Orange Duce

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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Farfromgeneva »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:01 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:57 pm Believe his 35% base is unchanged no matter what Trump says or does and no matter what the media or critics say or do. I agree with you on that.
Thanks TLD. You put it a lot more succinctly than I did.
Yes but you also stated as if you believe these people about what he says bs what he does and yet also states you don’t bother with further inquiry. That’s a logic leap that can’t reasonably be followed.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:13 pm ... ry-charges

This is politically motivated. Leave him alone.
I’m running for alderman next time around so I can commit crime as I please. I love this.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

a fan wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:52 pm
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:13 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:16 pm Sure. But that's not at all the same thing as caring about policies. What they are doing is starting with the position that they like Trump no matter what, and then inventing reasons why, and discarding anything and everything that runs counter to "I like Trump".
Waaaaay too simplified. We're talking about a whole group made up of complex human beings. I was in touch with a woman living in Israel during Trump's presidency. She thought he was a raving looney and a capital A aszhole--but she loved what he was doing for her country, and she loved the fact that she could now travel to the United Arab Emirates. I know there are other people in America who felt and continue to feel the same way. I worked with a guy who was from Vietnam during Trump's term. He loved that he stood up to China, because the Vietnamese, he told me, detest China. He liked what Trump DID. They ultimately didn't care what kind of person he was or what kind of character he had. That's just a couple of examples that come to mind.
If this was correct, Trump's polling among Republicans would look the same as they did under Reagan....where favorability goes up and down according to what Reagan did. Because this "a whole group of complex human beings" thing applies to ALL humans, not just TrumpFans, correct?"

Understand that we have never in the history of our nation have a POTUS who polled at the high 80's to 90's for a given Party for four years.

What has happened is the arrival of right wing media...where they tell their viewer that everything Trump does is awesome. Criticize nothing. Ignore anything that Trump does or doesn't do that isn't really conservative, and do NOT tell viewers about it.

It's why I asked you to quiz your friends who like Trump's policies: they will NEVER hear that Trump increased the size of Federal Government by nearly 100% in four years, cut the heck out of taxes....and flooded the American economy with literally ~3 trillion dollars of borrowed money.... and then claimed how awesome the economy was under Trump.

What happens when you double the amount of currency available in a country in a few short years? That's right: inflation, as that cash is devalued. Do R's blame Trump for that? Nope. Why? Because they were never informed that Trump increased Federal cash outlays by nearly $3 trillion in four short years. It's why I say policy doesn't matter....these voters don't bother looking at what Trump did the way that they did under previous R Presidents. They just consume what Fox et. al. tell them Trump did, and do NOT question it. This is KILLING our country.

There isn't a corollary to Right Wing news for the Dems. Result? Biden started at 88% approval among Dems...and he's now at 64%. Not only do Dems hear about the bad things Biden does...they actually CARE about what he does. That's how it's SUPPOSED to work in America. The Dem partiy and their media and voters simply don't behave the same way that 2024 Republicans and their media do. This is a very new, and VERY dangerous thing.
a fan wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:16 pm Look at Trump's polling. It's unique among Presidents, and unique among American matter what he did over 4 years, his approval was in the high 80's or 90's for R voters. What he said and did was immaterial to Republican voters.
I think we're saying the same thing, just in different ways.
Roughly? Yes! And I'm enjoying the discussion.
a fan wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:16 pm Reagan's approval among Republicans was related to actions and policies. That ship has sailed for the R party. Which is a serious problem if you ask me.
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:13 pm I agree wholeheartedly--it is indeed a serious problem. There is a large segment of the population that is pissed off at liberal mindsets and policies becoming more and more pervasive in American culture.
That's coming from Right Wing Media. Because Republicans no longer have one. single. solitary. solution to help America's working class. These outlets give Right Wing Americans pointless cultural clickbait: keep them perpetually angry and clicking, lining the pockets of the folks running these sites. So what happens? Molehllls become mountains. How many Trans athletes are there versus women athletes? What is it? A million to one? But you wouldn't know it if you paid any attention to clickbait.

