll:
...what bull chit ?? The last I remember Nancy Pelosi never had to explain her security failure to any Jan 6 committee. She was aware of the threat she just ignored it. Nancy Pelosi was the only person directly in charge of security at the US Capitol. For some strange reason the Democrats in charge of the Jan 6 committee didn't think her decision making process was relevant to the massive security failure on her part. Never even thought about asking her to testify. There was a known and obvious threat to the US Capitol on January 6. Why was that threat ignored?? This is really strange stuff coming from the party of transparency. The choices made or not made on that day regarding securing the US Capitol fell in the lap of Nancy Pelosi. Y'all folks were looking so hard to blame trump the tunnel vision took over. If y'all remember I was the lone voice that spoke out for the use of lethal force on that day to prevent these folks from breaching the Capital. The process should have been pretty straightforward. That is assuming there is a PA system at the US Capitol. The verbiage is really simple and straightforward. THIS PROTEST HAS BEEN DETERMINED TO BE A THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY. THE PROTESTERS HAVE 10 MINUTES TO CLEAR THE CAPITAL GROUNDS.

Repeat that over and over again and I bet the message gets out real quick. That one woman who was killed trying to breach the Capital found out the hard way how seriously security at the Capital should be.

Old Salt has patiently tried to explain this numerous times. January 6 was a monumental security failure by the US government that learned diddly jack squat about September 11 2001. You people tinkle in your pants about these protesters and rightfully so. What you people overlook is that 20 years after 9/11 there was in reality NO PLAUSIBLE DEFENSIVE STRATEGY to defend the US Capitol. If these dumb asses had actually had a plan Jan 6 would have turned out much worse than some moron with his feet propped up on Nancy's desk.

So here is the scenario and correct me if I'm wrong. The government knew there would be a huge rally with 10s of thousands of angry people planning on marching to Capitol Hill. Why was this potential threat ignored? The allegation that Nancy didn't like the optics of 1000s of security officers defending the Capitol. For a horrendous error in judgement the results sure wound up being favorable to the Democrat party. ;) Could be that Nancy knew very well what this unruly mob would do. She gave the mob enough rope and let them hang themselves.

Funny how well those sign outside of Area 51 work. No trespassing the use of lethal force is authorized. You would think security at the US Capitol would taken just as seriously. Of course to my knowledge the security failure at our Capitol has been put in the rear view mirror never to be seen again. The optics are not very pretty.
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Re: The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

The bank's security was poor. A guy robbed the bank. It's the bank's fault.

This is the cancerous stuff Old Salt wants others to believe about January 6. He is a gaslighting POS, knows it, and probably delights in the approval of his little apostles and their cute emojis.
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Re: The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by a fan »

cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:39 am The last I remember Nancy Pelosi never had to explain her security failure to any Jan 6 committee. She was aware of the threat she just ignored it. Nancy Pelosi was the only person directly in charge of security at the US Capitol.
:lol: :lol: :lol: So it's Pelosi's fault?


Cradle: why would we EVER put the defensive procedures of ANY Federal building in the hands of a politician? Was Nancy Pelosi a West Point Grad? Did she graduate as a Navy Seal when we ween't looking?

Sorry mate, even if Pelosi was somehow a military strategy savant like Major Winters from Band of Brothers.....she still can't keep the senate from having just a handful of terrorists show up and take over our seat of government. The idea that we don't have marines on station 24/7 at key DC institutions is absurd.

We need "notice" to protect these buildings? Really?

The reason folks are making fun is obvious: every time a R gets caught doing something bad.....out come the excuses as to why its fine, no big deal, or "caused by the dems". Every time with this stupidity.

Just take responsibility, and walk away. No excuses. No equivocations. No "but the Dems did it, too". Just simplly: yep, what those Republicand did was inexcusable.

Just once would be nice. Instead, we go round and round with the excuses. And then I get yelled at for tearing the juvenile excuses down....
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Re: The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by cradleandshoot »

a fan wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 1:14 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:39 am The last I remember Nancy Pelosi never had to explain her security failure to any Jan 6 committee. She was aware of the threat she just ignored it. Nancy Pelosi was the only person directly in charge of security at the US Capitol.
:lol: :lol: :lol: So it's Pelosi's fault?


Cradle: why would we EVER put the defensive procedures of ANY Federal building in the hands of a politician? Was Nancy Pelosi a West Point Grad? Did she graduate as a Navy Seal when we ween't looking?

