The Biden - Harris Era.

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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by cradleandshoot »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 2:58 pm The Biden-Harris Era, the economic envy of most of the world -- and a media feeding anxiety, and a population too clued out to know better. ... inflation/

"Nearly everything Americans believe about the economy is wrong, according to a recent Harris-Guardian poll. And that’s pretty much everyone’s fault.

The poll, conducted earlier this month, found that perceptions of the U.S. economy are often at odds with reality. For instance, most Americans (55 percent) think the economy is shrinking, with about the same share saying we’re in a recession.

In reality, the U.S. economy has been growing consistently for nearly two years, even after accounting for inflation. By virtually every benchmark, in fact, we’re exceeding growth expectations. The U.S. economy has been outperforming other advanced economies. We’re also doing better than pre-pandemic forecasts had situated us by now, both in terms of gross domestic product and the number of jobs out there. This generally isn’t true elsewhere in the world.

The poll also found that roughly half (49 percent) of Americans believe the unemployment rate is at a 50-year high. Reality is, again, nearly the opposite: Unemployment has been below 4 percent for more than two years now, the longest stretch of time it’s stayed that low since the Nixon administration.

Roughly half of respondents (49 percent) also said stock markets were down since the beginning of the year. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 is up more than 10 percent, and major equity-market indexes have recently touched all-time highs.

Why are our perceptions so distorted?

To be fair, some economic jargon means specific things to economists but is used differently by normal people. This could explain some of the disconnect.

For example, to economists, “recession” means that the economy overall (as measured by output, employment, etc.) is shrinking. But laypeople often use the term more loosely to mean “something feels bad about this economy,” such as high gas prices. This difference in usage might account for why a plurality or a majority of respondents — including nearly half of Democrats in that Harris-Guardian poll — believe we’re in a recession now, while almost no professional economic forecasters agree.

Similarly, economists define “inflation” as growth in prices, not the level of prices. So if prices skyrocketed last year, then flattened out this year, economists would describe inflation as currently low. A normal person, however, might still complain about “inflation” since the level of prices remains higher than it was not long ago.

This is essentially what’s going on right now. Inflation reached its fastest pace in a generation back in mid-2022 and has generally been slowing since then. Price growth is still elevated, so the problem isn’t over. But to economists (including those at the Federal Reserve), a lot of progress has been made.

For normies who might be (hopelessly) expecting prices to revert to pre-covid levels, however, there is little to celebrate. They remember when ground beef was a buck or two cheaper per pound; the fact that the cost of hamburger meat hasn’t risen a lot further in recent months is not comforting.

That’s apparent in polling. Nearly three-quarters of Americans think inflation is increasing when it has definitely slowed down.

But none of this explains why the public appears so wrong about more straightforward metrics, such as whether unemployment is at historic highs or whether the stock market has risen or fallen recently.

Many commentators (particularly those on the left, who are furious about how these misperceptions reflect upon President Biden) blame the media for the public’s economic illiteracy or for leaving the public with the impression that economic conditions are terrible. I agree that we journalists generally give more play to bad economic numbers than good ones. We’ve also done a lousy job of helping the public understand what the right benchmarks are, such as whether they should expect prices to fall outright, what counts as a “good” GDP report, or how our outcomes compare to those in other countries.

But here’s a secret: If the media has a bad-news bias, that’s because our audiences have a bad-news bias, too.

People are more likely to click, watch, listen to and share content that induces outrage. This human predisposition toward negativity is not unique to economic news, nor news in general. For decades, social scientists have documented a “negativity bias” in how humans process and gravitate toward information. Journalists respond to those incentives, particularly when we have dwindling resources and are fighting for an audience.

Social media and political echo chambers then amplify our biases for negative news, particularly when consumers see developments that also align with their other preferences. For example, there’s a reason Republicans rate the economy more poorly than Democrats do, even if both groups are pretty dour.