Worse still, most consumers (and most especially the elderly) simply don't understand that when you click on something? What you're telling the internet and the folks who pay for advertising on these sites is: "More of this please". So that's what they get: nonstop stories about how the gays are taking over America, and converting America's children. As I"ve said many times, if you click on stories that tell you water is wet? You're gonna see a whole mess of "water is wet" stories on your media feed and advertisements. This, obviously, creates a self-fulfilling prophecy were TrumpFans keep reading about "the gays" and "trans people' day after day after day. They wind up thinking: OMG! Trans is taking over the world! :lol:

Yeah, no. They're not.

And notice no one does anything to fix this simple athletic situation? I'm 100% for making trans males compete with males. They still get to compete, right? So what's the problem? There isn't one. Fake problem solved. They don't fix this stuff for the same reason they will never fix immigration: they want a permanently angry base to keep voting for them over these fake issues. And yep, the Dems do this one, too.

And really, how many HS competitions are inherently unfair? Ever see a Basketball team of sub- 6 foot kids have to play against a lineup of 6'3"+ teams? In what world is that fair? Or how about HS lacrosse teams that can recruit players facing public school teams that are stuck with whomever lives in the school district. Ask a Republican if they think one lesson we should teach kids is: life is unfair? You'd get 99% responding: you bet we should teach kids that. So where'd that attitude run off to when it comes to a handful of trans kids in sports? But I digress, and agree that trans-males should compete with males.
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:13 pm One for instance--go survey female athletes and ask them how they feel about being forced to compete against biological males. I don't think folks realize the deep seated, seething and festering resentment there is in this country toward some of the liberal agendas being jammed down their throats. They see Trump as their only hope for respite.
Untrue. They see all REPUBLICANS as respite from this. You're explaining here why these voters vote for Republicans, not why they nominate and vote for Trump every chance they've had over 12 years now.
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:13 pm Whether they are misinformed, closed-minded, white trash, un or under-educated, whatever--they're enraged. And if Trump is the only candidate on the Republican ticket come November, they'll vote for him again by their tens of millions as they did in 2020. I have no stinky idea what will happen in November, but this country may very well get another rude surprise.
I am 100% of the belief that Trump will win.

The problem that Trumpfans that aren't rich don't get is: just like last time, Trump will shovel more money to the libs and lefties that you just told me these voters despise. Working class Trumpsters will fall further behind as Trump's ACTUAL policies pump more money to the top 20% earners who are in these dreaded liberal Universities......Ivies, top Public schools, etc. The nation's top 20% earners vote Dem. And you know as well as I do that the gap between rich and poor has been put on steroids in America.

At SOME POINT, Republicans need to help the working class. Can you name one single Federal R policy from the last 24 years that has economially helped the American working class in a material and sustainable way? I can't. Their base keeps falling further and further behind.

THIS is why Trump is a problem, imho. Don't care about his bluster, or appeal to shiny yet pointless culture war nonsense. Not only does the POTUS not control American culture in a meaningful way (it's the other way around), "sticking it to the gays" doesn't put food on a TrumpVoter's table, nor educate or train their kids for 21st century jobs.

The issue the R Party is confronted with this: they TRIED trickle down, and low taxes for the rich. And the rich, by and large, are more liberal and educated that the R Base. They have to (gasp!) try liberal policies that have worked well for every other 1st world nation on earth: more fair taxation. Free Education and training for the working class. And most of all? Free health care, as we're watching the life expectancy and every other health metric for the poor fall off a cliff, right before our eyes.

What's the Republican plan? No one can tell me. Not the voters. Not their national leaders. In short: when the circus is over for the working class, these folks walk back to their cars? The reality is that the American working class is F'ed.

Appreciate the discourse.

I can't hold my own with you. You're obviously way more well-read and informed than I am. Old Salt seems like he could give you a good go, but I'm not a regular on the Politics boards so that's just a guess.