Sorry mate, even if Pelosi was somehow a military strategy savant like Major Winters from Band of Brothers.....she still can't keep the senate from having just a handful of terrorists show up and take over our seat of government. The idea that we don't have marines on station 24/7 at key DC institutions is absurd.

We need "notice" to protect these buildings? Really?

The reason folks are making fun is obvious: every time a R gets caught doing something bad.....out come the excuses as to why its fine, no big deal, or "caused by the dems". Every time with this stupidity.

Just take responsibility, and walk away. No excuses. No equivocations. No "but the Dems did it, too". Just simplly: yep, what those Republicand did was inexcusable.

Just once would be nice. Instead, we go round and round with the excuses. And then I get yelled at for tearing the juvenile excuses down....
You have to ask this question of Nancy Pelosi not me? Maybe you could read her testimony in front of the Jan 6 committee. She was well aware of the potential security threat. She is the person who chose to ignore the potential threat. All we have to do is read Nancy's testimony. Wait, wait no can do my man. The Democrats didn't consider her expert testimony relevant. She was informed of the protest headed for the Capitol. She chose to do nothing to reinforce security at the capital. If your gonna make a really bad decision this collosal foul up in judgement sure worked out in Nancys favor. If she hadn't ignored the intell there would have been no protest and none of this nonsense would ever have been allowed to happen . Lucky her.... :D
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Re: The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by a fan »

cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 1:39 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 1:14 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:39 am The last I remember Nancy Pelosi never had to explain her security failure to any Jan 6 committee. She was aware of the threat she just ignored it. Nancy Pelosi was the only person directly in charge of security at the US Capitol.
:lol: :lol: :lol: So it's Pelosi's fault?


Cradle: why would we EVER put the defensive procedures of ANY Federal building in the hands of a politician? Was Nancy Pelosi a West Point Grad? Did she graduate as a Navy Seal when we ween't looking?

Sorry mate, even if Pelosi was somehow a military strategy savant like Major Winters from Band of Brothers.....she still can't keep the senate from having just a handful of terrorists show up and take over our seat of government. The idea that we don't have marines on station 24/7 at key DC institutions is absurd.

We need "notice" to protect these buildings? Really?

The reason folks are making fun is obvious: every time a R gets caught doing something bad.....out come the excuses as to why its fine, no big deal, or "caused by the dems". Every time with this stupidity.

Just take responsibility, and walk away. No excuses. No equivocations. No "but the Dems did it, too". Just simplly: yep, what those Republicand did was inexcusable.

Just once would be nice. Instead, we go round and round with the excuses. And then I get yelled at for tearing the juvenile excuses down....
You have to ask this question of Nancy Pelosi not me? Maybe you could read her testimony in front of the Jan 6 committee. She was well aware of the potential security threat. She is the person who chose to ignore the potential threat. All we have to do is read Nancy's testimony. Wait, wait no can do my man. The Democrats didn't consider her expert testimony relevant. She was informed of the protest headed for the Capitol. She chose to do nothing to reinforce security at the capital. If your gonna make a really bad decision this collosal foul up in judgement sure worked out in Nancys favor. If she hadn't ignored the intell there would have been no protest and none of this nonsense would ever have been allowed to happen . Lucky her.... :D

So double down? Cradle: when someone robs a bank, have you EVER taken the time to see if "security is good"...and then blame the security?

Or how about the smash and grab thefts that happened in big cities, Cradle? Did you tell us that it wasn't the shoplifters was the stores fault for not hiring adequate security?

Stop doing this. Stop giving Republicans a pass, and blaming Democrats when Republicans break laws. You're better than this, my man.

Our security shouldn't be in the hand of amateurs like Pelosi or Speaker Johnson. Because: duh. THAT was the security problem on Jan 6th, if any.
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Re: The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by cradleandshoot »

a fan wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 1:55 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 1:39 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 1:14 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:39 am The last I remember Nancy Pelosi never had to explain her security failure to any Jan 6 committee. She was aware of the threat she just ignored it. Nancy Pelosi was the only person directly in charge of security at the US Capitol.
:lol: :lol: :lol: So it's Pelosi's fault?


Cradle: why would we EVER put the defensive procedures of ANY Federal building in the hands of a politician? Was Nancy Pelosi a West Point Grad? Did she graduate as a Navy Seal when we ween't looking?

Sorry mate, even if Pelosi was somehow a military strategy savant like Major Winters from Band of Brothers.....she still can't keep the senate from having just a handful of terrorists show up and take over our seat of government. The idea that we don't have marines on station 24/7 at key DC institutions is absurd.

We need "notice" to protect these buildings? Really?