So by all means, tell your preferred political team to highlight their wins; and pressure those of us in the media to do better. But the most useful thing you personally can do to help the public be more informed about good news, on the economy or anything else? Reward it with your attention."
IMO folks just like myself don't need to read statistics from the Wall St Journal. I gas up my car and my wifes car. The bill 6 months ago was just under 120 dollars. I just paid the bill the other day. ..168 dollars. Do I blame that on I don't. The flip side of the coin is the Biden administration might be cooking the books in regards to what they will admit to the American people. Any of you folks here shop for your own groceries every week? At least despite what we see with our own eyes and pay for out of our hard earned money we should be happy as to why it is so difficult to make ends meet.
No need to be concerned, things are getting better.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by youthathletics »

It speaks volumes that you need to read some schlub from TWP gaslight the hell out of us, when we and they know full well our money does not go nearly as far as it did a short handful of years ago. The BS they are pushing is embarrassing. They are running interference for Biden....nothing more.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 12:18 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 2:32 pm
a fan wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 2:05 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 1:52 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 1:22 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 10:54 am It would have been great if the GOP senators had voted to convict on impeachment. That indeed would have had Trump fade away.

But they didn’t and instead it became clear that the MAGA takeover was reality and ongoing, no fading away.

I don’t think the legal cases in any way prevented him from leaving the scene.

Arguably this State court case might not have been brought as it is likely fair to say that Trump’s insistence on presenting himself as blameless for political benefit is what made him such a tempting target.

And if he had not insisted on keeping the national intelligence documents and so blatantly obstructed, that case could have been avoided. But he insisted on claiming he was the actual President and they were His documents. I don’t see any avoiding prosecution, but it could have been settled had he not preferred the fight for political reasons.

I think the other two cases, had he been impeached and convicted, might have had him as an unindicted co-conspirator ala most recent state case.

But the GOP opted for the MAGA takeover.
I think most people understand where your coming from. It becomes hugely more complicated if trump wins in November. I don't need to tell you. I don't have the slightest clue what happens if trump is convicted and then wins the election. If trump does win this nation will find itself in uncharted territory. I wouldn't want to be one of the Democrats on trumps revenge list. Guilty... Innocent... It won't matter, there will be hell to pay and trump won't even try and pretend what he is up to. Hell it won't surprise me if trump also included the MM in his vendetta. It will resemble on of those fake wrestling shows with people smacking each other over the head with chairs and launching them outside the ring onto tables. It will be a political donnybrook for the ages. Why is it that the cynical person in me sees Lester Holt grinning and rubbing his hands together dreaming about ratings going through the roof. I'm going to hell for saying this but the only scenario that saves the day is trump having a face to face with the grim reaper. Hopefully GR is in a foul mood that day.
Yes, there’s really no limits for Trump Unbound, MAGA Unbound.

But don’t be confused about why these POS will exercise “retribution “. It ain’t because Trump was ‘unfairly’ prosecuted. Rather, it’s entirely because they are criminals at their core. Power and money, at any cost to others.

It’s super easy to see what’s coming, as they have increasingly been saying it out loud. So, acolytes and cowards are making the choice to swear fealty. They pretend to be serious people concerned for the ‘country’ as if Biden and Dems are not, Quite gross.
I'll believe it when I see it. Trump is all talk. If he did what he CLAIMED he'd do before he was voted into office? I'd be a fan. He did the OPPOSITE of what he told his fans he'd do.

He doesn't have a long enough attention span to go after someone for more than five minutes...and his appointees have to get through the Senate. Good luck with that.
Unfortunately it’s not so simple. They will go all “acting’. Will ignore confirmation process.
They’re very, very serious. Way more organized.

Trump Unbound and MAGA Unbound is a very different situation than prior run through.

Why is Trump Unbound and MAGA Unbound a very different situation this go around? Do you have any actual reasoning other than "A feeling that you have"? Taking your personal feelings out of it, what causes you to make that statement? I'm very curious. I for one don't feel it's much different than before this time around. If you take the personal emotion out of it, it becomes easier to see just that. Thanks.

That's a perfectly reasonable question, though I've explained this numerous times over the past year, so it's a tad irritating to need to do so again.

But I'll assume you've missed it and put aside that irritation.

Focus on the Unbound.

Adjective: not restrained or tied down by bonds
unchained, unfettered, unshackled, untied
not bound by shackles and chains
not confined or restricted with a tether
able to act at will; not hampered; not under compulsion or restraint

In the first Trump Presidency, there's been extensive reporting that the Trump Campaign did not anticipate the election victory and was unprepared to actually takeover. The lists of prospective people to join the Administration in key roles, assembled by GOP stalwarts, was junked when the election was called for Trump. A rather chaotic transition took place, though the Obama Admin attempted to provide open access to personnel, policies in place, etc just the way they'd been transitioned from Bush.