Again--I'm just sharing what my observations have been from talking to folks over the last 4-5 years or so. I think it's a bit much to assume that all, or even most of the people who are angry at the way things are going in this country are such because they're gullible dupes for the right wing media. Lotsa folks can think for themselves just fine without help from talking heads or click-baiters.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Farfromgeneva »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:17 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:26 pm Sounds like delusion. An alternate reality they’ve created.
Could very well be--but those so-called deluded people get a vote, just like Stevens the uninformed butler did, much to the chagrin of the lofty high-minded.
So you rodent a dichotomy of delusional vs high and lofty minded and don’t see any spectrum or alternatives? That seems like an odd way of positioning your reply to my comment.

Truthful and in the real world is equal to high and lofty minded? That’s what I’m reading from your comment if you mean something else I’m open to further understanding .
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:12 pm
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:01 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:57 pm Believe his 35% base is unchanged no matter what Trump says or does and no matter what the media or critics say or do. I agree with you on that.
Thanks TLD. You put it a lot more succinctly than I did.
Yes but you also stated as if you believe these people about what he says bs what he does and yet also states you don’t bother with further inquiry. That’s a logic leap that can’t reasonably be followed.
I read this over a couple times but I don't understand what you're saying here. Can you put it another way?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Farfromgeneva »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:02 pm
njbill wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:19 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:13 pm
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:01 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:57 pm Believe his 35% base is unchanged no matter what Trump says or does and no matter what the media or critics say or do. I agree with you on that.
Thanks TLD. You put it a lot more succinctly than I did.
So nothing much has changed. trumps people will vote for him no matter what. Bidens people will vote for him no matter what. Will the upcoming debate change any ones opinion? I doubt it, but if your looking for one bizarre spectacle of a presidential debate this is the one you want to see. I can only speak for myself. My opinion will not change. No way in hell I vote for either of these knuckle heads. I'm not alone in feeling that way.
If you are going to vote for someone other than Trump or Biden, or not vote at all, you certainly understand that either Trump or Biden will win the election. Which one do you want to win between those two?

In 1980, I voted for John Anderson. I thought Carter had done a terrible job and there was no way in hell I would ever vote for a right wing idiot like Ronald Reagan. I knew Anderson wasn’t going to win. Between the two, I wanted Carter to win.

So how about you?
I'm waiting to see how the 3rd party field plays out. I do know that many other people feel the same way. Neither individual is qualified to be president.
You mean will rfk be on the ballot come Nov by this comment?
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
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Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by OuttaNowhereWregget »

Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:16 pm
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:17 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:26 pm Sounds like delusion. An alternate reality they’ve created.
Could very well be--but those so-called deluded people get a vote, just like Stevens the uninformed butler did, much to the chagrin of the lofty high-minded.
So you rodent a dichotomy of delusional vs high and lofty minded and don’t see any spectrum or alternatives? That seems like an odd way of positioning your reply to my comment.

Truthful and in the real world is equal to high and lofty minded? That’s what I’m reading from your comment if you mean something else I’m open to further understanding .
In other words--it seems to me that you're saying that only delusional folks would vote for Trump. Am I getting that right?
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:22 pm
ggait wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:07 pm
If you are going to vote for someone other than Trump or Biden, or not vote at all, you certainly understand that either Trump or Biden will win the election. Which one do you want to win between those two?
Of course third party voting is a waste of time. In the last 18 presidential elections (1972 and ff) third party candidates have won ZERO electoral votes.
That's 0-for-9,684 in winning electoral votes. :lol: :roll:

Ross Perot -- zero. John Anderson -- zero. RFK Jr. -- zero. Everyone except George Wallace in 1968 -- zero.

But since Cray lives in NYS, doesn't matter. For this go around 47 of the 50 states are whatever. Which is outrageous.

The EC (despite its nasty slave protecting genesis) is not the problem. The problem is the WTA allocations of the EVs choices made by the states. Which isn't in the Constitution and which was totally not intended by the Founders. But once one state pulls the WTA BS, every other state has to follow suit. Classic tragedy of the Commons and a major blunder by the Founders. As TJ put it in 1800:

“All agree that an election by districts would be best, if it could be general; but while 10 states choose either by their legislatures or by a general ticket, it is folly & worse than folly for the other 6 not to do it.” After TJ lost in 1796, VA switched in 1800 to WTA. Once VA switches, then Massachusetts switches to ensure that all its electoral votes would go to John Adams. And so on.

