Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

They've been prepping the commute / pardon messaging for a while now. Because even though it's what their candidate would do, it would somehow prove Joe is "crooked". OS has been doing it as recently as today or yesterday.
Responding (not trolling) only because of the name check.

No prepping necessary. Did you hear KJP trying to answer the commute vs pardon question ? She wouldn't or couldn't answer.

Why no straight answer on both ? ... she won't have to answer unless Hunter is denied an appeal on the gun conviction (appeal likely allowed because of a pending 2nd Amendment case already on appeal). That means Hunter won't be sentenced (or start serving) before Election Day. Likewise on the CA tax case, even if it goes to trial in Sept & he's convicted (or pleads), he can delay reporting to lockup until after Election Day.

After the election, Papa Joe can commute the pending sentence & wait to make the pardon as his last official act as President, whenever that comes.

Papa Joe, Garland & DE buttboy Weiss succeeded in running out the clock, allowing the hometown royalty Biden Family to run out the SOL click on all the foreign $$$ crimes.

Thanks to the FBI verified laptop, now entered into evidence in a Fed case, it's obvious why Hunter insisted on lifetime immunity in his failed sweetheart plea deal.

:lol: Still trying to blame the 5 yr SOL lapse on Barr...before the election. :roll: Imagine the uproar if the serving AG Barr, rather than Rudy, made the laptop an Oct surprise. The 51 retired spooks would have lead a Jan 6 insurrection, ...& sabotaging elections is their specialty.

That's my final statement on this. If you choose to waste time & bandwidth quoting, name checking, or otherwise trolling me, don't expect a response.
Last edited by old salt on Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by Brooklyn »

Gee, why aren't right wing delusionals protesting the violation of Biden's Second Amendment rights?


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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:36 am Papa Joe, Garland & DE buttboy Weiss succeeded in running out the clock, allowing the hometown royalty Biden Family to run out the SOL click on all the foreign $$$ crimes.
Another silly conspiracy.

Riddle me this: what happened to the taxes due that didn't have a SOL lapse, OS?

So take a wild guess as to what would have happened with the other tax bills, OS. Just take a wild leap. What would have happened?
old salt wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:36 am :lol: Still trying to blame the 5 yr SOL lapse on Barr...before the election.
Nope. Because you won't let anyone with a R by their name get blamed for anything, anywhere, ever.

No need for Barr at all, my man, and you're still not paying attention to what the whistleblowers told you:

The IRS started investigating the non-file of taxes in 2018.

By the election....late fall of 2020? They still hadn't pulled one. single. warrant.

:lol: Gee, how come the SOL's ran out? Maybe because the IRS is either so incompetent......or more likely, underfunded..... that they can diddle away an entire year before bothering to look at even ONE of Hunter's financial records. And you're so busy trying to blame the Dems that you didn't notice.

What if Hunter DID have a corrupt slush fund, OS? Guess what? The lazy IRS could have given Hunter TWO FULL YEARS to hide his tracks and hide accounts.

You didn't notice this. Neither did one single person in the Republican party, or at FoxNation.....

old salt wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:36 am roll: Imagine the uproar if the serving AG Barr, rather than Rudy, made the laptop an Oct surprise. The 51 retired spooks would have lead a Jan 6 insurrection, ...& sabotaging elections is their specialty.
I'll go one better: imagine Giuliani uploading the whole thing to the internet to let the NYTimes et al vet the thing? They could have found out that parts of it were legit BEFORE the election, and no one could have stopped them.

Whoops. Oh well.
old salt wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:36 am That's my final statement on this. If you choose to waste time & bandwidth quoting, name checking, or otherwise trolling me, don't expect a response.
You haven't given anyone a response on this. What you do is post your theories, and walk away from any challenge to your them, because you're not interested in thinking through your ideas and theories. You just want to tell the forum what they are, and that's that.