Nevertheless, Trump and his Campaign did not have their own lists and found themselves scrambling to attract personnel. The turnover was breathtaking over those 4 years, no Admin has ever had so many firings and resignations in key positions. No Admin has ever been beset by so many corruption scandals in high offices. Only a few 'survived' the turnover.

Trump did not really have any strong policy positions, and essentially abdicated such to McConnell and the Senate, who placed the most importance on judicial positions and the massive tax cuts on corporations and super rich, and on increased defense budgets. Hardcore GOP priorities, but not actually what Trump had promised to his most ardent supporters, except for what he did for evangelicals focused on abortion. Not border, not infrastructure, not a new healthcare system with repeal of Obamacare...but lots of talk and red meat signaling.

But they weren't organized. Fly by the seat of the pants. Governance by tweet. Norms and rules broken in turn. A clear case for impeachment (Ukraine/Zelensky) was rejected by the GOP Senate. No accountability.

And when they went to the 2020 GOP Convention they did not bother to have a platform. Policy did not matter. Only power.

What had they learned in four years? That many of the people they put into positions of responsibility were not sufficiently loyal to Trump and MAGA over country. They looked for others who would be more willing to toe the line, but they didn't turn it all time.

As the election neared, Trump became frantic to re-jigger personnel to assure loyalty...and when the election was lost, he went ballistic with additional firings and resignations, refusal to transition smoothly, and then outright incitement resulting in Jan 6.

If, despite, clear instances of "high crimes and misdemeanors" more than sufficient to attract votes from several remaining GOP lifers and clear criminal behavior, Trump nevertheless avoids all political and criminal accountability, then we have Trump Unbound. No rules apply.

And we have this ideology of total immunity on loud display in front of the SCOTUS, yet delayed by that SCOTUS until effectively after an election, at which time cases will be dropped by fiat and self-pardons and pardons of all allies will be forthcoming. Don't like it, tough, you made our 'enemies' list.

Trump Unbound.

We have his acolytes in writing making clear what their intentions will be to dismantle the civil service, ignoring norms and rules and law. Loyalty to Trump being the singular necessity.

We have Trump and many of his acolytes saying baldfacedly that they will prosecute any who dared to oppose him, whether within the party or the opposition, the media, donors, whoever.

This is MAGA Unbound.

Stating policies which are clearly and outrageously authoritarian and vicious in nature. Indeed that's the point. Whether a SCOTUS judge's wife texting about sending the "Biden Crime Family to Gitmo" or Trump's statements about mass camps and deportation for all suspected undocumented immigrants, these are all intended to signal a willingness to go to unheard of lengths to punish perceived 'enemies of the state' and 'undesirables'.

The above are not "feelings", these are explicit statements.
Last edited by MDlaxfan76 on Tue May 28, 2024 5:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

a fan wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 1:36 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 12:44 pm
a fan wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 2:05 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 1:52 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 1:22 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon May 27, 2024 10:54 am It would have been great if the GOP senators had voted to convict on impeachment. That indeed would have had Trump fade away.

But they didn’t and instead it became clear that the MAGA takeover was reality and ongoing, no fading away.

I don’t think the legal cases in any way prevented him from leaving the scene.

Arguably this State court case might not have been brought as it is likely fair to say that Trump’s insistence on presenting himself as blameless for political benefit is what made him such a tempting target.

And if he had not insisted on keeping the national intelligence documents and so blatantly obstructed, that case could have been avoided. But he insisted on claiming he was the actual President and they were His documents. I don’t see any avoiding prosecution, but it could have been settled had he not preferred the fight for political reasons.

I think the other two cases, had he been impeached and convicted, might have had him as an unindicted co-conspirator ala most recent state case.

But the GOP opted for the MAGA takeover.
I think most people understand where your coming from. It becomes hugely more complicated if trump wins in November. I don't need to tell you. I don't have the slightest clue what happens if trump is convicted and then wins the election. If trump does win this nation will find itself in uncharted territory. I wouldn't want to be one of the Democrats on trumps revenge list. Guilty... Innocent... It won't matter, there will be hell to pay and trump won't even try and pretend what he is up to. Hell it won't surprise me if trump also included the MM in his vendetta. It will resemble on of those fake wrestling shows with people smacking each other over the head with chairs and launching them outside the ring onto tables. It will be a political donnybrook for the ages. Why is it that the cynical person in me sees Lester Holt grinning and rubbing his hands together dreaming about ratings going through the roof. I'm going to hell for saying this but the only scenario that saves the day is trump having a face to face with the grim reaper. Hopefully GR is in a foul mood that day.
Yes, there’s really no limits for Trump Unbound, MAGA Unbound.