Unlikely that Joe will win any of the Sun Belt swing states (NC, GA, AZ, NV) this time. And if he does, that means he will be over-performing elsewhere so the Sun Belt swingers won't outcome determine.

For this election, the only voters who actually matter are a sliver of persuade-ables in PA, Mich, Wisc. If Sleepy Joe wins those, he gets to exactly to the minimum 270 EVs. Yikes.

And if Joe does draw to the straight, the MAGA mouth breathers led by Orange Jesus will burn the country down over bogus Big Lie 2.0.

Buckle up.
I am hoping this happens.
Most people probably including ggait thought Biden wouldn’t win Ga last time around. Come actually spend time around the greater Atlanta are on both sides of 285 (10-3 on clock vs the rest) and above/belwo
I20 to cover Buckhead/Brookhaven and n Fulton as well as most the rest of ITP and other parts. Or just look how hard kemp has diverged from Trump. I don’t see this state getting more conservative I think people are abstracting too much based on geography with respect
To Ga.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
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Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Farfromgeneva »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:19 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:16 pm
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:17 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:26 pm Sounds like delusion. An alternate reality they’ve created.
Could very well be--but those so-called deluded people get a vote, just like Stevens the uninformed butler did, much to the chagrin of the lofty high-minded.
So you rodent a dichotomy of delusional vs high and lofty minded and don’t see any spectrum or alternatives? That seems like an odd way of positioning your reply to my comment.

Truthful and in the real world is equal to high and lofty minded? That’s what I’m reading from your comment if you mean something else I’m open to further understanding .
In other words--it seems to me that you're saying that only delusional folks would vote for Trump. Am I getting that right?
I said it sounds like delusion to say what they said and not understand the underlying facts. Belief without any facts is delusion. You can google it or talk to any psychologist you’d like. Unless you think they’re all I’m the conspiracy too.

You’re replying in bad faith here setting up binary outcomes and eying to goad me into saying something mean about a certain cohort and it’s not going to work.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Farfromgeneva »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:17 pm
Farfromgeneva wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:12 pm
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:01 pm
Typical Lax Dad wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 2:57 pm Believe his 35% base is unchanged no matter what Trump says or does and no matter what the media or critics say or do. I agree with you on that.
Thanks TLD. You put it a lot more succinctly than I did.
Yes but you also stated as if you believe these people about what he says bs what he does and yet also states you don’t bother with further inquiry. That’s a logic leap that can’t reasonably be followed.
I read this over a couple times but I don't understand what you're saying here. Can you put it another way?
You refuse go ask what things he actually did from them. Just believing what they say and or bothering to find out if they are in the real world or not.

If you want to ignore spectrums and only comment in binary positions you are absolutely a cognitive distortion and not useful to discussion ... format=amp
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
a fan
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by a fan »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:16 pm]
I can't hold my own with you. You're obviously way more well-read and informed than I am. Old Salt seems like he could give you a good go, but I'm not a regular on the Politics boards so that's just a guess.
You're holding your own just fine! We're just having a discussion about winners or losers here!

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:16 pm]
Again--I'm just sharing what my observations have been from talking to folks over the last 4-5 years or so. I think it's a bit much to assume that all, or even most of the people who are angry at the way things are going in this country are such because they're gullible dupes for the right wing media.
I didn't say they were gullible dupes. I'm simply giving you a plausible explanation as to what's happening. Do you have another explanation as to why Trump polled essentially the same among Republican voters for his four years in office? And at the same time, Dem voters have dropped 30% for Biden?

Reagan lost favor when he did things. So did both Bush and Bush. Trump didn't. Why? I gave you my answer, and it's just an opinion.

The one thing that I will say that Republicans don't understand as a group: you can't legislate culture. They don't get that, and think that their vote "stops culture from moving forward". It doesn't. Culture doesn't work like that. You can speed it up, and perhaps slow it a bit. But you can't stop it.

I can recall here on the forum quite a few posters saying they were "sick of PC culture", so they were voting for Trump.