The reason folks are making fun is obvious: every time a R gets caught doing something bad.....out come the excuses as to why its fine, no big deal, or "caused by the dems". Every time with this stupidity.

Just take responsibility, and walk away. No excuses. No equivocations. No "but the Dems did it, too". Just simplly: yep, what those Republicand did was inexcusable.

Just once would be nice. Instead, we go round and round with the excuses. And then I get yelled at for tearing the juvenile excuses down....
You have to ask this question of Nancy Pelosi not me? Maybe you could read her testimony in front of the Jan 6 committee. She was well aware of the potential security threat. She is the person who chose to ignore the potential threat. All we have to do is read Nancy's testimony. Wait, wait no can do my man. The Democrats didn't consider her expert testimony relevant. She was informed of the protest headed for the Capitol. She chose to do nothing to reinforce security at the capital. If your gonna make a really bad decision this collosal foul up in judgement sure worked out in Nancys favor. If she hadn't ignored the intell there would have been no protest and none of this nonsense would ever have been allowed to happen . Lucky her.... :D

So double down? Cradle: when someone robs a bank, have you EVER taken the time to see if "security is good"...and then blame the security?

Or how about the smash and grab thefts that happened in big cities, Cradle? Did you tell us that it wasn't the shoplifters was the stores fault for not hiring adequate security?

Stop doing this. Stop giving Republicans a pass, and blaming Democrats when Republicans break laws. You're better than this, my man.

Our security shouldn't be in the hand of amateurs like Pelosi or Speaker Johnson. Because: duh. THAT was the security problem on Jan 6th, if any.
As speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi had the final say about security on that day. Since she was never brought forth by the Democrats to explain her thoughts process no one will ever know. Theoretically my man if she had taken precautions about the massive protest and the animosity involved beefing up security would have been a common sense and prudent thing to do. Is that something you disagree with? Odd as it is that failure on the part of Nancy Pelosi to do due diligence in regards to securing the capitol sure worked out well for the Democrats. Instead of a ring of security forces sealing off and securing the entrance to the capital we received the videos of an endless stream of yahoos storming through the capitol. Which with the use of due diligence on the part of Nancy Pelosi wouldn't have been allowed to happen in the first place. What fun would that have been my man? The ounce of prevention wasn't anywhere near as much fun as the pound of cure.
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Re: The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 1:14 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:39 am The last I remember Nancy Pelosi never had to explain her security failure to any Jan 6 committee. She was aware of the threat she just ignored it. Nancy Pelosi was the only person directly in charge of security at the US Capitol.
:lol: :lol: :lol: So it's Pelosi's fault?

We'll never know, right?...since she too fugged up. It all could have been avoided. Even the police were saying they were set up. Does Trump also bare much of the bethca. If you are being honest with yourself, you would not be ignoring that the appropriate security was not in place, as it would have been in most other major events on The Mall.
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Re: The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

youthathletics wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:27 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 1:14 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:39 am The last I remember Nancy Pelosi never had to explain her security failure to any Jan 6 committee. She was aware of the threat she just ignored it. Nancy Pelosi was the only person directly in charge of security at the US Capitol.
:lol: :lol: :lol: So it's Pelosi's fault?

We'll never know, right?...since she too fugged up. It all could have been avoided. Even the police were saying they were set up. Does Trump also bare much of the bethca. If you are being honest with yourself, you would not be ignoring that the appropriate security was not in place, as it would have been in most other major events on The Mall.
No. We know. It was inspired and incited by a President who soundly lost an election and couldn’t do what every previous President and candidate for the presidency has done. We know it was perpetrated by his cultish followers.

First, the Big Lie. Now the litmus test of “loyalty “ to the Liar. Welcome to YA’s Reichstag Renewal.
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Re: The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by a fan »

youthathletics wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:27 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 1:14 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:39 am The last I remember Nancy Pelosi never had to explain her security failure to any Jan 6 committee. She was aware of the threat she just ignored it. Nancy Pelosi was the only person directly in charge of security at the US Capitol.
:lol: :lol: :lol: So it's Pelosi's fault?

We'll never know, right?...since she too fugged up. It all could have been avoided. Even the police were saying they were set up. Does Trump also bare much of the bethca. If you are being honest with yourself, you would not be ignoring that the appropriate security was not in place, as it would have been in most other major events on The Mall.
And if you were being honest with YOURSELF, you'd be insisting we actually fix the real problem here.

Demand that we put the security of our Federal buildings in the hands of military personnel. It's ABSURD that we didn't change to that after 9/11. We just showed the whole world how easy it is to take over the US Senate, FFS.

