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Re: 2024

Post by Seacoaster(1) »

youthathletics wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 8:22 am The game of politics....Rep. Ro Khanna side stepping Shanahan...first going directly to CBS.

"He made his pitch to her in a letter he shared with CBS News, though he hadn't yet sent it to Shanahan."


https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ro-khanna- ... step-down/
The game is on, Khanna and Shanahan are public figures, one of whom has joined a presidential race in a manner that is intended to deliver the race to the Moron Trump. Are you somehow offended by Khanna's actions?
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Re: 2024

Post by ggait »

The last third party candidate to get even one electoral college vote was George Wallace in 1968.

So in the last 13 elections, third parties have gone oh-for-6,994.

It is literally impossible to win. So the motives and purpose of anyone doing this are sketchy af.

They totally need to be called out to explain their purpose and reasons.
Boycott stupid. If you ignore the gator troll, eventually he'll just go back under his bridge.
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Re: 2024

Post by OCanada »

ggait wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:47 am The last third party candidate to get even one electoral college vote was George Wallace in 1968.

So in the last 13 elections, third parties have gone oh-for-6,994.

It is literally impossible to win. So the motives and purpose of anyone doing this are sketchy af.

They totally need to be called out to explain their purpose and reasons.

One of Kennedys campaign advisors said his purpose was to draw from Biden. In 2000 a third party candidate got no electoral votes but his effect was to cost Gore the presidency and elect Bush. A huge failure.

Also there are a few right wingers who are afraid if Wes Moore comes out looking good they will have another Obama to deal with. Same ol’
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Re: 2024

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:52 am w.grocerydive.com/news/walmart-captures-nearly-26-of-snap-grocery-dollars/650742/

:lol: ...you have a problem with Wakmart selling condoms for 30 cents each.
Nope. Sell away.
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:52 am You think affluent white folks are the only ones who should have kids ?
:lol: Oh, for F's sake. You are SO blind as to what your party, and YOUR ideas have done to America.

Reopublicans are the guys telling Americans to "be responsible for your own finances an decisions", while health care costs, daycare, and the costs of raising a child have skyrocketed. So American working class has two choices: have fewer or no kids, or live in poverty on government assistance. Your "solution" is to shut up and get more jobs.

For the last several decades, the Republican party has:

You've fought raising minimum wage, or tying it to inflation.

You've fought to dismantle Unions, gutting middle class earnings for working class.

You've fought against the same single-payer .gov health care every other 1st world nation enjoys, making it financially impossible for the poor and working to have kids in the "financially responsible" manner you claim to champion, so our birth rate has fallen off a cliff.

You've opened up borders to trade, pushing (dropping) US working class wages toward the global mean.

You've cut taxes for corporations and the rich, gutting the Treasury, and forcing us to borrow SO much money that our payment on interest alone dwarfs what we spend Educating and Training our children and adults.

You've fought for the status quo on immigration and Visa programs, keeping badly needed payroll taxes and income taxes out of the US Treasury.

You've fought against .gov-paid daycare for the working class, giving them a fighting chance to have kids while working.

You've fought nonstop wars overseas based on ThinkTank theories, instead of solely defending America's actual land, or the lands of our NATO allies. Gutting our Treasury, and blowing it on pointless wars, instead of investing in our people.

....this is all your party, OS. So either you're in the wrong party, voting for the wrong policies, or you don't care about what you've done to America's working class.

So to answer your silly question? YOU are the one who thinks that only the rich should have kids. And every single policy Republicans like you have championed and passed into law has made the birth rate fall off a cliff.
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:52 am Coerced prevention has been tried. How'd that work out.
https://repository.uclawsf.edu/cgi/view ... w_quaterly
I JUST told you that Colorado ran a program handing out free contraception..and the result was that abortions were cut in half. You trundled right over this , as usual, and have no interest in facts that support programs you don't like.
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:52 am Why are you ranting about SNAP ? You think it only feeds poor, unwanted kids ?
:lol: Where the F do you think the majority of SNAP funds go, OS. Please, tell the class.