How'd that work out? Their vote did NOTHING about that. Because of course it didn't.
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:16 pm]
Lotsa folks can think for themselves just fine without help from talking heads or click-baiters.
Again: then you have to explain why support.....not just "I prefer Trump over Biden or another Democrate"....but straight up support for Trump was in the high 80's and low 90's for almost every month Trump was in office. Surely he did SOMETHING wrong?

A brief on Presidents losing support in the past: ... pidly.aspx
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Farfromgeneva »

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:16 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 6:52 pm
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:13 pm
a fan wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:16 pm Sure. But that's not at all the same thing as caring about policies. What they are doing is starting with the position that they like Trump no matter what, and then inventing reasons why, and discarding anything and everything that runs counter to "I like Trump".
Waaaaay too simplified. We're talking about a whole group made up of complex human beings. I was in touch with a woman living in Israel during Trump's presidency. She thought he was a raving looney and a capital A aszhole--but she loved what he was doing for her country, and she loved the fact that she could now travel to the United Arab Emirates. I know there are other people in America who felt and continue to feel the same way. I worked with a guy who was from Vietnam during Trump's term. He loved that he stood up to China, because the Vietnamese, he told me, detest China. He liked what Trump DID. They ultimately didn't care what kind of person he was or what kind of character he had. That's just a couple of examples that come to mind.
If this was correct, Trump's polling among Republicans would look the same as they did under Reagan....where favorability goes up and down according to what Reagan did. Because this "a whole group of complex human beings" thing applies to ALL humans, not just TrumpFans, correct?"

Understand that we have never in the history of our nation have a POTUS who polled at the high 80's to 90's for a given Party for four years.

What has happened is the arrival of right wing media...where they tell their viewer that everything Trump does is awesome. Criticize nothing. Ignore anything that Trump does or doesn't do that isn't really conservative, and do NOT tell viewers about it.

It's why I asked you to quiz your friends who like Trump's policies: they will NEVER hear that Trump increased the size of Federal Government by nearly 100% in four years, cut the heck out of taxes....and flooded the American economy with literally ~3 trillion dollars of borrowed money.... and then claimed how awesome the economy was under Trump.

What happens when you double the amount of currency available in a country in a few short years? That's right: inflation, as that cash is devalued. Do R's blame Trump for that? Nope. Why? Because they were never informed that Trump increased Federal cash outlays by nearly $3 trillion in four short years. It's why I say policy doesn't matter....these voters don't bother looking at what Trump did the way that they did under previous R Presidents. They just consume what Fox et. al. tell them Trump did, and do NOT question it. This is KILLING our country.

There isn't a corollary to Right Wing news for the Dems. Result? Biden started at 88% approval among Dems...and he's now at 64%. Not only do Dems hear about the bad things Biden does...they actually CARE about what he does. That's how it's SUPPOSED to work in America. The Dem partiy and their media and voters simply don't behave the same way that 2024 Republicans and their media do. This is a very new, and VERY dangerous thing.
a fan wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:16 pm Look at Trump's polling. It's unique among Presidents, and unique among American matter what he did over 4 years, his approval was in the high 80's or 90's for R voters. What he said and did was immaterial to Republican voters.
I think we're saying the same thing, just in different ways.
Roughly? Yes! And I'm enjoying the discussion.
a fan wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 3:16 pm Reagan's approval among Republicans was related to actions and policies. That ship has sailed for the R party. Which is a serious problem if you ask me.
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:13 pm I agree wholeheartedly--it is indeed a serious problem. There is a large segment of the population that is pissed off at liberal mindsets and policies becoming more and more pervasive in American culture.
That's coming from Right Wing Media. Because Republicans no longer have one. single. solitary. solution to help America's working class. These outlets give Right Wing Americans pointless cultural clickbait: keep them perpetually angry and clicking, lining the pockets of the folks running these sites. So what happens? Molehllls become mountains. How many Trans athletes are there versus women athletes? What is it? A million to one? But you wouldn't know it if you paid any attention to clickbait.