Which is fine. You're welcome to do that.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

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Whiplash alert : Hunter accused Barr & Trump of conducting a " vindictive & selective prosecution." Apparently that wasn't reported in CO. ... index.html ... officials/ ... meritless/ ... sel-449576

During a final news conference at Justice Department headquarters Monday, Barr did little if anything to hide his disagreements with the president on topics such as election fraud and the handling of the ongoing criminal investigation into Hunter Biden, son of President-elect Joe Biden.

Barr, who is set to step down on Wednesday after his second stint as attorney general, said he sees no need to appoint a special counsel to oversee investigations related to Hunter Biden.

Trump has criticized Barr for keeping the probe relatively quiet prior to last month’s election, and some Republican lawmakers have been calling for the attorney general to convert the investigation to a special counsel probe.

However, Barr said the probes into the younger Biden are already being capably handled by attorneys within the Department of Justice.

“I think to the extent there’s an investigation, I think that it’s being handled responsibly and professionally currently within the department,” Barr said. “To this point I have not seen a reason to appoint a special counsel, and I have no plan to do so before I leave.”

Hunter Biden revealed early this month that the U.S. attorney for Delaware was investigating him for possible tax-related issues. POLITICO later reported the securities fraud unit for the Southern District of New York, which investigates major white-collar crimes, was looking into his financial dealings as well and that the scope of the investigations goes beyond just taxes. ... probe.html ... 6aad214ce7
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

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old salt wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 8:36 am Whiplash alert : Hunter accused Barr & Trump of conducting a " vindictive & selective prosecution." Apparently that wasn't reported in CO. ... index.html ... officials/ ... meritless/ ... sel-449576
....this is your idea of refuting my point that the IRS took two years of doing nothing before pulling a, exactly?

You complain about SOL's lapsing. I tell you that the IRS agents did NOTHING for two years, before "being ready to pull warrants for Biden's financial records" in 2020....and you ignore this, and come back with complaints Hunter made?

You don't want to hear anything that easily destroys your conspiracy theories, or to be talked off the ledge.

So....enjoy them!

Yes, Trump appointees "helped" Hunter and Joe.

And the way they "helped: them was to (checks notes) stretch a boilerplate tax case where the money was paid back alllllll the way through three full election campaign cycles, keeping it in the headlines, and to help FoxNation imply for six years that Joe and Hunter got money from Ukraine for (insert made up policy change), with zero evidence this happened on hand.

You're far smarter than this. But okay.......
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by cradleandshoot »

a fan wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 1:07 pm
old salt wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 8:36 am Whiplash alert : Hunter accused Barr & Trump of conducting a " vindictive & selective prosecution." Apparently that wasn't reported in CO. ... index.html ... officials/ ... meritless/ ... sel-449576
....this is your idea of refuting my point that the IRS took two years of doing nothing before pulling a, exactly?

You complain about SOL's lapsing. I tell you that the IRS agents did NOTHING for two years, before "being ready to pull warrants for Biden's financial records" in 2020....and you ignore this, and come back with complaints Hunter made?

You don't want to hear anything that easily destroys your conspiracy theories, or to be talked off the ledge.

So....enjoy them!

Yes, Trump appointees "helped" Hunter and Joe.

And the way they "helped: them was to (checks notes) stretch a boilerplate tax case where the money was paid back alllllll the way through three full election campaign cycles, keeping it in the headlines, and to help FoxNation imply for six years that Joe and Hunter got money from Ukraine for (insert made up policy change), with zero evidence this happened on hand.

You're far smarter than this. But okay.......
Doesn't this fly in the face of what the WBs risked their jobs over. Pretty stupid to sandbag your own investigation. What would their logic be in doing so a Fan? Your perspective just doesn't make any sense. What would they stand to gain by delaying their own investigation? It makes more sense to me that someone at the DoJ wanted this investigation slow walked until it resembled an uphill crawl.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

cradleandshoot wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 1:37 pm
Doesn't this fly in the face of what the WBs risked their jobs over. Pretty stupid to sandbag your own investigation. What would their logic be in doing so a Fan? Your perspective just doesn't make any sense. What would they stand to gain by delaying their own investigation? It makes more sense to me that someone at the DoJ wanted this investigation slow walked until it resembled an uphill crawl.
It doesn't fly in the face of anything. Everyone here knows that EVERYTHING to do with D's and R's......folks turn their brains off, and simply listen to what make the D's look bad, or the R's look bad.