It's because the rich have access to full health care for women. Why do you think out of State abortions are WAY up in Colorado, OS? Because the rich send their kids to Colorado to get around laws that their bassakwards States, run by religious nutjobs, have passed of late.

You either don't care, or are too daft to understand, that aaaallllllll of the above Republican policies stick it to the American working class. Pick one.

Your policies is why my family and allllll my wife's liberal friends who hold advanced degrees are pulling MILES away from America's working class.

If you don't care? Fine by me. Keep it up! Keep screwing America's working class, and let them fall further and further behind.

You're going to read this, realize once again how wrong you are....and instead of conceding the point that Republican policy sticks it to America's workforce, you're gonna "blah blah blah"m me. Or call it a rant.

You're unable to have a civilized discussion, because every time you think you've lost an argument, or supported ideas that your fellow posters show you are clearly not working......you run away and hide, instead of addressing the actual subjects at hand.
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Re: 2024

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 12:20 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:52 am w.grocerydive.com/news/walmart-captures-nearly-26-of-snap-grocery-dollars/650742/

:lol: ...you have a problem with Wakmart selling condoms for 30 cents each.
Nope. Sell away.
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:52 am You think affluent white folks are the only ones who should have kids ?
:lol: Oh, for F's sake. You are SO blind as to what your party, and YOUR ideas have done to America.

Reopublicans are the guys telling Americans to "be responsible for your own finances an decisions", while health care costs, daycare, and the costs of raising a child have skyrocketed. So American working class has two choices: have fewer or no kids, or live in poverty on government assistance. Your "solution" is to shut up and get more jobs.

For the last several decades, the Republican party has:

You've fought raising minimum wage, or tying it to inflation.

You've fought to dismantle Unions, gutting middle class earnings for working class.

You've fought against the same single-payer .gov health care every other 1st world nation enjoys, making it financially impossible for the poor and working to have kids in the "financially responsible" manner you claim to champion, so our birth rate has fallen off a cliff.

You've opened up borders to trade, pushing (dropping) US working class wages toward the global mean.

You've cut taxes for corporations and the rich, gutting the Treasury, and forcing us to borrow SO much money that our payment on interest alone dwarfs what we spend Educating and Training our children and adults.

You've fought for the status quo on immigration and Visa programs, keeping badly needed payroll taxes and income taxes out of the US Treasury.

You've fought against .gov-paid daycare for the working class, giving them a fighting chance to have kids while working.

You've fought nonstop wars overseas based on ThinkTank theories, instead of solely defending America's actual land, or the lands of our NATO allies. Gutting our Treasury, and blowing it on pointless wars, instead of investing in our people.

....this is all your party, OS. So either you're in the wrong party, voting for the wrong policies, or you don't care about what you've done to America's working class.

So to answer your silly question? YOU are the one who thinks that only the rich should have kids. And every single policy Republicans like you have championed and passed into law has made the birth rate fall off a cliff.
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:52 am Coerced prevention has been tried. How'd that work out.
https://repository.uclawsf.edu/cgi/view ... w_quaterly
I JUST told you that Colorado ran a program handing out free contraception..and the result was that abortions were cut in half. You trundled right over this , as usual, and have no interest in facts that support programs you don't like.
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:52 am Why are you ranting about SNAP ? You think it only feeds poor, unwanted kids ?
:lol: Where the F do you think the majority of SNAP funds go, OS. Please, tell the class.

It's because the rich have access to full health care for women. Why do you think out of State abortions are WAY up in Colorado, OS? Because the rich send their kids to Colorado to get around laws that their bassakwards States, run by religious nutjobs, have passed of late.

You either don't care, or are too daft to understand, that aaaallllllll of the above Republican policies stick it to the American working class. Pick one.

Your policies is why my family and allllll my wife's liberal friends who hold advanced degrees are pulling MILES away from America's working class.

