Crime and Punishment

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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by dislaxxic »

Trump’s a Fraud When It Comes to Law and Order and ‘Backing the Blue’
...many of Trump’s actions as president—and many that he promises to make should he win the election in November—directly contradict his manufactured pro-cop image.

His initial budget in 2017 sought dramatic cuts in funding for community policing and federal grants used to train and equip local police agencies. His final three budgets sought to either cut these programs in half or eliminate them entirely. When Congress continued to fund these programs, Trump’s DOJ refused to release millions in funding to police agencies that he determined weren’t tough enough on immigration.

As president, Trump pardoned 237 people convicted of federal crimes, but bypassed procedures that had been in place for 125 years to ensure pardons were fair and appropriate based on the facts and circumstances. Under past presidents, the Justice Department’s Office of Pardons reviewed each application for suitability.

Trump ended that practice, bypassing DOJ to dole out pardons to his friends, political supporters, and people with well-connected friends—such as Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, Dinesh D’Souza, Paul Manafort, Michael Milken, Bernard Kerik, Charles Kushner, and George Papadopoulos.

Trump also granted pardons to seven former Republican congressmen, whose alleged crimes included insider trading, conspiracy, wire and mail fraud, bribery, money laundering, extortion, insurance fraud, and tax evasion. (Trump’s “law and order” apparently doesn’t apply to Republican politicians, either.)

Only 25 of Trump’s 237 pardons were recommended by DOJ.

But if there’s one aspect of Trump’s 2024 campaign that proves beyond a doubt that his “backing the blue” pose is a fraud—it’s his repeated promises to pardon defendants charged with crimes related to the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol that he incited.

He’s called the insurrectionists “patriots” who have been “treated very unfairly.” He has never added any limiting or qualifying language to his pledge to set the “Jan. 6 hostages” free, so voters must assume he means all of them.

Many of the most notorious Jan. 6 defendants—such as Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio—have said that they are counting on getting a pardon from Trump if he wins the election. Both were convicted of seditious conspiracy as organizers and ringleaders of the insurrection. Rhodes was sentenced to 18 years in prison, Tarrio got 22 years.

Of the more than 1,300 people charged with Jan. 6-related crimes, 439 were charged with assaulting or resisting police officers, and 129 of those were charged with using a weapon against an officer and causing injuries. At least 140 officers sustained injuries.

Trump never visited any of these officers in the hospital. He never called them or their families. He has never praised their heroism or service. The officers who defended the Capitol that day were not heroes, according to Trump—but the people who beat and attacked them are “patriots.” That’s a pretty abominable job of “backing the blue.”

While Trump continues to cynically use police as political props on the campaign trail, his words and actions prove his support for police is superficial and insincere.

He used his pardon power as president in an abusive and unethical way that disregarded U.S. government criminal justice policy for 125 years to benefit his friends and political cronies. He has promised to use his pardon power to absolve hundreds of people who assaulted and injured police officers in the line of duty.

As with most things Trump, his words and imagery as a candidate don’t match up with his deeds. And as he and his MAGA minions stoke fears about crime rates and public safety, never forget that when it comes to “law and order” and “backing the blue”—like most things in Trump’s life—he’s a fraud.
FRAUD...the word comes up in nearly every conversation about this guy...

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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2024 7:39 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 10:48 pm
youthathletics wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 9:59 pmwe agree, for the most part, you just didn’t comprehend what I was saying. Access to guns and drugs are rather easy, what we do after caught is the crux.
I love that you're worried about rounding up the cattle after they escape. So much easier than preventing them in the first place.

Reactionaries all around. Huzzah!
Please clarify?

My argument is simple, its the same argument you all have about guns. You want guns off the street, I want drugs off the street and further....not allowing (drugs) them in the US. How you all somehow think treating addiction in millions is the first line of stopping this, needs clarification and how we plan to finance and support tell.
Decriminalization = no more incarceration for use. Huge savings, in policing, trials, and actual incarceration.