Isn't it simply possible that our IRS sucks? Or that the DoJ and IRS and, well, pretty much everyone except the Dept. of Defense is waaaaay understaffed? How does that not enter anyone's mind?

I'll tell you why: because EVERY question in DC is about blaming the Dems or the R"s, depending on which partisan voter/media outlet that's doing the fake-thinking.

So not one person in that Congressional hearing paid any attention whatsover to what the Whistleblowers were actually saying.

Do YOU have an answer to my question? How the heck do you run a financial investigation into someone who didn't file taxes without looking into their financial records?

If they don't have Hunter's financial records for TWO YEARS? What the F could they possibly be doing? Google searches?

No one can answer me, because they don't like the answer to this question.

Moreover, Barr already told us why the DoJ was dragging their feet in 2020...which is when the WB's said the problems hit: Barr didn't want anything to happen (warrants pulled, etc.) during the election year. So blame him. Folks don't want to do that, because it ruins their notion that it's a Dem cabal that magically went back in time, and kept the IRS agents from pulling warrants on Hunter in 2018 and 2019.

Show of hands: how many here know that IRS agents have the power to pull warrants on financial records? They didn't do that. And no one is smart enough to ask why. Because the answer to that question lays bare what happened.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

Hunter still hasn't paid back all the taxes, interest & penalties from 2014-15 (his highest earning years) because the SOL ran.

The IRS does not automatically get reports of offshore payments laundered through multiple shell corps.
It takes multiple SAR's from banks to alert the IRS & establish a trail.

Most IRS cases go back & forth for years before resolution or a criminal referral made.

My simple case took 3 years & my Congressman's staffer's intervention to resolve,
...& I had the cancelled check as proof of payment.

Weiss would have let the SOL run for all years had the IRS WB's not come forward & the House publicity pressured him to move,
& only then did he try to slip an unprecedented sweetheart plea deal past a skeptical Judge.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

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The DOJ’s Undeserved Victory Lap over Hunter’s Convictions

by ANDREW C. MCCARTHY, June 12, 2024

Remember, this prosecution took six years — and if Weiss and the Biden Justice Department had had their way, it wouldn’t have happened at all.

In the wake of Hunter Biden’s conviction on three slam-dunk felony firearm charges, we’ve now had a victory-lap press conference by so-called special counsel David Weiss, and the predictable chest-beating by Biden apologists about how the president’s Justice Department courageously prosecuted the president’s son without fear or favor.

Astonishing chutzpah, even from this crowd.

The Hunter Conviction Undermines MAGA Claims — If You Forget Everything That Preceded It
Cue the Sympathetic Hunter Headlines
Court Confirms: Weiss’s ‘Special Counsel’ Appointment Is a Sham
The crimes found by the jury were committed on October 12, 2018, and were fully known to law enforcement within less than two weeks when the gun was recovered after the defendant’s then-girlfriend — the wife of his late brother, whom he’d also gotten hooked on crack — took the Colt Cobra .38, which he’d illegally purchased while lying on the required federal form, and recklessly discarded it in a trash bin near a school, out of fear that in his drug-addled state he’d hurt himself or others. If the defendant’s name had been Robert Hunter Smith, any normal federal prosecutor would have prosecuted him for these crimes by early 2019, if not sooner — and there’d have been no concerns about the Secret Service mysteriously intervening to make the damning evidence disappear.

But the defendant was named Robert Hunter Biden and the federal prosecutor was the abnormally political David Weiss, so the prosecution took six years — and if Weiss and the Biden Justice Department had had their way, it wouldn’t have happened at all.