Worse still, most consumers (and most especially the elderly) simply don't understand that when you click on something? What you're telling the internet and the folks who pay for advertising on these sites is: "More of this please". So that's what they get: nonstop stories about how the gays are taking over America, and converting America's children. As I"ve said many times, if you click on stories that tell you water is wet? You're gonna see a whole mess of "water is wet" stories on your media feed and advertisements. This, obviously, creates a self-fulfilling prophecy were TrumpFans keep reading about "the gays" and "trans people' day after day after day. They wind up thinking: OMG! Trans is taking over the world! :lol:

Yeah, no. They're not.

And notice no one does anything to fix this simple athletic situation? I'm 100% for making trans males compete with males. They still get to compete, right? So what's the problem? There isn't one. Fake problem solved. They don't fix this stuff for the same reason they will never fix immigration: they want a permanently angry base to keep voting for them over these fake issues. And yep, the Dems do this one, too.

And really, how many HS competitions are inherently unfair? Ever see a Basketball team of sub- 6 foot kids have to play against a lineup of 6'3"+ teams? In what world is that fair? Or how about HS lacrosse teams that can recruit players facing public school teams that are stuck with whomever lives in the school district. Ask a Republican if they think one lesson we should teach kids is: life is unfair? You'd get 99% responding: you bet we should teach kids that. So where'd that attitude run off to when it comes to a handful of trans kids in sports? But I digress, and agree that trans-males should compete with males.
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:13 pm One for instance--go survey female athletes and ask them how they feel about being forced to compete against biological males. I don't think folks realize the deep seated, seething and festering resentment there is in this country toward some of the liberal agendas being jammed down their throats. They see Trump as their only hope for respite.
Untrue. They see all REPUBLICANS as respite from this. You're explaining here why these voters vote for Republicans, not why they nominate and vote for Trump every chance they've had over 12 years now.
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:13 pm Whether they are misinformed, closed-minded, white trash, un or under-educated, whatever--they're enraged. And if Trump is the only candidate on the Republican ticket come November, they'll vote for him again by their tens of millions as they did in 2020. I have no stinky idea what will happen in November, but this country may very well get another rude surprise.
I am 100% of the belief that Trump will win.

The problem that Trumpfans that aren't rich don't get is: just like last time, Trump will shovel more money to the libs and lefties that you just told me these voters despise. Working class Trumpsters will fall further behind as Trump's ACTUAL policies pump more money to the top 20% earners who are in these dreaded liberal Universities......Ivies, top Public schools, etc. The nation's top 20% earners vote Dem. And you know as well as I do that the gap between rich and poor has been put on steroids in America.

At SOME POINT, Republicans need to help the working class. Can you name one single Federal R policy from the last 24 years that has economially helped the American working class in a material and sustainable way? I can't. Their base keeps falling further and further behind.

THIS is why Trump is a problem, imho. Don't care about his bluster, or appeal to shiny yet pointless culture war nonsense. Not only does the POTUS not control American culture in a meaningful way (it's the other way around), "sticking it to the gays" doesn't put food on a TrumpVoter's table, nor educate or train their kids for 21st century jobs.

The issue the R Party is confronted with this: they TRIED trickle down, and low taxes for the rich. And the rich, by and large, are more liberal and educated that the R Base. They have to (gasp!) try liberal policies that have worked well for every other 1st world nation on earth: more fair taxation. Free Education and training for the working class. And most of all? Free health care, as we're watching the life expectancy and every other health metric for the poor fall off a cliff, right before our eyes.

What's the Republican plan? No one can tell me. Not the voters. Not their national leaders. In short: when the circus is over for the working class, these folks walk back to their cars? The reality is that the American working class is F'ed.

Appreciate the discourse.
I can't hold my own with you. You're obviously way more well-read and informed than I am. Old Salt seems like he could give you a good go, but I'm not a regular on the Politics boards so that's just a guess.

Again--I'm just sharing what my observations have been from talking to folks over the last 4-5 years or so. I think it's a bit much to assume that all, or even most of the people who are angry at the way things are going in this country are such because they're gullible dupes for the right wing media. Lotsa folks can think for themselves just fine without help from talking heads or click-baiters.