If you don't care? Fine by me. Keep it up! Keep screwing America's working class, and let them fall further and further behind.

You're going to read this, realize once again how wrong you are....and instead of conceding the point that Republican policy sticks it to America's workforce, you're gonna "blah blah blah"m me. Or call it a rant.

You're unable to have a civilized discussion, because every time you think you've lost an argument, or supported ideas that your fellow posters show you are clearly not working......you run away and hide, instead of addressing the actual subjects at hand.
So why are working class voters leaving the Dems & increasingly voting for the (R)'s ?
You think it's just social issues & Trump's magnetic charm ?

You're painting with a very broad brush. I have no problem with SNAP, the EITC, child care tax credits, Obamacare/Medicaid & immigration enforcement that reduces illegal aliens taking jobs & driving down wages, & other measures which help low income working families.
The low income working class pay virtually no income tax & I'm fine with that. The (R)'s signed off on all that.
I'm not afraid of SS & Medicare reform (that impacts me) either.
Every time a (R) candidate mentions entitlement reform, the (D)'s demagogue it to death.
Deficit spending is out of control. We are not under-taxed. We lurch from one trillion $$$ "emergency" crisis to the next Wall St bailout.
You assume that every Conservative (R) agrees with everything the far right support.
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Re: 2024

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:05 pm So why are working class voters leaving the Dems & increasingly voting for the (R)'s ?
Really? You can't figure it out?

Because they're uneducated, and have never traveled or lived in other countries. Because if they did, they'd know how much easier working class life is when allllll your health care, training, and education is fronted by the government.

You're on Federal health care. What do you think has happened to Health Care premiums, never mind deductibles, over the last 20 years for the rest of us who don't get that free entitlement?

How much more expensive is college than when you were a kid?

They simply have NO IDEA how much better the basic life is in the UK and Europe. And that because of alllll the policies I listed

old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:05 pm You're painting with a very broad brush. I have no problem with SNAP, the EITC, child care tax credits, Obamacare/Medicaid & immigration enforcement that reduces illegal aliens taking jobs & driving down wages, & other measures which help low income working families.
The low income working class pay virtually no income tax & I'm fine with that. The (R)'s signed off on all that.
I'm not afraid of SS & Medicare reform (that impacts me) either.
Then you're in the wrong party. What I'm telling you, for the 100th time: this is what your party has been doing to America's working class since Reagan showed up, and started gutting Unions, and cutting taxes for the rich and for Corporations.

And yes, the Dems have a hand, too. But. BUT: it would NEVER have happened if your Republican party wasn't actively screwing the working class for DECADES now, and shoveling alllllll that money to the Coastal libs that YOU claim to depise.

Your party's policies has done the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you claim to want for America's working class....for flyover America.

And every time I tell you thi

old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:05 pm Every time a (R) candidate mentions entitlement reform, the (D)'s demagogue it to death.
That's right. Why? Because every other 1st world nation has BETTER entitlements.

Yet you and your crew wants to CUT them. Why? All so guys like you and me can take an extra epic vacation per year. And you think this is smart?

This is is why the working class can't have kids, OS. And you're on here, claiming that you want that.

You're lying. You want low taxes for yourself, and the working class can get a third job if they want kids.
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Re: 2024

Post by old salt »

Means testing is not the same as across the board cuts. You seem to have forgotten my ideas for means testing SS & MC.

Again, my taxes went up with Trump's "tax cuts" due to the cap on the SALT deduction, which I support anyway.

I'm paying a huge SALT & "standard of living" premium for the privilege of residing in a coastal lax hotbed.

My brother just bought a 3 bedroom home on 5 acres near Piedmont, MO, for $160k.
It's a weekend family getaway & vacation home, only 6 miles from Lake Clearwater.
Last edited by old salt on Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 2024

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:32 pm Means testing is not the same as across the board cuts. You seem to have forgotten my ideas for means testing SS & MC.
Yeah, that's not what the R's want to do, OS. If it was, Dems would sign on IMMEDIATELY.