David Weiss was appointed the Delaware U.S. attorney during the Trump years. I’d be stunned if Trump could pick him out of a lineup. In the state from which Joe Biden was a U.S. senator for three decades before becoming vice president, Weiss got the appointment only due to the recommendation of two Biden-allied Democratic senators. In the Trump years, Democratic senators blocked numerous presidential appointees. Weiss, by contrast, sailed through solely thanks to enthusiastic support from Democrats.

When President Biden took office, Weiss was the only Trump-appointed U.S. attorney who was not defrocked. By then, for over two years, Weiss had had Hunter Biden dead-to-rights on the gun case and on equally overwhelming evidence of tax offenses, yet he had taken no action. Indeed, as whistleblower agents have detailed, Weiss and his subordinates thwarted the efforts of investigators to move aggressively on the cases. Throughout that time frame, Biden AG Merrick Garland trumpeted Weiss’s status as a “Trump-appointee” as a convenient excuse to shrink from an action he was desperate to avoid but which DOJ regulations emphatically called for: appoint a special counsel with a reputation for competence and integrity, recruited from outside the government, who would take over the case in lieu of the hopelessly conflicted Biden Justice Department and its obeisant Delaware U.S. attorney.

During the first three years of the Biden administration, Weiss spent most of the time sitting on his hands as the statute of limitations chewed up the Biden investigation. Especially egregious was his willful failure to move on tax offenses (and potentially other offenses) based on Hunter’s peddling of his father’s political influence during the last years of the Obama administration, when the elder Biden was vice president (e.g., Hunter’s raking in millions from the corrupt Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, while dad pressured Kyiv to fire the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma). Because of Weiss, those crimes can no longer be prosecuted (which is why they are not in the tax indictment Weiss finally brought after his effort to tank the case entirely failed).

Much attention has been paid to the failed sweetheart plea deal on which Weiss colluded with Hunter Biden’s lawyers. That’s entirely appropriate, but it is easy to forget that Weiss tried to make the case go away with no charges at all. That became politically impossible once the whistleblower revelations about Biden Justice Department interference in the investigation became public.

It was only at that point that Weiss’s objective became the formulation of a plea bargain that would (a) make it look like the president’s son was being held accountable, (b) ensure that the president’s son faced no imprisonment on either the gun felonies or the evasion of tax on over $4 million in income (i.e., the evasion crimes still left after Weiss let the statute of limitations lapse on the earlier ones), and (c) concoct a vaguely worded, carefully hidden immunity term that would prevent Hunter from being prosecuted on any crimes arising out of the 2014–19 timeframe — covered in a “statement of facts” that was obviously written by Hunter’s lawyers rather than prosecutors. That last part of the scheme would enable Hunter to claim immunity from prosecution no matter what damning evidence was unearthed by the House committees investigating the Biden family business of international influence-peddling, regardless of whether a Republican administration took over the Justice Department in 2025.

Weiss’s attempt to give away the store was thwarted for two reasons. First, Judge Maryellen Noreika did her duty, asking a few rudimentary questions, particularly about the scope of the highly unusual, patently underhanded immunity term that Weiss’s team could not answer. Second, in a fit of pique, Biden’s lawyers pulled out of the agreement because Weiss — aware of the political stakes — would not acknowledge in open court that the intention of the deal was to give Biden a complete pass from any possibility of future prosecution, no matter what Weiss’s supposedly “continuing” investigation turned up. This was foolish on their part: If they had just rolled their eyes and agreed to Weiss’s politically minded claim that the agreement did not immunize Hunter from all future prosecution, then (a) the plea bargain would have succeeded, (b) Hunter would have gotten the benefit of no prosecution on the gun and slap-on-the-wrist treatment on the tax charges, (c) Weiss would never have charged Hunter with any other crime, and (d) the likelihood of prosecution in 2025 would have been low (non-existent if the president won reelection; and small even if a Republican won because the statute of limitations would have lapsed on all conduct that had ended by 2019).