Because I can’t get White Castle at burger shack we gotta burn this mfer down!

That’s what “these other different people” are saying. I’d rather destroy the country by the worst conduit of humanity in existence who violates the principles I espouse but clearly don’t live by if I’m supporting this POS if I don’t get their flavor crystals I want bursting in my mouth. And people who object to that are high minded dickheads? What a straw man! There’s no other explanation to rejecting or pushing back on that ludicrous approach to society today by incredibly selfish people? That’s the only response-smarty pants jerk
Liberals are the problem!
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Farfromgeneva »

a fan wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:44 pm
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:16 pm]
I can't hold my own with you. You're obviously way more well-read and informed than I am. Old Salt seems like he could give you a good go, but I'm not a regular on the Politics boards so that's just a guess.
You're holding your own just fine! We're just having a discussion about winners or losers here!

OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:16 pm]
Again--I'm just sharing what my observations have been from talking to folks over the last 4-5 years or so. I think it's a bit much to assume that all, or even most of the people who are angry at the way things are going in this country are such because they're gullible dupes for the right wing media.
I didn't say they were gullible dupes. I'm simply giving you a plausible explanation as to what's happening. Do you have another explanation as to why Trump polled essentially the same among Republican voters for his four years in office? And at the same time, Dem voters have dropped 30% for Biden?

Reagan lost favor when he did things. So did both Bush and Bush. Trump didn't. Why? I gave you my answer, and it's just an opinion.

The one thing that I will say that Republicans don't understand as a group: you can't legislate culture. They don't get that, and think that their vote "stops culture from moving forward". It doesn't. Culture doesn't work like that. You can speed it up, and perhaps slow it a bit. But you can't stop it.

I can recall here on the forum quite a few posters saying they were "sick of PC culture", so they were voting for Trump.

How'd that work out? Their vote did NOTHING about that. Because of course it didn't.
OuttaNowhereWregget wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:16 pm]
Lotsa folks can think for themselves just fine without help from talking heads or click-baiters.
Again: then you have to explain why support.....not just "I prefer Trump over Biden or another Democrate"....but straight up support for Trump was in the high 80's and low 90's for almost every month Trump was in office. Surely he did SOMETHING wrong?

A brief on Presidents losing support in the past: ... pidly.aspx
You CAN legislate culture. Just check w cats like joseph Taylor, Robert Mugabe and Chavez and Kim Jong Il. Oh yeah and the dude in Kazakh says so too!
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
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old salt
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by old salt »

If someone votes for Trump because they prefer his policies or are reassured by the decisions he made during his first term,
apparently their vote does not count...or no such voters exist...or they're betraying an oath...or they're White Christian Nationalists.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Farfromgeneva »

I just visited a cousin for a day while traveling w my son. The one who was a former felon for running weed while stationed in San Diego in service as a side hustle and got shot in the leg leading to his situation getting blown up. He’s got his voting rights restored and set up charities or veterans. Mullet still in 69s just retired from supervisor of a metal fabrication shop and move to Del from
York Pa. Cigars, Harley’s and guns. He also took in and raised the fighter of an old alcoholic girlfriend plus his wife’s three from another marriage and their two most of whom are in or went through college and works because he’d be bored out of his mind so works a 4am-11am shift to stay busy “and while I don’t have to it’s extra beer money”.

He will tell you and told me flat out he thinks Trump is a piece of turd who he’d never let inside bis house but is voting for him again because f**k the authoritarian condescending liberal aholes and eventually they will take us down anyway so he’s fine rolling the dice with Trump to make a point to the other side. I heartily disagreed over beers and told him he may as well toss a round in the chamber and let’s play us some roulette. He disagrees.

That I can disagree with strongly but also fully respect. All this subterfuge and dishonest nonsense is not worthy of any respect.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by ggait »

Most people probably including ggait thought Biden wouldn’t win Ga last time around. Come actually spend time around the greater Atlanta are on both sides of 285 (10-3 on clock vs the rest) and above/belwo
I20 to cover Buckhead/Brookhaven and n Fulton as well as most the rest of ITP and other parts. Or just look how hard kemp has diverged from Trump. I don’t see this state getting more conservative I think people are abstracting too much based on geography with respect
To Ga.