And I have never blamed Trump for Jan 6th. It's 100% on the idiots who stormed the Senate.

Those who sat outside the Senate? They have 1000% of my support. Protest all you want, as is their right.

If you don't lock your doors when you're home, are you telling me that if robbers showed up, you'd take the blame because you left a door unlocked? :lol: Come on. The security levels are 10000% immaterial to the breaking of laws, sorry man.

It would be like blaming the Antifa arsonist for having the gall to have wood and papers inside of a Federal Courthouse....instead of blaming the idiot with the molotov cocktail.

More to the point: I'd have an easier time buying what you were selling if you Republicans didn't ALWAYS have an excuse for something a Republican does. Every time, without fail, it's "someone else's fault".....or you play games where you diminish the crime as no big deal. How about you guys take a break from this stuff, and accept full blame for something you do, without qualifications? Make it my BDay gift! ;)
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Re: The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by youthathletics »

a fan wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:40 pm
youthathletics wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 2:27 pm
a fan wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 1:14 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:39 am The last I remember Nancy Pelosi never had to explain her security failure to any Jan 6 committee. She was aware of the threat she just ignored it. Nancy Pelosi was the only person directly in charge of security at the US Capitol.
:lol: :lol: :lol: So it's Pelosi's fault?

We'll never know, right?...since she too fugged up. It all could have been avoided. Even the police were saying they were set up. Does Trump also bare much of the bethca. If you are being honest with yourself, you would not be ignoring that the appropriate security was not in place, as it would have been in most other major events on The Mall.
And if you were being honest with YOURSELF, you'd be insisting we actually fix the real problem here.

Demand that we put the security of our Federal buildings in the hands of military personnel. It's ABSURD that we didn't change to that after 9/11. We just showed the whole world how easy it is to take over the US Senate, FFS.

And I have never blamed Trump for Jan 6th. It's 100% on the idiots who stormed the Senate.

Those who sat outside the Senate? They have 1000% of my support. Protest all you want, as is their right.

If you don't lock your doors when you're home, are you telling me that if robbers showed up, you'd take the blame because you left a door unlocked? :lol: Come on. The security levels are 10000% immaterial to the breaking of laws, sorry man.

It would be like blaming the Antifa arsonist for having the gall to have wood and papers inside of a Federal Courthouse....instead of blaming the idiot with the molotov cocktail.

More to the point: I'd have an easier time buying what you were selling if you Republicans didn't ALWAYS have an excuse for something a Republican does. Every time, without fail, it's "someone else's fault".....or you play games where you diminish the crime as no big deal. How about you guys take a break from this stuff, and accept full blame for something you do, without qualifications? Make it my BDay gift! ;)
Happy Birthday, my friend!! And it’s National Bourbon Day!!
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

Interesting to note:

Bowman made a mantra of It's The Many Over The Money in the days leading up to the primary. So he clearly knew all about it. But now that he's lost, he's whining about what?

Wait for it....

The money.
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Memo to the DNC: You share the blame for Biden’s bait-and-switch

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

Memo to the DNC: You share the blame for Biden’s bait-and-switch
The loyalty of millions of voters is being sorely tested by the failure of the Democratic National Committee to hold the president to his implicit campaign pledge to serve one term

By Larry Edelman Globe Columnist, July 1, 2024

If the Democratic Party were a publicly traded company, the mishandling of the presidential nomination process by its board of directors — the Democratic National Committee — would likely have sparked a revolt by investors. Here’s how an activist investor might respond.

To: Jaime Harrison, chair, Democratic National Committee

Re: Thanks for nothing

A lifelong Democrat, I’ve voted for each and every one of our party’s presidential nominees since 1980 — sometimes enthusiastically, other times not. I think I’ve pulled the lever for exactly one Republican in an election at any level: Bill Weld, for governor of Massachusetts. And he might as well have been one of us. (Even the Globe endorsed him in 1990.)

But my loyalty — and the loyalty of millions of Democrats like me — is being sorely tested by the failure of you and the rest of the DNC leadership to hold President Biden to his implicit campaign pledge to serve one term.

“Look, I view myself as a bridge, not as anything else,” Biden said in 2020 while campaigning in Detroit with Senators Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, and Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. “There’s an entire generation of leaders you saw stand behind me. They are the future of this country.”

Many voters backed Biden four years ago not because he was their favorite Democrat in the primaries. We did so because he looked like the best bet to beat Donald Trump.