But don’t be confused about why these POS will exercise “retribution “. It ain’t because Trump was ‘unfairly’ prosecuted. Rather, it’s entirely because they are criminals at their core. Power and money, at any cost to others.

It’s super easy to see what’s coming, as they have increasingly been saying it out loud. So, acolytes and cowards are making the choice to swear fealty. They pretend to be serious people concerned for the ‘country’ as if Biden and Dems are not, Quite gross.
I'll believe it when I see it. Trump is all talk. If he did what he CLAIMED he'd do before he was voted into office? I'd be a fan. He did the OPPOSITE of what he told his fans he'd do.

He doesn't have a long enough attention span to go after someone for more than five minutes...and his appointees have to get through the Senate. Good luck with that.
Disagree my man. IMO trump has a hard on for many folks in the Democrat party that a little blue 🔵 couldn't give you. Do not underestimate trumps anger and embarrassment over the mug shot. The look on his face said it all. He might be in the Hunter Biden league for having an unending ability to hold a grudge.
He has ALWAYS been all talk-no action. He'd have to have complicity from DOZENS of field agents and lawyers, in multiple departments.

Ain't happening. There has to be an actual crime to go after someone the way he wants to.....

Notice Team DeepState hasn't said one. single. solitary word about 'weaponization of US intel" in the indictments of Senator Menendez.

Why do you suppose that is? Not a peep on the forum about the Deep State targeting the Senator, with a Trump appointee running the FBI.

Why? You KNOW why, cradle: because Menendez has a little D by his name. "Therefore" the FBI and DoJ are perfect again. It's a Xmas Miracle!
You are correct about Trump being all hat no cattle, but he's the very willing instrument of an authoritarian set of acolytes preparing themselves to exercise power. THEY are very well organized and have serious lead time to prepare for a total dismantling of the civil service, including the DOJ, FBI, etc, etc. They have zero respect for norms and law.

They say so baldfacedly. Believe them.

This is tipping point, stuff.
Take power, then exercise it up the a-s of any who oppose, full force.
Let'em squeal.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by youthathletics »

Nice of Biden campaign to interfere and tamper with Trump NY trial.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:21 pm Nice of Biden campaign to interfere and tamper with Trump NY trial.
I agree that any signaling is very premature.

I don't think it's remotely interference or tampering, it just seems tone-deaf to me.
Hammer away post verdict if you wish, but not until then.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by youthathletics »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:24 pm
youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:21 pm Nice of Biden campaign to interfere and tamper with Trump NY trial.
I agree that any signaling is very premature.

I don't think it's remotely interference or tampering, it just seems tone-deaf to me.
Hammer away post verdict if you wish, but not until then.
Wow....we agree. ;) Hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed the games.
DeNIro comes unhinged....BTW what kind of man has a kid at the age 79? :lol:
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:21 pm Nice of Biden campaign to interfere and tamper with Trump NY trial.
No interference or tampering. But just dumb.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by youthathletics »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:55 pm
youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:21 pm Nice of Biden campaign to interfere and tamper with Trump NY trial.
No interference or tampering. But just dumb.
Legally speaking sure, intent you betcha. The timing is impeccable.
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

“There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 6:11 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:55 pm
youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:21 pm Nice of Biden campaign to interfere and tamper with Trump NY trial.
No interference or tampering. But just dumb.
Legally speaking sure, intent you betcha. The timing is impeccable.
Interference, how? Tampering with whom? Were there jurors in any proximity? Your penchant for the absurd illogical leap of reasoning is really without peer here. Just stupefying, until you consider the claptrap you seem to absorb on the interweb.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by JoeMauer89 »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 9:07 pm
youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 6:11 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:55 pm
youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:21 pm Nice of Biden campaign to interfere and tamper with Trump NY trial.
No interference or tampering. But just dumb.
Legally speaking sure, intent you betcha. The timing is impeccable.
Interference, how? Tampering with whom? Were there jurors in any proximity? Your penchant for the absurd illogical leap of reasoning is really without peer here. Just stupefying, until you consider the claptrap you seem to absorb on the interweb.
I'm a little confused what the point is here. Youth's claims are quite valid. Why does it elicit such a strong response on your end? Do you truly think the intent is to "troll" you? Or is it to try and further the discussion, albeit with a viewpoint contrary to the preferred narrative that this site seems to maintain. Seems to me that's the case. Very clear what the attempt was regarding the trial, anybody can see it. :roll: :roll:

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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

Funny that none of the gaggle of R politicians coming up to speak (more like gargle something) out about Trump's trial was "tampering"

Whine away I suppose.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by cradleandshoot »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 10:08 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 9:07 pm
youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 6:11 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:55 pm
youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:21 pm Nice of Biden campaign to interfere and tamper with Trump NY trial.
No interference or tampering. But just dumb.
Legally speaking sure, intent you betcha. The timing is impeccable.
Interference, how? Tampering with whom? Were there jurors in any proximity? Your penchant for the absurd illogical leap of reasoning is really without peer here. Just stupefying, until you consider the claptrap you seem to absorb on the interweb.
I'm a little confused what the point is here. Youth's claims are quite valid. Why does it elicit such a strong response on your end? Do you truly think the intent is to "troll" you? Or is it to try and further the discussion, albeit with a viewpoint contrary to the preferred narrative that this site seems to maintain. Seems to me that's the case. Very clear what the attempt was regarding the trial, anybody can see it. :roll: :roll:

The answer is quite simple Joe. The Democrats are terrified beyond belief of the candidate they have been stuck with. Not a one of the folks on this forum have the integrity to admit that their chosen one is way past his expiration date. Joe Biden has to be the only candidate on the Democrat side that trump has a legitimate chance to defeat. The Democrat governor of Maryland would win the white house in a runaway if he was in the race. He showed something very rare after the collapse of the FSK bridge. He showed what a leader looks like. Too bad it is not possible for Democrats to kick Biden to the curb. I know they would like nothing better.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 10:08 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 9:07 pm
youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 6:11 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:55 pm
youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:21 pm Nice of Biden campaign to interfere and tamper with Trump NY trial.
No interference or tampering. But just dumb.
Legally speaking sure, intent you betcha. The timing is impeccable.
Interference, how? Tampering with whom? Were there jurors in any proximity? Your penchant for the absurd illogical leap of reasoning is really without peer here. Just stupefying, until you consider the claptrap you seem to absorb on the interweb.
I'm a little confused what the point is here. Youth's claims are quite valid. Why does it elicit such a strong response on your end? Do you truly think the intent is to "troll" you? Or is it to try and further the discussion, albeit with a viewpoint contrary to the preferred narrative that this site seems to maintain. Seems to me that's the case. Very clear what the attempt was regarding the trial, anybody can see it. :roll: :roll:

You shouldn't be confused. YA's "claims" are complete nonsense. He is not seeking a discussion; he is transmitting a social media talking point that he received from the media feed that appears to run his brain in this era.

A small and stupid demonstration by an actor is not "interference" with the trial or the election, and will never constitute "tampering" with the jury. The jury is brought into the courthouse by a separate door, and is admonished every day not to talk about the case, and not to read media material about it. Most of them, probably all of them, don't know about the demonstration, and I am doubtful any of them care about it.

Further the discussion? What discussion? Interference, how? Tampering with whom? How is the tampering reaching the jurors? YA is trafficking something that is "Laura Loomer"-type material here. It is the sort of tiny-minded nonsense that is a feature of twitter.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by runrussellrun »

Seacoaster(1) wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 6:46 am
JoeMauer89 wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 10:08 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 9:07 pm
youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 6:11 pm
Seacoaster(1) wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:55 pm
youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:21 pm Nice of Biden campaign to interfere and tamper with Trump NY trial.
No interference or tampering. But just dumb.
Legally speaking sure, intent you betcha. The timing is impeccable.
Interference, how? Tampering with whom? Were there jurors in any proximity? Your penchant for the absurd illogical leap of reasoning is really without peer here. Just stupefying, until you consider the claptrap you seem to absorb on the interweb.
I'm a little confused what the point is here. Youth's claims are quite valid. Why does it elicit such a strong response on your end? Do you truly think the intent is to "troll" you? Or is it to try and further the discussion, albeit with a viewpoint contrary to the preferred narrative that this site seems to maintain. Seems to me that's the case. Very clear what the attempt was regarding the trial, anybody can see it. :roll: :roll:

You shouldn't be confused. YA's "claims" are complete nonsense. He is not seeking a discussion; he is transmitting a social media talking point that he received from the media feed that appears to run his brain in this era.