The sweetheart deal gone awry was appalling. What happened next was mind-blowing.

For years, Garland had steadfastly refused to appoint a special counsel despite the patent conflict of interest plaguing any Biden Justice Department probe of the president’s son and other family members — activity in which the president himself was implicated. Even as he appointed a special counsel to investigate Trump (as to whom the Biden DOJ had no conflict), Garland parried every inquiry about why there was no special counsel for Hunter Biden. He laughably claimed that there was no need for one because Weiss was a Trump appointee and was fully authorized to conduct an aggressive, let-the-chips-fall-where-they-may probe. He counted on the general lack of awareness — in the public and, apparently, the media — that because the DOJ carried the Biden investigation as a tax case, even Weiss could not file charges without approval from the DOJ’s Tax Division, which was run by Biden political appointees at Main Justice.

Meantime, Weiss played a double game. Publicly, he echoed Garland’s position that he (Weiss) was the ultimate decisionmaker on whether and where to file charges against the president’s son. But behind closed doors, as his subordinate Lesley Wolf repeatedly blocked agents from pursuing leads that could implicate President Biden, Weiss told investigating agents that he really wanted to pursue the case but was being thwarted by Main Justice. Specifically, Weiss claimed that he couldn’t charge Hunter, despite the damning evidence, because Biden-appointed U.S. attorneys in California and Washington (the districts where venue lay for tax charges) were impeding him. Weiss indicated to investigators that, to circumvent the reluctant Biden-appointees, he’d approached Main Justice to get authority that would enable him to file charges in their districts, but he’d been rebuffed. Simultaneously, Garland was ensuring skeptical congressional Republicans that Weiss was making all prosecutorial judgments with complete independence and that the DOJ stood ready to give him whatever he needed.

It was all play-acting. If that weren’t clear enough on its face, consider that the gun case wasn’t moving either, even though venue for that one was in Delaware — Weiss’s own district. In the Justice Department, when there is a disagreement between U.S. attorneys about whether a case should be brought, the dispute is resolved by the attorney general (and the AG’s deputy, to whom presidentially appointed district U.S. attorneys report). The AG either orders the recalcitrant U.S. attorneys to cooperate, or orders the U.S. attorney who seeks to bring charges to stand down. U.S. attorneys cannot block other U.S. attorneys from filing charges unless the AG allows it to happen.

Clearly, Garland and Weiss were trying to pull off a hat trick: (1) making it appear that there was a good faith investigation of Hunter Biden, while (2) refraining from bringing any actual charges against Hunter Biden, and (3) seeking an opportune time to drop the investigation on the pretext that the evidence was insufficient — even as Republican-controlled House committees gathered mounting evidence of Hunter’s lucrative influence-peddling and perusal of his laptop data kept yielding more proof of criminality.

The circle proved impossible to square when the sweetheart plea deal blew up. That debacle brought unprecedented scrutiny to the overwhelming evidence of Hunter’s guilt. Ergo, pressure mounted on Garland to appoint a special counsel. Finally, Garland relented — in a manner of speaking. The special counsel he chose was . . . yes . . . Weiss — the very prosecutor who had spent five years sabotaging the investigation.

This could not have been more fraudulent. The special-counsel regulations, which Garland publicly claimed to be following, require that a special counsel be brought in from outside the government, and that he or she be the embodiment of competence, rectitude, and independent judgment. To the contrary, Weiss was a Biden DOJ insider who had long conducted the investigation exactly the way one would expect a conflicted prosecutor to conduct it — by undermining it at every turn.

But Garland covered his tracks in the fine print: In citing the special-counsel regs, his order appointing Weiss studiously omitted mention of §§600.1 through 600.3 — the provisions that both require the appointment of special counsel when the DOJ is conflicted, and mandate that the special counsel be a lawyer from outside the government. Moreover, in the appointment order, and in Weiss’s response when Hunter’s counsel later challenged Weiss’s appointment, the Biden Justice Department took pains to stress §600.10, the final special-counsel reg, which provides that no one — no defendant, no court, and no member of the public — may force the Justice Department to comply with the regulations. That is, the DOJ may ignore them with impunity . . . which is exactly what Garland has done in touting Weiss as a duly appointed “special counsel.”