His game plan was clear: win, return some sense of normalcy to a country exhausted by COVID and Trump, then step aside for that new generation of leaders when the next election came around.

OK, Biden never said the words “one term only.” But c’mon, Jaime, that’s what we all understood to be the deal when we jumped on the bandwagon. It was the concession Biden knew was necessary to win over voters deeply uneasy about handing the White House to the oldest person ever.

The Democratic Party isn’t a company, but you are in the business of winning elections. Biden is the CEO, so I get it: he has a lot of power.

But I see you and the other DNC leaders as board members. Your responsibility — your fiduciary duty, if you will — is to protect the interests of all Democrats, not just the president’s.

You failed miserably. If this were a company, an activist investor would launch a proxy fight to replace you all.

The past three years were the time to develop a succession plan. To give the party’s younger stars the green light to build national profiles. To confront the hard truth that the vice president probably isn’t POTUS material.

And, most important, it was the time to persuade the soon-to-be-octogenarian CEO that a younger, more energetic candidate would offer an even stronger alternative to Trump.

Instead, you went along with the high-risk decision by Biden to try to cheat time. You ignored millions of Americans who complained he was too old for the office. Ezra Klein of The New York Times summed it up nicely on Sunday, writing that the party is “giving the American people an option they do not want and then threatening them with the end of democracy if they do not take it.”

It’s an awfully cynical way to treat customers/voters.

The high price of your recklessness was made painfully apparent by the debate debacle. Biden cemented everyone’s worst fears about his ability to campaign effectively — and run the country if reelected.

Now the party has two options, neither appealing. You can stick with a severely wounded candidate and pray enough voters just can’t go with Trump. Or you and others can try to convince Biden that after doing an admirable job, his crowning service to the country would be to bow out.

I’m disappointed that Biden chose to run again. I’m mad as hell that you, the Democratic establishment, stood by and let it happen.

Win or lose in November, you should all resign.

Larry Edelman can be reached at [email protected]. ... ebate-dnc/
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Re: The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:50 pm The bank's security was poor. A guy robbed the bank. It's the bank's fault.

This is the cancerous stuff Old Salt wants others to believe about January 6. He is a gaslighting POS, knows it, and probably delights in the approval of his little apostles and their cute emojis.
There's a whole lot of gaslighting... as well as some really dumb garbage on this site right now.

OS ain't dumb.
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Re: The Democrats, Its Past, Present and Future Direction

Post by youthathletics »

I guess they want to militarize the govt and take out the SCOTUS? Is trump rubbing off on them as new fascists and authoritarian 😉😂😂

Damned whackos on both sides. ... a82I2GssRg
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More Bad News Coming for the "Squad" of Jew-Haters

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

Next up, Cori Bush: After Jamaal Bowman defeat, pro-Israel donors pivot to Missouri
AIPAC texted its followers, after Jamaal Bowman lost in New York, that Missouri Rep. Cori Bush was next.

(JTA) — WASHINGTON — Less than two days after AIPAC spent $14 million in a successful bid to send Rep. Jamaal Bowman packing in New York, the pro-Israel powerhouse texted a message to its followers: Their next target is Missouri Rep. Cori Bush.

“On Tuesday night, the pro-Israel community helped ensure anti-Israel Rep. Jamaal Bowman won’t be returning to Congress next year,” said the fundraising text the American Israel Public Affairs Committee sent Thursday afternoon. “With your support, we can also help defeat Rep. Cori Bush, another member of the anti-Israel Squad.”

Time was pressing, AIPAC said. “We have a short window to act.” Bush’s primary is Aug. 6.

Bush, whose district includes St. Louis, has much in common with Bowman: Each ousted a long-serving establishment Democrat in a 2020 primary, and both are members of the far-left Squad in Congress.

Israel's critics
They are also both harsh critics of Israel, voting against emergency funding for Israel in its war against Hamas, and accusing Israel of committing genocide in Gaza.

“The UN special rapporteur just released a report showing strong evidence of genocide in Gaza,” Bush said on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, in March. “Meanwhile, the Biden Admin signaled it’ll continue arming the Israeli government. Hollow words aren’t enough. We need action. Stop sending bombs.”

On Oct. 16, nine days after Hamas launched the war against Israel, massacring some 1,200 people inside the country and kidnapping more than Neiss said in an interview.

Still, said Picker Neiss, who now works for the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, it remained worthwhile for Jewish communities to reach out to representatives like Bush.

“It’s always tempting to want to talk to the people who already agree with us in some way or who are already aligned with us on issues,” she said. “But we don’t get to dictate who is in what job.” ... 585#808585
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