Check out the links below. The Georgia polls in 2020 look nothing like 2024.

Biden was 2 points up on Trump in June 2020. The polls were very dynamic in 2020.

Trump is now up 5.4 points. He was never that far ahead in 2020 and the 2024 polls have not moved at all.

If Joe actually wins Georgia, that means the election was a total landslide and Joe would equal/exceed his 2020 EV total. That isn't happening. ... 0/georgia/ ... 4/georgia/
Last edited by ggait on Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Farfromgeneva »

old salt wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:36 pm If someone votes for Trump because they prefer his policies or are reassured by the decisions he made during his first term,
apparently their vote does not count...or no such voters exist...or they're betraying an oath...or they're White Christian Nationalists.
That’s not even worthy of discourse. Just be honest and forward. This pettiness is so sad from someone who supposedly has earned so much respect form their prior career.

It literally ignores everything else about what he is and does with that power. It’s so simplistic as to either be dishonest as an approach here or really lost the plot of thinking.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
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Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Farfromgeneva »

ggait wrote: Sat Jun 01, 2024 10:41 pm Most people probably including ggait thought Biden wouldn’t win Ga last time around. Come actually spend time around the greater Atlanta are on both sides of 285 (10-3 on clock vs the rest) and above/belwo
I20 to cover Buckhead/Brookhaven and n Fulton as well as most the rest of ITP and other parts. Or just look how hard kemp has diverged from Trump. I don’t see this state getting more conservative I think people are abstracting too much based on geography with respect
To Ga.

Check out the links below. The Georgia polls in 2020 look nothing like 2024.

Biden was 2 points up on Trump in June 2020. The polls were very dynamic in 2020.

Trump is now up 5.4 points. He was never that far ahead in 2020 and the 2024 polls have not moved at all.

If Joe actually wins Georgia, that means the election was a total landslide for Joe. That isn't happening. ... 0/georgia/ ... 4/georgia/
It’s an abstraction from a distance. Did you think he was winning Georgia then? You? If we mined your posts would you have been modestly or stridently projecting Trump win Georgia? Your comment of the polls means nothing what did you toss around and believe then?

Because all I hear is folks who know nothing about Georgia making strong if not grandiose claims about the state and all they ever fall back on is that back in Centre Al east (ie Rome GA near where I’ll be dropping my daughter off at Girl Scouts camp tomorrow afternoon). I’m not saying things about places I haven’t spent meaningful time in and paid attention or set off in place inquiries of established locals all and talking about national polls and other things? But lots like to.

And if you saw Brian kemps commercials you would’ve thought he was going to be worse than these acolytes running around other states. We put down Herschel we put down Kelly. We put down every gimp incl Trump thrown our way. BTW I hate this town I live in not because of politics but because it sold its character to be a big city like other big cities and has put no thought into urban planning on long term viability just patting themselves on their backs for the migration they clearly generated by “effort and skill”. The guys who murdered Arbry are done and cooked how’s things going for all the George Floyd cops in progressive MN or kyle rittenhouse in WI? George Zimmerman still free in FL or did they finally get after him? How about the fbi agent at dennys in Va? How about the nasty rednecks and the lady who likes to jerk guys off in theatres voted into Office in Co (which is hot if she didn’t have any power)? How about the folks that tried to kidnap a sitting gov in Mi?

I got common killer Mike and big boi here. You got red rocks and big head Todd (who loves coming here and I see almost annually as it stands) ?
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by Farfromgeneva »

Clearly not everyone gets that we live in a high velocity dynamic model and are slaves to the moment without actually being present.
Last edited by Farfromgeneva on Sun Jun 02, 2024 4:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Now I love those cowboys, I love their gold
Love my uncle, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
I left his dead ass there by the side of the road, yeah
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Re: Orange Duce

Post by ggait »


I’ll be back to dunk on you about Georgia in November.

If I’m wrong, I’m sure you will do the same.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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