Once appointed, Weiss tried to repair his reputation while nodding to the unavoidable political reality that the president’s son could no longer be spared. He has never, however, lost sight of the highest objective: to protect the president.

Five years after the fact — meaning nearly five years after a defendant who was not President Biden’s son would have been charged, convicted, and sentenced — Weiss finally indicted Hunter Biden in Delaware. Again, that’s Weiss’s own district, so he could have brought the case at any time, without any plausible claim that he was being obstructed by Biden-appointees. Weiss chose to delay. Because he did, Hunter now has a Second Amendment defense based on the Supreme Court’s Bruen case — decided in 2022, over three years after Hunter should have been charged. It may be an improbable claim on appeal — it certainly did Hunter no good in the trial court — but it is a claim he has solely because of Weiss’s strategic foot-dragging.

In his most energetic move in the long investigation, Weiss has brought a peculiar case against Alexander Smirnov. He is the former FBI informant, previously dubbed “highly credible,” who implicated President Biden (while he was vice-president) in a bribery scheme with Burisma, the corrupt Ukrainian energy company that paid Hunter millions and thus enjoyed access to Joe’s influence. Weiss’s Smirnov probe appears to have featured a perjury trap, and the indictment sports gratuitous disclosures about Russian espionage — a topic the government typically resists addressing in public documents. A cynical commentator– not moi, of course — might wonder aloud whether the point of the Smirnov charges is to help the president fend off evidence of his complicity in the family influence-peddling business. In truth, the allegations against Smirnov — assuming they can be backed up by real proof — do not put a dent in the corruption evidence amassed by House Republicans. But Democrats surely appreciate the talking point.

At last, as the statute of limitations continued evaporating the Hunter Biden tax case, Weiss finally brought a tax indictment. It was so intentionally overdue that the 2014 and 2015 tax years — the Vice President Joe Biden tax years — could no longer be charged. Even without those crimes, it is highly probable that Hunter will face the imposition of a prison sentence due to the overwhelming evidence and high-dollar amount of tax evasion. Nevertheless, Weiss has achieved the Biden Justice Department’s main goals.

What goals?

First, although Hunter is charged with avoiding taxes on the huge windfalls he received by monetizing his father’s political influence, Weiss studiously avoided mentioning President Biden in the indictment, much less implicating him. What’s more, expect that Hunter’s lawyers will remind the public that Weiss already stipulated to the afore-described, hilariously entitled “statement of facts” filed with the court in connection with the failed sweetheart plea deal. Weiss thus agreed to a “factual” recitation that claims Hunter earned big fees because he was a high-end lawyer and businessman . . . not a drug-addled ne’er-do-well cashing in on his father’s political power.

Second, because Weiss declined to charge Hunter Biden for five years despite boatloads of damning evidence, the chance that the president’s son will face real justice and accountability for his crimes is nil. Hunter will not be sentenced on the gun convictions until later this year; even if a light prison sentence is imposed, he is sure to be released on bail pending appeal — an appeal that will not be decided until sometime next year, if then.

Meanwhile, the trial of the tax case is not scheduled until September. It is highly likely that Weiss will work out a plea deal with Hunter — one that, unlike the first one, will at least look like it has real teeth. But whether there’s a plea agreement or a trial — a trial it is hard to believe the Bidens would let happen in the weeks right before Election Day, with early voting already underway — the inevitable conviction will be timed so that Hunter’s sentencing is scheduled to occur only after the election.

Once the election is over, win or lose, President Biden’s public commitment to refrain from pardoning his son will no longer be operative. Either before Inauguration Day 2025 (if Biden has lost the election) or before Hunter is sent to prison (if Biden wins the election), President Biden will grant his son clemency on any and all prosecutions based on conduct up to and including the date of the pardon.