A small and stupid demonstration by an actor is not "interference" with the trial or the election, and will never constitute "tampering" with the jury. The jury is brought into the courthouse by a separate door, and is admonished every day not to talk about the case, and not to read media material about it. Most of them, probably all of them, don't know about the demonstration, and I am doubtful any of them care about it.

Further the discussion? What discussion? Interference, how? Tampering with whom? How is the tampering reaching the jurors? YA is trafficking something that is "Laura Loomer"-type material here. It is the sort of tiny-minded nonsense that is a feature of twitter.
Says the guy who CONSTANTLY posts NY Times or WashPost "junk".

Runs your brain. :roll:

trolling IS retorting it.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by runrussellrun »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:11 pm

That's a perfectly reasonable question, though I've explained this numerous times over the past year, so it's a tad irritating to need to do so again.

But I'll assume you've missed it and put aside that irritation.

Focus on the Unbound.

Adjective: not restrained or tied down by bonds
unchained, unfettered, unshackled, untied
not bound by shackles and chains
not confined or restricted with a tether
able to act at will; not hampered; not under compulsion or restraint

In the first Trump Presidency, there's been extensive reporting that the Trump Campaign did not anticipate the election victory and was unprepared to actually takeover. The lists of prospective people to join the Administration in key roles, assembled by GOP stalwarts, was junked when the election was called for Trump. A rather chaotic transition took place, though the Obama Admin attempted to provide open access to personnel, policies in place, etc just the way they'd been transitioned from Bush.

Nevertheless, Trump and his Campaign did not have their own lists and found themselves scrambling to attract personnel. The turnover was breathtaking over those 4 years, no Admin has ever had so many firings and resignations in key positions. No Admin has ever been beset by so many corruption scandals in high offices. Only a few 'survived' the turnover. CDC, FDA......suffer such "historic" chaos and personnel turnover ? These are NOT facts. You won't provide evidence to your claims. You NEVER do .

Trump did not really have any strong policy positions, and essentially abdicated such to McConnell and the Senate, who placed the most importance on judicial positions and the massive tax cuts on corporations and super rich, and on increased defense budgets. Hardcore GOP priorities, but not actually what Trump had promised to his most ardent supporters, except for what he did for evangelicals focused on abortion. Not border, not infrastructure, not a new healthcare system with repeal of Obamacare...but lots of talk and red meat signaling. TAATS......just like tRump did NOTHING about nothing.......

But they weren't organized. Fly by the seat of the pants. Governance by tweet. Norms and rules broken in turn. A clear case for impeachment (Ukraine/Zelensky) was rejected by the GOP Senate. No accountability.

And when they went to the 2020 GOP Convention they did not bother to have a platform. Policy did not matter. Only power.

What had they learned in four years? That many of the people they put into positions of responsibility were not sufficiently loyal to Trump and MAGA over country. They looked for others who would be more willing to toe the line, but they didn't turn it all time. Like Dr. Brix and Fauci ? This statement means , what?

As the election neared, Trump became frantic to re-jigger personnel to assure loyalty...and when the election was lost, he went ballistic with additional firings and resignations, refusal to transition smoothly, and then outright incitement resulting in Jan 6. What evidence does mdlaxfan78 have that tRump wasn't going to "transition smoothly", other than an infotainment link. Which, again, YOU never provide evidence, or links.

If, despite, clear instances of "high crimes and misdemeanors" more than sufficient to attract votes from several remaining GOP lifers and clear criminal behavior, Trump nevertheless avoids all political and criminal accountability, then we have Trump Unbound. No rules apply. unfacts, vague, Putinesque, trolling behavior on your part.

And we have this ideology of total immunity on loud display in front of the SCOTUS, yet delayed by that SCOTUS until effectively after an election, at which time cases will be dropped by fiat and self-pardons and pardons of all allies will be forthcoming. Don't like it, tough, you made our 'enemies' list.

Trump Unbound.