They want to cut bennies, and raise the age to get them. You know this.
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:32 pm Again, my taxes went up with Trump's "tax cuts" due to the cap on the SALT deduction, which I support anyway.
Great. My taxes went up, too. Proud to muck in.

But you're ignoring alllll the above policies your party has enacted---not just supported, but put into actual law------that F the working class INTENTIONALLY, and shovel money to the top of the earnings pyramid. Why the F do you think the disparity between rich and poor has grown exponentially. This is an INTENTIONAL outcome from Republican economic policy, OS. You cannot argue this point.

You are either lying, or you should be voting for Bernie. Pick one. Your party is doing the OPPOSITE of what you claim to want for the working class. And this has been going on for DECADES.

I've run out of ways of explaining this to you.
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Re: 2024

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:39 pm
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:32 pm Means testing is not the same as across the board cuts. You seem to have forgotten my ideas for means testing SS & MC.
Yeah, that's not what the R's want to do, OS. If it was, Dems would sign on IMMEDIATELY.

They want to cut bennies, and raise the age to get them. You know this.
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:32 pm Again, my taxes went up with Trump's "tax cuts" due to the cap on the SALT deduction, which I support anyway.
Great. My taxes went up, too. Proud to muck in.

But you're ignoring alllll the above policies your party has enacted---not just supported, but put into actual law------that F the working class INTENTIONALLY, and shovel money to the top of the earnings pyramid. Why the F do you think the disparity between rich and poor has grown exponentially. This is an INTENTIONAL outcome from Republican economic policy, OS. You cannot argue this point.

You are either lying, or you should be voting for Bernie. Pick one. Your party is doing the OPPOSITE of what you claim to want for the working class. And this has been going on for DECADES.

I've run out of ways of explaining this to you.
Bernie & AOC are not the answer. Too extreme. Moderate (R)'s are the answer.
Speaker Johnson is trying to get it done, but his majority is too small.
The House (D)'s realize this -- that's why they'll vote to keep him in the Speaker's chair, ...if they have to.
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Re: 2024

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:46 pm Bernie & AOC are not the answer. Too extreme. Moderate (R)'s are the answer.
Moderate R's don't believe in:

Single payer health care
.Gov fully funding Higher Ed and Training
Childcare heavily subsidized or fully paid by .gov
Heavy Unionization

Those four things are in every. single. 1st. world. nation's. economy. This is a MODERATE view, and obvious method of running a modern nation, OS.

This isn't extreme, OS. What America is doing NOW is what's extreme. Moving things around a hair here and there isn't gonna do doodly for working class America.

If you don't understand this, we're both wasting our time discussing this. Every other country has been solving its social problems for decades. America? We stopped doing that DECADES ago. And the working class is paying the price.
old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:32 pm Speaker Johnson is trying to get it done, but his majority is too small.
The House (D)'s realize this -- that's why they'll vote to keep him in the Speaker's chair, ...if they have to.

This is why I keep asking you, Kram, YA and other Republicans (or former R's. like Kram): what is your plan to take America's working class into the 21st century.

And it's why not one of you has even TRIED to answer this painfully simple question.

Bernie and AOC have ideas as to what to do. You and your party don't. Which is why I don't support you or your party's economic ideas: you don't have any ideas to support.
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Re: 2024

Post by youthathletics »

A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.
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Re: 2024

Post by youthathletics »

Inflation heading in the wrong direction, CNN reporting: https://x.com/RNCResearch/status/1778044907979993360
A fraudulent intent, however carefully concealed at the outset, will generally, in the end, betray itself.
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Re: 2024

Post by old salt »

a fan wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:57 pm This is why I keep asking you, Kram, YA and other Republicans (or former R's. like Kram): what is your plan to take America's working class into the 21st century.