Cheap, regulated, safe drugs under medical supervision eliminates profits for street trade. Reduced profit for street trade reduces incentive for violence
Mental health, addiction treatment fully funded reduces demand for drugs.

Policing focuses on violence and any illicit drug trafficking, not users.

Policing can focus on other actual crimes, which also can be reduced from those desperate to get enough dollars to pay for street drugs.
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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by cradleandshoot »

dislaxxic wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2024 9:11 am Trump’s a Fraud When It Comes to Law and Order and ‘Backing the Blue’
...many of Trump’s actions as president—and many that he promises to make should he win the election in November—directly contradict his manufactured pro-cop image.

His initial budget in 2017 sought dramatic cuts in funding for community policing and federal grants used to train and equip local police agencies. His final three budgets sought to either cut these programs in half or eliminate them entirely. When Congress continued to fund these programs, Trump’s DOJ refused to release millions in funding to police agencies that he determined weren’t tough enough on immigration.

As president, Trump pardoned 237 people convicted of federal crimes, but bypassed procedures that had been in place for 125 years to ensure pardons were fair and appropriate based on the facts and circumstances. Under past presidents, the Justice Department’s Office of Pardons reviewed each application for suitability.

Trump ended that practice, bypassing DOJ to dole out pardons to his friends, political supporters, and people with well-connected friends—such as Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, Dinesh D’Souza, Paul Manafort, Michael Milken, Bernard Kerik, Charles Kushner, and George Papadopoulos.

Trump also granted pardons to seven former Republican congressmen, whose alleged crimes included insider trading, conspiracy, wire and mail fraud, bribery, money laundering, extortion, insurance fraud, and tax evasion. (Trump’s “law and order” apparently doesn’t apply to Republican politicians, either.)

Only 25 of Trump’s 237 pardons were recommended by DOJ.

But if there’s one aspect of Trump’s 2024 campaign that proves beyond a doubt that his “backing the blue” pose is a fraud—it’s his repeated promises to pardon defendants charged with crimes related to the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol that he incited.

He’s called the insurrectionists “patriots” who have been “treated very unfairly.” He has never added any limiting or qualifying language to his pledge to set the “Jan. 6 hostages” free, so voters must assume he means all of them.

Many of the most notorious Jan. 6 defendants—such as Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes and Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio—have said that they are counting on getting a pardon from Trump if he wins the election. Both were convicted of seditious conspiracy as organizers and ringleaders of the insurrection. Rhodes was sentenced to 18 years in prison, Tarrio got 22 years.

Of the more than 1,300 people charged with Jan. 6-related crimes, 439 were charged with assaulting or resisting police officers, and 129 of those were charged with using a weapon against an officer and causing injuries. At least 140 officers sustained injuries.

Trump never visited any of these officers in the hospital. He never called them or their families. He has never praised their heroism or service. The officers who defended the Capitol that day were not heroes, according to Trump—but the people who beat and attacked them are “patriots.” That’s a pretty abominable job of “backing the blue.”

While Trump continues to cynically use police as political props on the campaign trail, his words and actions prove his support for police is superficial and insincere.

He used his pardon power as president in an abusive and unethical way that disregarded U.S. government criminal justice policy for 125 years to benefit his friends and political cronies. He has promised to use his pardon power to absolve hundreds of people who assaulted and injured police officers in the line of duty.

As with most things Trump, his words and imagery as a candidate don’t match up with his deeds. And as he and his MAGA minions stoke fears about crime rates and public safety, never forget that when it comes to “law and order” and “backing the blue”—like most things in Trump’s life—he’s a fraud.
FRAUD...the word comes up in nearly every conversation about this guy...

The same way the word STUPID comes up in every conversation involving Joe Biden. 🤪
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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by youthathletics »

MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2024 9:28 am
youthathletics wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2024 7:39 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 10:48 pm
youthathletics wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 9:59 pmwe agree, for the most part, you just didn’t comprehend what I was saying. Access to guns and drugs are rather easy, what we do after caught is the crux.
I love that you're worried about rounding up the cattle after they escape. So much easier than preventing them in the first place.