We have his acolytes in writing making clear what their intentions will be to dismantle the civil service, ignoring norms and rules and law. Loyalty to Trump being the singular necessity. PLEASE, provide PROOF of this lie. This claim. Such a troll. YOU....are king troll, with zero facts to back up this statement. IN writing ? You don't say. Any link, to this "in writing" intentions to dismantle the civil service.
Refusal to provide evidence IS trolling.

We have Trump and many of his acolytes saying baldfacedly that they will prosecute any who dared to oppose him, whether within the party or the opposition, the media, donors, whoever. Again.....trolling. No proof to back up your opinion. None. as always.
Prosecute.......for what, exactly ?

This is MAGA Unbound.

Stating policies which are clearly and outrageously authoritarian and vicious in nature. Like mandates for a useless vaccine. Indeed that's the point. Whether a SCOTUS judge's wife texting about sending the "Biden Crime Family to Gitmo" or Trump's statements about mass camps and deportation for all suspected undocumented immigrants, these are all intended to signal a willingness to go to unheard of lengths to punish perceived 'enemies of the state' and 'undesirables'.

The above are not "feelings", these are explicit statements.
suck does remember mdlaxfan bashing tRump over his China tariffs..........but do NOT remember reading the same critique when Biden continued those tariffs, but on steroids.

The Clintons went to tRumps wedding. Classic company keeping.

Please, explain, why it is a problem to deport those that break the law?
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 10:45 pm Funny that none of the gaggle of R politicians coming up to speak (more like gargle something) out about Trump's trial was "tampering"

Whine away I suppose.
Right; the Co-Head of the RNC was present yesterday and made remarks outside the courthouse. Crickets from the Misinformation Crowd.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:43 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:24 pm
youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:21 pm Nice of Biden campaign to interfere and tamper with Trump NY trial.
I agree that any signaling is very premature.

I don't think it's remotely interference or tampering, it just seems tone-deaf to me.
Hammer away post verdict if you wish, but not until then.
Wow....we agree. ;) Hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed the games.
DeNIro comes unhinged....BTW what kind of man has a kid at the age 79? :lol:
Let’s be clear about where we agree and where we do not.

I do Not agree that there is Any interference or tampering. If that’s your position, I strenuously disagree. I needn’t repeat others explanations, it’s simply super clear.

If that wasn’t your intent, fine.

Where we may well agree is I think that the Biden Campaign should have resisted the temptation to utilize the media attention to take on the messaging around the danger Trump represents, which is quite independent of his guilt in this trial. Too easily confused, IMO.

Regardless of the disgusting display of MAGA politicians demonstrating fealty to Trump using that media attention, the counter messaging should simply have waited until after the trial or in a different setting.

As to DeNiro I have no issue with his choice of fatherhood as I suspect that he’s committed to support well beyond what many children receive from their fathers. It would not likely be my choice, but if I found love with a woman wishing to have a child with me, I might well do so for her, regardless of my age.. So, unless we’re walking in his shoes, I’m not gonna judge negatively.

Yes, good weekend, though I was rooting for the Hoos and then UMD. The best team won this year, so no complaints other than a less exciting final.

Great time with my wife and son Saturday at an outdoor venue with Dave Mathew’s band. And very nice barbecue for Memorial Day with friends.

Hope yours was terrific as well.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by cradleandshoot »

youthathletics wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 5:09 pm It speaks volumes that you need to read some schlub from TWP gaslight the hell out of us, when we and they know full well our money does not go nearly as far as it did a short handful of years ago. The BS they are pushing is embarrassing. They are running interference for Biden....nothing more.
But they are opining to no end that things are improving by leaps and bounds. Ignore that weekly grocery bill, ignore that monthly gas bill.. things are getting better... :? I'm almost 66 years old and I figured out a long time ago when someone is trying to blow smoke up my ass.
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Re: The Biden - Harris Era.

Post by cradleandshoot »

I just heard the clip this morning of Robert DeNiro becoming even more unhinged than trump ever has. I believe he called them a bunch of gangsters. Odd stuff from an actor who made his living playing gangsters. :lol:
I remember one of his lines from Analyze This. He is looking in the trunk of a caddy. I believe and says look at the size of that trunk, you can get 3 or 4 bodies in there with no problem. The irony of DeNiro making the gangster analogy about trump. I guess Bobby boy forgot how he earned a playing gangsters. :D
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