For that turn of fortune, Hunter Biden will be able to thank the very special counsel, David Weiss.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 3:37 pm Hunter still hasn't paid back all the taxes, interest & penalties from 2014-15 (his highest earning years) because the SOL ran.
Yep. What would have happened if that was still in place. Think about it.

The sugar daddy would have paid it off, OS. Making it a nothing burger yet again....conspiracy foiled.

I'm not any happier about it than you are....I wish he didn't have the money, and would up in jail like the rest of us would.

But there isn't a conspiracy, sorry. And if there is? Who appointed Weiss instead of letting the IRS run the show, my man?

Back to Bill Barr. Yell at him. The whistleblowers did....why won't you?
old salt wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 3:37 pm The IRS does not automatically get reports of offshore payments laundered through multiple shell corps.
It takes multiple SAR's from banks to alert the IRS & establish a trail.
That's great. your'e still dodging my question: what were the IRS agents doing for two full years, if they didn't pull warrants so that they actually had something to, oh, I don't know: investigate? Understand that as of November of 2020, the IRS had yet to pull a warrant. So as you say here, there was NO WAY to even know if Hunter broke one single law as of Nov. 2020.

The IRS agents had the power to pull warrants and/or demand tax payment all the way until Barr stepped in and gave their power to Weiss.

The IRS agents didn't use their power. Why?

Are you really not even a LITTLE curious about these questions?

I'm not arguing with you: I'm arguing with the IRS agents. Hope you see that.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

You don't know what the IRS agents did or what they had the power to do & when.
You're just making excuses & blowing smoke.
The IRS WB's finally had enough with Weiss stalling & went to Congress.
Barr is on record saying it was still under investigation when he left office.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 11:48 pm You don't know sh*t about what the IRS agents did or what they had the power to do & when.
You're just making excuses & blowing smoke.

I got every word and date and person from the publicly available Whistleblower testimony. The fact that you don't know this says have no interest in what really happened. All you want is your partisan conspiracy, filtered for you by your media feed. And that's fine.

You're welcome to keep doing this, of course. Millions have done the same. You do you. Happy to walk from this.

But if you're interested in when these specific IRS agents got on Hunter's trail (there were other teams in the FBI and IRS on his trail), and how their complaints started when Trump's appointees were running the IRS, FBI, and DoJ....the transcripts are there for you.

Read them. Don't read them. Don't care. But don't imply I'm lying when I'm simply sharing what the WB's already told us. It's not very nice.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

BS. I've read & watched everything I could find from the WB's. They had much more time investigating after Barr left office & could not confront Weiss until well after Barr had departed. They butted heads for months with Weiss understudy Wolf before they could get a meeting with Weiss. They expected him to file charges for 2014-15 before the SOL ran. Do you think every IRS agent has a direct line to the AG ? You're just diverting.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by ggait »

old salt wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 11:48 pm You don't know what the IRS agents did or what they had the power to do & when.
You're just making excuses & blowing smoke.
The IRS WB's finally had enough with Weiss stalling & went to Congress.
Barr is on record saying it was still under investigation when he left office.

Didn’t you promise up above that you were done commenting on the hb topic?

Please keep your promise. We’d all be so happy if you would just go away.

Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt »

ggait wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:46 am
old salt wrote: Thu Jun 13, 2024 11:48 pm You don't know what the IRS agents did or what they had the power to do & when.
You're just making excuses & blowing smoke.
The IRS WB's finally had enough with Weiss stalling & went to Congress.
Barr is on record saying it was still under investigation when he left office.

Didn’t you promise up above that you were done commenting on the hb topic?

Please keep your promise. We’d all be so happy if you would just go away.

Direct it to afan.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by old salt » ... ut-illegal

Former U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr, who resigned in the final weeks of former President Donald Trump's administration, chimed in on the Department of Justice's handling of the Hunter Biden investigation,

I think it’s legitimate. It has to be investigated as to whether there was a crime there and that’s one of the things I’m concerned about is that it was thoroughly investigated after I left," Barr, who resigned in December 2020, said.