Reactionaries all around. Huzzah!
Please clarify?

My argument is simple, its the same argument you all have about guns. You want guns off the street, I want drugs off the street and further....not allowing (drugs) them in the US. How you all somehow think treating addiction in millions is the first line of stopping this, needs clarification and how we plan to finance and support tell.
1. Decriminalization = no more incarceration for use. Huge savings, in policing, trials, and actual incarceration.

2. Cheap, regulated, safe drugs under medical supervision eliminates profits for street trade. Reduced profit for street trade reduces incentive for violence
3. Mental health, addiction treatment fully funded reduces demand for drugs.

4. Policing focuses on violence and any illicit drug trafficking, not users.

5. Policing can focus on other actual crimes, which also can be reduced from those desperate to get enough dollars to pay for street drugs.
I really appreciate your optimism, however believe you are far too naïve in thinking any of that will work.

1. How do yo intend to treat and get a drug addict off the street , if there are no reasons to arrest them b/c you have decimalized drug use?
2. This is what has brought on Fentanyl, essentially dirt cheap on the street, Now even more with Xylazine /'ll never end.
3. You do understand that what you are asking for would likely exceed the budget for even fighting drugs, then where are we putting all these people? Can you spell Cha-Ching?
4. How to determine illicit drug users, when you can no longer interrogate or arrest them, b/c you have now handed them these drugs as you suggested above?
5. What value is policing drugs, if you are saying....he come over here, get your free high. Now you want police to stop and frisk and make those determinations.....pick a lane.


And hey, we can now say MDLAX wants children born that are now addicted to drugs b/c we allowed their parents to have free access to drugs that cause unborn children to now have addiction. Nice....what's not to like. ;)
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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2024 12:54 pm
MDlaxfan76 wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2024 9:28 am
youthathletics wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2024 7:39 am
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 10:48 pm
youthathletics wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 9:59 pmwe agree, for the most part, you just didn’t comprehend what I was saying. Access to guns and drugs are rather easy, what we do after caught is the crux.
I love that you're worried about rounding up the cattle after they escape. So much easier than preventing them in the first place.

Reactionaries all around. Huzzah!
Please clarify?

My argument is simple, its the same argument you all have about guns. You want guns off the street, I want drugs off the street and further....not allowing (drugs) them in the US. How you all somehow think treating addiction in millions is the first line of stopping this, needs clarification and how we plan to finance and support tell.
1. Decriminalization = no more incarceration for use. Huge savings, in policing, trials, and actual incarceration.

2. Cheap, regulated, safe drugs under medical supervision eliminates profits for street trade. Reduced profit for street trade reduces incentive for violence
3. Mental health, addiction treatment fully funded reduces demand for drugs.

4. Policing focuses on violence and any illicit drug trafficking, not users.

5. Policing can focus on other actual crimes, which also can be reduced from those desperate to get enough dollars to pay for street drugs.
I really appreciate your optimism, however believe you are far too naïve in thinking any of that will work.

Fair to be skeptical, but you asked for the logic. Criminalization has NEVER worked, so it would be hugely naive to think it will in the future...that is, unless you are advocating police state loss of freedoms and death penalties for drug use.

1. How do yo intend to treat and get a drug addict off the street , if there are no reasons to arrest them b/c you have decimalized drug use?
Great question. By providing cheap access to a fix, and ongoing fixes, in exchange for entering a drug rehabilitation program, whether in-patient or out-patient, we at least hav a shot at getting those who really would like to break their dependence a chance to do so...and cheap access to a fix is super attractive for those needing a fix...

2. This is what has brought on Fentanyl, essentially dirt cheap on the street, Now even more with Xylazine /'ll never end.

Cheap yes (but still super profitable) and known to be super dangerous because dosage is unregulated. Cheap and safe has enormous appeal to users.