And it's why not one of you has even TRIED to answer this painfully simple question.

Bernie and AOC have ideas as to what to do. You and your party don't. Which is why I don't support you or your party's economic ideas: you don't have any ideas to support.
Explain how our open border policy helps US workers.
...or how Chinese companies assembling EV's in new plants, just across the border in Mexico, helps.
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Re: 2024

Post by NattyBohChamps04 »

Don't wanna answer the question huh? Or can't? :lol:

Don't think there is a Republican or right-wing answer to helping the working class in the 21st century. I'll be happy to be proven wrong.

Also, we don't have an open border policy first of all. That being said...

Immigration as an engine for reviving the middle class in midsized cities

How immigration benefits America’s middle class

Immigration Facts: The Positive Economic Impact Of Immigration
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Re: 2024

Post by old salt »

^^^ Yep, open borders & illegal immigrant workers are great at suppressing wages & stoking the underground economy.
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Re: 2024

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:14 pm
a fan wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 1:57 pm This is why I keep asking you, Kram, YA and other Republicans (or former R's. like Kram): what is your plan to take America's working class into the 21st century.

And it's why not one of you has even TRIED to answer this painfully simple question.

Bernie and AOC have ideas as to what to do. You and your party don't. Which is why I don't support you or your party's economic ideas: you don't have any ideas to support.
Explain how our open border policy helps US workers.
And there it is: hyou literally CANNOT list ideas for how to bring America workers into the 21st century.

You can't even come up with one thing, let alone a comprehensive plan.

So you throw a diversion, and run away from the question. Yawn.
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Re: 2024

Post by a fan »

NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:20 pm Don't wanna answer the question huh? Or can't? :lol:

Don't think there is a Republican or right-wing answer to helping the working class in the 21st century. I'll be happy to be proven wrong.
Told ya. They're ALL like this.

They think blurting out "the Dems are bad" is the same thing giving us an answer as to what the Republican plan is to bring the Working Class into the 21st century global market.

This is why the R's have done NOTHING to help the working class for decades now: they literally don't know what to do. So they do nothing.

And the rich get richer. And the libs pull away from the conservatives in Flyover America economically, who are increasingly F'ed.

Clearly, they dont' give a sh(t about the working class, and that's why they don't even TRY to help them.
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Re: 2024

Post by MDlaxfan76 »

youthathletics wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:10 pm Inflation heading in the wrong direction, CNN reporting: https://x.com/RNCResearch/status/1778044907979993360
yup, let's hope the numbers get adjusted down I bit in due course (adjustments have been typical) and let's hope the economy slows just a bit. Not too much, not too little, just right...

Problem is, the US economy is booming and much of the world is getting back to normal as well...woe is me.
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Re: 2024

Post by a fan »

old salt wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:25 pm ^^^ Yep, open borders & illegal immigrant workers are great at suppressing wages & stoking the underground economy.
Translation: I can't answer any of your simple questions, so I'm going to try and show you my shiny car keys.
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Re: 2024

Post by PizzaSnake »

a fan wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:36 pm
NattyBohChamps04 wrote: Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:20 pm Don't wanna answer the question huh? Or can't? :lol:

Don't think there is a Republican or right-wing answer to helping the working class in the 21st century. I'll be happy to be proven wrong.
Told ya. They're ALL like this.

They think blurting out "the Dems are bad" is the same thing giving us an answer as to what the Republican plan is to bring the Working Class into the 21st century global market.

This is why the R's have done NOTHING to help the working class for decades now: they literally don't know what to do. So they do nothing.

And the rich get richer. And the libs pull away from the conservatives in Flyover America economically, who are increasingly F'ed.

Clearly, they dont' give a sh(t about the working class, and that's why they don't even TRY to help them.
But the Rs get their votes. That’s what puzzles me.
"There is nothing more difficult and more dangerous to carry through than initiating changes. One makes enemies of those who prospered under the old order, and only lukewarm support from those who would prosper under the new."
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