"Some of the whistleblowers raised concerns in my mind," Barr added, seemingly pointing to the congressional testimony of two IRS whistleblower agents – Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler – who detailed to Congress how the Biden Justice Department allegedly quashed the probe into the president's son.

"Before the election there were reasons to defer certain investigative steps under Justice Department policy but after the election I don’t see reasons for deferring investigative steps and apparently somebody said it was the optics, well what are the optics after the election? That it was the president-elect’s son? That’s not a reason not to investigate," Barr added.

This comes after Delaware U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika rejected a probation-only plea agreement for Hunter Biden in a case involving the president's son's alleged tax crimes, drug offenses and a firearm violation. The deal had been announced by Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who has repeatedly denied claims by the two IRS whistleblowers that officials at the Justice Department, FBI and IRS interfered with Weiss’ five-year investigation into Hunter Biden.

"I felt that if I prejudged that and preempted his decision it would have actually set things up that he probably or the administration would have just canceled the investigation," he said, defending his own actions. "And I felt that he would keep our U.S. attorney in place, but once Garland came in, he had the responsibility of determining whether a thorough investigation was being done and was being done fairly."

Barr said he agreed with the House Republicans' position that a special counsel should have been named "at some point" – but failed to clarify if he thinks there's still time for Garland to name one now. "Well, practically it may have passed because there’s not very much time to get to the bottom of things unless Weiss has been doing it conscientiously, and we have to hear from Weiss as to what he’s done," Barr said.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:41 am BS. I've read & watched everything I could find from the WB's.
Great. Then stop lying about me not knowing what the IRS did and when. I'm going from their exact words.

They had DOZENS of complaints BEFORE Trump left office.

Weiss was handpicked by Barr, and since you read the transcripts, you know that that specific event was the WB's BIGGEST complaint. Bill Barr is the one who put both Weiss and Wolfe in charge of the IRS agents.

And you'd blame Barr for doing that...but you can't, because you like Barr, and Barr is a Republican.

We're back to you not caring about the truth, or what the WB's were complaining about.

Which is why Ggait and others are making fun. This was a Trump-appointee operation from start to finish, and you want to ignore that for transparent partisan reasons.

You're wasting your time. There is no Dem conspiracy, sorry.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:52 am
"Some of the whistleblowers raised concerns in my mind," Barr added, seemingly pointing to the congressional testimony of two IRS whistleblower agents – Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler – who detailed to Congress how the Trump Justice Department allegedly quashed the probe into the president's son.
Fixed. You and FoxNews can't lie you way out of who ran this investigation...who appointed Barr (Trump), and who appointed Weiss (Barr).

Sorry man. Lying gets called out here.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by ggait »

old salt wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:41 am BS. I've read & watched everything I could find from the WB's. They had much more time investigating after Barr left office & could not confront Weiss until well after Barr had departed. They butted heads for months with Weiss understudy Wolf before they could get a meeting with Weiss. They expected him to file charges for 2014-15 before the SOL ran. Do you think every IRS agent has a direct line to the AG ? You're just diverting.
Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi.


And the least believable claim of all from Salty?

That he doesnt vote for Trump.

Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: Hunter Biden Tinfoil issues

Post by Kismet »

ggait wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 3:10 am
old salt wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2024 12:41 am BS. I've read & watched everything I could find from the WB's. They had much more time investigating after Barr left office & could not confront Weiss until well after Barr had departed. They butted heads for months with Weiss understudy Wolf before they could get a meeting with Weiss. They expected him to file charges for 2014-15 before the SOL ran. Do you think every IRS agent has a direct line to the AG ? You're just diverting.
Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi.


And the least believable claim of all from Salty?

That he doesnt vote for Trump.

Proof of life on Earth II - because that is where Saltine lives. That's why he has no credibility when citing evidentiary materials here because he is so effing biased it's laughable. :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
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