3. You do understand that what you are asking for would likely exceed the budget for even fighting drugs, then where are we putting all these people? Can you spell Cha-Ching?
No, the cost of 'fighting drugs' in America is enormous (and very, very profitable for jail companies); enormous policing and prosecution costs. We spend over $80 billion a year in incarceration costs today. Depending on study, 45-85% of all inmates have a substance abuse disorder. And well more than 25% of inmates were jailed directly related to drug use, whether convicted for possession or crime related to getting the money to buy. Most users do not need to be in-patient, though some definitely do and certainly we have a homeless situation with an overlap with such users.

4. How to determine illicit drug users, when you can no longer interrogate or arrest them, b/c you have now handed them these drugs as you suggested above?

Illicit drug use should not be illegal. Illegal manufacturing and large scale distribution should be punished hard, but not the users...get them to legal, regulated, safer alternatives.

5. What value is policing drugs, if you are saying....he come over here, get your free high. Now you want police to stop and frisk and make those determinations.....pick a lane.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Drug use shouldn't be any more illegal than alcohol use. Illegal drug distribution, trafficking, production should be prosecuted hard. But not the users.


And hey, we can now say MDLAX wants children born that are now addicted to drugs b/c we allowed their parents to have free access to drugs that cause unborn children to now have addiction. Nice....what's not to like. ;)

We have exactly that situation today with criminalization. My wife gave birth to our son at Hopkins 30 years ago because our doctor happened to only be available there that evening otherwise GBMC cushy suites, next mother over in labor was on all sorts of hard drugs...listening through the curtain to the nurses and doctors question her as to what she'd taken in the past was horrifying...nurses later told my wife that the bulk of what they saw had such issues...Hopkins downtown being the place where they were equipped and ready for all sorts of complications as a result...

It's pretty ridiculous to suggest that any of us want that situation because we think that drug usage would decline with dramatically easier access to drug addiction rehabilitation. Less not more than current reality.

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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by SCLaxAttack »

What’s the statute of limitations for cruelty to animals crimes?
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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by SCLaxAttack »

Cradle would have us believe that all of Rochester’s/Monroe County’s problems are caused by dems. Oops. ... ef-officer
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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by cradleandshoot »

SCLaxAttack wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:25 pm Cradle would have us believe that all of Rochester’s/Monroe County’s problems are caused by dems. Oops. ... ef-officer
Well Democrats have rock solid control over Monroe County and every aspect of how they want government to run. The jury is still out. If it makes you feel better I can take a page out of the FLP playbook and blame the incompetence on the trump administration. :D Is that better for ya? ;)

FTR and to clear the confusion in your cranium there are 2 liberal Democrats in charge of Monroe County. Adam Bello is the county executive and is doing a great job despite all the obstacles being put in front of him by both parties. Malik Evans is the Mayor of Rochester an is a very smart man who has inherited the dysfunction that is the inner circle of the city counsel. He is a guy who is trying his best to keep his city from falling apart at the seams. His biggest obstacle is out of control crime and the reluctance of city government to deal with it. Criminals who should be in jail are now given appearance tickets in the overly optimistic hope they will show up for their court date. 3400 KIA and Hyundai cars stolen in one year thanks to a stupid tik tok video showing how easy it is to do.

Since SC your in the mood to bust my chops this morning what is your solution to under 16 year old juvenile delinquents who understand they will not be held legally responsible for their crimes? Your infinite wisdom should make finding a solution a piece of cake. I suggest you contact Adam Bello and Malik Evans and give them some helpful suggestions. They don't have a clue. Perfect opportunity for you to be a problem solver. ;) Your link to Sandra Doorley is not lost on residents of Monroe County. She was arrogant and disrespectful to the deputy who pulled her over. Her odds of being re-elected just tanked. If you want to be fair and balanced then do a deep dive why former Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren barely escaped going to jail. Spoiler alert her hubby was part of a drug ring dealing drugs out of their house without her knowledge. Fair and balanced my friend fair and balanced...
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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by SCLaxAttack »

cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:02 am
SCLaxAttack wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:25 pm Cradle would have us believe that all of Rochester’s/Monroe County’s problems are caused by dems. Oops. ... ef-officer
Well Democrats have rock solid control over Monroe County and every aspect of how they want government to run. The jury is still out. If it makes you feel better I can take a page out of the FLP playbook and blame the incompetence on the trump administration. :D Is that better for ya? ;)

FTR and to clear the confusion in your cranium there are 2 liberal Democrats in charge of Monroe County. Adam Bello is the county executive and is doing a great job despite all the obstacles being put in front of him by both parties. Malik Evans is the Mayor of Rochester an is a very smart man who has inherited the dysfunction that is the inner circle of the city counsel. He is a guy who is trying his best to keep his city from falling apart at the seams. His biggest obstacle is out of control crime and the reluctance of city government to deal with it. Criminals who should be in jail are now given appearance tickets in the overly optimistic hope they will show up for their court date. 3400 KIA and Hyundai cars stolen in one year thanks to a stupid tik tok video showing how easy it is to do.

Since SC your in the mood to bust my chops this morning what is your solution to under 16 year old juvenile delinquents who understand they will not be held legally responsible for their crimes? Your infinite wisdom should make finding a solution a piece of cake. I suggest you contact Adam Bello and Malik Evans and give them some helpful suggestions. They don't have a clue. Perfect opportunity for you to be a problem solver. ;) Your link to Sandra Doorley is not lost on residents of Monroe County. She was arrogant and disrespectful to the deputy who pulled her over. Her odds of being re-elected just tanked. If you want to be fair and balanced then do a deep dive why former Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren barely escaped going to jail. Spoiler alert her hubby was part of a drug ring dealing drugs out of their house without her knowledge. Fair and balanced my friend fair and balanced...
For years you've told us Rochester's crime problems were first caused by "King Andrew" (your words) and then Hochul. Always those GD Dems, and lots of Rochester criminals with no respect for police.

The Republican DA of Monroe County now does shows a complete lack of respect for a police officer doing his job, and then calling the police chief expecting special treatment, and you respond with a casual yes, but Bello and Evans and Warren......

G T F O O H. Man up. No yes, buts needed. That Republican DA would throw the book at any of those Rochester criminals and punks you always complain about for doing what she did after they picked themselves off the floor and picked up all their teeth - assuming they hadn't been shot dead because the cop assumed when they came back out of their house they'd be carrying.
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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by cradleandshoot »

SCLaxAttack wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:58 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:02 am
SCLaxAttack wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:25 pm Cradle would have us believe that all of Rochester’s/Monroe County’s problems are caused by dems. Oops. ... ef-officer
Well Democrats have rock solid control over Monroe County and every aspect of how they want government to run. The jury is still out. If it makes you feel better I can take a page out of the FLP playbook and blame the incompetence on the trump administration. :D Is that better for ya? ;)

FTR and to clear the confusion in your cranium there are 2 liberal Democrats in charge of Monroe County. Adam Bello is the county executive and is doing a great job despite all the obstacles being put in front of him by both parties. Malik Evans is the Mayor of Rochester an is a very smart man who has inherited the dysfunction that is the inner circle of the city counsel. He is a guy who is trying his best to keep his city from falling apart at the seams. His biggest obstacle is out of control crime and the reluctance of city government to deal with it. Criminals who should be in jail are now given appearance tickets in the overly optimistic hope they will show up for their court date. 3400 KIA and Hyundai cars stolen in one year thanks to a stupid tik tok video showing how easy it is to do.

Since SC your in the mood to bust my chops this morning what is your solution to under 16 year old juvenile delinquents who understand they will not be held legally responsible for their crimes? Your infinite wisdom should make finding a solution a piece of cake. I suggest you contact Adam Bello and Malik Evans and give them some helpful suggestions. They don't have a clue. Perfect opportunity for you to be a problem solver. ;) Your link to Sandra Doorley is not lost on residents of Monroe County. She was arrogant and disrespectful to the deputy who pulled her over. Her odds of being re-elected just tanked. If you want to be fair and balanced then do a deep dive why former Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren barely escaped going to jail. Spoiler alert her hubby was part of a drug ring dealing drugs out of their house without her knowledge. Fair and balanced my friend fair and balanced...
For years you've told us Rochester's crime problems were first caused by "King Andrew" (your words) and then Hochul. Always those GD Dems, and lots of Rochester criminals with no respect for police.

The Republican DA of Monroe County now does shows a complete lack of respect for a police officer doing his job, and then calling the police chief expecting special treatment, and you respond with a casual yes, but Bello and Evans and Warren......

G T F O O H. Man up. No yes, buts needed. That Republican DA would throw the book at any of those Rochester criminals and punks you always complain about for doing what she did after they picked themselves off the floor and picked up all their teeth - assuming they hadn't been shot dead because the cop assumed when they came back out of their house they'd be carrying.
Rochesters crime problem has been caused by of all things criminals. :( If you did a little bit of research you would understand the problem with crime in NYS has been exacerbated by new bail laws designed to keep criminals out of jail and back on the street. Even our governor Kathy Hochul has admitted as much in public that our criminal justice system in the state is FUBAR. So I guess what you are suggesting to me is that I should ignore the chit show of a legal system in NYS? Maybe I can tap those metaphorical ruby slippers together 3 times and say ...there is no problem....there is no problem...there is no problem... Maybe I'll be back in Kansas with Auntie Em and everything is gonna be just fine. :roll:
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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by cradleandshoot »

SCLaxAttack wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:58 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 10:02 am
SCLaxAttack wrote: Sat Apr 27, 2024 9:25 pm Cradle would have us believe that all of Rochester’s/Monroe County’s problems are caused by dems. Oops. ... ef-officer
Well Democrats have rock solid control over Monroe County and every aspect of how they want government to run. The jury is still out. If it makes you feel better I can take a page out of the FLP playbook and blame the incompetence on the trump administration. :D Is that better for ya? ;)

FTR and to clear the confusion in your cranium there are 2 liberal Democrats in charge of Monroe County. Adam Bello is the county executive and is doing a great job despite all the obstacles being put in front of him by both parties. Malik Evans is the Mayor of Rochester an is a very smart man who has inherited the dysfunction that is the inner circle of the city counsel. He is a guy who is trying his best to keep his city from falling apart at the seams. His biggest obstacle is out of control crime and the reluctance of city government to deal with it. Criminals who should be in jail are now given appearance tickets in the overly optimistic hope they will show up for their court date. 3400 KIA and Hyundai cars stolen in one year thanks to a stupid tik tok video showing how easy it is to do.

Since SC your in the mood to bust my chops this morning what is your solution to under 16 year old juvenile delinquents who understand they will not be held legally responsible for their crimes? Your infinite wisdom should make finding a solution a piece of cake. I suggest you contact Adam Bello and Malik Evans and give them some helpful suggestions. They don't have a clue. Perfect opportunity for you to be a problem solver. ;) Your link to Sandra Doorley is not lost on residents of Monroe County. She was arrogant and disrespectful to the deputy who pulled her over. Her odds of being re-elected just tanked. If you want to be fair and balanced then do a deep dive why former Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren barely escaped going to jail. Spoiler alert her hubby was part of a drug ring dealing drugs out of their house without her knowledge. Fair and balanced my friend fair and balanced...
For years you've told us Rochester's crime problems were first caused by "King Andrew" (your words) and then Hochul. Always those GD Dems, and lots of Rochester criminals with no respect for police.

The Republican DA of Monroe County now does shows a complete lack of respect for a police officer doing his job, and then calling the police chief expecting special treatment, and you respond with a casual yes, but Bello and Evans and Warren......

G T F O O H. Man up. No yes, buts needed. That Republican DA would throw the book at any of those Rochester criminals and punks you always complain about for doing what she did after they picked themselves off the floor and picked up all their teeth - assuming they hadn't been shot dead because the cop assumed when they came back out of their house they'd be carrying.
FTR since you have migrated into full fledged jerk mode one of those Rochester criminals came inches away from shooting my nephew in the f***ing head when he was an officer on the RPD. Much to your dismay I took that very personal. You use to be a rational voice on this forum and I USED to respect you. That is very sad for me. The number of posters on this forum worthy of respect are dwindling by the day.
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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

The U.S. crime rate is still dropping, FBI data shows

FBI data shows America is seeing a 'considerable' drop in crime. Trump says the opposite.

The decrease in murders is "potentially historically large," Asher told USA TODAY, and it's not just killings that are declining. Preliminary 2023 FBI data “paint the picture" of a big decrease in overall crime, he wrote.

Nice to see things calming down after the craziness of the pandemic+opioid crisis.
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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by cradleandshoot »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:46 pm The U.S. crime rate is still dropping, FBI data shows

FBI data shows America is seeing a 'considerable' drop in crime. Trump says the opposite.

The decrease in murders is "potentially historically large," Asher told USA TODAY, and it's not just killings that are declining. Preliminary 2023 FBI data “paint the picture" of a big decrease in overall crime, he wrote.

Nice to see things calming down after the craziness of the pandemic+opioid crisis.
Ask the families of those 4 murdered federal agents? I guaran damn tee they would disagree with your sunshine, lollypops and roses analysis. Dumbest thing I have read on this forum all year long. " Nice to see things calming down" :roll: :roll: You really need to pull your head out of that very dark and unsanitary place. The fresh air will do you a world of good. Nothing is " calming down" Ask any law enforcement officer you see.
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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:53 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:46 pm The U.S. crime rate is still dropping, FBI data shows

FBI data shows America is seeing a 'considerable' drop in crime. Trump says the opposite.

The decrease in murders is "potentially historically large," Asher told USA TODAY, and it's not just killings that are declining. Preliminary 2023 FBI data “paint the picture" of a big decrease in overall crime, he wrote.

Nice to see things calming down after the craziness of the pandemic+opioid crisis.
Ask the families of those 4 murdered federal agents? I guaran damn tee they would disagree with your sunshine, lollypops and roses analysis. Dumbest thing I have read on this forum all year long. " Nice to see things calming down" :roll: :roll: You really need to pull your head out of that very dark and unsanitary place. The fresh air will do you a world of good. Nothing is " calming down" Ask any law enforcement officer you see.
LOL. Why don't you ask the people who didn't get murdered. I guarantee they're happy as clams!

We're talking about crime rates here. Keep up junior, you're slipping here.
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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by cradleandshoot »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 4:23 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:53 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 3:46 pm The U.S. crime rate is still dropping, FBI data shows

FBI data shows America is seeing a 'considerable' drop in crime. Trump says the opposite.

The decrease in murders is "potentially historically large," Asher told USA TODAY, and it's not just killings that are declining. Preliminary 2023 FBI data “paint the picture" of a big decrease in overall crime, he wrote.

Nice to see things calming down after the craziness of the pandemic+opioid crisis.
Ask the families of those 4 murdered federal agents? I guaran damn tee they would disagree with your sunshine, lollypops and roses analysis. Dumbest thing I have read on this forum all year long. " Nice to see things calming down" :roll: :roll: You really need to pull your head out of that very dark and unsanitary place. The fresh air will do you a world of good. Nothing is " calming down" Ask any law enforcement officer you see.
LOL. Why don't you ask the people who didn't get murdered. I guarantee they're happy as clams!

We're talking about crime rates here. Keep up junior, you're slipping here.
You checked out all those KIAs and Hyundai vehicles stolen over the past year nationwide. While not violent crimes they are crimes that disavow any accolades that crime rates are down. Here in Rochester NY over 3400 hundred vehicles were stolen. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't grand theft auto a crime? Maybe you want to do a deep dive in those crime statistics you speak of. There is a good chance that someone is blowing smoke up your ass. There is the possibility that crime could be going up while at the same also going down. :roll:
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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 4:34 pm You checked out all those KIAs and Hyundai vehicles stolen over the past year nationwide. While not violent crimes they are crimes that disavow any accolades that crime rates are down. Here in Rochester NY over 3400 hundred vehicles were stolen. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't grand theft auto a crime? Maybe you want to do a deep dive in those crime statistics you speak of. There is a good chance that someone is blowing smoke up your ass. There is the possibility that crime could be going up while at the same also going down. :roll:
It's funny watching you struggle with good news. Guess it doesn't fit in with your chicken little view of the world. Feel free to stay inside and stay afraid. 😂

Murder and violent crime is down in Rochester.

Car thefts you say? ... e-juvenile

Rochester Police say they've seen a drop in stolen vehicles since last July due to multiple factors including increased enforcement between several law enforcement agencies and the Juvenile Enhanced Diversion Stabilization (JEDS) program.

Dang, more bad news!
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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by Brooklyn »

dislaxxic wrote: Mon Apr 22, 2024 9:11 am

FRAUD...the word comes up in nearly every conversation about this guy...


Well, after all he is a Republican. :twisted:
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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by youthathletics »

Gun jams while trying to kill Pastor: ... n/3851019/
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.

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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by cradleandshoot »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 5:31 pm
cradleandshoot wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 4:34 pm You checked out all those KIAs and Hyundai vehicles stolen over the past year nationwide. While not violent crimes they are crimes that disavow any accolades that crime rates are down. Here in Rochester NY over 3400 hundred vehicles were stolen. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't grand theft auto a crime? Maybe you want to do a deep dive in those crime statistics you speak of. There is a good chance that someone is blowing smoke up your ass. There is the possibility that crime could be going up while at the same also going down. :roll:
It's funny watching you struggle with good news. Guess it doesn't fit in with your chicken little view of the world. Feel free to stay inside and stay afraid. 😂

Murder and violent crime is down in Rochester.

Car thefts you say? ... e-juvenile

Rochester Police say they've seen a drop in stolen vehicles since last July due to multiple factors including increased enforcement between several law enforcement agencies and the Juvenile Enhanced Diversion Stabilization (JEDS) program.

Dang, more bad news!
The bad news there chuckles is the KIA boys just came out of hibernation a few weeks ago. Dang it if they aren't up to their old shenanigans again. That's a new way of having fun now if your under 16. All you get is an appearance ticket. I don't know if this fits into your good news category. A 14 year old died today from a rollover accident from over the weekend. They were joyriding at a high rate of speed and gosh darn it lost control of the car and rolled it. The car was stolen of course. Like you say, it's getting better.... :roll:
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Re: Crime and Punishment

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

cradleandshoot wrote: Mon May 06, 2024 3:32 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2024 5:31 pm It's funny watching you struggle with good news. Guess it doesn't fit in with your chicken little view of the world. Feel free to stay inside and stay afraid. 😂

Murder and violent crime is down in Rochester.

Car thefts you say? ... e-juvenile

Rochester Police say they've seen a drop in stolen vehicles since last July due to multiple factors including increased enforcement between several law enforcement agencies and the Juvenile Enhanced Diversion Stabilization (JEDS) program.

Dang, more bad news!
The bad news there chuckles is the KIA boys just came out of hibernation a few weeks ago. Dang it if they aren't up to their old shenanigans again. That's a new way of having fun now if your under 16. All you get is an appearance ticket. I don't know if this fits into your good news category. A 14 year old died today from a rollover accident from over the weekend. They were joyriding at a high rate of speed and gosh darn it lost control of the car and rolled it. The car was stolen of course. Like you say, it's getting better.... :roll:
I'm just reporting the facts. You just can't handle them. Gotta be all doom and gloom.

The news didn't say all crime was gone. And yes, it's getting better. Sheesh, it's worse than talking to my 6 year old.
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